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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1922)
THE OMAHA DEE: SATLUIUY. FKPTEMCER 30. 19: Amazing Divorce Sequel Involves Omaha Woman G-Jora lo Man Wfl Mother of "Love B.Lf." After Wife It CranteJ a - I Divorce. CfKtii t Orou fluff!, Iiy . Colo,, fcn'i ;;, h-ii, 1'h.iirt, omu. .NVIi To tha raauat v railr( dn tha I ( of niarra urni-, th rimn intf m'-in noih nf, but to prt ri who hava way t.f' un ttual c mintaiv, fftf Mllf whn tleaa e rrumatanrw contain tha U mnt f b g nw,. th wmn rwall an ilomm e tr ant-la, whr two women, flrac Jarrt HioftVI. child-k-a. anl Nt II J'hllr fought for raj n tf Corft Hmff.l, who ad it, tt4 "h th f.ilher of Nrlll Ph II it' two chiMr-n. - "I won'f i vt h'm up, for h la my kunband and wanti ma to atkk lu h m." dvUrrd tht w.f. "8ha w.ll give h.m up, baoauaa ha want to ba w ih nt and to nam to h I urn and daucl.ter." N'll a I'hlU pt tt Onuih. :e rart old. pr't t jr. tluyd unmarr.rd mnthr, aa hrr bab.aa 4;ijl on tha floor, ' l II lt my atturnry do th talk ing." HtnffH M.d, ai h pickad up tho 11 -month-old lty g rl. Tha Juvn la court tvk a band In th affa'r f tha tr n ty, Uarntd that PtofM bad bn upHrting both wom an, hiwrd ha idmnon ff af.'rrt.un for both. ordrnl h m to tnrrSM hi contr button to M m f' and awarded tha rh.ldrtn to bar, brcauaa on wan a ntirx nt baby, and wh la cond.t ona wrra Irrrgular, ytt hani dmonatrrd a rlran lov for tiia litila on. PtnfM'i cont'nuM attention to tha unmarr;td mother cf ha bab ra finally nt Orae Jart BtofM into th dl- vorca court, whrr th ohta ned a da- cra att n Btoffel frea to tha dicta tion of h: brart, and that hla heart o'ctatM a meiwiita to Nlb BIIa I'hllllra. who bad tnkfn bar bata to Omaha la rrldrnrad by a glanr at tha 1 it of marr aire licn today. A Fillmore County Clubs Hear Talk on Program Geneva, Neb., Sept. it. Bpcial. Townchlp women' club wera ad dreaaed by M:a Stella Mather of th rxtn!on aervlca and Mia Edna Teg W, who ha taken charg of home demonstration work In this county. In connection with th work for tha club outlined for th year. A good nlzad delegation of Fairmont women alao attended tha meeting. MI Mather, Ml Peglcr, County Superintendent Maragarat Haugh awout and Lea Thompaon, boy' club leader and county agent, went to Fairmont in th evening for a prof-ram. Th health campaign planned for October during which Dr. Caro line Hadger of McCormlck Institute, Chicago, wilt pend several day her, wna explained by Mia Mather. Slide depleting hot lunch plan for rural achoola were (hown by Mr- Thompaon. "Dry" Leaders Insist Liquor It Issue in State Campaign Lincoln, ffept. tt. (8pcil.) Dry leader ara wondering how Mr. Bryan and Senator Hitchcock will be able to convlnca any considerable number of Nebraska voters that prohibition la dead Issue in th state, with tl As sociation Against tha Prohibition Amendment demanding of candidate for th legislature that they state whether they 1 are for or against amending the atat prohibitory law so as to permit light wine and beer to b sold her If congress amenda th Volstead act. Meanwhile the Anti-Saloon leasru la taking nothing for (rented. It is sending out questionnaires to all mem bers on the sam subject, and expect to publish tha replies. It Is not ex- pm-Lvti uiai in mwiiHiq will puousn its list of answer. a.-Vl l Function of Grid Leak Explained Id'al Grid SlinuM Have Non Caparitive ItfMrtanre of Conttant Value. Th grid leak aa used in Radio re viving equipment consist of a noa mductiv rn.inra unit. Th func tion of a gr.d Irak 1 to drain th grid of th xrH negative rharg whuh would gradually acrumulat If th grid was pif:ly K.sulated. An lil'al grid leak should embody nnindu tive, nonrapatltlv rrsietanc of constant value, in order to main tain a rontant reajatanra, th re siitanm element must be enclosed t prevent foreign object from Injuring or (ithrrwin changing th element. Ho fur th nrd;nary grid leak fulfill th-s condition. However, It has been found that many of th grid Iraki on the market, did not remain coru snt in resistance, but at tha end of sveral month even though not In use. it was found th value varied aa mu'-h iO per cent, "careful labora tory Investigation revralcd th fact that th rocistsnr rhang wa. .usad by molecular displacement of th ma terial composing the resistanr unit (usually srme form of carbont. It wm found that this action could be prevented by enclosing a specially prenarrd resistanr lernent In n evaluated rnntamar from which all mo':tir had been thoroughly ex cluded. I'mhing a Radio Fan. VVsrhinKton, Bept. 29. Th myst ilus ptrnc vt a bright copper vue running around th top of one of tha big army limousine used by Gen. I'ershtng set afloat rumor her recently that th former chief of the American expeditionary force, had liecome a radio fan and listened in on concert or other matters pssa Ing In th air a ha rode about the country In the car. Inquiry at