The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 08, 1922, Page 10, Image 10
10 A Creigliton Will Hold Hoinccoinuigi onlSovenihor I!) Preparations Made l Enter ta i n ,300 Oul-n f T own Alumni Day of (lame With Michigan Appi. Hut unlay, November l, the day nf the Mu hifAfl Aggie Cre ighton f't tall Rime, tin Uen t ft II microni In liny lit Creigliton university, A barbecue I n"ic"1 mi thn rrimiitia nt ruin and In the evening atudent l"tdynltiiiiid dance will Is irl in lh gyiumidiiiii, "Our firfturnm for the d.iy ia nearly rotnpleie," said I'lealdetit John Y. Me Cormlik, "and w are going to make thli the temrttfat Homecoming day In the memory of the Institution. 'Treparntloii are lielng made fur lit lenat 1.00 ut of town viaitor. Al most J.COO men have gr.idtmted from Creighton "lm 1;9 nii im-st of hm now It ve within a rndlu of If,n mile from Omaha. "Tint alumni of the various college and department of the university liave) organized to tnrtsor th cele bration and each "v. endeavoring t have hi claa "i. wnt'iJ I'm) per tent, (m the university will present silver l.'vlni cup to the ehis having the largest percentage In attendance." That fo'lowlng unarm alutntil hnv been ni'p ''il il to nrt n secretaries tor each, nt the ciease which have graduated: ' ' Art. !, It V, p'liUley; ', Jimn P I jlat.ln If ; '14, O Prank Parker; 'S, J-ulhr Kunt; 'M Invli Sha'iahnn; '7, II. J Mr'arttir '!, K'lwln J. I.ymnn; W. J. Monehan; '91 Dr. Havre Oaean t'er; '01. Ml' hurl f. O'Ci.nnnr; W, II ljre-n; 'M, T V, Kenneily; "4. John . Wirphv; '(7, Pr. II, fluhniin; ', John Cenllmien: 'ill I it II. Uullef, PNI tn R l.earv; '"1, ilur Kuray; 'OI, .Inhn Hennewlti; 'ii, lir, frnUrti-U J. t.nngit'in: nj, Juilun Jmr M. Kllirriilil j ', rmnk M'fiiffri '01, Will H'hiilli '5, KAwrA fr'-lnhlnfi; I l-n-ly ; '07, Unrolil I'owncv; 'orf, ilMnrim lVlcrt; '"). Until Ullliiplf. 'H. P. Miiiwk; 'II, Ilrrlorl rcnnrll; 'II, l.uulii KiiviirimiRh , 'IJ. i'hi"r A Wclln; '14. E1wrl J. V. Mrltrrtnnil : 'l( lir, Murt' K. Iliir'l; 'l K'lwmil Mr'nff"fy; '17, Jn'ih II, nl,.,k: 'ID. Janira P. nuii.ll, '14, K.I wiir.l Kirirfv; '20, lliiroM l,lnhin: '21, II V. Hiirkli-y, lr.; J2, Hohort iurUIy. Wnli-il '95, r. A, .1 fir. A i I'lnln; 'V lr liinlnlnh tl; 'i, I'f llrran M. nilfyi 'HI, It. C. r i'; 'OS, lr J. Wirli; '1, Pr. r,. Iliinhmmi; 4. I"r. , n, MocUiilrnld- '01, Dr. Kilwiu'l rhl"iiik: "On, Tr. 3. V. Ijni(.lftri: '07, lr, Wiliiiim It. 1'rrniTi 'n. Dr. Willlum I.. Ptirhn; '0. Dr. Hllnry Mmllh: '10, Dr. .1 M hrmnk; 'II. Dr. Junirii H I.on"y; U. Dr. II T. Alllnflnw: 'II, Dr. Mm ri'.fliiw: 'I I, Tr. .1, r. Hliifrtl"y '15, Dr ,r, V. Kfllyi 'Id. Dr II. .1. Jrrklm; '17, Dr J. .1. Frymmin: ". Tr. .1. D T'hrr; 'l, Dr. Iioll: '20. Dr. R K, Mc Mh"n: 'SI. Dr. .Inmrn W. Koutnky; '11, Jir. Ilnwnnl HrNmlia. !Tharnia'y '01, lr(r OrtttPv: '02, D. W. ri-H: '01, r. It, Krihi '04, fhrl" Hnroaur; 'or., R A, HrnrM'in; 'Ofl. Kriwunl Dorrkul: '07. Alfrril Rihlll'T: '0. t" !,! '0, I,, c, Arniir.mi 'II, Kilwnril ti.fmnky: '11. (I, Tumor Hnlnrj 'IJ, n, H. '14, O, F. Tuff": 'l. Frnk Hwil.oilm: '1. T 3. Miinnhmi: 'IT. R. A. Oiinrli 'U, VT. ft. Murroyi "IS. Orvlll ,1. t:hnr! 'in. .T. W. Orlmani '11, W. J. Trn Innj 'it fiphti Jl l'riit. T.nw '04, .totoph J". irn; '07, M. .TtMhh ronnpl(v '0, Willlum r. Krniicr; 'Oil, Amng 7?. Itfntoy: '10, Hnrrv Hhorkfl fnrill 'II, IT. f. nnlirtnn; 't, Wnlter It. Ilnyr; '11, T, W, Hnrun; '14 firn. W. Prmt; 'IS. John fnldwoll; '10, FrBtii-U K. hi bun:: '17, Tli"mn K. Dunlmri 'l, Omr .1 c'lcary: '19. (Irnld K. Lnvlnlrlt; 'JO. Trnnk Mf-Drrmull , '51, Wllllnni H. Ml'rlif )! 'ii!. rhrlr TV Mnrcnrty, Dftitol '07, ,T. K. Wllarj 'Oh, fl. M. nnrhlcri '0, W" K. Hloft: '10. f'hrl"i .7. Kmrmon; 'II, Alhrrt D. Imvlc; '1, W. A. Wnlxxmi '1', W. H. Hoiniilrm; '14. flryllle Itiinynn; '16. Arrh R. I,urn, 'Hi, Krrtl W. Hrhni"'f''r: 'It, Itnliort H'nry fli''mil; 'm. fori Kilnon niirn: '1, T,filnij H. ill'r: '20. Mlihiel Il.'ilyi '21, Fornelt UohaccU; '22. Aii'lrow J.uhtnn Amlok, Marriage Licenses IVrmltii to W'l hova linn Imaed to tho fnll'iwlnii: Cllffiiid C. Pnrtr, 22, Omaha, and Mary C Keynr, 23, Luxenlierc. f Chnrlia K Klii, over 21, Oinnha, and t'ora M. Mrl.'urly, over SI, (Jinn ha, liuhnalav Svrliln, ID. Omaha, and Ellea belh Hnmer, 24, Omaha. Paul Mlll'-r. 2. flmnha, and Jopphln Kharf, 22, Wahoo, Neb. Tnny Pa Frann, 22, Cnundl Jlluffa, la., ami Rnaarla Kuma, H, Uiimha, Kilwlri P. rintr,, 81, Oitinha, and Kathryn M. Dohrmotin, 21, Omnlja, .Tnarph, R Crerdnn, 2d, Omaha, and Hi'len It. McKlroy. 