The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 08, 1922, SPORT NEWS WANT ADS, Image 16

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Stutz Offering
Nov Designs of
Enclosed Cars
Construction iliet Owner
?ame Operating I'.ffit iVncy
y Whrn Pricing
Open Mmlrl.
KiiI"k1 ear di-ntun nml roimtruf
lion of a ty that twtMrs ttio onr
to tnjoy th anm oprrutlnc rt1elinry
from his ltitr iuliiiit hn
drlvlnif n opn car I tfTir'l In lh
lint of Wut fnwlrls for lh currrfil
Th ,'unuttl limitation j.luol
wintrr motoring art Itftfl. It in miUt,
nmj th wnr may riotv nnil
ih sains !! sxrvles anil utility from
hi cur In wlnur In supiiw-r.
Th nntaliU prrfurnwitu f h
Ktuii la In no w.iy rmtrli tl, The
type eif construction U"4 In the tn
ci,k1 mi well a the California type
rniKli-le aenurea an ability to with
at anil the hanlrnt ue with none of
the ruatnmary ctrprwliitlon.
The full aluminum cuiiM ruction of
the Htuti coupe eliminate uny appre
ciable aiMltlon of weiiclit ami yi-t
provides the frMitmt atrnttth. tipl,
acceleration and power are ample fr
ull ocranlon.
The Calif or Ian top are not simply
mliM to the lower twxllee. They are
permanent and ahupely retaining
the aame durable atunllnma tta that
of a conventional Incloxed adnn, The
HtutS molela With Callforirttl tja nro
trim and amort, poaaeaalns the
nlty of encloeed conveyimn-a whili
preeervlna; the freedom and adapta
bility of open cam.
A spi-clal flve-pawn-nifT sport t
dan of I'XclunlvedeiilKn hIho la offcii-d,
belnir built on Indlvldunl order.
With the addition of a aplcndid ae
lection of encloaed models und a wide
aawirtmi-nt of California type nira,
the Ktuti now tiffi-rs the tnoit com
(irehenaive line of curs It nus ever
Uhtd Car Sale In Startfd
ly IlaiiHcn Cadillac Firm
YeNtt-iday morninir the J. II. linn
ami Ciidlllnt! comnnny oeneil Ita an
nual re new ed and uaed car aalc.
I'ars of many mukerf nnd modela, aome
ia them olmoat new, and othera re
built, repainted, re topped and re
tired, and looking mid runninff. as
Kood nanew, are offered at remjirk
ably low pricea. '
"The public haa learned to know
and wytlt for our uaed car aalca," aaid
Mr. llanaen. "Every car la guaran
teed to be antlafurtory to the pur
chnaer or we will take the machine
back and allow th full purrhnae price
to apply on any uaed car in our atock.
Our aulea for Saturday far exceeded
those of the first day qn any of our
prevlotia aalee, which wo- believe la
due to the fact that, the public haa
learned to have full confidence in do
ing; bulnenB with our organization.
"It la eurprialnK to ace the kind of
enra that nre traded In on new I'ad-lllaca."
(Effective Se pi ember 22nd)
Touring si 045
Cabriolet 1145
Coach - 1245
Freight and T ax Extra
Lincoln Airplane Engineer
Mr. Tlmm. di-nlifnlnB enRlneer f-
the Llnuoln Aln rnft company of ,Ne
brnakit, rect ntly purchnad the
ahown In thla pli ture.
Mr. VVilwui, Kilcomuniiisir for An
drew Murphy ft Hone, dlatrlbiit"! for
Uurant, : "I think It a
recommendation for the J'llrant car
National Radio Show
Being Held This Week
The national ndio and el
rxpoaltlon will le hebl In Mimic li.itl
at Cincinnati, O., the week of Cc-
tidier 7 to 14
Approximately l,(4"fl
electrical dealer and contractor
from all over the 1
the t'nit'd Slat'-n nnd',, .. .u i.i,...
Canada are expected to attend.. Var
Ion kind of electrical and rad:o !. '
vice will be ahown, n well na
uhc to which they can be applied,
The proitrarn will b very elaborate,
Mdlaon and other foremoat author!
tie on electricity will glvs eduea
tlnnal nddreaHea dally, which will be
brondcjfiat iiy radio.
Cleveland Klx cllatrlbutor, ltalph W.
