The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 04, 1922, Page 12, Image 12

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    rilK OMAHA lihK: WKUNLSDAY. 4KT01JKK 4. iwi.
jNVar East Crisis
Proves Setback
to league T.ssne
Come at I'nforlunate Timi
for Dcninrntli VUio lltt
t Campaign in Covenant
in V2.
Waklua armvawlpat. Omafc IW.
Vh. I HI. i I4l h- Tti
naf t rrl; h. nun l im
'rluiut tun l'r nllniiMtic i-r
rtin Iik furtiiir linrinf Jn.. M.
i'i.i if olili mil f'lini r Juii.
rU' .f tti iiii-ni tuurt,
l;4i lkn 111 l-fim i'f IUiUcik u
lit fo'iii ll ci'ltlri ami prrtiBmr In
Hiak II lh Imu In lli nri
il'iiiul N-:liun. ,
VVrmt l hii,niiif I" Tuikty l
hill a mall i I ut Hie r.i'lil
riK'Vtfiirfit t It. .Milium cif
Mitlnii tlifiunhiiut wi'ii'l
v,iihii.f the unity if Mmim-ha
Krimil with nn mfi-rt'f Hut run I
:ttl rali"l hr. Tin Mnl-m t'H
mkM h: fli I'll rntuly iinj tin
wnr lwlm ih ithmi ami Hi ct
ront I a viul to Imii l'"liv It
a hn IUchrl Corur L.l"u
hurl hlm-lf um.i th finr.-fix.
ii!wmrJ tit thit onruh f f.matlcM.1
million ar lb dlvlilnj ami iliKruiilM
(ounlrif of K.iinip Rtifnlfi UiK
IhrniiKlt litlral Imnkrni'trj-, (!r.
rrmiy ivli II" l'rlf of )n-r wr
IwrlfHlKrnm- nml droit lirliulii j
vati litnif t-mh I'tlit-r Jiil'"iI v. Iiil
III rt i'f 1 : ij t . . In 'tut mi I M tn I
Miinll m.ilm, rurli .oiUiiiC 'I I -tl
vt IiinituuK. rmh Willi lt h'-riiim
uf ii uml jwiloimii'i nil of Hum
a nnxlTii iiiiillfl('Mtlnn of Hit rum
uf th Tower of I'.iiIh'I.
Vanlr4 lu Tax lluik.
When th Iiiikuo of tuition
fcln orki-d out. lh nllieil ruiiiiirlm,
unabl to determine who nhouM have
the rich lirlue of ttie liKiliiriiiin till-
wllllnic that any oilier elmuM Iuwihh
Hie r elver for Hie ilifmut Turkish
empire I'leveily ileclilcd thut the 1
T nlte.l State ahnuld Kii.-inl the pur-
till of the eat. Thin tountry n:
to hav lieen arrunled tli mimdute I
fur Armenia, with all of the renpon- j
olhllltle that would have none with It. j
General Jliirbord eiamlned th pro-
posed rnnndat nnd maile a report up-
on It whlrh did much to caune iMn
particular project to be abandoned.
Whether tho Umted Ktaua had)
taken the ma mint for Armenia or;
not, If die had font Into th League I
of Nut.onK, the cull which I.loyd- !
fieorge tent out to tho lint. eh Domin- i
Ion recently, would have come from t
Geneva and not from London and It j
would have been ianued by the leaKue, .
lth the Implied ohliKatlon compelKnK I
the members of tho League to re- j
(pond. I
The attitude of the Kuropean pow-,
' era on th debt queMlon the eon-
firmed feelin they have that the
I'nited State should undertake ;
turden equivalent or greater than j
they themselve have borne, shows ;
how they would regard this country j
when It rime to a question" of polln
inir the world. Outvoted In the league !
the X'nlted States would have been
lined n a aoldler of the eant, just j
some of the allies undertook to use ;
the Greek on an infinitely -smaller i
f.ile. The result would have been j
that thia country would have become i
involved in maintaining the statu;
quo of the world a task which would ;
have included Asia as w ell as Europe, j
w hich would have Involved the main- j
tenance of the colonl power of:
these nations, lead:nf to possible sac
rlflces of Mood and money and for1
'full Speed!" U. S. Ships Future Shaping of
i Economic System
Up at Elections
!pnatir Hf rr'ug.e in (i. O, l
Krjnolf 5 -It in Ohio
j I rpr Aliolieliiiirnt of
I Hail I.alior Hodnl.
