TIIK OMAHA BKK: TtKMJAY. niTOlUT. 3. IWi. i' i II..... . They Call Her the t4Vamp Evangelist" I I (MM lUWUIIUUM; t lo(ay Pareefor Omaha Songhinl 'lummy I ) man, Former Char ailrr Snr at Kit wide Now -K n... kin 'Km I Ira J;' I'ianipt jMgli. I . ' B a Hi s l'l "V -j, , . I ii mi a ail , i i i aai null in i ' n 1 I i x si i i. -viy 'Jtivrx hi vti rti a o m a jvv jku rw aaai - f i vatj- mi i . : ;i -v viru t vyri j-av i . v v t . -v i . :w rr rrrrr-h. r- . ri . i L Uh.it (1Tiriu a few ny IS) 1 Hin,mi lli tnf tut of Tommy I, nun. It un only : )ai () lh.it Tummy Ismail fc.t una tf lh ai.trr tiiinera at 'Itm-ti.c." a aaila tnv na tr pM'turtitl itl-ui Ki ix-nilivl by Jtk I II nut on Nmtli HutwMli irt. hra tht riuirl tiu-eta up with lha MimouiI livt-r. With Ilia tl of an tecum ..ini( li aim i Minuter i't from ilua mini Hi aiiiuil houra, i-l-nlinir uiK'n ilia tiirn.ly of th in.h(.u. atrnna for li.a rmiuntra Imn, ll.r Hit of I'arl.. Tixlay Tommy I.yin.ni la alng-iinc I,. mm aniita (biiutlfr aung. but l. I'.II.I'K In Wfaltll and tha rcliaut of thtt jil.tiiilit of multllilu. Ilr'i n trt.kinliiR In Ilia American ltar In I'iiri mid, iK'-nrJitii; to illnpulchra. ha li.ia lecmn th moat upulHr antr Ciinar In town iiiiI tha American Bar Ilia liUKlnt rxluirrt ufa In Kraiicc. l.yin.in aati at l:li-ai.l fur mora limn a yir ami a tutlf. lUk O'Kan. in. .l.iinif ut Tha VoKtia In th Millanl lioti'l. i hl ai i.mi rilnt. l-'rom hn ha nl to Kim t'tty uliila n ivalin ili .flr.l mil to T"WJi:ill, ,Wh. Thru O'K.ine ratntci- hla at-p nml cm airiln ! in I.jmitn' ao iiiinlMiiiikl, thla limit In K.inn I'liy. 1'i.nr yt-ara utc" Ionian win to Se York. 1I nar In Knit Slitc cuff I p-aorta f"r n tli'i- VS ml l .n thi'ii ha ii'imifMll nuta O'Kuna, vim IihiI r'-luiii'il to iuliu, to Join lt'.il tlliTO, Will. Thai' liti." Wall la in thj bk' money," h rM. Hut O Kan ttrelnil Ilia mid ille vt. Arvl l.yr iin il.taln-cl an ttciimimiiist ti.v;til IN'." 'turtim. I ii at apriii"? 'l a two J. urnaywl to ltui. And tml.iv I.yiiiioi, the forms' Oi.utha thai-!-. t'ripcr. la tha hit of tha town, .'n tn- .:tilrr;co of the ataife wmld, lo'it a riot and H imli hra any tl.-it l.fi'nu. of hla popu larity the American liar In I'arta haa lii'come tha rendezvous for hoth real Unit and traveler and that In the HUdienca which tilRhtly cheer the former Omnhan may be found the ai i.'tixrata of Ne.v York. London and I'arl together with the jileaaura -ek-rt from the FU!t.i hiiu the Knirllah nij American tourlata "making 1 ail." '.lid Juat think of s!i that money," r.i-iH'd Ulck O'Kanc aadiy. "Thouaand f rinca a week and I miKht have 1-i-cn in and In wiih lilm. We1), 1 aup- pi we that' life." ' I V''-' o , n , VaX V. 7 I Thla 1 lihrli I'rawfonl. prctikat Huh at Ion Army lu, whOM R'l on Ne York'a irreat white way ha in. la her popular. A QueerWorld Haliy Horn in .V V. With 12 Trfth Woman I'aja I2,l)0 Om for Taxi Smitr "Kar Tonl in Japan I'mlrr Fire. New lork, ih t. S. Now riiim-a an infant celebrity rivailliiE the widely adtertlvd Iowa youneMer who lustily railed "Mother," an hour after hi birth. Th" new child in.nvrl i l.oule Flore, born