TIIK OMAHA BKK: TL'KSUAV. IMMOI.r.K u, ITJ-'. State Sleuths Raid Pop Saloon at Wisner, Neb. Uwnrr PofMi't Hai Time to Cut Siring on Dumb Waiter -I If ami Harlrmlcr ,rr Arrntr!. Lincoln. lt. f (Ji ll ) siiAe frlienff tin )isrr didn't go to church fHimWy. .riil-cr tcf IVh-ral i"!ow Uleuthe t'urrtiM m'l J!init- They wmt riding intradn the .oienmr "up " nvrr m W ii'r, purred Hheriff Ou' ri iiint fr, sod the JM,P saloon of I o il KrmlMT !, h. ilia gum !m t i" licfma li. r l .i'l thence to m l. II . Bl!x"t lhifid the sotiiitcr and tiiCIJC-rd retell pints tlf lllOOIIlllll II ru. in a sin k ontrlvanee. It w ia on a ii'imli win'' r eiiepeiubd In a chine which tnttle a shrer drop i.f 3d f -l iliioutili a dlliir Into a limi't rii I'.ilt KkmIh! IihiIii'I I it hi to rut tin slrli'g and tli- i'ffl r eeljted the IkmiH". The)' iiImI "!, ' ! Ki'shcr and hi lutrkirir. hniery Worrell, whom they t.wk Im.k t' I. iini. In Willi th iiiisjii shine. "Tlia gotiruor naked us to nusko lh ri1," raid the slti hrlff. "Woimn of lh" town tiaie been soni plaining 'hat their liuliu i J" mi. I son mine mtt i.f Mm pint feeling an. I fliunk," llyrig en id ihnrgss w r.iilrl be pre ferred fur i In -I 1.th in. n and an In juiii'tlon lo close the plate will be might In lha courts. BRINGING UP FATHER 'sisal llffl.e Ml JIUJs SU MAU.lt IS Hit PAUL 0 1010 IN IHfc SUNDAY Pit Drawn for The Omaha Bee by McManui lOplrwM l:j ClMiAf elL ThAT O' WKUU H ' OOCO WA.iT AV JSh ((. 1 I the hcjc ei? mc x.r. i me, hhii.'jE. VCT I COT? i v. . ( CO ou Pd CNOtTAHQ L J At ryT7p , L..wr-r - - ; i in ( ii c ; j. . iia Vr.!' ' M I I , fi. . .i iJai ' ..J 11 r- vr; Yeats' rs--- 7 LI? SHM MC WCVtO IN A. KOOtst W Ml vt M, tVt;r TOON A. . 1. Do Wi Paragrafs By Ceorjt Binhim V ahlnK!nn llm k aaya If tlia world (11 1 nut hava a l( of tlttl liumpa all ISortliwilern Kailroad It et rt I.imiW'il Train Cllriluii, It., "ft, Z. KfKlorallnn of tha a A n hi If" l.lliuK'.l. wrnt iMiund tialn No. 7 il mm ImmiikI tram No. , wan aiiiiounioil Kv th NorthtA'PHt. frn railway. Thr tram waa rnnmM j ihtrlnu; tha rercnt Ktrlke of lailway ahoijjHii. AIIIKrin.4AT. If Piles, Send. For Pyramid Ffrumli rile ftuppoaltnrlra Ara Kaona t.trrjmhrrr lor tha Woadrrful ll-llrf 'J'ke ilare iilvca. If you ara ona of tho unforlu nnira uruiglinif with ton pala and Olslreea ut ItchlnK, bleedlon, pro rfV -f - til IWKiansyr i SOULS for SALE By RUPERT HUGHES. trudiiis pi! or h'tnori-holdg, aie i ny dniKKit fnr a tjo cent box of Tyrainlil I'ile anppoiltoiles. Tak no auhstltute. lU.IIf ahouM come no quickly you will wonder why anyone should rontinuar to auffpr tha pain of ueh a dlstrt-hiIiis rondltlon. 1 or a froo trial paokane. a-nd nains And nddrrxs to i'ramld Drug Co., t:0 l'yr.iinld lildg., .Marshall, Mich. CORNS ovr It for iwople lo ntunililn over, no IxmIv would alow down and rvrylKKly would run ovrr each other. f'olumliuN AlUop took a wnt In a chair out In tha yard today whlla It whs cloudy. Itlght aoon the aim laum out hot, and he realized ha waa HlitliiK In the aim, and he. had to Kt up and mova. Jle did not aeem to mind It much, though, aa ha aaya all xuch thinga come in the day's evenla. , Sim Flindera aaya he cannot enjoy company aa ho ahould, becauae he ealizea that while he ia feaallnif then, he will have to akimp for the next tow days. Common Sense Stop their pain in one minute -fty removing the cduse! .Tut put on one of Dr. Scroll 'a protec tive, soothing Zino-p-irli. ho easy, yet hurting jMfrt in one minute : healing h" immediately. The treatment, ot its kind. Zino nsrlt are thin, antisentic, r'er. prool nd absolutely fe ! let hoi to dev. At your drucgist'i or ehoe dealer', , for cornj, callouses, bunions DxSchoUs Xinopads Hut In Im lMratari f TK Mtff I n , mWrHi.f lr. rlHMI t V'Mi Crit A.'e.u.a, Arebj4ip9wto,Ma. . Tut one on