The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 30, 1922, Page 15, Image 15
THE OMAHA BEE. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER SO. 1322. 15 VACANT PROPERTY. Happy Hollow ancTDun dee Lot Bargains key fwn e.4 Ik .i.i.m.nt thai it maid buy a lot at Hi. rtgki rii aitUM, Hill a Ultra, VI Bat Iial.4 rut l lltevt li Hpiy Hil kl4r4 aid a lie-fool .. on lid lit wklek N al4 lf I than to. I All tt V'll la foil. "or nail Mil. George & Co., Realtors All.BMI! et I A tlAH'lAIN I big lot al lth and Inn- new Hi. Mutt, fur Mia Am forced In all l elrcumeleneea will ar Ml II III. tele: twtk tilt. Abalg a rimnn anir. a in a laser, aoaaif Imu -'r errire, rar neu.e Ca0 ( Raieie tat a a-r.aia Ira. la lUaWti aow gam aa. Iptrlal irm nd I price mad. iitm api ml eavmenl iaua, blne rear lerma Set er Duti ri.a.n. in i.i on l-w, ivfi.1, bmlaTTe ttirordt an our butl lal lata In l.dgw4i rerf r laima. AT-Ii.ii Ilia. '? IiiTnTHii lr. fi'sTifc. ok lil . f rarnant: rholr lorattaat awn.r win idtr offer, i'. a. tlrtmm!. J A. lilt. WEST SIDE PROPERTY. CENTRAL PROPERTY TW5tv"lC-liM.Jhua lul III. lll -. fa a A i I a a NORTH SIDE PROPERTY tYOUR OPPORTUNITY Imft milr nrrr I r A 1 1 OWNER LEAVING CITY Jill t.lrd trat, rniniitetcly modern, rem. I. Iln of fiva room, and bth an fir.t floor, la bedroom anil etnr.s room a second floor. Inlarlnr dcnrtlon and fwtlk In flrtt-elsss condition Must ha earn Intld In b appreciated. Street pavd ami bear rar lino. Let ua allow you through. Will fir immrdlat Hi'. .AMERICAN SnCL'HITY CO., Agents, REALTOR". nm tiodia Hi. to. ion. I-HAIHIH PARK DISTRICT. lietutUul new aolld brick bungalow with olid cement floored porch on at ana rntrth eld. -a, filled BP to flr level; baa- ment pertlllonM ana piatra, noi wun ht, and br.akfaal nook all on iir.i floor: i additional ronma can b com. mini al delli la family km oongoa 10 .it a. ...kiHi.. r ' ,im I ma 4ae III 000. atafloii li.ul. ll navail na piit.ii. ' I ii v.i ..vw. ' ! tl.l.. .. Aft. MtH Tin rt. km. tnt. . 1 1 T . - 1 1 1 1 $6,500 Fontenelle Blvd. tn room, ana Bie-ipm porcn; tom iro irnrr Inl, 0x121 hmh end .llnly; oi if aaraaa: f.Olia eaah. lNTnaa P. Cnmn W AO If At0 iu I vi vai uuaiiii jivBHutu A. m. rl.i) rilr Nal'l II (iWNKlV. h n.l kMh.ali.a Bntllh A flll r. n rruit can nrc wnn enamai iinian ihroutbout with floored, title rnc lerrrik. nanwooa HDOM. ONLY 44.160. 1AVK1 BTllfcEt. ornat Jllh Ava. and Baratoia St, all HA. 7l. AT. 13S. 131 EHHK1NU ST., Pour-rm. mod., oak laora and flnlab. 7S8 eaah. baL monthly. Cr.lnll. 0 Be. AT. tio. .rilV Bin-room Dutrh colonlnl fiouaa: oak tinl.H, aaat front, tin location! Jrlcad to ' "U- : Kh'' E-3 BUCK at sua and ail bomaa. r ii:'lni lii'tlili'il'li.l'l"iii'li'aii(ii(l('j I WANTED I By Missouri Pacific i at St. Loult, KaiMtl City, ? Llttl Rock, Omaha and other . important potntit ' "m J Machirllata, . it ' BoilerrtiaLart, Blacktmlthi. .a ? a I I a. A J .uttbLtakfa aa condition. Apply 217 South 14th St. ; Omaha, Neb. ui'iHliiiiiiiiiiii!i"l;iiii'i"IMii:il:'Htiiili. OOOOOOCOOOOO (.0060O0O0 0000 6 9 O O O Kraad Kaar, fiva rxma aaj O O fittur. ama and full camaai.d O O bamni. Oak and anamvl fin O O tan. patad Blraal la air.llakt O O k.itfhaornitAtl. Ka.f larma MAttara Q O br Call Urakl fiaa- O 0 Bua, Walnut O o o Renson & Carmichael S O ' ra.loa Hlo-k. AT. Ill, t J000OOC 000000000000000009 ti IHIMK, Wall bulll fraina bun. low, fiva room and bath; oak floor anih aak and ohiia aoiini.i Irlm: bmll in ralnt 4 full rmnl pa.aiitanl, floar drain. lc.i rarnar Jolj Millar I'ark. fall Mr. rad.raan, HA. Iuil or AT. 7411. SOUTH SIDE PROPERTY. 4 K'wiM ll'Jt'HK t Ai'llKd. ua 11 ao a nil huns. Caita mndarn rhlrkan boa.., frail In aliundani a raanbarriaa, tkamaa, (rap, traabrrrtra, applra. l.or.tM In rorrirnk. nur rapidip arowin ui; I nill.a fmm dtnaha amrk rarda, In Harp- rouutr; atria pvrl and alilawalka within I blorki, ,V. I. o Brian, flout , Hoklh kiil. MA Tli Pouih Mid I'loa.ura'a la. I Nundar vmn waa larfi'ly llapd'd. Nail Humla y av.nin will ba iiv.n aa prliaa, Tha part I rtat Ml tha bill fiildrr with a numbrr nf bill did not call forjt. JarkJ'inkl rnanar. HT uaftrr, 7'rnnra bungalow al ''! Mm icih, r.itf tarm. Ilanaroin Nrk dlalrlrt. frlr .inn Call MA. I74. Nlrrlr furniohed room Ti faraga, lird ml (1 ta. MA. 4(4. Cathedral District 8 Rooms $9,500 klluat'd nn fin rnrnor Int.' Klr.t floor finl.hrd In v.rjr chnlra oak; blroh-mahncanir (erond floor oak flour llirouahout. four (ood bad r.iorna and alraplna porch; floored attlcj flna li.a.inanl) brim foundation. Con.trurtkin nf vary b!ri order throughoul, Mull b ' aold. . Tarina. George & Co., Realtors ' ' AHanllo 3021, Maybe $100 "Cash How would rou Ilk to b the owner nf neat lltll buntalow and two bin Inla. i jail ia in prliei monlhlf larma to Butt, 'hun Mr. Rnlrkt for bartlculara. AT. M4. or offlo. ouen to n m. Amos Grant Co., Realtors at. no n, in m. NKAK CRBKIHTOK L'NI VEBSITf . roil fJAI.R 1714 Havennort HI., an ala-ht- loom hoii.e, two fireplace., full r.ment e on. -mint, ook floor., newly decorated) beautiful Interior Woodwork: will ahow hou.a by appointment, H.UdO, or time. . M. off.Tman, MA. 4(27 or MA. HIT. $750 Down Cath.dral dl.lrlct, claaay new (room bungalow with nuarter-auWed whit oak floora. Choir location, nalanra 50 per ninnin, i-non ma. ujjj ereninia; ja. szhi aayB. Pomnrioll "H" horn by Dae lat. VydinpUtSll on your lot! l,l!0 up l Keellti Blrtff. AT, 104. Kve. wa. btu. New llomre Your Term.. AT. . I MOV T UlUUnvA