The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 04, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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Widow of Slain
Preacher Sent
Clothes to Fliillv
ti'dtt I rn he l i-s mrrt f.iimj
I : i runli Ut . 1 In lit
i i lh tsu.hnl at-ne lh.
n.lij l t Ik n he ah.. I II . ill j
Sujzar Output
i NVir.k4
I., II
It 141,1 UUtlJ, .V.-ll , tl. I, 3 '.St
' U' The Huiiif4. Hit i.l NV.rti.lia
PparH I.xprcM-. from Vw,,,,,. , ,. ,,, ,., ,. Alllr,.,
Sleuths IWnrtli
Hiim-Jiijr Laden
Stone Fortress
u. I., l.ii i ( . a Hl i.ii ilu'
kit l.iiiu.i aill I riiH!m ititl a.tu.n
I A a trunk H Kilntif .i tfanitej ih
ei.injiany (iiniiiiiii etix Mt 't i
ft.iitie imiitg in.Wfi-, mi, i The it.c...(iii.ut ,.,inMt,y
a, n.aii.rity f ih riiinim.n a'iclt. The I U.mlit tinmla in n. i,..
rlr!!n''" n.lii.lUM.ti, lii.Hrtrr, tlH....,. thelu In Ilu-
wrr sicakhnMer M'ip, and if a J 'i .) n v. .r uhuli
.ll.-t!l fi.llitMa f hi Hill l uli J (l
i'i.v Uieii- right. The rait u a. nl
it ly tin. turn tui rf. iiuti.t the
r.u.i.Mip i.rnurrtliiiaa tha u
iHni iintrt overturn.-.!.
Imilt an.l
ami tli.'ii
NVbiitoK, Hitirl
it omi.. 50 per
. lit .f the li V
n.-iit ill j
i.ikiiiii ii.. k flu. I
i,liili.i- ..-f
(irailil !dllt la tn I'ltMi-nl
With New Jiiiiinr Ilijdi S'Iul
!i4int Island, Nb, fVt, H-
ii'UI Trlaci am h-The a. limit Ituard
lijtrif MuiMing IVIuxfi!.
It .il.lie, . 4.--l..'-ill I
ik li is N . ii khul ili.'Mi Lit Dm m-wllm ilwi.lnl tn i.r.x r. it with lit bulM
f I'l.omi ii.,kiy i.uii.tmg Ifiiiit rtwtr.l i ,k if inrua juiilnr Itiuh ai-hool here
lii't.t !.. ir nf t,e i;. nfinn Ilia an ki. h.i .fl for a sonior
m l ie l in nl filed. h,U . lio...
Pa. ton Blk. JA 1085
of Patr and Uioir
I. ..
'itimii'.tf siu.-l.ily 11. .w it ruml in
"nti-wi", .r ahut It to II t..e an
4. ti. Ifntlrfrr, a full lU M II"Mv
nil if tlm i iikui.I, Two
iliuintri. in'i ar nuiilovnt in imii
Si-w lit unan U k, N. J, Ik I, 3 ln : lafia, tha Iiwla .f ih Wih y wn-r
Karnliig lhaf (our ilax affrr li Krv. . "I'lUt a" Tha rn. t ntit.nt ia I"
Krfard Whrrkr Kail and Mr. Janir I t-'ii oo and J l.''Vnt ..iUii.h
Mllla, lil rhoir lrd.T. K'ra l. und j H-mho nkl flift Iht-ra .n H'lni"
dntila aI.iiii hnl, whila ilia
aiiit'tinl on tmr.-i l mil' li l . luw nor-
J'rrrt Vault DinroM-rrd on
Turin Nrur (.larka, ,Nfi,
Warrant luii for
Omifr'a Arrrt.
murilrrfd. Miii. IUII, ilia mhIum, arnl
niiia nf hrr i lulling to I'lilUiii llt'a
In ha rlranrd, lrtilla ( harka I rl
linc id Miilillrarv iiiinil)- Hrnt In
J'lnlaili-lpMa ypalrrda)'.
Tha rlothra Wirt nt In H..rti"t'
I'uninf M'.ihlial.rm-nt. With l.!utn
ant ftrlahmr, lifiid i-f tha nmrlf-r
a'lind t tha l'h!ll"lphi'i PmIipi., i
tnii,l Iniii ry r;-ird:ri( tho rloihaa,
lut tha rlnfipiTii hud tin r-rrd ft td
ri iidit!'n In whu-h Hkv .r rwiivd.