with 1! trelli. I iiile la the son of K. (i. and Mary Flore. He w burn last Wednesday and had at birth ait front teeth and ix molar. In every other reaper! he I normal. Dr. John K. I'lerre, who attended Mr. Klorr aC tha blrlh of llltle Ixiule, found that the rlrld welxlird kfx pounds one ounce. "It I very extraordinary," aaid Iir. I'lerre. Several obstetrical specialist. In terviewed on the subject agreed today that young Ixu!e has set a record for babies to shoot at. Kail Katt-8 Faor Onialia, T. C. (!oiiimisioii Declares WaKhinKton, Oct. 2 An Intnrstate 'Commerce conuniaalon Inveatltratlun Into complaint of Missouri valley Shippers na declared in an examin ers' report, made public today, to have. InmVated that railroad rates cn live ai.ix-k from .Velnaa!:a shipping points to Omaha and South Omaha yards are so mmh lower proportionately than rate on live stock from the same pro diK'inp; points to other packing cen ters at Kansas City, St. Joseph and Pl-iux City as to constitute an unjust discrimination. The report, however, recommended that the Interstate Commerce commis sion withhold any action in the matter on the ground that the Nebraska state railroad commission had under way on Investigation which might result in such modification of the rates as XMiuld correct the discrimination. "O-U-La!" (reenw h h. Conn., M. I. A Ure containing 4?,IMM) rents wa recelwd last night by a taxlcab company here who said It had been sent in pay ment of a bill by .Mrs. K. I.. Ilunton, THenly rlftli avenue. New York City. I The taxi company claimed that Mrs. Hunt owed $4!t) for taxi service. A til bill for eenses Incident to collecting the bill wa also sent with a photograph of the lady and the words "o-la-ln" written underneath. It took four men to carry the keg. Oh, Mr. Ilryan! Chicago. Oct. 2. Prohibition does not worry the duke of Talleyrand, who, with his wife, formerly Anna Oould, arrived in Chicago yesterday. "I like sweet wines." he explained, "and it is not the al cohol that attract me, but the taste of the grape. So I find your grape Juice equally pleasant. I think you will get wines and light beers back again, however, and I think It will be a good thing." I 'I An "Ear Tomb." Toklo, Oct. 2. (Correspondence of j A. I The "Kar Tomb" at the Hokoku shrine in Kyoto, dedicated to the memory of Tuiko Hideyoshi. one of the, ?resiet feuihil leaders of Japanese history, has come in for Mich general criticism that an inves- f(.r llllildillg Specialist j Ration i being made by the home Funeral Hi'rvice for O. II. Warren, j IO "eclne " " should be removed. The "Ear Tomb" is supposed to II , !! ! Funeral Sen ices Held C33 Keeliue building, were held yes- .-.!!' .( iUa ll.ii.iau 1 llilai-t at ill T vai lor. Air. AVam n was a building ntala the ears and noses of thou- specialist. lie was prominent in Y. M. f. A. circles and a Spanish War Y dentil, lie was 4.i years old. The IihIv was taken last night to Olivet, Alien., for burial. Mr. Warren is sur ied by his mother, Mrs. Laura- 1'. Wair.li of oliwt. Mich.; a brother, W. T. Warren, of Toledo, and a sis ttr. Airs, (iarland C5. (!eo of Highland 1'ark, Mich. Two Nationally Proniineiit Men to Address Lions Club Two men of national prominence, stopping In Omaha today between tinnm. will make fhort addresses at His regular noon meeting of the Omaha Lions club In the palm room ..f Hot.