Cn IU Bunder- VJ1UVC Jtiuuoiu ta land Bldf. CI.A1BMONT brick home, till Lincoln. Illvcl. Don't bother tennanta. AT. I2t0. WAITERS DISHWASHERS YARDMEN $75 PER MONTH BOARD AND ROOM Free transportation. Bonus of $1 per day for 30 days' service. JOHN J. GRIER 1018 HARNEY ST. CHICAGO CLOSINQ PRICES. Art. j ,.. M I a. w 1 1 V. "p. May n bep. I. atey or n. !. r Oat (p. Da. r Mr4 k-p, lift. It i IX kep I ll I ei-4, I o V. ! . .lit. I .SI n "ji'tk .ui it it in .'id in II M I II I 'ii' I it .11 .1 .1IH . "ii .411, '.11 1 ti i I M I w . ".ii' .lw ' '' ii ! I I" I al lei i. I 'V ll 1 H .S .Itlk IH . .IH II. II II I II I at I aa I aa i ,H .11 .II 1 Mi ' ITS " .a ill III t ! !! Trw)ii and Rl. Paeannab. la., kwpt. It Tuia.nlln niny, iiiu.i a Ire. 1. a barreiei re. ceiuta, 411 barreia; ehlpmeate, 411 bar relet alork, karma. H.iem ealea, none) receipt, 1,. 11 alilpmenla, akj Ml,. r.t. uuoi.: n. r. k. r. o, ir. i. k. m II ilDl N, IUIIIII W, II, l"l"r.l.; v., w. . f..-- 1111 1 111 . WEST SIDE PROPERTY. A Cozy New Bungalow IV Field Club District T Prices and Terms ATOfNlINOLT LOW, urt cnmpleted A five-room Kalltaton Iibob.Iow; very attracllv and eumplet in every detail. Pull cement baeement: built-in coal bin: guaranteed furnace; eitra aurh as wall plua., Bhadea for all window. i only an Inapertlon ran lva you aa Idea of th f rally bunaiw tnia is. .orated In Klanderd I'laca, Omaha' new eat adillllan on fopnleion Av. near 4(th Nt, call ua io Inapecl this place. No trouble to ahow lu H. A. Wolf Company Realtor. Ill i.undert Kennedy Bulldlnf. AT. llto. DUNDEE PROPERTY 5011 Izard Street room hou.ti firat floor contain lara llvlna room arrnaa entire hnuea; library nd dlnfnt room all flnl.hed Ih oak. Kllrhtn and butler pantry flnl.hed in birch. Two lane liedrooma up and' healed leeplnt porch flnllhed In klrrh. Laun dry connerted with cistern. Prlc Il.ttlV. f 2.BO0 raah, balance on pavmcnta. C. G. Carlberg, Realtor 111 Tlranrlel Theater BMf(. 'Briclc Home $13,500 now hrlrk nlonia.l r-aih, ftrtptac. oak Thlai In m. nrallrttllv nd enamel flnl-h; ana driveway YtfHtrlftbd dlntrlrt. Glover & Spain, Realtors JA. Jfc60. i-2 city wari K. H. BKNNEB CO. MOVED TO 404 Keellne Kldg. Cell ua. DO, I40. The Rook Island Lines Is Nor Will Not Settle With the Striking Shepcrslts: The men employed heretofore and hereafter will retain the positions they now hold or assigned to them and men hired here after will be considered as new men. There are a limited number of openings for QUALIFIED . Michinists, Boilermakers and Car Men Apply Now, 211 Leflang Building, Corner 16th and Capitol Avenu. FLORENCE PROPERTY NKTHAWAT Mil and trade. KB. 14t MISCELLANEOUS PROPERTY. OOOOOOOOOOO 000 000000000 oo O UOOD HOMH T ROOMS O O Her I a nice hom with flv O O room on flrat floor Two room O O and den on second floor. Near car. o O J'oubl (arete. Can be bandied 00 O 0 uy terms, O O PAYNE! ft CARNABT CO. O O "Tour Realtor" O O III Omaha Nat'l Bid JA 1011 O OOOO0OOOOQOOOO0OO 0000000O "We Build to Please" Tempi McPayden Co., 1 SOI Farnam St. HASTINdS A HKYDEN. Realtor. The C. B. A Q. R. R. has I made permanent agreement with its present employes. Have va cancies for a limited number of Machinists Boilermakers Blacksmiths Apply lit Floor Burlington Building, Tenth and Farnam Streeti, Omaha, Neb. Missouri Pacific Railroad Co. Office of President , St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 26, 1922. To the Shopmen of the Missouri Pacific R. R. Co. The Officers of this Railroad have so far refrained from issuing statements with respect to tho strike July 1st, be lieving that as long as there were any prospects of satisfac tory settlement no good could bo accomplished. If now ap pears that definite information as to bur intentions and pol icy is due our employes in view of tho mHcading state ments which have been made from time to time by Leaders of strikers. Representatives- of other organizations with whom we have agreements have approached the manage ment in a spirit of friendly co-operation for tho purpose of making' somo arrangement to composo the situation and re turn to scrvico certain of our employes. We believe that many of our men were induced to go on a strike against their Inclinations and better judgment and therefore we aro willing to take care of ait many of them as we could but it was found impossible to work out any such arrangement which would not result in injury 'to the ritrhts and standing of tho men who remained loyal to the Company or thoso who entered tho service since July 1st, lli'J'.'. The Miswdri Pacific Railroad Company therefore has decided to call on the shopmen now In its employ to form an association for the purjoe of negotiating an agreenu nt corf riii? wages ami working ruU-i fur tho settle, meat if any grievam-e s or disputes which may arie. al employe who remained iti our sett lee ami those who i n terrd th serTico of iho Company subeseueut to July 1st, !"-, are hereby ured prinaiicnt employment so Imj as they rvjHler satUfartiry service, former employe who are satisfactory to the employing Offinr and who apply In per vn w ill ! git en preference in filling stu b vsmwU-i a nnf eiUt, their ifiUortti to l.te fr in day which they enter the sen ice, B. T. BUSH. fr4ijnt Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day Omaha Grain Chicago Grain 1 1 Financial Th iKtiij.n i,aicn! alttatltm aa iMiiiinterml mir aerluua ttxtny and tiur lunikcl rulej trina; and hiaher in th anrly arawinn. However. Ih advuncw did nut hu. and al lred lower during tha Iwlaneo or Ih day. ( Toul r'ci, at Oiiuiha wra Sit rttra. runaiBllntr ? 