The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 30, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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roots, i
to scienr
'-If j
t: i
i. Y. Republicans
Name Candidates
at Closing Session
Governor Miller and Senator
CaMf r HcnoniinaUd A J
ministration Kndorsrd
in State rial form.
AlUny, N. pt. It The trpuU
llran tt eunventinn xt Wt eum
pMed Id work yeatentay, rmomfnal
Int Governor Natnm l, Alillrr vt tfyr
aouee lid t'nited Hint! Mniutur Wil
liam M- I'alder ft brook lyn and Ml
m a tuki of mi ufiii-w.
Adoption t a mute i4mfi.ini which
enlured "th artmlnlalrutlv effr'ienry
and f"i' einnimil.-" i f the uit
minlatretlitna of rrenlil'nt ll.uilli.x
and Uuvrrnor Miller, )li'.li;rl uimhI
u tb irimlt of hunt rule for
iiiunlclnilitl; ionmirl equal rlnlil
for wuiiiffi and whk'h Ignored tho iro
hlliltlon quint Ion, iricdi-d III nurul
lint lung.
Tin complete Hi kit nominated In:
duvernor, Nullum Millr of Hyra
ruae; lieutenant governor, Col Wil
liam J. Iknoviin of Jfufftilo; comp
troller, William J. Malr t Hine
Fall; attorney Renrrul, Kreklne C.
IUer of lliiildoii Kail; nfintury of
lat, Hamuel J. Jomi1i of tho lljonc
tnta trrnaurer, N. Monroe Mirihtill
of Mulona; atnta engineer and ctir
veyor, Clinrlea I.. Cuille, llnt-hcater.
Hecnliry of Btnt John I. Lyon,
who pernlHtml in hla ill tcrmlnntlon to
ran 7 Ma flRht for renomlnAtlnn to
tha convention floor In aplta of over
turee rf atnta lender who wlahed him
to withdraw, wua over hdmliiKly de
feated by Mr, Joarph In tho only con
teat of an other! hnrmoniou con
vention. Tha vote wna 1,031 to 151.
Mr. Stfllman-Wins
FWHt on Divorce
KMlImM rmm rata Om
that plaintiff totniiUInt ahould b
Th rfree'a report, an motion l
allhrr tlila, will In Puprem ttourt
Juctl'-a Mowhauaer fur runnrniation
nr rejrctlon. It la e.perted that Jua
tie M.t.'(hiut will uphold tha find
In (t a of Mr, lllraann.
Two of lha Unlor'i attorney, Col.
William Idinil and OuterprMii I tur
ner, woltliig to hear tha drclalon In
Mr. (!laann'a cirTlr at l'oui;hkerl.
(im-llnwl to aay whether they Intended
to appeal from tha referee's finding.
Dr. Sun Admits
Attempt to Form .
Triple Alliance
Ultimatum Delivered
to Turkey by British
Denoted Preaident Says China
in Need of Aid front Pow.
en That Wilt Treat
Nation a Equal.
Khana-hal. I1. .. (fly A. P.r-
Vr. 0un Vat Hm, deponed prealJent of
aotita China, Uday aJmitted tha ait
. ,.w ............ ,...,. mir, in unniifc. .,..,. I . . 1 l. .h.
lha KiiH-.pal .-ual on. anoihrr of V""r"r -
Tlia Sivonnnh Itlvtr la rarryint tit
carloada of fleorxl fnrm litnd Into
tha orean rtnlly, bxrnuH. the. wanton
rtentructlon of foimta hiia Riven the
heavy ralnf.ill a better rlianre to dojuijdtir the name of "Krooklyn Harold
Ha work. i IoiU."
Ix-lnR the pnreiite of HUelllmnla rhll
drtn, hni ln in many way. without
parnll! In the hlatory of domaatie
ruptuin In Amrrlran hlnh aorlaty.
Junit-a A, Wtllluian, who Inttltutad
he rnurt finx eeiin, wa pruldenl
of the National cily lank of New
York. Hie aon of a flmer head of
that iiiatltuilon ami a noted multl
millionaire. J iharRmt hla wife, tha
former Klfl I'ottar, a furtioua beauty,
of Infl.lelity, aaylnc he waa aullty of
mlMinnitui-t from 1911 throuah 1111
With frrd lli-uuvele. an Indian aolje
at their aummi-r camp hear Three
It! vein, Quel-. Mr. Ktilltnan da
rlnred Ileduvala waa the fa' ef
Guy Htlllmiin, born to Mri. Stlllman
In November, 1919.
