The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 30, 1922, Page 16, Image 16

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Fanners of State Ball Player Jailed
J 10 fYnts n on Complaint of Girl
' Bushel on Grain
So Ssyi National C of C
Ufa J Advocating Tide-
water rrojt in Ad
dress Here.
Utuk of ft Grant Lko Hi. 1 .aw re lire
waterway la costing Nebraska farm-
era front I to JO mnu ft buah4 on
their grain at the trant time,
t-oMliis lo Jullua II. HiniM, prosl
dr nt of the L'nltod feUatoe Chamber of
Commerce, who lntrolu4 nln
members of that orianlsatlon'e board
of directors lo large aurtlenra at
lh Chamber of Commerce yesterday
All nina apekr, who represent
nlmoat every section of tha rutintry,
wrra at least moderately sanguine
over tha prospect fur Increasingly
Inter economic conditions.
A sympathetio view toward labor
an4 I'm , alniM was alinwn by several Omaha Western It-ague hasehall team,
of tha speaker. Rrneat T. TrUta" of I waa bM Into police court yesterday
Philadelphia, a a rur for labor I on a ctiiiipluliit aigiitxl by Laura
trouble, advised tha employer, lnCip. widow, In behalf of her (laugh
planning Ma method of troalinaT em-Iter, Kvelyn ('ow. 14
ployi-o, to axil himself, "Would I lk Mr. Cope alleges that Hpencer
to work for mywlf?" Mr. Trig said I showered attentions on tier daughter
that fnbor ha tha right to orKaiiise. and asked lur to marry him, but
Krrljn Cop.
H,cncer, catcher with
even ua haa business, and that nioxt
labor trouble la ruused by tha slnh
motives of few leaders..
(nests at Luncheon.
Other speaker were Alvan T.
Klinonda, KltrhburM. Muss,; John M.
Frank ,Kell, Wichita Fall, Tex.; Uurlingtoil Sayu Shop Force
clarence h. iiowarfl, hi. i.nui: mat
hacked down when tha time came.
Khe also charges that be mistreated
tba Klrl.
Preliminary hearing waa get for
neat Friday. Hpencer's bond waa Met
at ll.OWi.
W. Tlabb, Milwaukee; L. 8. Gillette,
8t. Taut, Minn.; Thomaa II. Btearna,
Denver, and J. II. Wnedel, Heal tie,
These, with other niemlera of the
national Chamber of Commerce board
of director, were guests of tha
Omaha Chamber of Commerce at a
lunrheon before tha speaking.
Tha two-day session of tha national
chamber' board came to an end yea
tarday afternoon. Tha next meeting
will ha held at Galveston, Tex., be
ginning November 20. Tha board also
will vialt aeveral other aouthern cltiea
during (ha aouthern trip.
A clash over tha bonua Issue and
tha care of disabled war veterans be
tween tha board and the local Ameri-
ran Legion pout marked the meeting
here, tha board reiterating lta atand
against a blanket bonua to uninjured
service men and tha Legion Inquiring
If tha national chamber would In
ai'gurate a program properly financed
600 Below Prestrike Days
Thirteen thousand one hundred
men now ar employed in the me
chanical department of the Hurling
tlon railroad aa compared with 1J,
700 on Juno 30, the day before the
strike wua railed, according to a
statement by Vice President Bracken,
who declared the road also la em
ploying men now on an average of
100 dully. Mf. ' Bracken waa In
Omaha from Chicago Friday on an
liiHpection trip.
Last Wednesday the road handled
500 more loaded care than on any
other day In the history of the system,
he declared, adding that there posl-
lively will be no settlement between hia
railroad and representatives or me
ahopcruft union.
Mrs. Jennie Schonborn, 6j,
Dies After Long Illness
Mra. Jennie Schon!orn, 65, daugh
which will reeult In Inveatigation of ter ( the late John M. Sheely, poaaed
the apeclfio needs of the disabled eer- awav at her home, 6012 Underwood
vice' men and plara In Washington avenue, Thursday ftcr an lllnesa of
permanent organization to aia ine ..v,rai months.