117 rura of wheat. U c-ara t.f trn, ti run tf oala, Jl rttra nf ry and lieirler, rthlpmenta cr vrry Uht, tolalma only T cara atittiiiNt 19 rar Umt yrar. Caali wheat on th lornl flikir waa In fair demand, tha ofTcrini gulag at unchanged to lo lower. Corn wild urn-hanged to e loiter, (tat wer aUiunt unchanged. Itya and Utrley wer tuoted unt'luinatnL iv die at Na. I dirk hard: ) ear. II No dark hard! I rar, tar (amutlr), II ; I rar. II HI No. I dark hard' I rar tamutlv), II ; I car linlll, a. Ho. dark hard! I rar (amutly), II I. Nd. t dark haidi I rar ( per cent re, amuitrli II tt. No, bard winter! I rar faemMarki, MIS I rar ( per rant dark), II III; I oar lemuliy, aent.dark, II 01; I ear tamulty), II ; I car, II III; 14 rar. II t I rar. lie. No. I hard winlert I rar (aeml-dark), II l I rar famutlyl. II ai; 1 rara, lc I rar 1 per rem heal damsiredl, tie. No. I hard wlntari 1 car li t per cent beat dammed, lie. Kampie bard winter! I rar (weevil), fee) I rar, tfc l rar er tent heat dam- red), lie. No, I tprlnn I ear (dark), II ll t ear (dark), i IT i 1 rar, II, la. No. I mKedi I car (red durum), 0o; I ear (durum, emulif), tie. No. I mltedi I rar (durum), lie. No. I rnltedt car (durum), lie. No, I duiumi I eara, 14c, t'OHM. No. I whltt I ear l.hli pera' wlhtt), IISci I eara, It Ho. No. I yellow! I ear (apeclal bllllna), Mr; 1 rar, tie: 1 car, ll 4 tar, me. No. I yellow! 1 ear, 11 He No. fellow! car, ilc. No. I mined! t ear (apeclal tllllnf), I1 4 ears, t7U 1 ear. llo. nsuuple nilied: I ear, !, OATH ' No. I while! I ear. 17 tie. No. I white: II rara, IV,r. No, whit! I cor., lie. RTB, No. Ii 1 ear, lr. RAKLET. No. ! 1 ear. 7c: I car (, lit'. OMAHA JtUCKII'TS AND rllill'MKNTS CAR LOTH. Receipt Today. Wk Al. T'fAlfo Wheat 117 Corn It Oat t My II l to "I a; 111 41 tl 14 II u : Si 17 1 I I bnrley ., Hhlumanta Wheat t'orn ......... Oat i Kye Itarler I'KIMART REC'KlPTfl AND SHIPMENTS III MliKl.M Receipt Today. W'k Aao. T'r Ao. Wheat J.SI1.000 2,I44.000 I.IHI.OOI Corn .1.114. il"0 1,040,000 1,111,000 Oat tl.,00 7t0,000 77MOO Hhlpments Wheat ...... 70.90 1,J47,000 I,t5S,000 Corn 5H2.000 376.000 424,000 Okt 671,000 6911. 000 149,001 EXPORT CLEARANCES. Ruaheli Today. T'r Ao Wheat and (lour 414,000 71,000 Corn 43,000 .. Oat .. CHICAGO CArt LOT RECKIPT8. Week Ter Today Ao Ago Wheat ...100 l fori. till 42 171 OaU 10fl SI KANSAS CITY CAR LOT RECEIPTS, Week Tear Today A io Aio 2a in tit IS I 18 Oat ..14 T RlS lJIIlia CAR. LOT RECEIPTS. Week Tear Today Al Ao 17 1" 110 .4 40 1 61 14 14 Northwestern car lot receipts uir BtibAi. IVheat Cdrn . , Wheat Corn , Oat Mlnnetpolll Puluth Winnipeg . Today ... ..446 ..1,700 Week Aio 24 407 1,414 Tear A 10 471 119 193 trenatta f'ltw fimln. tfantds Cliy. Mo, .pt; ll.-Caibt Wheat No. hard, J.03J1.U No. I red, "corn-No. I white, lJe; No I whit, lOHeillc. . . tl rairia. nun nun.ri io. t niai"i lll.IO01l.OOi other hay quotation! un changed. , rue flentemher 19. Wheat- September, 6ci December, 97c( May, corn Septehiber, l5Hei December Stci May, llo, , Xllnoeunnll Hroln tflnne.noll. Minn.. Beot. !9. Wheat caeh Nn, 1 northern t.05l 12K ; Septem ber, 10BVI December, I1A4SII May, 1.07. Corn, No. I yellow. 67WB7Vi. Oata, No. 3 white, S3S34o. Barley, 47eS8c. Rye. No. . 6'Ac Flaa, No. 1, 2.33 Vi 1.14 Vt. St. Lnula Grain. St. Louie. Mo., Sept. 39. Wheat Sep tember, 11.05; December, 108 bid. Corn September, 3C jjecemD.r, none. Oats September, 39c; December, 87 He Chicago Llveatoctt. Chicago, Sept. i. Cattle Receipts, 4,- ann bead aenera y steady, with canners and cuttera strong quality plain top ma tured beef steers, 113.00 beet long year lings, mixed steers and heifers, tll.SOi bulk natlv beef steers. 9.3H10.B0 sev eral loads of Wyoming graaeera, .00(9 7.60; bulk, IK.7B; bulk deelrabl bologna bulla, 14.1(04.26; bulk rannera and cut tera, l3,onftl,66; bulk dealrnbl vealera, around II2-60. Jlitus necelpts, 11,009 head; opened trnng to lOo hlgheri moat Bale around ateady: closing unevenly weak to 10c low er; bulk 180 to 320. pound average, 110 40 10 60; early top, 110 85; most 240 to 310 pound butchers. i0.1S10.36; good and chnlc 3H0 to 810-pound butcher 19.809 ln.ll; bulk pai klnug anwa, I7.75f I SS: nlge. atronf, largely I9.I60I.9O; estimated holdover, 7,000 head. Sheep and Lamba Receipt. .00 headi beet native lambs, ateady to ahad lower; In-between grsdea, SSe. lower; top na tives. Ill SO to packera; bulk, 113 710 14 21; cull., mostly 9.floft0; no we.t erna received; sheep, ateady; heavy fat ewe, 1lat0ll: lighter weight, up to 4 I0 lllht feeder lamba, I14 IS; en derk Idaho yearling Breedluf ewea, 111 I ta New tork. Kan.aa lily 1 Iv. Slock. Kan... city. Mo, rl It (t'nlted ktatca Departmeni of Agriculture )i'a. lie Heceipta. ,! head; market under tone weak en rttvee; d.nlr.''1. Vealera g.aerallr lia0lH; en led rmna b.avy eteera droued II" Iba. al III ) looka bub.f; all eth.r .'... dulli n e.r. and roller.. I1JI. tear ea, I 0 o; rammon fcmd irt"iiy 4 ; rtmimen 10 medium grew ketlere, I leftlt; medium Doiuika bun nteeiiy II t ( Recelttt, I l bead' tnaibet aiadr in l- ! I moaiiy de'l'aa na t-ia.-l iMl(tii akitpr ae-t patkat (, l; i i l i t i . b t "i k, ! I ); bj k at Be . tiitM, .' e."a l He .,.'