HIK OMAHA KEK: TLKSDAV. OCTOKhil !' 7 Mm Fight Out Kntl of Love Hunt: ' 2 Killed in llattlc .'.i Stolfn 1y .Man, Re. atoIVrt lijr JiuIaiuI lmU ing Folium Wine Party in (Jiicago. c hl , Oc, I -rvcn men with una and knltea f. night out th end f-f a eentimental Journey lat nlisM, The wmiisn, worn,, If. J so she uiuv die, ehrp-kfd f"f police, m tin, when thry Ante, found: The- ilea.): Pylveater fMHil. t. I.nul IMettl, S, tVouti'M: 'ih rittti, 2.. Ilotm, hi cnlMfU'iil taw wife. I.tiisi li'ii.ntl, lKiimito Iintio and I"frru(ti U'ligo, all cf ( hk nu lielyhts, are h-ll ty the police, l tortiv are ai-ekina a seventh tnan know n t'l Id' in only a "Pago Jimmy." After Vtlna 1'aily. Th trwRidy followed a nvlna party In Ilia Ilelittl flat, thlid floor. It rimi iImi aa tha denouement of aev". rial month of mmpalKtilnif by Vliln ifltl ami a man known aa "I'Mi Jimmy" fur the affect inna nf tlia wo man, lit, whom Ilcletti fight year eo tuck home with linn to become hla common law wife. To "I''( Jimmy'' tha police learned, lt"sa wiia a rose of Hliuron liloomlnir In lha wrong Burden, anl so several montlia nit" hw atole her way from IMwt! and touk her to a flat of III nwn. Iilral Helpmate. Hut to llelettl. It" nit hud com to t tha Ideal hiipmute; ha found hr necessary to hla happiness ha told police, and ha promptly stole her away again from "D.iko Jimmy" and brought her buck home. When tha woman, dangerously wounded, laat ninht ran screaming; down tha stulra detectives who were passing fmiiid Sylvester and Louis IMettl lying dew! In tha flat, (hot and atitlilwd; Vitto lfclettl with hla throut cut, tha woman al.iahfd across tha abdomen, tlje three man from Chi rago Hp. Kill ready to tnka their de parture, and "Dug" Jimmy" gone. How to Keep Well Sr 0. W. A, I VANS Qwa.tMts immimi kri, Malta. Iwa sad ' 4 4imm, tub. ailt4 to Or. tvaa fey rsrs al lh Km, aill k ' BsrMMllr uh I Imiistia. , a t444 ! la a t. t-a U aal Mki ufMH ar anMrtba far M4lvl4ul a-. A44iM istie as r al laa m. Crifkli Hit Uu Stuilt-nts Cht-ating Uncle Sam on Mail, Report I'oatal olTlrlula are InvpatlgHtlng re porta Unit Unlvemily of Nebranka atudpnta ara encloalnK It-tten to tha liome fulk In thfir luundry bags. Poatal Innpaotor CoMe announced yeaterduy mornlna; that the poptma ter general had ordered that Inapwt ora watch for aini attmpta to cheat Uncle Ham'i blggert buaineiui. Coble mada the announcement fol lowing tha (il'-a nf guilty entered by Harry B. Maxwell, who admitted hav ing mailed a package of printed mat ter aa fourth claaa poatuice Instead of Irat clan, thua aiiving f 1.92. ' Maxwell, a U'nlon PhcIAc engineer, wiia fined f 25 for the olTen.se. AnVKUTISF.MENT. Makei a Family Supply of Cough Remedy BrallT btr than r1r-nid ouh vrupa, anil nvr about li. tll ana quicnij prciisrcu. If you eoinhineil the curative prop frties of every known 'reaily-mane' cough remeily, you probably could rot set as much real curative power a there is in thi simple home-marla c-ough nyrup, which is easily prepared in a few minutes. Get from any dnmcist 2'3 ctincea of Pinex, pour it into a pint bottla and fill the buttle with syrup, uinjt cither plain cranulated sugar syrup, claritietl molasses, honey, or corn nvnip. as desired. The result is full pint of really better cough syrup than vou could buy remly-raaJe for three times the money. Tastes pleas ant and never spoil. . . This Pinex and Syrup preparation jrets ri;.'lit at the caue of a couch and gives almost immediate relief. Ik loosens the phlegm, atops the