1IIK OMAHA 1JKK: W EUNhSUAY. Ollulir... I. Yankees Will Win First Game From Giants, Says Veteran Scribe SS .IW.. World's Series Fans Eagerly Awair Cry of "Ump" Who Will Start Giants and Yanks in Battle Today Americans Will Cop the Contest by 9-to4 Score Art Nrlif and "Hullet Joe" Bllsll to Oppose Kuril Other ill Opening Bat tle if Series. n III (.11 It UrlllOX. (Intake lira I ! H Ir. New Voik, Oft. J. riii chips; Score bjr Innings; it. II. H. bankers I I t Maul I f 1 liope Indications ma t hut t It Yan licet will win III opening gain by th score ft t I" I. McGraw seems dctrmlned to slake everything on the i fust game, figuring that if hs can win It with Nehf ha will hitva an al most even rhanee to rapture tha c hamplonshlp. Huggln has decided to tturt Bush, hla pitching scs, al though "Bullet Joe" hna had a bone lrulse.1 fs.t. Ilunglns la letting Mo f.rjw do Ilia guessing as to how to nrileh pitcher against pitcher, In It elf a big advantage to tha, Yankee. Tli" liiants now figure to hit Bush a tnfla harder In the first game than tn hla second, and should aenra four nms. .Nlif mity last out tha first Kama, In whleh case tha Yankees will not make nine runs.' The approxi mate d'pe score, based upon the dips which Indicates tlvit Nehf. hit hard. Mill be taken out In the fifth t sixth Inning nnd a font right hander (meaning .lonnardt substituted, after which the Yankees should run the acore up rapidly. At 1 o'clock tomorrow "Xtl 11" Klem .111 dust off the home plate, and another worlds series w ill start. New York'a two teams Cilants and Yan keeswill struggle to deride the cham pionship of New York, which of roursa a the world to New Yorker, The Yankees am' favorltoa for both the gerlee nnd the first game. The odda today shortened. Today's beta were made at 8 to 6 that the Yan kees would win, but the bulk of the wagering, which Ja light, compared with former years, waa at 7 to 6 and ome beta were taken at to 6. On the first game the betting wa to 6 tnd 11 to 10 on the Yankees. The tickets are all aoll although 12.000 general admlaalon remain. The teama had their final workout today, the teama practicing an hour each and a final meeting waa held at which Instructions were given the - playera. The umplrea were aligned the first game, the Ulanta being the home team will be handled with Klem behind the bat. Brick Owena on the bases with Illldebrand and Hurry McCormick calling the foula. Both teama are declared In excel lent ahape, although there hna been Kime worry among the Yank be muse of Bush's bone-bruise, which however, la declared to be' better. The wagering, wMIe general, i un usually Binall. Evidently the Giants' ' Vttors are wailing to ace how Nehf performs lloyt of the Yankees ia tald to have romo back strong in the last fortnight and may be used more prominently than waa expected. Crelghton Prepares for Hamline Game Croightnn university footla!l labor era reiurned to work yesterday after noon on the Crelghton field. Coach 'Mac"Baldrige and the reat of the aiaff of plKHkln protex-ora were on the Job to ace that the Bulldogs put in their regular number of non union honra at practice. The Baldrlge team won ita flrat gam of the season last Saturday against Routh Ilakota Wesleyans, but during the contest it developed that the CYeiKhton line needed the atten tion of the conches. Yesterday Coach Italdrice attempted to Iron out a few wrinkles In the line and, with another day or two of work with the front wall, the CrelKhtnii hi-nd coach ex pects to have the line ready to stand like "StunewaU'' Jackson's line of long ago. American Mermaids to Swim at Bermuda New York, on. 3 An all star group of Amrruai) mermaids, holders of a large proportion of the world's aiiutiiio records for women, will sail! tomorrow for Bermuda to participate j In a limning tournament to b held i nM futurilay. The parly of 19 Includes lirrlrude 'A r. mi iliMitme i liiiinpUin and world a retold (uil.lrr at ai iu dis- : Itiuri; Uclrn Wall' nwhl. all Siound ; title htl'ir; fvbil Bauer, back at rik j ar and Ailevn i gin and IHitatwtu ;.-Kr, premwr dmiig experts. j Prince of Wales Ilaan't Anything on Waltrr Hagm New ak. In I. I lb (alma ! I Male la all Km (lury ass a' ar?aa4 N sot li sliiUtte ll ! ' s M sitae IUf aa s4 l.rna taa (till sa rfaftag lsr saarial ; tf laea ataltk) l aaa al I ha rua eat aafsaa IKa m ae kaea. Itsiaw ta slfsJ Wauaa aMaf I ha rliat mm as ia aal , Vaaaa4 Aiurtltsa "'- T! M as ht4 ( ea b4 waaa4 , ass twlthsa4 aa ha ; 4mWMms Ke iW aaaa as , amis ataa at l"t'.Sa4k aal i rM. a ! ka) aatsVtoa. aa Ka ' oatM laa aa .. Ita a tat si aaa al Ihaaa si ftttakatisv, ; atana tha l J ava sa (a aa t4. a4 tha M Ht N e tltaitia. vaHt a Ika S -l aaa. k UiuKi iww al ktie, tar f . . " . .. . - I t'!S a s-aai' t s ' i n a .'a ta a la tat t'il ai.aia EDDIE'S FRIENDS fffttil Li53Ejs1 GIG. fiOrOMA Hvit MAMS T0NJI6MT - THM want io 1 Fat 00 rty eUwrH, Ve. mo, mo, war , tiOeJ&ft.V - WANT To EAT - EAT D V0U GT ML f OOD, IM AAOOTH TEE.FAIFWJl How can the average golfer do all the things he wants to do, and for get to do all the things he is sup posed not to do in muklng hla swing and still make it? 1 think 1 have an answer to thai question and if I am right a lot of players arc In for a fine Improvement In their game. Looping, pressing, jerking, slicing, pulling, topping all these result, ac cording to the common theory, from failing to do some one part of the swing just as It should be done. The fact is, most of these faults can be traced to one common source. When the player really understands what the source Is, and follows the simple method of eliminating it, he can, I think, get finally into the way of seeing his tee shots fly far and straight while his irons will yield an accuracy new to his play. He can, In other words, free himself largely, from all the confusion of what to do and what not to do in making hla swing. The answer to oil this is: Keep the elbows in close to the body. , I just won another championship with my elbows, so to speak. The one thing I kept uppermost in my mind at Kansas City, during tha play of the recent Western Amateur championship which I won for the seventh time, was my elbows. Keep your elbows in close to your side, nnd everything else is apt to be as you wish. Let them strny out, nnd no one can foretell what may hap pen to your stroke. Tlayers who follow me for playing aids will do well, my most recent tournament experience hna indicated, to make the first move in preparation for a swing the lacing of both el bows lightly against the side. Then keep them there. Adjust the stance to fit the elbows held against the side. In the -ipHWing the pivot will draw the left elbow slightly away from the side, but hold the right one In close do not let It leave your aide. And remember to use the bent follow through, keeping the left el bow against the side on the down stroke and the follow through. This will keep your right hand under as the clubliead goes through. Try it, and watch your gnme Improve! I have some further mental notes resulting from the play of the Wes tern Aninteur Ihst I might pass alon?. Mere they are; On wooden shots. 1 noticed on a few of these that a real bow followed by a full follow through gave m a splendid hall. Keel yourself llilnd tha ball ss it aria, feel the club in ittir tliiiiiB. hit tha Kill npaards. hen oii are !U mg it it hevuu )oil ill ii. t folloa ihiouiih bent enough. It Is surprising hnv mm ll of I ha Job a clnhhead proper'. In tiixlurad lulu Ih bill dw li ml lng sh4d of tour clubbead, that is like a prist fishier aha punches (thtiit gtuii'f hts .4M hoiiittd the blow It Ml ln.ifUi.it pltili.a of tha clut'hesd at Ifce luna f tmtii that tnNsrtsMy r..ik you gtt )) bands hs4 if jtmr r!utbi All IN atrenath In lie iitd !.! 1 r.t l"iah a bail f r if . ha l et a 4 ll ! lha rUii'Ma-l tu lit Ktr ( tl.a rk lw itl If t- to n-mh i f It ,h ruuie!f. a . I t tn te I- !' s I. Ida li.ri sa U k t lai l a ta4( ia r t. Ha II I lha as I i',- . ! c 0 a I b--J en t fc.i t I a sui at "Big Six" to Be Among Those Present When Series Starts Vaa 111 1 I ' 4 St ' -. . .t l. lit -' - a f- f sf i . -f a M la la a: h.f a t a''! ' -Aif4. l.v.a 1 m "t Nta I t f, .i. .-, Kt . t " a I t-.' 4 I ma a.i4 a v. I ..(.iia . l.- l,ia. a a. a, a.'i - a ttw t r-.. v-.a t- i . fta titiiu n4 I. a..it It 4 Ii Hi HtRX LUNCH '" ! . &.A.a to fall buck. Full forward if any thing. Don't forget to press that left leg back, and let the arms go through In a bent follow through. There ia a great deal of importance in the position of the hands on the fol low through of these fust, modern balls. I think that we should try for tha "nil carry" shot, with a little siiggCHtion of a slice, and therefore your right hand la not turned over aa you go through. Knther it stays .under until the bull ia well under way, and gradually turns over from then on In the natural course of the owing. (Copyright, 18i!3) Umpires for Series v Named by Landis New York, Oct. . W. J. Klem and V. McCormick, for the National league and C B. Owens and Oeorge llildebrand for the American league, were announced as the umpires for the world series by Commissioner K. M. Landis. Until last year 14 umpires had par ticipated in the world's series since the first was held In 1903. At that time only two officials were used, one behind the catcher and one on the bases, as in ordinary major league games now. The first two were ITen. ry "Hank" O'Oay and T. H. Connolly. Hueker Cross-Country Team Working Hard Lincoln, Oct. 3. With five letter men buck nnd a string of uO promising candidates working hard eiiTfli day, J. Lloyd McMastci'H, couch of cross-conn- try at the University of Nebraska, this year hna a more promising outlook for the fit II harrier team than hns been presented at Nebraska In years. With Clair Bowman, the only two year letter man in school ascaptain of the team, McMualera claims to have ft String of candidates far superior to that of last till. Letter men of 1921 who are awtin pacing the five-mile stretch are Cap tain Clair Bowman. A. L. Hyde, (leorge Fischer, and VA Slemmoiis. K. V. Allen, a 1:'0 letter man and star miler on the crack Cornhusker track team of l'i"t spring, is tilno noiking 'la cross-country uniform. Among I promising mmlldaies are Kobert j Weir, Thomas Ilogera and Juke I Cohen. Kven Hankers (let , Excited Over Series New WW, INI.' 3 r.ngsgrd In lull aliitprr, irl rnlhiUlir rn trraslloM liHiay In lite lobby nl hiw t l New lrk' largea) holrU, a a a nup al iiiea ul Hntmr, Itrra bar lha roaMHthiM l lha iiM-rtn ItaukeiV aaMM-Utiua. raaaal tknir garatctl lli) Wrra allrinpUng Ilia tatiiepllutl al j pita lo aalllrmrttl al I Ufepr't j at aVM. lava ana al lha aaakrta, ; is) aa tl.al la tlttta ! His ' puial, rsiwt) Ms tutra. ' I Irll ka J. a St lug lit Statta, "lhal lhi St i l Sa laagh atlaa anal lilting tba Ittwal aaaaitar I taa baaM llttl M al Ika asliua araUfc aiM a tatmaaaalaal ta lha itaatH al lha fuaa iiaaaaH. i' al i a-. I VI ' h-at aa la iivi t . ..a t.a a-aaiit e4 aaa 4 aa-Htt at,. ,,. I n r t. ' -: fia i ; -aa ,. i .iii ifct j.:t a-Hi-i M4i. ; l ' i I -. ma ' -1 .. Ii -i ih t1 ;- f -i a -..-a a . tf i$ t--s a' .'t a I It fs . a a l a.f a .1 . Iia Go 'Py pa e movie . J mwm rWK'A EtS CREAM' C0AJE ; . . I t w a a I ay t i m w n I ia a ' ta. at l HS. t . ll hi al J lulling the Hi an Wllh I lie (Wk Oilers Battle Bears to 4-to4 Tie in 12 Rounds Lamli in Ceiiterfit lil Makes It rill ia nt Tlirow to Plate in 1 2th and I lie Game Ends in Tie. Dallas, Tex., Oct, 3. The Tulsa Oil ers and Mobile Bears staged a thrill ing 12-lnnlng game here today, dark ness causing a suspension of hostili ties with the score 4 all. As a result Tulsa retains lis advantage ,of two games to one over Mobile In the inter leagim scries between the tenuis. The game was brilliantly fielded, both teams playing errorless ball and lime and time agtin making plays In the field which cut off runs. The finish was especially thrilling, Ijuub, for Tulsa, making a brilliant throw to the plate from center field to catch Mullen In the last half of the 12th, thus averting a Mobile victory. Mobile lost a chnnce to win In the llth, when Nlchoff occupied third, and R. Williams first. A double steal was attempted, but Niehoff was run down by Crosby, Boehlcr and Thomp son. Mobile's next chance came in tho 12th, when Mullen led off with a double. Huhn sacrificed. Baker hit a medium long fly to Lamb, who made a sharp and accurate tlirow to Cros by, retiring by three feet. Umpire I'llrman then called tho game. The teams left tonight for Mobile, where the rerles will be resunieil, to continue until one team wins four games. TLI.SA MOLUf.K AH.H.O.A. AU.H.O A. Kennetl.lt 0 1 Ill n Wll'rn.rf 2' t'uelo.i.1. 0 Meh.iff.2h 2. Mulvry.ef 1' K W ll m.lf h. Muil.n.nb Huhn. lb 2, HHki-r.c T'phiiii.mIi 3 Imvtu.lf 4 l.mnh.i-f r. I.elivell.lh t Hn'niitn,2lj f HtiiHrt.iiti 6 rnb-,- h Lianfnrlh.p 1 iMTiinnlt 1 lioehler.u 2 0 1 1 0 1 4 3 II. t 4 2 1 I 2 t 7 1 'I II AruKlit.ii 1 0 !' Henry, p- 1 u M 1 Totalt 31 t J 28 TotRls 41 13 3t 21 Halted lor Imifurth fn -enih. Tulsa 211 Dim ins linn 4 Sl.ihila ouo ni nno uoo ( Huiiiiiiury Hun: rifnntii, Th"ni.iiiin, tll. MIIIHlt, I). Wlllltilllt. I'llttU, Nleholf, R. Wllliaitia. Krrura: Nnne, Two-hail hl't: liniifnrlh, Htuai-t, Mullrn. Ilnine rutin: lin. It. Williams. Slnl. li Imav: M. Ii..f (. Sm-i-ifl.-e hli: TlioiiipH.ni, liavit, Uiihn. Ili; (iff Aroaia. 3 Is 2 Innlnca: r( Imn forth, & In 0 mninsi- Hun: Off A'om, 3. eft llmifiirlh. 4. Sli.k mil: Hy iau forlh; bv 1 1 1 1 . b hy ll.nhlr, 2. IUuch rn l.tlla: (iff ltnfnrlh, !; off llniv. 1; tit H..rhlr, I Hit l.aumriii Hy tmii f.irih, I: bn Miiry, t l.Wt on t.a-ra: l uUi. 3. Jllohll, 4. I.mlile nt l.anili to i'r.ihv, I'liirnra; Pfirinari and liohucn; Hitntiail anil (irnialo, (riiles and Saints to Open Serie Today iLaliiinura, is-t, J The sw'alled bllla amid aeries latweaii r.aliuooie, (our tuns Mag alnurn f lha Inter ii.illohul U ig'is and hi. I "n nl . i liniii I Ions of the AmarliMii hm Uillon, will get under way beta loiiioitow ttftertiiHiit at J.S1 o'rba-k. Nina gaiiiet Mia raaikad lha honors to go lo U fnat lea oi liming fit a. This atoles will be lha Ihiid t en 1 1. a lan lam net. Itilliiiivra lia.it Ml laid n snd Ul al l.oiuatiila rarriad . tl ...iu.i f-'f lha Annilran aai l.il on l lownliif lull (more. Champion Hurdler's Hncing l)og Land Htm in Police Court Ibatta, it. I la)fMii laaamK )r, taaaHaiaat Ilai4 Ittwatlae, att artattt laataf la Ita ttta ra aVatutaH as awltra taaaal, aaara Ita ass la aaaaav ibtriat laaitf IImI at aW, litttwal la taata lit ate aaaaal itaka al aa atwaaana M. are aiaa a as staitltVat la I tal at tasas aitjkitv I atatlt. aataattitil la a at.rtal tat att laalataU Hi M J Maa-a aata, i kai f a im aihavla attk aaa a aananaa, Mt akwat katttttl lM al tVtt a oh kalattvt kattaa atitaa, I aaatttt aVIatvaH fca tVa' Ika tat a t4 Mlt aa taa twtka aa-aa aaaaaa aak lawtti I baa aa taa att la at ata pim Coyotes Work ton Delense for iYI)raka Coiiili Allison FitI Hard Omnr Willi the Corn lnikerii ut l.iiiriiln Saturday, i million, H l. 1st 3 irta--nl.l Tiklnu Mdtiiui.iaa of n iiiiiiilx-r of baaoiia learned in lha Vnnkluli ciiixli l.ix I Kituiif.iy. the I'niveislly of Smith Iiiikiitu I'oyiiiaa ac this i-k pie paring for Ilia li.it lie with .Nebraska at Lincoln, Haluiday. The team is lurpiirlug a defense fur Nilnuska, hut la doing little In ..ff.-io.Ka play f ir th Cm nluiBker, e.iVing their offensive a. oik for Hie Nmtli Isi I.ola team, which pla) b' ie I'm kola day, I'onch Allison lefilar.l In make much comment on tha outcome of the Yunkton siruvglo. ahl.h the Co witis aou by a lone touchdown, 1 to 0. , The Coyotes, lioui w r, mud., no ffort to pile tip .1 "core on the Orey hoiinds. In fn t. If It bad not la-en for a tlniely (anally it is doubtful If the Houlli O.ikntaiiS would have siiired, and Hie game would have re suited In a 0 to 0 t. At all times the Coyote adhered to straight font bull, using nothing but end runs and line bucks. At no lime did they at l.inpt a foi ward puss or a fake. To this offensive the Orcyhouuda used Hie best defensive poesiblo. The line men simply fell in front of the Coyote line, piling up the Houth IXikota men. The secondary defense played close to the Una, fr the Coyotes aeriiiot using passes. Qululnl showed well al ouarterback. His flashy return of punts and gen eral ability showed up to good ad vantage, lnilwl did great work at half, especially at . running inter feience, while McDowell, who Blurted at the other half, also did well, Hco bell did some good line plunging, unit looked Jt bis best while backing up the Hue. Of the backs who went as second string, Margolin took tho pre mier honors. He 4ore off the longest run of the day.nuio of 35 yards. Bob Patrick also contributed a long run, while Foster and'ADdueh both got a chance In the game. Of the ends, Deklotz, a freshman from Klnndreau, showed up to the best ndvnntase. Although light, he gives great promise as a wing man. Lowe, Unsmuhsen and Ifolleinn also worked fit ends. One tiling was outstanding In the game. The Coyotes received no in juries which made them take time out. The sound is in the best condi tion that any South Dakota teuin lira been seen in many years. FootBallFacls WorthKnowing y Vol Jkefzgvr Q. AVbat is a safety? A. A safely is made when the ball in possession of a player guarding his own goal is declared dead by the referee, any part of it being on, above, or behind the goal line, provided the impel us which caused it to pass from outside the goal line to or behind the goal line was given hy tlie sialn de. fending the goal. Ilule (, Section 16. Q. Do men carrying the side line sticks have any authority over the game? ,. Decidedly no. They are nothing more than assistants to the Head linesman. Rule 27. (l How far must a klckoff travel before it can tie recovered by the side kicking off? A. Ten yards, unless it sliilns an opponent before that distance is (ra veled. Hole 20, Section 1. Q. Js time taken out between plays? A. No. It Is only taken out during the enforcement of penalties and at Hie reiiuest of the captains or referee. Utile II, Sections I, 2, and 3. , ' y. I'layer catching klckoff behind goal line makes an attempt to run It out and is thrown before reaching the field of play, What is the decision? A. I nuclilincli, us the Impetus which ran led It across (he g.ial Hue came from opponents. It tile , Sect Inn 15. Tin-; iii.stTi.ay to ISK. Willi the bull ill your possession oil your iipiHiuenl's !tnard line, fourth down, h yid to go, the piny Is ob- J viniis. l'e that play of the Inst three j which has gained Hie most ground, J Nothing suit eeds like success and 111 , f.Mil IniII on of the outManiliiig pi iic ji iplcs of sin ce ia lo keep hainnit I lug a wank fcisit of Ihv opihwii ion. If Juu lima bun luttliitf one of their KU.l:it 1. 1 titiklia fur colfl.li "'". kep i liausitig jour lnWi I ulsmt pi ui.l.r In ke.p them fia.ti, and pound lil miiih nplNini'iil. He will weaken lo.ua a.. I ih ! t'aina pi.. ii.,. .-a , luta plav it tha play t.i i.i Ik re, .i, I I iitiiir State !iiMiiiii..inii May Hrin..ite .rel f Niw I. uk, nil l.llmiv liiali . '11 U Hi t'fc l h"4 h ii t, in m, N tu U. Hlint. t t'MM( H'ti iftf r ( "i.i-i'HH jI :tti. t-fc ta U,-o m,V M - i ...lVfv4 4 t 1 l.tWi ,l,-.t fllt f fttl, U 4 l" ll!b U to K4i. l'-!llv ff t.a U H fCIt. ),, i?l.- r hAl ,h & '.tu l.lsi & M I. t:f iitei V I l. I ,. 4 ! 14 I H ., : tabMt ibHilvi 4.s,y. H, U J- W ,tttH w Ii.!,,.. t f l(,,.-ltc If. XS , hit f4 h H tt 9 I t.t L Mid hi I Imimi. I - - . . lai I i : . a..-1 Vm vl. a l- . i . i -., .. . ... l.tt a i ' . . .1... ,.i-ll l- ,tv . h ,. , f It, r a a t I U ... I h.u-.H- , it... i - .- i a ! i M . I tia t i- I.. I a t i; .. .1 i fe ! - -... 4 t I ' . I l. fe t-..-i a-. t . ta lk .. a tl t't .. pons Y3 Tha Omaha Athletic club oin. i sit at last hate decided that if tha i lub Is lo be known us an Aihlotli; 1 1 uh llirra must lie athletes ready tu uphold the latimrr of the O. A. C, 'I lia Drsl step toward d- . loping athletes to i . pica, nt ttiu i lub wero taken lust summer when II waa de rided .i singe u lisck am Hold llicel, A nut her meet will Iw held netl spring, and wlnncis of Ihn lurlows events will irprewnt the It. A. C In i Niiili.iuil A. A. I . gainea, , I -a-l nlglil Ibe II. A. I'. a a si lolled Hie A. A. I , mid wealern sinaleiir biivlng l.uu nsineiil for llinshs In inn. Tills I Sli.rtber step lowsrd IMilHug Hie Alblcllc I lub on Hie slblellc map. Volley i.ull ii ml anlmmlug already occupy a place on the O, A. I '. ath letic pitiKiaio, but with llm addition of luck events and boning It a.tio that the Oinuba Athletic club In really ifolng to step out and live up In lis name of an athletic club. I lilcagn'e "belleta" liiarsa rscea Itiiisl be as liileresHiig ss tome of Hie DkIiU alagetl in Hie llmalia suditiirliiui Ibis esr. H Is n slundon Ix-iwecu the New York filanis and the Yankees on one particular point. Ku, )i of their best pltcli.-rs, Nulif and Bush, baa a, stone biulse on his f.att. When one coiisltlera the manner In which some of I lie, iher pitchers have been hit during the m-asou, II Is surprising; to bum (,t there ure so few la ul. s. "Hud" ligun, weller, bv going to flgbl some bird up in stout 4 fly Thumd i) iilgbtjlii h sen.l Hlndiip boiil, For sild boul lan, it is said, will recede gl.Vl, which Is about $:tm less Ihsn lie got for Ms bonis in Oiuabs. Knst year John Mi-'iraw tot tho ciedlt for the Olanls winning the world's series and tho players got the cash and some fans think It will be ii repel it ion this year. . Omaha Ladies' h'gg societies have Installed radio phones ill their iluhrooiiis so that they ran get the gossip filial -baud. Telephones are back numbers. The Athletics were t he first major league club to bat out 100 homers but the U-st ihey could do In the standings was to bnt into seventh place. Man Kolcbmaineii of Hnland yes terday broke Hie world's record for 3(1 kilometers. One might say that he Is a finished runner. Sully Montgomery, alar football player at (enter college, turned boxer and in one of bis bouts he was knocked out by Carl Morris, which makes us wonder if Mont gomery was really as good as they claimed he wa. For If Carl Mor ris ran knock out a man he must be worse than nothing. Everett Scott's Consecutive Game Record Nears 1,000 Mark New York, Oct. 3. Kvurett Scott, shortstop who will take the Held with the Yankees tomorrow in the llrst game of the world series will finish the American bngue season this year within 14 games of his goal playing in l.UOO consecutive major legue con tests. His streak of S straight games, far beyond all previous records was x -f s$faX' mt fifteen (15) f VfeV fTtSi Better sCaV, W jys "I cigarettes mi forio POIO SA 7vTl ) Utut Tu,k,h tu.hr V'' -haltaf Viii nYV ' -lif Uuiiay kvarv f ig-sraita MJ a Ov J via,M ami lai li S n I i.tii si it . t .. i i Mit I . ttaTtlvSs TJ Central Working Hard for Next Game Coach Hi hini.ll of Central high will take Ills pridirnn performers across the "lllg Muddy" Into Iowa Hattirt- .lay lo meet lha Hhenattdosh f'MilUill machine. Central will lur watching Oils season as waa shown in its victory over Cinlgbtoil last Week, llows wire brightened yesterday when Mo Dcrinott, a I'urple veteran who bus lean oil the sick list, onie more dunned th inoleaklns, Tim Centriil mentor has a wealth of trick playa nnd formations to kite bis backs, although etrulifht fisitbnll can la. relied upon with such men as Howell Ijiwson and linlloway doing l lie pliioL-lng. Huff workouts and si rliiiiiiiiK.-s will lie most of the week's prot.-1'aiii with new foniiutlous and "skull' practlco using up tha spare moments. Mail) Amateur Atldelie lenta Avturded Omalitf , At Hi" auniial meeting of the M.d AVestern assiainlloii A. A. I.', champ lonshlp coinniitlie belli at the Omiihn Athletic club last ntabt, champion ship events for 1923 were allotted. These I Me athletic events will be held under the auspices of the Mid Western aaaoc.atioii of the A. A. I.'. ami records made will eland as of- llcial. The Omaha Athletic club was al lotted boning, oiitibsir track and field, volley ball and swimming tourna ments for the com ng year, while the Crelghton uuiversty Is allowed to sIiikb a wrestling and men's swim ming tournament In 1923. The Nicholas Henn hospital of this city will stage a women's sw mining tournament next year, while the Uni versity of Iowa was allotted a men and women's tank tourney, I The entrance of boxing Into the ranks of the A. A. In this city murks what is expected to bo the (irowlh of Intercity amateur boxing tournaments Iowa State Harriers Start Daily Workouts Ames, la,, (lot. 3. Four of the Iowa State college cross-country teams have already started their year's workout und many more are expected to Join tlicrn after registration has been com pleted. Captain Lloyd Rathburn, sensational mile and two-rnlle runner of last spring's team, in addition to bis Stel lar work on the crosscountry team, has been working on the cinders for the past week. OeorKS Kenton of Danville, la., and Keith Brown of Marshalltown, last vMr'i letter men. have been workina out at home and are In excellent ! shape, accordlnK to reports from the i coach's office. Bierbaum, who won his j letter In the sport last year, will be eligible again this year as will Hallo well. started June 20, 1916 with Boston. He was with the Ued Sox until traded to New York last winter. The record nearest to Kcott's is 577 games made from 1SK5 to 190 in the old American association and National Icugue by George ii. Binckney of the Brooklyn team. Fred Luderus of the Philadel phia. Nationals holds the modern Na tional league record 533 games, play ed between 191 und 191!'. Results of Games Will Be Flashed to Far-Off Asia Wireless Will Inform Ship on Seen Sea Outcome of Contest Kadiu Set to He Used.' New York. lh-l. i tIJy A, V H l!ahsl, America's national sport, will itrl.o to the dignity of an Inter lisllonal eplsiale tomorrow when (he lo. nl National and American league tenuis im.i lAttlt, fur His 1322 world series championship. Keen as Is Ilia Interest which wilt focus on the historic I'oto grounds from all n.iIoiis of North America, j when the OMiits and Yankees crisis bats, hardly less surprising are the arrangements made to flash the re sult of each gams lo distant lands where laaelmll la UI a name rather than a iirt. International Interest. Although lucking International com petitive character, the outcome of the play holds International Interest. Judging from the preliminary plans announced tha scores and high tights of every contest Will be cabled to South Anerica, Kurope and Aslatio countries while ships on tha set en seas will learn lha outcome from wire less waves. With su.i worldwide Interest Illuminating tha series the zone of conflict la shlaas with base ball enthusiasm, New York and Its Inhabitants to night apparently had dropped, for the lime being, conversation hinged on whether "Babe" Jluth of the Yanks would wreck the Giants ma chine with his hotua run bat, or Arthur Nehf, the National's pitch ing ace from Terra Haute, would turn back the heavy hitting Yanks In the Initial clash of the series. , Radio Hels Coma in Handy. Telegraph and cable wires radiate from the Polo grounds to all points on the compass. Hcore boards and player boards with their varicolored lights glisten from points of van tage In all parts of tha city. Thou sands of fans alio will never see the inside of the baseball coliseum during the series, will follow every play from these boards or radio descriptive serv ice to be broadcast miles beyond the sight of the (Slants' stadium. It is the old story of a house divided against itself. Kant against west In a world series and New York roots for the home team, regardless of tha fan's league affiliations. Tonight, however, the baseball atmosphere Is surcharged with the most crackling of all rivalry, for internal dissension regarding the ability of the two local teams and their individual stars have divided the fans against themselves. World Series to Be Reproduced at Auditorium Omaha baseball fans, who would like to see the world series, but are unable to make the trip to New York, will have an opportunity to see every play that Is made at the I'olo Grounds reproduced av the Audi torium here a hugh electric score- , board has been erected for the oc casion. According to Charles Franke, man ager of the Auditorium, none of the details will be omitted. The enter tainment will start at 1 tomorrow afternoon and continue each day un til the series ends. A small admis sion price will be charged.