The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 02, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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mt mm
V loiLKni-iL- llitni
Seeks Pardon
Htrause of Valor
Check Charge Halts 'English Italian.
Sudden Romance Futllflll t Old
Over Score Injured j(f 0. 1 Criticized
! m uenver Irani Wreck
I '( Hi ileciaioti i f lit ..i.
ju-tt-a Mill hum (ha fun i.f J o !
t'upul loduv, J
An iim.iliit Kitl, whoae iiujuv wast
elvrn a Mia KiiiiUitli rarer, met i
Ktm H.iixman of hiiu i'iiy. rriiplo)
nf a department tlr ht-r Hire
Week n, )l wn a ihh f luv At
first aiiflit.
They war to I m.uHe.l Tuesday.
Sdliii.lnv Hulnnan waa arte.te.l
n ml lii-lil for Inu atii; ition HI cm
net Hon Willi Hi" fora-insi i.f a cluck
! lit the llcnrhm- IihIi I
I "I'll tint nwirrv him If Iim I vulllv "
;,.l I..r, ..f nlM tMoher 10, toi,,,,, ., M1( , gonif (
(ink fir a. pardon Im-cius of hl lr Ulive dim tint II lm la iinften Kmliy."
ManCord !!. Hipga, Omaha I!m
Iti'Z.IrT, Ak llrlra4
From Jail Formrr
Fni(il) cr ljfrln.
Lincoln, Oct. I liil K-Mnn-ford
I'.. Illk'Ka will . ar lf.TB the
. n JartUeS, 4Nt 1, (,! Il.ttil
..e ,,r
I'lilikf Frrni'Ii VI lid Crifi!
"Ilai k lo MouiV' In (!ar
pt'litirr, '1'liry I'.lifi-r
IiVatrii Fiidilrr.
Ij. n. Inn. Oct, 1 -tHy
America, Ions Lin. mi ua
her wliiilwiii'l . ill. In' mill
a tiiuiiliy
them seiiouety, in ltn I
ittu irt i .ira short I a after 10 last
j 94everal nf lha tum acrioualy In..
jurr. War lakril In the foiitiiy ho-
I ilUI, 1 ha intuition i.f ims rial
.null that .iaU ian announced (1
I mmilil lt isMrrnl di they
! would I completely uut ff dinner,
The rraali m-curicd on lha HuteeittH
atreat m.i.Iih i uvt-r Ihaj rj'IriM.I yartla
A Waal Ti-hiy iiuilli avrnua iar liaJ
' aiiiM In iliai Imm iiiaaatijora at III
A..ffil r-iiliiMil aUliuM IiiihIiiik win H
hv Senator Walsh
in Meeting Here
Canadians Expect
to See Empire at War
tit irianllnit th awaiia ot pilai.ii
iia from Ida muniy Jiill In 'nm
liu. Hhrrlff II. J.. Hnrh Ima v .ittt-n
lha lnt hn favura n i.amla nr jr-,-
il. n. Mkk waa icfivlrtwl of tin
)fnUiX 9 1 2.000 from thii Oinulu
a. i i.l.l rniiiimny ami fi'mn
l lniailnn K''Iiih (hiii'i'li tirKuniuc
linn, Jin w;ia mi i-iiiil'i of th ir
ii .in ii li V. nl F. It. MfM kUr .f ihn l.a
riilniniliy hua Wrilli'n thn hiainl ft i-t-i.r
In w hi. h lm airmiKly niM.Ma
I'Miii'iiry fur Tilifi:", lm la nmliT !!
tin. . from two to flvi. y in i a. I. ut who
"Inin't worry, l m ii iioiwii," H.ila
in m (nlil hla fiiiiiiva,"
Tha Juilca ilwiiln wliplhir liill
l.'iiii ur lh Jjilar will win. i
K-naiy imra niiiiur naiiH-a irnrn innr j Vrat rmly fniiilli avantie rnr,
atila. ali.irn I hut illatmitlim iravrlinu In lha anma illrw linn, riimh.
will) Kiun.e n..w Iia..ri-a fnf '!"" rmr ami of Ida al.illoimry
i il rttr tot Irlliiil.-d Hi hh lilfi.t to XU
lm a not .iin droiiKdt 1 th
t irii imy Iimuhhh of link of loom In
tda rlaon.