. tll It few H'. "b ' ai.aiiy l le lei . It Iti l. j I ge w.iakia lll4, 1 eep-l(..ipia. t b4 j ,..... i I eaeri wi.te It. ,.i .,.! all eeil-a ek.ea .xl iutt, bt al.elvi !. lamte, lllle. Ky t II VI1I.M I. M Kilt KM. Otnaba ru Umm4 Mlra, flat nun, Hi(. !. (iraln prlc) wer hiNhtwt early and loweat alwut Hi r!oi. "War na." waa the duittlnatiiif' Influenra, With a ralatlv. ly lialil tra!, tha market eaaily wtrw influenced. Wheat rloaed 1 4) f t 3 -to tower, rurn 1 1 til llo lower, oaja uix httiigcil io I to lower and ry I 1 0 higher Id I e lower, Th Hep. letiilier ilcllyrrir ahowed the moat ad vuni"o or dllna. Wheat waa up lo In th early trad in;. In aympaihy with an advance of 1'41 In MveriiiKil. The more warlike character of th new from th near eaat alao rauaed the advance. Out lila Intrrext, however wa not large. I'reaaur from house with northweat and eaalern connection prevented any materia advance. When storks In Wall aireet rallied on th bettor titilliMik ahniad whent vnluaa alnrted downward, and with a lack of assrea alve atipiiort, a decline wad easily at tained. lTKr had a range of ill 9j 1 7 ia on tha deferred deliveries. ! Hel arpleniker. Long wara good teller of September and lha action of that delivery orcaaioni'd no eurprla. Winnipeg allowed pronounced strength throughout tha day and uoerd SO So higher. !ih ahlpplng houti'B burera of September and November. lmber there elo.ed at ta under Chiiago. agalhtt 11 under al ana 1 1 in on Thursday, A fair etport bualnea waa under way at Ih aeaboard. Local arrivals, rarB, Oensral evening up by local longl wa under way In corn. Wbll there waa pcralalent commleetun house buying, that waa not aufflcirnl to abeorb tha offerlnga, Th flnleh waa about the bottom. Huy In nf September and aelllng of Decem ber wa on early at 44 difference, but at th lat lbs spread wa only 4c. f'aah Demand (lewd. f'a.h demand waa repartad (ood In II aeetlnna, with Induetrle and eapurler after grain In tha Interior. Tha rar .nu atlon hamper bu.lnee to a great eilent. Hale of 176,000 bu.hela Wer mad by local bendl.-t. to th aeaboard fur ei port. 1'remlum on (pot ahowed lltll change, with rerelpta 441 rara. Louga auld September oata freely, but thore was suffli lenl demand lo abeorb all ottering and hold valuta within a range of hie A houe with northweatem con nection bought December and Bold May early and lalor did th reteree. l ull demand, rather alow, with ea.lern buyer holding off until after th Sep. teinber la out Of th way. Receipt, SOI ear. Miattered short covering wa nn In September rye, which found offerlnga lignt, TO nortnwest soiu jierenmer ami th east bought on Ih break, Th two northwestern market, had 111 ear. Fit Note. Indication ar that ther will be ho trouble In doting September tradea which mature Haturday. Ther I a liberal scat tered Internet outstanding In wheat, corn and oat and a small open interest in 're- A local industry is long nepremner oata galnet cash requirement, which ar 00,000 bushel per month. It was cheap er to buy th September at a discount under th caili ami Hand for a delivery. Demand for cash corn la coming from all divectlona. Induetrle In Illlnolt and Iowa wer after th cash grain during th day. Thot In Iowa bid strongly In th Interior. Exporter at th seaboard wer after corn down .late. uida of 17 40 over Chicago, September, track Ilaltlmore, were aaid to hav been mad for No. 1 mixed down atale, whll tIS over Chicago, September f, s. b. New Tork, for laat half October loading, wa said to hav been hid. Iowa points of fered considerable corn for deferred ahlp ment. Th number of hoga on farma In th Bo-called seven surplua corn atatea September 1 waa 29,710,000, aa ihnwn by detailed government report, compared with 31,479,000 last year, an Increua of 3,231,000 or 11 per cent. NKtV 10KK TIMKM, Omaha He utw A ir. New Vntk, Kept. , jn ao far as the financial unavttlrment has Un m consequence of the dtput with Tur key, th recovery In today's markets must l corialilcred aa reflecting; not a t-haiis In tha aspect of that kitiwu lar controveiay, but douldit a tm whether th market's movement might not tk too much for lirnnted, Tner nv neen few "war ecurea" or diplomatic ileftdlock In the expert enc of geaioned financiers which have been surrounded by attch ob scurity a this In th matter of ac- tunl motivea, actual purpose or In deed Of actual facta, Th confusing ronalilcratli i.s which have accompanied every alnge of th epleoda have naturally opened the way to financial unraalnrga. If only bccfui of Uie free Jilay they gave to Imagination, but they have alao left van the linplnnaant conclusion In an atmosphere of uncertainty. All thla waa plainly Indicated In tha course of today's mnrkel. forrlen Decline at Uoralng. rnrelgn eneheflg ralea again declined In tha early trailing, vet nin.t r all of the lo.t around h.r,. ,k. clot. Th (lock market deellnil aharh. ly at th atari, but lie recovery . rnnsiuerauie aa to leave moat prlrea at a ..,vor. mr in nay. rrrnrh go. eminent bonds hav aeetned all the wttk to be tha meet .en. Hive at alnndurd ... curltlea lo th ee.i.rn developmental lo day they tdvam.d at Ntw Tork, whll nfr otH-nnca at I'aria and lha United Kingdom bond, moved elinllarlv on th whole. Tha day's movement auggeeted th sriionaeranr or purely speculative livlty on til th market., together with lha preaenc of genuine burara on Ih uernn, Th rhana In front from th atakntta of h preceding dar waa moat notlo.blt in lonaya bond market, where It cor talnly seemed a. If tha lower brlcea. In Btrad of kntettiinr rnnflileni e, , had at- ttscted aflme flew buying. Thla r.malnl to u oetermlned, New York Quotations Rang of price of th leading Blocks fur. nl.hed by lxn Jt llrvan 241 I'elera Trust building i If All.ltOADn, Thur. Itltfh. Lour Clove, f'luaa. a r a k loin 101 '4 1021a 10314 Halt Ohio ';. tl lilt il Can Uaclfle 113V 143 113 'A 143 N T Central 16 tju 15 leu t'hea A Ohio 71U Ht'i 11H 71 U, ireain Aorinern,. II ntw II 11) S IlllnolB Central. ...Ill 1 1 1 4 1I24 1111 Kan City South.. fli ItK 23 3314 t.nian vauey,.., nest & S6T4 Mo i'acllc 31 V. 20 ij 20 T N If 19 1 fm, M North Paclflo .... 