23, Omaha. John rxractit, 25, Omaha, aad Frnnrm fjleiiliak, IS, Omnha. ADVr.ltTISKMrAT. Kidney and Bladder TroublesConquered or Money Back For 40 yan, ald Dr. Carey, I hav ben prencriblnif my preicrlptton No. 777 (known for yrar Mnrshroot) for kid ney and bladder aickneiia and now that 1 hnva retired fron active practice I have mailo arranaements with leading drua Ktals to dipene thi wonderful preierip tlon at a moderate prlrt, on the money bark If (timatlffiod plan, Uewar of kidney tllseat thousand die of It avery year who outht to bt en joyino; the bleinlnn of life and health. Watch the aymptomi. Jf yu hav speeka floatitm before the eyea, puffy eyea, clam my feet or moUt paiots, baakache or aide ache, you ought to et a bottle of Pr. t'arty'a lamoua preacription No. yi rik'ht away. It haa wonderfully Benefited tena of thouaanda of eaaea of kidney and bladder trouble and It the rnVdleint you ean aU waya depend upon. Keault are tuaran lel. NOTK Tr. Paniel 0. Carey wt a prae t i nar ihyaleian for many yeera and hit treat f renerlptlnn No. 7 77 aided thou anda of auferera from kidney and Mad der (rouble Hereafter you ean alwera get thie effective preaertptiott In both liquid and tahlet furm. For aala by the ftherman 4t Mrt'oiu,.U ilrair and aU rel'abl phatmaelata te evun'ry over. Men's Suits Cleaned and Pressed .... $1.50 DRESHER BROS. Xf laraaaa . AT J1 fl The Notwtfitn "FUhtf. wan MikM of quality snd tiCH!nrt4 that Is Oft tvety ottts oi Scott s Emulsion tut yoa Kah uii-jm cm! ia it i urttl farm, pitaiant k U)i n4 Ififiitormtil latest Creation From New York , : ; I Xi t J i In l, f 1 J .) MiiiL wai." ' Vv Ua. I itDXiiiaa inmani a a anaiMinamau m mm I " o "' rila Ima hi-en ImiiiiIIciI IiiIii (lie (UmiiiiI at hud. Anii'ilnin fii.Hliloni nun nni follnwiiiK flat diclntca and wliima of nur own little old New York, an wiliicna I Ion picliirn uhove,' a riinilil for Ilia Orliln Itroa, tore, iIIkiIii.vIiik the Illicit I'reutluii direct from I'ifdi avenue. Now let the inodlili", net llieir lirads forjedier In tiny 1'aree and ae if tltey ran riinil, let alone aurpasx, llila frock In lieauly, alyle ami at-tracllvenesi4, Lecturer Speaks on Revelation of Spiritual Cure (fountlnued From I'uire Nine. ) are provinur thidr uiiefulncsa und compotoney hy aupplylm- humniiltar Inn cnmpaaalun In a moat vffoctuul fe'hrlattan manner. "They are henlinsr alekneaa, Borrow und dire dlatrpaa In the moat effectual way, in fact they are doim; It In the only way that holds out a ray of hope or promiae for the final deliverance from theao evila. They freely adnit that many of thyne who are eng.'iKcd in other modes of heutlni are per formlnir noldo Hcrvlco rind are to he' commended for thla aervlee and for thejr deeda of docp devotion in tryini? to relievo human Kufferlnif. They further admit that the field of aerviee la a large one and that there ahould he no conflict hetween those who in trifn sincerity jtik.ibo In the practice of the 'heallnif art", 'hlkewlae, there Hhould lio duo consideration and real Chrlatian charity for all thoHe who entertain opposim views and Chris tian HelpntlHls clieerfnlly aerord to every individual the full liherty of conHi'ienco in dterminin the par ticular mode or ayatem whirh, from his viewpoint, will beat promote his happiness. Christian SelentistM, of course, do not agree with those who adept the theory that there is Rome thing wroiur with matter and there tore .'iomethin( material must be ad minhitered to restore harmoniouH action. They lielieve that the intelli gent and riirht way ta to ascertain the offending mental cause and to remove It. They know that the procuring