TUK OMAHA BEE: U'KSJMi". OCTOUKR 3. $tl rp Tt n Vf AnTtTn li t- Til ' 'or,'4 t0 himtslf on tha duwntoaa trr X llfj iVl U I lM IN U Dl!W'f ,!" ' AB.trk.o city the.t d.j. MOHMNC EVENING SUNDAY thi ire rim isiiisa comtanv rrisoM , i r Pint. ruMukr, b. pmh(. c. M,n.f.r. MCMBlft or THE A4XXIATID nut ; rtw. r i.i. 1m r it t . 1 U 'lUXI I altc te 114 mm f-e euMt.e ef if 4ti.t' , -... i ,i M ' S " "' la IU l-r.. ft -I ! to l.tl iMkuiiarf Itu AQ rii,if iM tcpcll-Lttl l 4 WW I., tl SI. ut ft , ,.w. V fe torry for th unfortunate driver, who j Ui l. teen (ol4e4 over n another by ill-fitting (hurt, an4 ho )hynfI Ji.oomfort it enhanced j by frequently stepping en th but aur real ym J j)ihy fan out to the fellow ho it strppir.gr thre at once in step rrom Dewy Lit ami jetting from or side of th street to th othsr. me TtLirnosrs JH l.-tli li'Urxi. A.k fr th lirr'ment . T .. .r rnun Woi4, l Nnht (tilt Ati,r M i Al "' 4lterii t' wlnim, Allan!! 10;t at 1000 orriccs Main Office 17ib rnl Firmm C. ICuffi . . it euit m. , siat, N. vs. cr. tlth e.4 N Sw Yerk- ; iM Av.nu walking! . m M.r bid-. I h,co ... T: l.r tU4g Pftrn, f riu :o Kui M. Hanoi "From State and Nation'9 Editoriah from other .ictviptipcr. LET THE RAILROADS COMPETE. Out in western Nebraska th potato growin art akinjf for a reduction of freight ratca in order to mako it r-vth whilo fr thm to di? their crop. Tbruughout the atate the ned for luwcr ahipptnK oiti ii ktanly felt. Tha blama for thia condition, o rloui berauia of the great ditanc of Ncbraaku from the eaatern marketa, ia laid on the Cummins L'ich law. Competition mut bo reitored in tranportation. Railroade that can afford to haul goode at a lower eharco than othere ahould be prrmitted or forced to do 10. The regulations of the Interstate Com meree commission mut et maximum rather than a minimum rate. It ia not juit to the people that some roada ahould receive more than an adequate profit in order that worthleaa lines may be aure of a return on their investment also. Under the cloak of war emergency the Wilson administration inaugur ated a railroud policy unfuir to the public. Establishment of railroad competition to bring down freight and passenger charges ia one of the principal aims of 11. 11. Howell, republican candidate for the United States senate. On this point the re publican state platform declares: "We rcommeni th rMtnrnllon of competition In rilri rutfK ami the powers of lotjil regulatory comrnls'Hione over rallruml rates wltliiu the utateti." As to the pohsibility of Justly obtaining lower rate there can be no question. Operating expenses have decreased, and while aume few lines are losing, others arc profiting richly. The Cummins-Esch art, in Section 15a, gave the Interstate Commerce commission authority and duty to sanction rates to yield a fair return, defining a fair return in fixing which the commission is to con sider among other things the transportation needs of the country and the necessity of enlarging such fsciht.'is in order to provide adequate transporta tion. The commission also is directed to proclaim the rafe of return at which it would aim in its rate regulation. Under this clause much mischief has arisen. The seeds of this were sown in the federal control act of March 21, 1918. Thia was the McAdoo-Shallen-berger guaranty, originating in a democratic con gress at the time the railroads were taken under fed eral controL Thia is the guarantee of railroad profits that cost the federal treasury $2,000,000,000. If thia democratic measure had been continued in force instead of being repealed by the republican congress, the drain would have been almost doubled, The Cummins Esch bill made the mistake of al lowing this guarantee to continue for six months longer, repealing it, however, September 1, 1920. Since that date the United States treasury has not paid a single dollar as a railway guarantee. The