The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 03, 1922, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE OMAHA BKE: TUiSHAY. CJCTllUfcli 3. It'-'.
Final AlTaim for
Hamilton Wedding
Th la at f th prnu.tll afiati In
honor o( Mil Marion Jlamllmn and
trr tunc, c.torg i4m!!un of Vh-
! fion, !. C. tnJud motr pirnir
irivj bundav vnlng by Herbert
t onnell and Porter Allin, when th
uil th Mdme Charle
1 Ian. ill'. ii, Jr , and it,. Mrnwi Krim
l.r., ll' lrn lluaai. Frame llailoran
.f UiJt Lake City, fcleannr Huikhty
mid Narml and, Mary Kmily Hiiinillnti
.r mngtnn: Meai. Jlirry Koh,
Harry and nobert Tturkler, KYed
Hamilton nJ fr. JMrt Fchrock
Ijut vnlng Kred Hamilton gat
dinner of SI rover at th
HianUn ( rotii followed by boi
li niy at Ilia Itrandcl In honor of ih
1. 1. Iiil roiii. Tomorrow evening Mr,
lira, C. W. Hamilton wilt ntr.
i in td party tt lb rrhearaul dinner
n: their hem.
i: lrt Hamilton of Washington. D,
' , brother nf th i room, arrived in
iniuha, Monday.
Fine Arts Society Enter-
tains for the
Th mnh Society of Klna Art
irUln4 at luncheon at tti Konto
i HI Monday noon w hen tha honor
ktiest were the Hire art critic who
"if In Omaha 'tt serve aa Judge fit the
x 1 1 i 1 . 1 1 of Nebraska artist opening
l-rldiiy. They are luiliih Clarksoii of
Chicago, Jl. M. KurUtynrth of Kan-
ia City unci Henry Mt-Carter of rhib
I'llelplim. Other prtaent at the
luncheon wer (ho .Mrednmr Herman
'.'on hYhulle, Jlarohl Clifford, Ward
llurgca. E. M. Pyfert, A. B. Currie,
-M'na Edith Tolillt. Franrla P.rogan,
John L. Webster and Maurice Block.
Thiro or four hundred entries hav
already bfn ramie for tha exhibition.
Including nils, watercolors, wood
llo( k, botlk and other work with
fnliria, wood larvlng and craft
Lee Huffs, Jr., Celebrate
First Anniversary
Sui-day evening Mr. and Mra. Lee
lIulT, Jr., nitertnlncd at dinner at
their home In honor of the flrat an
iiiveraary of their marriage, which
was xoleinnlz" In l-nnson, la., Octo
ber 1, 1PJI. The tulil- wa beautiful
ly decorated with red row-, and the
Imported place rarda. In black and
white of bridal party in allhouette,
were moat effectivo.
'over were placed for th Measra
and Mdnmea Mel1n Bekln. nueael
Vtllikhauaer, r.ueapll Rullev, Wallaro
Kpear, Nortnan Curtice, Willard Elak
erley of Fremont, Harold Jungo of
Lincoln. Miaa Loin Meltnn and Fred
Hidle of Llneoln, who ore to be mar
ried October 1!. ehared honor.
.Mlaa Melton haa been tho week-end
gii.-Kt of Mia. Huff, and returned to
i"r home Monday. Mra. Curtlee nan
P'..itponed her luncheon whleh was
o have Wn Riven In the honor of
the bride to lie yeatrrd-iy.
drlsu old Bales.
Mlaa t'lah Bate, daughter of Mra.
'rv Bates of HprinKtleld, Nab., be
came the bride of J'aul tjrlawold of
Omaha laat Katurduy afternoon at the
home of the bride. Afier a wedding
trip to KxceUlor fiprlnga Mr. and
Mra. Urlawold will bo at home in
Omaha at the new apartments Bt
Thirty first and b'arnam atroets. Both
are graduate o the University of
Mrs. J. II. Hchmldt wltihe to an
nounce the marrfnse of her daughter.
Alisa Lillian Frances, to Clen Wil
liam Jaatvum. The wedding took
place September lii at the parsonage
of St. Johns cathedral, St. Joeph,
Mo., Father O Neill officiating. The
young couple arrived last week to
make their home here.
Dinner Tarty.
On Friday evening John. Cavers en
tertulneil at dinner at the Brandeia
tea. room when his guesta were the
Mrpsra and Mcsil.mies K. S. Went
brook. Ed Wlrkham of Council Blufi.