cause Ih mental and they aoek to cor rect that wrnnK mental eondlllon by auhalltutlng therefor tho Jiurht mental status. Now this Is a safe, .orderly procedure and produces Hratifyiim rc aulta. They do not lay one ntraw in the way of those who hold dlfferlnif iiplnlons and they freely accord to them the full right to druu, cut, pull, bent and pound the poor human body and do the hundred and one other thinua which, according tn their ma terial theories nro necessary in order to arouse this body to Intellgent, normal activity, providing nhvnva the one poscsslng that bodv consents to and desires such treatment. Would it noem strango thnt Christian tScien tint should expect other to exercise i AKVrnTlaKMKMT. Five Children Have Appendicitis Entire Family is Stricken With Appendictia Jam Mullen, a Mmneiot (aimer, a- i eordtr. aepwitt puHi-hml m a bwl ; aa,arr. h Bed five io nt bn j lamiie iietel tipea tr a 0' J wiikia tba tear, Iti if' falser i t)it4 f p'ditil.e i A Tra"t P.aeaae ' tfrii Mlg!)r 1st mk i. i'V. fca H i flTti4 f a..te-4 I ' - 4V k 4 ft tat!. .ti.ttTi'i4 or llitsf i , ttaitfc. iiit wrti 4t-S Iti 4f hi tt4ta ttl I lis km4 m irM.I tst J-a-Wt, lt U t 4 ti i m msiitw t " tavf) ft I - - ' ik is I a-J .( . S fpr. f '4't4 .... , it f - Hi fc OHt -4 :Hl. 1 MfV ff lb a.t- f4 tv )bv -4 . f-tll 11 ' 4 f t4 .--i-i 1 -' 'HIH ? ft I ( t i . U "": ft . " T-S N IN 4 Sal 4tt4 M Hit l te ' I r. ai.4 lM - ' ' i .ft i -. n -V4. lit Um f stf fc -at fr r-j, a t '-- - m -! , ), t-Hr ta ' t 4 4 lU') Displayed Here ml! aamo courtesy toward. them, or that they should expert lo be allowed tho same freedom of choice? 'Home years ago my attention was directed to tho subject of abnormal growths and to tho supposed fact thnt thesi) growths had their inception In a state of rebellion in th cell tissue of thn body. No cause could be as signed for such condition, and thn remedy advanced was the removal of the rebellious growth. When we ex amine this theory in tho light of Christian Hcleneo we will ngreu that such conditions are indicative of states of rebellion. Wo cannot, however, agrci that no cause can be assigned in explanation of thn Inception of thla rebellion. In fact, we know that tho individual cell, us matter has no Intelligence. Intelligence as we have heretofore seen Is a mental con dition. Now the wrong mental status indicates rebellion and the abnormal growth in tho body is but tho evidence to the human senses of that slate of rebellion i xliUIng in the carnal mind. I am sure we will agree that, such con ditions need treatment ami the most efficacious treatment available. We can hardly agree, however, that the. removal of a mass iff Inanimate mat ter will destroy thnt which Is funda mentally wrong in tho mentaj status of an individual. As we have heretofore seen that "Tho carnal mind is enmity against God; for it Is not ttub.lcct to tho law of God neither indeed can be", so common knowledge teaches us that enmity against supremo, authority fosters rebellion anil that resistance to constituted authority is rebellion. It is a. Justifiable conclusion, therefore, thnt the only rebellion, whether, in the tissues of the body, or in the individual units of the hotly politic has its origin and inception in the wrong mental action o individuals and is insubordination, insurrccUon or rebellion agUnat the government of divine Jllnd, Gad. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE TREATMENT I'UAYEIl "In his epistle to the Romans Paul writes: "Ho not conformed to thla world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good and accept able and perfect will of find." In Science and Health Mrs. Kddy says: "Hold thought steadfastly to the en during, the good and the true, and you will bring these Into your ex perience proportionality to their oc cupancy of your thoughts." A Chris tian Science treatment is a eoimclen- tloua effort bnid upon a sincere do- sire to bring Into human experience AliVKHllM;MKNr. It It the txoal .ii..l'e ttin lie e'er ult-tr-t l the .. ia, a''toni en IHH ll . ueeee aid le bl "4"l t"ul irealtvr whi.a p.iftt tli 4'i far ...nki an. afcub i tan da. bU It Irr-i'i tl 't t. thy lift p,et)i4'iy rivwf t tft ; (i m I r wmi' t p ; KrMi str A'!1!