policy of guaranteeing rail profits out of the treas ury was originated by the democrats, and repealed by the republicans. The Cummins-Esch law, however, contains too many other provisions, hang-overs of the democratic regime. Congressman Andrews points out one in Section 15a, by which roads are grouped for rate making purposes, and rates are to be pitched at a level assuring the poorest managed line a profit, thus giving the more advantageously situated lines license to charge the same rates and pile up enormous profits at the expense of shippers. A bill is now pending in congress to repeal this provision. Another would amend Section 13, by which intrastate rates are held under federal control. While both of these changes are necessary to the better adjustment of the transportation aituation, ytt it might be much better to repeal the Cummins Esch act entire. The effort to combine in that law regulation of wages, working conditions and rates has not been successful. The labor problem is im portant enough to be treated in a separate bill, leav ing it to another measure to restore competition and return to the states their lost power over local rates. A CALL TO BROTHERHOOD. A s'roi'g appeal to the chunhta and leader of religion to unite against the force of international bittern hat been Usued by the noteJ Dritinh di vine,, Dr. Jowett. Declaring that the spirit of war I prfneot even in council of peace, and that men are talking about the "next ar" a thouuh it were the most natural thing in the world, he conclude: 4 "Tt.a puliu- wi. Itav failcl in eUllilili. a rlshtrou pwr, n1 men veryliir ari fi'vllng tli nr.i of Rum Hir whl U Mmll lift all inilin. c.il rrlitlrnh!p out of tha rut ami mire In which tliry hi f illrn utiil iri.it the pmailiility of nutluii at uuii fiiti-ruuili'iml fraternity. It i nut Mft mitl miH nnJ. It t the enlargi-ntMit of merely p riHhi.il ami patriotic fflluwulilp Into th family of nun. It I the traimfomiatkm of lli klngdoni of tin world Into th Kuilom of Co1. Ami w lint i lli power whj''h I to do tin except th power of n-tlfc-iori? On mime appointed dty let the ltli'-ver( in Clirint to th-lr churrhr. a they went In th' enrly ilui vt the war, and In mm mmiiltanuu act of tlcli'Miion tuid au(lll)li1et lurntlon let them pro i liiin tli.'lr iter unci put pose fur a M'i e4 padc nn'l their belief in the common brotherhood cf man kind." Dr. Jowett propose a council of peace with dele gate druwn from the ranks of religion, science, art and literature, a representing the less material ele ments of modern socety. There is even now an un organized fellowship of men and women who are pondering on these questions. They only await leader ship to erect the banner of moral ideals on which the future of the world depends. SO COMMON SENSE TRIUMPHED. A huge sigh of relief escapes the dean of gk!i in the Omaha high schools, at she says "I told you so," and points out that short skirts, "knickies," bobbed hair and the like have vanished, so far as the school girls are concerned. This dean was one of the sensible women, and knows girls because she is in sympathetic contact with them in largo quanti ties day after day throughout the school year. She is aware that in the average American girl it no more barm than is found in the dewdrop. Either may be polluted, but neither has any inherent element of impurity. Flapperism is not over with, for the girls still are human beings, and possessed of animal energy in variable degrees, and that an outlet for thjs must be found it equally certain. So long as it does no more of harm than resulted from the recent wave of extreme dress and habits of per sonal adornment, the escape of this surplus of ani mation will excite only interested amusement on part of the well balanced elders. What the girls will do next awaits the unfolding of time, but they will find some way to make