The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 30, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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t piuu Mini Jt u
V rr l' ,i
ui v.i. rj.tmui"u
Bonus Broadside
hglai County Ex-SolJicri
f Ak Definite Action from
Chamlirr in AiJini
Disabled Vet.
Douglas eoutiir American Lion.
t No. 1. and I ha I'nliwl Hhim
timnilwr of Common-) buard of U
itct.ns rxihangotl wrlllrn prttils
ln 111 liouua iUvtim )trday.
Tha It-wl'in rummunlcatUin, whUh
dvllvwt to rrtllmt Julius II.
H.mits ir th national chamber al
JI.jIiI runtvnvlla ytrlay, askoti
fur "'itn drflmta action , . , whlrh
win Hi-tuuiiy an ma iraion in what It
la ci.Miif in oimuui arrvU men
tif Ilia country."
"Will tha I'nltH Htalea Chamber of
Cuminarca join tha Uum In tha effort
whlih it must imtka to rwnov tbla
Mta (unjust treatment of vrtorana)
from tha mind of tha mllllnna tti
arvloa wn In tha country?"' enntln
ii mi tha I'Klcm cnmmuiilratlcm. "If tha
ttifiiua waa wronit, will you fatr
ftomthlnff which will, fur thaaa turn.
tak ta plarrT If nothing should lake
li pin' , will you nuika an effort Ur
vi cunvlm- lhs men and lha coun
try at Urg , . . ?
Program .krd.
i "Will you, a tha exrvutlv com
, jllti-e of tha t'mted Hut (.'liumtior
(VmiiKPf, Inn Jcurnto a J.rourmii,
the bonne waa financed, which wilt ra
il ult in tha Inltlatlim of and tha pre
sentation to eongrrs of proponed
li lillnt on contemplating; aome ad
Justment with the esservli-a mm
vhl'h will erjuure the account In their
"Or. If you finally determine no a1
ustmeiit la due, will you undertake
tn, hy a di-flnite prnKrnm of education
through the rhiiniicla of national
publicity which you control, convince
these men that the nation hue dealt
with them aa la their due?"
The Irirlon message continue y
aakinir If the chamber will iiiauguruie
program properly financed to inve
tlgule aiMHllle need of dlaubled vet
tram and plan In -Washington a
pcrninnent organization to aid the
American IKtn in It efforts In their
"Vour organization bnaitfully
iimes responsibility for having killed
the bonus," aay the closing para
graph of lha loglon message. ' Wa
elert you to assume responsibility
for the result which have followed.
You have undertaken to set your will
and your opinion up above the es'
. i ... n I ..t tiMt(irlttf rf thm
IHl.-ll.TU Will iiw ....v
lopl In determining, how the coun
try "ball pay it obligation to it sol
diers. Now that your Immediate end
1 catisfleri, you cannot leave the mis
guided nation to work out it own
The message 1 signed by Samuel
W. Reynolds, post commander, and
was read during the board meeting;
Immediately after It wa received.
Several member of the board ex
pressed the opinion It was "one of the
most adroit and clever message" ever
"reived by the board on the bonue
question, and President Barnes left
the meeting immediately to dictate a
Vela' Department.
The reply calls attention to one de
partment maintained by the national
chamber now devoted especially to
making sure that proper relief is fur
nished disabled veterans, and de
clares that the chamber has "con
sistently supported every appropria
tion and every action to assist the
disabled veterans of the lato war and
re-equip them for useful service In
private life."
The chief reason for the chambers
opposition to the blanket payment of
1 . . ..i ii.kaH vAtnrani In criven
K'UIIUBC-B 111 uninj". - "
JIB 0. UClif- unit. -
of such unsound finance would be to
crente Industrial distress and unem
ployment reacting directly against
private employment and the prosper
ity of these veterans ns of all
The reply also asserts that the
chamber appointed at its ftrst meet
ing Thursday a committee of serious
minded business men fully sympa
thetic with veterans to Investigate the
wholo question as to whether It Is pos
sible, with proper protection against
Imposition, to develop any plan of re
lief for Injured veterans.
The reply offers to consider any
suggestion that the legion may offer
for relief of those uninjured who
tenlly suffered a disability. !
Replies to Barnes.