- tjt'4 f"IM tfc ( htjf nl iH rU ikvrM .l tMf fr 1 l Hrfc ' 'ff A (r tU-t)f - m til 'j tn-n tvi tw..r tt fcfiBrfu M Ku"t ' f 41 94 I i i'.'lr i. 4- B'..aJia., tl( 1f ' . 1-4 4 "' 9 f hf A 4ft.ll.t .. ' j f T ! Sk. ( I '' ' : j .e. i 4 .... , 1 t-fcii, r9htif Mt4r J f f tiwm 1IM1 F Sit ti. '"I w-ati,iH'ii mi . f4t ?t I t . : , jv ft t 4 ' ii" ttfr.- f. 1 4 a f ! I vf I 4- m tt t ft ft... ' i ! i j l- 4 . j ' I u A H 'l ft- -iJ, ;! , t- t 4 ' t,, H " t ' "H ' SUNDAY i "the a?t .Joniitf, th tnil an.l tl. irua" a I f.y llta rencll:g of lha fiiind II r,m ! rH4 la that " 'erft j .ll cf llil," Ju Vtlir W'Tita, tha!i n f fht) alnnef nJ tt.a j h.iliin( of ih ,ik (a iigt 'riif tiutt j duimt l'r., tltl, i jirttii mill i fUMiI'il l" iiri I ta, a we have hue , lofori een. Immainii or l'J w.t'i i, Th. i h4t n.l IrMnal.U Ho n wdition ia tiiilil.ah.d throuli meillHltl of l.rjyrr. Thai la -l)i.'k uf under.unJinif nm-n titl fn 1. 1 gi.nt - Lii k if unileraundina; iii'n ( hrtatiuu re. pi nt to tt hut roran tutea Uii iirayi-r, Tfna JjuU "f Ml aiilut tiioitnij la ttiet vriurint nitiar of milt It error and nri 'iunt for !h riroiieou lIUf tlMt t'hflatlnti f--1 1 1 1 1 ' I I 4 ill! to 4lirl .rll. f hn no foiiiuifittoii hi fm t. They jirj t.itiinia!ly mid tinlprttMil!titflv, ar t ttio fruita i f ihelr prayt ia arx rii Ii Mi ina In hiiomiiliy, It imiHt ? rfiiiinlie Jiinafve-r, Him III Ihrir .fn"rra they do nof niiiilli at) flml In i'linfoitii Ilia will lit thelra ir to ihiiiiBi Ilia lufinitn denicn. Nenher ilti Ihrv rtmrta Ihitl with human dm llnttit iulia nn. I na n inotter of coura Hoy ilia imt tiiioii Hun to ii-iiii-ily or loriort that whh llo hna md rriatul, Tloy do or.ty tn Mini from thai niitiulihiiiit nf almPin dfalrn mid "ulwoltito fnl ill Hint all thliia mo ! fuaaihlii to Him," ainl aurh lfn r J J iiiiawcri'd l.y dilvini; mj t nf hmiinn ronarl'itiaiiraa tlio ilirnir, riroiinma Imaiica of thoueht mid littim; in tho lltflit nf tlod'a limn treaied in III 10 .ii sn ami M'en.'M". In oilnf Wolda, Ihil ('liilatlun Mi'Ulii-" in.litl tlooci-, thi-'uiuh thfl iiifdluiii of iirnvrr, M i-al.'ifiliehlnif H positive tomiciilon with Hoi illvln Mind "In Una prio tir of mo.ii. !Mt mid I u(;'iy Ilio aii.'i'taeful plivali Ian tlral nu.ura mi Iiuidllit.'nt (lliimioaia of hla piiln nl a iiao. In f.irt, inodin iinill- i t-iiie? la liiymff mora atroaa upon auo- (aHful iliiiKiioaiM Ihon II la upon thn or a. temi'dy, Thla fiirt ll. tillrlilf limit: It in.lli nlra lht Ihn nilitti r phyali lan ri OKii)J!a tha riiiian of thn nlliwiit na of more liiiNrtuti" tnnn ina metho.l if treiitmnt. Wo tertniiily will agree with our friends In thla particular and we frankly ad. mit that they ure proceeding in tho I right dim lion. If they follow our leading they will he compelled to adopt our voiu'lunloii aa to the Initial muse of disease being mental, and of coursn wn will I glad lo recommend to them thn (inn who as the I'salmlst do clarea "healeth nil thy diseases." As thn sucei'saful physician make hi (ihvNlinl dlngnonlH o the. jChrlftllan Men ucc practitioner la evpr on the alert and actively engaged Irt .discov ering thn mental status of hla patient. Home of the most alarming physical conditions quickly yield to Christian , H'-lenca treatment when fear self , nty, elf love, self condemnation, I malice, hatred, revenge and other secret, hypnotic and mesmeric Inflti eiuea nro uncovered and destroyed. La-I mo give you an illustration: "On the fertile prairie of Illinois live a highly rcspecfod and prosper ous farmer, Ills wife and daughter constitute his family. Through j-aar of honest thrift this man has areu mulatad a fortune. ) lis farm lands are extensive and hi ( heck passes with out limitation at the hank. Thla farmer was reared and his life has been spent in a Christian home. He is a steadfast, consienl tons believer according to his understanding, In the ( (Henry of the JtlMe truths. He hna made a