The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 30, 1922, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAHA RUF.; SATURDAY. Si:iT,:.Mi:ili ."A 1M G. 0: P. Blamecl for Low Prices of Farm Products Campaign Ipfrlirs of Ne hrV Senator Depict Dark Future Unless Mr Is Ff-KIrrtnl. BRINGING UP FATHER i'. as Slfc JlUJl ANO IN Hit fACt Ot COLORS IN Tilt St. NO A V SU Hayes intr, Nh, 8it. ?. (PperlaJ Trlfram.l Asarrtlnf that lubllrl r dlriHlly rliari; hi with h lw prira of fim riln tixlay, and ttat a raeult ft the enactment of 11 new tariff, law everything tha rlt bur will he dn'IdMlly lilghrr, mmtnr llltrtrork, dnio-ratle rmm Inw f nr third tmi In lltn UiiliH Htjtas sanate, rrlllrlaad everything UMiMImn nil plrlurH sorrowful fur for tha people of Netiraaka an.l tit nation. Spearhea r matt today at Cam Ixlse, tndlanola, 'ultiorlunn and )faa CenlT. Tlia t'mntirldsn nml lit was not on tha erh1iil, hut ly ptarranffrinarit, a short upwh wae k rmla tliir to a fr gathered tn Hip t eornera. Outlook Id Dark. Tha senator recounted that the lmlr of commercial failurca Hint 4 occurrnf. In 19JI t'ffl IT.nnn, bout tha aama nunilxr Inut year, and pr1lrtd that tha number of hualneas failures during tlia next year would I fully aa great a during tha lnt . , . H-l. I .. .... hopa on tha horiwn for Improved mn dltloni, o ha anld, unlrsa ilemorHtlc senators ara returned to Wiialiliitftnn, and tha lower house niada tlemo rratln thla year. An nn of tho fundamental rraeoii why ha should I given a third term. It waa urged that m new eenator, es pecially ana from a western atate aiHh at Nebraska, would have great difficulty In being- recognized by the powers In Washington, and that un til he hud snrved a long time, a new senator could not be of murh service to the nation. The liquor Inane continued to re ceive pointed attention from Hitch cock again today, and It wss com monly remarked by thoce In the audi ence Hint there la more intercut in the liquor question todny than at any time, Wet a are Hopeful. The wets, ao It la reported, are tiopeful that the supreme court made It possible that eventually the manufacture of light wine and beer will be legalized, while the dry ore determined to trust no man who at heart la wedded to a light wine and beer program. , "Such a man," aay the drya, "will rot work for the dry cauae even though ha may dodge voting on the aul'Ject. Deflation continued to be numbered among the questions discussed by the srnator. He reiterated thnt the fed eral reserve tanking system la a treat benefit to the banking Intereeta, but he hna not been, able to explan, o It la anld, why the law enacted by a democratic, congress and operated by a majority of democrata failed to that the board, i or tha ay-stem, haa been captured by, enemies of the fed eral banking aystem. At McCook, the senator and those with whom he i campaigning were if TALK TO ME WITHOUT lWOWIfl THIN) AT . rit? , 1 i "ACC eCAc) ttMC At) f AOT A TMCX e I m m it WjJ a I ItA J K3fd 1 m WX.HT I IQV AM I ? I J I jj ct Tite, way UvX .CT TO OL .CT Mf, A 1 1 iU. r .' - :4 J ay Inr'L rtruac iairg, we. Drawn for The Omaha Bee by McManua r "-Ml MtTf N tve rctN OOCkjH 0. AUL MY Mrr. AM IF ou 1 MINK omf.t it: i H r.or a pi t 1 III I Killi-tl in Train Wrrtk. , hi.. mn, 'iiu, ii't. s i:ninr V, M Wnvlit ad