Tlttf SUNDAY HI'i: : OMAHA. OiTOniT. P. J0:5. Giants Trim Yankees in Anoikr World Series Game by Score of 4 to 3 2-n Krll)-. lb ('uniiliiuliaui, tf Snyder, r Snj tier, r . . - . . . .Miljiillian, p .... Tulala ill. if Hunan, Hi . . ! Until, if .... i'in. lb .... j II. Mctisi-I, If I fcliaiic r ... 'Ward, !b ... ; St nil, m , p . . . JIiijiliMcOuilhiii (iocs Route for McGYmv's Twin Ani.'i i jn Hit lljnl Ijuuigli lt Win Dozrn (iiiiii', lait Throw Aoy Must llf ltotill. liy lflf.ll HIIIIUOV llMb4 II" I-NW4 ttll. ,Vr ynik, o,t, T-Ntw York t'uiikif II m wuM.ty a 1 It ijiiu; tlni-w bw.iy their cl,,inc. i f the I ita an I. ill t-lie nf lliu Wtiltl kit. hi i. if I.imI.hII iii Km iniury if u .iM mi i. yum ilmo il.iwn iit the ..) t,f b wr.t'ln.1 day f play, t lu ll .,1,(11 W .lltliliK. In i, II IV tin ill 'l 11.11 till) II. ; f'"IU il ll ..! .i ilowiipiiui', the rudiiiit; ' ii ni ly . in"-'l off w.lli the i itile, liir pii-Miil. The tiiu.tit l.'Jti I w.n th Yankees tost. Tli-y bit vtn Ilia fi.iri'1'i Itn-y hni, and iii- f.u t lili w-nN nuaci-t thmi . l.tUf Mini lift Ihii f.ul I hut ihi-r own l.i.hc hi ii. led. Li :.-.riif style f .. .i! . tin in frmn w.u-! i.lM( fllft i.tur hi !!( .f tin. link. t.rnh. 'M ... Timr i:-.irii!lnn. jKiim li, ;ii . Tin V -rnc Mm ii ih.lit.ini i'f I :, Mriinrl, tf I n" i urn n-r, nf tnkltut inlv.uitaiji' nf I uiing, rf iif.poi t ifll.l in I.VPI' mill mi ii li.lll f.tll In :'ji.t if Hint, tiny made three Tin' (i ants ili-ii'i vi d IM.h 11', l.iit th-y .'t f.iiir run In mi inning iv h It h;.h nil tuck. A Itif'l.y hit, v.h.cll l.iilin.'f.l, Jumped lllld hurtled f o fill uvir Ward li'ii'l, u ml ii slow luiiiiiji r. v Ii i ll li t hmnn another run. trav Cum four alnio.-t iiniirscrvtd i una. Vim Vuiil.n, meantime, tin car away m li;ifi fix inns l.y i- IiuuMkIi' in '.I i ll tim la: . -7. In the. fir.-l in t Intf t hoy K"t Jui t two run ntf four l.tir, h steal, mi l ii i ii i.i Kit which or- iii ii ily v, . ;M hiito lii i n tt burnt i tin. I In; !' i 1. 1. ii- xlilhitinii nf Ixnii ' ! boaibl.hnem wiiii rlvi-M by ISoli Mriiirl In the iiHii-iiih wIipii, tin ti-ml iJiincH, p i.' i iinn i n-r mil a lilt tmv;ui rhort, ! l'iliiii-r Sniilli I.Wlfi .1 u till M.ill nut, In c..j of till! I.i' t xiy. t i hi hull wj thrown vltil. II ti.- i mil hy mi lui h, un1 Wunl I -il will vitli a HiiiiP run, which "mi! I have th'tl thu hull r::iih-. N'loiild llav Won. Tli Yrnkft- oiikIiI to bue won thin (111111 by a h.-'jip nf ui li-.idt 7 in I. men ii!lovlnK Hint tli (iiantii vuuM Ii.-! v ha.) Ili link thry did I' i vi. If.i.i tluy t.fpii trying to throw i ho fnmo thf-y wouliln' havo (lune hi-t-Ht. Kvi'n the i-lnim-ntu wcio OKainut I Iip Anu-rican If-agiiiTH. Thi-y uppntJ nRnltiMf llunh .li-gulllaii an If to an-nihll.-it lilm unci rl.imiiiiil the hull all nvor thu lot In the flint limine, Hun mib::i(" nuiMrnly anil tih'd to hairy pl;iy. Thry witc afraiil that the rain which pnurecl, thon rpiliiklod, thru pi;ured HKnln. ynnlil rub thi-ni iC to Mrtury which thy already had .ifoiitPd fin won. It la tirol.aM that they would hav won but fur the rain, nnd even that f'.-emcd iinaltipt thfin, for It appeared to hI.icUph when the Giants were on ilifi-nsivc and pour whin th Yank-i wcro In the flr-ld. It wan pouriiiK hardest rlui-ine that inning In which, aided by uncanny luck, Mrfiraw' men stored the four runs which an mired them ths panic nnd probably lie Btri'-'s. Rlame ra:'lien. The Yankees may cry luck and luck but there Is no luck when run lifter run is thrown away by sheer htuplility. Tlob Meusel, becauno hW wim the most filming raso probably, will be selected um the m', but tho coni hers sent no fewer than four run ners to death, and in tim ninth inning Alien they were assaulting