Thia rhnrgt waa denied by Mra
Htiilrtiaii.' In retaliation aha acruaed
her huxhand of mlaronduct with three
women. One of thoae named wa.
Florence U. Ieda, a former broad
way ehow Bltl. Tha other two were
Identified aa "Helen" and "Hera."
Mr. Hnllmnn aaaerted her huahand
aa the father of two children bom
to Mr. lel. the ilaukhtvr of a New
Voik plumber. One Infant died at
birth. The other, Jay Ward Leeda.
born In Heptrmber, 1919, la livlna and
Mr. Htlllrnan aald her huMiand had
furnUhed tlia mother with luxurlou
home In- New Vprk and on Long
Inland, and that ht lived with bet
nnd Jier child In the, plncea, poln
Konfkona Telearnph. taken from
Kun'a privatf t after hla fliaht
from Canmitt diel"in hta connection
with a project to form a triple alli
ance eompeeed of China. Urrmany and
lha Moaeow aovlet aovernment.
In a lenathy atatement Hun deelared
that- It waa hi "conaidered opinion
that China .tnnla in great heed of
aaal.tanct from power that will treat
her aa ait eo,ual and 1 believe that
(iermany and Itueala, aa they now are
ituverned, ran and will treat with
Vhlmi on terma of ei ullt y. There
for I favor a policy looking toward,
cloaer relatione with thene HaeM."
dun', elilirment continued:
"China ever hue been hrld Inferior
by the powrra. I regard the dlenrma-
ment of (Iermany and the nbilltion
of (Iermany'. , extraterritorial rlehte
In China aa plaelhg her In the eat-
t-ory tf nohiKtnaiv Kwer.
'One of the greatret danirera to the
politleul Indeprndenc and Integrity
of China hna leen removed by the
rlee of the aovlet government of !tua
ala and long a. tha aovlet eontlhtie.
It. nonlmperlnllatla iwllcy, repulillrnn
China will have nothing to fear from
"I do not conidr that a poller of
rapprcx'lnimeiit with, tlime power,
would militate ngulnat the legitimate
Intereat of Bhy other power dealrlng
atrnflge, reunited China, On the
other hand, fcurh a policy Would .erve
the beat Intereat. Of a nonmonarvhlal,
rohreuttionitcy china."
(('Mlaoed fmm fee Oal
hit flag with rifle . reverted
whenever they ate near our truopa
They aliow no aggreaal'tn. but make
the flrltKh ltutlia militarily Moat
diirteuli, and their movement, nat
uraliy furnlih an etelirnt metliMl
ol reconnolterlnf .
Kuiitora of Kvaruallon.
There wer rumor overnlaht that
the ullie would iMNWilily evaruat
Conatantltiople, thua allowing the
Kemalieta through to Thrace, while
the allied headiiuariere would be
eatuhlmhed In (laltlpoll, where they
could cooperate with the Urltiah
forcea In Channk In keeping th
Mra It open.
Krar I. nlao expreaaed . K't tie
Kemallrt eympathlter In Conatantt
nuple atari an uprUIn within th
Th opinion I. expre.aed that Kent
at la trying to provoke tha I.rltlah to
fir nn the Turke ao that ha can turn
to the Mohammedan world and claim
he hna been attacked by the Chrle-
llan. fhmill urh a thing ocpur.
It would naturally rnle a gr;iv laau
for (treat brltaln, India. Kgypt and
Urltiah Rmbarraaaed.
CoiiRtaiillnople, Sept. J9. The brlt-
leh In Ohinuk ere frankly ehilmr
rad In th far of th continued
encroachment on their pnaltlnn and
ur puuleil to know what to do. a.
they have order tint to fir. Theao
unoppnaed Invaalon. give th Turk
excellent opportunity of recohnolt-erlng".
Obnerver any tha britlah have
ehown patience and tolerance and that
per Imp hever In lilatnry did friend
nnd foe touch elbow, ao cloaely with
out a alngla .hot being fired.
Trench for Ilefenae.
Tha allied high commlaaloner. have
decided to diepatch a commlaalon
compoaed of britlah, French and
Italian official, to Itodoato, Lule
buurga. and Adrlnnople, In Thrace,
in order Id exerclae a pacifying- in
fluence there.