Dau of Moimntnt
(or Woman Uigamht
('apt. t'harlei M. Toter I In com
mand of two division of I'nited State
destroyei which are teaming' at full
peed toward Constnntlnople to Join
Admiral Mark Hilxtol'i fleet for any
work It nmy b rallel upon to perforin.
obj.i-m i Ktii-eriiing Willi ll the Ameil
inn ieoile would have Iw-eii rntlri-ly
Who tali il-'lil't but the Aiiki iciill
people would have refused to be used
In tin way, but In they
would have opened thmiselve to the
chart; of bad failh.
Canada Held Hack.
The empire Is a league In
itself, yet when Lloyd Ceoige sent
out h. recent Muedonian cry, the
('hiihiI.hi rab'tu-t met all right and
nnally repl.ed tlutt It could not act
without uuthorizat.on of parliament
and asked fur further Information to
determ'no whether a special session
of Pari anient wan justified. Thl was
a polite way of the home gov
ernment Canada was not prepared to
plunge In new wars concerning which
che knew nothing and to correct In
ternational pluii of which she had
not been a part. Houth Africa has
not been heard of at all on the sub
ject, yet these oountrle are part of
the rtrlt'eh empire whose great Asia
tfc colonial domain my be at stake In
the Issues whic h are being fought out
around the region of the Golden Horn.
As the situation now stands, only
the I'nited States is in position to
exercise great moral suasion, and be
cause It ha preserved Its Independ
ence, Is In position to point the way
out of the mess In which the powers
find themselves as a result of their
greediness In disposing of the posses
Motm of the Turk.
Not until Kurope acquires a sense
of unity, until it recognizes 'that it
represents a Caticasion civilization
against that of the orient and that
It must act in harmony and not In
dissonance, will It be possible for the
I'nited States safely to participate on
Europe' affairs on a voting basis.
Europe must find a way, even If It
should ba by the application of force,
to brinl? order out of the chaos
which is Europe today. The United
States can aid in bringing this about,
but in an immeasurably more effec
tive manner by maintaining her posi
tion of moral leadership rather than
by becoming the tool of tho rival
policies of the discordant tribes of
t'olumhu, t , t J, Whether th
present ononlic )ti ln I to l de
Iteloiied by lb republican pjrty or
i revoluttoiilwd I y th democratic
laity I the real lamin of tin tains
.l-cUred Albert J. Jtetrldi, In
j diana'a republican entortal iioint
: nee. In u address her this afternoon,
oMnlnif the ranipaittti of hi party In
Th republican party, Mr. Heverldg
aid, hold th theory that th pre
it economic: aystent Is fundamentally
sounds and that American Institution
for nil human situation letter, than
any Vxlating or proposed plan of gov
ernment. An antagonistic theory, h
aid, Is held "by a conglomeration of
political elements mad up of th
larger fragment of th democratic
party, aocialist organization and s
tiem radcal who ar convinced
that our whole economic aystem I
fundamentally wrong and that Amer
ican Institution ar antiquated and
Klemrnlal lue.
'riclection of one of these two
theories In the profound and eleinen
t il Issue of the times." Mr. Krverldge
Mr. Heveiidge' ad-lies Inaugurat
ing the campaign of the Ohio repub
lican waa made' at the request of
resident Harding. He aaid that the
j president' administration ha made
I progress unequaled and unapproached
during the aame time ny mat oi any
other existing government, and he
added that "until prosperity la re
stored fully a republican congresa I
as Indispensable a a republican
Mr. l!everldge suggested that to
bring about an era of prosperity capi
tal must be allowed to "flow a freely
a possible Into the channel of pro
ductive Industry" and that transpor
tation must be made aa ample, apeedy
and inexpensive as possible and It
must le continuous and uninter
rupted." The national tax system should be
decentralized, Mr. Beverldge declared.