I)iiwd liy Kiiiiln) rr,
Mr. Mim'Hit wilira lha liimnl thnt
JllKKa im.hi .I l,y d.iy n a at,
inm-k, nilM iniiloyc, unit ly nlKht run-
I'.rti-il wlihlrHil woini'n mnl lioolli'K-I
Ki'ia, nml Idnl hla i. fiih nil. ma hii' anf-
I I li nt lo ki'i-ii dim ili r'uuilniliT of hla
Ilia. Mr. MmkliT wiya I;!.k' fiiinlly
In tiw ih t upylnif an iii.u tiin'iit Hint
ii'iita for Hil a month. II" atuti-a thnt
In dla opinion. If 1:Ikk I " I "I
I.', hlH'ity ii ft it aix nnniiha in Jill,
III llaw of hla MmyliiK Ida (mat of
n riirporiiilnii unci a i hiirh or,-iinlzJi-Hon,
fill liPiiiura of a nniiiilal;iinl
piny niiili' In lha cuunly Jull, lh
oiirla iiiii.'ht ua mil hhhh tryli.i; to
H Kiihila i li ii'-.
I'IKK ulli Ki a da wiia Injiirwl nn IliB
hi ml dy it l.low from a "mip" In tli
h.uiiW of Murphy, tilliia O'lirlin, a
prianiii'r, who Willi ntliiTa wna tryliiK
1D lllfHk out of Ilia lliiUKl.'iB '"Ullly
.lull, lliio Kiiilihi-l Murphy ami lii'hl
dim mil II tha ki-ya to the jull hud liaan
lakan from him. Hlxa aaya h dun
a arnr on lila wiilp ua a rcaiilt of
Ida anroiliiliT.
m; Cdi-aii-rfliM, eonvlctcil In
JViiIk" rouiily of forarry, will nppinr
l fore tlm doiinl of pnrilona to oak
for a parole from the tuniti'iiilnry.
Itn Ih alh uoil to hp a tni-iitlii-r of titled
fumlly In Knglanil.
Woiiit'il Si'i-k Kclraar.
Koai'tla 1'ope of Omaha, arvinff
one to 20 yeara for manalauKlitir. and
Mrs. Maltla MrNlcliols of Oinalia,
aerving from one to 10 yeura for man
aliiiifdiler. will aifaln ak the board pitroloa. Mrs. McNlchola klllad
inolhir woman In a nuarral. Mra.
1'ope "hot ami woiimlad Offii-er fain
and alao aorloiiHly wound'-il air. oi
moii, a ni'k'hlxir. n a naull of a ipiur
ral over a clothe Una. NVlaon was
al.nt throuxh th breaat while he waa
hol'lliuf an Infant In hla arma.
John Norman of Fremont, who
killed John Moore in a crap name,
exka for commutation of Hentence.
He la eervlnn 12 yeara. Shi-riff W.
c. Cjuilit dan told the board the
killlliK waa unjuailfled. evldantly hav
in(f dean ronimlttcd bacauae Moore
had m.-cuinul.itfd a blKKr pot In the
fiiime than Norman wna able to as
namble, or as the hriff aaya, "con
gregate." Commutation Aakrd.
Archie Kdwarda of Alliance, servinK
a term of 22 years for murder in tha
aecond di-gree, naka for commutation
of Hentence. In a K"n battle with a
policeman. Ein Jordan, Kdwarda In
iilhsed to have Bhot and killed hlH
own wife Hnd wounded the police
mini. The Khootiwr took place ficto
ber 1, lil!i. Kdwnrria imniedialely
escaped and came to Lincoln, where
he had formerly lived. lie was iilen
tififil. but barricaded hlinaelf in a
houae and wounded Officer Hums be
fore lie was captured, lie pleaded
i.liv Tie now alleires Pen Jordan,
Hie Alliance policeman, fired the first
!iot and that a bullet from Jordan's
elm killed Mra. Kdwarda. A. !
fioKeiH, who wna Ihen mayor of Alli
ance, nenis out Kdwards" atatemeiit
in a letter to the hoard of pardons.
Kdwarila Is allej;ed to be a druc ad
diet, or was when ronvicled.