the pain is gone t Do You Welcome Chances to Help Other f If you have made a suoccsa along tome line and have learned by hard knock some of the ahoala to be avoided, why not ba manly and hu man enough to give aome other man the benefit of your knowledge and experience? Thla man may not have Jhe same t-tamina that you have; he ay give In easier. Advice from you might mean euc cess to him. Help from you might save him from failure. Why he ao pelf centered When you aeo an opportunity to do a good turn for another person, do it. A good word from the right source n.eans a whole lot to aome man or v.'oman. lo you ever atop-to think how lit tle, you have done, ever, In this world? Think it over. How many persons have you aided, in any way? What htive you done for anyone oth er than your wife and family, whom the law says that you should love and cherish and protect? Mighty few deeds of this sort stand to your credit. Isn't it true? To acknowledge It to yourself is half the battle. Now get busy and help. MOOI'Sl. rt"menri InvadM the nu.ef life of !- meintr rit-dJin and ctnahd all Hi ra- atrn ilnna and tradiilme iliai hedc-d hr ehout aa lha daualiier of lh ltv. IT. riod'lon "f tit hula tuon ( i'alttn. Aeatnc hr fathers roiiiinanda, alia run tmued tu inet s'-etly her lover. Klwood l'arnihy, aft uprieht. alfmadt youna trian, amnd ei,or Ir lha cliulr of hr fathrr'a rhinrh. There tame a. lime Ahrn niar riar. ttei'Miii a ii.rrn.iy tu protect her honor, but ah he.lialed lo repeal hffr a- cret to Karn.hy. utitll too late. He aa riualietl to dentil II. an a Ul nm'itil! ttrl- d"nt and Iti-inemher. panie-atrirken, up ll-d lu jr. Ureihrriek, the family phy ae lan. A t'ouah from wlih h the (lil had hen aiifferlns fiirmaned the do'-tor pn eyruae lo nrd,r a trip to the aouthweat. There, he suas-atd, "he waa to marry an lma Inary man and "let hlin die uul'tlr." i li.ii ronfeaet to her mother the eTt or the eapei ied heky and her father waa Induced to approve the trip necessary fur hr health. On the train aha eiperlenced the ilirlll nf a ihiinee meetlna with Tnm lloll.y, fainoua motion pirtnre artnr. Kh. duti fully Hrnte honie too. df-arrltilnv he en countee with her "old friend." an Imagi nary "Mr. Woudvllle." whom ahe plan ned later to make her Imaginary hua bfnd. Hut her plana for the Itunginary meddlng em ountered a rude shoi k w hen she step pe,! from the trnlu In TiKaon and Has nit l.y lir. tlnllirslth. paetor of the Xlret i hurcli. whom her father had wired to look out fur h?r. Uncle Sam Says TrIK VALOt IVINQ USED e a li bratonoiii K $49.75 $59.75 UU $64.50 All Ida lata colvmbia urcoaDi Yeas Tetat Asa Our Te.aat tsrO SIWINC MACHIMJ "Heeje," pee .7-7 IB-1- m III N. t wm la4. sv fVl i 1 1 in ifoat Ne J. ! e 4 i . !' awn ii eAatsw'irAi.w llomemade Kmit Butlei's. lo you utilize your fruit culls? Fruits which aro unfit for canning may be made into excellent fruit but ters with hut little effort. The gov ernment has Issued a booklet on this subject. Ot a copy. It contains many recipes for fruit butters with directions for canning them. You will doubtless have many culls dur ing the peach and plum canning sea sons which may b saved. Readers of The Omaha Bee may 1 obtsin a copy of this booklet free by 'addressing a postal card to the lilvl ismn of r'ulilUMloii. lippaitnieiit of Agriculture, Washington. I. C, aik ins for - 90" Cod fUheriea of Newfoundland tha mot etttensUa In tha world. Aitt wrioi-AKvr. i , Says It Made New Person of Him Thousands of people nerrjlrtaly Jgre a half it, rrroui, run down i condition he thry Inl.ht eiij")? aturdy, robust health and a'l us Manifold hlfscinn if (hey only knew that lo d. IVol'U in thu roi.di. i tl.nv lion find TanUv on idi Ittnr trvulii anl builde up abun.lenl sUeogth, tnerry J tUlitV, J.ieeph O. StoR. 1 i li N. hixth