McQuillan. mid Menied certain of victory, w-th one run practically certain, they sen; eo men to hcpeless death on th-j bases, without rhyme or reason. On baseball sense, generalship and brains, the (l.unts deserve this series. The Ysnks h:l hard enough today to w.n a dozen ball games nnd threw away most of tho results. Mays, de serving a shutout victory, registered il defeat., lilt viciously in three inn. tigs and escaping in some oi hers because the Yanks thought they hud It. won and were try ins lo brat the rain, joins the heiocfi. It looks as if the dope was all wrong. Tho ek'nncnt cf brains and baseball s.'iisa cannot be duped. Today the dope ns to hitting, f elding, ' pitch. ng. was all t ight, but tho battle was the fuient proof that nilnd triumphs over matter we have seen In a long time. Stale American Lemon Rifle Team : i ttm fir i m 7? $$Mr' 'ci : -: - gi V I . ,,11' ZIZZA Creighton Coach Issues Call . for Basket Ball Candidates AUilil.o liiinl.n huh, liter of j C'rniihtiui mi. virility w.ll lusuo ueip I crnl rail for lik-tbiill j'nlUUu Mull. lay nfterniNiii. All hough the fiHiihall -utmi lum just lii-guii, the i mw pioMnim h!th ho haa plnnniHl jfor lliia year will ni-celtat th early ; start. All l.i"t b tti-r men will be Itiiyin n iiiiinbcr of cundiiUtra frmn j which they are In mould ii ti-uin to i represent I hem In .-. lingu, This b-uiiUe will play mi ri-gulnr n hetlulu jtinie, during which Urn better player w.ll be ftven an uppniluiiiiy to ahow up well, and at the mime time lo net intorrt!ce. I-'rom t hi biigue, the incut pruiiiis.iii; pliiyen will b chimi n tn represent I hit varsity. The new fiutiiro will induce those, who are a bit backward, to coma nut and develop and ai the nine tune, j;lvc those who are not backward a chance to Improve their name under the tute lage of good pluyrr. Among tho last year's liimiiinrlee who are back and will no doubt re port Monday are, Trautmnn, lively, IJ.bner anil t'nndon, Keveral men, however, now are enitaitrd in the more atrcnunue aport and will be tillable In report before Thankirlvlin day. Among these are Taynter, Aer hurt and Good. The Box Score (.ianl. aii. i:. ii. r. A. i:. .3 i ii :t 3 . I 1 II 4 0 . a n o i 3 o ,10 1 i n o , i o : o n , 4 (I II X 0 0 . 3 n o s ; o .112 3 0 1 .4 I .' 0 I .1110 0 0 ::. i 9 ii i res. An. It.ll. I'.A.K. .41240 0 .411031) . 3 0 0 1 0 I) .40:i:30 .4 0 1 3 0 0 .10 1110 . 1 1 1 11 ; 0 , 3 11 0 4 2 . 2 0 0 0 3 0 000 0 0 0 , 1 00000 I la!e; Jvi n (National)), first base. II. I ilchr.'iuil (Ainei linn), second li.-me; .Mc (ormlcli iNiiliiuiall, third Imse. Time of game; I;." I. Attejiilapce anil receipts fur fourth Kliilli! fiilloiv! Atli-iiilanir, at!,"!;, tee. eipl, IIH,38I. I'lujers' hhsie, h'tiil,. SIJ.KI, i:acli chili shaiT, $:o,l,1,28. ( iiniiiiisioncr, nil 7, 737.(10. Huskcrs Snow Coyotes Under: to 0 Score lAclinifla ( Kasily !) f:it StmlU Dakota (lorn liiiskcrs Uoe Straight I'otithall. Tolals 32 3 8 27 Iii 0 xllntlirf for .Mays in i-iglilli. Score l-y innings:. j 1 liken 200 (H0 1003 I Uiants (10(1 din (Km 1 .Stininiarj Two base hits: Mi (Juil I.111,, Wilt, I'ipp. lloiiiu run: Ward. I Stolen Iium'.- I. .Meusel. Iloulile plays: f'tiiiiii.ishain to Kdsdi, Krlscli lo Han- I croft to hrll, I'ipp to Scott. Left on liases: 1 ankers, 4: (Wants 3. First baso 1111 IiiiIIs: Off .Mays, 2 (Cunningham and I'.incrort): off Mi (uiilnn, 3 (Ktitli and Scott. Slrtiili out: My Maya 1; by McQuillan, 4 N( hang, K. Meusel, Ward, IJImer Smith). " UUh: Off Mays, 9 in 8 Innings; off ,(me, 0 In 1 inning. I'niplrrs: Owens (American), chief, at Omaha lunik Clearings. Tank cleminss in Omahs for the week JilKt ended totaled 45.0im.i:4 84. an Increase nf i!.7:5,g;j.Sl over tho same period hist