r'li.mati Kne were iiilM t-Ur whn lrnvr 4 liio liraiiil Wr.crin iKBMritger traift Nj. 114 Willi a KM enfine. PULBRANSEN PLAYER PIANO WationaitiVrical .rMranfira in inc rw enlrrtulned at tone hotel. a banquet at tha Key- rive (iliaiijrri Annoiiurrti in I'dliir Drpartniriit Fte hns,'a In the pulica depart- ment went Hnnouncr.l last nlcht by M. V, riiipw ihlrf. j;ffeclle HundMy. fleorsa IlrliU, Hiiiitli finmlia detective, will b re- dui-cd at h!a requeat and asigne. to a beat; O, V. bheahan, mntorcyi le of ficer, will beiinne a detective; lrl Zich, rentral lalln motorcycle officer-', will luke Hlienlmn'a plnce, and F'red rmcraiiii will b tnken from n bent In liecunin motorcycle officer. t fj. l.und, patrolman, two yenra on the force, hum remirneu, ertcenve HaturdMy niaht, and will open a ilcli- calcfs'-n. No one will be employed to take tila plnce. iMroml Dnlarr Paving Haf I latipfatfory t'unty CoiuinlNsioner T. V. ritroud. ihiilrman of the ronila and brltes committee, dechired In a atntement yesterday that If lie were IJiuir t. Johnson, cuntiurtori of the Wcat I'a- I'lfic tree! pavement, he would nut re surface the concrete I use with two more I nolic at an estimated coat of flS.onn, Ha wild that after lie Inven HgitliNl the paving he found It satis factory. now niH-riitlng a" In 14 wii of the tluiiilia I'-IKs, iHilng Ihntuent to springe In C'ulifornia tin-Aiij.-1-Ii-k, wrote to rSecrctiiry utto Nid-) lie Is euMlug rplciiilid liculth. A ! j proved Mr. lrla t-uiililloil, iHHfl I I" : V ItiiliLkvsJ r.-Jftr CayJr itsr 700 '600 f495 he Art and Muuc Store 1513-15 Douglat Street Lrwia Hceains Jlrallli. Charles A. iewla, former fituahan Seven I'mons Taken in v Dupr RaiJ IfrlJ for Trial Haven persona tnken In a dope rn' by federal ugents MomUiy nlijht were bound over to the grand Jury after bearing before I'nlled Blates Com- mlsfiioner Jloehler yesterduy. They are Verale Kdwards, Huston Tilsnchard, Charles Clnrka, Mabel Murray, Hank Kvana, Morris Cun ningham and Oeorge Roberta. Frances Miller, arrested for legging, win held also. boot- Boy Ahks Police Court Judge to Hang Hi Father Joe Uonaccl, 14, In central police court yesterday morning, asked tho court to bung his father or "put him in Jail until lie dies," Joe, with his mother and slaters, complained thnt the father and husband, Pete Konnc cl, 1019 South Twenty-seventh street, threatened to kill the whole family. R .esinol will soothe that itching skin The first application of R esinol usually Makes the Itch and bum right out of ec wtma and similar skin-affections. This fentle, healing ointment seems to get Vght st the root of the trouble, restoring jthc skin tohealth in a surprisingly short tfane, Stsinol it told by all druggists. ADTEITMIM EXT. DAUGHTER HAD TO HELP MOTHER Now Can Do All Her Housework AloaeBeciaielyiiUE. Pinkbm'i Veg eUble Conpoand Helped Her Thirty-Day Senteiii-e. Thirty days In Jail were meted out to George Hockley, former police cus todian, In central police court yes terday morning when he was ar raigned on a charge of Illegal sale of liquor. Hockley's arrest grew out of an or dered Investigation Into tne alleged sale of fffilson booze in Omaha when Ell Williams, 2223 North Twenty sixth street, was found at his home partially blinded by the alleged liquor. ' Hockley's appeal bond was set at $250. Ml Th e Most Definite Mode, of the Season The Cloth Coat Frock Each Frock Different With Fur Bandings, Drapings, Chauve, Souris and an Entirely New Embroidery, Silhouette $50 to $125 J3CS Ct mAlTCXU 1 'Motet c?onienetfe' Omdfia Jasper. Minn. "I saw In thapsper shout lyjia t- Tink ham 'a Wgets. piiimniiiji n ill bleCVimpound snd fimk it r,.ii4i t ss having such pain in my ttoni a.