-l KonteiH'll at 13:15. The i ! In i? will be in charge of Otto Swaiison and lvsn l'.iriger who tie- iline.l to ren-al the identity of the fvo li-.tuiKUt!iel guest. iands of Koreans killed by Hide- jushi's army in an Invasion of Korea; between 1592 and 159T. Japanese Christians have petitioned I the Kyoto prfectural authorities to . remove the tomb monument, claim ing that it stands for militarism and barbarity. The home otlice recently j ordered war trophies removed from various temples and shrines on the ( ground that they gave foreign visl-j tor the wrong Impression of Japa-1 rese military. Former Ouiahan Die. Juhri l(. iitneit. reaiilsnt of inaha f.r inAiiy esr, )i"l amMenly yter ! iiu,riucii ivt )u home at IM1 ihI. i ul , actor.lmc to It fi'riu-! ion receiv ed l y 3 II lli!iy. Mr. ISeoitett was i .-.ti i in th I1 rstdia and lit- For Herself and Pet Dog. New York. Oct. 2. Declaring that she haa no fumla and must work at once. Mra. Oscar Hammcrstein. wid ow of the imperaario. today Inserted this advertisement In a morning newspaper: "Must have work of some sort at once. Air. Oacar tlanimerstem (widow of the lite iinpersann.l" Mrs. II ininierstein. who i lay ing with friends, fcid she lud not a dollar In th world and must earn money for herself and her pel dog. (tinea ah lost th M.iuhat- ) tun opern house rtitly she anld j she hail dependent upon j fi end. nat, it it w it h Mis. i niett Hafreil I nm Secontl AiUojisy -tMl ).if iO t i hit h.Mi I sw Hroi!n 1st ? Tti aJ In I 'sliM t .. Ileait tkaeaM w is th ! (H.-rtl e i f MiJdleaat "d It- i.rt t f ! tih Judaism I'anacta for Industrial lit. Say Chicago Kabbl ' ,-. .Mlt h ltile, to lwin.lt "i i. ...i,!,,m f lha family of h lim. tli. hswlar Mi I t'J hm fiewitt ct i ,, ...i ..l . i,.-. i , I'f.n kHn T. .U, f-r tha im ,t',i B i t i -I t;, .,..td aj (' t tl f I'm iiiit. . FttS r- t'-r V . I.lkll I II ln I'tn ll tn if- ft t t'-T tsue Hi Itm hf a, fska ( ttw hlwJowi, pki4 at IH ioaiiWiMitf l" K' I t tswiiiiK, aVM(M4 I Ha K Kla iw le h l.-n, llinsra MMixlf t" ht a it4 t ' i wh 4 aair4 tlltm Ja)-;a.ai l I a i.i. ...i. I k-M Heyta M w ta4 4ia U-' ij a - la t WIMvuW, ; .! - ' Th It lis JVaiaRi rahH ' t. i la M rt . -H'J ! M a M ink., mm wk-4ist sit4iM at MJwlif IW il-4 la4iw at aaiMt ti--iiih f ai4: ' kw 44 "It h m ,iw Y-t ls Ws, I attain! . f Auto Vlirl Found in Xxtt ,1im Fert from I tA Scritt ) Hi'f!t el Ik . t ri i,u I... ti.,- w r - t kv Mt t I J ft f- l " l - . lIS Irl'tX I -. Dru.tKt ! tof Duonc. I i :... ct I - i I . -. .'! I ) I . I ' SOME I JIG THINGS 1&L IN NEBRASKA tJ?A foe loquc'j f t Ihe Irving-, lb PUSH IT ALONG Join i'ut Auto Club the Service Organization lor the MotorUt. Long Gloves Iti-button Icnu'lli ttMcih Iut'w plnVf: imported bruslifd Mm?, eniliroitlcrci'v lack; beaver, nmslii', biscuit and eo vert; ri'ittlnr 1.50 value. Specially priced, p' r puir Miin Floor North 1 TUESDAY-M Over Tlais Big Store "A Dollar Is Only a Dollar Til It Buys a Brandeis Bargain" Boys' Knickers Of pM.nl, (lurM)le fOftlunty that stands hard wear so wrdl. Al!