yiar. Woodmen Team to Play All-Stars Today Tlv Woodmen of the World t"am stands in the way of tiie professional All fitnrs claiming the riglit lo base hull supremacy of the Missouri val ley. The professional All-Stars have decisively defeated tho South Omahit Merchants, tho Omaha Amntetir All Staru and the fast Missouri Valley Professionals. Tho Woodmen of the World team, which has made an enviable) record in meeting all comers in this nnd other states, will play tho Profes sional All-Stars in a double header content at Western League park to- day, and will use practically the same lineup h."t has been under contract with the team nil season. The Professional All-Stars will have in their lineup such well known play era as Pezertz, I,aube, Hazen, Wil liams, I.ange, McGuire, Pygert, Ver non, Probst nnd other well known stars. , Arrangements have been made to show the world series score by inn ings at the park. These contesta will draw the curtain on baseball this season with the ex ception of tho contest between the Woodmen of the World and the South Omaha Merchants, in which Habe Puth and Pub Meusel participate Sun day, October 15. St. Louis Banker Dies. Now York. (let. 7. Walker Hill, president of the Mechanics American National bank of St. I.ouls anfi former president of the American Hankers association, died In Hotel Commodore yesterday, following a 10-day Illness, llu became 111 shortly after his arrival here to ntt.nd the convention of the American Pnnkers association, which Ulofed todjy. Lincoln. Xfl., fVt. T. iSii ji Tol,-. gi-.-m.)-('oai h Allison's South Dakota Coyotes were s.ii rllleed for 11 Nebraska rri ldlroii holiday in the' (list game of the football season here Sulnntiv ,,t. ternooii. Hunkers taking the long nd of a B to 0 count. It was a case of too much Bpecd, weight and experi ence, It Was all Nebraska from the first Whistle. Two minutes after tiie giuno started Ib-rli Dcwltz raced 43 ycards to a touchdown. Nebraska was not forced to open tip and the numerous senilis on hand were treated to a beautiful game of straight football but the trick bag was kept tightly tied. Dave Nobel's ability to penetrate the Coyote defetiso featured. The big Hunker back had little trouhlco mak- i lng gains ranging from live to C"i yards. An attempt to set' forth th excellence of thu Nebraska luminaries would require mention of the 30 Husk cm who participated. Nebraska Feored in ev-ry o.uart"r. At the close of the second and fourth quarters. Coach Dawson pulled out the first string varsity but it did not change the, uneven battle. It became Apparent arly in the gamo that South Dakota's oply hope of keeping fait out of the wound was to score. And to this they attempted an aerial game which did not. work to any advantage. Onro In desperation thty tried n place kick from the 41 yard line which fill far short. A stiff wind was blowing from the northwest made cftective aerial wark next to impossible. Captain Chick Hartley was a consistent ground gain er. His work on the defense was just us good as it uhvays has l en. Pres ton, at (Uarter, used rare generalship and Nebraska was held but twice on downs. Twice the Cor.ihuskers broke awav for lonsr runs to touchdowns and the ball was called back. Once in the last quarter the South PaUotans fought the huskers to n standstill in side tho Coyote- ten yard line, the Huskers losing the oval with about Six inches to go. The second team was sent, back In after this play and a had pass from center caused Pnhel, Covot? quarterback, to fumble. Hoy ... ... 11 .. ViKilnliiu-n recovered me uau 101 .1 v In 11 pregame statement said that if Nebraska did not beat his Coyotes by at Hist 40 points, the Nebraska . -.!.. ..nt much of .1 team. A 1 maciiuic .i- ! peculiar stat.