Jonea, hn Junt received advice from
egj-Kialtlon lieadntiartera that nil me,
aage brondenat from Clnclnniill will
be ent out under the ratitloa: "Cin
cinnati I'adlo and 1 Electrical Cleve
land Hlx I'roiiilcnatinif Station." He
further atate that n Cleveland fix,
equipped with radio receiving appara
tus la to be placed in Fountain
aqua re, the public aijunre of Cincin
nati, and will be known, ilurinir the
week of tlm expoaitlon, n the official
receiving atutlon for all nieaanger
sent out from Mn.slc hall.
CroH(i-Fy'd Film Ctinictliaii
Hoohtcr for Studcliakrr
Hen Turpin, who entertained hun
dred hint week nt the World theater,
ia a great booMter "for Htndebaker cars.
Hen 'a fondnetia for Hpeclal atunta la
well known to all movie fan and to
keep thoxo Htnnls interestlnn he miiHt
drive an mitomnblie which will re
apond to anyof hla whlma when the
ocuiiaion demand. Ho may wlth to
make hix car Jump a ditch or climb"
a, fllKht of Htalra any of hla automo
bile tricks are eaaily .nuconipliahed In
hla 8tudeliaker, aays Tien, who owns
three IStuddiakers.
4 .
Has a New
Price Advantage
rinam St-
s Dnmnt Cnv for So f
.-V'" ' v'
to have Mr. Tlmm cli.we one fur Ida
)f cur. Mr. Tlinin la a demn
Ini; nclioi-r and boiiitbt tm luitunt
nft-r liH.kinit over nil the l-.ol hk
li.aki-e of caje In thla territory. Th
Hliol'llclty of roiixtruction np
pea'ed utroitKly to Mr. Tlmm well
aa the Knncut apM iir.nice."
Wills Sainte Claire
Fan Trouble
WiHe Knlnle-flalre a.ili'ntiien In all
pans vi in" coutury nave itii aHKeti
what on'i' ex rletice have been
with the W'llla Kuirite Claire fan.
I Tlu a Halctnen rcmit that nil rue-
1 tomcra nml pronMi ta make aubHtan-
I i halna to biftik nil platca to freex .
tuL-etlier ami cet out of order."
... . i,..u ,...
III III'- I'.lf-I l,t- I.III IIH ,,MV ,'1 j ,,,.- ar.,.. ,.p,. ,.,
the jirolillc aniiin a of double. Any 1 1 contained In the announcement
performmice lenw par baa meruit a I that the leaditia; apurk plug; manufac
lien t eil motor and iihciiicnt motor I turer of France and KriKlnriiTliave
trouble. In diunlnic the Will
S.iinte t'l.ilre, Mr. Will determined to
prevent thia,
H" completely enclimed the fun
propejliut: mechaiilaiu In a riunt proof,
airtlKht hotieiieS.
The fan la driven by a' a ha ft
(feared ' to the Intermediate M'ar
while all former tpe have been
either belt, chain or plate driven. Any
licit wa bound to break aooner or
later, becauae It waa wet and dry by
turna and aoon rotted. Chain mated
and cloKKed with dirt. I'late be
came coated with dtmt and froze to
gether. With the gear driven fan,
audi trouble are not poaalble.
Another ndvantn(,-e of the Wile
Salute Claire fin ia !( uutomatle
lubrication ull nloviiiK part nre con
atantly worklnt; in oil and require ab
Holutwly no attention.
Plenty of Grain in Russia
Now. Authorities Declare
Moscow', Del. '. Authomjh the rye
harvent haa begun In Houthern
I kraine, heavy ralna are delaying
the northern Rrtiwth, and all Iluaala
In uwaitlnK the final outcome of the
harvests, for the future of Itusnia
will depend upon the final cropa.
Helialile a utlioritlea predict that rea
sonable indication point to a crop
w hich may permit the export of grain.
The new Essex prices must appeal to
all buyers.
They get more for their money today
than ever before. Actual price com
parisons make the advantage unmistak
ably plain.
Call to mind those cars you may 40
consider in the Essex quality class.
Then look at the prices. Are any
within hundreds of dollars of the
Essex price?
In reaching a standard by which to
understand Essex values you must con
sider such price contrasts as well as
facta bearing on performance and '
reliability. Such examination will con
vince you of the overwhelming advan
tage Esiex holds.
DOuibi 1970
jOIcUmobile Price
I lowest bmve. 1901
ruiir-CIiinliT Turin Firt
'rll lUUw $1,000
in 13 Year.
Announcement haa ln mad ft
irii- redurtldna on all model of old
mobile four and e.hta.