t , Wt. Velar J! sra.lt, Iowa, sai "I i in a niiwfeo. rvtndtw It was all Ken Franklin's fault, The French praised him because "he ripped tha lightning from the sky and the scepter from the tyrant." But ho placed the lightning as a scepter in the hand of everybody and made tvtrybody the tyrant. And now no one ran travel so fust that he cannot be overtaken ami pre vented by a telegraphic or telephonic message. The swiftest, airship ia a snail, . Mem had flown by express for. two days and two nights and left her fa ther at home, yet here he was In the proxy of a telegram, waiting for her at the station, smiling benignly and throwing the complex machinery of her plan Into complete disorder. Ilr. Steddon had never for a mo ment suspected that hi daughter was fleeing to the west to keep from breaking his heart. The dear old soul fretted over the loneliness she must far e and the dangers of inexperience. She bad hnrdly vanished In her train when he had a sudden inspira tion. He did not know a soul in Tuc sou, but there must be a church of his denomination there, and a pastor to thnt church. The yearbook con talned a list of all tiie clergymen, and if was easy to find the name of tho incumbent of the Tucson pulpit. So he shot off a long telegram deserib. ing his daughter and pleading that she be met. I He chuckled over his foresight and called himself a stupid old dolt for not thinking of It before. And his wife nralsed him and slept easier. She knew Mem 'a plan to become "Mrs. Woodville," hut she had not imagina' tion enough to foresee the effect of this new embarrassment. Mem had anticipated almost every other surprise but this. The main charm of Tucson was to be her an onymity there. When she Ijnard her name called, and by a clergyman, of all people, the gentle providence of her father landed like a bombshell. i Tucson rocked under her feet and -her i nlot fell to nieces in her hand. She would have to be under the eye of lir. C.albraith, who was already promising not to let her out of his pastoral care, and warning her that bis wife was waiting Inside the sta tion. In her desperation she caught sight of Tom Holby, who had Walked lx isk ly to the head of the train and was striding back to his car. A frantic whim led Mem to say, very distinctly, as she pussed him: "Oood night. Mr. Woodvlllo." llolby had already lifted his had and miule her a gift of one of his hiuh priced smiles before he beard what she called him. He stopped short with bis hat nlnft as if In a still picture, lie could hardly believe his ear, lie was so used to leing recognireil by total at rangers that It stunned him to be railed out of bis name by this girl with eiliiMil ho bad hcn briefly cast away in the desert. tUit ha recovered hie name mo.le.ty. laughed to himself. "Thi Is fame:" and went on. 1 The lv. I ir. fialbrailh had paueedj !f.r a backward glan-e. but Mem urg i led bin along, saying, "That an old friend I met on the train. Ad now I she f-lt thst she had etatdihe.l the exietro.e of her Mr. Woodville. Hhe was. abeody uii.imi iotily "planting" ' l ll. t tIS. 1 "iitr" kii.I I'r tUlbiallh, ' Mi fe i l ke.l f.tri.mr: but I gllrae ll ' l." The rM"i It l.. Mi.ni.nr w that bilu.rsiili of It oi peHl op all . T'iat.. Il. ll.y to tt in a pi'-ture. If lr I.eSbie.lh Hint run. I tbl'iiilKll the ii-ccdiig bin k I" 1 1 7 Alia Mil Mslonlehnirut to p,it;c tu s ln'W I tin ln rnliiH wuiild : her. ITIin oldest bull. ling nt h.iiue In !he her il.nibly harrow inie riddle of l aherly was pioinl of lie H7 I The having Mi l. I' d to a plebeian and i.f i iik.iiiiI.iIii iIi-m.Ik! to the Hotanlcal ! p.iylng I In- to-null). Win ii she liiinid j luhoiatory ha u rublrt landscape. M ; r tint .Mr. Ibiiily'a heroine, Hho hud vegetable goo, Hhe cuuul not under I. .ll vainly ht'emight In hive by titliaiiuid he j cn. e that was taking lis .old l.li..p, simply wlie.