-ni.-nt coming from a coach, but judging riom mis. ka must have a football team as they added 20 more to the figures. The lineup: Creighton and Hamline Play to Tic Playing before a small crowd t.f shivering fans, tho Creighton ami ll.-.mllie university football teams Ixttiled to 1 C t ii tl on Creighton field yesii.rilay ufiernoon la one of the hardest fought grid contests stag ed in tins town for many season. The only touihliwns of tho pome came during tho fust bait. I.t-wmiin lame, Creighto'i quiii :i rbui k, re turned a punt 40 yards for the fust nnd only Creigh'.oi toil bdown. He failed at a placement kick. A few minute betme the InPm! half eml'sl, Hamlin I advanced thu leather to t'n Ighton's lVyanl !lno whe.'o ft pas, to S.uons was good for ft touchdown. Kaplan failed at a drop kii k. Until tea nut balled on an even basis during tim second half, Heavy Tech Grid Machine Rolls to Victory (liuiili DruiiunomrR Tram Kasily Defeats Light (ila riml.1 Llcven ly 31-lo-O Score. Fred Gernandt to Be Given Tryout With Faster Company foot ALL How the Giants Won Summary : N'rbrn-kn, WJ. TtnimBfu ..... eiike , , I'l'ff 1 wni ..... in-riUntt ...... 'A -h ....... SVti'TMT ...... To'"M II iM-fitK ..... N-it.l. ,1.. v. I.. T. lira In nlni, 1 vr .. 1 itintroM orln lir.ih tv rl In MXutw JUn thfi" t j In ilcn Wit fix m hie,ii( lttk in i; !ui it n-v l tut out. .! y.y ti I'll p i W r. (1 Y 1 t-kvt WIS I tCtfc. I lu ttilrF I iy liin " ujf!f l-M. i't ',tr ..rtr ( ; -.m4 )iUi f (Bfifuhiitt in ! tt t (j , t' tr, M 1 Vn i.ii I fif h. - u fit - it.t j "tttlu fn'r t t'l.'lii af ti' nd!, t .nn,fv(( ; f-'i i JH '! i i-4 ! ' I 4At I'Ugttt H W4"-t t M I !t 1 .1 .it " , I I A I .1 i V I i n . . 1 r h ; i I 1i i IH (yt, s.n o ?'. 1 f.-1 1 t.H" i - t . il 4 N lit j hi4 wt f . I l j I 1 . .e I Svi t(! iin!t Wti n . -1 9 f i H nf K it f .t t U vi H Mfttiril ((, I 1' tt- l t t 1M- (- h 1 H.r ft 4 h -n' 'P lit U-J'H f.14. -4 i I i-f I. m fll tt4l4 tV " i tl I I -It I i i-t I la u S 1 , it 1!. Il . ti . T . . H. V. . , '.. IL. r. m . it 11 K. U . Urnfik 1. ....... vt, ti.iti)ii iir It., ,r II !"vtt. II I II , t mill ( r I! r" v. t. t f t 'l ' N. JUkotfl, Jl'irtcv ....... Jaot ...., I'iniin' M'Kri v iipI' N Kfrt'pn . .. , , llfii'' riit I"it."l t;u , . jiii .. ! h h M (.t ir ..ti h f 'r H' M it(. t ' '. I RESULTS STATU. Crrigliton. ; llumllur, . Irntrnl lllirli. 1; Miriimiilmli, 1. Tn-hnlenl HIrIi. 31; ( turimlH, 0. At Lincoln, rlimnKu, H: Soiilli llu. Iietii, '. At, Ann .VtIkt, Ml. 48; t ime, 0. At In lajrllf, I'urdur, 1(1 ( Janim .Mil. liked, (!. At I'lll.liurifli, I'lll, burgh, 0; fjt Inyrttf. 7. At Hfnt Point, Army, 13; Kuni.ii, 0. At ( nnihrlilgi-. Ilnnsrd, it); Duly t'rnm, ii. At lliinmer, Durl ninuth. It); Mulne, e. At lllllill'lllirv. U illhiniH. 14. Ml.l. 11..- bury, 7. .t I'liltuml, rpnn.ylvunlu, 0; t'oltrntity of MmiIIi. t. At Itlili-H, I nrni-ll. Ill); Maxura, II. At Uiislilnitlnn, l.rertt t.iwii, In; Lebanon At (iiiiiii Itmiilall, Vi ln-uiwln, 41; Carle. inn. i.. , At llalllmiii-p, .liinirs lliipklns, i; Meant ni. mtiry. i;. , At I'lttnliurxli, I urnigln Tecli, t7 til'llMS, l. At I'rlii'rtiin: 1'rlr.i-ton, S: Mrnlnls, 0. At Mldilli'luwui tl'ekleyan. 21 i llow- Uulll, C. ' At llnndltnn: I'olBiite. Id; Alli-glimy, 0. l ylini-Ni i fie, -j i ; Aires, o. At ( lilenRfl: Niirt l:nntern l iilviinlly IT; Iti'lnlt, il. At Ext LnnniiiKi Miililgan Afg!t, 7; Allilun, 7. At (nliimliiit: Ohio Stulr, i; Ohio Vt'cs b.van, II. At Atlanta : (ieurgiu Teeh, 19; lluild mai, 0. At ( rforiNllli-: Wnpaiih, 21; IjiI.p i'eri'i.1. II. At lll'iiimhiEtini; Imllanu, 0; IV 1'nnn-, 0. At stinir.iisii: Knlumazoo Mitrniul, 7 idimrslsii, 0. At MinrifUjKilih: Mnrth )iikola, 0; Mln. IlOV.tH. 