14 It Chi N W 0Uj l4 0'4 Penn H R ...... 4714 47 47U, Heading 7IH 764 76i C R I A P 43 '4 42 '4 43 South Pacific .... 93 H ,tt 9,1 """h lty 2IH 34(4 34S C l A Ht P Uj 301 Ht Union Pacini ....UK m us . M t.KI.M . Am. Car foundry,. 15 W I8214 11514 111 Allli-thalmer ti 63Sj 64'4 64 Am. I,vomotiv...12S4t 121 12SU H5U I .. ! rt ... i n I . . I , . . . - . ' . - i. Yt7: .I" JI) 141 132 HBiniriipm oieei... iza Colo. Kuel k Iron.. 32 V4 Cruelhl n Vt 21 41t 0 47H 7i4 43 304. lltt Am. Hteel Foundry 43 Uj l.akawanna Hteel.. ft Mldval Sttel 32H l'retaed Steel Car.. 7 Rod. Hteel A Iron, leu Ry. Steel Drlnaa..ll7 Slosi-Scheffleld ... 41 U. 7H4 93 aifi 76(4 014 i S!4 117 4Vi Live Stock Recelnta were; Offlcal Mnnday ....21,697 Offlcnl Tuesday ...,14,091) Oftlcial Wednesday J.199 Offlclsl Thursday ,, 6,S8 Kstlmat Friday ... 1,3110 Fiva days thla week .55,677 Hatne days last week. 40,036 Sam d'y i w'k a'go. 49,421 Heme d'y I w'k a'o.17,174 Same dayt year ago. 32, 213 Omaha, Sept. 19 Cattl Hogs Sheep 6,023 1,371 1.333 3.68 1.300 87.713 84.775 43,911 40,344 32.861 1S.60H 33,410 14.711 10.001 19,863 72.364 9,891 66,433 28,076 126,884 Cattl Renelpt 1,800 head. Offer lnga of fat cattle wer moderate but the demand proved poor for anything except strictly cholc grade and afl the quality of th day' receipt v. a a not very good the market on both beef and butcher stock ruled slow and weok at the recent decline There was nothing toppy on sals. Ton of the stocker and feeder mar ket was also easier. Quotations on Cattl Cholc to prime beeves, 810.76011.86; (ood to cholc beeves, (10.00010.76; fair to good betres, 19,60(3)10.00: common to fair beeves, 18.50 ft 9, 50; choice to prim yearlings, 110.60 411.35; good to choice yearlings, 810.00 10.60; fair to good yearlings, 39.0009. 85 common to fair yearlings, x.009.00; cholc to prime grass beeves, 88.0098.50; good to choice grass beeves, 87.1007.86; fair to good grass beeves, 36.2507.10; common to fair grass beeves, 15.60)8.16; Mexicans. t4.7B6.60; good to choir grass heifers, 16.0007.00; galr ta good grass neirers, 6.ofit7.on; fair to good grae neirers, .7eor.iio; cnoice to prime cowa, f5.C067i6.8B; good to choice srane cows. 34. 8606.6OJ fair td good graaa cows, 14 00 Vf4.t; common to fair grasa cows, I3.00(fi 14.00; prime heavy feeders, 17. 8608. 60; good to cholc feeders, 7.007.76; fair t good feeders, 35.6006.35: fancy Blockers. IS O0a.40; good to cholc Blockers, 17. no 7.76; fair to good Blockers. 8.16ir7.ri: common to fair stackers, IS.0006.00: stork neuere, M.nuiTe.uo: slocK cows, 83.000 4.3t stock calves, I4tnjj8.00; veal calves, 15.0011.00; hull., slags, etc., 13.6004.10. nr.eir- eiriKKS. 9 M 3. ...1140 10 B0 1....I260 00 II.... 757 I 7( 21 1021 COWS. t 16 I.... 890 V. 8. Hteel. vanadium .,..,1,., 45 43k Otis Steel 1014 joy. COPPERS. Anaconda ii'j 54 Am. a. & Rof. Co. 60j 64 ramvQ, . , . t ' Ml 31 '4 ...mi Chitio Cal. 4V Arltona..., Oreen Cananea ... Inspiration Kennecott Jilaml Nevada Con'dated Ray con'dated .. 102 ',4 100 101 101 18 14 14 28 V. 25 29H 69 V4 24S 2814 69 "4 Seneca Ufih Oen. Asphalt . Coeden , Calif. Peterol ... Island Oil Invincible Oil Mixlcon petnedl Middle States , Pacific Oil Pan-American . Phillips , Plerc Oil Pur Oil Royal Dutrh .. Sinclair Oil ... Std. oil, N. J, , Tcxa Co Union Oil White Oil 3k 94 3 3 I7H '!4 1414 .. 10'ii 1. S6i OILS, .. 01 .. 4914 .. 63 4 13H 36i 63 2714 u 1014 0914 6914 4714 C24 72'4 32(4 6(4 431 79 3114 97 6714 'I.7.. 48(4 46 10 61 '4 01 3714 26 28 i 614 38K . 3314 2714 16 JJJi 66 7314 38(4 6(4 45 H ' 7354 I?7 47 lo 6!4 014 .18314 180 13 UK 7614 49 '4 61 494 63(4 4 16 II 18214 113 1314 13 66 77 '4 10 14 0(4 3114 17 8314 65 14 77 0 1114 714 3314 28... 10.., 21... 81... T... 1... 9. 8J7 928 91 93 . 9t .1140 102J It (0 13 00 29 10 10 I I M 4 10 .1471 . t3. 3 19 .... 90 4 00 11 996 T. ...1061 4 23 HEIFERS. 1.. 190 I 25 1U'I,1.S I K0 1 ... .119 4 13 I 00 rAt.vrs, 1 In ; 141 It II WMTKRV CATTIiE, NKIIHASHA. I feeder ......1121 t Bt.era 1U4 4 It feeder lie (in lloca HecelptB 4 100 heed Demand wa g.iod a4in r.i.v on Plkt nge and bitti'hee vteiahi. shirk r l.lrlv artlv al aieady lu .Irons prlcre, ll-atf kimla were aiew B'.it g-n-rany oui eriir, I, 'am heat .''d Urg'ly at ll"fll I'.h a toit ertr of lie fie, ilt.o.1 uu.lilv k 1 b.r .ul. 1 el iittl6s and nn.ed o t and 1. kit. arad mnetly al fttt w hi. ,ttr-t,e be' and ..tusbt Mn4 io i , Hulk f a.lM vta IHXI, 1 ta jf . ,lt . . 4 it It-.itf I 74 114 tl I t H t ft It II f : i: l . ,17 il. .JM 11 Hi ii itt M .Itt He-.IS't tt l4 it( !i. led l. - .l I... Ik iib .- i s,.,a 4 w-.a 4 t4'.e )w B, - I. atw i weak t .. ! CUB ?. . . !... t i-t. l-w III -.! II II a.A laaaa l- m k,i atA tttiaait ia t ti - i SSI ! HI l' )tf SI III ewt. . I I tl 1 It 1814 . .. ia ... 78 ... 6(1 H ... 614 ... 81 14 8014 ... 67 65 ... 83 3274 ...199 196 19414 196 ... 47 4614 46 4674 ... 1')4 18 ... 7'A 7 WUTUK3, Chandler 0,1 591 (ieneral Motors.... 