According to th Exchange Tele-
trnph, part of the French tioope
which were wlthdrawa from Chatald
n, nd fchirh hav aim been In
t'onntaittluopl will b ued for the
defence of th ICuropean .nor of Ihe
With their baeka to the atralte. the
PrltUh forcea In Cltanak now look
out on three (Idea upon th force of
lluatapha Kemal laha. Th Turk
hav completed their occupation of
lh neutral ine and a climax la
awlfily approaching,
l-.'nergetle Note,
(ieneral Tell. Trench high com
mander, haa dipatchn an nrgetie
not to Hmyrna telling Muatapha
Kernel that th Hrlti.h alm-erlly de
airea to avoid a conflict, but that
Tranc will not be able to reatraln
them If they are attacked.
Tha britlah are confident that they
enn hold their line agnlnat any Kern-
allot attack. Among th lirlllnh naval
unit are tha auiterdreadnaughta lie
vetig and Iteaolute, th moat power
ful mano'war afloat.
Th britlah haval aulhorltlea are
holding up all Oreek and Turklali
craft In Ihe boephorua and th Pur
danellea, making minute aearchea for
materlala of war.
I'nmoleaied by Turk.
Th Oreek battlehlp AvcrorT, which
wa taken from Conatantlnople by a
mutlnnu rrw, la proceeding through
th unmolcated by th Turk'
land battel lea.
Crowd.'' continue to atorm all th
ronaulate and pnaaport orflce. in the
capital. In the In at 24 hour the '
flieek eonaulat hue lued l.oaa
Kvery outgoing train and boat la
ItUed to rapacity. flmil ft.hlng and
men limit boat, are taking th over
flow and their owner are leaping
lurge profit.. The proeiwct of war
ha brought to Conetaminopl newe
paper cwreenondente of every nation
ality. The United Mtatea lead. lth
It writer, rtreat brltaln ha It.
Kranca 7, Italy 4 and the reel are
nattered among other countrle.
Revolutionaries Place
Ministers in Prison
H entf nuril FceM far Ok.
mut arrange fur hi departure aa
afton aa Maibl,
('onataniln Trleoner.
farla, ept. tt.Mby A. r.r-E
King Conatantln haa been held prl-
oner lit Athena pending arrangement
fur .ending him out of lha country,
according to meaange received In of
ficial quarter In farli today,
Five mlnleter of the I'rotopapa
dakl government hav been fmprl.
oned, th meage etfttea, charged
with reapinllilllty for tha defeat of
th (Ireek army In Alia Minor and th
auceeedlng event In (Ireece, Ttieae
mlnlatara, It la declared, wilt lie tried
by a military commlMlon, They are:
M. (lounarla, rVrntna, Theotokia, OoU
dim and brotopapadukl.
The mlnlater. charge that th de
feat of lb tiieek army and tt.a down
fall of Contuliniple wer due til a
Venlaolua plot.
Athene. )-pt. :, Tli Urerk army
in Thrace ha Uef.nitely Jomt th
revulutiAn. Th army carp, in th
Kpru haa aleo thrown in ta lot
with th revulutionial.
Venlielo In Conferenre.
Taria, rtept. J9. ty A. r.)-Tirmer
ll'rrhiier Venlnloa of (Iran1 returned
to I'ur.a from Ieuville lotluy and lm
nieiliately entered Into ronf-reiic
with fr'end and political aic:atva
who iher at hla hotel,
Th conference. - It I undi-ratund.
w.ll conaidrr whether M. Vrniaalo
Will reply to the Athena revolutionary
committee' Invllallon to represent
Greece at the peac conference ! in
th allied capital.
(ieorg Take Oalli.
Athena. Hepl. j.-(Hy A. r
Crown I'rlhc fleorg ha taken the
thai military rablnet will be farmed,
but the rtolutioiiary rommitlea will
continue l' aurvelHaiue of thia pro
vi.nmnl aovei miient until election
ran N held.
The briltah minltr to Or,
Trancl O. I.lndley, haa aeked ! ht
leceived br the tecum emnmltie,
teljialiH la t'bknowa.
It la reHned that th bdl-atd i
king. Coneiantlne, former gueea
lloplile, and Conatantln brotHer.
t'rlnca Nlrholaa and I'rmc Andrew,
ar to leave Allien, today, but then
deal i nat ion he nK been learned.
Trine I'aul. younger eon of Con
atantln, probably will be ked to r
main In (Ireece.