th Keneral's office today disclnaed, how ever, thnt It wa not John J., but Warren Perxhlmr. th general's young son, who equipped th motor car with tha radio apparatus. He ass Ided In hi project by th army sergeant who drives th general's car and th pair now ar abl to rid tu music and occasionally induca tb general himself to listen in. Portable Transmitter fan Francisco, Sept. 29. KTA has been licensed by tha department of radio, the San Francisco Examiner announced today, oa a portable tele graph and telephone transmitter. Ac cording to Msj. J. F. Dillon, radio Inspector in this district, th license Is th first of It kind in the coun try. KTA will operata on S40-mter wave length and will b used by tha. Examiner on asalgnment to trans mit new to KLO, th Examiner broadcasting station in it newspaper building. Th new that KTA will transmit will be used by the Examiner in Its regular editions and will not be avail able to public until it ia either printed or broadcast by KUO, on S0 meters. It Is planned to use KTA where tel egraph and telephone line ar not accessible. Bandits Rob Norfolk Man in Business Section of City Norfolk. Neb.. Sept. ! (Special Telegram.) Dr. I. Q. Brennan cf thia place waa held up by two bandit in th heart et th buslnes section of th city and robbed of $3.1 in cat-h and two diamond valued at about TOO. Boys and Girls Will Stage Pony Parade on October 14 A pony parade, In which all boy and girls riding or driving ponies or small horse are eligible to enter, will b held Saturday, October 14. In con nection with th tag day of tha Ne braska Humane society. Entries should be made with Mrs. E. 8. Stiles at the society' headquarters at Cen tral police station. Eleventh and Dodge streets. The parade, which will start about 1. will be headed by a band and Boy Scouts will officiate along th Un of march. First, second and third prize of money and gift) will b awarded for the best mounts. Prlie also ar offered for th youngest rider or driver, the youngest and th oldest ponlos, and tha pony which has been brought from th farthest distance. Each entry will be given a pony parade badge. Japs Quit Siberia. Tokio, Sept 29. By A. P-Japa-nese of th 8ibcrlan main land opposite the Island of Sakhalien has been completed, and civil admin istration of that territory ha been withdrawn, it waa announced offi cially her today. i SCHOOL SHOES thit mnhc took hnnnv 7 iiiui munv ltd imv for the boy or girl or the little tots. 3 SB Roller skating and jumping rope are just a couple of the achoolday pastimei that call for shoe of durability for aster. We have stylish shoe that fit well and are most serviceable. Boys' shoe are proverb ially due to rectlve hard knacka arid acuftlirg-. We can fit the hy with tjaahty shoes that will withttaRd wear and look wU throughout their Uftic.e. REAL QUALITY IN SHOES AT ECONOMY PRICES HIY SHOE CO. 75 rxxciAi at murMM iTeir Tke totals sJt at frioe i i i i t You can buy it here this Saturday for less money Lowest in Omaha Prices Plus Quality and . Style FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLAR SALE A Merchandising Achievement That Startled the "Trade" in the World s Largest City Recent purchases made jointly by the Orkin Bros. Stores will bring great joy into the homes of thrifty women. Purchases Included Thousands of New Thousands of Dollars Worth of the Finest Kind of .Dresses Two Selected Groups Presented Saturday Containing Actual $35 $2950 $25 D resses v V r M Mm W"i I ?7Coats m I i mi Canton Crepes Crepe de Chines Kanton Knits Satin Cantons Poire t Twills Tricotines Main Floor Richer Quality Dresses Charming adaptations from the newest Autumn creations $55 $49so $45 $395o Value Dresses New Lines 3 New Drapery New Sleeves New Girdles New Effects New Necks -T5e-4i iY J' J Charming Featured for Think of Buying Coats with selling values up to $5500 Saturday Blouses Greatly Underpriced Blouses in lace combinations, stunning beaded styles, braided effects and all leading shades Poinsetta, Barberry, Muffin, Brown, Navy and Black." All of the newest and best style Coats of fine quality materials. Two Great Groups "Saturday" Much Better Coats with selling values up to $75 00 Saturday Unending Selections-Styles Galore Sizes 38 41 '0 595 to 1 350 Round, V and Boat Seeks Large Variety-New-Wanted Style Slipover Sweaters Popular weaves, newest colors and combina tions. Hound, V and the new high necks. . Peasant and straight sleeves. Colors include Poppy, Jockey, lied, Jade, Hardin?, Silver, Buff, Brown. Navy and Blade. Materials and styles found only in the highest priced garments. Well Known Makers Contribute Hosiery Pure Thread Silk High Wear Test Full Fashioned Hosiery $2J5 Values $139 Ji potr Grey, tude, llrou n. Mack and Cordovan Shop Here Saturday Sizes 36 up to $J25 to $750 Hundreds of Fancy Hose In glove silk, chiffon and lace, clocks, plain and fancy neU; unbelievable values. $225to$450 CAL Ml Sizes P i I 1 I. Ij I