The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 03, 1922, Page 12, Image 12

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r 1
Will McGraw
1 K '-' i t
(Joint J.
Jnlifl .1. MHiraw, manager of tin- New Yurlt ,-ill Mill illrrrl lili Irani'
play In On world' w rli'H wild It atari Ihi hi rli. Mi (.raw's club copped
llii wrli'H from 1 1 if Vinli las) ear.
fM 'School
4"ozu.l I..HOM Seroml 4. Mine.
I'l..O'I, Nell, IX I. .'. IHpi-.-lBl I -J' ut ll
lli.t Ita a -.-oitii 'l'-l lit of lie- . on h.-i-at
th haaila of 'I"- .Vjltll li.itl.' I. (.in,
oiat." cha inpiona Tnc ie on was 41 lo V.
Cozad nd l-arnmu iltay Kralu),
(deaMisaJ lliirh l-osf.
lilonwouit, ii' i 2 ixl )-Th
I'SlH tU'-nwoo.l Mail M hool le,.iil
lo.t to lit Klllolt hi-f'- hy lh
sent- of 21 $j Q. Lutes iff uioaha
irntn V.y Hlnnr.
tioiiMa. N.'li.. ih '. 't iMin-i'lal.t Th
liHal hliiti hi hunl fnotliHll ti-Hln watlnpi-il
ihi Kfllrfl'-l'i If vn hi liy lhi mini'
nf 2 1u il. lmrli!lif!i-U TllttH of lliu
liinctn wna thu ttiii' of th n;ini".
Mfrpliif 'ntir lnt (iMllii-.
Plullami.u'li,, In-t. 2. I .S..-i la 1. 1
1 n thlr firrt khiiih of tin- Hfii.xwl Ihi
I'lutt-mimth Kililwura il-f.-ati'il the Vr.
Iiiiy Wittir Plfvi-n on th Ittlur'a Krldiron
hy the morn o 3- to M.
1'lnr to Kciirrli-M Tir.
llni-illi t. Ni h , l)i I. 2 (Suk IbI.) Thf
luntiillrt hlKh mlloiil mid tin' Hiudfihiiw
!Hfniii uliiyil to a wi-nri-Ii'iia tie here
Itcfora a largo rrnwil of funs.
I.olhf nhilrn lli-frHtu Mhwmi CIIj.
Cothi'ribiirtf. Ni li.. ' t. t I.SpitIh!.)
Th (lothnnl.urif hlSll ii' hiiol foolhull tdi'n
ilifi'Hti'd tll Mhwiii 1'lty flnvm llTO ly
the mron of :t to o.
I.oup 4'Hv IMiftf.
HrolK'n How. Nob., im. 2. (Sc )
Th Mrokin Ilnv. liiKh K'-ro.oI foottojll
tmm (Ifffntfd thu l.uup rity iI-mi hi-r
lvthp nura of H to C m hiuih- fen
tiirori hy thi long end riins ot ihu Hroln'ii
10W llllrjill,
fienmn IKfralK Kulrfiflil.
Knlrflflil. Noli., "t- :. iSiiihI l-Th"
r..-ii.v hliih who'jl footlmil tm rt-fmi-il
thf lorn I il-vr-ii la a fnnr nnrt i Imi ii nm
liri hy tht n'om 'if iii to n.
nnounrii fii-hwlillc.
An-'i", Ni'i),, iii-i. tsp -rinl ) 'nili h
Th.1I Wilnon of Uj lm-() hUU hl f'""
-M toalii h lomtili tr"'l th- m hi-.tuli! for
the tn.iin, hut woul.l 111!" in nM n f.-w Itainia ti tho lift. Any t'uni In Ih"
iat wl-hlnit auif with th.- Anly h'Kli
Ham uru'"l to mrlto i'uui'Ii V llwui. no;
Anfh'y mro-ilulB follown;
iii'tohor i. l.mio I'lty at t.oup t Hy. in. i ml in .vnsiey.
Oi'tnbr Ravonna at Hnvfitiia.
lirtohT "7 Opin
Novomlior a ('. I l '
Novombor II Hn.Kon H" nt Atikitv.
uvrnil.r H I.uuk City ut Arl"V.
Novi'mbiT Open.
Novomhrr SO AUUio'o (tontatlM").
Aim Kil.v Wlnnrr.
Alma, Oi-t. ? ( Sp.-.lal. 1 AUna
hUh won nn mv vlitnry horo when it
ilofmto.l rieavor CUy hy th aiorj- of .l
In (i Th" A"n h eh fonrh l nnxjoua
to ii'hrdulo name f"r Thiinkmtlvluif day.
Vullov Tnm IVnnli Immoa. "
Vulli-y. Noh.. -' IHwi'UI.I T
Vallev a.-nuHl l.-uin l af'pr kiii' for
Ssiiir'dav nnl Hunday. !plll.lin and
Mr.-iutto tulor - wrii.. for ni.