manly effort to live his relig ious convictions and to be worthy of (ho nattio of a Christian. The wife, likewise, Is possessed of all of tho grace and charm Incident to a true, noble, woman. I,lke her husband, she haa been surrounded by religious In fluence all her life and long before beconiinj a wife and mother, united with the little hand of workers in the llttlo village church. Tho Hilda has been her coippanlon and with the , establishment of a homo she and her husband have ever remembered tho "family alter" and have kept it sacred. The other member of this household Is an only daughter, a charming, love ly young girl just coming Into woman hood. Thus fur the surroundings furnish evidence for (he conclusion that this was an ideal home. One thing, however, was larking. This daughter was an invalid decreed by certain so-called law of hereidly to be incurable Karly in her young life the best approved material remedies were applied without success, The fcmlly physician frankly admitted his Inability to euro her. The specialist applied his technical knowledge and Tllr. Save Coal Don't Start Furnace Until ft l-; Good looking, very f fficirnU I wo liics, $1000 and JIS.IH) SOLD ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS WITH GAS HILL r.KK: OMAHA, OCTOBER li'-J: Shoot Em in Eye! Which Eye? Ask Her J- , jr ? 4 ? ' ..;J " S rt&r'-1 ' p ,Y 1 -! - p.,t& s 'U Sll , T fJf'lfe rr, - 'fSavr - : . etV-.-vii v., ::.J$S 3h: i . i. , uo ... at ion i.t won imtiunul Hoinnna ntln i liiiiiiionhli In A tin nt lr t'lty, aliotita triulirela in th i)o- uii l rnlla ia In iidvnnip. , aklll without iiTe. 'fliw mlioola and tiiattliitloit Inoilii 'il r'i'tirrh irt'i'e fur iilllit tloti, TIim il'flhlon V,a thf niiii- Iiii'UIiiIjIiI. And thrm- ii i eeiv fiillnii'N lhr it uiuliu d one) li'.ii' Iti'lluioii had f'-n m Vllul fiuic in Una fimilly llud tlio Hiila proinla- hud tii'Vor hnn'tofuro full'd tln ni. U'hv nhoii!d not thla ilnuMhier I h nl-d hy th amn powi r of tlod ' 'hnt Kilned tin- .liiifhlir of JainiH Jfiom Hie ll? Thew piitottta at omo . S'ilnd to tlu'lrf.illhful pni'tor und It huiild ! frankly ii'lmuu-d tlmt no , re hut till illo rnn paid to tlio i nrin'imi iiiuiiMiry tnnn tno miii-iiu-iu Hint Ihet I'ffnrta of Ihia i.tmDir wr-rc lini'h'UllV ntul ' otiH. intiuaiv alvi-n ItiKiiMn laTb h in ailvann lui nt and )th listit f hi nndifaiuiidlii. In tin ! fimrn . Tl.cto mo tnailt'liiir monu i ro"u m n"ii tins iiiiiirniT, aiut wi'i'ka or intloiit fniioavor fu r ooiuii Hon iviiiulnc'l um hnni'j'd nn'l tho film- lly ioifowfullyiirci'.ti.(1thi'ron' ludoii that lu-r rrmc wn lui'iiruldo mid M.uant to ! icrniu'iifii to inn iwipt mat "Hod wnrKa in a myot'Tioua way. "At thla lime Clnlallan Science came to their attention. Afler many atrug glea with the usual aigiimi nis against ll the parents r'-nounced all objection and "Hcli lire and Health wph Key to the Hcrlptiir n," by Mrs, Kddy and a christian Wclence pr.ict it loner were secured. Krorii Hie stnrt her improvp meiit was rapid and pronounced, At the moment, however, when Hie fond est hope of paienta and daughter seemed uhotit to be reabr.ed, her lm I rovement apparently (eased; her case beenme etiitlonnry and, while Im proved, she wn not healed. Having been convinced that her wna right the daughter therein falllifiilly and courageously and over and over again, searched her consciousness to discover the subtle, hlndcrlnr cause. Convinced that thia cause was outside of her mental ac tivity preventing her complete recov ery she began to look about her and discovered that her mother wn filled with remorse and self condemnation for the years of suffering and pain endured by this daughter, r-'lie like wise had a strong sense of motherly pity for the daughter and, as a result, the mother and daughter were both securely hotinj hy the erroneous be. lief of sympathetic mesmerism. I'pon discovering this erroneous condition the daughter oniekly and effectively rebuked this subtle belief and In due course of time thereafter both the mother and the daughter were perma nently and completely