nasty throat titkle and heals the sore, irri tated membranes to crntlv and easily that it is really astonishing- A day's use 'will usually overcome the ordinary couith and for bronchitis, croup, hoarseness and bronchial asth ma, there) is nothing better. Pinex is a most valuable concen trated compound of genuine Norway pine extract, and has been used for fenerations to break oevere coughs. To avoid disappointment, ask your druggist for "2Vj ounces of Pinex with full directions, and don't accept anything else. uaranlerd to give absolute satisfaction or money promptly refunded. The Pinex Co., I t. Wayne, lnd. Kirtlng Rhauiuatkra. We hava Un ao anaioua to get rid nf tha old notion that rheumatism aaa rau4 by urle arid and that atmg rut meat fllh-d ua with Uric 4 1.1. that we aerni to have swung t'Hi far aauy front tha urej of din Ilia' in rlteuutatie ttiaordera. Tha tirvira to linpreM tha focal or lain of rheuinatom on the nunda of the people ha had the Mine tendency, i have pn a party to It, and I am n4 dlapuetd t- ilniy it. Now I'onir lr. Kletchtr of Toronto with ama rn4 that dial la of con SKlrratile linportanca In tha trntt mrnt of rhrunuttlarn, qulta apart front tha direct cause of the trouble in the ImllvidUKl tasra. He arlm-twl loo raaea of rhtunui liam, an railed, from a total of l" cr iiiitlr hi charge. They all had InflMinnuitmn of a Joint, or more, but without auppuration In the Joint. Tha Inflammation wa around the joint print-iiuilly, arid aome of them hml viitarat-tnviit of tha Imiii and de formity. Iiiirlng the first week ha gave a dully illt-t roiislMtlng of three glasara of butter milk and a half a grapefruit and two or three orange. At the end of the werk he addrd to th uhove diet a.. me eag, flub, fowl or meat, ome vegvtulile poor In atarch, and, finally, a little brown bread. Thoae patient who were under weifc-nt were allowed aome cream or om cml liver oil In addition to the fruit, meat and vegi'tahle. A titter addition to the diet ronaUted of fruit. Junket and jrlllea. Tha old way of dieting rbeumutlca wna to cut out tha meata. In the Kletrher method, a reaaonabla nient allowance la made. of course, red meat, white meat, fiah, fowl and egga are classed together aa mrara. The keynote of thia diet la to cut down the ilarchea and augnr. The diet, aa glvrn al)ve, la very low In atm-hy food and (till lower in sweet. Hlnce rheumatic commonly need Iron, they are given vegetable rich In Iron, and, Incidentally, low In atarch. Such vegetable are spinach and nil other forma of greens and aiilaila, cabbage, aauerkraut, pea, green pea, bean and atring bean. At the end of four week aome pa tient were found to be not Improv ing. The treatment waa not contin ued with them. If a patient waa found to be Improving ha wa kept on the diet for aeveral month. Koon after the diet wa started, there wa generally a lo of five or 10 pound, but after that there waa no further loa In- weight. Watch Out for Hive. Mra. C. B. w-rltca: I have been waiting and watching your Interest ing article every day In tha hope you would soon hit on the subject of hlvea. Kvery summer, for the last four years, In the month of August, Just when everything ia good to eat, I go on a hive vacation, and al though I etop eating everything but cornflake and milk, they atlck by me for at least two weeks, and I will any nearly drive me wild. A little white lump cornea out like magic; burns and ltchee like fire; then It depart and another one ap pear. I certainly wish aome kind friend would give aome Information, eo I could eat once again, aa I have tak en en It until the name make me ick. Have them only in August, and that la why I laid It to eats. IlEPLT. Tho chance are that you are on the right track. What ia it that you eat In midsummer only or that you eat abundantly in midsummer? It tuny be gome food that you have not suspected because you never heard of It hurting anybody. If you can discover .what It i and drop it from your diet, you will be all right. In the meanwhile, bathe with aoda water or witch hazel. Cause of Liver Spots. F. C. writes: What are liver spots caused by and can they be removed from back of neck and back without Injury to the skin, as the latter is very thin? HEFMT. They say liver spots come in peo ple who eat too much nnd exercise too little. I do not know. i They .-say daily application of a s.ittir;ited watery solution of hypo sulphite of soda will remove them. As n boy I had to take hyposulphite of soda internally frequently. Since that time I have been strong for hyposulphite applied externally. t11 -i Ji Skeeler Bite Relief. 1. K. t. writes: "What is the most cnVctuiil cure for mosquito bites? Just returned from my summer va cation nnd the last few days I was In the country our camp became In fested with misqultoea, the most vi- i clous kind I have ever seen. "I don't seem to be able to cure the bites in spite of having used ammonia, alcohol, salt water, laun dry soap. Iodine and all the mosuulto remedies 1 could buy in a drug store, "The local doctor any he is posj. live the mosqultoe are not of the malaria type. "What would you do if you bad T3 or lni) bites Upon the various part of your liwlv. particularly the talvei of your leg?" lil.TI.T. The fust aid treatment I diluted imoni.i water, follow by -U past if ne-esry, fiut you at t Ute f..r those ta avail Apaly wlt.h twtel. then trrase, Abo all. refrain from -itchlnr A a rewurd nature will rur tb self limited humps. Wet-Dry Issue Live Question in Other Stales Wtl Gunliilatfi Klsewlure Not Following '('ovrr IV Polit y AtU'iiiitt-l ly Ne. !rla OffitT-Sfrken. Washington, I). C, Oct. 1. impe rial. While efforts ara balng mads to cover up the "wet" and "dry" Is ua In Nebraska, landidatrf for the Cnltad Htate srnst and for con gress In other slates are more out spoken. Kisewhei tlia "wets" ad mit tbe lu and aia fighting openly f.r th election of candidates who fivor the light wine and leer pro gram. In Ohio fenalor Atlee Poniei-ene, democrat. Is the "wet" candidate for reelection, with ("ongressiiinn Hlineon I). Fee, republican, leading the f..rc- opposed to any entering wrrfga to weaken exisling prohibitory laws. In Missouri fenan.r James Jteed, democrat, la backed by th lliiuor In-ten-sts, while It. It. MrewMter, re publican, has tho aupport of fi lends of the Klghteenth amendmeiit. In New sork I'lalfonn. In New Jersey Governor Kdwanls. democratic nominee for senator, I making a "wet" campaign which, he hope, will not only aend him to the senate, but may make lilm a candl date for the presidency In 134, Hens tor Krel.iifcnuysen, repuhlli-Hii, seek- J Ing re election, has te-n a consistent supporter 'f legislation to enforce prohibition. In New York the democratic atata convention, amid great applause, adopted a platform resolution culling for light w:ne and beer. Hlmilar situations exist In several score congressional districts. In most of these the "wets" are openly asking for votes without attempting to cover their purpose by ambiguous campaign promises. The congressional situation, Includ ing that In Nebraska, la rovsred by Wayne B. Wheeler, national legisla tive auperlntendent of the Anti-Ha-loon league. In the following state ment: Wheeler statement. "Many congressional fights center around the prohibition Issue this fall. Congressmen favorable to the en forcenient of the KIghteenth amend ment take the position that as long aa over two-third of the states pro hibit liquor containing one-half of one per cent of alcohol, they will not vote to amend the national prohibi tion act and attempt to legalize what the larpe majority of the states pro hibit. Congressmen favorable to beer and light wine urge that the Volstead act be amended so as to aid the wets In their effort to change the laws also. The Antl-Haloon league Insists that wine, light or heavy, la Intoxicating llauor and cannot be legalized: that 2.75 per cent beer will intoxicate many people, and it would be impossible to sell it to such people without violat ing the law; that no enforceable pro hibition law ever had any such ex emption in it; that a law with even a 2 per cent beer exemption was tried out and found to be a failure. Some of the outstanding fights are in the following states: "Illinois The two congressmen-at-large on the republican ticket. Rich- i 1 Vale and lb my ! l:.i'lilon. are Im. Lnl by II. law enf .ie-ni-ni eleoiriit The t'o tU-ioiM iuiii- n.i d.tlea, NV tlii.iiii Mai j liy and Mown J. ti.irtoaii. h.tte the (m king of the ht.ri.it lltrlet and ur tt Iwr Slot wine. lu th Tenth diatiirt t'onar mau tail Chiiidlihan, republican, ia for law rnf.rv-miit; Bernard Wied In ger, uvmociat, t for l-r and win. In the fifteenth district. Congress man JMnrd J. King, republican. I for law enforcement; I'lwrt.a t'rnlf, denxMrat, for t-eer and in. $ trei.tlt diatriit, William l' Hull, re put. Ii., in, wet; Judge JrsM Black, jr.. driiiirut. for prohibition enforce, mailt and hacked by tha dry forces Seventeenth district. Frank Kunk, re publican, for law enforcement; Frank (jilllple, tb-nuM-ral, for Iwr and wine, "Indiana Fifth district, rnngresai mini IXrt'-tt Handera, reiiublican, fur law enforcement; Chsrle BldHman, denitM-ral, lr beer and wine. Sixth Uftrcf. Illchard N. IHIIott, republi can. fur law enforcement; James tiifton, democrat, for ber and wins, Twelfth district, Copgieasnmn I.. W, Fairfield, republican. f.r law rufone inert; liinrle Krandati-tter, tl'iniH rut for Issi-r and wnle. "Iowa Third district, T. J. Hobln son, reiniblican, for law enforcement Fred llugeiiiun. democrat, for beer and wine. "Minnesota Seventh district. Con grrssman A. J. Volstead, republican, for prohibition enforcement. II l opposed by the national wet Interest M-K-irdb-ss of who la on tha ticket against him. "Nebraska -First dint lift. Walter Andorson. republican, for law enforce ment; ex !overnor Mon-head. demo crat, for iM-er and wine. Fifth dis trict. William K. Andrews, present copgiessman, republican, for prompt- Hon enforcement; A, O. h'halleiiber- ger, democrat, for Ix-er und wine. "Ohio Third dlstr:t. Congressman Itoy Fltruerold, republican, for prohi bition enforcement; J. Warren Card, democrat, wet record, f.r beer and wine. Fourth district. Congressman John L. Cable, republican, for law en forcement; J. Henry Ooeke, democrat, wet record and for ber and wine. Hixth district, Congressman C. C. Kenrus, for prohibition enforcement, republican; William Oableman, demo crat, lucked by the wets. Kighth district. Congressman 1L Clint Cole, republican, for prohibition enforce ment; H. II. llartnian. democrat, for beer and wine. Ninth district, Con gressman William Chalmeri, republi can, for prohibition enforcement; ex Congressman Sherwood, democrat, for leer and wine. Seventeenth district, Congressman William W. Morgan, re publican, for prohibition enforcement; William Asiibrook, democrat, backed by beer and wine interest. "Pennsylvania Twelfth, district, Congressman Clurence P. Couglilln, republican, for prohibition enforce ment; John Casey, democrat, for beer and wine, .sixteenth district, Congress man li-iiiir I: l:e. it I'U'-l.caii, for ptolilb tl-n ei forieioel.l; Jalli.S M ! I I:-".', tirnxviat, for beer and win. h S enter tit It iIdIiPI. i 'oogrr iii.iu I . I". Kbi. republican, for law anfurce. ' .. n.tr, .i....fc...t ' f..r brr and wine. TntitHi di-' t t-u t, irige Wert, republican, for' law enforcement; Warren lUiley, I d non-rat. for beer and wine, Twenty-j ninth district, Congressman Milton Hnee rt-piiblican, !r prohibition f..i emei.t; l hi lie Cruaby, iieiu.rat, Imi ked by th Wet Interrals. Tbirtirlil .li.tn. t. Willta'ii kilpatrtck. pretit Yingremitn. for law enforcement, republican; flrtrtt K'M, deiil.Krst, for ber and wine. Thirty first die trlcl, Congreoman Adant M, Wyant. republuan, for law enforrenient. Jamc Cramer, democrat, for ter and wine, Thirty fourth district. Cungreesmin John M. M'nn. yepgbli I4D, ha.kr.l by lbs wet Interest for ber and wine; William McN-tlr, deom i rat, for law enforcement, I hiriy bfth district, Je M'K, rt puldi-, ail, Uu-ked by the ll.Utr Interests; lui iUnley, deintH'iat, f-.r pn'hibl tion enforiment. Ninety degreea llow r ha been rrgtaieiad at Verkloyansk, K.berla. Dig Druv nd Toilet Good Sale at tho I SHERMAN A M'CONNELL DRUG STORIS Ceattaue Tkrougk TuJf awd WsdassJay HfK WtXf AO I'sliM't t I, KI.MIIt t..-i.rej i.i.itri If i . oxtfi -i ti .mi .r w . F WJ' u irii 1 OSS u& Safe Milk For Infanti, Jnoalid$ A Childrtn The Original Food-Drink for AH Age. QuickLunchstHome.OmceojFountaina. RichMilk, Malted Grain Extract ia Pow der Tablet forms. Nawishiog-Neeookiai. Kir Avoid ImiUtiou and Substitutes AOVKKTlfiKMKXT. THE KIND OF FOOD YOU NEED FOR HEALTH Father John's Medicine One of Richest Sources of True Nourishment AI t.BrifcMIJsT. VVdhks m Child MostJCeepWell Mothers in a Like Situation Should Read Thii Letter from Mr. Enrico CkWr Illinok.-"! took Lydi C Pinkham' Vegetable Compound I for servoui troo- ble. I had Uied doctofg ind ail aid tha same an oncratam. Atftral mlf f.!t tha paia on my left tide, but later I adorned to fl it on both Sides. I am a p' 1 tnif ajiachiaaepef" ttr and k a I. tlia rrl to tup rert, week ta a Utk K p and tkat fiMef rfk kaa b t ' rat aad I n part of lb t". a.1 a Itke ta take anf ikiftfA nu!d mf frtewda, and eaa lady aaid. 1ka Ijrd.a th WwdklM? BO d t. I ka fait tat fkltlu aad am t f-edaxsaj fceaita t-i r t v at. 1 ioatyial Jh tflUl tVf.t al f aa ataw.vt u aa." Mi. Mtat I1 ti-t H, l apet, t , htK tfia tM4..ta w ::.! u a-i-Hint ta 1 Iteaj at r !' a-MMt t jra Fukkw a -takla tvKLuit le ) IM " rts yt pet ta. It M a f n in , i-t.s ttt u . s4' ae f a aasaia aa4 ) m tv v No mum mk , las taaefit arwuajat Uik It j ltsra tr ' avatsl I , aaa; W W f tia I When people, especially children, grow weak, Inactive and run down, it is almost a sure sign that they have been eating food lacking in Vitamins. These vi tamins are necessary to health and they are present in vast quanti ties in Fa ther John's Med I c I n e. Tha basis of Father John's .Medicine has always been cod liver oil scientifically combined with other ingredients. Give your children this pur food tonic to supply proper nourishment. Father John's Medicine enriches poor blood nnd builds new solid tis sue. It creates new strength and energy for children and keeps them healthy. Start giving your children father John's Medicine today. No drugs. nit vawi GIVING STORK 3uy Your Blanket and Comfort NOW Double Blankets $3.95 Fine Silkoline Comforts. at 84.65 Galvanized Pails 19 Galvanized Tubs 65 Splendid Washboards ,.55tf Golden Oak Stools ....79 Set of Mixing Bowls... 79 Aluminum Double Cookers, at : 75c4 Clothes Baskets 95 Clothes Hampers ...SI.-5 Blacking- Stands S1.25 Copper Bottom Boilers, at 82.59 ffRBowen (& THE VALUE-GIVING STORE Howsr St, Bslwsra 15th an tk Children Cry for Fletcher's lltllanl (ilii.kril Her Mirer Tinwi Werl, Wifif Sa At bust three liloe a wrk ttr .roe their to in ,t in ll. Frd l k Urk ha t"ii h-nn and '! 0 ai.il 4Uii hi wits, Kvattge I l,n. he trii the tl.fiU ( r.tuti lit n t er f l.l til,Uf t'l h tit(n j f -f .H-f . ! ..) h )ne avrtied th t.vieg f- c hH of I.'H an. I k k I o.'J4 W.tlt t e Bony ) t it ,,. : n.r ! k.m. tVi My h im ' threw hf eut ef t- i,4 fA.t4 (i.r tit aioep aa te nt. Parents Problems The Kind Vou IIsts Always llotight has borne th algm ture) of CIna. II, llcttlirr vn tli wrapper fur vrr IO years Jut l rvlc t tho roralnif griirruitniia. I. not t dis-lyrt. All t ountrrlt lt, InitlHllotia ami Jnat-aa-gtHMr nre) Imt etixrrtntt-nta that rmlanger tha heaJtlt of Chtlilrru-r.ierUiK- a;lut i:i-rtuit tt. Never attempt to relieve your baby with a remedy that you would use for yourself. What Is CASTOR I A CatrU Is a Itanulea anbaitiulei tor Castor Oil. l'arf forte, lirnpa ami ruM'thlug htrupa It rvutaliia nrtlher ajilum, lorlilie nor 'thrr itrtrctilia stibtldiicv, I or Mora than thirty )rar It ha been In rvitstant for lhe rltef tt t ! iprtllon. lUtulrrtt), Wind t olio and iMarrhora I atUMiiB I rrtUnra arUlitf t lirrr tri.sii and ay rtfuUtlna: tba kilwtuax a at ItuweU, .l tlm almUatloM of I m UIm krsilthjr and halMrai SiM' lk itiuarra's Iwmlyft-lba luther a I rU tod, IWara tha &cmtur of V ! th be j I -! loSI I . ,f .f l tt .,! al i.t !J. ' j h -.., ! - f I In Uso For Over 30 Years f iVVAtit ffltf tali HV 4rTV IT TTTTN T fPKtrK A irV II II II )! M VV W Hlit I I VV TQI u u EVERYBODYS STOUE iamxt Buy Your Electric Washer Now This Week A factory expert it Loiv NOW to dcnioiiMiAte snrl to explain the A lliue saver. A labor saver. As expense saver. You may boy aasber today on Inferred III)) payment terms, thy spend even me mora week washing the old hard May? There It no simpler or mora thorough machine on the market at such Sold on Convtnltnt Ttrmtressonable prices. 179.50 to $12150. KsrfMS-yssh Foarlb floor A Second Opportunity to Secure Pure Silk Hosiery At Sale Prices Every pair from the LcIiIkIi mills and abso Itit fly a first quality hone free from defefts of any kind. Liifht, medium and heavy weights -all new fall atylra nil street and evening shades all silk or silk with lisle hera. Kvery pnir remarkable at the price. At 4.10 All semi-fashioned or mock seamed. Plain, fancy or clocked styles. I At '1.77 All full fashioned finest quality hose. I'Isin, faney or clocked. To enable more of our patrons to profit in this rent sale, we reserve the right to limit quantities. No telephone orders. No C. 0. Ds. Every sale final. Barf ess-Nash HmI7 Shop M1s floor Tuesday in the Downstairs Store l R Just Arrived a Small But Special Shipment 1 Newest Fall Dresses At 42 r. ...... . . ! it.- u . ..A In this late shipment are dresses in so many versions oi uie uevrsi 6tyle ideas, made from such a number of materials, and so prettily trimmed, that there need be no disappointment caused by not finding the particular kind of dress you had most wanted. All sizes from 16 to 44. Poiret Twill Charmeuse Satin Canton Crere Crepe de Chine Wool Canton in the Favorite Colon for Winter Navy Brown Black All at the same low price 16.75 Polo Coats Priced at '10 t . . 1. L. lie mm a The coat you have wantea, at a pnoe you ime( otcn waning lor. we are offenni? lOOi r nrmnlar ton-coats at a ficure far be low that Usually asked for such a trarment.. I 43 nches long, they are suitable for school, business or sport wear, during fall and .4 early winter. Burie-Nah iswaair stor yi a A' Most Exceptional These 10 Items in Domestics Values because they are merchandise that is wholly de pendable; values because they are priced lower than you are accustomed to paying; values because they are the materials for which you have everyday need Romper Cloth Yard. 21c Bed Spreads Each, $1.89 Full lino of romper clotli in Crochet bedspreads for full striped or plain colors. 32 sized beds. An unusual spread inches in width. for the small price of J1.89. Art Ticking Yard, 35c 32 Inch art tlekinr. in attractive designs and rolois. Specially priced for Tuesday. Toweling Yard, 9c Bleached eiasli toweling of heavy quality. An excellent value at this low price. White Scrim Yard, V.iYza 3;indi mltl'h curtain inatedat, pret'lly trlmmx! whh laro. I'n usual values t, yard, 11! it. Cotton Cliallis Yard, 13Hc LUht ati. I dark rotors n mil! teef hi f from I ta It a tls. Flannelet Yard, 13y2c 27-lnth white outing flannel In heavy weight with soit fleecy finish. Very special at 13!jC. Dotted Swiss Yard, 27c ."W inch Swiss In large or small dots or cross tarred designs. At tractive for blrtwins. (ihighains Yard, 14V'2C New piald and checked glng hm in tstt colon. nrlal at, itrd, W ,t. Percales Yar.1 12V2C Mill n 1 of evt ellenl -rlu. In J In 4)ld lettttis, i Ictbea All Wool Dress Goods Yard 89c fill U ft-H ta t)4 feotfih o, i idrttil ta l'n.k in,-1, . w n. oi Bs.f.tia, we d ka'w ' ! it i '.t, t its S't :t Silk Rcmnnnts Yard 49c A a4 la.il asiartweat tt t'f la (. r tt'4 Is r t a iaaait. 34 a aiiii) in Irons I l !!! '.'. M fur ' , "4 t-r J- aal ,a l.aetiS , A Few of the Many Specials For the Men and Boys Boys' School Blouses Mothers should find this a good oppor tunity to purchase excellent wearing blouses at a figure far below that usually asked for this quality. Made of percale, madras and chambray, ir plain blue or light or dark stripes, tha' wash so well. i.es 6 to" 16. i 69c to 75c Boys' Caps Heavy caps for school daja In practically all colors and mate rials. All sites, specially priced. Each 75c Men's Caps New fall ca'pa of medium weight in sn assortment of eolort. All size, specially priced-. Each 75c IJur HO-Mh-lMwsetair Star Sleeping Garments 2 for 51.00 r-ijaaus or tilfot towns of warn outing flannel. All whl't or with folff stripe. 8'si : to i IKeiTC Nhl.til Mm Very Special These Items for Infants Rubber faai. pair 2 etft. a sir tH Crht Jsce,u, etrh. aaa Women's I louse Slippers A tpecial mU f n'iif ttiistrtki m tlii'prn it all tiiea ld ttf Mack fci,, wish hi.J t ,,,,1 fiMff B?i, lhf art t..ti U tird (cel. Pair $1,49 M Mm. Oratn Na C 0 H K Fi Onlt t Hi Cicaaai! a4 te a - "jji1 m Jin. i 1 t