Vrlto or tflopliuiio N. n. Johnon. alloy,
to provloua or'. imt..rd Twj rat"
Aiinomiro M hrlulo.
lld nt. o : tho fi.ntha!! a.h.d-
ulo of tht lnvid on. huh 'l fur ti"
oi.n J aa follow.:
th-iohor with rM.iitton at lmid til).
D.t.hiT H WIIH ork at l'av i.l t'i'J.
iiolohfr ?1 w.lh. i ij,,' ' a at I'l'Ma,
i. lohor If nh Ah:ud i I'.m.I t lty
NoiMiii.-r 1 i'h I'.iil. i I'oili
So.inilrf t nh Xooaid (m.n'i'v '
TM.t i"'-
,..f.olr IT llh Cfl'lril ' l'o',i
ittfr miii j(ttn i : r 4 t huM
Anl Mitt
i.H U ! in m ' V
m- Aui tv r' ( It Ahiv
i -.w't il t'" ".""
f -iti r4um ltt.fcuit, itMi - 1
f r r.i 44. it.ittn i
ih t I -41 n- Mti J
ft PMt t--Mti Ih rhli' V. f ! (
t;r.h N-l ' I1!'. T '
k - rn- t. " t - t
t.f, .m 4-h v.i I - ' '
ft vt t M f T" I u
ft It U-IW NJ ft ft rt a
4HJI' t ' '
t H r 4 a iwf tt-t, .
I th t m- '
j t I r 1 k 1
.vu id fc-'i hi
-. ft 1 fct i ti. I ' to ;
-. - ftft ft t vl 4r :t i
ltft I M -- l V
au .ii, I tta A V ;
M1' f-
I h i
. - it ft k - A v s - v
t 1 i I '
.aa ft I
, ! - -
e. ' i
.. 4 - -
i, ft.-.4 4
Lead Winner-
,. . A1'1U: fve .
if .lie-
Sam Reynolds Beats
B. Youns for Title
Hiiln I'.i J lli.Mj, Millie ii'ilf ( lllltlllloll,
tiilili il aili'Uli'f tillc tn ll H ki ovtlliK
1 1. ft yi fitiTiliiy over tin- lUiiiilni Kit-Id
1 1 lull toiirMo Iii-ii lii ili-f.-iitod Hl.iltio
! Viiiiiik In the ft iiiiIm of Hip cluti ch.1111
! !; .ii i-h , 1 i ntnl I lii! iiiitti-li ciiiIIiik
; on tli Mill xii-eii.
Ii..vntii! nli (li-fH.-iioil Young In
tlio 1 1 nn U of tin- Htulu ihaiiiploiiHliip
ovfr tli! name rourHc. Thl inatcli
aluo c-niling on the 13th Kr-''".
The chump mnde the rnoiiilriB 1S s In "r. end wn throo up on
I'.l.-iliin at tho miiI of tht- tiinrnliifi'a
play. Uliiliio took a "S In the morn-
rinmin opoii on thM aolpiliilu and I'rinol
pal Nfll .1. Andi-rioin would llk to fill
thorn' d:ilcM with ny Bund leaiim dHairlnv
u fai.1, oli-an kh tii". I'ninhvM v,)io liuvf
opoii on ihiir aohpilule ahonld got
111 tutioh. with Mr. Andi-raon ot onoe.
tirtoiior C llav.-look at W'ahoo,
Oototi -r .1-1 l-'roi.iont at Frenmltt.
iioli.l.jr L'H ipn.
Hi'tohrr 27 M!ii.
Novi'iiibor 3 Wohuylor at Wiihon,
Novpnihor ID Htat Annie JIikIi hool
at IJm-i.lii.
NuVoiiilior 17 1 'Ih t tMmi.llt h at YValion.
Noninb.r J4 Wool Point at Wcat
Ti.t nl.
Nnveinhor 30 Anhlund lit Aslilliiid.
Uiif r Hitch Hint from
Vnr ihu fii'Ht 1 1 1 in thr-
yMtrn T,ln-
chin hi if It of t hf Hluffrt linn
nil n.i n,,-. l u. rh Nifn-n.-y
WON H f'Mtl-
f r loiirnpyt-fl
to i.ok'iii. Ui., Mtwl irmirtf'"l
thtli rontliall
t'-'im l),v (lie r ' ' " i' nf 2 i
M'tire nl' ilif kmimq niUH in Ih
I'T W ll.'Il l iatpl. (IWi'llJI Of
it'ivvtii-.l t tin LtKn f u 1111 k
(fun li'oit. In t hi', 1 tMiir
I ho Jl Miff f run hwi-ei ii ruint
111- oul Uitill of th" uhiiip.
I, Tit. only
thiul M'lnr
ili" Hltl-i
t'flilii.1 tlifir
A ivl'-i "H f
IH nrtl fur
yhii.iiiiloiih, In., c t ( f-' if l.i I.
I'Uylnjr tf".l ffHtilmll mill kploK '-
f'UNt tiurilltf lrlf'fT (.if thfl Kiilll1 h-'HUfi
if ir.JurU-.M lo "Hill' i!I:i-yinv, -lot imhii,
SlieiiMii.Ioah hi'xh opt'ic'l Its hunt' K''.'.