-h anJ throuifh my baU that I cuuid mt d my work. I had trieJ ther tnetiit-'tnc. but rw J.J me th rxi thst rouf eftNa CompottaJ diJ. ,nw i am aoie it 4a sJ my wi k whita twfvira I Kt mj daifhter atin st h.n eVt II, I M t.4 KumlM ins ls PI 1 "' - x.u uui it kaa Juna Lit n as 1 i g i r JTvXI f Ul U tnf ur ; aa S ttinuai,' r. iut , 't mh, K. t. Jep, M t TWe w sui Ntf re.- U -me 'u ljln I- tlniaam's ti'iMuu,! Usa Ihts-rtMa J flatusiM. JhMI M Htlvt ft 4 .pjaaA tm -''" AIM, n,ra r r" turvu tlws tf Ut M um s4a44 nfctt-i. w Mt it .l M Ml, t .Wf.t It M '"tU 'sglaM (WjM Waal, niiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiifitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitf itiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifi iiiiiiiiiiitif iiiiii- Uniforms for Street Car Men All New Styles Sold on Payments 1417 DOUGLAS STREET Mail Orders Promptly Filled 1 Quality A Credit Store for All the People Style Buy That New Suit and Overcoat Tomorrow Pay just a little down the balance can be cared for in terms which best suit your convenience. f Wonder Values 1 $2S to $ 60 HAVE you ever figured it out that in th lotnf run it' better to pay a little bit more for a gom Suit, Topcoat or Overcoat which will givt satisfaction plus than to pay to little ami fit In ferior clothes which have only price a their best recommendation? And not only do our Clothes offer ou the matlmum of value, but you hae every assurance; thst you are fetting the newest style, the finest fsbnes and the bet workmanship at th price. The Ubcl U the pled to fivt ou HH I per cent for tur cloihtnir itousr. Saturday Last Day of the .Dollar Sale on Fifth- Floor Every Household Need at Important Savings Laundry Supplies Each Clothes C&mF"" DasKeis 1.00 Made of peeled willow, smooth and strong, family size. Ruru- t ff lar 1.49 value, priced at aUvf Flour Bins Nicely white enameled with tijfht-fittinir cover. ' 1 Aj 25-pound capacity aV V Special Wash Boilers 4.00 l Sale of Princess Aluminumware Princess Aluminum ware is built to give sat isfaction through a life time of service. Fryii'ir 1'anH, Covered Kettles, Pud tlinir I'an Koasters, Percolators, Pish Pans, U-I'ipec Sauce Pan .Sets, Double Hoilers, PrpBt-rviiiK Kettles, Water Pitchers, Round Koasters, Tin Ket tles. All first (juality, bright aluminum. Enameled itchen Ware K Made of ralvanized iron, tin cover with wooden handle. No. 8 1 (( size. Regular 1.69 value fori alU Clothes Hampers each 1.00 Medium size, made of elm split with cover which keeps out dust. JNicely decorated. Regular 1.49 1 f value,; special at, X aW Folding Clothes Dryer Made of well seasoned wood with 45 feet ot drying surface. Folds in small space when not in use. Regu- 1 ff lar 1.59 value; special at x .11 Triple coated price be- I ,f .light ;L I e ctions VJ do n o t, ( Tj 2" , a f feet the wearing qual ity. Each Dish Pans, 14 qts. Water Pails, 12 qts. Combtnettes or