American Legion In lta eirorta in tneir
Trip to Rome,
President Jullua H. Bamea replied
that at tha first meeting here Thurs
day tha board had appointed ft com
mittee of aerlous mlnded bualnesamen
to Investigate whether It la possible,
with proper protection against Impo
sition, to develop any plan of relief
for uninjured service men who were
unfavorably affected In their status
by war aervlce.
A large delegation will aall for
Rome February 18 where, from
March 19 to 26, will be held ft meet-
Surviving her are a son. fc. C.
Schonborn of I'uyallup. Wash., and
three daughters, Minnie, Fern and
Leah of Omaha.
Funeral will be held from tno
home Sunday at 2 p. m. Burial In
Prospect Hill cemetory-
Brief City News
Omaha, Milk O. K. Milk sold In
Omaha la of better quality now than
It haa been for years, according to
Dr. A. S. Pinto, health commissioner.
Mtircn J w a. wm o. wua n.- -- fc , - , w,
ing or tne international cnamner or b ld Baturnay. October 14. In con
Among mo utbm men nectlon with tag day lor the Nebraska
who will go Is C. C. George, D. A.
Mi Inner, secretary of the national
chamber, said.
First Meeting of Beal Club
Postponed to Next Tuesday
The first meeting of the newly or
ganized Beal-for-county attorney club
scheduled for last night waa post
poned until Thursday night, accord
ing to H. M. Baldrige, organizer of
the club.
Election of officers and an execu
tive board for organization work for
the entire republican ticket will be
the important feature of the meeting.
Baldrige announced that O. E.
Engler, county republican chairman,
and Mrs. Draper Smith, vice chair
man, will talk.
The club headquarters are In the
Patterson block, Seventeenth and
Farnam atreets.
Humane society.
Mrs. Luhn Dies. Mrs. Florence
Luhrt. S6, wife of Col. W. U Luhn,
509 South Thirty-fifth street, died
yesterday morning. The body will be
taken to Sioux City lor burial.
Dentist Thrown Out. U. S. Itohrer,
federal ' dry" agent, threw an uni
dentified Omaha dentist out of his
office by the collar yesterday after an
argument over the dentist s alcohol
Dr. t'onnell Weds. Dr. Karl Con
nell. owner of the Presbyterian hos
pital and inventor of the Victory gas
masks UBecl by tne aiuett troops in
France, was married, yesterday at
Lincoln to Miss Frances Hovey Roof
of Lakewood, N. J.
Lean Proves Fatal. Mrs. Mell Holi
day. 2112 Elm street, nald to have
leaped from an automobile her hus
band was driving Thursday when it
appeared the car was going to run
Into a telephone pole, died yesterday
morning at St. Joseph hospital.
Tanlac Is Sensation
Of America Because
It Has Stood the Test
r m? m i 1 t i " 1I!11U-
ln une ivionms lime luuii ixeany une iuiuiuh
ties Big Omaha Druggists Tell of Enor-
ous Demand for Great Tonic Medicine.
test that any medicine
tha "repeat" salea It
a'a phenomenal record
mie clause or ine tact
and wutiwA who by one
nvarlably return for the second
onunend It to others because
j'.'ed them.
,tV haa been on the market only
eight yeara, but It haa become
.isvhoM word In all North Anier-
from tha Weet Indiea t tha
Van Heckle, and from the Pacific
I to New Vumllnd.
i ny thai Tanlao now baa the
et -te of any ni4ktn of Its
U u tha world doe Dot twain Id
the atiwy, for no other prpr.
Kjui en appreahipl tha marvel-
Html Rt4l by Tnl. and UP to
(m,W" aiwaw
IMMi June II and July I r ihte
ef.hi.rt were wit Utr ftwiy
i mtlil-li Mtlee. Ttkt llera are
nil eiauurt tha aw tarNa
ln du4 4 la a4'Prt l el
. ut re(4 lift erd. t'ne tUtee;
it M - Mt eiw evr ea."