The pew king aeaumra the title
(lemge 11. (ieorge I. hla grandfather,
a prince of the royal hou of In-
miik, wa born In Copenhagen In
)HJ and f aaenate. in Palonlkl
in 19)1
fan!. i ge. II. The officiate
oath a. king, and flreece. pending h ( e-Arei of the ontntine reglma hav
formation of a new mlnietry, I. being
governed by It officer, repreaenting-j
th. army and navy. An executive
ronimiite. a trlumvirat comMaed f
Colonel. Conntaa and I'kiatlr. for the
army and Captain I'lioka tor the
navy, I In actual direction of Ihe new
regme, Athena continue nu:ei, per
fect order being maintained everywhere.
The nationalist movement, a It la
called, la aheolutely nonpartlaan, ac
enrdina to an announcement by the
executive committee. It la prolMe
urned over tlielr off tree to revolu-
tlonary fun-r ahu formed pro
vietorml goveriiinent of Hire Venlxel
Ute. dmyrna, ipt. Hy A. P.r Ten
Creek owned veiieel .teamed Into the
htiibor lt night, lindrr th protectlor
of the American flag, and took on
fn.flQO refuaeea and victim of th fir
Th Ahieilcan navy, under bear Ad
mil ill Hi Intnl. la atrivlng valiantly t(
nv the remainder, Wh' number not
lee than 41.0(10. .
Where Quality Meets With Lower Prices
Number Size Price
In Italian CarusO
Tito Schipa
In Fnnch De Luca
Sergei Rachmaninoff
12 $1.75
10 1.25
The new Victor Records provide an ever-changing musical per
formance where all may find the music that appeals most to their per
sonal taste. These new selections are classified in groups so that you
can the more easily find the numbers which will make your record col
lection a source of even greater pleasure. Any dealer in Victor prod
ucts will play any music you wish to hear.
Salvator Rosa Mia picctralla (My Little Girl) (Gomez)
JVlnnon II Sogno (The Dream) (Maiienet) In ItatUn
The Little Shawl of Blue (Teschtmacher-Hewitt)
Old Folks at Home (Swariee River) (Stephen C. Fosterf
Herodiade Vision Fugitive (Fleeting Vision) (Masienet)
Ernani O de verd' anni miei
(Oh Bright and Fleeting Shadows) (Verdi) In Italian
Minuet (From "L'Arlesienrte," No. 1)
IBizet-Rachrtaninfifll Piano Sot
Symphonie Espagnole Andante (Lalo) ttoliHSolo Miacha Elman
Walkiire Ride of the Valkyries (VVtRnet-Hutcheion) Piano Sold OlgaSamaroff
RSveria (Emile Dunkler) Violoncello Solo Hans Kindler
Valse Sentimentale (Schubert-Franko) Violin Solo Erika Morini
' Samiramide Overture Part I Victor Symphony Orchestra
Semiramide Overture Part II Victor Symphony Orchestra
Travlata Prelude Victor Svmohonv Orchestra
, Casse NoisetteValse da Fleura Victor Symphony Orchestra
(Nutcracker Suite waits ot the Flower.)
Keeping Step with the Union March
Gallant Seventh March
Little Coon's Prayer
Wonderland of Dreams
Beckv ia Back in the Ballet
. Sheik of Avenue B
Mv Buddv
Down Old Virginia Way
Only a Smile
My Machree'a Lullaby
DUle Hit hway
My Cradle Melody
Sousa's Band
Souia'e Band
Olive Kline
Olire Kline-Elsie Baker
Fanny Brice
Fanny Brice
Henry Burr
Edna Brown-Henry Burr
John Steel
Charlea Harrison
Alleen Stanley
Peerleaa Quartet
Lambert Murphy
Lambert Murphy
I Dream of Jaante with the Light Brown Hair
(Stephen C. Tomrl
My Days Have Been So Wondrous Fre
(rrtMtt llopkinwa)
Don't Brim Me Posies Medtay Fe Tret Bensen Ortheatra of Chlcaio
On the Alamo-Fe Tret ftensan Orehestra of Chicago
9truttln' at the Strutter s Ball Fea Trot ZtaCanfrey and HlaOrcheatra
The Frnth Trct-r a Tret All Star Trio ana Their Orchestra
Why Should 1 Cry Over Yeu T-Fe Trot The Virginians
IUu.-Fo Trot The Virginians
1 Can Yeu Forgat-Fea Tret Club Royal Orchestra
Two Little Wooden SheFe Tret Club Royal Orchestra
' 1'IOM d ltll"!