healed through Christian Science. "I bring this Illustration to your at tention in order that you may see and understand tho baneful effects of Ig norant, sympathetic mesmerism, oper ating unchecked nd unconsciously under the guise of pity, remorse, or self condemnation. I want you to un deratand that regardless of motives, the well meaning or the sincerity back of and prompting such beliefs that they are erroneous; and dangerous, and constitute a serious menace to successful healing until they aro rec ognized end destroyed. You mav In quire of me "Are you surethut Chris tian Hclence heals?" I hold no mere abstract opinion on that subject, and I answer It positively and directly. I know that it heuls and I bear public testimony to the fact that years ago Fickle that blow hot ,aafoa Use -Cjes noon and chill you at night. Your furnace cannot help you ; it is too early for that. And log fires, if you have fireplaces, are a mixed blessing at best. , And yet you can keep your house at an even temperature through the uncertain days of Fall. You can have always at your command a clean, instan?aneou source of uteaily heat if you tne a Wrtshsdi Cias Heater. The larauty of it will appeal to you instantly, the automatic lighting feature will save you un told trouble, and iti durability- and economical operation wilt cut down your fuel bilk Conn to our salesroom today and let m show yo fithrr nd exclusive features cf the Gas Heater 1 A?-m . , -T . -' ! : . -w m.M i? " U It 'I'jil a Jala V jSsW.: hii.aii jiVieiue tieainii'l.t I if the KHinr) riiiia ttia oi t.r wiih Ii had l.iKwn my inothor, a ieler, iind lii liollima. llo aiti-e m.ily vaifid my f.cher, afor nil it'..- rtn-'tlia hud f'tilod ttnh th'in 'and ihb. Th" I'hriallnii (iihioa ir J Imlit'itla I'oniam lewliinonlxa of hull init "i d if )oi mil ullciid a 4'i. a ;ily tvfiiioK moitliiK in any Chrtaimn I H iain'o i htirt'h nr aocily throtiehoni . tint woild Jim Mill hear tiiiiuy ! i i 11'Wio-a 'uilly nullum n- atnd i' rluim 'even luoi t'iiiiviii'lii tlinn tiilna, Till: iriliJN.H (ir Till': TJMKH I In It'.l Tyriia W. Fi!'l U ttte-rchatlit it Nil )IK fit V I'CiI'ItUm! Ih him i f t.lii.t tfitr 1:iim)i to Amt-1 Ii it, I'V Ii ' una of auliihariuo ttililn thioilKtl i Villi' l liii-niikra I'ftwrrn the) ui n t I i' 1'ioild m hutiKrd !'l""l iiiinuiiiH riiioiil nf Jita iroHaflij pro I I. mil nod onti 111 fur ronmilt infill In inn imvlum. After linen uueuri 1 ful nitiiiiti. cm July t", 1 ni;. ho eii tuenfiilly md the two i ontlneutri hy ! wtuih tfidtirra to ihtN day. j nhlg f ev,,,y ,,,, f ,ho worl(, nnd ut ti!a tlmo lh'T nr" hundrrda and thourau lH of mil. a of aulunni lu fi'lili' ri'iiu. '1111(1 fvi'ry hulilint.ii pait tfl". ThlH m hlovi'iiii nt I Iti illy it iioliltt mid lnniriim iiioiiuini'lit to ihn vilon of I'yrua Kl'-ld. "Junl rei-onliy tluuilKll reainrril and Sa ntlon, Uiit liuiniui Volon of the I'l i.i"iil if (ho I ' 1 1 1 1 - t Mnlrx ham liioioh tiaiiol a illetniim of tliitlyfour liuiulird inlloa without wli or cnlili With Jiial u Hon.llliK und a loiflvltiU liieli uio' nt In pcffKi t iidJUMlnn-nt. Ilia vol.i" wBa Mmultuni'iiunly lienrd and lu kh7.' Pi Mmiiaon H'ima (Inrden In .Viw V"ik flty and on the- rai'lfu 'ou t. 'I'hn period of tlmo I'liilirarcil n. twi'i-n Hi" tinnaii.iaaion hy a "run lift'' of I hi' firat inoaMiiiiei on H pU'en f ciii'lo luiik to tlm InaDiiiliiiii'oua lio:i'li iinilnj; of I hi- human voir over nuiuiicii or miua witiuuit wire or i mem i, uio ni iiii'Vi'tiu'iita or mini min.i ' m lnw Kovfrnlntr tht? Inici-t Invi ntlon waa Juei na nvnllnlilo at the tum- (hut Iho nii hark wita uaiul and j durlnx nil of thn IntiTViiliur yoara na it waa In April, l!i;'2. TIip hunia mum. iiowov.'r, rcnjuiied year idiie.vinn iimi unfoldment before It " Hid r'llii'iulidl the Use of the blirk. thn wlro and the cable. Thought, however, was developing and unfold big and In due time this law, await Inn a d.seitvrrer, was brought to light "Likewise In tho, year ISC Mr. Kddy discovered Christian Hclcnee. the Christ eure. Her undertakings were more revolutionary and morn