M'-i'Hon b tl'-ffitliHK llfiff fi'lail. nf lt'S
Mdlli.'n, 'I t.i ii. A s;irt y r ;irl hi K-' i '
wan th" l"ii" ii uw, S-i ni( of hati 1th-.'-
, fri-ni ft'iilf-r lift MitTM itrniti'1.
H'Hnyl', tiHlt'hitt'K, wan iluw m il . i ti i n I hi
I own hiie. .sh'nHt:rI,.;.h nil) iIwy
'iVtural hiffli tf iin..hH ii"t aS.itu;tIrty.
! HtirvHrd Kiiny MIimmt.
j Hfirvanl, Nph., un, :', '! in llnrviird
hl-h vlPiHii (riiuiif-tj ihn Siitrkhani
! iiKKi'''ffni i"it "ii th fir UI. I n t he
Ilir-lilUK Rillllt ttf 111" MtliM'Ui, ,b to y, Tllfi
ItM'itl Bi. tiFt 1 19 iii thf Hn-i iiti.irtT, HKitin
in thf 45'i.inl, ntakiriK In th flrt httlf
'f the Kfiinf, Hu'ji Mfvi'ii In the lHjXt ((UMT-
ifv itiitl is in tho lHut, nuikltue their imlnta
itn k"'1 hrnkrn fltli1 runnlnn nhit ltock
hni nn-niptP4l only miI riiun. MurvHrrt'a
ft oh I ntvr whi in diuiK"!" t hroiiKhout ( he
n(ir Kiiintt the lm i Inoklnit for
mat"! I to I hfir Kttnir tn-xt f'rltliiy m km! nut
Hf.niiton with r onfiiltMie. Th- rrniHintlfr
of in total prhftluie in hk follow:: N-)otn,
tuinhfr 2 : K'lk'n (Mnher 21 Knlrflria,
Nitfmltr 17. nm Helton, Thank hkiv inn.
Tht lorn) tfftin w til play ut tl il ('.mid
iVtotr U. t Ksi4r Novrmtnr y. 'lav
i n!' Nitvfinli.T l and ha o an open
ditto Novemlur "4.
I Mlianrt. Uhn.
AHUn.e. !y.. th. 3 -(Hil-UM In
th firt iu of thn ftmn (h Alliftht
Hiifh 4-ho-l foothflll tfam WMlk'd hv
i with ftl "v 1- Uaf y fr.urt h I'hftdron
i l-sni oil Ih-' Atiiniif fir round with
! -offt of t F.Itt'll''ff nf th firt
, hiiif nf h BHe Ih- lout "i1 run
f MM I forHflrd p!te-S (H ll;ii. Hnd liftt-Xltl
I A i fi" hilfl-ifh. f,iil v a.rufii
i i i -htttiwrn :"d liHf. in thrr I- any in
tit thltt fnl.rlt- I'liir, n ! f r 1 ,.llt,,r
' m "jr n h i',i-u''i' n n tinattte o
i nunu I tt t-- or- fti i hs -Mid . f th.
f -t iii- ii-r VV t$ i to I' M,t ,( tllia
' -ii-l ttf lh f rt h'f (. ,i it...
; ihitd )tMtir limlron, irmrt ( nn
i.iti- h h n trt M ',ttf;.r- lit Ai,iiH
; .nil) I - o V - l-f i -d f f I lif f irl
1 l' Uim.ui , him I i . it v-H n r ?h
t f ' -t tfiiiu . l i.ti
; I'm ut -j t-i.itf In ttti I "-ni-l
ff m I' 4 II tl '-4H a L flu'-. W 4 ft ' (id
It A, i. 4,1, (t I lh''.l tlltlil't H" tetMl"l t4Sof Hi.
I -.,. V o -,. J ... I .
' .i- . ' .i j
' C tl n , i.:u-,. a.,,o,Mi
... lhP ( ..'. .,, 1 ,,o . ,t ,.-Kit.l
i.. I I ', .-I ... . fi, I.,,,! , l
, o,.. . a. Of" t, . i .,.
' ' - fc e . .-,- ii , -, . i
.., I I ... i I- a.,. I
a. . ,,i it ..,., in., t . , wi ;
! Ie4 rt
V .i .. v-j. ii. . j o . t I
W ll, I , i I I I
' "" "'-' M ' ' "-!,
. M.N '..I I ,i ,!,(.,., .,., t I
1 I . ft ' -l-J . H. ', ..- , I
I - --..I . , 1
f . a - i . ,i. , . , . ,
"t '' M, t i. .
. . '. J , 11 ..
I . t 1 4 I
-' .-......
I , , I. I".
i . . - t , , ' .