In his argument On taxation he sug
gested "to stop the confiscation of
business capital by exorbitant taxes
nn business some just and uniform
tax plan must be devised," and declar
ed that "perhaps the best plan yet
suggested for that purpose ia that of
a noncumulatlve sale tax which
! would be collected each day In the
i ordinary course of trade and paid to
the government every month.
As R means of relieving the trans
portation aituation, Mr. Beverldge de
clared "that the national agreements"
I made by William G. McAdou with the
railway labor union should be abol
ished' and that the railroad labor
board should also be discontinued.
The speaker concluded with a brief
reference to foreign affairs and made
the declaration that "we stand by the
traditional policy so long maintained
that it is now a vital element of
American institutions the policy best
announced by Washington of hon
orable friendship for every nation and
political partnership with no nation."
New Votk, Oct, 3 'Tliia " il
Roil lL-k e.'n.ljy be) lull
Attorney Itsi.i.m. '" th iUy f
u.ii. M,-i, t am a I ,4iot p. it mr
in jail."
"vher I the pirtof'," i4nrslf.
de(ecte ;ki:cl la qilentit'll In T.
he produced tto n rimf rrti
f.i ale
The t'rtl allowed li n i ii 1 1 .-t
in ieifeliilr, Jfll, to li.t.l -;egl
M, il I pot like the " h trr.tted
hrr, all ld. Tbell b Imwul a
reltif leal of her ln.lirl.diO Itt't
month in Aiiuiiiu Vi-ety,
11,-r r-iioi h giant. d
'.A iri!iiMtrr at r ruunt
uffrri Fatal Injury
J'l ruo.l.l, -Net , M, 1 Ki1l
Ttlc-rm J.-hn IJiingk'.i'it, ti, puni-
jtr raiiri-! msn of J'reiia-nt.
fit.'.!!) iM'.,tr ,kl,y h!t .tchlH4
.af. Ill (br )- It Hill I-Il-t
Inlllrrn I Ho l .ili
l.llil.aloll Ul(r ,('trii W.oli
-v t It tli ...lli.tiii in lie
. licit lluU lll!oll Willi th
(ol, nnio'ig lliciii ll.t uf ytdinatrr
i-l the ) imiii rd, in iit ! r
ll.raled h l rrl:ird r4
tutatvr "d I iveii a J.-U on a
switchliif i-rrw
i Itr an Fails to Mention
The first comic opera known was
composed by Adam de la Hale, a
Trouvere, in the 13th century.
One 10- Day Tube
Send the. Coupon
A New Charm
Came to millions in this way
It multiplies the starch diges
tant in the aaliva. That ia there
to digest starch deposits on teeth
which may otherwise ferment and
form acids.
Thus it gives manifold power
to Nature's great tooth-protecting
agents. And everywhere thia
means to people a new dental
Millions of people have gained
bew charm through whiter, pret
tier teeth. Vou e them every
where. The reason lies in new
cleaning method. Careful peopl
of soma fifty nations art using it
Teat this method if ynu do not
now it Peopl all about you
have proved its importance. Set
what it meant to you.
Combatt th film
On purpose ia to combat film
041 teeth that vitcoua hlra you
IteL It cling to teeth, enters
crtvictt and ttayt. It absorb
ettin. making the teeth took
dingy. Then it loem cloudy
cost. Tartar ia bated on (Unv
FOna ! hold food tubatanct
whH.h ftrmentt ami form tod.
It boidt th acid in contact wittt
the ttth to cauM decay. Crra
bt t4 tv nuUicn ut it. Thv,
with tartar, art th chief au
4 fvenH
N wdinart ihH r-t f
tttly bata ilm. J. n4v
old methods, these trouble con
stantly increased, and beautiful
teeth were seen lesa often than
Two way, found
To meet thia situation, dental
science searched for ways to
fght film, and two way wert
found. One acta to curdle film,
one to remove it, and without any
harmful scouring.
