fHK OMAHA HKK: MONDAY. OCTOBER 1922. Cellar Storage I Nebraska School's Stock j State Dairy Herd i Tc A mono- Rpst. in f!nimtrv! Breaks Record Is ('OllVenient ;Agricuturaj college Uses Wooded Livestock for Ex perimental Purposes, Showing and Instruction of for Hoot Crops The Business Barometer Trade Review tail h , t fcH bkir tht W I t fcyw" h.t it'' ilt-r the m l f't(j I,' 111" al sail'sr ir.t tae Agrirultiiral College EirU Kiiul It Mtt Satufactory Mini Outline MethoJ to Ve. Classes in Judging Poultry Pens Enlarged for Ex-Serviee Men's Vocational Classes. I'lmfraitjr of Nrirak4 llr-nl ItitiiL Aiming Ilt in .Mi.MIf.VM. ThU Vl'rrk' Outlook in Couiiihti'i, Finance, Agriculture ami Iinliitry Hati on Current I)erloiiiientit Jlmis. turni(. aran... rruis, ulufy til rulMl-M- I amrrtui fully '.rr.1 by burying thm In Iha . .... ... i... .1 .. in iUdiu rirth lMui , ...... - . i fr..-i i.rot.f iIInr. nc-iff shrrn ari.l .. . '.. .. .,. agricultural 1 any hrr. ThU i.twirrahin n.r.iinn " " ....,..,. i. tha niritl public romra alamt through oiirg-a, """ " ... .... Lincoln Ifly A. V ItH-in1 tn'U in the. ial U-w mi.tilha lit Uil bul- Lincoln -tHy A. l r-Th. of ! -.Hilar. ..vonl.n, M lb. r..lr. au-! il "Vr Z'Z IV'LlZ'jf uiiT . .i.. v..... .. .... .i ,il l.. HKI IrllllUlitl tha atrtl" Hill- lli rt.uiitry rullr. lively lu-at druvra 111 iirrna m uii i in - ir,. i.j,... .... Hm,,i,K the dairy w- v In addition thr ur. full few lntra by tha drtmrt u' "'" """ " , f. rw Thu ownrrkhip uf Ui," Vauntin. II) TIIHHMWK II I KK V. t Wit . w4 lliwan, Varfc. At lny riui-k i h fur ii.ntir4 miii..iim . li i.t tin. , l,ll,r' " mill. mm iiihiiIhiI Nrw Viik link anil 1 trUKl ttiini'iiiilwi r hi-l U.( itk. ";!'" anJ "J'l a'' r nakal fur bin tlio rurrfiu-y In hl-n wy-j liixnt h.i il.clrnl aa imt ullirrwlaa irH lf1-.l Ai.unt B. ka th 'ivnl an avriuK i.f aUiut I Ht H. .. I'l SS IO. L.iM )! Itt. tuuiill) ai I'.itiMg lttoi'll ..r tt.(.ilr iti ttu.tii... Mai li f j ruifunl "f 'i'.rt'l I l" I Oi. ii. 111.1 .liiimiu. ut lit 4kn't S on. r 1 1 r l.r.i.uJ. I'. Iiiuii w n. ......r, ,U u.ri. r. .,ui fh.... ! IK (uiui. Ml Ih. u.Blf .l , ,,, . , , utu, ,,r . .m.1 a AH(.r..li fel. ai.Mir4 la li Ull'Ull. ' xUUl. It.. Ii..iutf UU I h fu I. fit. ill i.f o.i. lhuuh . Ml Ii4i. Th. lUv. ..uiii.ul if dun. I 4 Tir r.Lir.t u iii.mi irut.liir iii.m Chicago Grain brail i'f Hhi'iiahlia, I milk At all I hum I in' h (iif ff rii. i ua m HiMlrul r tri n iny fr"-i rar"!"! bl(tiy I luf i f ear Mmt iriU Hut h-n rjiijl-r ttur wwit Urlff kilt mn4 niHprti-fti fl fcytt II ImhuMI- ((M.tUiH uf ttftbar H wt I Hum It tifitltHll ttiof t 1 1 (If lhuln. rniia)Hf an flaunt! thlr tltttliMl front nil rturnt i liirv IHiM kli.nitnn.4 ar tiM.ly A ..II. .it ... L." i.. i. v.ii.ii. iroim ro-.f lil D"" triiiiiiu. l..lln I'n f utly know ii. ar rwciina uriifyin ! , n,nu,. i.i i.i,. liy MUCH II. MM II V I I UHiali lira W C'lllidai", 'it. JO Krllin UP 'f K'l-nilr ri'iitmi'iv l mill uii. It I. 1 "'li'iil aiiiiiliiiiina hi tli n..ir rii.t, r Mallei In run-l I'liHiiiira iih m li i;.'. In r Mpii At no tinm i Viilma limifl (lull ftHl ttull Irt-luW Kll'lny llllixll. IIH Hi 1 Ml tu t k iln, i.f I'.'CS i n m IiiIm iimii Mua urn li.uini'il I " )M4 lh. II..I (i..tu'i. l.iiil.l.. it mtt uul- l.iulil.tf I.aIui. kli'i. I.f rvililh lnt ...in. i. .ir.rii i alula III. In.litt.l..iii-M ..I 1'UtMln.l -i.ii.lrurlliiif i.i.. .!., mln i. inn.iii. In ii,.i..ti tut to.l.ri.a au4 .iiiii.Mi.fil i'f UUn. la I MiiiHir viu"Ui..ii.a Uiili m in.i.y ..i il.ior. f im.iii. iiiii u. niiit, ll l ra- a..nfTiic ih.i .irili it! li..,! jft.tii.tr a I wlih It It..! ai't-fti taliiy liiHl.t iriiai.... ' h(( ii"". m-h .""lit r at!iaiiv tMitiirn, ... .... I a.. I .i .tt.l ll,. i .utiugi. r....iii. to. .in. b.fc'l'ri, -.l iiiii ii.iiu.-I fx 'H ft.iiii ilia ia. .hi ..li.... n,a vi.ign.. luulirr. all. I Da !"' b wlii'i' I'll Iran., i (I., li., Uu. a. II . In 1 , , , -..ii l.i.l tin Vitiinlia Hin' lllal I ll NUlvjlil III koM I I'll barn linr annua- - .. .1,1.. .-j l...li,,o. ... . .at c..i.vr,.,t a...l w,t ar-.-wrir ; - "' 7" ., lrJ ' lM ' ' . .,,-,, uiu.a i )h. aarl-uluiral ml-1 ! I'T' lr.... y n.l la P-vublrlo ba Wrr riait rruna. II ktvm m "r - ... nan ami i-nilrr i-omli- lh aiuwuiilv-raiiy. whli-h ona i. ? dr.bir.. Th. f.-llo-inllVt.Hk ll. uo ..d ,hl.k,,,a '"'"' V ..ff.-rr.l- ThU fl i.f anlllmla Mini M-..-K of .1 11.. .A...a .imv-.nl.-nl Vraat-i mmi .u.i".a , inn r'l . , 1. . .. .....I. -n) or UIIV I'UI "I ... ...b I.. I, .1.1.,. ,,.. (f nlmUt lh.it riiia' y ianu i.iirmi j v"'.i"-i I mm inn Hi flrat ai iii..nlli .r ina ,,olictt Willi th l'nit.l 8laua iir I!.'.; -III n.wa iirlii. I tXIU ir.ma.ii v ami la rwvi.blr to Ihr b.rr iirrliiiriilnl biml.a I I muiila i.f milk ami It.JM iun.l i f , .u,,,,,,, 1 arranis.! to hav Ilia J"..nn.ri. .j. h . rr .. "; i ";VH;",itir-.-',-t'jr-"i IH-r1111r11.n1 noiii.a ai. . ..,, .. , . , . ... rii.ia in ..n.l.n,.ii. kal it. -oul.l ti"l 1 '''. vin '' al.eii r. Two rH-i'liuriita uf ; bullrrfiil, n ib.ily it r4.i x-r r w ul , , ,.ai,a, .. a., . rluin wlit-lhi-r ' ,, h it-t ..ur u..i. on .hi. aula u.a ali..l....l n.a h..ir i- ii..ni..,.i,i h..i aoi ; lilitlivr In .'-.i! l..wi r. inr i.imt t-n ! l-'iV 1-0 I.-K-I in-ril. I.i fmul u. 1 . 1 1 a. 9(1 -lay a -.in wilt I ...iiltnii tl.lt '31 "f 31 l-'""'l ' '" iibt-rr waa any baala f..r l. ra,..-rt yt-ar. It la nnnuiii -d by tiffl. lnla I . ih it ilia K.nka wrr makliir an rfTnrt nf th tiillrai, H'.Ulflii Ita-r.t ia h-aii( g, (.r-iil.itliii. Tha ra in, il... ni.it.ialiv f.rn. uIhhiI f.rt ' fount iriuaby rl'iila 1'iiiitlar, ai.lt a-riiia I.i lii.ll.al thnt ailrh All n-rtaairy rr C'iililiiin-r uf wblrh aia tlit'lr ua- In lHarntin bnul nf bnxxl aowa ara ktpt llm yuar nroiiml. rnlvt-raliy Ht-naitlluii, by ,. aon of Kinit ft-Kl 1'i.iiiue I'oiiii!, anil . ffrutt la Ihiiik Iiui.Ik. a iliiia-lili-r of Hlr ri'-trlija tiimaby) Au n Hi iuri.ar i.iluli.ia illff-r, but li.. i ! ....... .ml l,.....ll.,-r an-1 thrlr u ISrant O.bm Ht naiilloil. lirn.la Iht IH. I " -, ' - ' nil" r ' - - - i- ..r.-f..mi1. Th Vf KWi.i'11 Hniivi'" w I . . ,i, ... . , 4nuUv lalncln. tfc linuii.w.n nf tH , tV1itra Hwt lrnk In iiul Into 'I . !..... t ... i t I ..l-....it..li..H i-alm-l laitl In ll! ra.ri.'Ki. ' 111 r k f a. hatn ai.-t... H'.l-tnull V4 l..f a..t. ..... .......I....H..M tia.ai i i lit ii.iriiuiiii ra itiiii iir i j.i in r n - " ..... v.. i ..... . a. . .. & . iii-it in tiaintf ur 'it 111 in i- i),.m up n. ruititiK orr uif ii ; i''.' .... ........... ...... , ..... , Ijl Virn.i Mmolii. im.-llit-r anliiuil Ihr rta-rv t.itlu ami tn i-m.iii.k i lrt ,.., .V:. .......1 1.7.. ....... t....-..i ... ...... i.r.. i.u. ai.. an Hull or a. from tl.a r..v.n. H.rr.l ! ina unim.ii i...a-....ry ..r,--,. ...... .--.-. Fu... ... . 1.m)r(l a pow.-r of Ihr blink will f..l..w. A th . h..i. O.. wl.;,r ..rk-i : li ' I,...--. .-a.-l .1.. .n..... u. I'M", r...... nn in. 11 or i"i . ,, ,mB f tht loll.ca luia rharn of th la by Aritpuh.-r Jim. A f.-w Vork- 1 '"" k , , ! ,,i,i h.-l.l bv Hit- K-tlrntl ll,-r 1 '"!... .11. ..,.,.., ,..t.,n ...I ih. j ... h.....v. 11.1 -n..i-...u ........ i ;i-.-r of ..r.liniiry i,ar.irn . f . , , , , I , , k , , , h HtlilWut lMCon so.', il .y rr.-i.nl of ZS.,i un of lht ..ll n M iy n r i--r n - , ( . n )i( t ,.,.,, ,, h f..i.iC In, h il. fi In hr Ix.M'-ni of Ihr box. Iiurara, lrr anrrp -in a . Hiil.ra arr k j.i itiitn aiu 1 .11 line n .a.iin.iH nf l.utlrrfiit, Iwiika .ill... IIS.O.HVmU l;..t w--.'k nml .r ,,,. ,,. ,u, ,h miima ti..r ll... --.k. K.a.r .I,.,,... .. .h .. ...... ,, r.u.ia If mm.-r at-n inairuvmr ... I..- ..-i i-ji-. .... . ....a- . . , .rv nillo aUin.U at 74 I.'-r ' ai-..t S'. ... h. -a a .lay at an .. 1 .'Uti.i 111 ir..n ni ii..i ti.ata.ia. id. up- TI...I a.M n la.r of rta.la. " h auprrvlror of a tllvlalt.n of tll Ur of rxprrln.rntal ho-.- U.a faJ. hl,'h wlM I'1'" " h,"r '" ,",',r" r ' I ' , 1 tTI ,ntril . tl..n !.f -1 ft ti.llll..iia ' "' "r ' '" ' "" ...... ..1. . 11 la lnltrr t pn k ai timi "' ""i"'" ' . . . . ' . . . ! 1,. v-..i.r..ak.. I.ir 1 nil tM-ri.Ml. Vnraitv 1 flit thw illittrll.ulloil or n r millKiiia , ... ..,.., ., ,h. .,. . ... . , .,.,. ., ,,.1 ,,,...,,. ,i.v.ii,i.ii,-t. ami al- ' u ..., .,ih.r. .r..uii. Twinlynvr lirsi.i or norai-a Mihaiituuon or iwiriry r..r rorn una 1 . , , . . ., , ,,.. mh,. . . .,!., ... h..,n. i..i..u... 1 un.,r m.,. ha-, rr.rmi-r , ihr r.H.ia "i.i i . ... .. . ... 1.....1. . .. ....... 1. i.rr H'li ur ia una 11 rw.'i'i ..... - . . . .. . " .." 1 , . L . . .: . . - ... u ... 1 . ... .,..!.... I..1'. lirr ror liar in llir ri.ia-.l.i... ..i"i-.- Iirr.l ...I Ill .... in. ..-Ill ai.i'i.- i ..... In., m.u.' l.t.f III., fui-t lhl.t 111.. ' " w.n ..ii". 11-. 1 .nip a 11 w wrH iii-.n I... ir iiiiiiuii. mi" ... I vrr w.lh a-.ll im.l a.bl Hnth-r bi- un. ...n,!.,,, wnru .,,. .,.,,,. ...n,,,nu ! ih. in. '" ""tvrrailjr offl. lala any. rm juat now. but IHp M. t thnt tllu , ,,f ,h ,.,,. wlP , , , v,,u. .. ,,,,, h,mrvrr, 1. u.,.li..ti.. , .,, cmtimir .l;i.-liiK n luyrr l"8 puriMiara nml tr tramliiK wnrK mrnla Biioll rr. ai.or.lliig o th" In- ' . , limui nnollirr ! o. w hi. h w.ia an J.-iiloualy a.rim.il- j I...1.1 11.. ,. .1 r in. . ,.. ,,ut.,.My ....I .....i. .,,4 m. an.... .....V.....-H rr of r.-.ifi. ' 1 ,. n. 1 ..h..ut thr rumpii anil Ihr unlvrralty nrui tora. Work wllh llm Tnltr.1 -J1""11 ''nir"1" , "IV , 1 1 1 l.ilr.l tw.i yiura a. It now hriiiir "" ' 'h-r ihrraim i....io,.a , ,,r,-r in. ..,.,. I. ju.i ni t f roil mi l a "r "f ' " . m. , Tt l.rLlln-r hrr.l la hrn.Inl s,,. l,urr..U of nnl.iml l.i.lualrv In "" k''V thr rn-1 ohl '" ' r . . f "' Ai-.m-n .,..-,.,. ... 41.. I I,, r.f,..-.. In a .... ia ih a.-.. I" ' P'm l..r,l Mitllbm th,t waa . fr.rtl.,-r .. lAA .w.i.n-1 ...-r.vr.l ! ' ' f N-hn.kaa Jlolalrln bnd. I." ,1" . '.."l " ' .'"I'V.V "r'l., ?-"'H'r1L: i in piNiii iu ni-r.iK jt-iii i f-ir,i , un kt- v in m i.ra.M-.tit ll.ta la ahr I 4.iuUI .haih.r bii.it..-Mi . Ii-i. aip.!.!" .4 a... ..n,iui..i..n .ml .I'"' 1 Juiiiiat y unl lll.a la tha I ril. I a.a.aa jl4 In H.ui b aiima- ' uii'.iii'.o ..ii...i.lir H.i..i ri.. I.r.-.).. run ! " 4 t.y aa ai'iual ..Mil.r.ak tit hi..nH'.a , nnu.4 iiiit..lii.i.ii.a 1.. ir..i..i.ttatiit, low. r. nn,., r..n. Iha aian..nnl ..f iha , h..a-.r. ...i-.i lulln mm....,..,., ar. f ! Iiiltiinirra iirdllllii In !i!iill 1, and t-.ii.ti , ,..,-1!,,...,.. il.jl rr- .... i. f.,r.. . ' - - " ur. h.. ir.. i.Mt.ilir flu. l iiullniia wnr t'lr nut- riiim-r An. nil-- ..r . China .1.4 J..n I iiim au k ht it." t..i....i. l it. .rr.. t 1 .i. ... .... rn.rotli.il Ihla Wt't-k. Aa .'..ill- IH. .lr.Hr.. ll, .l.tlll .. I,.n... l.l. h j U.a llirtaaa.4 lli.lu.lrlal a. lull. .Ill ' -a I, rat la a.lM al I I. .. I r,ia, ia ho.v.r, I uiom.i.ir i-a t.i4H..ti- a4 In ll i-. ami pan . I Willi Ihr .r.,U4 Wi'.k, WIi.nl h..ul iha -x.il. Ii.n. In U.a ...! a fiaan. ratail U.4. tl"n. for a.....n iiifm .IinwcI mi a.h.i.i, . of if on tha ...al n. thai ran latrrirar-1 a. dia- an. , la ii-Ii.i.im lu dla. Ii.a. l,.u,n p..inlr , ,,.,, - n,. .1, .(,, . i l)v-l Jta ina vain in fju.t nwrnfta v0"" . .... ti..i.l... frnfti Hi. fjiirr ...ii'l... .np.il jf,-..ir I.'.1.' Ifi-at-l'. I ..III W.ia ulau ."' I.ll.i."" allll p.-.n litiai'tllnl lllnl It.Wrr ..11 h-pl. llll'IT a.,nt .m.it.ra, riitni tt.t.i.i fi.t li.r j ..,....,. I in ti.ir.r-.nl ...inn. ami In . .rl.in ' nii'l " ln;li.r on thr litW t r"I IU-lin--a nf ii.aiiufi-iMi, aa In atari, an . Iiurra, n.ita . I,.a. , '-'' 1 " biul'iT, lu.l ai.r.ii. .a .i'.i...l. H.pl.i.iUr I.H.I.iiK, anJ I. .-)'. blKh- """" ' ...... n..t. I. I ll..,",. I.i.r ..ll tall . I -"' ' i" ' ' " in . l ha i.. f. ii.- l "l.'llvt.-t i. r Nt-itrby fu- t.ll. a t.f Im.l -k'.liii.-il i'. ii .'" nil'l J.inil- ury I.. ft I '-, liil- nit i up 'iU fauMfl aMrl rntnd. Ho nnliiKiy, Ih-t ll ll. 'Ml t llMHi I mip i l S'ul I h AliMlittt l i iilhliirlii u t I" Mtf-'t I tt) Hltilu of lnti'if Mlia; iuriiili i lo- Vallt tltf tftllall IMttlHr-l n ai'.Mti tyiwi fl-riimflil . rr.-Mt..j f.if Mj(.l!i.lifi m.n I H .'IBliel III itlH Ul t-W 111) t ..ar--4 VI li in Win llm fly uifutHtii Matihti mt til nwr hut tvhat -f nuid i ci.i ( frith an tntrrnfew uf 1 1 io,ii(o m ih qwantliy tiufm-tri'lititf, m hit h i niiw at. out St'l.O'lUjMMllJilll -fiiNdii Hnr.t rtil. Ohphtctrtl In th rriiMHU' tally li rue)!,! . ..(-.. rl.,a. llllnillH f.llrii I 111 ' ff.Hi. Ih j..llth Ki.J l.a.a.l It .. .-... frort .f rrllur. Mlt . ". .u- v-......i... . .J. - .... nun- br un-.t lnali. of roll If It la ' yrnr hr wiia hrnillfht to thr Nrbrnnha Ih ripr, !..,. Hint thla will b mi lot . . ,.(-iai.'n- nrril. 1 Ilia nillliu.i in na-.i.K ..nr.. ... , n. nt.-p in n I........K n..iuaiijr 1.1 iui "', i' . thr lntrr. an.l If It hr- ! . ommunlly Iniprnvrmrnt wnrk ami ! t baannf frr.lrr t.a-k in tha a..uth. " . ii i.i haa tumu hp finifinar nrrtfinr"i 111 !. t i . a if ........ - . a.M Htim. lriit w.nrr u. - ...K m.... rr.llnif to Iha Collrna Inalrurtora. He " . . 'atr. n.ih f ,h. i,-i.i.,n l,....m. l.-ii.r ""'""' ' ! Thr iniiiii-ili- nf tl.r tui.rili v nliii.t nf ' i. i. a ii .......... t ..,.rl. H,.,,l. Inrlilrnlally II lt..y La ol,.rrv.n ilial un.l. rtloml A furlhrr a.lvan.a In Ir.lh Fraturr Tlnre HrrrHa. ' ' " " ",r "." .' ,,,y , 1 rrclalrr of mrrlt tliiuuh j ,.., , ,mport ln ,lld u.. ( ruhi.-r .n.i ...r to i.. rl-.rl. m- n.i.... (ia.ii.un.imi r.- w .."""ittra, llirttt til wtiuill tin, riiiiiiuiiiu . ii.tini .u''i .ran. in i..ri'..ir anj. airo. .in.p. i.M.nar anil in. an.. a trail. rnnra .try lll.l.l.- . Knot rri.pa may nlno br rlninl In j but not wi-r. ia r.M.n 10 t.rnia 11 r.ir tr ! . unlikal-, I,. . al i.ra.ai.t lityriir.il.l t-ow wnrra n .... rr-.-., ,..iK.n w, ,,,, ,,,,, , f ,, ,,,,. Hu ril i..a,.u i,..r.i I. 1..1 i.v a i,h t Jin It Inflailon and thnt lh. y are il.i-; i. a.in i.u.in... j...- .1,4 i..,..r Th. .1.. I h Jriary hrr.t la lr. by a l.rw ,.nd fr . ,,,., , Ul, ,.,. ,, nmlr, Hilllan Trllv... who la Iha 1 . qU 1 y 1 '! o 1- in a.n.a nf tha .....ly. Iluhi,-r . ,, ,. , . ..... ... i Krt It OUt of lht. .a .harplr luili.r in tl.a Ja.lt.l'in lli.rkal ytillliKrri anvrr u r..r . , ,hrt ,,. , rl,n ,, , .-Itlll, K ur i...i.-r." ,n.. m. 1,1. al ......I fa. n i,f a rrn.n. al f ilia ri.iDi. an .Hri. Ir..n n.,1 a Inn.m aa. I 1 1'" I'a.la ,,ii,ll,,,.a I" li.r ft fiv. ' an". it.".. 1.1 ...i,.. nr.. ....... ... ... ..,1. 1 a..t a..4 a .Im.I. l.ia.K t.l II,- .1". H li.tu Ittaok in lb- "" H n.ar. kal, Willi li.i.rla ll.al ll." Mr lltl. h.'l a-nl al. ..II. If U' (' II. Turka, hat iin.l.lrtal.ia ilifl'it.na In talil'l al In thr fall .irna, KlmrlliornM j wnUlr ,,lrilH Almoat 00 h-a.l are ,'r,iM ,, M. t.Yoffa Hnrfor.la nml Annua hold rqual rank III.. fi.'H whrrr thi-y urr urown, in . H...tl .1..., I.trtrl anil -rt.vrritl W-opa. n -' - - .,,, 1 , ....... v. i, koi.Hlr.l nml nlMiiit 1 In numbrra uml finality. A fw Uul- 1 ,hnr Hu h. a ft . Iran rlraw Kpr. 0.1 lowaya air hrpt for Inatru. tlonal work ' Ihr nroiiml Thn roots air turn piirn .n irir v.... ..m". ",'",' matr rr.onla krpt allow that hrr. ,1- , ,,,,. lht Mlniirhalui May I'.oM thr rtraw In .1 roi.r. The lir-P I- l ! l K rxp.rlmrnu hvr l,rrn au.-c-aa- j v.-iHlirr .on.hli.ra tha May ltor and Ih t'avnlh-r aiii.'Ui.i ur tna.r imi.iiiia. ifitn tir- ri.iiri.a am.ihrr aroup nr a hull ln.rra.ail . .... ai! .. imaiu.n in. iiihimiw ir... n ,,. i. ai ,.,,.t ,i,.aa ,. raj, i, it', 1, krpt Mr InrrilliiK (.urpoarH. AmrrP ! .,.,), thr Avahina ainl comlilnra lhrj.arv.. OUirt b rafla.irj In hiahrr Hilar- ' H.. laiha fl,irlr. ami tmi.t .u.l4itn run alnnilnrd bred fowla only III" , l,l,.l, iiroilu.-llnl htriillia that hava ! "I aiaa ami a 4a. lnr In Ilia prl-a nf 1 inatrrlal r.,iii l.n. k ara alo Itiahar. t,',nla an.l urn-., dtvi.ianii paying ..curt. .--. u...n.uu... ..in tna ranman. All blrdn are Irapiiratrd and no j ,MlUK,t K.inraa in, own na an Ay- .. .ovrrril with two or three Indira j n.l chnrn. ter hra.la thr Khoi thorn , fij r h(r hrr.l with ltd 35 f.-miilra. Uoynl I)al of airnw with tha Miner nrnwn m- ,..i.. ' tion. itei'oi.la of :no rj-Ka or moro 1. 1 hrr to 11 heinht of alx.ut otic r.x.t a- , , " I have been nmdr by mora than Hid lirn on thr univrralty furm, the lilKhrat record brlnif 273 rgna. mid tlrd t.) form n ventllntlnir i-hlm. nry, Thr chlmnry should br about five liulu-a In diameter. The chim ney Ih nrci aaary to rarry off the foul air and Kanrij. Aa the wheather getA .'older, more roll should be added ao tit to prevent frrezinit. A ditch to carry away surface water should be provided. Progress Reported in Clothing Classes Rural women in Nebraska are do Ins excellent work in co-operation w ith the Mate and county rxtenBion work era, according to home economics ex perts at the State university, The dreaa construction and millinery work has been especially popular with them. II is first necessary that an organized group fininh at least 10 dress-forms tud at least 10 women complete tho namples of sewing machine short cuts before they are eligible to send two representatives or leaders to tho Jress construction or millinery train ing classes. Two leaders from each of the five communities comprise a class. At these clauses the women are given Instructive and teaching helps which they use In repeating the work to their own groups. The success of local leadership has been due not only to the ability and devotion of the local leaders, but In a measure t.) the simple, practical basis upon which extension workers have out lined the work, experts say. was llDHfii.nl. n waa rniseu oy I t'riU'lwird of Walnut, la., and came j Into the university herd 111 If 21 as a j J yrur old. j I'rairie Miiichief. the rrcond. a 3 : year-old, by Dandy Mischief, the Fourth, bred by Mouse! Brothers of Cambridge, nor Vails the Herefords. i He Is one of the iovv srt. soggy, early ; maturing type and Is said to lie prov ! log himself a good sire. ! A new Angus, sired by Kenyon, was recently purchased from McClung of Indlanola ad given a place in the cattle barn. Excellent results are hoped for this new addition to the Angus family, according to the col lege cattle experts. Keep Show Sleera. At the state university farm, about three dozen show steers are available for classroom Judging work. This herd is maintained also fur show pur poses and has done much to uphold the state reputation In the fat stock Bhows of the country. Experimental sleers are fed every winter aa nearly as posHlble under the same condi tions as those on farms of the state. Ten lots of 30 each will be fed this The poultry department of the slate agricultural eollrpa 1ms enrolled a lurge number of vocational training men In a one year course that fits them for actual poultry-farm man agement. These men auperlntendrd latching and raising of more than 5.0(H) rhlcUs during the past season. Tifcubator capacity nt the college haa been Increased to MOO egga to ac commodate the demanda for more training. Experiments in feeding, breeding and other problems are now being conducted by the department. Egg i laying contents are being carried on land extension work now includes the accredited flock projects of the state. . The importance of the poultry in dustry Is only Just beginning to In terest, the public, but the future looks bright, those in charge of the depart ment any. Besides the cattle described above, the agricultural college of the state university has a large herd of dairy cattle which have accomplished much 1n the dairy industry. Iowa Farm Bureau Debaters Will Hold State Contest Ames, Ta. Flans for a state wide debate which will bring a team from every farm bureau organized town ship in the state Into action has been outlined by AY. if. Stacy in charge of rural organization work at the ex tension department of Iowa State col lege here.. The subject of the debate will be, "Kesolvrd, That the Producer's Con tract Is Essential to the Greatest Suc cess of Co-Operative Marketing or ganizations." A series of township lebates will be arranged within coun ties and the winning teams will rep resent their county in a state-wide de bate. The final debate will be held at Iowa State college here. Otoe County Club Members to Meet in Nebraska City Nebraska City. The Boys' and Girls' clubs of Otoe county will hold thrlr annual meeting In this city on October and 7. and the Chamber of Commerce will net as sponsor for the big event and will offer several prizes to winners in the various con tests. The rig club will exhibit Its Mock at the liryan Hall Salts rarn and the Cooking and Sewing cluM will havs their exhibit at the G. A. R. hall. County Agents' Notes Masher filiernscya and la hending the high producing kind. Flushing of Ewes Increases Production fu six years' work, the fulled Htatea Department of Agriculture has found that by extra feeding (commonly call ed flushing! at breeding time, lis Southdown ewes yielded 1H8 mora lambs per 1,000 ewes than Boulh down ewes otherwise given the same care and kept under the same con ditions. With good pasture, a ration of oats alone, or equal parts by meas ure of corn, outs and bran In the u mount of about one-half to three fourths pound per ewe per day, is recommended by the University of Nebraaka Agricultural college. Flushing Increases the size of the lamb crop In Jw.o ways It puts the ewes In better condition for lambs and Increases the proportion of twin lambs, experts at the State Agricul tural college say. Sheep breeders are constantly striving to increase the proportion of lambs born, to the num ber of ewes in their flocks, but they have In most cases paid little atten tion to the condition of ewes at breeding time, it is said. OTOE COUNTY. Syracunfr the Farm bureau has been advised that, ft meeting will be h-ld In Nebraska Oty on October 10 to UIscuhb matter pertaining to th Otoe county county fair. Representatives of the va rious farm organizations and breeders are expected to be present. County Extension Aa-ent A. H. DeLong reports figures on hogging down corn as furnishd htm by a farmer In Polk coun ty, The quotation Is as follows: "Hog ging down corn Is an eusy and profitable way of harvesting the nop. I f corn ts hauled to market at 40 cents per bushel, a 49 bushel, per acre crop would bring $1 per acr! lss rhe roat of hunklng. shell ing and hauling, which is figured at 8 cents per bush-!, making a total of 2 cents per bushel, if fertilizer value of 1:0 cents Is added. If we add to this 3E rents, the amount per bushel msde by feeding the corn to hogs, we profit to the extent t'.f 65 cents per bushel, or we would get. Instead of $15 per at;re, close to $40 per acre from a 40-hufhel crop. A field of corn that Is hgged down has practically no fertility remmed and can be replanted to -corn and hogged down indefinitely hy the owner of rich bottom land. "In hogged down fields the hogs soon learn to break down the stalks and get st ths new tender corn." KII.M0KE C'Ol'NTY. Geneva. n many persons have come to Lee W. Thompson, county agent of Fill more county, making inquiries concern ing the requirements of accredited poul try flocks that he has Issued the Infor mation in bulletin form for the benefit of farmers in his vicinity. The regulre ments, as shown by the bulletin, contain the following conditions: 1. All hens that enow ta marked in- A, Stewart, stales that It was through thfs method of experimentation with wheat that the Nebraska No, $ and No. 60 wheats were discovered. Financial NEW YOKK TIMKS Omaha lira J.r.iard Wire. New York, Sept. 30. Since the mar kets had reached the point this week, . The County Farm bureau has nbtiiinad a numbar of film, to ha xhnwn In Mn.lu non county with the weak huKinnlng Oc- 1.1... 'lli - ..rt . .... ... n.U. ... wp.ka thtr.itftar. The first of the.a ! i at winen tneir view or me wnoiB n "Iloit ciiiiiera Control." fiillowaii liy "Mitt- I nancial situation seemed to be shaped tar of Form," a film whlrh di-als of Ihr . , ,. ..,..,.- .... ,.Doa th- T.,alr subject of making lra. forma. "Trail. the alternating phases of the Turk that Lure" I, the thlnl film for the first ish situation, it was hardly surprising weak. The weak heclnning c ioner 2:1 I tnat the week end should have been win ur i c it i ii i r ii oy n n n o w 1 1 1 w nt WHtT i , , , , . . . . . . , i . by Wir" which deals with the .natal..- market I by a henitant npint which tion of water in and about the modern I mm.o it wtfty fur mpwulative saleB to farm home Iu order to show the, films , u declines. The exchange of county and farm orginizstton.i are re- , , - , . , . quired to make certain preparatory r- . wanilllUH and tU ttances between the rangements with the producers, through British and Ottoman commanders had me county agent. lira th-it fluctuate Iu invent mist, on to It, itiniipy ttiatrkel. Coming events ai m-ttm-s cast their shadows hifore and It inay be thai the it ft line In I.tbsrty bonds and othr higH rises obligations Is dun to th selling tif unit? long hcadud finunih-ra who fon-S'-e "lighter inony" sooner than la generally expected. Meantime all the Liberty ' pi r lent ItMU again below pur And the- enormous transactions recorded during the week Indicate that some very large holdings bae been disposed of. 1" red Id Money Demand. Then considerations and the. tipecta tion that Nerretary Mllon will shortly undertake some very Important refunding nperattons that will temporarily lie up much Capital lead me to feel that for the present at leant any further advance lu Iht B'l-urity market Is unlikely. 8 pec a I stocks may be put up for pe rial reasons but commercial loans are gradually Increasing and bankets prob ably foresee further demand for money from merchants that would make It dif ficult to finance a concurrent boom in stuck 0. Domestic Trade Favorable, Aa to our domestic trade In merchandise all the Indict, continue favorable. Home hesitancy has, however, been induced by the? apparent trueulen'e of Kemat and 1 the fear that he may compel ctreat Hritsln j to rort to force or attract the support of thw Husflii n Ho v let army. The news J frtim Constantinople mid Asia Minor may, li1. fact, he interpreted according to tsMie. Trade ftrvfew. Knd of last week. Hank clearings ( Hradstroets . In thou- leriEA buyer m higher prices, Topper is siatte at 1 4 rents although the demand is large The trade In hih.Ihi, fik and cot'on let- eta, r.nton goods and some of the now V tf! ''"V1" , "VJ , . -V Kr.gi.nt1 manufe. lure,, r,. dcm.od.ag ''"' " i,v S1 "''T hl9?l,i men? hi.h.a i.rl. a. now at h 70 (.ar .'ml rule, Hhlla many " "' "f l,r l.l.tl fil.na..-. Ih.l h, t..,.e, rrrllnc la I arrr.ul. j w.irk ha .In a re.um.i.l anl Iha lo.ka tin Iha whla tha faellns aei ma lo grow of IK iron haa rla'n . onalitarably above int.ra nml mora .-hrrrful ihr farther otia i Iha low in.lril of ilia ..imii.er. Alihousli ala from tha i..rk ruhanaa and Ihla 'car ahonaaa n.jy oravanl a furlliar In- haarf i.lnr.a f fa, in, K w.n .eriiilly no- rreara In ,r.nlu, tu.n, .uoi.l.aa of Ix.ih ataal i.rn ..an... ara rtik. Ioa.,1 If. I.ianv an.l an evai.aa "? ..t.iilal.i.n. r.. of I' in,', .ho. a a 10 a I'... . . A.ll.llr In Ka.lriMd Malarial Th. niaanl.uila of hu.llliaa In t.llro.4 i malarial ia ahn If taper.. iht .. a u I i t.f tt.'lina In iha S.ii .tihar tta.l. f.,r mora limn I, . lona nf f , avrn.i.s up ihatarlat. aim .hotla rail, tiava alta.tly h'-n ila. ad an-1 Ih.t ffi ., l, .l U. al tlluaa lo run. Ilia hun. Ira, 1. of . ,,, un, uvea ami ihouaanna ' tiim. h la al oihrra l...i tfa ha.l to oll.r ll.. rat. Iia.'a bean orila.,,1. Willi the fa. ( , , w.t,MI, t nifta. .alee M'lV.ilia.il If, ...nlly annolifii'ail prltr lot-rea.a of II a , tnn I a'.aill a n burl h .l la vaty l.,.av, ion. effi-.i.va on .utobi-r I. all of iha r , 1(,u Witini,.f 1 1 'S r for l-a.llnar talireaila anil many of the aniall-r , ... . ,un .n r'l al'h tf-7 .ear tha jiii.-a liaa antire.l ll... l.ietl.el for lllali ( avli.o. wa. k an.l I 7.0 lata la.l yiar, 1 9 ;-1 r..ll raoulramarita, ami Iha .uiianl . M.orta w.ia Ir,--. buvat. of Sfpl. 11, I.r a ..-k In the .'iiilliinant fial.l, tha Iron Aa. ' ,..,.rn and ..... and wlulo lh. former ad .fty.. Ilea probal.lj liaan Ihr tno.t a' llv. va... e.l aha.bly. oa'a h.-l.l Willi... lal.lll.-vi-r kn..wn 'I'bu raii.il .ov.ry of alaal v narrow ill... la. to. .1, tea lo'o h-'..v ,..,ut fro... ih,- aa.im.-k c.tu.aii by in. ; ,ain,g at lis., who 1. .ow.lled tlia H.ota . UtraUla III l.aylou. Dairoit and Cleveland. ' lo tvliirh rliiaa paid a hurried vl.lt li..t I week. Nearly averyona In tha middle wa.t Been,. hpafu Hnd Henry Ford a poi'illniltv h.ia bean araally ini-reaaetl by tha d-i Una in b.luininou. coal whlt-h la Juaily or unit.al'y a.cribad lo hla l.ol,ln...a In fiKlitinir tha togi profltrara. Tha fait 1. that roal lor ahbh 11 wa aakad Ihree weeka nun ran now he houKht ul I' 1 don't know who la ra epnn.lhla for the drop but everybody e. ,'t'Pt tha roal dealer, la now ainins "1'ral.a Ford frof, whom all blaaaima flow." Tha rallrnada ara doina an enormous bn.lne.a. There la now a, ahorlasa Inatead of a aurplua -if tara and loadings tlurlna tha .ek endlns September Id lotallaj 4F 4 1 9 cara. Thero fa every prnaprct of an aeuta freight blockade laier In ih. aaaaon, but ihla la ueiieraiiy an ineidam nf iruud t.ni.-a. Hnil Ot-oh I till U-. m... fi.a n.nn.v 1. ..l,oi,t Ilia only th riar thai will rharli th. !"" expanalon that appeara to be in proa- peer. I Iron have bean aofftrlanily ausii.ente.l In i hei k the upward pnt a trend, r.pe. lail in dt Iron Ilry t.ooda T.ade llrmttlrnlns. No ,'hi-i k in the rerant broadenlns of activity in temp. ni i u.i. haa been wlt naane'1. The main trend rontluuea In. ward ejtpanaion, ami iha metropolitan dta trlcta h.ve ext., rl.iiead a p.-tloeabla aain In retail dimrihuMnn. While thia la a aeaaon.il development, reflectlns the glim ..lu. that romea with cooler weather, tt la alao an Indc-atlon of a leeeetiina of tha uncerfalntl.-a that hava reatrained trade for some time pa... Tha fuller employ ment of labor VhKh haa accnnipanie.1 tha Induetriai tevival haa naiurally ausmentcd tha senaral purthaahia power, and buying of dry sooda .If .till marked by con. aervnllein, la unmlatakably !nn;er In the aifarresate. Aa haa bean the caaa for niany weeka, price, dlecloae firmnaaa and of l-uyera. r-ol imaol aa.iar.lly l.aa !' tomti ii.e.o bull ah and deferred deilvenee w.re bouitlit '.-i'aiale,illy b. ehorta a.ol . omitiiai.l.,n houaaa. I'aah demand f,r ion. waa a, live, wi:tt t.femli.tna i hiKher on apol, and tlomeatlc abippi.ia .l.in.ti'l aboMed Improvement, with e. petiera pavma relatively high .rl, aa for grain on .pol In Iha real. Hy averaged feighar. u.a. buying t.f a reiaiiveiy .mall i.uaniity of September to .-over ehorta finding oXfertliKa limllrd until a good advance, had been atta.ned. rixport bualne.a wua light. Halua of l'l.iJi'O bualiala were mada to go lo atroe. I'll .Votea. September trading rama to an and at expected without any trouble. There wua plenty offered at all tlmaa. Tha largi.l h'.ldere, ..a.h tntarenta, had whe;.t on the market moat of the day at 11.11. At that point tha market cloeed with a net gain of fcc, while O'tta wero offered at 41 wllh about 7Aa.0"O bu.liela tradd ut a range of D i if, rlining ll4lli.'. Hi'l.tambar corn advanced I '.e, lot.chthg tic and waa otfered by Ja.kaon liroih era at the advan.a, with tha rloaa at or He lower f,r Ih. day. All traiji-a were cleaned up gt tha leaf by the. tl.-liverica. T'he wheat and oa'a we.tit futther advancca have ben e.tnbli.hed I to Iho Armour drain tuntpany, the rorn aands. Ilualnoea failurea Federal Raaerva ratio , Herurlty prlcea, N, Y, Stork Kachange; 20 ln.ltiatrlala 21. Kallroada 41. Honda Commodity l'rfcea: Wheat, I.erember delivery, Chicago.. Corn. Iiecerriber delivery, Chicago.... Href, gd, dl'tsaed atecra. Chicago.... I'ork riba, tlclober delivery, Chicago.. fii.trar, refined, New York l offee, Rio No. 7, Nuw York (,:otton, middling. New York Print clothe, New York Wool, domeallc average. New York.. Pllk. No. 1, Hlnahlu, New York .... Rubber, crude, plantation, New York.. Illdea, packera' No, 1, New York Iron, No. 2, Philadelphia Kteel hllleta, Flttaburgb. 10. 4911. 128 . 37 r, 7 I'i 9ri M 'l S I SI 27 , I Mir. ! ICI l'l..io .2M.if, .o'i. .7125 7 70 ,18f.loti .22 at: 4(1.00 Mod of previoua n eek. 17, li", J. 174 ,12 .S7 l ?.fl 11.11 I l.os .r,(j m 2S 9.90 .0H2S .10', .2130 .011". .7175 7.70 .14 34."4 4n.no l.nal year. .-.,(,H0 S05 ta.n 71. ti 74 10 71.22 1 2014 49. 14 ,7S fartrlca. The enhanced roat of production la one of iha reaa.ina for h:gti.-r pncea, wblla the effacla of the reelrte. flu., of auppllea rnuac by the prolnnged Saw Kngiand atrlkva are atlil plainly via Ible. Iinpeovrmmt In 1-alln-r. While no eMpe.it.lly noteworihy a'll.niy haa developed In Iha leather trade, evluenca of enlarging ,1,-ioand la not ahat.-nt. llu.l fieaa In aoia Icatliar, although atlll con fined mainly lo heavyweight dcacrlptlona, la Inrreaalng. an.l afable trunaactlona have bean effected In upper atock. Hup pllea of leather, aa government etatlaltcg ahow, are st 111 large, but report. In dicate that the bulk of the aurplua mm. nrlaea undeairiibhi ,(ualillea and weighla for which there la .'oinporatively little nil. tin the whole, leather prorpecte of. SO i aecm em ounigltiv, and Ibe outlook In foot- .2120 .or, 14 .1102 2fi AH .U'i ;in4 2V.00 CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES, By t'pdlkr Grains Co. DO. Art. DODGE COl'NTY. Fremont Two ntor. "T. B " meeting', took pia.-e in the county iaat. week. Both meelnga were In the Interest of lining up the coutKy precincts for thr government te.r. Dr. H. Kernten, government veter inarian, waa preaent to explain the nature of the work. County Agent t.laan of Washington county aaalted at the meet evidently enough brought the situa tion to a stage where a definite and important turn was easily possible within the next twenty four hours. Coder such circumstances and with today's dispatches from Angora and Constantinople not of a particularly cheerful character, the weakness on lug with hla motion picture machine. Sev- the Stock Exchange was only what eral re, -la pertaining to the work were I i u. a. 1 .vnAn ahown as a prelude to th. meeting.. might ftave been expected. , I Not much mora can be aaid of aba Cluh membera of tha county are look- ', movement of the weak than that thr Ing forward to the coming Fremont club "war-acare market." If It may be thua da show aa their club achievement day I acrlhed, haa borne rather faint renem t'ounty Agent R. N. Hauaer report, there I bianco of the reactiona which hava rconi wlll he departments for all lines of club I Panled the really formldabls "war acarea1 work which haa been earied on through-'"' '' !"' lf ln ',rer financial In out the .ummer. I'riiea are being of- ; tere.ta, home and foreign, httd teen aerl. ferad for nroilucla nf ...in. ennblr. .,. ': ottaly considering tha possibility of a gen eral numreaa o. war uinnita ' ii- ........ Wilt. Kept. Dec. May Rve Sept, lire May Corn Sept. Ier. May Oala Sept. Dec. May I.ard Sept. Oct. Rlba Sept. lOpeib Hlglil Low. I Cloae. I Yes. 1 ' " I i I "" ' 1 1.0! 1.11 1.01! 1 10',: 1 OS ' I I I i 1.11 I 1.011 'it 1.04 ; 1 .Of, i I 1.04 I l.04.l , 1 07-1,1 1.09 1 07l ! IH I ! I I I I I I T4'j! 75 I 74 I I Hl 70 69', 73' 74 i 73 grada beef atcera. steady to 2fic higher; others weak to 25c. lower; top, lll,9ij; fat !!l.J?l5t.?1: ! aiock geneutlly, iritf,i.c lower; rgn. nera and cultera, log 25c lower; bulla, U,tb 2T,e lower; cahca. weak 10 !.0c loacr. Iloga Hace;pta, l.r.no hea,': falrlv ac- IIvm to pH-'lo-ia, ateinly to Mining; is." 10 1.114 240 Iha. minliv fit 7S ft 111.00; bulk. 2S0 to 1.04',i. I 3HI lbs, .1.r.0jt 9 Oft; bulk. tM ': 1 0 (III ; l 07 'packing a.ivva ninatly atead ; ainne 2.'.ri V07 lower; bulk. ?.75W 26. Hheep aoil l.nitiba Receltjte, none. For week; Lamb., 3.rc to fiiti- lower; top, Ill.Pj; ajieep generally 2r,o lowet. 1.05 !.('! ',, 70 74 I i .!l ! fi;! I 5. fit ' ! 61: I I ! 41 3rtt I 3l I 3 S I 111 17 110 i 72 I ;a n' 59 (3 j i 41 arl 1 39 i 62 I I (i: 41 40' 1 3l 39! I 69! 59 V 1I 1 I 41 Si 41 37 '.I I 3l 3l 6 41 41 III 2S 111. HI) III 17 '10.96 I 111.20 ill. 10 IIO.IIS 110.15 110.76 ltt 75 ilO.SO ll OR 111.00 for .iihlhll. nf iiirn ni.a .-I... ...rf r.,.,l try. Nnerlal nrlea have' been offered fori elates, and tho realignment nf F.urnpa In ferlor egg production; (hi lack of breed j demonstration and Judging team work. I opposing belligerent lumps, the kind of charaCteriatln; (cl diaeaee; (dl interior, indl.-atlona are that a numbar of cliiba : mciure wonn wuuiu .. eie.a...a,. h.aher- araaa site niii.t h. culled bef.vre Novemb.r I. ; In surrounding i-ountlea will compete. ! n stock Ku nauge may be imaginru 1 t Bl) ,,,.. n liouife toiin.y will ha represented livestock and dairy Judging team. club la entitled to enter team of two membera. are arranging to fis displays and booths. Many of the up attractive clul. Paw me County hrcnlfr Claim to Own Largst Hop rswnea CUy. R. II. Smith, Poland I'hinn breeder, daunt the largest h in th at.. Ite haa fiimlshrd iumi Virmntl vt the animal to Kdward lu gan nf C.rrrley and inhere who dial n-d Iha riaim snd In rh c lis nn that hla h. f rat. It la l In.-hra i.-hi b'tts, an.l on wli(lil I t; H'iir1a 2. Uii.t he a flock of aft birds, all pro ducers, atandard bred within breed and ; variety teats, j S. They must ahow an average pro- , durlli.tt of li egga the fitat year; In the second y.sr tha avei.ga must ba raised to 100 eggs. 4. Ma - used In hre.dlng shall eon- form ta tha breed chara.-terlattee and have; egg production blood tinag representing j not le.a than 13. .gKa. ( I II. na must ba fed fur egf prrdue ..... a t.. . ,a. I growing 1 hi'd In order to m.a. HI. on C My l ive Stork Sioux City, la., Sept. 30. Tattle, re ceipts 10.1100 market compared to week ago; choice Ted sleera and yearling. 2b eteera an.l yearllnga graaa cowa and helf.' by til" V " . f.- ' ".'I1! kT!M t" n lower; top beef III tS; fed cow. K.n h ! "" toner ot or r-oru.ry o. w ..... m, nf,r, atea.ly; cannera 10 In 25o low- ,.nian a.u aaa iiiinm, or even ... .ui.er ,r ,iaa,l : feeder, steady 2Sc alvas ateady; bulla 2te lower; UemonstraTton , ,, tl ...a-,, ... 1 . vral. tuba "r l"a, wnen r.ogiana o.eiarea war on Pah.T. 'tna rani... rani 1 tc. un none or .nose i ... ...... aa the hit high and t Haptatnhar t. ba such aa .0 promot tha most favorable environment . Tba county agent. Me. 7 hotr. peon, da riar.a that Iha a.erage N.br.aaa h.it p.o durn la .aa. a tear and rmiynt.. au lmuRt,it:; 9$ pund. of f-" during Ih.i a.n-a g,.r'n Ita aa, that a b.n p'.. 4, .-'log Ida agaa a J-.t r.,o....iiaa ,H'! rr..a fr o, th.a Itta low .,.!.' ,',g ba,. I...W p,.t,.'tia b ,l.tla... r.a t.. el f. tn. .4 by aiea.l . g. ..(.'tion. fa.. eg an4 li-.l ar,aaagaieal. ( ASS C'Ol'NTY. Weeping Water t'r Carolina B Hed ger, a mainutriilon expert of t'hlcag,., will ba In tha rounty on tclober 13 to tell rural parent, bow to fd and rare for tha 11 nor mal and beal.bv. lr H'dgar comas un- rtar tha dli-arllon of tha extenali.n ervti ef th .lata agrlriatura) college Cutir t'ounty Youth Malr f.M. on f 10 liir.linrnt pr,.V.eil fliia - liillr So Wal. 1! rf Mr. and) Mr William Nl, kel. t 1:n t f r,a;rt ll.., e.. a.U.1 h; tunch f ,i4 al wC -n ta ,.l,r.f fj? Ha lt !.. s,,n,i,ir,,, fw aa? IH.in ( iha rouaiy fi(r art ;a fal r.( ! ra Iha p..fit o a l intraimant, wh'.h ha f t at b I'snnrft f4r TaHiir til in hst Ut Count? Ajtml faana "' A iai.l t K ,, H. . usual . h,.i , at ! 1 i t 1 1 H. . ... t.-lr . I '-r-tfat. g, M'--'S "-l t ' ""t1 ' ' a i..,i f. tt fci imi '1 asin ... - .. I " " V.a Ta 4lt.y .)., af I . '.in- a , .g ... th.ie lla. as I... V.,.i,i.h.r I . . t.. I a.a VI 1 a..n,iai. a.ae. iK.. aa .a. f,-at af s.. .,h., .ba y.r in. mi -a f . s.'l t. S.H.-.I...4 a-- '". tea. ft. It a .... ...a-l .. I - ...-t la.l . . . ba a.. i..a 1 . i.i... ..i,. b 1. a,- -a-M, !.,. I r.a tha rs-i.. le..4. (Half Section Sidury Furm Soli! for $21,000 Cah Stdiif A hilf gMhn nf Uml rirth tf Si-tiiey i hHiitf( himH I let H"k Ht I , IMtn. The new iwner p4it rth fr th Un.l and tM (e'ipv It aa fiirtit hnf orrasions did ihe Ho k Exchange engsit in discussion a lo whether (he break In trlcs niight not ha v been the auto matic resu.t nf overdonw specula t mn f'r the rise. Ttjtlv s de- hues were more irritulii ly .lint ribud than in the week a other down, j evidr-nt in the industrial share which h.id Jn UHBtstl till 'g !' Hint nrm ''1 arttupa f aprulatirs lorct mark"! prloa 1 Kansas C Itjr I.Io MoeV wet titrhnei in halt erlds re- kin-M tMv. Ma. eri It 1 r. .very, hut they showed little nr no s.k - ; r,rt ntnt nf Vsrlcuirure t attle lie- it , 1 l" 'i hfd. t r week. Mttter tws stemly , stoc ker heifers lOn lower. Hugs receipt ;rt-n; market steadv etrongi hutcht-iM In. M r s.f n ; Utrhts flflflft twin U; packers I ; 0 JT i 0 . hulk of ssles fht?p. rftlnts i"" ; market compared with week sgo; ritesdy. iambs llth; fd.ng lamb til 13 7ft, tight swea (. The l.tneriv r'iiie aa a r-He. w nt fract)tn lutser fit of thee Insos snill blnv ar, aftff rtet lite r ' hs rrtesti'g (ton. l4, t p'd'tl The tU,a f if fa iishss niatket niuaed tinccr tent, y din n m narrow rstig. nii nrni( nf the tuiuptfau isriss iit i( -.htl lr " 1- te t ' Kt e- 4,i a - a,V,l ,., H (.'.H-Dt 4ai,r ' -! MHl "HH'tui L,t i ( rf fC -.:,., - ,..v. i$ ala . ttS 'i e ..siaia.,. ci e-t-! t i 4.jm t , im l t. e-st "$ iee i h 4. im m l 4 " ' sts. 4 , . e 4 J a. f , Val .4) 1 41 I ' ' f-astt f V.-.- g) . I' 4 4' 4V " tw- at " l-etf J 4,-1 I . I laftMt) lltMlMtt. l-i sit t.44'4 t-i at j - re l, b nit i 4'4 m . f -i !'( - i-t 4H-I din. t ar. th.r g 4 tj 9.t4 4l4.4 J i ) ' I bl I 4 -' '. jg ttH 4--i k- 4 .a t l t.f tw ' , jr. ', S t 4 f .. t I . f t-r 4- I-- 11 a - ' r a . s ; . g . I - ' Ti. i . 4 a i . I i k- ;f It ; . i, J . e t It ! t4 4 - f - - M " i 4 I k - l' . t i 4)4 i r . I - 1 H 4 4 .. V I f 1 f.c f-.., it l ''1 4 4 t ' - 1 ' t . .t a - I ' t i - e4 s : -. I a a 4 f e i s k a , t rX-V'l ii, t.e S 4 I l I rM . 4 ' 4-4) l tie '-t ', ' a . -4 CIO - n ' '4 t htri I Ita ki4tek. t'hi.as .,. .w - -4) Ii1sf - ;,v -M rt li tal 4T' V i I tl al- h a ii.! t-1 aatti u9 iui h't ttiul(,i h'ajk-r 4tta.a- .t4.4 . i f . t tl iHi p.t' . i.n: 14 1 it ".. ttit- '"'i if ; - t-tf- t -If ri I - i li l- eaf .v I ' ; i u...Jl yf.,ita. 4f. B i Iteifuia - ?, fr4t- lf,l t--, tt li. (.,( t""'t al -ts 4t4. 1 f 4'"4tl t ' M I r. a4 .-t Hi t -. . t4 .Jl.tJH .), JH., Cfj. 1.-4! 4 tt- -tl it ta( t Wf 4 - J(. 441 lat l tr-ai 4. .-J4 l l,t H (.4JI 4t t t 1 ' ' . i v j i a l i ' -r ? ' - SIM. - tii t - -4-. : I smii 4.e I P TODAY Zm aaal Tim, aaal Waal. Shubert Unit Vaudeville laalur.ag tha N, V. Va kal.f (Uraba Hevaai The Midnight Rounders" VtMH MI1M AM OAltt GIIIIN AND 111 tel. Jash Itraasaai Jeaat taetaBi a.a.b t, (mImiM !... Mabita, lata that t.a.a ( alia aaaa.aa. ara) Iha laauHta Ha.aUre) S.IW4 "tba W .44 a. J al tka ..4 Iba Maaua " Mal4, 4.. tatai t . a. . . l The Picture, the Town is Raving About JACK HOLT in tha great heart-drama "While Satan wtnr lines is .to frcvnralile. The fail re mainly to Jiv-kson Hrothcra and it"is aii'l oihrr sTisln Has scattered. H'iteii(hT d'-liveri.-N for the dsv wer' H h.-nt, ijt.a Ou'l Ijiishels; ruin, I.t1f-,nn0 hushflsr oats, -3",(l'l0 hushels; Tye, J J4 -hn-hds; turd, tlUdJUtO pounds, and short ril.s, 50.n0 pounds, Kor tha month of tHepi ember the were unusually larjre, akKTfaffltitliC 2.090.000 hUrdiel Wilftf, 3,07,0'0 husheia v.orn, 2,332.0'ift bushels oats, 1,S2,0"0 bushels rye, IE,,0nfl busheia i-arir-v, 92,90,0110 pounds lard and 1,400,. 00i puumlM short nhs. A sule nf 40,'m.io hushela Kn, 9 miverl com waa nmle at t he seaboard today, for flm hulf November loading at 2ln ovt-r 'hica K", iJeccniber, which fiiruied out around 6dc over I fcember f, o, h. hre, while SflrtdO husheis, ..4-pound, No, 2 white clipped osta, load ins; for tho continent, sold at eo.ua 1 to ever lMccinber, f. o, b. here. HE IS HERE "STRONGHEART" STARTS TOT) It l4T H E SILENT CALL" .In-.! teeming with thrills rnmancf heart interest; a drama nf hnmans arte! lira ma tit hi-itst! IN THE CAST KATHRYN McGUIRE Appearing in Person This Week at the World Theater With Ben Turpin Sleep s 44 Also Mr. and Mr, Carter DaHavcn in "THEIR FIRST VACATION" Alma Huntley Sopraaa Now 'til Friday "V-.4VJlt..u na) NOW SHOWING ZANC GREY'S "The Fighting American" from Ki4 aaval "CelJaa Draama" Yankee Pep Yankee Thrills NOW PLAYING Cecil 13. De K.iiies a raooutiiON oaaan ioa nana- a . wiana srpi raaan'.oa BROADWAY BREVITIES LENA DALEY I0S4 ra.t it r t-...aa.a b a. M.a 4 . . - a - ? - a - - lie H ,g - , ..t.4 4 b.l. t . I I.,. 1- . .- . t r-1-" 4 4l-4 l ll,a,.V, ... a.t-a ...t.l. I'll I t 4 4.4 -.,. ; ' k. . 1 '. I i Hi, -a. . . i -- 4a a a- I . ... i..e. t .,. a I - -1 .1 .... .,:i- 'a' a-,, i.,K. -. & i . , . ,... . . - a 9 . t i . , ! . r ATS 1.11 t . a . 1 ,. .... . . a a. ... . . a .... 1 I ,n ll I , . ''U'I'. , a . . .-.. a Mai. $4tf44 CSIAT MW YORK-CHICAGO LAIGHING Hlfl WtlHaaa Hastia, it , fra4aata Arthur Byron CaVr-llDHtClltCyil VAUUtVIWU Maiwaa l. . I II - taatg S iM a lt Mit.DK. D HAKKIS A CO fasasafly M.a ib.itat Cbl'a) villi i MltltR Kt.Nr aa 4til M M . a it s..t l-i.i4 tH'tl in tvtSI a-JAHIO -4)4t VkjM44 ai-4a B4 4 I f 4 044mm I ttf t r - " f T 4 f " f'TLa f a - a i e444Mk 4 -44M ikmu i v a i a 1 1 1 ... va i ) . ' NOW r LAY ING BEN TURPIN la rta 4 a 4til-s)a4 4.t al t-r.. i G A C T S 6 -a.M al ae ta..aa.4 ti.tM ., at st.4 4 a,.. .4 ui aao . .... 1. 1 a iia ,a... latsea, li . .v. .1 .., a.n. I 14.11 ua4V IIH' il-aa HI mm aa . 4. H l 1 a. t a4 I (..-a e ,i I a I "I ! tt, i -s nu ll ii a Ma r..-a 4 a aa r, .4 l.-.i 1 , . I .1 I., .l'4.. r... a..., ...-. 4 ta 4 4til t4lkil.lt th nttsit Is.'.".. a la- 'r " V 1,1 IM . I I V !.. ',4 a., la, Im. aai-aMV I 4. t a. , I 1.11 as I, 4. to't t ... 4 . 4 at laaa l aa la a a. g.aataa a w ,a aa 4..,.a la it-.. m t -a. a, avaa..- ' 4).. 4 it,, . . ,t a, -a ... . . a m ia.4 le i a. , a... km 4-a. a Alls lliau I laaaaat fiaatak tars a, 'Bluebeard's SthWile1 Vaitla Jailvalis Pat I .a 444. ta tl t. al, IM H IIM - a . . ; -. ral a i I a t n .i i.J a ' t ' Seat ! .a t . . t ft f.,. v V.t Sht U NrrJ ( UI lit tl4 Want Adi UlllMI M...I is. aa 4.H las 1 1 an 4 1 1 a i 1 1 44w-.-Wa, aa : . .... It loll . ..a. t a. I ! 4 . .. t IS . H it a..a4 a4-4 e4 ---g I i in. a. I i-t li