V ,. . 4 I t . ,
., --' ' '
I-" I
1. s -
t .
i . .
i -
CoriiliiiskiTS in
lor Hard (iiiinr
With Coyotes
j,'arii)' Scmiiii HdiiniH I'roiii
Stiiiili DjLuta Vaiikltui '
(.'oiilot Willi l.illlt'
I.liiiiilii, "it, 2 hH1u 'JVl (,-itilii )
K.rloy Yiiiiiiic. frrohiiiuu 4'iuuh, ro
I u i in. I tioluy from rnnllllnn, H. I' ,
wlion- li ont.-il th. Holllll iHikntu
Ymiktoit kiimio Hutiiriluy. Ill lu
fni mat Imi n 'nut, liowover, nn
Hi.uili JiiiknU ri. .. I ono toiii'lnlowii
and tliry iliio. a it. f.'iialvo fume rn-lln-ly.
No forw'Hrd imo wore utteinpU'if
i.inl th Covoto only Mini on-f hu-iJ to
I..- to lii-fp Vmikt'iii out f.f their trril
torv. Cohi-Ii YouiiK lllyo. kiiup
of tho piny Iih pli k"'d up to lii" year-
lin o'liiii'l t Ii in nfii-riiooii mid ll-y
will piolmlily l;c wut hkiIiixI Hi"'
"N iiioII ' " loinol row.
VollliK a ' ...l t lliilllil. il Ho- In
f.ii iinilli'ti Him 'In' HoiMli 1'nLoHi
Inn. la of ini.liiiiu H.-ixlit, Hud
il; Willi a) I.Hi Ii fl.-ld roiiipoaid of i
f.iiir khihI, weighty im-ii. faot mid ;
olilfiy, who work in p'-ifi-t t mil -on.
t.iiiitiil, lit .lUHil. r, U uiitiMiHlly j
KM.d, I'niirli Young ai()'n, not only In
illi.-i tiiii( tho t.-iiui Im I n Ihu in punt-
Th Kotith Kiikotn ti'iiui In nmrliiil
liy AlllMoii, fmiiKT Mlninotu wlar,
und lori'lit iomi-Ii ttt Yimhlliif1oil (Uittc,
uaalatH liy Kck hurry, Jmitniuiilh
liitiilniiry of HM-erit youm. T)iun tho
lnK-iiiiity and knowl-de of tho Katim
of football from two ronal Ih Ik-Iiik
Ii ivo-n into tho Vi-rmillion iu:ul.
St. Louis Fatrs Hani
(rid StheiJule Tliis War
Kt. l,ulllH, Ort. 2. Ai'tiVB foothitll
practice id under way today at 8t.
!,nii: unlviTa.ty wh-ri forty iiiiidl
dalfn for ponilionH on th rlfvcn are
xolnif through daily pritotlc work
out h undi-r tho nupt-rvlnlon of Hlc-ve
O'ltulirktt, chief coiich.
FiitinaT on of tiiH liunleot kcIiuJ
ule. t'ouuh ()'Hiirk Marted pran
lien with ono of th lai-K'-it aquad of
foolhall candiilati-a that Iibh reported
in yfiiri. Nearly a dozen of lat
ycitr'n player will Im with the elev
en till! k'MKOII.
JiminlH Kinncau, captain of the
lSl'l l!illlkeni, ha been added to the
football coaching itaff to liolp develop
a act of f,-mf, liardhittliiK f-iidu. The
line candidate, are beiiiff fiut through
htrenuoua ncrifiiniaKefi.
Heveral lntfrcholnntli; battli-n. In
cluding guinea with Notio Lfcinin and
the MiflilKan Aggicn, arc on the Bil
llken'a ne.hedule.
Iowa State Harriers
Start Daily Workouti
Aiiii-m, Ja Oct. 2. Kour of the Iowa
Slate college cronH-country team have
already atarted their year' workout
and many more are expected to join
them after reglntration ha been com
pleted. Oiptaln Moyd Itathburn, aensatlonal
nilbi and two-mile runner of Jaot
pining team, In addition to hln atel
lar work on the ltomh country teuni,
ban been working on the cinder for
the pant week.
lieorge Kenton of Oanvillc, la., find
Keith Urown of Marishalltown, lat
year's letter men, have been working
out nt homo and are in excellent
aha pe, areordlng to repoita from the
coach's office, liierba urn, w ho won 111
letter In the apurt lat year, will be
eligible again this year a will Hallo
well. Omaha Pitcher Wins
Log on Trophy Cup
('hai-lon JlcClellnnd. city ami state
luiiKenhue pitching champion, won a
, leg on the t'laridge trophy cup at
the annual Nebianka-lowa horseshoe
j toiu iianient ln-ld yesterday at lllalr,
i Neb., when he won '-i out of 24 guinea.
lid Walls of Missouri Valley won
i second place when he lost two gullies
I out of the 24 played. Guy Cook ot
Illair placed third, lie lost three con
tests out of the 24 played, ,
ritchera from Iowa and NeorasKa
r.minele.l Th 1923 tournament will I
be held at Missouri Valley, la.
The wife- tat i
neaeR Touch AMotHf
. I v . , -
StfE. tMJ6Ui,r UtVEfi
v . (
! m i-j,
,1 n i . V Ll1. i
I I iA I MM J ntcher of tin- New
York tiluut. lilai. K'K'd imluri.l,
n) ul, inpalilu ami ery Hipu
la r. Alii'Ketli.r utili a i-ltl-u,
lie vtu alinoat within tho
ohadow of III Almiio at Km Am
l.uilo, Tm., Hay 87, IVJfl. bull and
tliroH I Ik lit buinlnl, doing lo it Ii
ui)' well, la 6 feet 1 inch ill In ik'llt
und U2 iiumla In woli.-iit.
I'layfd flrat with th i' torla
Club, in th PoiilhHrat 'IViaa
l.cUKU.-, in I'jIU, knoi K..I uruiiiid
mill the tn-inl pro until 1'.02, then
played a i. ki. ii with thn l-'lint
I bib, of the Hotilhein Mu-liiyaii
l.i.muo, iiml trait culled from :1.x
In, nulla by thn hi. I.niJia I'nrdiuiila.
A, 'ii-r a . axon or lu of litllu
in linn, lie waa fanned out to Hpilliti
lb Id of thu I'eiilrnl l.'iiK'i'', and
Wai bark av,iiiii Willi I lie t'.irdliiiilit
In J I 1 4 , there in i-eiiiiiin illilil llil!,
when Im una traded to the UliiiiH.
AlHny reiiurdid a a dangerou
bltt.r, lie had hi beat ooaaun laat
year, when lit lilt .320 In J'lH game
fur Ihu (ilant. J a clever man In
handling pitcher, lieme got the
4-iiU ou r Hmifh In tiloat of the liu
portant m-rlia,
Hnyder can al-i nil In aa flrat
riiiarmmi, liavlng plujed tle l.g fur
the t'lirillmil on odd oceaalona dur
ing the fteannrii of 19)6 and 11V17,
Dave Bancroft, Field Gaptain
of Giants, Valuable Player
-W lorU Oct. the flrft time in 1.1m raiver. He
oil the fiH.i iIirtiMg thM drfH.Htvt-Utt:tTl ,!h rn...r i. a K,r batN-r nI
May that tiHtlii-r John AMiww, thtli rie hllf4 H.en (,U(, to l)s ,,Uu.rlor
imii.agf-r, i,or hU firm iimOHlHi.t, UrhHuu m.f inMrnllona! fr.NP. Ten
. , "M".-H"t i'.ul. uu iruiu inuriym am hf hit .213 with fh Port-
phi-pB on tho heiirh, all amum hM j
been Date Knncroft, field cniitiilnlng
the Giant to another pennant.
"lianny" I listed by many of the
competent crltica of the game to lie
the greatest shortstop In baseball to
day. The teams that have won pen
iiiinta with a poor, or even mediocre
man at shortstop the pivot of the dn-
fense are few and those that have
come through winners of tho world's
of-ries virtually all had topnotcliers.
Itefore the 1D22 season ended base
ball writer lgan casting about for
the most valuable man to hi team of
all the major leaguers and a number
mentioned Hancroft, placing blm in
the class with Join Tinker, of thn old
Cubs, Hans Wagner of the I'lrntes,
l:.-tbbit MaranvlIIo of Pittsburgh and
IJoHton, Jack Harry of the Athletics
and Ked Sox. and a greater pluver
than Arthur Fletcher, now with the
Quakers, who was Jioncroft'a prede
cessor. The f!lant captain is of fust class
caliber botli on the defense and of
fense and ns a field general. As a
lend-off man be ranks with the best
of all time, lie covers mi amazingly
large area In the field and Js a pester
ing, dangerous runner on the base.
He Is considered quite a bit belter
than the cold figures show him to be.
Last season Bancroft lilt over .300
i2i i:t
4i. AB. K. H. Pol. PH.
llurnaby, St. lfliila IM !, Ml MO .41 .SM
Vlillrr, (hl.-uiii. l!ilH til I IM .:).-.
IllKheo, I'lllKbnrch IMI CIS 1 13 5 1.1 Ml
Crimea. 4 III. a.. . . I Iol ISO .S.VI .3-M
Tlerney, I'lttabargli IJJ441 B7 l. .2 13 .2118
11132 lll'il
fi. Alt. R. II. I'l l, Pel.
si. i,.r, si. I -on la . ,ii;:,km i:v; 241 .41.1. ;i
nh), iirtroit mi -.-7 in .mu .nan
Speaker. 4 level nd I.HI 4'.' M 11 .21
llollniann. ilrlrolt ll4r.S Wt l:4 .SSS .11114
Miller, Philadelphia 149 .VI IM) 111. .1,14 .'is
The Big Winner Suddenly Reforms
To &Ay wit i-iimt
RENjoi(aL. "R
. i'
1' TfMf. f
... tU
' - - - i T ,T " ' f -1
CUI...KH . Individual, who
lllilo lablnd a'lllHNk, (llltl
guartla and br.i ior to
(ill. It .mm nf Hi (ilailta' plti her .
Thu Ihi rail blm "oil," that b'lng
tho I. n l M.e v. tali. n of hi Inutdrn
Ii ui.
till hna hirtl si In .f but varlod
i ll.. r. lie britan I't , loaf ball Willi
th iull i lull of tho leva league
In Hill) and llio following araaon
a.iw him doing tin. with Tula nf
tlt M'eatern ar' !.ilon.
II ilioti hit ll tiul north to
l!ia heter of th llltl riiatli.nal
league. Ibe Ii" ..limlo tho bill at a
.:, S punt for !l giimr and vus H4tlf urioll b" M'--lillin,
Him fcne up Mll'll ball pi)
ii for Ibr pi-lvilegn of lid' dally
.iiiy. 'I'lil Im not alHMjglxeii
km pliiiaiint. At ono time during
Ih pniu-nt hoii .Mc'ir.nv
f.irced to l ila.,al Hiullli for dii
gnrd of tiulnln' nil. a, but at pre.
eiit everything 1 xort ne.
KimCt blt..3J'I Hitli th Glanl
laal year, by long oilm hi lwt In
Km niaj r leu guar, In addition, ha
ha lit rilef oneri;i g habit of hit
lii'.ij In im rur a at iM momenta,
lb- l n ii l atili n!v kuoiJ behind the
Oil w.ia born in Hot Hiorlng. Ark.,
3D jeara ago; bun left handwl,
throw ilKbt bunded; tun a bulirh
er ahop In tho off aeamni; weigh
17( potimla and la S feet 10 Inrhca
In helirht.
lutnl Orp. vlub, h
Ut tHm ui o .2.14
Ida first year In iie maior wlih
I'lillaiieiphLi and w a member of
the Quaker the only time that a club
representing that rlty participated In
the world' series.
In l."3 game in which lie played
last year Haiicroft batted .319 and
Yielded ,!i0, accepting 358 chancel
more than any other National league
shortstop and making 32 assist. 3:8
piltouta, 3!) error. He batted In (!7
runs, went to first base on halls B8
time and struck out only 23 time.
He scored 121 runs, made 193 hit for
a total of 27 bases, including 26 two-
baggers, 22 sacrifice hits and. In ad-
tlltlon, he stole 17 base.
Duck Shooting
When the day la right for wildfowl
ling It In usually wrong for any
other kind of hunting. Pick a
stormy day during the seasonal flight
and though tcelh chatter, and toe
nearly freeze, there will be shoot
ing that day and plenty of it. Call
ing ducks Is, an ait, attempted by
nearly every one and mastered by
few. The best imitations are those
done without the use of an artificial
device. Study the methods of an
experienced gunner and practice.
The call is essential no matter Jf you
hoot over decoys, on the pass, or
w.-uling. It Is not difficult to master
the call. Many are not needed. Two
fir three will sufflee. For non-diving
ducks use the mallard call, for div
ing or deep watr birds use the
blue bill. Of the first type may be
classed, mallard, widgeon, teal, gray
spoonbill and black. For deep water
clucks, red head, blue bill, broad,
bills, whistler and butter balls, it
is slso well to master the purring
cull of the red head.
The blue bill Is the most persistent
caller. I,isten on some calm day and
you will hear thl chattery chnp falll
Mi . . IT
i V . WA. yfT i
This. - J
ThTL Vl'MO Of 1
v0u'v;t. xoX
s I
Cl.t.MUtATr;ii in and outer .f
the Now loik tlianl' pit. Ii
lug ai.iff. la very gwal on ikiu.
mini, very bad mi other, 4Hi nf
tho foimer tame during Ih l.'l
world aerie, where twii- he rama
to th relit f of n b eaioro. mat
and d thn l ankeo abt-.ilulely
allly. They cotil.ln t lom h lila
itirsoa u vlth a butterfly net.
1'iirlng the pieernt iaiiiialRii be
hi. liorn very Yueoiialalent. II
alarb-d out to ael the loagu by (be
ear and pitched a hitleaa gain
again! th I'll III lt early in th "
on. Il baa Im-i-ii of litllo urn
Hit rf liiid a ,-iii-e- .,f tailed
aU'teea fl.iln I HI i iii I HI j with
Keokuk, of the r. ifril aai-.a ialioii;
(itvoiiiH.ii, of flu- 'I'lirrul league;
th (JiIibkii fub. and J'atenport
II pil.lnd a few ,iine for the
H.MiDii Itrutt iii lilj, won n
guinea in 20 atari for lhm In
mil. and II nut of 14 the following
year. Till iecon nothing to
write home aUmt, but It woa auftb
eient to altriu t Mc(5raw, and in
VjIH he won aix game out of even,
and llieii turned around to win S3
out of 24 In 1)13 for hi grealeht
year, lie won 20 out nf 35 in l9'-'
and 16 out of 23 iital year.
Hartie waa born in flullirle, Ok I ,
30 jeara ago, bat left handed,
throw right, la alx feet tall and
w-olirh im pound.
, Cobb Equals Three
, Big League Records ,
! letroit. Ml, h o, t. 2. Three I
major league Palling record Were
closed Hunday. The Georgian who
tied by Ty I'obh In the season Hint
ha hit .300 or belter In 17 seuson.
equaling the record of Han Wag
ner, naa 20 or more afetle to hi
credit in eight season and lis bat
ted .400 or better in three aon.
HI single at Cleveland Hunday as
sured him of a tie for .400 record, the
hit making hi average for this ea
son slightly above that mark. The
fent tie the record of Jesse Burkett.
Burkotf, however, aet the three-year
record befor the foul strike rule be.
came effective.
t-'utlahy Hex Wins
The Cudahy Hex colored baseball
team defeated the Plattsmouth team
ion the latter' diamond yesterday by
tho score of 8 to 7. Khielil and
i Htewart composed tho battery for the
I Omaha club.
Great Sport
Ing to every passing flock
Call to
attract the bird' attention to the
decoy then nuslulato your call.
Hound travels a long way on a still
marsh. If you call too loud, mal
lard, black and widgeon will detect
the fraud. Instance tills you have
often noticed that after making a
call Hint you concede clever enough
to fool any bird, that they rame in
just out of range. There they would
sit. and study the decoys s a frozen
finger shivered around the trigger
and shivered In vain. Next time sit
tight. If the birds are not disturbed
tliey will mote slowly toward tho tle
fit, feeding and chuckling a they
swim. If they start to circle away
try a few low calls. For deep water
birds call louder or else give a low
chuckle that they just can hear. As
the birds circle around you lie low.
Your moving wilt scatter them to
another direction. Htny low. Just
high enough to clear your blind when
you shoot. In mallard shooting, as a
rule, a half dozen decoys will be
enough, unlevs there is a succession
of open pond or lake. It there I a
great deal of pen water you can use
La dozen nmliiird decoy. About four
drakes to eight hen for mallards
make the best selection, meaning, ot
course, t?ve decoy in this Instance.
.Mallards like little hole or ponds.
They are not like deep water ducks,
they prefer to select their own
crowd. Peep water duck Ilk to be
with the big bunch where nearly all
kind are mixed.
. In hunting on lake or shore where
. flier la plenty of wild grata, hulirtiih
I or rat tail, th problem of material
i f..r a blind ) ..ved, If It I pot
! prafftciil lo build th blind on th I
jailor, c-ofer Ihe ttftler aide of the I
I lw I by pi ii i'g nick In the mud
around th end suit one anle of the'
: b.vst, usii'j the i iodic and nr . l '
cover Ih ati. k f rtuit-ti oi k. Vk in j
ih blind .l-inii. In ahouttuii nvi'i'i, either natural or at lit., nil, .
place Hi. in hIh.iii I only tarda frmu I
Hie lli ml. in tia.(ht low or ..-mi j
oil. silnH.t the h i. la aiial.i in j
(! ibciit The et brat time M !
ali.Hit la nl.eii Iboy uriao, M either ,
. . h, liHld fr.vll.l'l Hill b j
IIHH..I, In ti.U.l!ig tu na Id n l j
itill.i.ut d..t. Uid Jour bud Tim 1
ll,.tl,l of the I... roller l,..m
.ii.ii.o, lnitL Ii ml from " "
a.i piilo so b..i.r laa. l hil .t l-t
,v a wuii,'-l bo ! H Kn'aii'i.4
al,.. l. lia pr.. till.- III o
. ... i.. fit a? 'h t WIK'I I"' aa i.irr Hi il.'C,. i.'l
H.os) !.. r.,oi- I 1'M T
toll I t t r.iav Ha t I
Ml. A i t t l"U. ft- Hh.all II
i Ot ran. il l- I'' it'oip l ('
lll.l 1km t . l I'l-iW i-f ,
I'll lit I t tint I . l V i
...M-tt t.i 'I't e. a ,t... aa ,f. !,b
a. . I .i.., it . I
I . t I il I
4 a '
i,, . t, .,t
-l.j I -I I ac t . ,1a
4 .4 4 IP b t .1 k V I
ut- ) .il h-'l"t t- j
, (S,, t .
.--. . ., ,
j. . . . K I ,
I' a i I S 4
-or Will Huggins Pilot Winner?
1 p V , r. a . AW . M
. V . . ? i
I ' - .... a
4 . .CI.
v- o. ( Miller llutns.u ""
Miller HuicKino, liUKtlln' nmnager of the New York inerli an, will
match liawball "bralna" with M.t.raw again llil rar In an effort tu win
the- lii!? world' aerie.
World's Series Contenders
ftV I ItH'r IM( K ii. I.II.II.
Sl.ill Ill Fill.
PM, I, .iol l iui. Jn. W h. ! C. ouu I" P. H. H B B ID W P. II B. f i n:.
Arthur Nlil. Oiant 33 17 1 Ml S J2H 2 144 8a j'l 2 .21 Mi
Krank O Uoul, Yankee 4 0 0 .000 2 H 20 11 I 2 0 0 .313 1.000
For the firt time In years, left-handed pitching will las Just a amall
factor In tho corning world' rerie. It I true that Mi-Graw' ace) card
1 Artie Nehf, but outside of that, there are no left-hander' mong the
contending pitcher.
The Yank. ro tht only flub In modern baseball to win without nm
kind of a left-hander. Of course, they have O'lJoul, hut he neyer pitched
enough to keep warm. A year ago the Yank had Harry Harper, who won
several valuablo gami a for the Yankee In the fag end of the 1S21 American
league rate.
This Is a different situation from
what has prevailed In the world aeries
of the lent half dozen year. In
I i 1 6, Kuih and Ionard made the
winning staris fur Boston, and Mar
quard and Hinilh started three of the
five Brooklyn games.
In ) y 1 7, M.'fiaw's three acs were
southpaws, Hallee, Hchupp and Ben
ton, and they started all six of tlio
New Y'ork games, r.ussell started one
(fame for Chicago, but was knocked
out, while Williams pitched part of
anntner. ..........
In H'JN, Hie .aiionui r-hkhi: .v..n.
again depended entirely on south
paws, us Vaughn pitched three games
for the Cubs and Tyler the oilier
three. Babe ltutli pitched two of the
Boston victories.
In tlio crooked 1 ill 9 series Williams
and Kerr started five of the eight
games for Chicago, while Sallee and
Kuether ouch Hindi- two starts for the
Reds. The 1 920 series was featured
bv the spectacular pitching of Sherry
Smith and "1 luster" Mails. Maiquard
started two games for Brooklyn, but
lost tlietu both. I
I.ust year Nehf started three games
winning two, while Harper
was I
Iliisker (j'oss-Country
Team Working Haiti
.Lincoln, Oct. 2. Willi five letter
men back and a string of r,u promising
candidates working hard each day, J.
Lloyd McMasters. coach of cross coun
try at the University of Nebraska, this
year has a more promising outlook
for the fall hairier team man na on
presented nt Nebraska in years.
With Clair Bowman, the only two
year letter man in school as captain
of the team. McMasters claims to have
a string of candidates far superior to
that of last full.
Letter men of 1921 who are again
pacing the five-mil stretch are Cap
tain Clair Bowman. A. I Hyde,
(ieorge Fischer, and IM Slenimon. L.
V. Allen, a IH'.'O letter man nnd star
uiller on the crack Cornhusker track
team of Inst spring, is aim working
in pros country uniform. Among
promising 4-anlld.-tl .ne llnheil
Welt, Thont.t Hotter i-'"'1 J',k'
An early jioanni meet it to l. held
with Nelu.iok:t e-..-vau The Hu-U
.1 vt, ill enl.r Hie Miuourl allov
harrier nice mi SI I... ins ...ilv m N"
temlMi-, . a-ollatioi. arc being nonle
to urinnii lo.tla Milti Ktno.ta I nl
trial! at lintlencw sod 111 Km."
A a l 1. In. "In.
I )4V Ja1.1t
j i M 'IToOllTV
LN,ii ., ,, . - , . .no
H. ,.. W lata.
J - i 1
t.-a. ai - . a l , . i, .--i -.
if .i. a . l if t i
Hla.,alM loaao.
i I ," , - l I
i . I . I I . .
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tt. . lo
1 ST?
knocked out quickly when he tried
to top the Olants in the lxlh gam.
It, therefore, i up to little Nehf
to uphold the honor of the south
paw in the coming series. Arthur ha
not been as effective this year as lat,
though he has Won almost a many
Xebf's world's sorb pitching last
season was among the greatest ever
turned in. He established a new
record by holding the Yankee to
13 bit In three games, ere though
he did lose two game out of three.
In 1003, when Matty shut out the
Athletics three time be yielded ).i
hits. Coveliskie tied that 15 year
later when .he held the Dodgera to 15
hltM in 27 innings. Last year Nehf
went these pitching tltana two bet
ter. Arthur Is not likely to work a
often in the coming eerie a he did
a year ago, as the 1922 series is
hardly likely to drag out to eight
game. In the shortened aeries,
pitcher nre unlikely to appear more
i him twice. A year ago Nehf. Hoyt,
Mays and .Douglas each pitched three
iAbe Mitchell Captures
Southern Golf Title
Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 2 (By A.
i,)Tlio Southern Coif association
crown, carrying with it the title of
open golf champion of the south, waa
placed upon the head of Ab
Mitchell of England, here Sunday
after he had won the play-off to
break Saturday' tie with Leo llegel
of New Orleans, when both player
finished 72 holes in the association'
fourth annual tournament in 20
strokes, four under par for the tour
rounds over the Belle Meade Country
club course.
The l.iflel.1 f Ih Now lork 4!wla.
a l. w aa... a ."" hittio i-
atl.Mi Put il-im.. !". "t K.llt.r
r,-U ,,tt in l'."i' itiuia 'ho lai a
,,lv tho 'u-l I'lio I r rr"',
p... hl'ima .. Ilulliniil'v K''''
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