their presence in the world known to all. In the end, the cycle is bounded in the sententious comment of a current cynic: "Young folk grow up to be old folks and worry about the doings of young folks.'' CIVILIZING SUPPLY AND DEMAND. Our old friends, supply and demand, cut up some riueer didoes, now and then. Ordinarily, you know, an increased consumption of any article encourages a higher price. It is only when supply exceeds the demand that price fall. One may see that illus trated in the case of coal, lumber, food and innum erable other instances. Out in Kearney, however, the process has been reversed. There a lack of rain h left the trees and lns suffering for moisture. The water v'n. j FALSIFIED TAX FIGURES EXPOSED. There is an old saving that it takes a good many shovclbful of dirt to bury the truth. This knowledge comes too late to the democratic state committee, which has resorted to the trick of adding the county and state taxes on isolated farms and presenting the total as the amount levied for the support ot the state government. In most of these cases the land referred to is re mole from Omaha. To check up the figures printed by the democratic organs is not easy, but it has been done, and reveals either an utter lack of veracity or a total unfaniillarity with the problem of taxation. To quote a paragraph from a recent editorial in the World-Herald, which has had much to say on the question of state taxation: "Take Louis Hermann, of Pleasnnton. in Buffalo county. His total taxes grew from 525.68 In 3916 to IH2S.70 in and the stata taxes alone grew from $13.91 to $54.97." Here, in that figure ot $54.97, is either a bold at tempt to deceive the citizens of Nebraska or a demon stration of complete ignorance of the Nebraska tax system. Examination of the county treasurer- books in Kearney show that the state tax laid on Mr. Her mann's farm was less than half of that amount. In stead of paying $34.97, he paid $27.08 in state taxes. Statistics equally erroneous have been given out by the democratic state committee on several other tracts of land in Buffalo county. In each of these the amount of the state tax is given as more than double the real figure. This is shown in the following table, certified by the county treasurer oi Buffalo comity: State Tax Actual According State to Demo- 0'itr. UeMTiption. Tux. crats. W. It. Hankius SE'iNU'i 3 12-14 4A1 9.07 lleitha Kocherscheldt SWH 51213 :".7 56.19 Louis Hermann SKU 9 T.' 1 27.0U 54 97 Oorce Koyle, N K '4 20-12-1 7.54 15. SI W, .1. KUSS. SYV'i 4 11-1S 20 U 4091 S. M. Heeler, NV4 20-9-1 1 4rt.?;l S3.li) K. r. young, FV4 10 1115 M l.'. TIM Martin L"'Sr. NWV, 7 10 17 I'-l 31 M.S8 Nellie Meitlr. W JJ-10-U 7.0 KW I Frank ra. NV t! D I 23 4MJ Time enough has clapne-d since The Omaha Uee fir.-t called attention to the distortion of the tx i ur, f., tUr, ,l,m.t..riiti 1ailr tt ietifv their Imwevrr. ha not taken advantage of the pressing - . . . , , Kuin't Referendum. ritm It lhrtua lUnltcr, It I iit4l that th fun' cf ! hou!4 t li1 to th men' inov. (it turn a referendum that caked In Illlnol on th pr minKiliility of liklit wine wrut betr, J utl III Mnai liuxaltii ,oii th nil ' oriivnl of ti Hi ule rnfi.rceini tit lw, It I vrfm:t!y true that liuM the vote on either of th lue t hu. til t.j .u.luliiil'in, tim litw t prnent tn1. It wouhi xtlll l In rfTtfi'ttv legally. No t.it I'UU by It Iiiilcptaileut action annul within it i'n bonier a toiititutlii.i niTienilmeiit, lf thit er Mrilt It wmiltl lino Iwii entirely within th power of my In.lh liliia emiilu nt Ute lit Mil)' tilne Much thu rlvil r tn re n-t eiills!nf aliiveiy, tf It ei pulll. tmv tiit in the union to. lay tnifcht hy a u'eenful rrft'ieinlum vote (h'l'ilve women of tli fruni'hlte. It In perfectly ap parent, therefore, tliat nothlne uhicli th lii'lU Irhul euie iliwe tmn aff't the hindinu aiitborlty of th nth