Ahittfefr nle-ti ! iwra Tea-
! )
W A, !. A V. ! 4r.
I ..i f (water, I writint P ht
i t-t iip I!,
f t t. irtu4 fnto
im At4 I. TkMg late eiira
kl av-l.. ta ta
.iir ttnttt aka ta Ike ;
t t4 al fvrwty fttD;i(
tfc, Hh t VM
" i wit m
ration we have ever handled. Within
ft year you have shipped ua 6t.:0
The tremendoua popularity of Ten
iae ta the unquestioned and outstand
ing proof of lta m r!t. No medicine of
lesa superlative duality and effective
r.eaa could poMlbly attain such a huge
aU-s record, nor train, aa Teniae haa,
the unnuikllfivd endorsement of thou
ftatula upon thnuaanda of well known
men and women from all parta of tha
continent who aland for tha bt In
their lonirtninlttoe.
Tanlae haa tn well advertised, It
la true.' but ht a.-tully accounts
fvr its phrtotnal sucres la what the
p.'pl mf thiflif. tn lotlleaiay
ra mna m m sfiswwv vj wir j
tiemtr, kut lv Wiore NHIIee are aM ',
In lha a-w rttinaiualty y what Ihej
ttjter of that frt t4lt Uila hie ,
ftteada aa4 iahbnre atwwl H. It e I
thetut 4. ai I H la eithii( they
ewuM t k t ta thme(e if they
trMKt Tfeta l vne ft te fial traua
(a Hum Kattit, the Httyuiw t '
atte a ftsw iuk&. j
f!tl a miI4, knt
ttsmHKt ! hm atMt itk mI r-M, i
karfea atxt cke , al ta he -In
n-l e4 e4 thai
tt aw-a a4 aihwdtws m ,
aKli.ik Te Mtla M ethael, ta '
ert'ehtwt a-l xwstar att lee j
I h4 Jty at.
Ike ait tU ka ;
We tu;t4iMe, e-l tawa ftee
hs la-a a ikt ft ke4e4
yrl-rlks t '- Ike Hl Ifteter
, tneaf tM evtat-'
l a4ietMkt. Ike aw vut
-f thm euatiaeaa k a
eel la -tak IM mmI l.k4 '
t ehM Ml IM WH tmtf I j
on All
5c Roll
Hill, bedroom
and kltcbeo pa.
pers, convention
al and all over
patterns. Sold
with new bordert.
9c a Roll
Bedroom pperi,
plain and floral
stripes; rhlntt
patterns, all In
new colors. Cut
out novelty bor
der to match.
54c RoU
Thirty Inch grass
cloths, engraved
papora, tapeitriei
and velour ef
fects. Regularly
priced 79c, 89c,
Bfle, 11.25 or
Sat. .
.. 54c
in the
Fresh Dressed
Spring Chickens,
per lb. ..26At
Fresh Dressed
Young Hens,
per lb. ..27'4
Fancy Steer
Rolled Rib Roast,
per lb. ,.224f
Fancy Steer
Shoulder Roast,
per lb. ..12144
Fancy Steer Pot
Roast, lb. ..104
Fresh Picnic
Hams, lb. 2244
Fancy Vea.1
Roast, lb. 1744
Veal Breast 104
Swifts Premium
Skinned Hams,
per lb. ..274
Sugar Cured
Breakfast Bacon,
per lb 254
Sugar Cured
Back B:..on 204
Frankfurters or
Welnles, lb. 154
Home Made Liver
Sau-age, 12'A4
Funcv Summer
Sausage ...254
Egg and
Fancy Tub
Creamery Butter,
per lb 364
Fancy Carton
Creamery Butter,
per lb 334
Extra Quality
Peanut Butter,
t lbs 254
Guaranteed Fresh
Country Eggs,
doten at .-264
Fancy Wisconsin
Full Cream
Cheese, lb.. 254
Fancy Block
Swiss Cheese,
per lb. ... 304
Cottage Cheese.
t lbs. 254
Rip or Queen
Olive at ..-104
Rti or Gem Nut
- ne .204
We rarri all ka
Iradlac ereaat (
et JUnrarlae ar
OWatarvahae at
iperlal hn rata
tfli Sill
I. k4 sM ate
I t k. kk.