'i'l. At Diiiivlllr: Outer, Mii.iiiM.lppl, 0. At rilnte t'nllese: I'enn Mute; 20; OrltyHliMig, 0. At IVa.ii!ni;lriri: WBNlilngton-ili'fferHon, Jtl; Di-lhaliy, 7. At l-xin.(lnn: tVnHlilnBton nnd I.e, II; Nortli Cnrnllnn Mute, B. A. Miinini'iirli; ln tVeslejan, 12; Meiiiminth, 7. At Nashville: Viinderbllt,, 3.1; Ileniler hoii rtrnivn, (I. At, Kli litniinil: Miirj laml, 0; I'nlversity of VirKililn, t). (Tlel. At Ilavliin: !: Iiui, 32; Liirllinni, 7. At Columbia! Miwuoiirl, 33: tirinnell. 0. At Ili-thli'licni: Lehigh, 87; ht. 1-ran-ei. W. At Murirantown: tVet Vlrglnln, 55; Miirletla, II. At raiti-ne. lire.: i nivprsuy oi .in-Kon, 37: UillliinifHo I niirrnlty, l. jt Hi-Hltle: l lliiernlly of Mnntnnu, 0; VnivcrKity (if l',iHhtnt;ton, "CI. At Hionv Kails. M. .i Mioiui Falls Col Icki'. A; 'o!niii!llM, "II. Nehraskii, nil; M iiih Ilnkotu, 0. t'amnlix. 27: AmkhmIh. II. olomilo Mln, XZ: tVymnlnic. 0. t Diversity of Colorado-, H; K"uisx t ol b ae. I. Uralie, HI; Cornell, u. biwa, l; Knor. II. (op. 21: lima Slate. O. Army, 13; Hanson, 0. ChieiiK". ill I I.pcibIii. 0. 1-riMiil IsIiiikI Coll..-e. U fntml City, 2 Cidlimliils, 13 1 Anilli-ist, 3. Ht. dolinH. II; Until. 3. Slo'lK lulls Ctlli-ge. I': Collinihns. 0. Sleiix Full. High, tfti I .e .Mure High, 0. Ilpnvcr, 41: Sen Mrileo, 0. Tiifl. l; HatP.i. S.vraeu.p, 3J; New Vork, . II Hill M HCMIL. tiP-cal. frpmoiit. : South Omaha, 3 Trinity ( ollrge, ei I'relghton High, a. SUte. Aurora. Lrand llnil, 0. I iiltimliuN, SR: Um-poU, l. I Inriiln. SI: ork, a. Hniiiloll'll. Ill I'nrroll. T. Iliinliuton, ell I lrrlilp. a. . Irilniiiia. H: Norlli I'latU. . hmw, Hi Miit I Ity. . M.1.I...O, 1i Athlon, e. Milooli. Mi llllMan. I laihrlilgp, Hi llii.lll.. iltliluliii lollrgT. i lull' (H)i. T. I I, oi. mi. "ill. Si l.lrno"U," . .Lou., tsi lUriu..lun. , I.II.Ih.b. Ui Hutrnn. e. Ity t.litlltt.i; Will r I Ht. Coai'h Jiiiuny Drummond'a Techni cal hlgll footbiili team ju-oved too much fur the light Clarlnda i la.) high eleven In Tecli'M intlal i larh of tho M-uson and thu vlrltors were trampled tinder a .11 to 0 defeat at the liuf faloes' park yesterday nfternoon. Hhorlly lifter tim opening whlstlo I ho Teeh miuad started a procession down tho field timiird the goal lino and continued its march throughout tho first thrco quarters. A strong wind, which rwept inroas tho field from thu north, marred tho playing ot the two teams. Wilhlnln four niinbtes after the gamo started the Tech team had ueored Its first touchdown, giving the team a lead which proved enough to win tho game. Tim heavy backfield men of tho local squad had Utile trou ble gaining through tho Clarlnda line and after receiving tho ball, ploughed Iheir way through to the 20 yard line. An end run by Krasno pl.v-ed tho ball on tho five yard line, and Weisenbeig carried., it over for a touchdown. .Zust failed to kick goal. A lew minutes Inter Zu.';t intercepted a fordward pats and ran 35 yards for another touchdown. Ho failed again to kick goal. Tech scored two more touchdowns iu the' second quarter. A forward pass from Klino to Weisenberg netted 20 yards and placed tho ball within striking distance of the goal. AViisenberg then took the ball ver the line, tiwanson failed to kick goal. A 40-yard run by Krasno put the ball in l he shadow5 of tho goal posts and on tho next formation he was given tin bal and carried it across the lino Just as the whi.stlo sounded the end of the first half. Clnrinda, braced in the second hulf ami neiu tne mem iniii to one touchdown. Near tho close of tho third period an 'exchange of puuto gnvo Tech the bull on the 21 -yard line. A forward pass, Kline to Short, netted 21 yards and it touchdown. In tho tlnal period Coach Drunimond sent in one substitute