Mutllea Tucker, liM'al Oldmltle
dealer, (xilnta i ut that H"t lnce l'Jn
li aie-lu an tildmobile
aol.l ldoW
K Th mthlel 41 A four-cylinder tour-
i ik tar at l'.'T5 I the tint Oldmobile
tit ae for Ira tlian fl.OuQ alnc the
advent of the curved dual) on cylin
der iiiihI-I made In I'JOI ! 1 4." ald
Mr, Tuitnr. "At no time aim-e lo4
ha it Ix-en MiKiba for the public to
buy oidnmubile at Bitch remarkably
low price. j;ven during 1)14 and
J9I5, or the prewar rlod, irlcea
Mei t over 11. Col).
' liver alnc the war It haa lieen the
aim of the tlbUmoblla executive to
' boil I a quality car that will e t
.the prewar level or lower, Mxle 43 A,
J at I'jVj, la. In our honeRt opinion, the
ilieni buy' that haa ever been offered
the public.
"Model 47. Iitfht rlKht, at 11.375. for
the live iuaetiKer touring", la really In
A elan l.y Itreir, With It 'V' ty
eight cylMnler engine, delivering t3 8
hoi eHiHr, It need take nobody'
duet. Our owner get from H to It
mile on the gnllon of gn, over 1,000
mile on the gallon of oil, and from
10,000 to 15,1100 mile on et of
Aui rii'aii Spark Plug
ill lie .Made in I.uropc
Additional uroof of America a world
l,.M,l.liln lit ft,if,,nt,,ltil nrl,iiln
ncknowledKej the auHrlorlty of AC
apnrk plug. In Kuglnnd, the control
of the mphlnx MamifnctiirliitJ com
pany ha been taken over by the AC
company to build "AC-fiphlnx jilng,"
which will be provided to car build
er and moturiat In Knglaml and her
colonic. .Similarly, the famoua Oleo
company of France henceforth will
mnlea "AC-Oleo plug."
The overseaa manufacture of AC
waa arranged for by I'reeldent Albert
Champion, during; hla recent vlalt
I abroad.
The AC rlnnt at Flint, Mich., wilt
continue to build apnrk pluga for the
domeHtlo trade und to provide stand
ard equipment AC'S for American car,
truck mid tractor manufacturers.
New Factory Manager for
Anderson Motor Company
J. (i. Murphy has been made factory
manager of the Anderson Motor
compuny at Itoek Hill, 8. C. '
Mr. Murphy Is well known In man
cfacturlntf circle, having held aome
important positions in the automobile
Industry In the last 17 year. He waa
for aotim time assistant factory auper-
intendent for the Plerce-Arrow Motor
company; superintendent of Kelly
Valve) company of Chicago and has
held several other responsible poal-
Body forReo Speed Wagon
Has All Comforts of Home
I , j-aL--
,,1..',. -7- p
"Turning n la caravan I i oiiiIiiii
more popular every il iy." e.iy J. M
tipper of the Joiti a tipper itiinp.iny,
"and It la no liueoiiiruiiti tiling In
ii V'li'aM" 'home on Hli.-il.i' Into
town niot any time,"
There bave n-i u many camping
bodic mounted on' varimi,
but one of the luuat rcmaikaMe i t
amplt of ineeiiulty in niitieirvittnir
the need in connection wi. h a special
body fur touring purni la cunt. Hin d
lii the description of a new Tom more
Rickshas Open New
Field for Auto Tires
It may not be long m fun- the rick
sha of Japan are tranKfiirmcd Into
a fuiin of motor vehicle If the deaiLn
of an American nutomotlva enclnecri If JMton la Invltlni? the public to
contltiuea In take hold of NIpihiii' , take a r.fl in tic M HiIh week,
fancy In fh fiMilon It ha Marted : "''"loitiationa :n free and every
out, nccordliiK to Fin-Moim cxpoit'""" lid.-rei.ted In the p. rfm iii.hi.m
men, j of line n lilotimlillea la re'incptcd to
The new motor vtliiclo la called the 1 lelepli.nie f..r an n oitni. nt. The
Jltauvo, per tin pa a Japaneao corrup-'
Hon for Jitney, and it I renin,
amnll and aimple to operate. pn
much ao that a coolie can handle the 1
m.tchlna with caae. I
Th..r,i la .1 t., i.,.l i.,,i
but I
Imllat'lv vl-lrh llw. A tlierliti n .!,, -I i-l, a ' '
ia guided by a handla held In the left 1
band. The clut.-h, braka nnd K-i.r '
ahift lever nio eliminated, the entire, I
control being accompllahed by one
lever on tlm riifht, ' ruahlns forward
thla handle t-nnai-a tlio friction
tratiamiaalon. 1'ulled back one
movement It dl!Ciii,'fiKe the friction etui led In the priutitiK biiine.a In
wheeln. I'ulled completely f,ae It ; ( i,a 1 in In lt l:xl2 room with two job
np piles tlio brake. I'ulled over to ' pi-naac. Today lie ia preident of thn
the outenildo of rnr tuts the etiKinejColonlal I'l-oan nml (lie piwaciSur of
In revcrae. a fjri.iinii pli.nt. The last. move, in tha
The wheclbaae of tlio Jitauj'Ti l.a but 'growth of th" I'oloni il J'l-eaa la the
72 inche nnd thn trend US inches, j of the plant from 311! South
Thua no KnrnKc nro net canary, for Twelfth xti'-t to the former Khafer ;
the muchine tan bo Kept in the nnll- bulldlm: at Klh and Webater streetH. !