Able authorities proved the
methods tSective. Then a new.
type tooth patte w created,
bated on modern rerch. The
nam i Ptpaodtni The two
great him combatant ut em
bodied in It Then dentist th
world over began to tdvi im
Other factor
But Ftptodant bringt other
e"t which t!i way did not
bring It mtipn the tlkalimtr
I tbt tab. Tbtt it theet
Muuahi anoutti tctdt, lb ttut
I tvwth decay
Watch the man
Men who tmokt find that
tobacco particularly stain that
him. Such men tee contptcuou
reiuita. But most people t teeth,
o( every age, art clouded more or
Send the coupe for a Id-Day
Tub. N01 how detn th teetH
11 alter iMung. Math the ab
iKt l th nacout aim. See
hew teeth whiten at th fUat
cottt diappear.
That tt will give yon new
idtat of what cletn ttetlt mav
Y wU want your fanuiy to
Ivtrt bav trm, wt bbv
Cut owt tb now.
)rv Issue in Talk llcrt
Tine brief talk wrie mude nt itooii
jisterday by I'lnnb-s Hrin, iluue
rrntio iiomliii for guxenior at Hi
Cudahy and Armour plint and tt th
livestock ewihange.
II el-lke of thtf I IX bill. .iyit'
tlmt w. it H 1 it 3d du all article which
he people villi buy will be Itihterlullv
irereiised tuciuse of the new unff
bill, lie sild that shoe would be lid
xaticed ti H I'.ilf. hut II j'J to 1 1 "i
eai h. and a dress from IS to '.'. '
He spok of stnte t.ixes, and s.ild ,
that he Would reduce taxes if elected.
He did not mention the prohibition
question nor did he discuss In ,
respect he believed that th form of
state government should be changed.
Two Hurt at Hratrice a I
Auto (Iraslie Into Hupy
HiniriiK, ,Vi-b tvt, 3 .- (Se.-id
Mrs. J. W. Ilurk and iluuniiii r, ,lvr
lie, were l ilt 11 lid bl ulfed W lieti n iar
ciubIo,! Intu their buggy oil
Idncoln street, near their timu. The
vehicle was hndly uniashiil. According
to Mrs. Kink th car was ruiinlna 1
without light and the driver did not
stop. Both victim were thrown out I
on th pHvement. I
Ileal illiilriiwi .Njinc l'roin
i Hallo! for !liort Trrm
! I.ll.c.,lll. tk't. i. iWpevml l '. H". llit' !' iNi lii indijale
,f'ir Hi" l"'ig Unit from H e llh N
l.lll.Ut IKIlgrrMlollsl iiirict. Iwu
luithdnittii fioiil lb Iwlbd of the
j ,t. lie'cr.iu and prorrelvr for th
ilioit term for which h also had
ilcefl llullltnilted. Till Ie Will I..
I Miiupln of (ieiing a th ileniiM'mtlc
tmliiliiee to fill th vacancy 1 4iird by
the dentil of Cn"gr-man Mmm I.
! Klnknid. Iteat withdrawal also
I'ave a vio aiii for short turn run.
i recuman on the progrrsiivt ticket.
Ham Fire Threatfii Town
of Cortland; Lom I $2.000 "
Heatrloe, Neb., fVt. 3. tSpei-lnl Tele
gram.) -V large barn on the Itrens-'
man farm, adjoining the town of ;
Cortland, wn destroyed by fire to-
day together w ith an automobile, hay,
grain and a few chickens. For a time ,
the town wa threatened, but the fire- j
men held the flame In check. The
loss is estimated at 3,0rt, w tth no '
to your druggist
The simplest way to end a
corn is Blue-jay. A touch
stops the pain instantly. Then
the corn loosens and come
out. Made in a colorless
clear liquid (one drop does,
it!) and in extra thin plas
ters. The action is the same.
Pain Stops Instantly
e ita
Welch's Talk N. u,
If thorc is aiitliing in the
wide, wi.Ju world that I
dislike it is tipping the
That i one of the many
reasons I like to ent with
the other businewt and pro
iVsMonnl men and women at
No tipping pan be done
there. It's always a pleasure
to pay for value received
but no tipping for me.