after another until he had an entirely new lineup in the game, Clarlnda never seriously threatened Tech's goal, although JIoss attempted a drop kick from the 20 yard line. tfust. Weisenberg and Krasno starred for Tech. Lineup and summary: Fred (ii-riiandt, the peer nf C'ln n lnh artist, who pitched the Wheeler Memorial and South Omaha High school to' the championship of their classes, will lie given a tryout by the Woodmen of the Wotld In one of the diniblchcni'.er games ut West cm lenguo park, Sunday, October t, agulnst the professional all atari. Ills entry Into faster company will be watched with much Interest by several team backers, well as large host of hia friend. (,'ernandt allowed the fast Class A team of Ht. lioul but five lilts and hia friends believe that he can qualify for faster company next, year not wlthlsandliif that he la bbt 17 years of age. TEE , FAIEMS m Telll. Fwnn.suri .. FriilicPH .. S.-llm on . .. Vlpi-eo Powell 1 H'lirrl , . . , KeiHtJ . . , . . Kline Zust Weisenberg K rasna 9 . . . it i:. . H T. . ..'. . . ..I.C5. . I..T. . . ...!:. . Q Ii. . . K.H, . I. If. ..FU . SubHlltlltinnM Sebwi. T tz elf-a fnr Keiss, Hulm f.u- SpilKn-n. N short for Schwartz, Zust fer rrinn-s, Si'llren f..r Pinxlf, t. Went f.u- Short. H. its for I'It.-p. C;rln.a: Short f"r Mlllr. SrurinB Toueh'tam as: Wi-tenlrit (8), Zut.1. Krasne. Kline. i df (rials RpfiTPi-: t.lll-. I"r..ghtnn.' Cmplrp: l'ollo'-k, Tarkio. Head linnantan: Ilnldn-k, uncij. Clnrinilii. Miller WilLslo ImiHi WnltPhlll lai lion Jones i irpim M. Kramer llayey Timltlnson M osa for Zunf. Sin (iothpnhiire. I.H: HroUen How, n. I'awnre City, a: I nWerwIty ritire. ft. Iti-thany. SO; I'oIIpicpvIpw. 0. liakotn City. SI: llunirr, II. Tel-llinsih, AD; IVm. C. Anslry. til; Norlh Loup, 9. rrl-n.l, ; hut to it. II. Wft Volet. IS. Norfolk. A. Iliisilnga. 0; Kptiriiry Nornial, e. Trkamali, Ml; lllnlr. 0. A II Inner, 7; I.I n( t, . I "llegp. Ilnl. 19; Morrill. 4. Ittlrn-t tl.ta. .1: limit TpaitiPtn. ft. lip. Molne I niiprslly, IS; pp,r le., t. urtia, iili MiipII. a. tlft.tln, e: hearnry. e. Nibmski Wplrn, i ttayna ainla NllTAMl, . I'pra Slut Nor I. 4.1 i Mfk I ollrgp, October ( hninploiiHhlps. (iolf cliamplotisliips should be held later In tho year. I cau not at tho moment recall an amateur chanipionshlp during which rain was not j-ticountered. and the re cent llrookllno championship 4us but unotln-r exauiil of championship golf under the worst of weather condi tion. ' If the amateur could be held in ear ly October, tho golf and the condi tions of play would both be better, and the race, therefore, would bo a better test cT championship abilities. One day of rain is enough to upset all calculations, and certainly a downfall of water is sufficient to head one man off from tho championship who might otherwise prove his skill while return ing another, possibly less skillful, the victor. The common assumption that it is aa fair for one its for another to con tinue championship play during rains is not exactly right. It is not by any means as fuir. It is distinctly unfair to tho most skillful player In the flelij and ft Is more fair to the player who has just burtdy enough skill to mix a vacation with a wee of playing at tho annual championship. When titer fairways are flooded and the greens are soggy the 'skill whlcll some of the players have mastered counts for naught. These players under such conditions, are on a par with everyone else. However, tnat la not the main point. The more impor tant factor 18 that when championship lay continues under soggy conditions the matter of luck and chance enters into tho matches, whereas nothing but skill nt golf should be the deter mining factor where a title is at stake. There is but one title nnd it should rightly go trnthe man who cau lay the best golf for the whole week hat he Is required to play it. The luck element when tho championship rounds are played with rain prevail ing Is such that at Urookline several of the visiting Knglish stars fell by the wayside because of the swimming adventure they were called upon to take part in on' the second jlay of qualifications. Certainly any of theso players could qualify under fair con ditions at Urookline. 