-itb'd hlni lliloja.ilia bilinl.ly fii.nl the cactus, learn lentwul o( bis pnipiisiil uml lunr-.tng b..w to le on toll to loitlilng a ri d hlin In hnt". .vb'iu g.ue up. Mho j year, mid tem hlng miinklnd rnv to could get no bi-lo froiii the hook. No, turn tin- bleakest desert Into a pnru liuve happened tnlblshop was courting her, Kim IfMiw. That was Just what she might Konllnued from teaterday.) think what wuuli her plan If she had been Incarcerated 1 h- hud I --n willing to dupe a trust In parsons household. The bouid lug lour, sin- hud iiiuie to dupe. Ing house the f ialbraltha hud selected I Th next morning, when Mis. Cab for her waa all to near to them. ns!,''1"1' "lH, ", ,,rr 'M If was. They . oinmendcd lo r lo th-i V1" " I'"'" '"' J1"'"'1. lah;' . .1.. -I..1I .. i . J 'Veil tig before. Til" parsons Wife) care of he landlady and I-ft her. ; ,.,,,, h,.r , oul ln Arid the lundlady drove Mem almost , . mm tHiilU., , told her, for hi iiisiiii oy trying hi inotner hid poor, 1 1 r rm-oiinigeineiit, how her own ho lonely tiling. art had . ,( i.4i a ! !. nwiUfi. ' bad b l keri.ee Mien, .r)' f r f.e. be w.nl-l h eeogt.l Mtm in t , i.f I... i I be e H.i,k,.i P ll.r thiof VUih haird M lUiiua.Hl U ! frtHl lien, with very Lille appeal, ! '. "'d ' " " all t.l.Hl I'.i IM . e r. .i pi. her .If )t- ! Un.Ket.et n. .(.. i.ut a . ei r.d I... a"! e t. .1 a I l..i. ... . ... ; a".' Si.i' e.ui.i l.,.n.. ii ie e ihiv. , ;., ih w.-.ttl i.4 ' tk.a Hi f ., ff Vaeau.-iSJ "4 h t and feeling deptrd ad gn.d lor ! Ft'thiHf tit lha time. TAHiac hui'! n up seven putted m weight and ; i a le tit. k k g Karge lit aie thV I an"t !ewll.hr when I ef fl lHt le, ri) b . Nefvwueot ! ... d jw i. lued val fe.Ui g are h.t )(( .. if a htblen itoi, whi. a (' I.e. i ii INe lsah, T ':! mal-ie. V4 ! d geel ) n f el (.i'-: . e.. ee.'e l fin ' I t t .1. g. I v l-.t lui t4 ! kay (44 M,4t, t' i ".' , U, .S ' ,R 4 11 I , & o . a . na.,. I. . . M . . . b , -,'. n , .. I.'l,w- M.Ht -t . . . . Mem was so lies.-t by human kind ness that she was about ready to murder her next bfiicfurtor. Hlie longed for a bit of refreshing selfish ness and Indifferencrj. Iler room had been occupied by various predecessors who left, various traces of themselves; one left clguret burns on the edges of nil the tables and the mantel. Hut somebody hud left a few novels. They were fright fully templing. There was an elect rlo light over the head of the bed a very marvelous affair. twist of the key turned It on, and one could lie and read -till sleep drew near, then merely reach up and switch on the blessed dark with a snap of the key. After a hot bath and a vigorous scrubbing of her hair Mem yielded to temptation and enjoyed all tho pleasant anguish of a major sin when she lay outstretched In her night gown, Willi her hair spread nut on her upright pillow and a romance on the desk of her knees. Cleoputra could hardly have felt so luxurious on ae golden divan covered with silk and fanned by slave aa Mem felt In that boarding house bed. Cleopatra bad perhups novels enough to read, since the Kgyptlans wero ardent story tellers, but she could not have tasted the sweets of stolen fruit or had her delight heightened by a struggle with an overtrained con science. Tho novel that held Mem spellbound wag Thomus Hardy's "Two on a Tow er, that epic, of two aouls against a background of atars against that starless "hole In the sky" which astronomers believed In when Hardy wrote tho book. That parson's daughter began her fictional education at the top. Hho lost many of the signals by which discreet authors Indicate to sophisti cated readers thnt things not to bo mentioned are going on. But as she read and read, growing wider and wider awako and