Tewcy Stillwell of (lace county,
nervine a term of two to 13 years for
n attempted assault upon Mrs. Hone,
erans at Odell, will be beard on bis
application for a parole from tha
pen:telltla 1 J".
McKelvie Makes
Spirited Attack
on "Rainmaker'
Discusses Taxes Paid on liie
Hrvan Farm and (,'lml
Ienes Him lo Proteaf
Sieeial I.oieii.
Villi III Ifie, Nib. (Nt. 1 In
nddreaa delivered here in defense of
Ilia i ivil udmiulalrullon ciale, liny,
amor K. It. M. Kehie ridiculed
promises of Hit lediiclions iiiude by
. W. iiryau, deiuocralli- candidate
for Kovernor, wdoin be has ehoaen lo
cull the "rainmaker" inndldute.
In connection with the audjeet of
taxes nrnl to refute democratic
ch.irtiea iIihI the stale obtains more
than 1 per cert of the tax dollar lit
Ida present time. (Governor Mc
Kelvie oiled Ida liitlin re farm owned
by '. W. I!r:,an In l.tiucaaier county,
and showed where nil of Mr. Iiryau'
lax dollar went la-twcen 1917 and
"Ill I'JlT," anid Mr. McKi lie. "(he
total tax on this ouurtcr secilon of
land Is-loiiKinK to I. W. Hryan was
I ii 0 a 5 of which IIO.liT or 33 per rent
to the state. The tuxes on this tract
Increased gradually until in 11122 the
tola! whs 122. .11, of which $40.13 or 18
per cent want to the alale."
In explaining tho purposes for
which these Increases were made, Mr.
McKelvie asked If Mr. Iiryau would
deny the $4 01 levy on the Bryan farm
that went for soldiers lelief or if ha
would oppone the Iirynn levy of f 3.84
for roads and hi-idx'-a or the (5.23
levy for the new capltol or the var
ious other levies that were made to
support state Institutions. After de
ducting all these claims, the balance
of the state's sliure of Mr. Hryan's
taxes on the farm referred to was
12.10, which went lo sunport the other
state activities, including the rou-
stltullonal offices, the code depart
ments and the supreme court, accord
ing to the governor.
Mont of Hie purposes for which the
larger part of these increases were
meant, now are fulfilled, the governor
said, and It will not be necessary to
levy again for these purposes. lie
said the republican administration al
ready had reduced taxes this ypur one
third find that further reductions
would be made as conditions warrant.
Kansas City Man Cuitly
of Uttering Forped Will
Lncoln, Oct. 1. A Jury in the
O'Connor will case at Hastings re
turned ft verdict of guilty against
James B. O'Connor of Kansas City,
Mo. O'Connor was charged with ut
tering a forged w.ll which purported
to show that he was an heir to the
estate of John O'Connor, Hastings re
cluse, estimated to be worth between
$125,000 anil $15(1.000. The state es
tablished, Mr. Thompson said, tha.
John O'Connor was' in Hustings, Oc
tober 10, 1S0K, the dale on which the
will in question was said to have been
made by him at ft. Joseph, Mo.
Litigation over the estate of John
O'Connor biVs been going on since
shortly after bis death several year
ago. .More than a dozen persons
claiming to be relatives have sough;
to establish the right to his property,
but in every instance have lost In
prlltler la dethroned, but linitlmel
j reituiiiia Ida lain) of Ida faithful to
j lha old atiira of lha alhletlc and the
latrlul world.
pi rlatva rrlrs of "Kck to Ida uiov.
ilea." Bounded III Oirpelltlera Ini tiered j
and bruised aara. ua lie rci b-d define
llnttling t-'lkl powerful blows, tut
lha linnl.all public cheira lloinl.unl I
dler W elles to the echo whenever lie !
fippeiira III the ring, yet da never w ins j
and hla record year is u tnoinitiiiiiiua
recital of ih f. ai.
It la Ida same Willi theatrical at lira.
H.irah liernlianlt, mica paid tribute
to an l. shall audieiu-e In tha follow
I li if Wolda; "Tha Kugllali public Is
so faithful, If I nr. pea red on the
slage. but were unable to utter a
word, I should Mt ill receive generous
llppl.ltlae, liccallae the audience would
remember t hut I alwiiya had given
them niy lnt."
No Hume for Harvey.
The fid that American diplomatic
representatives to IaiIuIou ure nut pro
vided with otllclal residences often
glvea nan lo amusing Incidents. A
story fretinntly told here Is that an
Kngllsh policeman once stopped the
late II. I'hoaie, when he was
mnluiasador to the court of ht. James,
and admonished dim for walking
through I'lccadilly Circus an hour or
two nfti-r midnight.
"It's vi ry late, sir." said the police
man. "Hi time for you to be at
"Home," exclaimed Choule, "why,
n.y dear fellow, don't you know I
have no home? I am tiio American
Ambassador Harvuy will find him
self in a somewhat similar position
when he returns to London from the
summer holidays which he has been
spending in tho Scottish highlands.
The lease on hla house In Chesham
I'lace has expired find the new em
bast.y, which wus given to the Ameri
can government by J, 1'ierpolnt Mar-
gun is still untenable n congress has j
not snowed an appropriation lor its
Ambassador and Mra. Harvey will
live at a hotel for a while and later,
take a house in the fashionablo Bel
gravla district,
I'llnce of Wales Popular.
The prince of Wales blda fair to
assume this swison, a popularity
eiftial to that enjoyed in Kuglund
and throughout Kurope years ago,
by King Kdvvard A ll, when he was
licir apparent. King Alfonso of Kpaln
has sent a special Invitation asking
the prince to visit him" officially dur
ing the winter and he also lias re
ceived Invitations to pay olllcial visits
to IJelitlum aid Denmark. These were
extended liefore he depurted for Japan
to return the visit paid to England
by the Japanese crown prince.
Prince Edward has not replied or
set dates for any of these visits as
yet. Aa the chief boy scout of the
empire, and iigalil aa head of the
hospital fund drive, he la taking an
active part in both organizations and
is expected to return to London next
week to give some attention to these
matters and also to participate in a
long list of sis-lal activities,-including
the lord mayor's dinner, his Installa
tion as grand master in the Masonic
order, a review of the liit-rn.'4ional
liny Hi-outs, and most Important of
all, London society is awaiting .some
announcement this winter relative to
hngland s luiure queen.
failure of tha brakes on Ihelr rr lo
Tha toiijurily of fhns liijuird were
suffering from ruts rjiiard by Ilia fly
ing gl.iaa.
MM) DeiiinerMts Aafinlilf
Fontrnelle In Hear
Maai-liiiHU Siloii
on (!ainiaii;ii Isiiea.
To Poll- iii U-Boat'
I.S (rlTlllilll SloL'illl
lutrntor of Spinning Coiiiiasn
to Ituild Submarine for
Polar Fxnedition.
lierlm. in t. 1 illy A. P "To
tha nurth s,a In a l'lssil." Tdla la
the alofciin behind a pro)ei't laiim bed
by 1'r. Anacliiielz Kaemfe, Inventor of
Hie spinning compass which la 1st
lug Increasingly Hard In lha world a
shipping after diallngulahliig Itself on
Herman submarines during the war.
The (ierm.mlu shipyards have r
piled favorably to an inquiry by iJr
Anacliuetz Kaem.fe aa to whether
they they could build a suitable
ik .a i ror a pol ar expe union, no aiieci
fn-d a submarine of &00 tons, manned
I v i-ikIiU men, with a rriilalng riidlua
of lO.iiuO mitre, capable of remaining
suinerged 15 hours at n time. Her
capcliy would dn aufflcient to hold
provisiona and equipment for two
j eat a.
The promoter of the project believ es
such a audinarlne rould reach the pole
more quickly than any other style of
Although doubt has arisen In scienti
fic circles aa to tha practicability of
Hie plan the promoters' chief diffi
culty at present la wild to be finan
cial. Having Just grown accustomed to
the closed doora of Its 300 and some
moving picture houses, the pleasure
loving; public of Merlin la now facing
difficulties among the legitimate thea
ter folk. The actors are demanding
wagea based on the official index
figure for the cost of living. They
want a minimum wage of 20,000 marks
monthly., beginning October 1. The
minimum wage for .September were
7,500 marka.
Hanalor INivl.l I. Walsh of Mi
(duai-lla. ibiirmin of the deiniMMtlC
li i.iiloi lal fiimitutlee, Saik to, an
SU'llence of 0ll eaina III tha Kill-
room of Hotel Knnteni lie Saturday on
the lasuea of tha democratic tarn-
pan. II.
After extolling the at d. luoi ist.c
adinliilstralion, eaparially lha efforts
of WiKslrow Wilson W propoaa ig-
iklatlon D "hoatila cungreas" and ex-
prraalng tonfldence thai Naliraka
Hindi. latea for saiiutor and govrrnor
would win out In lha coining election,
lha speaker I iuih Ih-I Into a vociferous
irltlciani of the rapiibllcun udmlnlatra-Hon.
Ha Confidence Isstl.
"No iiolitli-Ml party In the history
of the country," ha declared, "lias so
completely lost Ida conMih-ni e of tha
country In 18 montha ua tha republi
can imrty. The party waa swept Into
la.wer with a tramendoua majority.
Tha country waa hoieful. Hut after
ID months wa find that nothing has
bean done to restore stability.
"Instead people are llnding out that
there baa been enthroned at Washing
ton it standnatlam of Hie worst type
and the country ffl the control of men
who are Invisible. The administration
das been li regime of failure, of log
rolling and wire pulling." (
Condemns Tariff.
The senator condemned the Mo-Cuinher-Korilney
tariff, the seating of
Newberry and the defeat of tha sol
dier Ism us.
"You cannot expect a government
who has a bonus for railroads, for
war profiteers and the money power
of the country to have a Ismua for
the soldier," he declared. "The, war
losses of every Individual baa been
puld with exception of the soldier."
Arthur Mullen presided at the meet
ing. Kuth I'yrtle, candidate for state
superintendent of schools, gave a
short talk.
Oaaahe Mas Iaa4 Hire,
j Montreal, W'ta, I. I. The
I pc- latloii in Canada's coinun-n-ml iu- j ""
jtr.-poln, as Well aa in the isp.isl. la : PJaet Allpetl
mm s lew riuuia win sea inn ainpua
, a I War.
Aa Canada la A loal iloiiiininn of
,1b empire, II la a. Inline,! til Impor
tant quarters that even before iar
liuinriit a rslletl, and no mutter what
lh View of the xowmnirt t ta, Qua.
lav supportrra lake the View I hat
the dominion w II m at war.
Premier MsiKemna will not depart
from lha d.rtum cimcrdeil by lua pie
Illicit gialiiithar. H.r W'ilfre. iJiuner,
"when the ernpiie la at war, Canada,
ia at"
Alcohol Seized
at Fox Drug Store
ISuildiug and
Loan Business
Shows Increase
lo lla Suji.
.lied li. llliow W illi Mule
for Hotel (illfsta.
StN-retary Hart Heort .Vmc
riations Hiilly c iveriiip
From Adverse (,'oiiilitiiui.
Fie New Stu ietief.
Tda Sw.-al squad, haadad by Pie
li.-e Kcrgeaut relink Williams, sel-d
10 gallons of alcohol Haturday at the
Fox drug a(iie In tha World I In si I
According lo Helves nt Wllllants, the
Pox drug atora bus been tha alcohol
distributing point for l-cllhoye and
porters of dowiitown hotels.
"Hotels coniplaiuad about it and ad-
vlajd H. M. Pox, owner of the thug
store, two weeks ago that severs!
complaints were made that lcllhoa
jwera blllllig 'lull!"" theia ami thai It
would hate lo rmiie Id a hull." so I
i Williams. ' ,
Wllllsine said Hist the alcohol aU.i
waa a. .Id In the drug aloie aa mu-
Muia Willi a WrllkliOHtl soft id Ink
live gnlduia of alcohol wna found
hidden liehlud safe and ( gill. a.
were found In a baker.
H, M. Kox, proprietor, ws snrate.'
and ball for fedelal UUIholilies
Keiulilii uii (landidalea
Popular in (osper (loiinty
t.lucolti, Oi l, 1 -HKpwial -4'oun.
ty Judga ", li I.ewia of ioier eouu
ly, while In Lincoln, made the pl.-.hc-Hon
thnt It. It. ll"Well, iipubli an
cmidldate for I nill Htat. a s. iiatoi ,
will riel the hitgiiit Vote aver sc.
cOidi-d a repnbllciiu In that tounty.
He anid that Chalice II. Ilau.l.ill, le
liiibliian i and! lata for goveiuor. wlil
i-iisily curry lha county in spite of Hi
fact that It Is noiiiially a . in.i i i'lo
Hearst to Support Smith.
New Vork, Oct. 1. William IL
Hearst announced that he
would support the democratic state
ticket bended by Alfred K. iSmith for
Coal Production Enough
for Current Consumption
Washington, Oct. 1. Production
off all coal bituminous and an
thracite for the week la esti
mated at about 11.800,000 net tons by
tha geological survey In Its weekly
report. This waa calculated to be suf
ficient to meet current consumption
thought probably not quite enough to
allow storage for the future and at
the same time supply all the winter
requirements of the northwestern
slates, whose shipments must move
by way of the (Jrcat Lakes water
route, before navigation closes.
The week's anthracite production
will amount to between 1,800,000 and
1.900,000 tons, the report said, and the
bituminous output will be from 8,
600,000 to 9,900,000 tons.
Lincoln, M. 1. iHpeclall. 8ee re
fill y J, E. Hart of the department or
trade and commerce has summarized
hla reimrt of the condition of build
ing and loan associations for the year
ending June 3", li22. It shows the
addition of five new associations dur
ing the year, making a total of 81
a asocial inns. The report shows an In
crease In gross assets of $7,023,711!, or
9.4 per cent orr the 1921 report.
The receipts and disbursement show
practically the same ratio of Increase
over the former report but do not
equal the record of 120, the exact
Increase being $1,937,741.45. Mr.
1 1. irt says the associations ure rapidly
recovering from adverse conditions of
11121 and the linger associations are
seeking good loans and report very
few foreclosures.
The summary for the ear shows
the following assets and liabilities:
Klrnt nuirif.isa loana H:,n17
li,aiiB In prucifKii of furr- 4
Loans on Btorka or paaalmnk
Keal eatiila, offli s anil other
t ettata
Ri-al eafnla sold on euntrart
Mints and muniriiial aecurl-
IMInquent Internal, fines,
Furniture and fixtures
Tnx'-s (.aid
Other asaHs
fV T Standard Spar A 7 !
jk jfthjr j
l.21,7li JO
1. 3HI.4I4 C
SSS.47C 42
.H 3
1.979,11)9 e
"Crlipy an crunch? an ll-th-time-cracklyl
An' never tough
Gee, what woul
up before tomorrow 1
or Uathcryt
happen if Kellogg's sot all catcd
Army Dirigible to Start
Return Trip on October JO
Washington, Oct. 1 The army
dirigible C-2, which recently -made a
flight from Langley Held. Vn., to
Moss field, Cal., the first transcon
tinenal trip for craft of that type,
Senator McCorinick Sees 'U nturt on Its return trip, probably
. v ,, . Mctober 10, MaJ. tlen. Patrick, chief
Nation iear I rosperity of tll(, ,.my nlr s,vrvice, approved th
The nation Is on the verge of the plans of Mai. II. A. Htrauss, coinnininl-
inu the C2 for the flight east.
The actual Hying time from
most siibHtniitial prosperity in his
tory. In the opinion of Senator Me
dill MrCorniitk and other prominent
republic) na. according to Judge II, It.
perry, chairman of the state re
publican central committee, who was
in Chicago In i-onaultiitlnn with mem
bers of the national committee.
Ju.U-e ivrry mad" arrangement
fr the rmmg tii Nebraska of a
entailer "f speaker cf iironiiueme.
He eine.1 the hope that eVttnior
Mct'ornih k and Mr McCoindck
would be In 'd tnt before the ram
ptign rlosa'.
V, S. iWiffiYc Welfare
Diret tor lo i-it iMii.iba
LI. ii. as. n, t. l--llrin g.
1 '-til . !. It, W. !ll dlla.t"r oj the
I, an i?u i!-o tuieol, left Waahiog
'ii for liniiih inp t.i li,
if p i ft ea in .the n. Ml ti
ttturn Weil lie i-.uiii in b l an
i .1 it-hi.l. wa an.H ui.ied. In 7-
tin M-ih liUx i..ri i f
the ci ai.i I y .
Democrats of Colorado
Would Abolish Ranger Law
IVnver, Oct. 1. The democratic,
party of Colorado, In its 1M22 plat
form, made public here, pledges
itself to the repeal of the state ranger
law and the abolishment of the
rangers, the reduction of taxation,
creation of stale market commission
to assist farmers in marketing their
products und in a limited and reason
ably way to the erection and opera
tion of storage warehouses for farm
The democratic party also denounce
the seating of Senator Newberry, de
claring that Senators Pdipps and
Nicholson, In voting to seat Senator
New berry, drought discredit upon
themselves and upon the olllce they
ley Held to the California station was
reported ottlcliilly to be (!7 hours and
II minutes, Wlih favorable weather
conditions on its return voyage, the
craft is txpected to lower it previous
lljlng time when It si. ills est.
First' of llerrin Trial
Jury Fails to Agree in Case
Against Dubois Doctor
Pawnee City, Oct. 1 (Sm Ih I
After deliberating for 4 hours the
Jury considering the of Or, A, H.
floU-rtson of liiilsds, who Is charged
with assault, was hung. The vote
'wss 10 for conviction and two fori
Formally Set for .Nov. flUrquitul. Or, Itotn-riaon w.ia tried!
Muioii, 111., ' IVt, 1 To dale of on eoinoliliH of a young girl who hail)
fliat trial growing out of the ii b-r-1 '"en taking lieatutmt from hlin fol i
no mine kllllnga. .ii formally el j low log an epeiatioq, t
for oeudxr . bv Circuit Judge I',
Ifou certainly realize the
difference in CornUahes
when you eat Jfclloggb
From the instant you open the generous sized
package till they're tucked away in great and tiny
"bread-baskets," Kellogg's Corn Flakes are a de
light! You can't even look at those big sunny-brown,
flakes, all joyously flavored, crisp and crunchy, with
out getting hungry I Kellogg's are never leathery
or tough or hard to eat they're just wonderfull
Such a spread for big and little boys and girls
the sweetheart of fine white corn kernels deliciously
flavored and deliciously toasted in Kellogg's own
way! You can't imagine anything more
joyous to eat at any hour.
Kellogg's Corn Flakes are childhood's
m a a) -
"ZtJff Sa II iaeai IOoa Aiaaies can ear. as mucn as
yeJuC9T II they can carry I Every mouthful makes
TnACTFDll health, lor sleepy-time-stomachs!
TOAilj iy Don,t ust ,sk fo. 4,corn flakM.ii Yod
CUKM II say KELLOGG'S the original kind ia
KES the RED nd GREN package!
lock and
Paid up
Dua ahareholdera
Plata inane ...
RnMrva fund (.
I'ndlviii,l profile
Other dabilitlre .
t."k and dlvl-
$86,4(I0,47 99
21, 378. 699. 4J
on inconi-
1,423. "3.4
i 227,672.01)
. .4SI.9S4, 729.57
One of the world's greatest rubber
markets is Singapore.
4mg tMr A
fcrw ilnrUt aWlr
raif uttttraUratm
w ihtt mt eaV ass Udv
HUM faaaadaal
ears' ajraaa
fmuwxJ CAttOlt
ngkltnl kmt It eve
tucrfiu, rs siav
ar atfxMar reVaa?
. Why Ford Owners Should
Change Spark Plugs Now
If your car starts hard,
misses, sputters, balks
on hills look to your spark plugs
first. Old plugs cause hard starting
at all times. Incorrectly designed
plugs also cause hard starting and
poor performance.
Look the 1075 AC Plug over. It is
the best design ever developed for
Put in a complete set and see what
an improvement in performance
you have gained.
If your Ford dealer will not supply
you with AC 1075's any other good
dealer will gladly meet your needs.
No matter what car you drive there
is a specially designed AC for it.
A C Spark Plug Company, FLINT, tACirkigM
U.iratMt.l.ue.m, Aaril U, ml U $ Pw Nl.l, thl. UtamtrntrnMHrntiit
Parents' Problems
H (H a il 'f ' lia'tJ 1
! i ' -.i la I ii I tie
I fit. rt la in.) n. ai'i a-
bi I t! to i. i l i g it - 1,4
tu or ..j i.a. i a In h.r )i.)n
"ni k ii i f ht io -t.i.' r. r
iMvk. in-... )! i Si. ! alii. He
e i IS ( it t It I', 1,t
J I l I t ,) a...! ku.ta l t 4
- wi.H )' !
a (.. ii, t ,i. x )) . .'a
alfe I , t a f. .... ! i., , . at
air ) ! i i., . , t. , .i
f,.i.-. .a ,h t . 4 Wit I
,i .,..i . .,,klt j in,,
I' H.iili'll, Tin date wis aiea
)ii..n a a i iniiiiB b. lweeit the
,!t t. !. and Ida al Ha a atioriieis, stnl
t f -r ih.i sMminns f r Ih.Hi ai Ira a4
' aii'im l they w.adil I la.iily i-h that
,i tike up II , ,f lha 4
t. f.-n, I in! t h a' I wl'li iir.i.l. i (n
I . .11 lll( I hi. ilmlh of l.4,,l
i,.(ftiiIV i.f M ll!!l 'oll, I ll.l . ells (f
II a I' eiiip'oira ef tl Hi-uHh ih II
u.'i Ci 1 ii-miaini. who war aiiit
- near Hi I -'.- tut n.iii , j.iii ;
ad i:
Missouri IVifie Krnew
Jciiir. i t rain
l.. i . t I Tii M .... !
I' if -l i.'ie 1 ittt4iy I
ii'Wt I l l ,!,-.! I . lt-a a'.'a V
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Ul t It I H , h . ) (. .ia a ikiia . I'.ll I'i'r Th
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to I'roMTiite Fraud !')
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I -C I viZZti -
infrAi!tnouncci of Onsalia.
i'X f&'pyiie Omaha BeeWant'AJ.
Imagine a man with a megaphone stand
ing on top of the court house and telling
the people of Omaha that Mr. Brown has
a touring car for sale or that Mrs.
Johnson has lost her watch!
Ala aaUrti .1 KtUOCCS IRUMIt IS 4 .UICXXI I MM. W 4 kraU4
li .id fiiiu I i.iaa ..lut i lava aitlli4
fiolit l,4lili of lha tlitto04ft! I..l ln
U, a.i'intu to Wold latn hrr
I. Hi let, I. ia M. iai t
ii p. at I n ! a. .i ! a ) I lo'
4t.a n i ur i
it.. k.iui
It . .Ill It I
W I . I. I I IH , .
fl i t t tf.
s I i W iff.
I l..-M I .11'.
I wi i , I i i
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li e aii.a a. I ha h iil. en
i I nf IH .1 . a i a a
k .-1 l iiiiMir
D R c s s r. s
H AtiiU rit i
Julius Orkin
250 rimpt't. 738 m.tVK.aJi
rial 3
f.4 41 'Wa4 luetaf ia4
" " a 4a, m 44. 4
V ,. atfi. iMvaw Ola
nm N ..ii. iU ta
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.k.4 m.t'4i it) ia ai.a
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4.-ai I-K H) I'-.i H I I
44 44 A 1. It . le ,
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i.44a. 1 e ''4 ia..'i4.r i---I
iti la.iai . , a a
evaaaa a a. 1.-1 9um a-
.. . a a 4 a 4 al l '
.. 1ia hue, at 44
Mt .!.
isHor Jat Omafa
aVl 1
If you had something to sell wouldn't
you let this announcer tell the people of
the city about it?
If you had some want to be filled, wouldn't
you take a little time each day to listen as
he "cried" the hundreds of varied offers
of other people until you heard one. that
just suited you?
The Omaha Bee "Want" Ad is the Great
Announcer of Omaha. Instead of placing
your want before the few hundreds who
would pass the court house each day, he
"cries" your want in more than 71,000
homes on week days and 80,000 on
He tells the wants and offers of hundreds
of people to thousands of others evecy day
as clearly and directly as though he
shouted them from the housetops.
Turn to the "Want" Ad columns NOW
see if your want isn't advertised there
Anil when you want to an ad of your
own, call ATlantic 1000 and ask for a
"Want" Ad taker.
OmtH B4 "Want Ad ar iuri4.tJ la
proU u 4t looaj oe tV.'ltr rulu any
4curtl lKr4iH lSr OmtH tpaprta
r mnii rfuiJti.
The Omaha Morning Bee--THE
Turmt - 4) !.,