In advance of the times than those of 1'M. I.Ike him, however, when ap parently fuiviikcn hy friend ami nc M on lot anocH she pressed on, proving each new s'en uoiil finnllv .h.. . lt:.M(Kti I Hda l.rn: pro'-edure i to the world n reslntement of prltnl l oiitlnued , tivo Christ lanlly, binding it touethcr I l.y her statement, of spiritual law moro effectividy thou does the submarine j eiiblo. As the law of tho radio broad. onHmg was real and available like wise the laws of spiritual healing have always been real, awaiting a discov erer to make them available fur pres ent use. Hundreds of yeats of idola try and false belief had obscured these laws until revealed mid un folded in the receptive thought of Mary linker Kddy und restated by her in Christian Hclence. "In the achievements of Mary linker I'Vldy may we not see more than simply the .founding and establishing of a great oi ganization? May we not see the shadow of that time when tho "earth shall be filled with tho knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea?" "May v.e not see in the successes achieved by the Instantaneous broad casting of the human voice our close approach to tho time when tho opera tion of spiritual law thall appear to human consciousness as natural and a noimnl as the manifestations of ma- i' rim law now seem me time spoKen (jf by the I'salml.-t when he said "Hn sj-ake and It. was done." "In conclusion, I want to recommend nn earnest, Conscientious endeavor on the part of every one of my hearers to apply the Christ healing as taught and practiced In Christian .Science, to ( tne discord, misery, sin and unholy conditions in human experience. I know that, this endeavor will bless you and in proportion as you understand Irgfy destroy one element of evil in, your own consciousness you nro help ing to destroy it for the whole world. December Autumn Winds and blow oiLI, that roat you at I knoav of no letter t.miludin 'thought to lean with mi limn that i. Mt.ttl.ed w, thill til following d in.'iiUu.ii flout Hie I'lillall.iil r ini.-n til...k ' ' hen the illual. il of alrkneaa and tain tempi ynu, i dintr ateadfaatly lo ,11.1-1 and His idea Allow not lung but ill. likeniB to tthld) in vonr Ihmighl. ill neither f.ur nor doubt everahmiow your ilcar aenae an. I calm t runt, that . Uie rf(niiiloii (.f life harmoniotia 'a Life rieiiinlly 1. -tan destroy anv J painful seiia of, or belief in, thnt I whli h Ufif ia rot. I.e Chile'ist ; Mi lem luatend of wu iil aenae. sup- port your iiriieiuii.liog of being. and ' thla undrratnttdlliif Will "upplnnt error with truth, ffplaca ntottallly With lm- luirtnlitv. sod ail.'iue dlacoid with hniini'iiy,' " Oinalians Hotel in Forest Fire Area Mil Halted Only Two lilmlu From (iHrKnliiiii tt lry of A. N. Abliaiijili. The ricvnstaliliR Cmiadlan forest (be of a ei k ago was halted n (!! t.tnet. of only two city t.liwk a fmui thn Trmiigiiml Ijike holil and ndju cint eetti'tiient. nwuaal by fl N. Aula baiigli, i una ha furrhT. AiilabnuMh Just missed eiitinimciit by the flames, having milted home fropj the Ontario leejim last riatnr diy. "High hills which surround Tenia g.inil lake wa what suved our prop. city," he n Id. Kiifoiite to the railroad, Aulabaugh drove through h now ruined tottti of llalleybiiry, New Kiskard und North Cobalt, In encii of which he took reels of moving picture. "Srttlcra then wire In the act of burning clearing; flies the thin; which started the forest fires and the smoke was so thick we could not see CO feet nil' ad of us," said Aula baugh. 