Hurt Bradford, Mrs. Clara Swobe, E.
M. Fairfield, Miss Narjorie Cavers
and Kleth Cavers.
Omaha College, Club.
The Omaha College cluh announcea
that all college and university women
who wbh to Join the club may ob
tain membership blanks from the
chairman, Mrs. Henry A. Campbell.
VA, 0:141. Pues ore payable to
Mias Kathcrine Lenta, 29Si Poppletou
Mr. and Mra. John Eubel announced
t! enticement of their daughter,
Hasel, to IUchar.I M. O. KC5efiper. at a
party gini Saturday at the home of
Mr. nod Mrs. AVilliam C. JJ.hmUlt.
'Iwentytwo Kue,ta attended. No
oate Ins been act for the wedding
For Mr. Ulnaton,
tn lljrr!ei Vlunton of Rosa
birc. Ore, who bis been th KUt
ot Mra. C.oiia b-.U for the P.iet
hi ,i. m . .. i.. ....... i .( in i !..... ( '
til Brnit'-ls t- room on Heliiedav,
whfn tha )I:.m Marion and potothy
t !l-r Wi re b '(
limner I'anv
Mr a ;,J Mi. Martin W. li.i.h wal
a i al dinner tin nnig,
I am iii t tin w!er( nr-iect rninot
( of t'i Claf flu'1 Theie nl
w ill t-n Mr. and .Mi ltarv Mil! kea.
lr and Mi. Fil ti, LU and M;
1 1 !.'.' L a
Shew re u Itri4e.
i . I M a It. M Metu.l. wha
( tuy I Miot. I t '! f tew,
t .h.. at shower Tlur.i
r III k .f, r f fle.f ! lh'e,
' i I r.t, whi am th I f ,l
i' J bt M Cum. her, HilucUy,
Ml. MoVflM I I !
W h l
1. 1 ; '..!. i i
. a
.. a ! I'-s I i
. v lei
V fe, a
a Ml. t.(t
V ' !-. a ' t I
fra.r at a... II a t t al the
h i' t ui i. . el M..
c t .
vti laat: k t.
, I Mr. E. M. Klliott and twa daugh
thC M "'I Kuth. and on. Paul,
hat returned from two month in,
! -.- i -.
Pr. ar.4 Mta. W. M. Bair and fam
lly hav taken aa apartment at tha
r. Hudir until tbair nw horn in
Lmmle foirilileiad.
Mr. and Mra. John B, Blianahaa
ara leaving for Watungion early th:a
week wht-ra they will b until
M.irrh. Mr. tihanahan I cerretary to
Coiigrraaiuan A. V. Jitter i.
Mia 8iella Itoliliiarn, who ha
been Vlaltlng for th laat two month
with her parent, Mr, and Mr.
Homer Ilollnn, left Frl'lay for
New York City, where ah ha been
In aoiial tervli work.
Mr. William J. I'heUn and llttl
daughter, Itetty Jan, at ipandlntt
few daa with Mr, rhrlaii a mother,
Mr. K. Dunnlian. befnr (oina to
Kaneaa City. whr they will mak
their future horn.
Mr. and Mr. Victor Hco and Mr.
and Mi. Irvln NohlM of Omaha
era tli (nee! of Mr. and Mr.
I'arMe lxaan Jone of I.lnroln over
Huoday, and aitendvl th rloalng din
ner of th Lincoln Country club Sat
urday vninr.
Mr. J. J. Mahoney and her daugh
ter, Min Uva. an'l Mlea May Ma-
honey, moved into an apartment at
th Caroarry. Thirty-ninth and Ca
etreeta, Monday. Mlaa Eva Mahoney
returned Haturday evening for a aev ,
eral week trip to outhern Califor- j
Miss Collier to Wed in
Word baa been received fiom Mi
Tairothy Collier, former Omaha girl,
now living In Oregon, that aha haa
fixed Ortolier 14 aa the date for her
wedding to Boliert Ingwersnn of
Omaha. Mr. Ingweraon i expected In
Omaha thi week from Elgin, III.,
wher he la in bualnesa, and will
nend daya with hi father. i.
J. Ingwtraon, before leaving for Or-
gin. The young couple will make
their horn In Elgin for the present.