mondment. Hut this oucri'M of th liciuor fort e In either of then referendum vote would t used by tlmiu a a pier- ful weapon In their preeent campaiitn to raptui th country ag.tlii fur rum. It wouhl mke fiiforrment of th law doubly dlllicult. . In Mime. ( huiett th Uli ' of ti lliruor fore, by the defntt cf the state en forcement bill, wouli mean thiit th fin pulil by violator of th Voletead act won li go Into th national treas ury inmeiol nf Into th tat treasury. v would apt-filly hear from th friend of th auloon of th burden imposed upon th ut and of the di- verelon of (late moneye Into the rui tlon coffer. If th Illlnol proponi tlon should uccet, th nation would be told that on of It greatest ntut.-e hud repudiated th llth amendment In letter and In ipirit, and that ef forts to enfore It there must be re. carded almoet a the Impontlon of th will of the conqueror upon an un willing people. for thee reaiton It I entlal that all who deelr to prevent tho re turn of th auln to power eliould vote against every proposition to weaken In the augment degree the force of th 1 8th amendment and the Volstead act by which it i Riven effect, and for all endeavors to make enforcement more ri-rtaln. It would be folly to Ignore th gravity of tha situation present or to underestimate the strength of the Iluuor forccit now engaged in the effort to undermine temperance. Those forces are thor oughly organized, liberally Una need, and posnes sphere of influence in section of society where It ws not supposed that anarchistic; activity gainst the enforcement of law could find any place. It must not be for. gotten that great and presumably rejected financial institution In New York and other great center are still heavily burdened with com merclal paper. Issued by distillers, which they bold and on which, th;y enn recover only by breaking down the rule of prohibition. Thl fact noes fur to explain tha apparent con nivance with lawlessness of many presumably respectable forces, both journallstlo and political, which hnve allied themaelvea with the movement agnlnst th ISth amendment. Ther wa never a time when uni versal vigilance waa more necesfary. man now. ina moment Is critical. The fight for the re-establishment ot force of temperance have won a notable victory in the recent pri maries, which have given assurance that the next congress will be quit as dry and probably drier than tha preeent one. But that la only a skir mish. The main bottle ia mill on. Victory in It, while It will not assure final triumph, will drive back th forces of lawlessness and disorder. Illinois and Massachusetts! an the strategic point. The people of these states should b particularly awake to their duty. Marriage and Art. From Iv'ebnuka City PrefB. Because we recently expressed the humble opinion that so many women who adopt artistic careers have do mestic entanglements and suffer tha disillusionment which is often affili ated with marriage, Marie "VVeekes of the Norfolk Press takes us to task and intimates that we subscribe to the be- her that "der place for der wimmlns i In der kltchln' makinr biskits foi der men." Nothing could be farther from our Intention. We hold no such old-fashioned opinion, We Insist. moreover, that the woman who ties herself to household drudgery is a sia.ve to convention; a slave in the same category with the man who is so busy with his petty business affairs that he cannot look about and appre ciate the wonders of nature. We mere ly expressed the belief that marri;ia to art, in a surprisingly and increas ingly number ot instances, nie.itis eventual domestic disturbance, based on misunderstanding and objections. e hav only to point to tho record to sustain our contention. Musician, painters, writers, actors the devo tee of tha seven arts have repeated ly declared that th oil of artistic leanings and th calm and nlacid waters of domestic