1 ma"ke this suggestion for a later date for the championship wholly out of experience and not as any reflec tion at all upon the Crookllne meet- j ing in particular. I won the title twice, with rain to contend with, and was the Hrooklino finalist with Swcet sor, so it is evident thst rain has not greatly interfered with my owe game; I speak wholly in the interest of oth ers who attend the championships. It seems to mo that October would bo the ideal month for the yearly competition. The chance of missing rains is much better in that month, while general weather conditions are likely to bo more favorable for tho best golf. With an October tourney wo probably would esenpo the dreaoV fully hot days that seem almost to tie a part of the meetings. We lived thtotigh days at Urookline, and at Kt. Louis last year, that were most fa tigulng because of the great heat. The heat, by the way, had a disas trous effect on Cyril Tollry, the Eng lish star. He mentioned one day that our extremely hot weather loosened him up so that be lost control of his muscles a pecnlmr effect, since "muscle loosening" is the particularly difficult thing which American play ers strive to accomplish, and many without result. One of the finest and most skillful shots in golf is the mashie or niblick pitch to the cup, with spin to make the hall bite the green and stick. It takes practice and patience to master this shot. Italn makes tho shot use less, for If the ball Is given spin be fore It strikes a o;y gren U wit dig Itself Into the mud and nutke put' ting linnet ImpoMlble. The fairways should tie dry and th grnens hard and fust for champion. ship piny. The lt gulf coon's to IU top under euch conditions, and chain plon.hlp golf should by all means te our beet golf, fictolier ! th t'"' "f year for It In the I'nlted States H'oryrtKlit. John ld Midland Easily Defeats Cotner Lincoln, Oct. 7 HJ' -Mlil-la nrl college eleven easily trlumphi-d over Cotner, IS to , Krldny. In the 0eiilng game of the season for both teams. Cottier's only touchdown was inurlo In th first quarter Immediately after tho nethany aggregation gut m.-hp,-nlon of the ball for the first ttine. An end run, followed by a forward pas, put thu ball over the goal line. From then on th game whs Mid land's, the Lutherans arming ono touchdown ath quartet. Adiios, fullback, curried the bull across tho lino In tho first and fourth quarti-ie; Coodsell. halfback, ecored on an In tercepted forward para In th.- ci--ond, und Captain Horn in id" the touchdown In the third The thud tally was tb only ene after which Midland succeeded In kicking goal. Captain Horn, qunrti-rback. Ad un.i and ('ooiUell starred In thi Midland backfield. fVe Will BuyU S . vnni- a 3 your I ii L.iDeriy nonas - ii Local otocks 1 II II I !l ft aT t Marketable Securities 1 Quotations Fuhiishcd I I ;i i A. G. Spalding & Bros. Nationally Known Athletic Goods House opens an OMAHA STORE Omaha and Nebraska aport men are expressing much satisfaction over the opening of the new Omaha store of A. G. Spalding 8? Brog. This athletics good ahop, part of a nations! institution which for years hat been famous for fine athletic goods, brings to sport lovers com plete line of equipment for every sport. At this time, we wish to lay special emphasis on our stock of Kro-Flile Golf Balls, Football and Basket Ball Equipment, end the fact that in our Footwear Section we have shoes for every kind of sport. "Equipment for Every Sport" 1618 Harney St. PHONE AT-LANTIC 7011 -itk- r I . 