14 14 v mys overland. S'4 6U Pierce - Arrow.... 18 12 White Motor 48 48 Studebaker 12il 12314, 12614 1354 RUBBER AND TIKES. F'k 12 12 12 Goodrich 3314 32 33 14 Kelley . Springfield 41 39 41 Kr.ystona Tire 1 14 714 814 AJax 16 13 16 U. 8. Rubber , B2 60 62 18 7H 61 '4 13 45 V4 7H 1 14 1. 40 61 43 29 3514 37 48 39 Sl'4 as INDUSTRIALS. Am. Beet Sugar... 43 14 43 At., Gulf tk W, I... 29 29 Am. Int'l Corp. ... 3514 33 '4 Am. mminlra 87 8714 Am. Telephone ...i:n 1:11 120 1211 American Can .... B8 66 58 6714 Central Leather... 40 89 40 40 Cuba Cehe JJ 13 13 13 Cuban-Am. Sugar, 22 ; 2: 12 Corn Produrta ..,.114 111 1I4'4 113 Famous Players ,. 94 9?'( 9414 9314 nenersi riicrtrie. . i n 17414 174 I7t (Irest NortliKi n Ore 39 W 39 891. 91 Int'rh't'l 105(4 109U 105U 106 Am. Hd. A pfd pt 7 (7 67 U. 8. lnd. Alrhol. 63 10 1 11 torernai 1 raper , ta t t.-t te ea r 7t !! ti hi 17 jvJ 0 4014 44 19 7814 7 2 1 4014 41 MU 71 r I 11 41 41 111 111 14 l 1 17 7 34 II - ii'4 11 : 1 31 lot 1t 11 te 44 Ill 41 4t 37 lt 13 ii 11 a f a ,t i.4. tit.t ., r , Hr i'-lt t i . 1 . i. tit, - . I he tea 9 m l-i w a . ft It l. e k U It. I I ! .! l t . t . lit , , . !. !, .4 .lr, Ultt, l 'l . 4 14 4t 11 IVI "it it) 114 II a'lle. lMilt I l ( ! b-e ,itt a iai'V , .., 4.t 9,4 -. tt ... 't4 I , e1 Il p-1 4 B''t i I.5- ' It, el k-4 te-4 . ' ' . t. 91 t t ,. a ti 1 " .4) 4' t l l l. t I !) ) 1 . ul In 111 I ; t . ) .. t 'el.- ; I. m t t ' - 4 t 4 j a. ' - .. II .., -H4 t'l I ' - 4 I " I Mi It lt. I t.. tl ! d-. t ', 1.4 .. . t III. 4 f.Mv ittti 4-.. . - m, a . )) ri l V.ltl'-i - - . i It t I I I I I I I I t.t - .k- a4 If ftl a-.- . ,t t u 11 i.i I'. I iilli it, - , .it ,t- it . 1 A It I. d I II 11 Hit K H- .t ., 1 -4 e .l- k.w , k I"w4 ft, 4.. , - . i4 t'-.'-'-. -wttt t. .1 ti'tif, I ..-. f -, I,. .i j.a tt'-w -t I a , I .., K M.l ... 4, ,., l ... . I t . I t t ' ' - 1 1 . ,, e-t at t 1 .. . ... ,. . . r- . t - 4,. a. I , . 4.1 t, 1 tl . . t fc-4.l't i.;t-ii 1 w - !'- I'kieo .... . t, , ... ti'i i.ait . i't 1 1 1 1 . 1 -.., (tit. i. ) , i, i, e, iti . 1 1 ti ( it tt C -. Att '-4t fctv -t ( I V '.ej 1 1. 1 !-', it ' t .. tl i' , 4 t 't I- I v- ,' ,w. 4 i. a. j e 4 1 e4v Inter, M. M., pfd Am. Sugar Rtf.. S-arl-Riirhurk ,.. Htrnmburg Tobacco Product. Worth'ton Pump. 1VH.OM Co Venlern t'nlon ..112 110 Weet'hoe-e Kite. . 11 40 Atuer. vtoalen ... 7 MftlCtat.ANIior Am. cation oil.. 11 t Am itgri. 1 nam.. tr Amer, Iiin.te.1 .... 37 t tuoB Hag, .., ,, 1 lie. h 4titgnetn . , , II kl'n Hap. Iran.. 11 i'i n'tel i'it .... tt 'mif I'trkint .... ; ('..I. (lal A I'i.o ..III CoIiik.. tl, auk. ,,, 1 t o, ltd lour .... la Si I Knam.l .... t I e'tt.l FUH ll tn: to. it rii,an n u ti in l'utta Ai'fr ! tt 41 tt 4t r'i rrtn It! Bn , . . , , . , t .... . ,.) It tt i-.,e (! .... II ) It , 1. a ',,, ft if it t i . a.m III lot tl le. a.. 11. Tl tdtt'i ei,.. a. ..a. Vf .!, ,444, Ikui.-I.t .It , .e-t- 9-..Tkttl. eiw. t'l? a - .... l7, I II ... I, t tW, II ' lew Mfe I V.-J ft.t, .t.t Jl - !- k.l I i. ee B 4 fj .. ttl li I. .. '!. at.ta.i a n . it.f it .,, it., )., ,.et..4 at I 1 4 tat a tl,. a... .t a l p$ 4 4 44 fa, ut.t D .4 e l'.tet ii4H.a tt t tl.4.e ,t.i .. . 4 1 a i' ." a . p4,it l la 4t.te4 te- rt I it ,note4 It .1 .l Mat 4 ' ' a ' a l I t t-ti t .t e, l ..4 ft. . . .el . a.. . vt t ...... . .. . t 4 .. ..t. at.. it .. ,e a 4.1 f4 mt 4,4... e B--4 t 4 k..4,t t.l.t e-4 tt -, k. ft. .4 4 1 tl 1 l ) tl Ill 4.1.4 It -.. . J? ' K, 4. i... . ' -'I. 4. .. , 4,4 f.t ...1, I t, I ) . t tot. t V4r n .tt ;i, , it'e.). t., . a. ,.9. 1 t i t 4 v -4l.... 4 .', It t. -t 4.t, w r- j.s, l t -.. .,,., U ., II I 41 t.t.- at,., H"i ! - New York Bonds New Tofk, Sept. II rrlee f kond ,..p.rially Ih fortlga etMrHiea. re, led sharply at Ih einm( el te.lar a markel In r...eae to a ihaip break In lerllng esrhang. but Ikey thlhitd ir re. euu.ratio po.r in th firain, a f ( Ih papular laaaa shnaing e aaln f a peml er met. Th trte, tit. tv.r. wa ailakliy luwer. Ilrtgiaa 1a wtr duwa nearly I point tnd nowl nf Ih other aurupeaa laau a point er trior befer lha ract.v.ry sl la. Tho lal dinn lor Brlllth, rren.-k. t. ban and Japane.a laaue reaulttd in Mas liaa t being pushed up 1 J.pane. lies, 1, nd Fr.. h a and Suion t a polm each ceh.Sivkin t drop. k.d to Ih Inwe.i figur sine Ihvy liav been llaltd ea lb llk ttehaai. Hom f Ih peuiaiiv rallroaf morlgage alt mada good overr, par tlrulariy 'Friar Ihieniea la which aold otf a paint, mad up Ihtlt lea and Ihra nioved up a point abova laat night a rlo tither railroad liana which ruovd up a point ar mor wer Atchison 4s, Kty Lis, kHaanurl I'scilie Is nd Illlnolt l'n. tr.l and Chicago, SI. Male N.w or. Iran Joint I Delawar A Hudson weret he he.vletl f.atura, dropping moi than 1 pninla. United Stalea Rubber la, America Smellliig a and lleihlehem Steel refund lug t made good progreaa in in inuu Irlal division, erh gaining a point or ........ 1.,., ...oi ta.4akn.4a wbb nuted la itrookivn Colon U.a la and aoma et th I... a I (rerllon Idbeille eaaed a kit, but th lo wer ky namlnal, ..,., Total asles (ptr value) Wrl I4,II,4 no N.v nf.rln. war sllahtlf In exeesl of 180.0ill.000. V. n. Head. B.le lln II 0001 High 1. Clo. ... I ih.,1. IUi 100 II 1011 l1l I l.lh.rl. Ill I. .... OH II " I l.llxnr lt 4..1"0I4 100 J4 0t0(l 111 l.ib.ny Id 4V.S., 19 94 19 J9 14. I Ik. .14 1,1 iU. .Illlt till 19 91 Ull LllMtrty 4th 4141.. 1"H 101 Victory 4 io. 437 Victory ....110.14 100 10 101.31 rrelga Clorernment, Stat and Manlelpal. tl Argentine 7 101 I0IH 101H I Chine Oovl Ry I o 1 Tl.rgen I 109(4 JM t Hern 114 114 lit 14 Ilnrdesux 71 TSJ4 II f Is ....11014 !" 