nary rickaha house or even In a door-, 'I In- I'oloitlnl I'ii-hh take over the en- :
Way. j lire hi ' ond Hour S.'KiO aqua re f-et of.
The Flrentona export represent.!-j Moor apace.
Vibration is destructive. It
shortens the life of a car. It takes
thfpleasure out of riding because
it causes rattles, squeaks and other
irritating noises.
Vibration is particularly r.nnoy
ing in closed cars.
There is no perceptible period
of vibration in the Studcbaker
Light-Six at any speed. This is
due in part to St udebnker's method
of machining the crank shaft tind
connecting rods on nil surfaces.
No other car, nt anywhere near
the price, follows ihi practice.
Uly which recently b-i ln-en deU:nrd
lc.' till' r-'plid W.IKOII fhnatil, '
'I tin tiuvclllig home la Cnmplete tu
..t iel;i iii, itii'liiilia el.dlllK
. f'll, loi kei , Wi.rk table W l1 ll H.llo
'up, b i-Imi Jt. tnk, lollit, illia,nrf table,
dink, ample Murage aace nml tvi-n
i bath tub set ntiiler tn flour nt Hie !
H a i',
"ivmpm nt of UiIm lutili'r tiaually
i.M III til" tielKllliOl IiimhI of from
''J.'icO to K'.'iOu I'otnplett'," any Mr.
t:v. reporting; on thla new arrival In
Illololllolll Mi l- limit hl'C fl' ld 0lled
up '"r pm-iimatic tire ami tire c-
Ce:iao i a.
M.irinoii I)i-lrilnit(ir Holds
Diniiiitratioii 'llilr Yk
Alainnii r.'ire cant.
ii. I and Iji
oneaeir or tloa opportunity
H"'' " one under no oblm a Hon. The
.Marmon claims f..r t-iaier rldmv,
" l" - '' cel.-ratlon, aa WeU aa iick-
r ill cei .ration, which mean bitter
economy both In
and eventual up
';v''r ''" '
K ' 'ir. i ...
Colonial I'rt-.-s Jlan 8.000
Siuare IVft in iNi'W I'liitit
Fifteen year uku K. .1. Suolairbi
m. i ii 'iirt'l"1! itj'iii i 'rtfimtttt7i7' in aim in ii nn'iSf
Let Us Show You
Lack of vibration and the quiet,
smooth-running motor find quick
approval from everyone who rides
in the Light-Six Sedan
And every driver is similarly
enthusiastic over the way it throt
tles down to a walking gait in
high gear id the quick response
that follows the touch of the ac
celerator. i
Aside from its mechanical ex
cellence, the Light-Six Sedan is
notable1 for its sterling coach wrk.
The substantial btxly, like the
chants, is built complete in Studc
EtWint liciitrr. F-ight-tl-iy cluck. Thief proof tmimnmion ), k, t'ntvrnti
Utiir. i,! ioiuh Unt. Km vir an I wimUhieM i knurr. Iml le . k on
thrc yn mi I cuiUi.le Wk on Jifht li.ui.l ftjiit i,mr. ;ti!k rullrr rmwint.
Fiivir i,Hf Umt llf in. I V. liulit. M Imtr vclvrl li.tS ui'li,Jatiy.
MODELS AND rRlCES. o b j. nVs
I H.IH ; !:; yj'KCIAU blX UKIMX
I ID' W , o ' f,i... It W , U'H F r-Fv,njt. IH' W . 0 II r.