complacency do not mix. 1'erhaps, however, it is the exception that proves the rule of con- nuninl agreement. We refuse to be drawn into artful argument. need for more sprinkling-. Instead, it has reduced its rates 23 pr cent and urges citlrens to uo more water. There is something in this defiance of th law of supply and demand tha. whi! pleasing, is upttipg to economic theory. U mut be that in Kearney ti'9 beauty and horn development are set abov erne of th bter motive of bf. rrrhap the known Uw of uppty and dm4 ii undergoing a littl humanising. It ea stand, a lot, :td th middle i statements, and yet this has not been done. From the stump their orators are quoting these fake statistic of farm taxes, and their newspapers re printing tnem. (.harlcs If. Uandall, and the entire republican bt of candidate ar bent on towering the people's tates. They rfli4 that the co of government, stte, tour.ty, school district, tonrship and muni cipal, is ton hik'h. The pecit legislative session fi; a cut ef on third in UU ta. for lr,'2. huh i mre thtt h keen don generally in th Rom of Our Chief Necessities. From the Cincinnati Ennulrar, In casting about for relief from vexatious. Irritating and oneroua bur- dens sufferers are likely to go awrv, copies or. n use an old express!', not t .ilde to e th woiMls for the trees. I su.'iUy in seeking the causes for con ditions complained about we bo too fur a'teM and f:,il to look about ti. wher th rent incentives are to be found for harassing r'iig, Then leain. we full to theorising when w uliouM Im intensely pni'-iii- liberty, b it ! people ft ho tV l;b-vi-tir anil tinr liUrty. hat tin roiiuiry needs I not a job for every nun, but a real man for rveev Job. hut tin loiititry tiee.la Isn't to I-t tool late from tli eople, but for fie iopla lu gel luur flout III Ue.. What tUJ rounlry need I not mors intiee nf teri'iinry, but nur mil'' to the gallon. What thl count i-v r.eeds It more tractor anil lee detractor. U hut tin country nwl leu't more young nun nmkliik- ived, but inuie yiiung men pbiutliig aiud. What this country rn-od la more I'lillil oil tl n old libit Slid ia paint on the young face. What thl country need lint't a lower rat cf inti rest on money, I ut a lusher liitict In work. AMi.it thl coimtrv nerds I to fol low the fiMitstepa of the fHtlir. In stejul of the footstep of the dancing liiasteiv The Adilillonsl Judgri. fmrn tl.a tvahmtun sr. Th Increase by Zi of th nuinlier of federal Jutgt I a welcome and Important matter at this time. Ther Is a good deal of huslnesa to b taken cr of. Litigation In volume rt grown out of the war, and tha vol unit i likely to grow birger for some time to tome. The bench, federal or state, ahould never be short. Thr should alway b Judge enough to give prompt at tention to all business presented. Thi ha not boen th caw for sears. Complaint of congeited dock et lav often been heard and effort mad to remedy th trouble. At last we have action a to th federal bench. It may not be suffi cient, but it I a start, and warrant th hope that if still mora Judge ar necessary they will be provided from time to time as th ned 1 demon strated. "The lw' delay" 1 an old and fa mou phrase, and hn often been o counted us evil with muny ramifica tion. It baa even been pleaded a a left-handed Justification for lynch ing. Horn apologl! for mob hav cimracterlzcd the mob ipirit a an Impatience on the part of excitable people with the slow because crowded proccsse of tho courts. Prompter trials and th meting out ot Justice would, they hav asserted, put an end to that ort of Iawl-snes. It is u good and lit time to ay that the salaries ot all federal Judgcfl should be raited. They re among th poorest paid cf our puUk: serv ants. Dangerous Joke, Prom tha Columbia Talefrsm. Within recent 1hv th newspaper have reported a half doren "practical" Joke with fatal termination. Down in