11014 I Cnpenhtgen 6 (it .. 93 II I.vons Is T9V4 7 a 71 7 I Marseilles ....It 14 Rio d t.lnelro la ..10 H I San Paul lnnVi Il Toklo t 70 II I Zurich Il I' 41 csechoslo I. ctfs. tl'4 91 it a I So I a 11 a II So 41 So 41 P. te 4 II 114 r.e r.t 4 .., I P. eel ir 4 .. Mr a ..ll ll 1-K4 hv lty, ti II y ga .... 49 tt ttw; I'll II S t.ttl e l II Sis Ull Ctl 4) la, 11 14 141 14 Third Av tdj I. It at it II Third A rtf 4.. It tl f Tidewater (HI ! HI lot 1 Tok I'rod Is ,.! let lot II I't I f II A etl lH t'ttt Il I'I I 'a 11 4., 91 11 11 II t'a Pa ev I t l. - 4 t'a I'ae tef 4..,.HI 101 oi I I n Tank Car 7a ...III 11" III 1 I id Drug It 19 91 tt Did Fl till la.. II tt tl Va Hr It. it If II Wabath lat la. .. , ltt HI I "4 Weal Flee It ill Hit ol II West Md 1st 4 tl 11 II W I'a ta 11 14 91 II W. I n Ilea ,..,111 114 III 4 West Kle f..,,..H1, 11 17 I Wlrk.gpra S It.. lt 11 If Wlleea C tt 1. I4 e 4 I Wli.o O ev I., 17 11 97 Telal aalre f kanda today Wei 1 1 4,. II, ODt rampared wok lit ill. t.t ptevl out day nd 111, 111, la a yer eg. 'i II .00$ 1 111 II II Dan Muni I. A....1"H(4 107 lolVt 11 Dept Seln 7 91 81 Horn Can 11.101 li Dom csn ts 31,,,, 91 181 Dotn Can 6s 62.... UK I I itch. K fnd Is 41., 94 III Dtrh K lnd Is !.. 14 103 French Rep 8s ..111 113 French Rep 714b .. ". 137 tlapsnes let .. " 135 Japanea 4a ,,,,,,, 90 II nelgltun 7l 29 nelglum It 94 97 I0014 llouj 91 11 t4 94 91 MH 8 7114 10214 102 10114 11 11 tt 18 II 4 11 II i : loo I 3 10 110 110 111 in ..108 108 .. 13 72 .. 16 I6V ..108 108 ..06V 101 .108 101 71 !4 10114 101 108 IKS 101 H e 8114 41 Denmark as Netherlands la , I Norway la 10 Sweden 75 Parla-I.y-Med Is 34 Rep Bolivia 8a , T Rep Chile 8 41. T Rep Bolivia Is , ttenalnd 7a 14 ueenaland t , . , . . 101 101 101 1 Rio Or do Sul 8s. 100 100. 100 (0 SwIsb Con Is 121 121 122 143 K (1 B ft I 29.10 0I t3 K fl 71 it- I 17.101 100 4 IT S Rraxll 101 100 13 If S Mexico In.,.., 68 61 47 U S Mexico Is 40 39 14 Hallway and Mlsrrllaneon. ft Ala Rub la ...... UK t UK II Am A Chm 7l.104 103 104 I Am Smelt 6s 14 13 14 2 Am Huanr 6s 101 103 102M I Am TAT cv tm 114 11441 I4 44 Am TT col tr 8s.l0 II , IIH 4 Am Writ Pa 6s.. 81 8414 34 15 Armour ft Co 4 Hi. 91 10 Il lit A T ft S F gen 4s. 92 11 1 H 16 Rait A Ohio 61. ...101 101 101 21 H4lt ft Ohio C.V ll 86 4 8614 28 Rell Tel Penn 7s, ..107 107 107 I Heth St ref ta.... 17 97 97 37 Heth St p m 5a,,.. 14 II 13 1 Hraden flip Is I 19 Dkln Ed gen 7g D,.)07 107 10114 17 Hkln ft T 7s rtf. 0 81 M 1 Cat O ft El (a.. 97 17 97 21 Can North s.. 11814 111 118 163 Can Tag d Is,.,, 8214 IlK 82 Cent Oe. Is ,, 100 00 100 I Cent Leather 18 Cent Pee Bid 20 C'err de P. urn 121 Chee Ohio cv 100 00 6s. 1 18 4s.. 894 89 0 8.i22'i 12I4 v 6s, 16 l 4 1 Che ft Ohio cv 4 Its 9814 6s A. 101 88 1004 84 1. to 16 76 16 C B ft ref 87 Ch ft E 111 6 6 41 Chi at West 48.. 63 I'I tl M Blf cv 4l 11 74 C M ft St P tef 4lj.s 16 83 C H ft St P cv 6 76 t Chi A N W 7s. ...110 1 Chi A N Vt 4.111 69 Chi Rys Be. v.. 11 29 C R I ft P (en 4. 86 HI f! Tl J P ref 4s., 8S 18 Chi ft W lnd Is.. 7714 1 CCC ft St Jj gn 4s. 88 81 Cfiile Cop 7s 1.IO8 107 1 Chile Cop 61.,,.. 16 Colo tnd 6s 78 78 ( Colo A So ref 414. 81 88 18 Cons Can fig d 8s. 64 88 9 Cuba Csn R d 7a. 88 8 Cuba RR 7S A, 106 108 Cub Am Bug 8s. ...107 107 pel a Hud cv 6s.. 100 100 "H. 81 1224 I I8U 101 al 11 114 7 110 lid in 11114 91 64 irt 76 89 1 7 9 1 I 6 ion Del Ed ref 6s. 1,,. 104 Det Did Rys 4s.l04 el ITtd Rys 4s., 86 Itnnd Mtch ?s..107 pnt Nem 7 107 unUeen l.t 6s ..106 Emp O ft F 1i ctf 80 15 Pine gen 4s 92 1 Erie pr Hen 4s 64 6 Flrk Rub 8s 18 Fram t D 7.... 83 1 Oen Kleo d 5s 101 65 Goodyear T 8a 21. 99 84 Ooodvcar T 8s 31. 99 3 find Tnk Ry C 7s.ll8 74 find Tnk Ry C 6s. 103 104 Ort North 7s A 111 11 tK 81 88 106 16 71 l 88 88 106 107 I no 109 104 108 104 99 107 107 104H 8 64 85 107 107 104 86 3 84 .106 106 106 82 82 100 100 99 994 99 99 113 119 102 102 110 111 10L 101 101 Ort North 6s B.103 102 103 ii. min 1 .ti rer as a. as 50 Hud ft M sdj Ine 6a 66 3 III Cent 6a 10 16 III Cent ref 4s.... 9 7 III St d 4t , 92 4 lnd St 6s 101 8 Int Met 4 rtf.,, 15 It Int R T ref s.i,. 71 11 int it iv anj ea wt l.J 13 Int M M af 6a.. 99 II Int Pa ref la B, II K C South 6.,,,, II 13 K r term 4 94 37 Ken-Spring T la ,,109 Lark mi II 21. .101 It Lack St la 10.... 1 t La cid 11 S I, let la 12 24 I. S A M S d 4. It 9 l I, S A M S d 4t II 13 I Lehigh Vtlley a.ll4 II Ml My it ti I Lerlllard It 14 I I, I N ref lB....tet I I. ft N Unified 4 ., 11 It Mkt St II f ren ia,t tl 44 Mid le. I cv ,, t t M A Si I. ref I. ... II 4 M K A T k P I e A 11 411 M K ft T n ad la A 41 14 34 K A T 1st la. 14 14 M P. ran I. .11 4 M r.e .a 4. , 14 II W et 'ow I A. , 11 III N 17 TT 1.1 It rtf 14 t. r 1, x m m tee ta t. N y c.a d la N T !' 4a,. II N T t!.t ref MT Nil A N I. II 11 4 H T H r.f 4 e-f lt t N T ll 4 la It lt T t-l tt tl l4 N T W ft He iv,. tit UN,, ft 4tfc I A tl It S ft West I at II . k W4t ea 4 II Sl lt f tl it 1 Mk II N W Ti ft lt 1tr Ij in 1 1 ti i,i in H it ii 11 lt tl i:p i It 11 N. Y. Curb Bonds Nw York, Sept. ft Transaction o th N.w Tot lurk kend market loilar war a fulloati IktatealltL I Allied Picker II tl fl I Allied Packer I 19 1 Aluminum U 'II. lul lot lot I Aluminum 1 'II, 1111U 1114 i o U I Am Cot oil la., f tt I Am 1st 7 Tr I M7 17 lmu I Am Hs Coup Is., It 91 91 I Am T ft T (a 31. 