panting ss if her body were running; as swiftly as her mind, it gradually dawned on her what lind happened to tho heroine of the story, tha haughty lady who lin gered too long on the lonely tower with the young astronomer for com panion and only tho stars for di'umiHS at a most tinrcspcctable distance. When the astronomer sailed for Aus tralia in ignorance of tho plight of the lady, Mom's heart Jumped almost, out of her mouth, for she realized . the similarity of her problem to that of the heroine. Her own lover had sailed away to a further port than the Antipodes, and even more irre vocably, i do with In r own life; but she had no heart f,,r It and she did not want to look like a cactus. ii the way back lo her hoarding house she noted many id Tom Holhy's ..it t to It e mi the bllllioards. Jle waa not the star of the picture. Koblna Teele was the star. Yrt In one gaudy palter sbn cowered helpless and wide iv. d while Holby was shown fighting Hhe wag a Yukon, It Great Breakfast Dish Stewed raisins delicious energizing, ironizing food. 'Practically predigested. Also a fine natural laxative. "Make it regular and get the best results. Slewed Raisins Cover Sua-lVf.id Seedlei. Raiiini with rold water and add a slice of lemon or er.nfe. Pljre on tire, bring to s hod and allow to limmer for one hour. Sufir mjy be added but ii not necen.ry, S.in-Mud Sredleu Rutins contain 75 per cent natural fruit sugar. Sun-Maid Raisins should cost you so more than the (oiioning pncci: Seeded (in IS ot. blur fktr.) 20c Seedless (in IS nr. rti ptir.) I8e Seeded and Seedless!' '") lie Ask dealers, for Sun -Maid Raisins seemed, kept mlraculoiirly pure, like a tnediiievsl mint amid temptations l,rs ml had hunlly lived through tin long Journey wer.t and hud been laid with a human gorilla. down like a s ick of bon mi the ,ili.ni e hall girl In the si.rds. Then tho l'it magic had bikini, and now he was hale mid vn, ctfi'ioiis "mi. I his d'N tors all dead." Ha strange a thing Is water a little too little and tho body shrivels away from thu soul, a little too much and the ImkIv coughs the soul away. lut Mem was not cheered wllh promises of life. There! whs I'hi milch like In her and she could not manage her fill lire. Hhe could not drcHin of the sacrilege of suicide, but. she would have been glad to be told that she would pine away swliily and benuti fciiy. Mrs. i;!briiih, ihalierlng Inofg. santly and as braggart as a guide, (Irons about tho illy spread level In a circus ring of gray granite moun tains. Everything far western was plctureitm to the mid v estern gill; the sorriest find tamest Mexicans were smart bandits of dark capabilities; lha rtaula Illta hotel, in Its .Spanish archi tecture was something out of the Alhambra. Thu old mission dating and dolls. And llolby was an Argo naut who llnved her Innocent be" cause he was himself Innocent. Mem felt a longing to see thla he role picture. Hut Mrs. (islbialth would not leave her for a moment, ami the night wag prayer meeting l.lght. Mem attended the evening devo tions. There was nothing gtrange to lul In the drowsy, coxy atmosphere, the sparse company singing hymns and bowing in prayer and finding a itDStlcal comfort In the thought of sins forgiven and an eternal home Ik- ond tiie grave. Dcctor and Mr. Galhralth took her back to her lodgings and left her. They had no objection to moving pic tureg mid attended them often, but Mem did not know this, and she felt like a thief when her worser self Competed her better aelf to dark dishonesty, IJoth aelveg went to the movies. (Te He ( onllnoed Temerrew.t llns.ii Hrt.pnu Municipal Cul .r.l in Catiiul City Lincoln, it. !. CHy Commieem" r C. W. rtiii today openesl th to. -olid . M,rt I he LlPol" munirl pal rsul yard with a Urge eupjdy hand. The pure t,f toal. aa re.vJ frsdil Illinois mlli'e, ha a IrfeO et Pf the my at III a ton, whirh ceU tha Il municipal real sr4 Pr4r by a cents ton. Tha !nrae, ae ordina to Mr. Ilryau, la lu to in creased r-at of the product at lha mlttra. No decision has Wn mole aa yrt to aril aenil anthras lie or hard cnL A Beautiful Complexion & Admiration' Ladle A few rlnyt tmcmat wHJg XARTurs umx uvat rnxM ! will to mom to cleeui up the gain thaa all the beauty treat CAOTEI IITTl IVC PIL meats In crta auoa An Im perfect com pleiloo Ii caoaed by a lunitb liver. MilUDMef seovs,tg. rueeel and anievtle eeje. isks Ihem jnt FsIkiii ma. Inn Si aa. -M leadscka. Upset Seamark, a"4 foeaetVe-, 'leipeg and rliotAy bham. I key east Usi MsWr7 04 CKsastefiaV aOtS. fault rui-Saall Pwa-teufl rrk Big Drug and Toilet Gooda Sale at the S SHERMAN A M'CONNELL DRUG STORES Continue Through Tuesday anel Wednesday Bring the Family to See the Telephone Girls at Work i There are few more interesting sight, than "behind the scenes" in a telephone central office. You will marvel at the genius of the men who have developed and perfected modern telephony. The means by which voices of subscribers, possibly milea away in all directions, can reach other subscribers unerringly through the maze of copper wire, is truly wonderful. You will be fascinated by the intricate mechanism of the switchboard, and by the swift-moving fingers of the operators. You will want to see these intelligent and courteous young women who are tirelessly and ptiently serving you and other subscribers. Mother and the children will be just as much interest ed in the wonderful mech anism at the telephone cen tral office as you. Why not bring them and make us a visit? NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY iae mere is ttessed relief in each jar of Resinol Only those who have tried it can realire the comfort thit Resinol Ointment bungs to siifferen from g'kin trouble, Kven in severe, well, fgtahiishrrl civiof errerna or other screnj ch.eordets it promptly all,ys the irritation and hastens the heal inf. b is sa.t ie aeei.- ha. a eat'easaat aser. aed eua.ee a e..it va.o e liAuwfcai.d tiea.as.at for i..w. sura. skaSag. ek. Smi m Nee ei h U eW'- Jtjfc. -VI i t llllllilllllllllllllMIn e.l'l.l I I 1:1 I I I I I I I I I I I I l..l.:f i.f I I. I I, I I I I ILI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,: 1 ' ' ' ' I e I ' . 4eotoMe Save and Beautify Your Hair With Wcuibro'sTTerpkide lUtt-i. fcia Nt it t 4 K tSAAff iW.-MS t4 f fwiahttv-W tvt tta eia,,.i( , rJ IK lWi frtiAf Aft eiaWaaaat Mrv- tiH ilit t r fc4tf ( tat hw m4 jw4f an xAaWa4 S) t'Mts bfa v4 wi.atar ksell. Ia) V r"at lk.f iU W Aw) iiMY4 fi Mt4 . . trr(i U tetwK ft kst.f I (Mew M k-l tm4 Wsk ) 1M gytsMkre .(! ft MBkit ! lis LUt-a Mta Aa,a4 t trtHKf tailst4 ' I ANaa t gVVg eV SjAaMtfn tt H mmJH4 avMaWea aU jW W sW ttMM W4 ', II' f ') IK e W- IVfMMf f4 ItSsW-WeAvas i U4 V t t f-,.-i tM f f uMet, 4 As h 4 - aw ' a aA. 4 ebe 4; ' -- La, t . . ii M 'asMf km eft ( -es4 t A. 0 yJwjef fcsgj 44AWg4 la 4 a--eSI HIa4, 5M 9f A 4 Ptvg 4 Drig Buying Ice in the Winter Time and coal in the summer time invariably saves the purchaser money. The principle involved is to buy when the other fellow is most anxious to sell, and to sell when the other fellow is most eajcer to buy. Those who would take, full advantage of conditions in the buying and selling of household necessities are con stantly on the lookout for opportunities presented through the "Want" Ad columns of The Omaha Hce. Are vou alert to the opportunities which Omaha I.ee "Want" Ails present? And, if you want to sell something, call AT lantic 1000 and ask for n Want" Ad taker. Omaha life "Want" Ad llrlng lletttr Hetultt at U$rr Cost The Omaha Morning Bee THE EVENING BEE lMI.MMlltMMIMMIIMIMMMIIMMIMMtAtlltMMMIHMI Adaae tat