Alabama, some colleg boy framed a plan to vamp a student who took no part in social affair where ladle were present. They induced a col lege girl, daughter of a very proud family, to play the part of tho vamn. f-h played her role so successfully that the backward college boy quick ly asked tho girl to marry him. She then returned to the company of the boys who had planned th "practical" vamping. All went well for a day or two, and all the boya and girls In the little college were nlckorlng over th uccesi.ful vamping stunt. At length the victim discovered that it wa all a "practical" Joke, snd that th girl who vamped him was not in earnest, and did not mean to marry mm. ine mow staggered tho bov. Th ditgrac eemed mor than h could bear. That evening, after writ ing a letter or exolanat on to hi mother, the boy ended his own life. One year ago this very day a "prac tical" Joke wa perpetrated upon dev. eral visitor in Columbus. They hud arrived here to attend a public tain of pedigreed hogs. In the evening all the auctioneers at the sale, and oma other guests, were invited to tha horn of Mr. Matt Abts. whose tn they were hero to attend. At the proper moment somebody proposed a crap game. All tha auctioneer In sisted they knew nothing about the game. The host and other friends in sisted upon teaching the visitors tha secrets of the game. It was not to be a real gambling game. Nobody was to really win or lose any money. It was Just a play game, the oniy purpose being to teach the gams to the visiting auctioneers. All the company gathered In tho front room and the dice were produced. One of tne practical Jokers threw some money on the table. The monev was quickly "fadd" by others, and the bones began galloping. Following the very first throw of the dice a city policeman appeared and arrested the whole crowd on a gambling charge. Some wealthy cliixens who were. In on the practical 1ok gave bonds, for the appearance of all member of the party in police court next morn ing. The poor auctioneers, upon whom the practical" joke was played, didn't get much sleep that night. One of the younger of the animated talking machines had been married only a few weeks and he was overwhelmed wit!) a sense of sham In contemplating tho effect hi anet would hav upon his new wifo and her parents. nut now conies the fruit, of that practical Joke. One of the noted auctioneers present at that "practi- si Joka crap game one year aco was Col. Krashel cf Harlan. Ia. He Is now the nominee for an important political office in the tat of Iowa. Ill political enemies have secured of the two Columbus news- "The People's Voice'1 .t,ul Item teedare el The Haeeis Use. Rar et 1 Mxalat ar lM4 le vt tkit (aluwa frelr la pitaj m tMilart t fwUlM, lnu,.l. r..ltl.al Bargain Kale. Omli T th lalitor of the Uma- l. t. a. - k .1,(1.,.-, ltM 'of my.eif am) few tiiiillmly think- lug mid similarly volipg Mend tu ji'tleinl the tli motBlIC meeting l 'he 1 Konieneilo r'atnrihiy eiilig. 'J'lm IprlviligM was tlistiiu llv in t'u.t the other wer present to receive final I instruction aa to th method of llciting vote for the democratic patty at the forthcoming election. tur prtacm v-ua inl ntioiutliy actl denl.il. Thi coi. inbui ion to your column, therefore, i by way of Mdv.ioc in-form-itlon how we (we being the grop ing pul, Ho Keeking the light u Men 'II are going to be sold on thu demo emtio (-undulate tin year. Mindful I hut the people of (hi territory ar deep in th study and practice, of mlotiinunnlilp, ami pie naming that tha wl of thu demo cratic u.pir.iius will be by thi same soicntirto method that Prof, 1t-r and other hav explained to U. we ventur our tinniest analyst of th forthcoming 3n day bargain aul. Hul 1. iet atttntlon. Thl will b don by soma on whimper ing to uu th magic words, "bon us, ' ' tiiriff." or Newberry." Kule 1. Get Interot. Ther a re several hort cut, ony on of which you may expect. For in stance: a. "The country need Hitch cock." Thl will make anyoii t up and tike notice. b. "The word 'republican la ynonymoii with 'Inemelency,' 'dishonesty," etc." There ar io exception. "I'eopl conno ted with Urg In dustrie Hhoulci not have anything to do with government. 