The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 30, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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Tax Reductions
of "Rainmaker"
Must Be Small
Governor McKelvie Expo1
Slogan of Bryan in Cam
paign for State
Alnsworth, Nb, Hpt. JJ Spa
rta!. rOovtrnnr M Klvl In an "1
i!r hfr on th tta political ltua
(ton Mid;
MTh 'rainmaker rmll1at fr
tovtrnor on th democratic tlkt
.y in i win nowr ia rmio
t una upon lha paopl it tha aula
ml lmmHl.illy pomta to tha repral
f tha cxJ aa tha meant by which
li hall accomplish thla rult. .
I "It bu alrtudy bn polntl out
that tha elimination of tha aaUtrl- nf
tha eoda wratorlra nuM result In
a poMlhU ut reduction o( 13 1, 000 fit
I per rent. Thla Indeed would ba
mime shower but at that, It la an
Rturh aa might ba aipected of a 'rain
maker.' To go further: If the aute
houita er to ba closet entirely and
tha aalartea of all tha tut employ
Ilmlnt1. Ini'lU'lInc lha ronalitu
the Incrmna Hi M it taxe for tha l-t
four year piruJ i uiTotiiitf.t for,
Itepubllrana Cut Tair.
'if itiurae, anyone ran undrrUn4
that thera can r a further reduction
llonal dtli-a. tha coda department t , UXKti ,.MUM ,na nwjoP portion
and tha auprrme court. It would r
ult In a poM'iila ux raduction of
7-10 of 1 per rant.
Kxtrnalv Improvement.
"During tha p-st four year tha
atata haa been engaged In an eaten
aiv program of Improvement, the
ery lr priHrtlon of which la ac
counted for In permanaiil Improver
ment and capital Investment: i:.Poo,.
0u for aoldiera' relief, over IS.ftoo.oiiO
thua far rulard for tha new atata capi
tal, mora than S,noo,Ooo Im'reuso fur
I' road, over In
crease for the etata uulveralty, over
f!,UM4,nvo Inrreuio fur prnal and rharU
tnble Institutions, over 1750,000 In
crease fur normal iuIkxiU. over tloo,.
000 fur tha eradication of bovine tuber
culoid, over 1:50,000 Inrreaae for voca
tion education, IZOO.OOO Increaae for
paving around etuta Inatltutlona, and
over l40,ooo for atate aid to arhoola.
Thtiaa Item and other minor Itema
fur new and Incrensrd actlvltk of
tha etiite, nftrr tuuklnii allowance fur
the diKi'untlnuanra of activities thiit
wore carried on (luring tha blennluni
of 191518, IncliiNlve, Iciivea a total
Increusn it nearly IK.OOO.doo. Thua
M Rational Institution
Jrom Coast to Coast
"The Store ot the Town"
For School and Dress
"Send your boy to us."
Here's one Btore where the
boy can shop as well as
yourself. We have the
clothes for him. Made in
our own factory, they offer
the best suits at the best price of the season.
Right now we are specializing some
wonderful quality suits at
Handsome all-wool tweeda and fancy
Scotch mixtures. 7 to 16 years.
of theae new and liurcim-d ai'tivltt's
hive either been completed or nl
not ba continued on tha urn axten
dive bai. It ia front thia aourc tit
decreased tax will come, rather thnn
from elimination of a few employe.
The rrulillcan purty hn already
shown li gxid faith In thla respect
by liuvlng reduced atata tux one
third for tha preaent yr.
"It I only fair now that the 'ruin-
maker candidate ahoutd point out
jut exactly wlier h propowa to ef-
feet any conMldcrahla derrenan In
HIM, aalde from the decrease that
would naturally reeult aa above out
lined, and he ahould tell tha peoplo
about whether he object to the ,.
000,000 that wa approprlatid for sol-
dler' relief, or whetlier he I oppoaed
to the building of the new capitol, or
whether he la opoaed to the 5,000 mile
of good etute road that have been
built, or wh'th-r ha would deprive tha
young men nnd women of the elate of
the rduiutlonul advantage that ara
afforded in the unlverlty and normal
schools, or whether h would dlsre-
turd the need of tha atnte'a depend
ent who nra now being taken cure
of in the penal and ch.irilnhl Institu
tions, the Increaaed enrollment of
which amounta to about 35 per cent In
tha lint Bin year."
Guartl Medical Hcgiment
I Planned in Nelirahka
Lincoln, Bept. 29. (Rpeclul.V Ad
jutant Oneral Paul of the National
guard i organizing a medical regi
ment, to ho known aa the lloih United
Utah's National guard regl
moot. Dr. H. W. Orr of Lincoln, a
captain In the world war, haa been
appointed colonel. Location of tha
unit will be made later. Headquar
ter will be in Lincoln, where Dr. A
I). M unter haa been made head of
a hoHpltul company.
The regiment will conHlet of 277 en
lilted men and 26 commlasloned Vffl
cer. a total of 03. All nave the
veterinary crop and one ndmlnUtra'
tlve officer will be llcenied physicians.