' Truly- To Trot Paul Whitemen eiul Ilia Orchestra
Dihe-A Sweet vTwoatv Foa Tret The Densen Orehoatra of Chicago
1 5ay It Nhlle Dnclnr-fo4 Trot The tWnaori Orchestra of Chicago
I'm Just Wild About Harry-r oi Tift Tsui Whlteman arwl Ills urtneaua
lh ' Ske.1t Akg")
(Coal Black Mammy Fea Tie!
TrUkaFoi Tie!
Paul WMlaman n4 Hla Orchestra
Paul Whtteman arvi HU Onhastra
66085 "10 1.25
74771 12 1.75
74772 12 1.75
66049 10 1.25
66086 10 1.25
'18927 10 .75
35717 12 1.25
18929 10 .75
45325 10 1.00
45323 10 1.00
il8930 10 .75
18934 10 .75
'18935 10 .75
45324 10 1.00
18931 10 .75
1S033 10 .7S
18933 10 .73
189M 10 .75
18937 10 .75
181XJS 10 .75
9m to .?s
'w2J tLws3ca'
Fancy madras in every
desirable shade for
d r a p es. Discontinued
patterns, 36 to 45 inches
wide, are specially priced
Saturday for 98c a yard.
Curtain neta, 48c a yd.
A large selection of filet
and novelty weaves.
Neat, attractive patterns
in white, ivory and ecru.
40 to 48 inches wide.
Second Floor
Purchases' charged
during the sale will
appear on Novem
ber 1st statements.
Tailored Suits
$49.50 and $59.50
The sort of suits one naturally asso
ciates with high prices.
1 Trim, attractive suits mannishly tai-
lored in smart navy and gray mix
tures in keeping with the usual
Thompson-Belden standard of ex
cellence. .
Values You Will Appreciate
Children's Hose
On Sale at 39c
English ribbed hose in
black and cordovan;
together with a black,
fiber hose, reduced to
39c a pair. They are
both splendid values,
but the sizes are some
what broken.
Woolen half hose in
green, blue, pongee,
brown and black; just
the desirable weight
for now. These are
worth far more than
the sale price, 39c.
Main Floor
A High Grade
Corset Now $4.50
Coats' spool cotton for
55c a dozen.
Kohinoor, Delong and
Will .Snaps, 10c a card,
or three cards for 25c.
Warren's genuine feath
er bone belting, in black
and white: l'j-inch,
ISci 2-inch, 19c; 2'f
inch. 25c j 3-inch, 30c a
Kleinhart shields, 25c a
pair. .
Duplex safety pins, 00 to
2, 3 cards for 25c; size
3 for 10c a card.
Bone hair pins, shell and
amber color, for 19c a
Roberts' gold-eye sharp
needles, sizes 5-10, 3
papers,- 20c.
Skirt hangers, 5c.
Kotex sanitary napkins,
45c a dozen.
Wooltex Knockabouts
In the September Sale
$25.00 and $35.00
Fashionable top coats, tailored of all
wool materials, in the manner most
practical for all outing wear.
Hardly a day when such a coat is not
used and their first attractive ap
pearance will last it is so tailored.
Ayparrel Third Floor
It is fashioned, of fancy
pink brocade, has the
elastic top, slightly built
up shoulders, long
straight lines and strong
hose supporters. This
exceptional corset comes
in a full line of sizes. We
will fit you, if so desired.
Second Floor
Two kundred linen
buffet or dresser
scarfs edged with
lace are specially
priced at 88c each.
Main Floor
Victor Talkinjj Machine Company; Camdon.K J.
Sorosis Footwear for
Ridiculously Low Prices
VIcl kid oxford, in Hack hiu! brown
colorings with military heels ever
i rwart for ttrert vf-ar.
Reduced to $7.20
An flortmtnt of troken line h
pumpa ami tr&p pump appropiiatd
for drew wear.
Reduced to I J 85
Tht ialu art exetpthnal as thru
are nil Sori short ami halt bttn
tnhn from the rrgutar tof A.
Mil (Wee
French Room Hats
Pattern Hats
In a Sale
Decidedly Exceptional
Thrrt? hi about rm'iU.five to on
hur.dri'd hiftH f:u hided in thU unu.-ual
offering lovr ly dikM hut-, beeoniinj?
stmt and tailorrd luit, la fashion,
abh black and nery di'.'rnble fall
All SaUt Hml
c o : t: