r 6 A THE SUNDAY BEE: OMAHA. OCTOBER 1, 1922. ' Venizclos Will Represent Greece in Allied Capitals Wires ArcTttJiir to Cull from Revolutionary (!mii mitte alma Heads Nfw Grecian Ministry. Athsns. !(. 10 (Hr A. D Kim VnaUnlln, Qiltrrt 8ii)ila ami I'rlnca S'li l,.,U mil' . I t"'l:iy tor I'sUnno, W'-ily, nn Unrtf a Crrplt siimhut fin wh rh thi f f ml!irl4J at Orupiis, La --1 at the diepusul i( tli f illrn mon.irth .f (lis revolutionary fmi inltiro, The (lrjrtiir wim without ceremony. Artist Named De Molay Master Councilor it-ktiirtael and ctilif n! aalrs (f th:r uniform, arbitrary M nttMmttl men bin. In l.t 4 e).n .at . In jji t-f gmup i'f socallej "b'Kilirosie )obbis " j As l the Srtuiid c- uot. )!r la Tb pr.ee f;'Mif count nib a.,r. S4 4 Ihs dtfriniams h. a ruls (tiat s'oee defiiidums inmuif i.:- j t,reby niend-ris of the flroun were lure art, Ml ii.wr.U of 5 pr cil (Uri.-.l from llinf Ibelr rurrcMnd.se ef nil I he siin.isrr pottery pnxturrd ' d r ily the builder, anh .i or n the I'mted stales, th.-y hsve lt-nthe -reior, The manufacturer, nWe, ly foi.-ertr. anion, t rli 'secoupng la II.. r ird, ciif.n h'S mU la the . llt ' l.( 1 tnsis job lr, bu. in turn, would runfine h i tdlr i1 ' b j!.I.Hl' I ItllltlM-l The Ji.btwr s'i-1 plunit-r, 111 each isiw, he a d, wuld d V( own 1 1 it w.thoul Ur of eciniwt Hon, $15 Hond Forfeited, citarixs M.nhews, ti;t ruth I'is-ty Houiecleanin; Time us vur Um (umuklete, ria, ruit, tosir, 111, e4 vU SMe ba like . DRESHER BROS. 11T Ttrn.m AT Ji Miind street, hi was arrested on . . ni.l.iint of p. V. Mewhlnney, 44TJ g sunt, in a thus of forsiilnt in bis fi'ld of t orn, fortrttiwl a I la r-md II'. Midi! name wr on.e Illegal In ,,u" "'ha police toiirt yeatee rnijlnnd. 'dsy m'-riimi. Open Evenings Until 9:C0 O'clock E 1 nfii iuT i lsr! .... ..alX't.; Pottery Firms Accused of Price Fixing Combine Approximately 83 Per Cent of Corporations Named in Indictment Maile Iul lie liy Government. New York, pt. 10 An ImlMmrn! ugalnat ai pn x (outely 85 p.r cent cf the corporations, firms and lndlvilunlii engiged In pnlueli aanltary pottery In this country was tnada pulil c to day by W.llam Hay ward, Vnitrd , rarls, 8-pt. 10 (Ky A. P k-M. Vem.-!' lust nlkht tc li ki Mphvd M ,H,ms hl Bif-i(aii- of the Invlta- Hon -i-ikIi'(I ty the ri'viilullnnury lOnmilitcM to Ink up tnnk nt il- foriillt.Br Crewe's Inisrr-s's la ths al!u- rI.iil, linrtlv affer 'iillmr the messnKn ha Iff t f.,r Iinilim, hre ha hep- la Vliuoutit l'ur!.n, Iliiilsh for eft'i rftiiry, S'mo Urn Ma jr. M. nlxl' i't i' y to the revolu tlormiy rommlitfa thnnkH the new Kovi-riiment w.irmly for 11a ronfldi-nfe In him ami put him tm r'rl i htc. Inif to un!'rliik the tnnk i t "A(viiMn$t the pulllknl rri;ritni i,t the (in-aent fJrpK Kc,virtimnt." In Ivmdcui. London, pvpt. 10, I'runlrr Vrnl selos it Oreere hss arrived In Lon don from Pnrla. and ile.lm-i's Mm In tention of rrmulnliia; hrrm for sovoral weks with the exroption of such short trlpa to France tm niiiy be nacvesury. Prrmli-r Choacn. Athena, Kept. 30. (Py A, r Aliiiilr ZaIiiiIs, who wss premier when Constantino was exprllcd from Greece In 1J17, ami whose father hestlud the Creek (olilni t when King (tho I wna dethroned by the revolu tion of 1SS2, hua hern seli-Pted to head the new ministry, which la composed of Independents, Venhvllats and mili tary oIIIiits. It la now staled thut Consfnntlne plana to reside In Pnlorniu, Ilnly, A favorable Impression woa -rimlid l.y the proolnmntlon of the revolution ary committee thnt th arrested poll tlcnl and mllltiiry lendt-r shnll remnln In prison, but thnt the manner of their trial ahull b left to tho future national aasemhly. Nominee for Senate from New York Omahan' Nephew John Copelanrt veteran barber In th Flrat National bank barber ahop, 1: an Uriels of I)r. ltoynl 8. Copclnn(f, who waa nominated Friday by New York democrats for t'nltrrd fltntea '' aenator. , "I'm mighty glad to hear It," n:dd John yeflterdoy. "Koyal Is a lino fel low and a self made man. He started at tha bottom and worked his way through school and medical college, Ha la now health commlaaloner of Naw York City nnd a big man In politics with the forces of Mayor Hylan." in'. lluu-ll C'ountrj man, 19, graduato of t'uutrfll lllsh achool laat year and nt prcnent rommcrclnl artlat with the Northwestern Itell Telephone enm pany, 1ms been elected mailer coun cilor of th Omaha chapter, Order of Ie Molay. A drill team commanded by Knight Templur drill miuters Is U-Ing orfan Ir.ed by tho chapter, at well as a band, oichcxtra, chanters' club and a program of winter eiitnrtulnmenta. Plans ure iKlng made for a large win ter convocation. Girls Tag Omahans for Orphanage Fund The sympathetic appeal roads to the public by orphan kiddles for funds to further tho activities of Ht, James Orphanage born fruit yesterday In gi-mrou contributions. Scores of woman end girls st.itloncd on tho downtown streets collecting; contribu tions for the orphans mndo the tag l;iy a thorough success, according to the large n mount of money turned In a theadiiuartcrs In the First Na tional bank. Petersen & Pesau flaking company gave 1100; Orchard A Wilhcim paid $ro for n Lift: Tom Dennlson ttave flO; Andrew Murphy & Ron gave $10. Women In churge of the drive are; Mrs. Peter Jolly. Mrs. F. C. Nash, Mrs. W. A. C. Johnson, Mrs. T. E. Dwyer, M'rs. T. P. Pedmond and Mrs. T. K. PI nans. KUitia attorney fur the aouthrrn dis trict of New York. The Indictment mimes II companies and tt Individ uals. The tnd'etmetit Is regarded ns Vir tually tho lust f this scries of steps taken against various industr vi f reeling li.iuhing unit Ijikuii by the nvenl Ration carried on by the Lock wt'od l-Klntivo committee, The firms and Indlv.duals miimd re sngaKed prlnclpnlly in th imiuu 'icture of porcelain and earthenware xturei for bathrooms jn apartment lounes, laitli in New York and other ullics. Kevernl of the indli ted f.rms also manufacture bath tubs and n.inl- lar accessories. The Indictment Is In two counts. The fifht accuses tho defendunls of having been engaged In a price fix ing combination. The second charges that the defendants have unlawfully Cop Change Mind. C. O. Iund. patrolman, who stated ho was going to resign frqm the forco, has changed his mind and will re main, he stated yesterday. " Illinois Lump or Egg, two tons or more, per ton $10.50 Colorado Lump Coal, two tons or more, per ton ..10.50 Old Ben Christopher, per ton 13.50 Rock Springs Lump, per ton $13.50 Roberts' Bi-Products Coke, ton ...$19.00 Spadra, grate or nut, per ton $19.00 Hopper Bros. Co.! Phone KE nwood 0742 VELOUR FINISH ftKL lis i ic Is Your House A Home? The answer is on the walls TJALLS are the background of W family life. They affect the beauty, cheer and cleanliness of every room. When finished with the soft mellow tints of Devoe Velour Finish (a flat oil paint) walls not only help to make the things in front of them beautiful, but become beautiful themselves. And because such walls are washa ble, their cleanliness and fresh beauty are easily preserved by the occasional use of soap, water and a rag. Devoe Velour Finish can be applied on any interior wall or ceiling. Devoe Products are time-tested and proven, backed by the 168 years' ex perience of the oldest paint manufact uringconcemintheU.S. Founded 1754, SoU by tkt Dm Aft as jour fmmmity Devoe & RaynolJs Co., Inc. New York Omaha Chicago PAINTS JTtlKI IMaKllt IVSNfl AITIST1' IMTtlUlS tvn.Tiv.ieu I mini rl OtH lM tVUtlh.lDtJ 12 FRED PARK'S PAINT STORE JtlK anj L!t. J. B, lOG 2M1 Sth St , Count it tUafft HERMAN VIERRFCCER 1220 3 UK J. t. MEAD 2203 Miliary A, C. C. JOHNSON Kk' I M-l tary A, KENWOOD DRUG CO. 3H fc I An'i A. W. J, U vN?Fin.D UJ2 Farnarn St. DUNDEE PtUMOINQ ANll HAROWAR! HOtH anj Farnam 5t. HUNT A FtlNN III! laW St. VINTON HAKDWARr. cotANY 2)10 Vinton St. Ths flnt his ru.h of buyers an far rcoedxl ny (htrisr PKrl., found 'it unpwartxl. Wti.n we rvsiccl hw Knailnilr iroer ihn n.iitl,,nl ! A-S0 seies, W hsv S'llvtl tf aur frs fnrre sed l-y hsvliis our ahlpiilhs d. psrlmrnt wurk everllm, fjutht itp (in sll (tt)irrd dliverie, fta ,ain. In now. You will ks pnmitl)r arvrd nn l yuur Iiurrha. premutlr HH' v,r... Don't dlay snalher i'Y, sew ll ths Inns, Nat eslf hii this aietl Mnastlenal Sri, msihlns, money tavlnf sett "csusht ths tows," but th rntlrs onn If. Osr railroad fare refund sa all evt-ef-lnwa surrhsaes has broushl Ms of tsrr surra, ssd svsry IncosilSf train Is brins'nr more. This is your h f cl.anca to ssvs money. Come ss aew. Yos ssn sTr de as wall seals. Have You Been One of the Lucky Buyers to Attend This Greatest of All Sensational Piano and Player Piano Sales? II at--"1 i " . Ik If you have not, don't delay another hour. Come in now. Never in all your life have you had such a chance to save money and own a high-class instrument. The terms to all responsible people are so easy that one of these instruments should be in every home. You play while you pay. Remember, every instrument on our floors is included in this sale. This is the most startling offer ever made an offer that means the placing of more than a hundred high-grade Upright and Player Pianos nnd Phonographs in as many homes on terms any home can afford, and at Because you don't know how a saving of thousand of dollars to buyers. to play the piano, does not mean that your home should be without music. Here is a e! splendid player, has been used by us as a demonstrator and is in absolutely first-class playing condition. A won derful bargain at this un heard of price. Will be snapped up quickly, so hurry! We carry the largest stock of Victor Victrolas and Brunswick Phono graphs and Records, in the west. pi Don't Wait! Come In Today You can got a hih-trrade Piano or Player Piano now at a ridiculously low price. This is' the chance of a life time to get a Piano or Tlayer Piano cheap. Here we have another that was taken in exchange on a Baby Grand. Has never had anything but the best of care in a refined home. Has dark rich mahogany case, a beau tiful clear tone, full 88-note, and wonderfully easy to play. Don't deprive yourself and family any longer, when you can have in your home such a player at such a price. Don't let the other fellow beat you to it. Brand New Players at the Price of Uprights Keep the young folks at home. Get them a player and they will do their dancing there instead of some questionable public dance hall. A splendid new player for $348 I Fonnar PricB $05 Sals . $42.50 $1.00 per week FREE 24 Record Selections, Your Own Choice. A price such as this, on a phonograph that is mighty good to look at, plays all rec ords in a way to please the compos er's heart, is certain to have a quick sale. Come and see it. To see it is to want it. To want it is to own it. But come early. MSawawaa J"' i" HAM v ,4P ill 'mill ii I Q ill sZi Maybe you have a little one in your home who wants to learn to play. If so, do not fail to see and hear this piano. Jias been used for piano lessons, but is in excel lent condition, and just the thing for your little one to practice on. Good tone and easy action. You want a piano. You will have to buy one some day. Perhaps you promised your wife and children you vould get one some day. Here is your chance to make good. We have two of these. One in mahogany, and one in oak. 9 Has been slightly used, but looks and sounds just like new. You have never had a chance like this before. Some body is going to get them. Why not you? For the convenience of those who find it impos sible to get here during the day, The Store Will Be Open Until 9:00 O'Clock Every Evening But wherever possible, wa would suggest you come in the morning, when you will have more leisure to sea and hear these instruments than later in the day, when the rush is on. Brand New Pianos at the Price of Phonographs If you get a new piano that young man son of yours will bring his friends home and form a quartet that will beat all the barber shop quartets in the coun try. A dandy new (TOAA piano for only. .. . P-vU Marvelous PLAYER PIANO OFFER TOMORROW ONLY! Shattering Every Previous Record in Player Piano .Values Tin's player is a magnificent rich tuiuul, high quality in strument with every ui-t IjfVfi thc-minuto feature of wt..l-Jj ..I . . . i i . ...t.. 'it aiiie price; rver.Himn ;: rm tal t u h e automatic !!; trucker, ami tin wumieriui N .: i new tranHtnj device K;':tn- wiiuti vni'ifH you n jhiy any selvction in five differ ent Kev.4, Mm mil TOMORROW ONLY! Positively the Finest Player We Have Ever Sold at This Price As an added extra attrac tion we are jrivinp; with thi magnificent instrument one bench and player roll cabi net to match, one rich e lour scarf, and a iniaiv.nUe of absolute satisfaction. Tomorrow Only!! 1SI5 IS DaUt Jlrs-t Ops f',vniit Until I. M. jtfTN "7 I M Vv aWtssBaSBaBBW' C I W MM 33 s-sw. tf at.. llWstsia 4