'The danger of the thing struck me at the time and I talked to the forest ranger officer about It. He said the rt serve would never be wtf "until the district wa cleared." The burned iiren extends fpum Crooked lake to Temlskamlng lake, according to Aulabaugh. This Is CO miles long mid 40 miles wide. Aulabaugh txpects to return to Tcmagaml in January. Iirotlier Sopk MitM'ng Owiipr of Abandoned Car Last Monday morning Detective 'lings'' Buglewlca found an iiIhiii doncd nutomobllo nt Heventeenth and Karnam atreets. The name, Guy Gorman, wa on the owner' card. riaturdny morning Paul Gormnn, iVestoii, Nel., appeared at Centrnl po litre head'iuni'ter to appeal for pollen uid in searching for his brother, Guy, who, ho suys. left homo last .Sunday. Re-New-ed Cadillacs A Cadillac, no matter if it has seen a year or more of service, is still a Cadillac. It has in it Cadillac design, Cadillac material, and Cadillac workmanship. These qualities are available in a used Cadillac. We have just prepared a number of RE-NEW-ED Cadillacs for this sale. These cars look like foew -have new paint, new tops, some have brand-new tires, and all are in fine condition mechanically. They are re-built by Cadillac expert men who work only on Cadillac cars. Cadillac Type 59 Phaeton new special paint almost new tires, Westinghouse shock absorbers, special nickel headlamps a car that you would be proud to own and one that will give you the kind of service you expect to receive. Cadillac Type 57 Victoria, new paint, excellent tires, fine upholstery, in fine condition mechani cally a car that is certain to please you. Cadillac Type 5$) Thneton, painted maroon. New Goodyear tires, toaneau, windshield and side wings special barrel-type headlamps looks and runs like a new car. Cadillac Typo 51) Victoria almost like A new car. J.eautiful upholstery in fine condition, new paint. RE-NEW-ED mechanically, pood tires, windshield spotlight. A beautiful car at a price that you would have to pay for a cheap new coupe. Cadillac Type 57 Touring. Paint excellent, covers. Goodyear tires almost new. Then k only one Cadillac. Tho superior feature!, w hich distinguish it and make it what it i are not obliteratt tl by s-ervieo. A KB NKVKl) Cadillac will give you the advan tage of Cadillac ownership for a modest investment. "Cadillac Sfrtict" -tha vhttrir tSy purchata KC.NCW.CU. A Safe Place to lhit J. H. HANSEN CADILLAC CO. 'Ituy lia tn worrying alut '' 'al.t l.iiely. h"d j tiuy tlorman I f '"t 'to jnih.- tall, weigh JU laniiwU. k1 liiihl ..ur and Imt t i ini I' '"P. ording in M l.rotMr. who a.ttd le in vt-ailng fidur r!" Uh jink artpphlie. l' m ti liuglewici I H in d I ha m -tun il.i'a over Ii 11 Hiih. maiumer !..f th omiiii't Auto Adjustment isuif pany, Try These Restful Shoes for Men and Women Isn ' It it fact that when )OU ar In an U' roiiif.ii table sent )ou ! lh ftl tat ( .t;ioi tunlty to U'coliie moiecolo foltubiu'' tie name Imp. .1 taiicn to your foot iiimfiert mid you IH not 4udy feci oetli'i hut V"i dl Hiu . your cu.ic!fy f.'t ai i '.mpUrhinenl. Cmililever arat g'.n I" ktng srtoea. They 'in cnml"rbiblf. Kaay r.ltlttaf ! lines, couformiiig to the ii.itiinil i nn- tour of your fool, gisid hcela rigldlf placed; a (lexible arth .ertul!tir.i healthful liiuecuhir rxeiilan ami strt'iigth, and free t li i-til.i i t'.n . nl jtliesu ai'lialbltt i flat ,i It-list Us ale for your benedt. In minllty. Cantilever I m e high grade. I'rlcea me right a, dollar value for a dollar cost. h:i:t cry kuk coMi-tiitr. More si Ifiitille thnn oidliuiiy slu J (whlth are deslgneil mid tnudaj with less regard f'T your benltli und hsi' plness) Cantilever Hhoe will give you the Very thing your feet ptobiit.iy hv cried for often complete rum fort and enough resilient uipoit to bo restful. Tiy a pair of (,'untllever Hhoe to morrow. We are exclusive selling agent In this district rind want to show you how neat Mud trim In at ieii ni nee these comfortfihla shoes are. All guesswork eliininaleil; every shoe I now lilted hy X-ray without extra charge tit you, size t to ii. width o r.r., for Men and Women. I!D,NIK ItV, M'ATS and 111 HHKItS. .Sold In Omaha Only hy t VNTII.K.VI' K SHOK SIIOI'. New location 1708 llowanl Ktreef. Ilppoalte Y. W. I'. A. Write for Free Itooklet. Bee Wnnt Ada bring result. Seat sama t all owners, thuir tars iw or i i ' t i S4 I Ir 4 .ft 9 tvitt 14 1 1 . . I" 5i K i i4t i -a-njj. t IH m t ft a) ! j I" . 11 4 h ft ft latL jiik) Iten ft v " to 4 f m 4 '- - - , rai . eat ' ' -1 a r-t 4 ( !t ft i II ft ft- 4 l ft4 4 4i 4 a'ft t'i.ti DoutfU OeOt1. GAS OFFICE 1503 Howard torn kVl. Wttatf4 Ml tft i