10c mite Bread, Until Saturday, 5c Loaf-Doughnuts, 8:30 Till 10:30, 2 Dozen for 25c
' kaiiH.iiMaHaWaBa
Otoatlet OIovh
ladies' Strap Wrlal
Uauntlsl Kid Ulovte;
Eieue sewn; troa,
esver, mo4e and mttrt
li0 value, at ..$3.49
7. r? v u pw
CbwnoUaed Olovei
Ladlsa' ll-Bat Chaac
etsueda Olovea, la
reldered becks; all the
aw ahadea; at 91.00
Saturday 's Sales Will Set a New SellingRecord
The Prices Are Exceptional, Considering the Unusual Values
Toilet Goods
In this psrtli-ulitr Hn
our polcly of KTltUTl.V
CAHH gives US a sperlal
sdvantacs In msklna
low prices on standard
Mary (Isrden Fsce
,1'uwder fur 654
Dacgett'a A Rsmsdell's
Cold Cresm 36
10a Creme Klcys..89e)
Flnaud's Lllae Veg'tal,
at only 87
J. J. Talcum Shaving
Cream for 184
Oriental Face Cresm,
at only St. 15
Odorona for 2 let
Ulato Nail Polish.. 87
Krank's Lemon Cream,
at only 5
f 3.TS Hnrllck's Mslted
Milk for 52.85
11.00 Horllck's Malted
Milk for 764
Ivoris for 174
Knerglne for .....224
Peroxide for 124
A Complete Safety
Hainr and a dozen
blades for 594
Woodbury's Sop..l8e
l" psodent Tooth 1'snte,
at only 354
Hind's Honey end Al
mond Cream ..,.874
Plver's Axurea Powder,
at only ... ...674
Plver's Le wesBW 1'nw-
dur at 674
Coty'a L'Oriitan ...674
Frophllatle Tooth
IJrushes 334
Mum ....184
Kivmin'i Smn ...1Ai
Gillette Raior Bladen,
do 354
Evrr-Iieady Kajor
Imported Racor Illades
to rit uiitette iiaiort,
nor rim Utim
Ssnltol Tooth Psste
for 254
Cocoanut Oil Shampoo
foe km,
Tanolao $54
Lavorls 174
ninLham'. 1 -nm i, n ,1
fnr 0!?4
Rnergine 224
Peroxide ....124
Coat and Dress Sale for Saturday
Winter Coats
150 new winter Coats
in Mnrvellas, Lus
trosos, Fashionas nnd
many other high-class
materials. Fur trim
med, also plain tai
lored models in the
WorAblcy cloth and
other high-grade ma
terials; in all sizes.
Very special Satur
day, each
New Dresses
:) New Dresses In csntons,
w)lret tIHi, trlcotlnea and
French serges, tha latest
models for misses and ladles.
In navy, black and brown,
hturdsy e will show jo
Iressea such at you bar not
e-ea at 125 and 130. special
or $10.50
eeead Fleer
Winter Coats
200 New Ladies'- and Misses'
Winter Coats, in plain tai
lored and fur trimmed mod
els. All high grade materi
als and best workmanship
Very special Saturday, 835
Dresses and
for Girls
Girls' 8rge
Dreiiei, $3.95
II doten Girls' Ktw
Serfs Presses. Is navy
and brown: all new nif
ty styles; situ 1 to II;
values te M il. Satur
day at 83.95
81ip-over Sweaters
for 12.03
10 dosea New Weal
Slip-over Sweaters, la
all shadea and sues;
valuea te 11.00; while
they last, Saturday, at
only 82.05
Girls' Gingham
Drams, $1.50
11 dosea Olrls' Olnahsm
Presses; sites S to 14;
all new, with Ions; or
short sleeves; very spe
cial values; Saturday,
at only 81.50
Dixit' Middies
doten Girls' Middles;
slses t to II; all white
or trimmed In rolon;
very speclsl at.. 81.50
$5.00 Sale of
Men's Shirts
Sale of
Nemo Corsets
For Saturday we call
special attention to the
famous Nemo Self Re
ducing Corset at S4.00.
Nemo models hare
made thousands of
friends among women
of America.
Sizes to 36 at $4.00
Nemo Corsets,
Nemo Self Reducing
Corsets In extra sizes.
38, 40, 42, 44; special,
at only $6.50
Second Floor
A special lot of New
Neckwear at cut prices.
Four lots, 29. 59.
7C ana SJ..UU
Regular values 60c to
13.00. New designs just
received of collar band
ing and all-overs to
1 iSiliiliir iliffr-tM'T liiaaaiii'- ---- , r liiilW I
Sale of
Sale of the Extraordinary Kind
'6 Shirts for
E. & W. make.
neckband and
collar attached;
madras and per
cales; all sizes.
$1.25 Tallies
4 Shirts for
Tailored shirts of
tine madras, In
clean, new pat
terns; all sizes;
all sleeve lengths.
1.75 values.
4 for 15.00
3 Shirts for
Woven madras,
silk stripes or
cords; collar to
match and neck
band stylo. All
sizes. .92.50 value.
3 for $5.00
' Mala Floor.
2 Shirts for
Fine Imported
materials, made
by the best well
known shirt man
ufacturers. Val
ues to $4.00. '
2 for $5.00
$5.00 Each
Men's Silk Shirts
of broadcloth or
Jersey or crepe;
full cut; all sizes.
(8.50 value.
$5.00 Each
Men's Fine Dress Shoes
In brown and black
gun metal and vlcl kid.
All Goodyear wait
sewed and sizes up to
11. A real $6.00 value,
Boys' and youths', in
brown and black, lace
and blucher styles. ' A
splendid $3.50 value
Misses' and Chllds' tan
and blach laca shoes;
a real bargain
Men's and Women's
felt slippers, with leath
er soles and heels with
Lide patches. Sizes 3 to
8 and 7 to 12; $1.35
values, at
Fnnry It Milan 1'lums prr rr(et OStf
The Greatest Hat Sale of the Season!
Sale of 1,500 Trimmed Hats
1 Saturday New Fall Styles, All Colors, All Shades, All Trims
Intended to Sell at 510.00 and upward
The hats are surpassingly b
tirul with thsir unuaual tr
Intufiirttlng the sraaua wtth a
remarkable enlleeliun ot the
at ( and muet wanted trim
md hat at a sensationally low
prica. Hat from Arnom s lead
ine manufacturer hata uf ua
riall.l elite and distinction. ,
M4 ! faa a4 !' tW
Me Tkaa IMS ! !
SlrtM loe aateetlea
I'.rcaJ kr nnal hal, t-iha-tr.
haia, rati brim, iaiua, !.
flst frm te frnil mMt
tor 4mta and theitur ar
III small rvi.-l tuaky hais
that III la a wi null wisay
ntinas vatrU-h. praewk. J.welad
ornaments, vulture and other
adornment. In such colore as
Mark. tiruMB, luaal, n.w sand,
taiina, wood, pearl, ade, Jovkay.
Maraekaaa alaeal T.
. Hal Hill Salt HapMly.
Uak. Balaallvaa .
Thar' quaatiun aemit It
hats I'1 and 4iiinetiv. as
th w:ll a-l n siM, and lit.
: wnaa will slrt bf're
It t late, Th (r.aiaal milli
nery vnt ut lh. .
tanas .! rMikMi Ma sr. mImI voaSalf. kataaal. Sl.SItt
Underwear Sales
for Saturday
aUtt1 aaJ Ltrl.'
lrl-a ls
tv.' aad tun'
t lattift
n aft, ki
k, laaf .,
aal ealkt site I
te ar. Kit
tar tv II U a4
111, at ....