Huhaa'i'irntly J,nii:n Oa!t, timid in
tf.a H ill linnir. wan tukut In tlm in'oac
fiitnr'a "ff rm nnd o "'' ntnd. What
tha authorilira lnrnd (i"ni hr wa i
nut il
1' lll 1." if .i)!. ! Ilia (IniBrnim
. ilirir on tha rami found lat wwk
'Ulllli" f!na, ecntrl'1, 50 yar
oil hrnthar .f Mia. II. ill, alao anl
nnia nf hta clnMiltiv In I rli-anad
a""n nftr tha douhla mtirdir.
Sllt triiiii-ra ord.-rcd on the r.iaa
ly liiivrrii'ir J'Muuida witit In the
riiurt liiiimM Iml.iy ini.l i x imliud th
chiilim I r. Hill iitid Mih. .Mllla unra.
It li'.uiu'd tin. unlaldn i.f
the li-nwa nf tho II.-v. ll.iU'a sl.mKfa
rin hliMid ajMitti rril. Pr. I oiikr
lu-.iltll nlllcrr i f Ni'W liilinauirk, who I
vita pii.Hit nl tho nuini'sy on I lit of Mia. Milla, v. hlri dm. Iijk. i1 dha luid lifi'it iihot In tha hi-ad
thran IIiii.-k. Imt thut Iht tii'ik h.i.l
li'i'n alnnha.1 iilinoKt (iinipliitcly
around, today aald a quantity nf
Mood nmat have ban limt even If
' tha alnah aa niado nfl.T ahe
lift-n ahot to death. Only a aniiill
iuantlty na under tha hi-ad of r.-irli
mal, tha f ii Ln y liiia a ZliUy ii
ply and a hlHI' linl nnhua ai arnv.
lug il.iily.
Anihlrry Dt-frra Drriaioii
mi !!'iMiriiiii: (imi.liilatr
t.lnii.lii, tu t. 3 lpri-lnl A a'l'-a
(inn la ralard what hrr H'.retnry of
Miiiin .inaU-rry la fi:illfl. ti nm
at lh" alwtliin na a 'i'HInn ratnll
d il f'U lila ia.'iit iollnn w hn
h" lout out lu r ua .i nindi'l.itt) r.r i
A at.ntft inid i1i k f.'iliMi.a imitnln
Ing rr.iUa. juica and Uiltlra fur liquor,
vua iHiftir. on the fan, (,f Alfird
j W. Sliiriipff, Hum mllpa out of
t'l.n ka, Nh . Hnndiy, f.l-inl nolil
jl'itmn .iiiriita. r-'i'M y ttolrt An
j dt ta..i,
Tha anft la I l.y 0 fr( and Jlnll
j 30 r. it ii illnn i ro. k, I j 1 galliiii I'rnrka
! and oih. r rplai l. a. A anil had Im'n
raniovvd. inTcii lmg In Ainlataiiii,
"Wa think fmnipff u.ia npd off
tlm l m w.'ia rnuiing," ha and.
Hunipff la rvputrd tn ha una of
tha waalthlrxt furmar In tlm fnunty.
I la hia ll'ii.liio imprnvamaiita on lila
I'cald'-a lh vmilt, arirpa In wlilrh
iniisi. a. ivtitinna ara .lng ra-i-fixrd
ty him fmm it numtwr f
frU'inlH, hut ha will lint art on lln-ua
until ha Hilda out how nun h of it ilti
tumid r".i I' V mala
Tha aiM-tftary of alula haa tha ad
vautaKH of I'luKlinf on tha qipatlmi
of wlfihT ha la allKlhla, and any
Udy who otjrcta to lila ruling nmat
pay tin. ni'i'inii a of an nppi'.il.
Kciinipy rttulrarii.r Ilio.
Ki'ai in'V, Nrl., Oi-t. 3.--ttHi la! )
W, F. t'rnaHlty, ii .imi-rr nmirMilnr
and hulldrr ot Kmrnay, died h ra nf
jln in t diai'iim., ll ai tid many of
the Hint.. liiMHulinna h. f, lm lildltii; li
major porttnn o( tha Htatu 'iVailnMa
t'olli-gn buildinga. Thire ycai a iiki ha
auff.-ii'd a airi.K of xy and ri
tired from m'tlvp life, Jl.i la nur
vlvpil hy hla wldnw and onn danli
tcr, Wllma.
ifould I nhlnliicd only whni a ulta
I routrnlliog a punt In tha tililf wall
Wan dlarnvrrad nn lha uprond fhmr,
111" HMiita fnuinl anulhrr lin-
ilxiKrnund rntn. l.y riht fxft, tin
darna.ith irram ai-piirntor room.
Thla i.unii tmi waa filled with jura
lllld linttlca,
Htimipff waa not at homa, fT a
warrant for lila Hrrxat will la lMU-d.
And.'ia'iti an Id f.'di-ial ng.-nla irada
llirrham'a from linn.