Republican Candidate
Speak at Dalton Festival
Daltnn, Ncl., Rept. 29. (Special.)
The Dnlton-Cheyennn County featlval
wa held here and the largest crowd
ever seen In Dalton. wa In attend
ance. The agricultural exhibit were
mid to equal those on display at any
fair In western Nebraska thla fall.
Feature were tho big dinner when
about 2,600 were Bcrved, a good pro
(tram of sport, addresses by J. 8.
Kroh, republican candldata for state
r.enator from 31st district for state
Simmon, republican candidate from
the Sixth district.
Will Observe Anniversary.
York, Neb., Sept. 29. Special.)
York Lodge. No. 35, I. O. O. F., will
celebrate their 80th anniversary Oc
tober' 2. Fifty years ago there were
24 charter members and today the
membership ia 166.
i am the modern
CUnMifiz Lamp I am
Jhe Omaha J3ee WmtlM,
fry ?fs
I vr-v - I
! I 1
Instead of granting wishes
and doing things for one
man as did that wonder
ful lamp of long ago I am
at the beck and call of
everyone rich and poor
alike who use me.
I aid them in disposing of
the things they do not want
get them that which they
are seeking find lost ar
ticles for them secure
good workers for employ
ers and lucrative positions
for employes. My power
is endless and I work all
The next time you want
anything remember me
an Omaha Nee "Want" Ad.
will bring you better re
sults anil work at lesser
7?"! IIIC vultu,a "w"H
Ucr nniir niriiiim nrp
department tvtr" Btt
Eastern Promoter
Attaches Funds
of Hugo Slinnes
Court Action Ilevfula Plan of
German Industrial Mag
nate to Flout Lou Ma
in V. S.
New York, Sept. 29. Attachment of
fundx carried In four New York b-iiik
to the credit of Hugo Wtlnnca, ti-r-man
Industrial nmannle, In connec
tion with a f2.0SS.ini In eac h of i on-
tract ult filed by Jiinif A'. Tilltnan,
promoter, rovruli-d that Htnns,
through various financial rjnii,
bad mad attempt to float loan for
hundred of millions of ollar In this
Tha attachment order, signed by
Hupretna Court Justice Wesacrvogcl,
waa placed in iffwt by drputia to
Hheriff Nable of New York county.
The fund, the exact amount of which
wa not dlscloKed, nie held by tha
National City bank, Mm Guaranty
TruMt company, the tfiultabln Trust
company and Iloliesen k Co.
Tillman claimed that on May 3, 1919.
he entered Into an agreement with
Ktinne which necessitated tha trans
fer to a Hweden corporation control
led by Htlnnes, of certain agencies for
developing trade Willi tli 1'iilled
Htatcs. Thesii ugencle were owned
by Tilltnan, he stated, and lie was
to become ninnaglng director of tho
principal offleo at Hlockholm.
Htlnnes, Tillman s statement con
Inued, wa to furnish collateral
security that Tlllinnn might under-
inl.e to a Iiiuh at
III ltl I'tll'nl r ul
lumaj i.f fii: ullll (J t!l tulUiti-ral,
ilm nidieitit ut Kiatinues, Hi, nit. a ton
t in ted g i't of ' f.liuni'l il lietilr
a eurt of titice4 fur iJiiriiiBity'
finnncml a.'fiii-ltoii.'' wliM h Tillman
Ih'iUElit would never l wruiuoly en
lr;,ante. y , banker..
line of tlieM ttii-!rr, Tillman
averred, wn that he wa to obtain a
HOn.ooii.ftiHi Iimii iiihiii !lllmra
promlmry unsrvurt-d by any
iotlalei.ll After tliU I'mi. the Hlo
ment vent on, iSMliil. .Uillllrd to Umu
thj money fur tl punliMM In lha
I'nlli.l rk'tti of li'lliniis of marks at
the curn'iit rehni;o rata.
illiisbu.ul Won! 'a.hlVr;
..... ... .
wile iMit-iii Utvorte
Liuctiln, riept. t -hHw ul m
iun why ch kanl4 a dlvrti,
Mr, alary A, Harden t..ld Jmt.a
Morning m diktriti court.
her bunlnad, Jam- Kdwrd ll.mlen,
would $a fur wreka at a tliu without
w.shing alhnr hand or f. Hh
Mid tins griwily ttuiotlutsd her and
d' tiivet her of tha imm inly of friend
They have been inanird eaia. Mi
l.trdll sm-uied tha "ef.
Sttniiiits Honor lunrut.
All in the fn,ver,ty of Na
brukkit Mrii tollrga wr d mid
yesterday at t fr
,ii the amphitbwter
in tha au
bu;ld ng, in reict to lha memory or
frank I., ilaller of lha b-mrd of r-g-nta,
who dird thi week,
r. IU cdO-r, medical missionary
in India and one of tha third gnr
lion tn her fm ly i to serva. also ad
dressed tha me-llcal students.
Slirlton Youth I.oem Kyt
in Kx)loioii ut School
Hhelton, Neb., H pt. W. Hcnl.
flanild Lee, 11, ii of Mr. and Mrs.