1 lk..ll M 1" . l. f I. I I , .'i" ! K """" sipllv Na: K.ioh I ik..ll t.H ! I.. . 1... .1.,.., M I." Cll-uHif" I i tuniiiie ! a,, ii. ii,, , i. iv'i -r I . '' - i,. ii.. i ul-iri. k t t - l .t f u. 1. 1- lum.! j i..ii. t!H.n Klo-k. 'I i r t.f r ." i II. Ii, I ! 1 I'l I '4 ( ii.ii.i. I . .. ' . y i " I. , . , f . . , I J i. IT I si II. It.. .1 , f -.4 - ' ' i- I i. v v .i .1. .,, I .ii i l r f t. .i,t I M p.". I I ! ' ' ' s..-, I ' - . i - - t ... . ... 1, .) a t I -ti'iti 4 4 . ... Ill -- I : 4 I....I fm i....Mt.i h.,l ! I ,.H . I , , . I . . n ..t n ' .. I I'. H fc ' t V, i I I -1 a ifc. im itil.. ta 1. 1. I.. 4 fc..4S I "... k .4 ii, af . , . -ii . ,. . i. Iii l II -!. ... kit. r., i . n a, i . 1 n ,H I Ii I l 1 1) . . it V . t. , , I . ..H I 4 k. a h ' ...... 4 . t el.,. a l to I IS .ii . i.O- 4 l b.. l I . I --UI.. I , . e la ik.,1 l . gs. .,, i .i fc.ia, i, i i ' i V I- I. - II I It i! II a - Ii I..I tt . I i , it- n IM I . ,. a. 'It S! I. k-i.. S- . I I i !. - 'I . a- I. ki Im4ihi I'-! I 1 1 I I . 1- I .. I.O i I..-H I I- s, . ( ... BACK TO NORMAL Men I 3 ilie sells 1 1 tt) l4eaj J ! J. ,. . . DRESHER BROS, aitr at oiii I -4 i. I!f 1 14 Mf II - l , I M ' t I Ii4i aii -. - .- i , I k" . i "i -- a ' .4 .- fie 1U kf ' i -'4 4 a ta fcl 4" n i t . . I ' a k s,.. . , i . a . , . . k. i hi ruiiii'ki nniis mi r JUDGE SEARS SrOR CONGIU.5S R,-ubticai CenilulstA . Llerlioit NavemU'r y i Harry Mason Tlh Tafilw 4 Goes on Trial in Omaha Saturday, October 14th Watch The Bee for details of this extraordinary event SPECIAL-Giants 3, Yankees 0 MR. BASEBALL PLAYER and MR. ADD MRS. FAN You of course note what Ittrhy Jack. Scott did to the Yankees In Friday's game shut th.m nut 3 to 0, allow inif them but four hits, Tretty good for player that wa all in a few months inn. You will recall that Scot! was releasee a few months bark by the Cincinnati KedV-he tisvii: lost his effectiveness and they believing- him to be all in. Oil! WHAT A COMEBACK AND NOTE WHAT DID IT Chiropractor and .Relentless Self-Endeavor "Made" Scott Ooaks Im tlke T. ts.'i Uaukai tia IwMae Wart. V.rk, l I - Il kit ka .k.r ik, a a !. af e sm ' S'aaa k.r.a. .raa, ! I a"l Ik f4wl aarla ikal ' ku akaalatpc a!4 . ka "kpaaajkl e4 ' aa.ta a4 aik. aiak taaii'i auia-il anil apokwl aa.aita a.vaxm !!!. til4 rnmrn. eaaa.aa.aea4 a , a 4 afc..4re l- a- a vaaka, kk ka 4 sm ikPae aa k- ka I ok Ik a-4 at il.i-tnilM lJ ka aaa 4 aaikaa Hilnkaw, a -H r.i,4 k a a. ... a- liankMii, Jaae t -"Tk (kaaa Aa,i. aaa a4 I Ha Hw Va.k tiaia era ..k.t la la. a a ikiwa ika l akl ar a.. I akwil4a filkaf J i.ia.. i ikaia kiaaw at.aaatk. ki.-a- T ik .il av - k av4 .4 a ki a !. Tka Wail af e lliaa I aJ4 k.aa tkaw i-..ia, a.iie t a amMi a-..-a-l f.. Ikal aiua. ik a4.. ..-' rw4 aa ika I iaiai S4a, ka ea--'i .l,aiw.aia fpaea k.iMf....i.. a4 Ik k-e ewkt ki4iH la k.a a-. ' tka i4 at a.i t-a. a.a S. f a pivlia - aV Ik 'w.a a SttMla- Salft ka. a4 ik Ik a. a k4 kaa (..a. Ill . tf a. --4 are ut f lt ill, pves.hiy u4f lia r 4 irvt. . inj f fvf .... if k l i'. ) U i-il 4f.! a.h i N d.ta.le t t- !' J t II 1 IU K A t T 1 1 H tut tie. t. I t ih an t tat m tanvn )i,r aa-.s. Il St IS I sent. Wk a 'tp, !.., ,4 fH, k,i waae la mM t i i t' in, ' ka l Ifcet t ff(t.k nt'uni fitn-H t HI liUt lis wi.tmni. DR. J. L. BEECROFT, Chiropractor ki w an tlkk a4 tkae aaa tmlm JakkMS S44 I n4 I iaa.4 iKj I In 4 aaaaas - 4t..a nm. eaaaa rm k aae kMiaaa t aka.a f . 4 i L,i- a. ki ..- . . sa.xi-twXiiArru.-ifr, l ,V-