$ sizc, ( to IS years, in tlrab shade only. JOach, Fourth Floor 1 Boys' Fall Caps One-iece tops in dandy new tweod.s and suitings to niatchl) now fall suits. All sizes. Spe cial, each ' Fourth Floor 1 Corduroy Rompers Washable eordurov in desirable col ors, drop seat style. A great play pr-C nieut for cool days. A limited qiian- tity. Sizes 4 to 8 years. Special for Tuesday at, each Fourth Floor 1 Women's Blouses Of Voile, Net and Silk, odds and emlT taken from our rtgular Mock, hliizlitlx soiled from handling. Tuck in mid tie-P back rnodi'ls. Spceiidly prieed for Tuesday sdl inir, each Second Floor South 1 American Lady Corsets Of flesh enured eoutil am! novelty eloth; very low. all elastic and semi J elastic; top. Also medium tops with long ami short skirts, fiee hip. lirok en sizes. Spuria I, each Third Floor North 1 Women's Brassieres Nature's- Rival and Venus brands. Of plain and fancy materials'. Fine tucb J and lace trimmed. Hack closing only. Sizes 32 to 44. Triced very specially in this sale, at Third Floor North 1 Negligee Girdles An odd lot in plain and fancy mate rials. Two or three pairs of garterstj attached. Small, medium and larger sizes. Priced very specially during this sale, at Third Floor North 1 Suit Cases Genuine fiber suit cast-, extra deep; in dark brown or black ;$ 24-inch case; hard to distinguish from genuine cowhide. Each, Fourth Floor 1 Men's Union Suits Clearance ot spring Knit union suits with long legs and Uall$ sleeves, bizes 34 to 42 only. Per suit, Main Floor South Dozen Bars Soap Physicians' and Surgeons' Soap, "regular 1.50 value, 12 bars for Main Floor West 1 Couch Covers Full size couch covers in at tractive colorings. An usual value. Each, Basement West 1111- $ af -V4 Ruffled Curtains VAT'ds loiif. with fin.lmf1.-sj ' - .4, to match. Made of voile, niar-S quisette and cross-barred Swiss. Per pair, Basement West 1 Children's Union Suits A strongly taped knit waist suit in fall weight. Ankle length, high neck and Ions; sleeves, or Dutch neck, elbow sleeves and knee length. Sizes 2 to. 12 years. Special Basement A rcade 1 Norma Talmadge Offer 1.25 Norma Talmadge Face Powder and 75c Norma Tal $ madge Perfume Combined 2.00 value for Main Floor West 1 3 Pebeco Tooth Paste 3 regular 50c packages, 1.50$ nl value, very special for Tues- I dav at J JL Main Floor West Elcaya Combination Crenie EleayA and Oeniej Elcaya Cold Cn'arn, special for Tuesday, both -for Main Floor West Ed. Pinaud's Combination 1.25 Lilac Vegetale and 25c Talcum Powder, cmliiiietl value 1.50. for Main Floor West 1 Tweed Suiting . . . .I iclics wide; in incdnun eiil.itiiius ju anl lt autaui liiinturcs : u!J u 'in wtml ; r 1 nuitabl fur iiu-n', wtditcn' and lie)''' II sl;!t. kniKCf' Ami . .! ttltd 1 : ' 1; ItV ll other if.irineiil Siffi.t!. li r a ha-.ementi enter Black Crepe de Chine 4 rub h il il y ( iii.tli -i ft ut a i ! . lny i ,f kf an lSi!l!ll! t''. 1-I44 1 Of llU'B' Xl.t in to ati-l in .i, - ( ib y rP ata iit.!')