Ciimmnnrter Sam Reynolds' answer
to Mr. Binwi follows:
"The American Legion has not and
never will abandon its fight for ad
justed compensation. Mr. Harnes' at
tempt to Interpret our position a one
of having abandoned the fight can
bent le answered by the action of hi
executive committee In only yester
day ftpo!ntinK a committee, a new
army equipped and supplied tn op
(mm the bonus Issue when It conies
up OKiiin. There will lie A new bonus
end new bonus Mil until the will of
the American people a to an. adjusted
miiiiirnaaliiin for ex sen tea men Is
omi'lled with and the fulled Plates j
rbftiuber r t i mmerce is no long-r in
a po.tin t. Mr. I'arne hua stated
Itrre In Omaha they did last Week.
sun the preetdent s name In a ve
We are hovkeJ Mr. Parn'
, ff,-r to trd support f our kiil
lion t 't disabled, veteran fr an i
flonnieet of the boiiu by .
WiU, !
' The lrn M Wd. In all i
urnetit rr active wpprl of the
itn..,r In IH fuM f'r disable
lnl If thai M .it snuet b buht J
th.-i the b ;n will esrrr en lsj
t utMtdast a tt he r '
' il mMt. nl sMU. M
t l frr " !
C.ift U.tji Crlrlralioil j
Stcre t Nrlrld j
V.-t-l i'M WH - iiMl '
. T. K.(.K4H -f IklS ! 4S
M me tMl- !( Mt
j .fl 4f bi TikHjaasJa l . - j
.i f,4 di tha j
(li S
he'. Ihlt ?H h t ,
i . - t'fs'l H 1
Attends Sessions
on 84th Birthday
Her 1 Arthur -W Tarquhar tt
tork, r.,'a meiulr of the I'nlted
Htatra Chuiiiber of Commerce board
of direc tors In aeaalon here. Mr. Kar-
luhar celebrated his 14th birthday
Thursilay, lie ha missed only on
meeting of the board in It year and
protested forcibly against leaving the
mot-ting thia morning long enough to
pose for a picture.
'I'm absolutely hsppy because I try
to live each day for the benefit of
humanity," said Mr. Karnulmr.
Rail Attorney Is
Hot Under Collar
Over Cook Action
Counsel for Northwestern
Protests to Governor Re
lease of Striker Ar
rested at Fremont.
necrylng mob ruse In Fremont,
Neb., where he charge public officials
failed to uphold the law, Wymer
Dressier, counsel for the Northwest'
em railroad, today aptieuled to Clar
em railroad, yesterday appealed .to
Clarence A. I'avls, state's attorney
general, from the action of Joseph C.
ook, Dodge county attorney, in dis
missing kidnaping charge against
quintet of striker.
"Two or three cool head In th
Fremont Mob alone averted a repeti
tlon of tht Herrln, III., murder, for
the majority of the mob wa bent on
bloodshed." Dressier assert In hi
etter to Davis. "If acts of thl char
ucter are to go unpunished, I see no
use In this state for county attorney
or any other prosecuting authorities.
If these same rioter and official were
dealing with a pint of whisky they
would prosecute vigorously and favor
penitentiary sentences, While at
tempted murder goes unpunished."
Dressier call on the attorney gen
eral and Governor McKelvie to bring
the Fremont kidnapers to Justice.
The kidnaping Incident occurred the
night of July H. when a mob of strik
ing employe attacked 10 railway em
ployes, compelled them to run at least
mils In front of speeding autos and
tortured them In other ways, so they
required medical attention, Dressier
The case wa first handled by John.
dumb, acting county attorney, until
Cook returned from Cullfornla a few
days ago. Instead of tiling Informa
tions pursuant to the action In a pre
liminary hearing, . he dismissed the
case on the grounds the penalty for
kndnaplng Is so severe he did not
think a Jury would convict the men.
John McCormack Recovers.
New York, Sept. 29. John Mc
Cormack, tenor, who has been abroad
since last spring when he suffered a
serious throat affection, has recover
ed. He expects to return October 11
from Europe and to make a concert
Welch' Talk No. 12.
KvcrtryKico Custard!
If you will stop in nt
WKIXIIHany time of
day or night, nnd order
up that delightful and
Appetizing delicacy,
vou'll become a con
'vert tr the WKLCII
They ff i-tainly are t v
pert ii.
Mlua M SfM
smi as
W tllt' IM
'. "
Sai. mmmmm
Narcissus Bulbs
As t special Haturda frstur
offer Narcissus Uulbs
Each, 4c
rr Mess ta fUw
Miss Julia Casey
ho was formerly with KldreJg
Reynold, k now located In our
Children's Hlr Bobbins; Bhop.
IW kt-asuai Ihwr
The Foremost of Our Saturday Values
Candy Specials
Cream Brazil
Rich Drttll nut In dclkloui
mpl nd vanilla cream. Spt
t.ailjf priced for haturday
found. II
Dilling's Marshmallows
A fresh shipment Juit rt
rtivtd; these aro txccllent for
Pound, 34
. Assorted Cream
Center of maple, vtnllU
iundat, vanilla whip cream.
strawberry and pineapple cov
ered with thick chocolat.
Tound, 94
Peanut Brittle
Good enough to be the kind
"Mother used to make." For
Pound 21c
Casey Wise MssMala Fleer.
.0 0
Hair Goods
Specially Priced
Caiasbereufb Nats, d 0 U b le
mesh, all colon, 2 for 25ci
ingle meih, all colon, 3 for
Bosnia B Nets, single mesh, all
colors, 3 for 2Sc double
mesh, all colon, 2 for 25c.
Veaida Nats, double and single
mesh, all colon, 2 for 25c.
Rita Nets, double mesh, all col
on, 3 for 2Sc.
Panama Tied Ends, 8 for 25c.
Tke Fedora with elastic, 3 for
Marcel Wavers, double and
triple, 20c to 50c.
Kid Curlers, white, 6 in pkg.,
Curios Curlers, 5 In pkg., 19c.
Burfsss-Nstb Msla Fleer
See This New
Gas Range
One model of the much-
advertised A I c a i a r range
that are sold exclusively in
Omaha at the Burgess-Nash
company. Table gas range
ith either right or left oven,
ze 12 in.xl6 in.x!9 in. Broil
er and four Star burners. Set
up complete.
Burfts-N ash Fourth Floor
Lunch Kits
Now Priced $1.39
Well-made kits of green
enamel. They have a leather
handle and contain a pint
vacuum bottle.
Berfe-Naa -Main Floor.
o o
Special Special
Lournay Beauty
Pack, $1.00
Embodying the most recent
scientific ideas, Lournay pre-
prxatmns will effect a perma
nent improvement in your sp-
pearanrr. The park contains
one dollar sue 001 I.ournay
.'lie d' Amour Face Powder,
small sit lmon (.'ream and
mall site Lournay Beauty
Masque, whlrh mean that you
are given th three article for
the usual price of the lac
w.M NtSUi flew.
For Hallowe'en
favu Tkit ,4ft Difttttni
Ws . supcl 4 with all
Ik tw lie'a fr. A
tll mWIH'K f wiuhea,
rsis, y aad rM t
;i. I aa! pi. ttiU, a4
tre tMa ft etiJfe pMi.
The Season's Triumph These
Silk and Wool Frocks J,
Saturday $
These dresses, ielectcd with the same thought and care
that we bestow upon gowns of much higher pricing, represent
value that is unequaled. Charming new models fashioned of
Crepe de Chine . Satin Hack Weave
Fashionable Wool Twill Weaves
successfully feature each new trend of the mode, both in their
flilhouettes and in their trimmings the circular skirt and trail
ing side panels, metal trimmings and touches of hand or bead
embroidery. In every detail, the superiority of these dresses,
relative to $25.00, is very pronounced.
Burf MS-Nata Drsss .Shop Third Floor
New Mina Taylor
House Frocks of Crepe
Unusual at $3.95
The richness of crepe Is admirably suited to these
dainty house frocks, made with long skirt, kimona
sleeves and wide girdle, and effectively trimmed with
embroidery and contrasting colored motifs.
Burs-Nstli Socm4 Fleer.
Corduroy Lounging Robes
Saturday, $3.95
Robe of wide wale corduroy fashioned with every
thought of comfort for these full and for the coming
winter mornings. They are made well and have bell
shaped sleeves, shawl collar, tailored pockets and
girdles; every wanted shado.
BursMS-Nath Socen Floor
O is. o
Tots' Gingham Dresses .
Knicker Styles, $2.95
Colorful gingham combined with dainty hand em
broidery makes these dresses most attractive. They arc
well cut and made to fit nicely at the knee. Sizes 6 to 12.
Girls' Shop Thud Floor
aV LU I'M. f.'.
Quite the Most Inclusive Selection of
New Fall Millinery
That the New Season Can Offer
$075 $1950 $1S00
y JL aassf
Such a number of hats, all new, all different, and all so modishly
becoming. You will find among them the black panne hats that arc
in the very forefront of the mode softly draped hats graceful
dress millinery in rich autumn tones. Models suitable to every age.
Smart Hats
at $5.00
In this section, devoted exclus
ively to hats at the popular price
of $5.00, you will find a number of
styles that please. At this un
expected pricing are hats you will
like ever so much. All $5.00.
Banded Sailors
$5.00 to $12.50
In which one may at all times,
and in all places, appear well tai
lored. Gage and other makes.
Sports Felts
$1.95 to $7.50
Soft and crushable felts for
which one has unlimited need dur
ing the winter season. , ,
Little Girls' Hats, $1.95 to $5.95
Winter millinery designed to gladden the hearts of little girls, for
the styles are those in which they look most cunning, the materials and
olors those most becoming to the very young. Very special values.
Burf -Nath Hat Shop Third Floor
The Best to Be Had in
Little Boys' Suits
$7.50 to $12.50
Striped and checked woolens, made
coat style, with Eton collar and yoke
across the back; straight trousers. In
sizes 3 to 8 years.
Olivet Txvisl
Of Jersey, flan
nel or a combination
of tweed trousers and
poplin blouse. In sizes
2 to 8 years.
$5 to $10
New Fall
Finely striped per
cales and ginghams in
sizes 5 to 16 years are
marked for Saturday's
special selling at
Each, 75c
Boy.' Shop Main Floor.
Very Special Saturday
Fall Hats for Men
Each, $3.50
Soft felts, high-grade hats,
blocked for ample head room.
These are new styles and very
good values at $3.50.
Many Other Styles
for Fall Wear
are from such makers a's Mai- s
lory, Crofut and Knapp, Stet- 0
sons and are priced at $3.50 V
to $iu.uu. rxr
Man's SSo; Main Floor U SrJi;&?'
Lad Enrollment Day of
Children's Health
Children under 5 years
of age may be enrolled
for examination free of
charge. Private examina
tions will be made by
prominent Omaha physi
cians and dentists, and by
children's specialists.
Every afternoon from 2
to 4 a program interesting
to mothers will b? ; given
in the auditoriom- Phone
enrollment tomorrow.
O rO'
Cool days call for suits, and
suits call for blouse. We
have an assortment of over
blouses made of Georgette
Crepe, Crepe de Chine, and
beautifully e m b r o idered or
elaborately beaded in attrac
tive designs. These are priced
surprisingly low at
Epch, $5.00.
Blouaa Shop Third Floor
Special" Hose
The name speaks for the
quality and' when you learn
that they are full fashioned,
made with .the double knee,
Granite knee the mill calls it,
in all the new fall shades, you
will appreciate this low pricing.
Pair, $2.50
o o
Special Values in Our Downstairs Store
Most Exceptional These
New Fall Dresses
at $19.50
A greater variety, smarter styles, and
values tremendously greater than those
that you would connect with these
Canton Crepe Embroidered Serge
Poiret Twill Crepe Pack Satin
- New Top Coats, $16.75
They are the smart coats that you
note admiringly on the street or nee In
thU or that window at higher price.
In warm double-faced or pUMed back
material, with the nuiniUh pockcta that
with the topcoat.
Little Ciirls' Dresses
Sftdom di you find iuch unusual
aiue a nhnwn In the dresses. They
r mud tf alt-woul rif, prettily tm
hridered or braid trimmed. Hie
$4.95 to SI (MM)
Our Boys' Special
Sturdy School Shoes
Pair, $2.98
Splendid shoes of brown calf and gun metal
leather, priced much lower than one expects to buy
nhoes of this quality. Made in IUucher and KnglUh
styles. Shoes that will titand up under hard wear.
Sizes 1 to 15.
Burf oaa-Noah Douatlaitt Slot
Saturday Home Special
Fairvicw Honey
Pure strained honey that Omaha people will en
joy, for it U mud from the sweet of our western clover.
Mb. jar. 29c. 3 lli. jar. 79c.
3-lb. pail, $1.19. 10.b. ra, $2.09.
to Na - Pa4oa !
Ha by Dresses : Petticoats
Knch 43c
Lovely tare and embroidcry trimmed dree, nd
dainty white petticoat reduced (of thi lied Arrow spa
tial. Sliee from Infanta ta 2 year. At only 43.
wa uk K4 Mb-lMto S
Chiffon Hose
These recent arrivals are of
excellent quality clear silk chif
fon. Black, Sahara and gun
metal, the wanted fall shades,
are to be had in these hose.
Pair, $3.50
o o .
Union Suits
The union suit that com
bines waist and panties, has
bei'nme very popular with
mothers, for they have made it
i-iisier for childrrn to dress
themselves. Sues 2 to 12.
Suit, $1.00
o o
Diabetic Foods
I.orb's D.abrtie t'tuvls can
now b 4rrhn.i in our
8vtth f Hr Tr Room ami
in th Pvnstair Store t'afe.
La'i DUVolio flroaat, I
kaf, ttus ft I 4ns , tl OO.
lo.V Oiaaoli
L's CloWn ?.UI,a, iO
a sHis.
UoW PuUh laJr r !,
tW' lltaUlla !)( Ch
l' C.lolo RtatlCart,
Hoatl Conditions
mmmm kMMn MM
tiaiisne SlISISIII M
('i 4 T I.