ML Calvary lomniandery Entertained
The Knight of Mt. Calvary com
mandery were entertained Friday
evening at the Masonic temple with a
musical program under auspice of
the drill corp of that organization.
The entertainment waa tendered to
member of th commandery and
their Masonic friend. The program
Harry Petersen, Xylophone io!; Mia
tlai.ore Behrtnr vocal aolii; lna Ro
mary (Jehrla, dancln apaetaltiMl MI'a
Nellla t'lrland. tnce; Mlaa Htlnhtuh,
oiu: Erneat illlln(, vlolm; ! Bonnn
Jenn Kelly. S'ottb lianrn; John T. Fin
lavfon. bplp(. Maaara. Oorga Me
Houcall and John V. Ktrilyon, bplpa
dual, accompanied by Sir, Hirry J. Feter
on, arum: tin. Lata Ma-SIfrld, aolot
M1mb lry Head and Jannia Shawen,
(-oirh titncaal Oeor MacDouaalt, tin
ijlp; Jam Cunn, Srotcb on; M'a
Maud Munroa. ri)lne; Mm Lualla
nrry, r'aiiinai; Mrs. Jam" . Kunce.
vocal aolo. Marara. Henry Bt, Herbert
I,. I'mlern-eed and LeHoy T. wilcoa,
vmlin irlo.
AToniianlat er Jtr. James r.
KunH, lira. Henrr Bet. Wla Iln
Jacobson and .Tonf-ph T.tjnibWIn.
Mr. Beale Honored.
Mrs. .1. J. Brown waa bostec thla
noon at a luncheon at the Blacke tone
for Mrs. Helen Bele, the guest of!
Mrs. Victor Caldwell. Mr, Caldwell !
will entertain at a tea at her home j
Tuet-day afternoon for Mrs. Bcnle and
he will b honored at dinner Friday
evening by Mra. James Boyd.
Holy Angela Parish.
The Holy Angela parish will bit
an old time dance at their hall Tuc
day evening.
Problems That Perplex
Answered by
If You Are Lonely.
Dear Mis Fairfax: I ct bo lone
some some nights that I just sit down
to have a good cry. It eem that
all the girls at the office have fellows
and good times all the time. One by
one they come down to work with
diamonds on tli"ir fingers. It's so
hard for me to see all this without a
pang. I haven't a fellow, and it
saenia aa If I'll never get one. I
don't know why it la, because I am
good looking (plenty of people have
told ma thaO. 1 diets neatly and I
have a fairly good education. Yet,
I have been, out with a few fellows,
but they don't ask me to go out with
them a second time. Do you think
because I am quiet nnd won't believe
In good niaht kissing Is the reuson
why boys don't seem to care for me?
Tloase tell me where 1 can meet some
nice, good, clean young men. I do
not go to church, although I used to
every Sunday, because 1 have a posi
tion where I have to work Sundays.
Could you tell me how to overcome
bein; ouict and nhy? JANE,
Klrat of all, Jane, utop feeling orry
for yourself. It never does any good,
it makes you unhappy and a whlney
person never endears heraelf to thoe j
around her. Thst Is hard advice M ,
, f.dlow. 1 know, for there are tunes
j w hen w can't help feeling abused.
rtui cneeriuinea uim innuini i ninr,,
f..r other panple are iulitle Hist
will mak people glad to e you. It
you are qiin-t end all', it ns.iv eaally
be that th lift
impression "ou
tha beat. lint
riwk t in-t of
that Vwd of a pei..ii UU.lh'
wear well. If you want to bo
entertaining and talk w-ll, yen hat
to hv 'wUiHig t talk botJt, and
reading p( all kind I th bast wa
to gl Weil stocked I'Vlld Dun t
;irk la Union, but red bl.grapbv
and trawl wall, and keep up on
orient vni. Ileal ) )eur
variii crng b(Kau )et are i,.
oint out. but trv l mak yeur;f
lotarMlmg. And pilraa(el fu
.iher pe.'.tt M tk them t ila sK, U
that;ava. A avmp-'1! bstantf
la iia nn r i ii .tl thn a
'lavar lalkar, Tvit aa ai ol
l'iei I oi ta'a t-ais t,w,
your il iku an I cur it4 p
ir ,n.. th gul wb i lam anJ
writ t.fM.i i.itra l-!ue n.,:a-
. it tlMX lha ( w.'.a a -r(lf t .
thet a a nni.Ur if O.ii e e--
! iki yw teuli t-
Ter I tli :ri' -.itivi.t r .v
( n Y, V. t A. fU.a
. I 4t I l i Ih A -
a iim . I ih w n , i t .. . a
i.kf tc' at tn V . ; H a.'-l .i ''t i a-' ml
kmaiv !'' f . ' ll I '
( l ft-,, la hi i et it,
al. eiM w ( ( ai.r t-, ,
t . i.ka i If ( !. j
iaa ept H l. l.k Iksaa . )
ia a (...i . i ' " !.,
aa (.rJ. -l e.n it
t- ...... If . aiM . ,(.
la i.t . l ekt w l h '
mess -MMmmi
My Marriage Problems
A4tl Camion' Nv I'haie of
iCerrndl Ii:t)
UhiA la hmiili ri.innUic la lf
At Lillian' prop...! tu eei.d t
matt tailing hi'iix-lf Nmuli batk in
th ruropren tountry in whUti ha
had held rnal rank, we heard a i hok
inif llttl aouud. and aw t-very bit
of color drain from h fu'-. and a
look nf trk, agonlred terror n-p
Into Iw eye,
r'or a aeiond or two h n.a.le a val
iant effort to aiiniinon la k the arto
m.l manner which had I-en hta. Iitil
Lillian Dronoltlon evidently had
lieen to alaauailn a blow, for there
ram from hia white twlated lip only
the w rda, lowapnketi, enrreating!
"Not thre. Not there,"
Lillian flushed a -otnprehnding,
Ignifirant look at Allen )iak. and
be returned th tank of grilling
"Th proposal apparently doe not
trik you favorably, your htghnees,"
b dtawlH, "and from what I hav
beard of your llttl activities when
ou were In power. 1 do not won-
oer. Let e. IMdn t they attacn
a llttl anbrktiet lo your title over
there? It m to m that I bava
beard you railed 'Th Vuspeakabla
On.' Uellev ine. It deeply grlevea
ua to be compelled to consign you
to the niercie of the people of your
former country. Th underdog ilia
tinctly are hating their day In that
ectlon Just now, and I am afraid you
mav welcome death with otien arm
when you finally ara given it."
There waa Hlunificaiice in bis alow-
ly-uttered worda which evidently wa
no, lost upon Vmlth, and I realized
that Allen Dral.c purposely waa pio
longing thi gruelling for soma fur
ther purpose.
"Hut there' nothing else to do wiMi
you." Allen Prake went on. "If we
keep you In thia country, we'v got
to meas up things generally with a
trial and getting you uncomfortably
electrocuted. And frankly )f th peas
anta over there will take you off our
hands, it will be bettor for everybody
exrept you, and we can't consider
"Hovr Many Tcople Kium?"
Pmlth'wa patently pulling himself
together. His eyes darted from one
face to the next, speculatively,
"I am rich," he said briefly. "Hoir
many thuusand to bt me go free7
I will give my word never to do any
thing against this country or your
selves." Allen Drake turned with a weary
little amlle to Lillian.
"Th eternal question." be aaid.
"How much? When will these atupida
learn that there are men and wom
en in America who haven't a price?"
He turned back to Smith with an
elaborate bow.
"Sorry," he said debonairly, "but
you are not rich enough. "We have
euch extravagant taste, thee ladies
and I. that it would take millions
or billiona instead of thousands to
natiefy them. Ho I am afraid wo
shall have to atlck to our original
program, wnere no you warn rim
put for the night, Mr. Vndei-wood?"
Kmith interrupted again.
"How many more people knowj" he
began, and Allen Drake cut short
th question.
Smith I Hopeful.
"Planning to escape and wipe out
everybody who know the secret of
your identity?" he gibed. "A very
commendable determination from
your atandpolnt but entirely futile.
In the first place, you are not going
to escape, and In the second, so
many poeple in Washington and thia
section know this that It really would
be a useless task to try to find them
all. Be quiet now. You Interrupted
the lady."
He made an airy little gesture to
ward Lillian and she spoke slowly,
contemplatively, as if nothing'had de
layed her answer.
"Why: I think Picky 'a outdoor
studio will do as well as any other
place. We do not wish to make him
more uncomfortable than we have to,
but of course it will be impossible to
havet' him in the house. And, Allen,
you might provide him with smokes
and an opportunity to read."-
"How can we manage that?" ho
asked. "We can't let him have
matches, you know, or a lamp, and
he'a got to b tied fast."
H was as if they were discussing
somebody not present, and again I
had the impression that their dia-
This Will Ward Off ,
And Break Up Colds
Jett a iMipaaalal f Dr. Olall'
Syr Pipit raaaaat tk catilia
fPllEtwo ailment that people
1 generally regard as of the cu.t
importance are in relit y tbe i su
i'f meet stKMii illneiwea ami cif
th greatest prop.rlhiii of tl"tli,
Tbey ara coaoU-
wi'hii end com
mon icldv M.iny
d a lor tmar l
licve I h it ttJils
t,'Cuiliti, a I hj. h
1 14 Will
aHviW. Cam riitliie-
r-v!i alk4 le-
in IIk- i su".
lb ( -w t remain
that )ou rKInt La a oJ.I anh
Hit inlnla", tin bt f B- I
rixiitlM, I Ik t.iily way Ii
...! n4U U bl kerp ll I i.l,r
vilaMy. oH toatiaily ul. I) .4.
M lb winle if )
dn. lbt(r In M wr iiU-r
e-e fii.e, .i iiviira I
I !, dunk fait In ait tii(
m ; lb ki. iw-i,
tit Ml nafiev, I la tacl tV
af al.l b-4 b .lie l.i it jl
rf -r iie a in Ml lb
tMIlll.a 'M4 4 4a.lktk ,
an eu-i 1 1 Itw il f-li'ly
wall .f - t ! b'.
l . l!Ja ?rw, I' !,
lad ln reheataed, liut that
i Mnith bad no .urti d I aaw by th
rf, trti.e iHk he .-ut lowaid
"V bat anough floahllihta in
the limi.f to tat him until daylight."
Lillian rettirnd. "and h can W th
n an uarling hlni when lie anl a
new c.K ir litihlrd."
"Thei len t tnurh room In that
ha-k for tmre tlmn on peiaon."
! Allen I'luk Ob Jailed.
I "I don't think, th guard will have
1 10 ''''
th loom, Lillian ald.
'V' U'll have him tied e'Urr!y
enoutili." Ji'l furtlva giant at
Kinliti told in that tha kno'ld
that lin waa to be alone bad lvtn
liini a dMiuct new hope.
Jinimy Itabblt Haa an Invitation.
Henry Hcunk wa alow-going per
son. Ha never would move fast for
anybody, not even to set out of
! neighl-or'a way. But that waa all
rlglit. The nelghlxir never argued
with hlni. It waa almpler to alep
asld for Henry, If they happened to
U In a hurry.
Henry bkunk wa no great traveler.
And when fall came, ha dec-lured that
h wasn't going to apond th winter
If btoaaiM ti baan-t tnotbir
for sou, to eatT said Hnn Skuniu
in the woods. He Intended to llv
where he could get a good meal with
out going a tii Ue for it, He ex
pected to move hi family right down
to the farmhouse.
"What!" cried Jimmy Rabbit,', when
Henry Skunk was relating hi plana
for the winter, "you're not going to
live with Farmer Green, are you?"
"Well, not exactly," replied Henry
Skunk. "X mean to tnak my horn
under the woodshed."
And that was Just what be did.
There waa no cellar beneath the
woodshed. Henry Skunk dug a bole
under one of the sills. And aa soon
as he had the hoi finished ha brought
Mrs. Skunk down to see their wiuter
quarters. She ' liked them. They
moved in at once. And Farmer
Green knew nothing about his new
Now and then Jimmy Rabbit used
to meet Henry. Skunk in the garden.
It, waa stiU early in the fall, and the
root crop had not yet been gathered
and stored in the vegetable cellar.
"You must com to see my bouse,"
said Henry Skunk early one morning,
before Farmer Qreen'a family was up.
Now, Jinimy Kabbit didn't really
care to call on the Hkunk family, ut
Henry Skunk waa so eager to Bhow
Jimmy bis winter quarters that
Jimmy didn't know how to decline the
Invitation.' So they ct out together
for the farm bouse.
They set out together; but they
couldn't keep together. Henry
couldn't or wouldn't hurry. Jimmy
Rabbit wouldn't or couldn't dawdle.
He bad to move briskly.
"Stop! Wait for me!" Henry Skunk
kept calling.
But Jimmy Rabbit always found
himself at least three jumps ahead
Thtnummh ptwi'a r mskinf
Vwlw, U See tnn t Si tru-'-tiv
iMfaii iaa( an,veea in ln
tttmtlr fan u (( wilinia,a"' '
fare a fa y u Tfiuie.
kill flftli tvw.ab liWeaf I"
M'.'filN Wl , lrint ft 4a aWW
(-(. Ilraa ma -e fe a-nf il.
t.UrM If. II. Ii. 'u'WLM Ml
II .,(.. SI.. Munltntlu, iilumu,
a il
U tbe tint Wn nl colli, at U
fir-t L'W warning neee, V
.mnii (. s rui Viu and
the iiinaaticn W'U I " I a
f. w, Ik t wail until lb
i- IJ h.n grip vn ynu. Mr,
llenry I Wan. Jr., lb heMer,
N. ., cuml stubborn 4. in
i'mt ibal an, ami Mm. Ali
t othbray t4 llkU. tlkht , IU"
U .ibilnrl. ,, all th, amaU ilia
tt le-r laiiidj lie K aH4ti)wliiai,
I ili. iHuea, iU. baa, Uini'a,
n l la Inmi up fr anj ra4dv
f. ( alda. II nvtu. I'cp,la U
wal Ue wily baUiaJ mm.
.mad 4 layplua will)
4-wt laaliaa) aKouaUa. It H
a.,1 . al tt tt.l il , 4 kit
ibiiilian bk il W(..f hi aiua
rmt t. rJl faa4a ifiiai.
.-.-iw try t,i4f il 1 1
(U (IfUfaMt will
.Jf a't I Ux M-t K l aa
tlw c 4w
of Ibmy a .um. nt af'er they bad
naiiri fteu aa'tui.
At lat, jut lhy turn to tha
bert house, llanry r-kuiik aaid to bun
"tio hrj; IV-n't wa.t t'r oa. Tell
n.y ,( wlio oil ae, hay Hint I II
be home aoou. It will Iw a'l.t.glit.
Mv w;fu lovra coii'pary "
H.( Ji'lltliy llnbbll Wrllt uUnie to
Henry fkunk new hoinf tinder the
I ..l,i.. II KniW-d naiit in. Ami
liini be walked naiit out smjiii. For
M,. hkuuk Old'i'1 hliil out, Mia
vru threatened bun. Ami ln
Wouldn't litten td any rlilituutmi.
Jimmy llabblt t down out aide
Ilmiy diwr and waited. II" waited
a long time. But lleniy Skunk did
J not ai'iM .ir.
I know be a alow wtilkrr, J.m
my Hubliit Mid to hlmiclP. "but be
(n't be ii alow a Una. 1 II
lint happened to him" Unit to ttiu iKlilmuae, h
Ready ff
Buy One Package
Then Be the Judge
oAt Yvur Grocers
Tw o Sizes
10c and 25c
found Henry kiiiik ai ll there He
wa ibuli s tbsiiirg 4 hn! IIIhIiT
lb buddiua".
"Vuur Wiiiil.l'i t b t ine aijv in
your bullae," Jiiuiny lLil-U.t lold bun
Kii k " lid Henry hkunk inn
iiaiipf.ttv, jiuI lilt b'l' H'a nil riibl
iSliy 1 ivnppe.1 lo g'-t 4 fill' krjl,
and I II ) .ilong Mi "
SlUI Mi. Skunk t'l'bird J ninny
lUbblt tu get cut i.f lor ui-wr boilou.
Again l e waited bit'.r Ibe ilnor, And
alter a while lleniy hkunk arrived,
cur) In-; a ililrkni with liilii.
Wie lil.ul" ln base a second (line,"
Jimmy evplaiiifd.
"It l-i all e lie i anytlilna
for you to eat," e.ild IblllV Sl.tlnk
"My Wtfa bite conp.tliV. She loves
c.,iisiiiy an nun Ii Hint alia i,m't Ih-ji'
to luve any gini-is w dim li .ant
giva lb' in a liciil. I II eliow- to-r tliia
Dread dishwashing no longer. LINN, ihe soap powder with the lemon
fragrance, is your dishwashing servant. Use only a spoonful or two
of LINN in a dishpan of water. The water immediately becomes soft
as milk. Now put in your soiled dishes. Note how LINN dissolves
the grease. A swish or two in the water and the dishes come out
clean and shining. Dry with a towel and they sparkle. Ready to put
away and they're a source of pride. Nothing cleans dishes like LINN.