0-t demo crats." d. "Making the able bodied man go to war at ISO a month and pav ing cripple and other IIS a day to tay at borne la a beautiful Illus tration of republican inefficiency." . "Elect a democratic nate and It will relieve the peopl of Michigan of it senatorial embar rasament. A democratic senate will relieve all embarrassments." f. "The democrats, wlitn in con trol of Nebraska did three things, thre divorces the Judiciary, the schools and one otheV." Th infer ence is to b craftily left with you that it you put th democrat back for four or live years more they will effect another divorce. g. "The democrats. In their short control cf Nebraska, passed more laws than th republican can hope to." This 1 du to pull a real thrill. Kule 3. Get desire. You are now suffused with a desire. A desire to take down the trusty flintlock and go gunning for a republican. Rule 4. Oet action. Having armed yourself and Joined the rank and file of the democratic party,' action follow at once. Th ol Idea is to make war on th repub Hons and you are fighting with party that ha experience. In mak ing war. When It conies to milk ing war they know their stuff. They admit It. According to our worthy lecturer, th salesman Is supposed to inject something about th goods he ha to sell along about "Rule. 2, Get Interest, subdivision, etc." This detail wa omitted by the instructor, th senator from ilassachusetta, Saturday ev nlng. probably because he was pressed for time or something. Anyway, that detail does not en ter into th plans for this campaign, which is solely a campaign of de struction. Not a constructive sen tence passed his Hps. The war must go on! " he speaker of the evening wa In , troduced as the highest and best au thority In the enunciation of demo- i cratio principles, and those things which will typify the Ideals of the democratic party In the coming cam paign. That our understanding of the instructions coincides with the understanding of the Nebraska demo crats is indicated by the following excerpt from this morning's Jssue of Senator Hitchcock's World He Rolled: "... a brilliant discussion of the issue of th day . . . the republican party a failure . , . falsifying faith of th people , . . inability to cop with policies of readjustment . . . service to predatory interests." It was noticeable that the topics discussed generally touched on mat ter concerning dollars and cents the tariff, bonus, etc. It was also ad vised that single instances of dere liction should not prejudice a man's I EVERYBODY IS GETTING TUB TRAFFIC TOWER FEVER m0 i M vol for a democrat, but that lie Should be Judged upon his rut ire rec ord of public service. It wn not, tlmutih, specirtially tte. tli.it effi cient builnesa men, rather than effi cient statesmen, are needed by the country. Nor were Instruction given a to choice lielween a record of em cient, economical and Intelligent di rection of public fiiml. mid a record of successful politics. There was, however, an underlying but lirexprefe, current of feelirg thnt there would be quite a bowl mixed at th coining eletol, detpl' the patriotic t fonts of Hduitor Wolrh, the llry.ifiS. H'lintnr llit-lieisk and utber. i:. ' T. "Oat" ami MiilnlLht Oil Umi't Mil. I'liucetoii inks ,.iinl not to give student auto. Vou i.ati't burn gai utiil inldiiiKbt oil at the .un tim. Ii .iiixliiirg I'.i'rloi. EXCELSIOR SPRINGS MISSOURI'S NATIONAL RESORT BKST. KKCREATION and ptSIOBrD HEALTH await yon hire, il) linial Sprint, anil IS Dtih liouiea. U. 8. Iluiinul. Cumptnt phytiriani. I- bult Oolf Course. llor la-k ridint, aneiiig. tonti muie ird rlttn arnuia nrnlt. I'arat an'l Vniiltvardt, A' raminudatloiia tu lit our t'irf. A hour ride fri'm Kanita Citr. W -etcnie you. WRITt COMMERCIAL CLUB FOR FULL DETAILS II ii 1 1 ri ii ii 1 1 v jf till It I l I 11 II XV'.