T iui.-i T-"iHri T..I.IH4 tSot
k in-1 (t r o n k Ki.r (i !' . . , uti) niiiH r i
i.',. N-lUKl K j!M I'bai ) , , ltt Vun (I m ) S! t
(ll'-n) . t.'l (4 ') t' SWUn ii .
d I. .n . I.' iU-itn . JH K in (.)) !
t" f SiiW
23)1 f iMm Hrny Driltf
Deinaml for (Ik-ed
(lars on Increase
Mottittiii IVrteiildfje of I n-
I'lilat'd 1)1"' l( Mill i
l Makern.
I'lO.llli lien ih ledulca pll p irr-l t'V
Mi" mninr eir m umf n tun i . for llii
oiuiliU '-r I'tli.t .tmiial ly tt.n
,.n-l,iiilly iiiiii.iiii deir if the
pi.Mi- fur ii"il i ii comfoit.
- 'I'Sie airuiiitli -f I'"' i loeed car do
to.ind ia UPietratid I y the fact that
hnll;e I '.re 1 1, i m. liitmit iiuntifictur-ii,-,
are plaiiii'i.,1 in devote' appioxl
niiti-ly S'i per nut of lame pin
iiui'tioll for Ibe laiitr half of t I"
r.inptl Ui I on i f eli i.. .1 cara. The Hn
puitance of tlii liHUI'c I" ririplmalzed
by cumparlwiil Willi liM year -ual pereilitarr, uhlili waa aploxi
mill ly 13 per cent.
'I'll - priuluetluli ei heijiile alioHa lb it
the car of Iml.iy la illt,netly
not a "luxury" car, It Ik Hi
il maud In can. e It will aland lip unit' r
If id driving an I pouiidtnu on bid
mails jimt n sturdily a the open it-
The Great
In 1921 $500,000,CCO worth f property was
destroyed in the United States, Ly fire 15,000
lives were lost.
Jiicht here in Omaha, a fire which occurred
Friday nij-ht, destroyed a factory, cost $225,000
and ruined a number of homes.
Fire Insurance U your only sure means of pro
jction. The U w .m;ill that yuii cannot afford
t' be without it.
Call ATI?nfic 9555
"Vajs the Claim First"
rui? Howard at Eighteenth St.
Surely Bonds ATlantic 9555
Investment Securities
the Difference!
baker plants. Materials and work
manship are of highest grade.
Long, semi-elliptic springs and
deep, restful, nine-inch cushions af
ford genuine comfort. Upholstery
is of a rich, mohair velvet plush-good-looking
nnd durable.
Today's price is the lowest at
which the Light -Six Sedan has
ever been sold. It has no com
petitor in the amount cf value
you get for your money.
The name Studcbaker on your
car is the best protection yen can
J I 4 jMtn
! - - ,lt. Ml tt. .m t li tt.r l
, 4f piiiinta a no t iii,f,it.
Til" Mr! I body UMiatrili lan .! l
,-,l.; :ivUuf i--eiiily introlucrd in
It.. IT tilinllir lill-B cd llHlli"
Mill tUiHl.lra Ml. liK'll Ulid rrtili. ce
l,i .tiaiii Willi h 1 p..aH'U' '": won.
lt,ll i.Hlmn Hull tblolicjiolll I"" 'f
e. And pin. -f il icd ' '"an
In tui liieain I- llioin.iil of a pr.. -.
alive, u tb.-y Jiilbt hue 'ti'
. .,i ana 'I he .rn of le',e I'-iolb
!er liilalo l lot car, f"r Ullople,
I ihiW rtuT-l llm ' Mfea of the uf n
lima by tlariuW tll.lM'lll of "l- ti.
Ill Hie li.itliullt .Hid raatrlli l.i!i
Hiirn flulil Pvn I" Kieli innntha of
'Hie .! are .i i. .Ill f. r i iiinfartabb
' ill nine in an op -o i-U, the pupulaiity
t.f Hie cl.o. -I cir I Kl"W,ii( ' I- it
Mi l b ullel" 1 1 I. in til"' aoiltll. the
liiiklmt I'll1') i appH-i'latea tlie Itintant
j protection BKi'nst l-H or inch nv lit
, ill,, w!-.. Ii till" t I e .ifTi'l I"
I I 'ii?;.! jif.l Omjdr Sjnii I
j ii"hl I'im"" l"i'i S.t
j Malllll. (lit. 7 --'If oil Ine.'t a do
i fund i f ollVe'i. pliiin" tile poller," l
iu. p. oil tie mi bc etory of a b-at
1 i!.i ill M III la The ibl b lolltfa tu
'an Aniera m. whu rivea tin. iiifoiiiit
. f ... ii that t a fond of ft'.'-d clis. I., n.
' mill lie l !c, ami h' oliVe
S T U I) I; U A K K R Y H A R