UallnsJ lUaael
Hilt tUftet,
w a t'wtisf It.!
If B-.-.jiea f Two
I , r'
at Due !.), rf
u t iu. It U ai.4
111, aaia el. flV
Hats for Children and Misses
School, fin and Drtu
.95-$2.95-$3 Y4eW.I Isl
tCS) f4a'kaSl tMaM 4't4 tfj as4 TK.
iM. k Dft 'f
km 9) aa ' - l..
stM h auf ' fMi
Hosiery Sales for
ree Tke4 Mk
k t 1 11 ri
taio.4 ak rail
ykt4 .
k oo-r. V see-
t II. t
t k4 kit ft Moao
Tak4 H-mm
taat4 kak I
UM tIM ) t
wtaa4 I eaks
Wma MI"im4
I ,. hvM, nr. 1
...4'. i(. , 4
attaa, 1 !.
a I ..... . 4
tklweaoo Mkk4
iI4- a ' a4
. l H t.
k4 fkial iat
Ml .a.. aki. a4
e4w. 114 441
!. eiiaa.
Six. , tt
Haydea's Dia
mond I! Flour.
sack ftt..J1.60
I'lllsbury's Beat
Flour, sack
st 91.8S
10 lbs. Best Gran
ulated Sugar,
special for G84
4 pkgs. Macaroni,
Spaghetti or
Noodles for.25t
4 lbs. Best Japan
Rica for ...25
6 lbs. Beat Break-
fast Oatmeal
for 25t
Fancy Shredded
Cocoanut ..207
3 lbs. Powdered
Susar for ..25c
S Cans U Oil
Sardines ...2S(
Pur Tomato Cat
sup, bot. ..104
3 Cans Elkhorn
Milk for ...25J
Imtiorted Olive
Oil, qt can, yOJ
Large Jars Pu ra
Fruit Preserves,
each at ....207
3 Cans Fancy
Sweet Corn 25t
3 lbs. Hand
Picked Navy
Beans for .25t
Fancy Pink Sal
mon tall, 12Vit
Monarch Baked
Beans, 3 for 25
Campbell Souiis,
asst., can ..10et
10 Bars P. O.
Soap for ...454
Tbe talk of Oma
ha, Jtajdea'i Cof
fee Department.
Golden Santos
Coffee, lb. .20t
Our Famous San
tos Coffee .25
Hayden's Excel
lo Brand Coffee,
per lb 30
Our Famous An
kola Blend Cof
fee, lb. ....404
3 Bunches Fancy
RadiBhes at .5c
Extra Fancy
Spinach, pk 35 1
Home Grown
Sweet Potatoes,
per lb 5c
Calif. Celery, at,
per stalk ....,
3 lbs. Fancy Car
rots for 5e
Dry Onions, red
or white, 3 lbs.
at only ....10t
Fancy Green
Cabbage, head.
for ... 5t-10
Fancy Cauliflow
er, lb 15
3 Bunches Hot
House Leaf Let
tuce for 5t
Fancy New Tur-
ips, lb 5t
Large Soup
Bunches, ea., 5d
Fancy Wax or
Green Beans,
lb. for 15
Home Grown
at ea. 30tM0c
Fancy Tokay
Grapes, lb. .100
Fancy Home
Grown Cantal
oupe at 124s.
10s and 7UC
Fancy Hand
Picked Jonathan
Apples, bushel
at only .. 81.85
Fancy Hand
Picked 11 rimes
Oolden Apples.
bushel ..$1.15
Italian Prunes
for Canning.
erat ...SI. 10
All :v C.K.kt.
Special, lb, 1, Of
Jarsey Corn
hr4M Heat
IMavtlit ....lit
Drietl Fruit
ret t'trsae.l
t maat . ,ISi
ia?a c:ia
lt . t' it
lk, tttrk
k-a, Ik.
aai iea S4-
t tUtalne.
f I tfc, .... tl
.tel Tft ke t.taal v j