Jem Lee nf this place, will i b
uicht if hi rye n the result cf an
rtpiiiilun V.I1I1I1 oi' In tha
rhmnli al laboratory of tha Khelton
High school. Tint i iiiki of tha e.
plilli haa not Im-i-h determined, Tha
hoy was Rtruek In the eya by a pe-
of flying glass. Hevrral other stu
dent received slight seratche. but
were not badly Injured.
"W'iM llorne" Conspirator
Freed From Leavenworth
J. FUlney Hmllh, head of tha 'wild
li'irse" consplraey hi re six yesr ago,
appeared In the olllce of Deputy Clerk
John Nicholson of tha federal court
in (mialiit Thursday, shook hands with
attache and disappeared.
it-in 1 1 Ij was sentenced to two year
In Leavenworth prlHon, Ma started
his trim Heptember 3o last year. He
did not ny huw hi release wa obtained.
1 ireWiWliAj& I
At thi time wo are able to offer you the fine! quality of furniture and
home furnitihinKa at reasonable prices. Come in to nee uh soon. We invite in
spection ana comparinona.
Use Want Ads produce rcsull.
Overstuffed Spring Arm, Locse Cushion Tapestry Davenport
like cut ! $89.00
Shown In one pattern of tapestry only; special while stork last Saturday only at above price.
Thi Davrnport, larre size, thoroughly built, carefully designed, has wvb bottom. Outside back
covered with the same material at front. Rocker to match ....$15.00
We guarantee to FIT you per
fectly in whatever style of suit or
overcoat you may want. Our
clothe3 are TAILORED to your
measure, and they are finished in
the finest of hand-tailored workmanship.
We guarantee every piece of
WOOLEN to be 100 per cent all
WOOL. Our materials are ' all
selected stocks, the BEST you can
find, and they will give complete
satisfaction in wearing quality.
' -'miiiiiiiiiii'iiiiimo-T'ttfmiim:'i'.iii"'"l
d m
: j)j;,uiii,iuiit.ioiiiiiiii,-iiiii::iiiii.!M
i iiiiioiiiiiiini iiioiiiiiiiiiioiliiiiiioia'l
J y
Dependable Duofold Bed
In Spanish Fabricoid. Frames are of ook, care
fully finished Kolden oak, polished or nut brown
fumed. Easily convertible from attractive,
comfortable settee to restful, full size bed with
real spring: and mattress. Price, either finifch,
at $30.50
LrVVi51 Wr.,'
Arm Chairs,
$35.00 and S2y.50
In tholes teptxtr snil lour uphoUtHt,
loaf cufhion type like rut with softlr psdiled
hs-ki and arms, back rovtred In iimi mtttrial
A new Bath and Bedroom Rug; '.1 beautiful color
combinations, made of the fintst cotton yarns in check
weaves, all colors and very low in price.
Size 24x3 82.75 27x54 84.25
Size 24x48 83.50 30x60 85.00
15 only, 6x9 Roxbury Axminster Rugs in good colorings
of blue, also brown Oriental patterns; these are slight
ly imperfect in the matching or shade, but does not
affect the wear. Special 822.75
Remnants of Linoleum
In sizes up to 10 feet In length by 6 feet wide; these are nriced very low to close outj
splendid values for bath rooms and halls; bring in the size of the space to cover and realize
a generous saving.
iill!iii!Ji:iiilii.n!.!iilniriii.,iiilHi, ,1 iii,::iii.ulHl,.i il:..i.iiilii'ui.":iij.:i.riil..!:i eri.llnil.4i-li.1
) :iiii:i:IUiiiliii'l'il ;:.i:fl !:!,iiiii!!.;i!tii:iiliiM
We guararftee colors to be FAST
If a suit or overcoat of ours
FADES, shrinks or in any way
does not give you perfect satis
faction, we are ready to make
You pay us only
Why stands for mis fits, poor mate
rials and styles that do not fit your
build. Come in and let us TAKE
or overcoat. Dundee Clothes are
smart looking and cive you a decided
advantage over tho man who buys
the ready-made kind.
KM) 9i
Northwest Comer 15th n l llarnty Street
Factory Demonstration and Sale
of the Famous
Red Star Oil Stove
Save Fuel
Save Money
The best wickless oil stove on the market. We
have hundreds of satisfied customers using
them now.
Factory Demonstration Begins Saturday Morning, Sept. 30th
Detroit Red Star Vapor Oil Stoves
Sell at $27, $34 $42, $64 and $78
$3.00 cash and $5.00 per month. Don't fail to visit demonstration given by
Factory Representative, Basement Stove Department.
I !
Factory Demonstration and Sale
of Celebrated
Detroit Jewel
Gas Range
Begins Saturday
Morning, Sept 30
Wt firry th Detroit Jtwel beeau hellv
U to t th trtt Uai Mv on th nurkrt,
HThty BaV DttUr'
X IMroi! Jfwrl lik cut, all rt frame, ftnit finish, UttS Inch ovn, $450
on trrm of IS O4) dawn anil 5 Ci) r month.