Chamber Pails, 2-quart size. Tea Kettles, 6 qts. Coffee Pots, Vt qts. Bread Boxes Family size; with cover; ventilated; made of bright tin, white enameled; i tf X .V V special Wait Baskets Large size; hand woven of Japanese, bam- 1 DO boo; stained dark red; st eUU Long Handled Dust Pana-Thst save your back on sweeping days; nicely finished with blue enamel; these have covers which fit tight- i f( ly when not in use; special eUU Bath Tub Seat Knameled white with nickled plated supports and rubber protectors. Regular 1.50 1 fjA value; specially priced u Clothes Line 100-foot hank of sash cord, full shrunk and will not stretch. Regular 1.29 value 1 (f specially priced at only aW 1.00 Rcgu- 1.00 Cf.rvin;; Set With aluminum handles, consisting of knife and fork packed in a box. Regular 1.49 value, "Ever Ready Daylo" Flashlight L Three-cell size with nickel plated case. lar 1.75 value, specially priced during this sale, Vacuum Bottles Universal brand with aluminum cap. size, regular 1.39 value, priced specially at Waffle Iron Stover make with cold handles. Bakes waffles of even thickness and browns them per- 1 AA fectly. Reg. 1.69 value, specially priced, l.UU Pint 1.00 at Glass Shelves 18x5-inch crystal glass with nickel plated brackets. Regular 1 ff 1.69 value, specially priced, eW Glass Towel With nickel plated supports. It is 24 inches long, inch thick. Regular 1.89 value1, specially priced 1 AA X .VVf Bathroom Mirrors With oak frame. Glass measures 12x18 inch- ! ff cs. Regular 1.49 value, x vU Nursery Chairs Nursery Chair1 Well made of nat ural finished wood; has smooth seat with arms and tray for 1 f( toys. Regular 1.69 value at"" Keystone Food Chopper Heavily retinncd and will not rust. Family size, complete with four knives. Regular 1.49 value priced at 1.00 Unusual Specials in China at One Dollar ""rMU ''lllt,IIMlltl Casserole and Frame 1'iown glazeil tarthrnware casserole with niektl Irani: 7 ami n-incn nue: specially priced at 1.00 English Tea Pols in a vaiitty f hapes with plr lnf drroration in t la A i' up i. Ki-eulir 1 50 to 1.0 0 valusi; h only 1.00 I t! is. ! Jii'ft Cups and Saucers ll.uul painted rhitm, llsnd dfeurated on Una transparent chins in flij band and sis o(hr prtty floral sixl coiivantiiinal ile viji a. t fr irk.l at liUU Blue Bird Casserole Made of fin whits poreeUln, prettily tl-eorate4 in bluebird lin with floral sprsy. A rharminf snstrh for uUr btus- b r.l ilinnrrwar. t'i eisliy pri4 t, t,vh 1.00 1.00 im4 raial.d satt Ca.ainel.4 flt. . ' lUant.ful droratJ I inH platri, all ! Iiri, wurk Sti.l fi. ! l snsmal i!h 1 k gull trimmnifs Ui i t a I a , . !if i!y fril 4 Botia rut.. S Jalftil J.i.inttl JS i Vh4 Va I aa I &4ttrt ,ai Ut '( 'v i' V4. h , j., ' " l .00 if "31 3s m 3 lUl 1.00 tU a. 'I f Uar lurtittUi., .KtUis. rs r4iali, .!ts S"J eliu-r i, ul in )rt.(f t !, h..,i., fW( r tut K u4' lul!r, t. h i .) ff bl I 4, U.S. 1 lUV tli i J. I ill Mr vli.ii a Sua tiiit f '4, k I.Um W.laa FiNke p - '. tj'iait s a K ar (-1 e tor i '.-if fiml (:t t " at t.hla ff l.UU I Jardinieres j tory, blut, truttnii.) - I '-acs wttH riwral m I I thlnits iirlrfn N kalf (u i Ur value ff ! Ti. .tt, UU I ' Cups and SstKrrs ; Cs Cap. ! 9aa.a A l ! l, ! '4 ,) .a V ul. :;.T.i.oo Buy Clothe on Payment. and Buy Them Here - a. 4lUHMiMmiltMHHttniHHtl!MMtlMlttimHtlllwmim