- ita Its noi hardtfMbiw. Health is daily beinp re stored to persons who place themselves in the chiroprac tor's care. Most human' ills can be corrected with the skilled hands and trained mind of the chiropractor. If you seek health broad mindedly, telephone At. 921 1 for an appointment, and then brinpr your Buffering body to 203 Paxton Building, the of fice of dlfteffiarfavell CHiieopreACTOR, paper which at th time printed par tlculars of tl e "pracili iil Joke" crap j game nnd they m doing gre.it d.im hk to the tandld.it who was one of ' the holiv innocent victim of tlutt. ' ' tr.vic.,r joUe. I have talked to. i div nli s.vcrnl member of the clumber of cotninree iitertitmment inni tie at th time hen the via. An ery ny Joiiruaiistic philoao- itmg am iion ei eis vlvtimise.J, pher In H. Tsui, tired bv re.nling the and each Iwi eprrl r et fur Mit output of thing neccMKiry for I hi part m a fnolt.h tuece of buelnes the rtor,t!un of Id K.Lme-. In ! which ri.aw mull in r..l Ini.irw to w.trn tn. hr lift U m! worth hw$. hw j tjivwoi-. of irosrnmnt. Mu-h4 with th mi an important rvU in rtviUwt.wn, AUTOMOBILE FOOT DISEASE! A 4ctf fra th PacifU tit h l..f4 A m 4t af tha laL tl tommoa'y ntsaifttt Ht( l t "4 tv". ! I th J -lot rw!t rtt Mffa-4 n4 .tf ff!iU..n f th t4 th S.'t'ttUlf. tOBi,P 1 lh ti,-tor tnu -r ti J..'), h"r uifthU that 4 y lna.'8 :-. 1 ia' tht ail f rf (S .UrWr. Cny IS 'i '' !.tt l ti iv r, s !'. v,-Ul !-" ":" 1 ' h Jt t - i ' ' t l- i;r S' 1,4 't- ' t ' ti fiua . art;" ' ' t . r ft-' f f tst tn r m 1 1 t tl, H tl 'A a4 4t kt ! lrIltin n-4 It tague premise Ol in trmw j ruj vity, thi rfv'or4 ut cotnrxt accomplish i mnt u l oan I U t!rt th rvspect n4 th sup port cf pn mitnl4 n4 eran. iiin this stibttitute anil ronden achlul In s jcl brief form that the worried) man ,.f today can pat It In In hat to rv .t niecum. It in worthy ef pohhc d,plv upon every it" rs.1 and rurner. I.itn to n; What thia coimtnr n t I riot new birth of frerdr. but th M fihiond ) owr berth. hl Ihl rouolrv need (an I tuor nr. vf th t ictimt. Women In I'ubllr (lltli. At elt cril wen rn (n til Br li-sulutuie, fen-i h am i may bv eil slow lii iifiiuhiaoi weiioeii, . th I i.uu Into I! 14 t n tin plot tug tun, i n puhlivj 1 ftt! liirsH tl4tt 1'lmr. Th rtmoriii !nlr4 ( a m.ctfl tfiiT Uw l wMn mil! I f. trt art fU4, miUions if arVmtn ar lt: sn I oup haut an I lr I tin r ,-ti, a ! th atr f UH, far iwl. ii i th pi- f th l'ilrm4 ), rh U th ", bs ih HiUbji t'if, whuh W, J, l'-t; o4 u f. , ws it .'. i ,.r, I' . . f '. vt til Ii i I ,..( , w t , t" ta ' my hlTV. t''-;,: h )!'f it t ii'i- it.va fvf NET AVERAGE CIRCULATION f.e At'CUST. Iftl. l THE OMAHA BEE lUUy ....72.S7S .Sunday ,. TC.S.ii BREWKI. Ca. Me. IIMCNS. tHD.Ci. Mge, t 4 , tt t M . IJ . M Jt lti, i- sou) ro., 1 4 ff 4 ' ... , It tt t t t t I t . .. it! t him t'-t It l ttt at .t . - sr ttt ti . 94 t.lv i' , ii , . t l 11-1 1 S 4. t t4' .' t ta ' i Sotf tkt ., f ' ULBRANSEN PLAYER PIANO ' Hfirvicti in tne jur- ( i tJ 1922 OCTOBER 1922 SUN. MON. TUE- WKD. 1J, KRI. SAT. 8 I 9 101 1 1 j e 9 f ftt. f'3-.f , I a je ill October 1 to October 10 arc THRIFT DAYS-our regular Semi-Annual Interest Period. , - ri; tilM".'" --, . i " b f U'vlt iw; ; Accounts opcncil nr ile- )iosit.s made tho first ten lays ot the month draw interest from the first. vr y,r v Na.--'..-.- Jt A ' ' One f w Aditft J lh tkar i r "Ta tm.l titlj4 ,T '! tt , hut kt lvhl lhl tf i Ik ! I tvtt " The Omaha National Bank rrnant at 17th Slrftl Capital ami SurpliH 700 600 MOS I hi , (ft tfftjf Atttt3 bt$ mjis i)vii..3ti..t ,1 t rij taK t 4 4 et . til V . ., t tt 4 tftt't H 'S-t . -it IM t- .' h t