Toil mrti iurslf
WEU.'HS vim
bst ef tnnn
whli-h 's b boueht
or nil:
SteialKf NstiMal (ietaVeaa
An Open Letter
to a Certain Lady
Dear Madam:
You prefer the real thing to an imitation,
don't you ? Of course, you know you can buy
imitations of Armand Cold Cream Powder
plenty of them. And usually they sell for
less money. But don't be deceived. There
is but one original Cold Cream Powder and
it is Armand. We believe that no imitation
can possibly compare with it. Once you try
it and compare its lasting adherence, ita
wonderful tints and perfect smoothness, we
feel sure you'll agree with us. Armand con
tains no white lead, chalk, rice or zinc stearate.
The price of Armand Cold Cream Powder
is $1.00 and you receive full value in both
powder and satisfaction. If you are not
more pleased with it than with any other face
powder you've ever used, you can return it
and get your money back. That is the ad
vantage in buying the original.
Don't be satisfied with imitations of doubt
ful quality. When you buy Cold Cream
Powder, insist upon Armand. You'll find
that good dealers prefer to sell you Armand,
because it is the one genuine, high quality
cold cream face powder.
Yours sincerely,
fi4 for IA Ard HIr-nW F It
rHM 9mmni Snvrt 0 A'm4 Cold tV
Fmrdtr, 4nn4 Povquit, Armn4 ft?. C4
Cf, VmiMf f i, ftenm mnd 5P 4l
tkt 4Fm4 MCr-4 of Ad4tf
The ARMAND COMPANY, Dei Moines. Iowa
: !
a ;
St. Thorp. Ont
London, Lngland
Mexico City, Mexic
Sydney, Austraii
ft"' fw
ot Any
for A
M - T It 111 1, 1. a HI
WtW.A. It. II 'A
M P "ilk
Offer Attractive
No man will have to pre
sent an ordinary appear
ance this fall unless he so
elects. We have provided
new things with nothing
of the commonplace about
We have provided
a n extraordinary
service for our
trade in the way
of the most highly
e f f i c ient, trained
salesmen in the
city of Omaha.
They cater to your
individual wants
and whims.
There's profit for you in
Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes
LOOK upon your clothes as you do on your
business or your job; makes your clothes
pay you dividends in your own well-dressed
appearance and the long service they give you.
You'll find substantial profits in the clothes we
have here for you. You'll recognize your prof
its in the new , beautiful fall patterns; in the
choice materials; in the perfect tailoring of
every gannent.
Clothes with these qualities wear well and keep
their shape. You'll look well dressed because
you are well dressed;
Top Coats
In a Week's Sale
Top coals uf just the riiiht wciirlit
and warmth for fall wear. hulo up
in proper styles; Ciaberdincs, Whip
Cords. Tweeds and Scottish Wool
ens. These cunts are up and nun
in in fabric, make nnd style. Holt
nil around. Si t-in sleeves or Ifnu-
lau Mioulders. The
priiv h absolutely
ri'Iit. I Jest nluts in
In' ritv at oiilv
Fall Hats
Grand 'fH, llj
Clean- pr.
Sale mk
n iak sj.'-.-tt
V5r .,:-
Clias. E. Black's
Stock of
Stiff Hats
iji, aj ;mi lir
A flr i.p ' f, 1 1. 1 ' '. t; i . It ilt
n.' ilwtT tni tiiii . i l lh. !lnt Koi.
Iuni, iiii J a in. V i ,t at r., h.
S'.lttin . iii !ri n;if t.- SI. 15
-4 K Hl at !
I J S I 4 I M ' ff 4 Jn i It D,
l"ii'4"it rtoiii N 1' '-n,. n t
; , , . 'f 1 . f Kua;i('. v.
M l bit t I? . fc 'UM .( I '
. ' ' I I t 1 I 4
I I it vs.' i , . . . , !2.!,
1K !ir-f 1 rtst
I., t in, 1 , . I .. t
Vt-I Ta P T A fw ii t
Hwv tint tiontMia tKo wotU r
A1 tlntcritt i4y tk Ur o tuW
in t r iiw.i