- I..:ut Unit C i,t. itio.":! l in.l o. ll t-.vm ii '' i In.f t4 lf )H 6 Pairs Men's Soxs Cotton socks in black, gray and cordovan. Sizes 10 to ll'.v;. Six pairs for Basement A rcade 1 7 Pairs Infants' Hose Black and tan lisle hose. Sizes 4 to G'o. Kegular 25c value. Seven pairs for Basement A rcade 3 Pairs Children's Hose Odd sizes in cotton lisle and mercerized hose. All fast dye.S 50c and ("e values pairs fr Special, " 1 Basement Arcade Women's Boots In hutti-n nnd lace styles; black and ei'Inred leathers; hand turned and ma C chine sewed soles ; iuot of them bnvt I.ouis Fit uclt h Is. Narrow vtidth. Ju-t two hundred ptiiis. Special, fiaetuent A rcade 6 Yards Toweling Heavy, bhuihrd tinitui iah ttut hug, in at it tl !nirdT. vx $ ular aluo '"M p r yard, Tut'. day, ti iwU fur .If tin FiocrWtst 2 Muslin Undergarments - ., tvd-lic, IV.H-i iH , M,-p ii!, flit, t I cfi :.d I' iM i v t ' t-y ,-triM. i.t if i. M.d? -is l'''e tit e.i ovf.Ji e.. f , ,-! c,J m iH Uv, t!e,lrndry .n in- km. T9 for H tmit f 4t' Phonograph Accessories 3 Rcorl Albums ISO Nickel RfcorJ KpAtn $ 1.25 Cflluloivl Recorvl Rfjitnf Juvml Record Books M f hat W tt 1 Imported Baskets Kfcy feiio. 1 1 f.f.i'v ins , t ith U. to b'4'2.. if" . -t t 3 I rn, J -) a a I-. j-rt-, Ki-i.. IJ t-ia liii' ci .J' -'i ii J-..i-! H f , i 1 aJktka Jhh4 rv..r-t.f Gold-Filled Knives Highest Krad Bold filled with the new prri-ii irold fiiiish. I'incst fpialitt t 1 flat modelT II JL stiel, two blades. Thin with I in if in i nd for chain Sjiecinl, each Main Floor East l.lts value. 2 Pounds Chocolates Bitter Sweet Chocolate, made in our own ftetory; eieumy fruit and mitt centers with a thick routine of bitter1' sweet chocolate, Speeiiilly juiced at Iwo pounds for Main Floor West 1 2 Yards Art Linen Very fine art linen in 22 and 24 ineli width; 1.00 to 1.5! quali $ ties. Tuesday, special, 2 yards for Main Floor West 1 Children's Dresses (if cotton pongee, ninulinin, elininbroy and cotton print. Some have bloomer 4t I 'lain models or straight ami yoke style.'r I.onif sleeves. Si.es two to sit years. Special for Tuesday, each Third Floor East 1 Children's Koveralls The original Coverall, I.ni Strati make. Dark and li'ht eulors; of stnuiet attirdy denim. I.onir hb eves and Piitclr neck. Sizes 1 to 8 years. Specially priced for Ttie-day sellinir, each 7Artf Floor East 1 Luncheon Sets Jo-iinh lunch cloth and four napkins stamped on clover bleach and un t bleached muslin to be embroidered in outline and lazy daisy design. Spe cially priced, per set Third Floor West 1 Clothes Baskets Imported llelirian willow, dou ble edge, bottoms and woven!) handles. Kegularlv 1.29 and 1..7J, at' Fifth Floor West 1 Onyx Tea Kettles (iiarnnteed ''Onyx," six- quart size, with Jock lid; 1.09 value for Fifth Floor West 1 Women's Silk Hose Thread silk full fashioned stock ings with lisle garter tops. First $ quality tind seconds of 1.50 and 2.00 qualities. Per )air, Main Floor North Women's Hats Attractive styles for street or sport wear in a good vari ety of colors. Each, Second Floor East Gowns and Chemise Tailored styles of Windsor crepe an'? those of shadow batiste, lingerie elotbt iiil tt 1 1 . 1 1 it enti iif-.l it -1 K 4 , . . i luino an.l and muslin trimmeil with fine laces and embroidery. Values from J .50 to 1.71' Special, each Third Floor Center 1 Billie b'.rkes Cozy sleeping garments of pret ty flannelette trimmed with silk braid and silk frog fastenings; 2.50 values. Each, Third Floor Center 1 Women's Hosiery Silk and wool and part wool, Urown, navy blue and heather") ' IS shades Seconds of a 2.00 qual- j i u. ivi itii, aVki Main Floor North 2 Flannel Petticoats For Women 3 Pairs Ribbed Hose For misses and children. Fine m and heavy ribbed school hose hi$ black, white and brown. .' pairs for , Main Floor North Women's Aprons nunyalow Aprons. Polly Prim Aprons. Skirt Aprons With and without bibs AMiile Tea Aprons; in fact, about teiT different styles. Worth 89c and 1.00 each. Special, 2 for Third Floor Center 1 Made of good quality outing flannel in all white or dark patterns, striped or plain. Regular and extra sizes, cut full and long. Made to sell at 80c to 1.25. Special, 2 for Basement ast $ 1 Novelty Curtains Sheer scrim and mercerized marquisette with eluny and filct$ pattern lace edgings; 1.50 val ues. Per pair. Sixth Floor East 1 Women's Petticoats Also pantalettes. Made of a i good quality colored sateen. I Regular price l.fiO. Each, JL Third Floor Center Curtain Materials A fine assortment of colored dotted 'Swisses and plain mer-$ cerized marquisettes; worth JOc per Vard. f yards for Sixth Floor East Handkerchiefs Men's and women's hem stitched handkerchiefs of pure Irish linen, 5 for Mam Floor East Babies' Blankets "jivlii ;.,..t. . . :.., ..,.1 watv uii.nvi iitiii.ni, iiuiiii ami i nuiiery styles; some ate scalloped T each blanket neatly boxed; worth l.'.'.'i kl to 1.o0. Specially priced dnrintf this ji!e at, each Basement North 1 Bleached Bed Sheets 1.!0 size, made of sjood static muslin witli J-'mieh center scam. Each. Rtement North Serge Tricotine AH Wool French Serg and DiodaI Tneotint A ln- ..it tml rd ftbric p"ti -,! 'i I ahro'tV; in tay l-'na in, .t ' fill ' a ! ; I I it. 'ii fettle. ;c.-t,t!, pt r j t liten-tntCr'"r 1 Men's Fall Caps A'! ti li.-w t.l tt .iee .. titbit' '.ppy t-'red. U ! V to -I, ltfl.l ,' if tltr. .!...!.,.. ... t.1, ? l euMv y i t-l ' . t-.dy r':..tt rl 3 Sealtyte Cheesecloths Absorbent cheese cloth sealed in sanitary "Sealtyte" paek-r au'es of yanls each; packages for Basement North Men's Domet Shirts A large aMiitmeiit of patterns in pray, tan, blue and khaki col $ ond .tii!'t fl.uim l. AH ics, !: to l?:i. K.i. h HarmentA rcade Novelty Earrings In !. e itrt b:.J i.i it a biinceil t!-n; j ,-lc, lipn, enrnt, t.utire'iitr pr Jn ., r: ;'--.', i!. I h..j.. U'lbtr I .'-, 1 N ao-1 ;"'s aUir Sjh-cu' .i p. . t d ?t Mtm 7tWf Eat $ U Men's Goods l .' Irt l M'll't S! i I Wela, Uloi ,! Y f I i'k' S 't J j 4I- ..! s . V lvii Sj'a. , l.i.'a et J IWtf l IB I 1 i fit 0 H M Itla, M -t Itl'twJ t ..1 U r !.. Ill )', lis imu Iktl a t, .. t it e I - . at at Sw aas4MlM m44 . k, . I . - .-I a ti4 M tkwiHata ptm, ..,. o . .. , -i .t . t I M i ! a th.' 'tUnu T- -iaw-iW - .' -i 11 llfc iaW.ii w