Uncle Sam Says
ji fii
-iMYM 77 'y IT 0 ft ((1)
I m m Lire
'i ne houst that has no mu.ic in it it never a home.
And if you do not provide a home you cannot ex
ppit your children to stay in the house. They will
find other places for their enjoyment. And there one to blame but yourm-lf if those enjoyments
ore of a questionable character. Keep your
children home.
Mote to End l.awhuit Hi-piu !
Iy Hotel loi klmlders !
I.lni-nlii, l. 3 (Hp. rl il ) In an ,
off'irt to find nut If tln-rtu la nut !
ci.iiix wny to Mop duxlpnllnii nf tha
remaining; nMa nf the .NVhiaaka ,
llulldlilK lind Invaatniaiit Coioiiiiiy In
InwKiiita, u rail haa la-en Ifam-d for
ii meeting of preferred atorkhnldera j
Nature's remedy for constipation
will give you permanent relief!
Itealroy the hilverfWi or "Slli Iter."
The adverllah or "allrker" does not
belong to tho tinny tiihe, hut ia a
mull, wlitKleaa, hkiIo lnxei.t that often
cnumn m-riniia datnaKa to hunks, clnlli
lnif, and other atoreil and liouaelicld
;,obJe-l whllo attamptlnK to get at
the atarrh or fc-lue in them. It dnea
liltln injury to objects in dally uae,
or thoae kept In a dry, light place, hut
Ita pri-Hi-iic-e around tho houae la
never! heleiia annnyinpr. Tlii book
let telU about their habita and the
Injury they do and contalna lnntruc
tlnn for deatroylng thrm.
Header of The Omaha Bea may
chiain a eopjr of thin booklet free by
ftddrening' a poalal card to the divis
ion of publications. Department of
Agriculture, Waahington, D. C, ak
Jnir for "P. B. 902."
Thouannna upon thouaaiula of im-d-pla
lire today Buffering from eonallpn
linn lu nil lla hldeoUHiiena; few realize
either the caun of their condition or
what It will eventually lead to! Auk
tha nv?rnBe man or woman If they
aro constipated and they will aiiHwer
"No!" Thla they firmly believe. Hut,
the tlret thlnif the phyalclun neks hla
patient is "Let me aea your tongue."
If the tongue 1 contud lie knows the
patient is suffering fmm constipation!
A coated tongue, a bad breath they
are constipation signals! Start the
use of nature's remedy CHAN Kel
Iobs's Bran, cooked and krunibled, na
faat as j'ou can! You must eliminate
this dangerous condition because it
goes from bad to worse! Toxic poison
spreads through the whole system; or
gans become affected; the brain slows
down. Any ona of many serious dis
eases Is likely to follow!
I J-'ivlit constipation with Kellngg'a
liran! For, Brnnls nature's own
'sweeper, cleanser and puriller! It will
lenrrert the tuoat chronic case of con
stipation if It is eaten regularly; It
will prevent constipation If a lit til
ls eaten each day! For mild cnnnt,
two tablespoonfula dally; In chronic
cases, nit Bran with each meal. Your
physician wlil recommend Kellogg-'
bran for constipation!
Kellogg's Bran Is flno for children,
helping them grow big and robust.
Kellogg's Bran ia deliciously good I
us a cereal, sprinkled over your favor- ,
ita cereal, or used In baking and cook- j
Ing- It mnkea wonderful pancakes, J
mulflns, raisin bread, etc. See recipes j
on each package! Buy Kellogg's Bran
at your grocer's. I
1512 Douglas Street
o o
Amazing Values in a Sale of-
Smart Autumn Dresses
Featuring New Draped and
Circular Models
at a Remarkably Low Price
for Frocks of High Character
I If W
247S '247S
Superior styling, exacting workmanship
and fine quality material enable these
splendid frocks to compare with those of
much higher cost.
Long slender lines, circular or draped
skirts and novel sleeve and girdle effects
are emphasized. .Fashioned of canton
crepe and poriet twill. In cocoa, navy and
black. All sizes. For women and misses.
Julius Orkin
1512 Douglas St.
and Wednesday Our Millinery Salon Offers
2$ Dress, Street and Tailored Hats
Ineludin 150 Newly Arrived Choice Mode!i.Eer New
A i Va'Be, t Thii Special Price
S UWraU anJ in such ri art th
tritnminis, w W tha ph la lilt tKm
But fancy ljrirt utlritH faathtrt, pant
prm M jauntv ribbttrt Uw ((oil pitdam
iatu, Otkrs Br basut.fwl mt!li
f fM f nlr wMktl int an UWrftttng
!Utt So FithioRiUt Usually Coil More!
This Great Sale Is Bringing to the Minds of the People
More and More the Value of Music in the Home
Family After Family and Home After Home
Tba program ot
tha YaierBea
Broidcn ting
Station from 10
to 10:45 Tu.t.
day avaning is
I I t a n by A.
Hope Co.
Mi.. Lucy Hill,
Mr. Clarence
Mr. A. W. Fi.cher
at tha
has been made happy and joyous by this great sale. How do you know but what that
little one of yours, by the proper training and musical environment, might become as
great as Paderewski? You don't know. And do you dare to deny to that child very
chance and opportunity to be successful in life? You no longer have the excuse, "I can't
afford it." At this great sale there are instruments within the reach of everyone. And
they are good, even though the prices are so sensationally low. Do not delay your com
ing in, but come now today. Do not let the sun go down upon your waiting. Come in!
Have one of these instruments sent to your home. Make your house a home. Give the
chance to your little one it should have. You owe it to the child; you owe it to your
wife; you owe it to yourself. Give the girl you said you loved a home. A house without
music is never a home.
Here Are a Few Examples of These Astounding Values
ReadCome and Seeand You Will Be Convinced!
n fiJ.i&'5 i
ft 25 tha world
oerj sale price..
FREE 24 RKord
S.IkiIob, your tun
Prices for Such Values Have Never Even Been Attempted Before
A Rebuilt Piano
Here is a piano that is just the
thing for a beginner to practice on.
Has been used for teaching, but
has been practically rebuilt, and is
in A-l condition. A wonderful buy.
Ebony case and deep,
rich tone
A Rebuilt Piano
jl "kjijiii ifnii iir""T
pfraaraarTO )
iyii awitstw - -a wary jl
A demonstrating piano that has
only been used by musicians. Re
finished, rebuilt and put in abso
lutely first-class shape. Don't say
you can't afford to own a piano.
Ebony case and splendid
This Fine Used Player
Here is a player you will be proud
to own. Was taken in exchange
and has been put in splendid con
dition. Guaranteed to be as rep
resented. Hurry for this
12 rolls music,
A Rebuilt Player
Full-Sized 88-Note Player
Don't miss this one, as it is a reg
ular player. First-class shape in
every way. Has been used to dem
onstrate .Ala. Automatic tracker.
Walnut case. Easiest of easy action. '
This will go quickly;
12 rolls music
FREE 24 Record
Selection... Your
Own Choice
Wa carry tha largest
tock of Victor Victrolat
and Brun.wick Phono
(raphe and Records in
tha watt.
The most amazing and astounding value in this great
and most sensational sale. You never even heard of
such a price before for such a perfect instrument.
This Beautiful
Baby Grand Piano
The very cream of all the wonderful values yet offered
during this sale. To see it is to love it. To hear it is
to want it. So come quickly. At such a price it is
bound to find a home. Let that home be yours.
1 0SLJ
You cannot go wrong with this machine.
Kegular enhinet size; pluya all records and
puaranteeil to be abmlutrljr tfcIQ tZ(
riu'ht, only
Brand New Piano
j I . 'V lA
W' 41 f E
l r ind lie h. i.l a
Pont deny
Vu r"lf
tha leavife
)-H fcavs
any lotif?.
few l!lR; mhii-ny
l.n.h in I .-jrf
M!e ) pay. JU'
ti r:
k.-ul if il oi-
fu! . t.
in. t. U I I'i.y
l.r tki
u. I.'l'l
he til.
t'.tm. tu
Tit" in K i in. I
i'iihf h. t it ;
ttirJ. kt
I it li . ' !.
tional Sale
hav. yim
hat .i.h an
Oj.p irtaaity
ik tn
b fu Waal
fir ... l,tt!
aii ) ,
These phonographs come ine cither
golden oak, fumed oak or mahog
any, sre strictly first class and piny
!! record. FREK 21 Record
Selections, your own Ann
choice. Only V O
Brand New Player
J aaaaa
w )m.0
hr.g jour ' t i f -
daffsil pUsit. I, . h , tiv
Utat itn-U I ha tn V'-'fi
r is fUnt t h
ttm.lf tan Uv ' -i . a .
t. taun.
tv, all
-vinii a'a.
ti.ftf r in i ti af until
o'cl'i V V it tl J nur h"j
pi'irf if J'.m,t!. Tb
vAt'y hipi't r sUijt hi
f ft h .
Kmiy&pt (Jo.
1513 Douglas Strtet
Trm r Ktl!y tfiv,U..
,t rp"i!t''4!.", k nvl
ar wd .,pt.ftnl!jr
rv. If juj wn! a pina,
p I y t f t r-honogiarh-.
11 il now I
Omaha, Nb,
- an ---ajaaa(saB-aBaasa-MaaaBaBaaBaBjBn