For Washing Dishes
oAnd Keeping the Hands Beautiful
TJic Soup Ponder nith the Lemon Vhgrancc
IWutttul hanJt may wish diihes with 1.1 NN and remain hiu?i:u!.
The re' no tell tale red kind with LINN none cl the chafing aftrr
f tf'ecti common to ordinary hard and rvnwifrs, LINN cannot
harm. LINN makes the dhftupaiklc tnjkci iilvmv.iref.huv-and
keep yut Atirnj fVjwiu. LINN h.n a rlace m yftr hon-.e f r cvi-tv
Jeruing rurrwae. t OV tor LINN today. iU.
the lie u tor economy. Yovur muiu'y hak it" you aie n t ifid.
tU.laeil and tlit.l aio 11 l.j,l v. n.i
bl iMaiillfa "4 II'
I lli iii.ahe-1 lbr.,111 Ii ):.a it ..
'to n,i.i' Hi h fi w in. in n."
! ' My W.I u I .l.'tn't bl.'-. (..
4 b l'i"Utl i ll i Urn f." . ..Ii .i ... v."
he I. .1.1 Jillit.iy ", nil l .e
I tU Ci'llia ilV4ill fO'lil' I'll-ey "
Ihtiiv hkunk ib'-o inn r. t i . i-r
i hia bi'ii"" iisaii'. Mb a"t in .1 o be a
a liuriy. f"f oneo in in- hi-
Ami then lie mic.I 'i'i.i- it
en a III.-' ' b said. 'If I den t i't
lalik ii 'k!y, III. I" K.'kl '"' ' V
cliickeii lft for ii " "I In ii be in i'i
a through i ..n.i. .
JltiilKV ll.ibblt waa pb a .-I tli.l bla
tinned oui as it U .1 ll- l'i
like ihiiken, ainln.w. Ami l. cull t
cilia to be a liUeat of lln. Skunk
f.innli, no inutt'T bow murb Mn (
Skunk bued coii'i'iiiiy.
il niiiri(lil, m-'i I
Tim It I'. lk a iiiininim . a
rii a nf i.ird ii(lca in l an.u tlf
lllat Thllldliy of cmll lunnlll Tlic;
tirat one will he iicM Tl.m '..!'. "'
tuber fi.
. i mi i 0 aeaaaif
'ih JISS rt"l CI U'.ibna'.
l'rif Wiumrs ;it Party
(J a t'n I'.v Sir-UTc
of .Mcjvy
'I ' -.- i .i I iu t .' (, o I - at
II:.- fi I'.ilci I'-1 I l" I'1' A 'oil. i e
, ll.ll f t' I' la .f V. .1 v w .1 .'I
Irii.lcl I t'i'l Mi.nrii "is- r:.-'
pi u c I r 1 . i e ( t-.'M '. . . of
1-nin. I.,i: l l.i ', In I. Sir U t.e h i
t. t l-f Mo . l W" I I "
M,,l y ;i .i . A-S'.ica It ni i I In.. i .
Mra Ci...e Il. H- w.-rai lb-- Mr..J, in a
i-a ui l. ,t it ' . n. i i; i I
Mi.'t.n. I'. 1 J. . ;-'
.!.-, . . 1 Mo Ml a .'I'll - ' '
!,..r, C.ilii Iv r I , .. ... II... I
an I M.n II. it- . ,' .i .r
(rn a wi-r.- ,Mi 'l jn.-a It. 1.' Mil
b i, J I'. f. '. ., . 1. 1." Muii'br.
W, II. 1 ... v i, , .1 I ' ll. inlii.'d J, i:
,t!.-i .1, in I : ,51.1 I ' , A ' I ci!. 'I
.,i.. M Ketl . and lb" M '. l
In,, l N.iiillu.'i. I.",l II lt I'!. V, I
i tin I'lK im ri a - d l" 1 li-H '
i ii.itn' .-I i, p. 'I ii.. . i ii ir t . w,.n
I.V II. Il-ll (i. ,l.
ij i'w.- ,.e, ,
1 i
I i.
, ii,j4wi 4'4 a laa
j t,(ka, I