101 lol H 1o Ano Cop .,,, m lul ii f Ana Copper 1 'It ol 101 101 II Anile Am oil 7t o n oi, II Arnio.r ft Co fa.. ti4 la 104 1 At Uulf A Wilt 14 HM ti Heaver brd (a rtf 71 71 71 It St 1 '18.. let, lac. 111444 31 Jl.lh St 1 '31.. 101 ) iojv. amirr, t n tt i,a iv. I Can N llall 1 III II Can pacific 4s.,,, 101 iit I Cent kletl ..,. 107 loll, It Charcoal Iron 11 11 . von uaa aiaii a., ia II Can He Hall 1 loi 1 Co Tettlla I. , 11 v 4 "p n,a na SB IB lt 10 Deer ft V f. , Jul I Helena Sit Oil fa o It Orand Trunk lt o7 If Inter n T ta 'ti 91(4 41 Inter R t a rtf 45 I Kan On ft Kl la II 4 Kennecott Cop Is !! 104 0( lot li"'4 100 107 1 114 101 14 Kl 9 9 104 H4 inl 10 101 1054 106 106 B tl 14 91 I II 10 Klnst Co Kl 101 100 lot 1 Lacled Ola Tl.. joi io jn 11 LI M N'l ft LI la 101 I m 01 1 Msnitoba 7s..,.. , II 914 I Morris ft Co T 101 lm 4 Nit Arm Ta., II II 1 Nat Cloak ft St I n Hm I Nat Leather 8s., 100 1001 NTNHftHtl l" tl' inr 9) 101 loin 100 100 It It i h p Tm, w. w. toi ii mm I P 8 C. of N I 1 103 101 101 f Robert flair It ,.19 II 11 14 Sears R Ts, 'It 101 101 101 I Shawahten 7 ., .16 11 III 21 Southw H 7 It ..102 162 102 I Ht O N T 71. 'It .111 106 101 1 St O N T 7s, 'II ,.101 ll lot(4 104 1 St O N T 7s, 'II ,.101 104 lot! I St O N T js, 'If ,.106 106 1061 I It O N 7 tl. '2 ..107 lOT 107 I It O S T Tl, '30 ..101 101 101 1 St O If T 7s, 'Jl 0I 101 109 12 St O N f ..,.109 109 109 1 sun on it ,.. lot lu'vt I 101 101 101 I Hwlfl ft Co 71, 'Il 101 d 11 Swift ft Co 7, 'l 101 10314 103 7IOBI OBSg T( ,.101 lot oi un o call l .,,.101 loi i 104 104 41 10141 101 lln Oil Prod la ... It '4 II 'llu. Vacuum Oil il ,. 101 108 1084, Valvelln fl 1. , .10044 100 100 Foreign. 21 Argentine 7a, 'fl ,.100t4 lOOK 100 71 King Netherl a .. 14 14 14 23 Kin 8 V II tt 81 81 81 N T, H H Fr 7 .. 70 . 10 Rutalen 61 ....... II If ' 13 I Ruulan 1, etfl. 11 12 11 3 flW!ll t.104 104 194 11 U Mealeo 4l ., 11 II . 19 in 4 A 44 I 14 tt Ht 111 ! It I H ti 11 11 tl l tt li ti let It 14 l t t; .-v .11 4. a 1. 14 J f V I' I til ! 4 f I, tf I. tl t C tl (if till lilt 4ll 41 1 14 vt II 11 f lt4 4 A . IM t r t..:i 1 91 4 ft. tlf it l tlf It II .k4rd U..t4 I ! 4 ft . rtr it . iti it f. aa t i iii I t-eea r 1 ..4a f I r.4 aa .t ti , St ... . t I r. r.ti tit. 44 11 I t ... t. 4 4, 44 it j-Mt a 1, a r 4 1 h a a.l t. . , . i4 t r, '. t ,., tt II p -4 t , , t Wtan irooL . Boston, Seat, tl. Th Commtrcial Bul letin Saturday will lay: "WltH mor tbtn full week's experience under th new Islff, It 1 evident that the wool trad and th wool manuiV'. turef kr proceeding with more confi dence, much a they may dlsllk thi form and fate under tha tariff, for a definite bull for figuring 1 now had. Ther Had bean a farly heavy trad for glmeel every grade and kind of wool, partly for manufacturer' account and partly of k speculative Hew tiatur en th prt if th dealer! Prise arc Very flrrd and th tendeney ef the dealer I lo advocate mor money, especially in th medium gfadea." The Commercial Bulletin will pabll.h wool quotations a follow; Domestic, Ohio and Pennsylvania floecen Fin unwashed, 4048o blood cofnbln. iO061e 4 -blood tomb ing, 47 0110, Michigan and new Tork fllecet: De tain uhWaiHtd, 110 Met tin unwa.hed. ittri.ei -niooa unwaenea, trtyieci et blood unwashed, 4Jf4Jo; H -blood un Washed, 44 049c. Wlteontln, Mltiourl and averag New England; On. half-blood, 46041c; -blood, 43t44c -blood, 4204tc. Scoured basis: Texaa flna 12 months, 1. 2001.11; fin I months, 11.070)1.13. California! Northern. 11.26: mlddl county, 11.1001.18; southern, Io0l6e. Oregon! Eastern No. 1 staple, fl.180 I ts 1 flna and fin medium combing, li lt 01.20; taatern clothing, II.OS01.13; val ley No. I, il.O70i.lO. Territory: Fin staple choice, 91.27 0 1.89: -blood combing, 11.1001.16; -blood combing, 81 6 Ilc -blood emb ing, 77 080c. PUHed: Deism,. 11 U01.ZI; A A, 11.01 01.12: A tupers. 11. 0001. 0t. Mohstrs: Best combing, O0llet belt carding, 60 66c. Braditreet'a Trad Review. New York. Sent, tl. Bradatreet. Sat urday, will lay: "Trad and Industrial condition verf generally show further Irribrnvement, Ex pansion In fsll buying. ,steady to higher commodity prices, a still faster Pace tn industry, employment snout tne most widely diffused of th year, eollectloni better and 11 northern crop ripenlnl with trifling frost damage, are among thi rouble feature of th week. "Outstanding special feature In a week which haa aeen some of the lateness 01 the sesson made up for mare confident buying, ar the reported heaviest purchay in 01 aieei raiia evr wimeeeea in wee a very general mcreaa In at primary markela of all th leadk tiit-e, with Important advancea . In several kind! of cot Inn goods j ana raw wool; thi df.appeara, lilt car from th railway r in. largest total of leadlngsj 11 monma peal, and an rtn. pot, tni mere e.pedaliy en.nrac., prncn. Wkly bank clearing. 1 Kw tevk s Ntw Trk, 4pt. It market wat firm art r WHk Ckba ler snot and nw earned l Uc et etl lo 4 4e f.t eentrifugal Bale lat Th OBttav ef li t t't e(r pro. ni.t hlpmki at ad fraiiht. and t-lr 4,0. .4 bag I I lie. real and traiaht. le lerai with a firiner kuyla lalertat at ttr aiati4n. Saw autar fulare wer fi.rei ltd tsverln e buying fr cceual, ttein.l.d by ik !be af Ike tpel market Prlc at ea .Irte.ea e t le II petals, "VI r-n. e ... in an inl IVI. with I' a.l nt,aiite4s enrk.nn I pll H.l k'lkee Cltwie ml tli.i I'tttmtti, t, M.t.k, 34. t. I lie Tk.r eta ettp It t. Iie em a evn 1 avaitiit. m iit.4 at 4 11, b ail ret,.tn avlia.4 In... kMiaal, w.w "tr a. t I I ( 4,l sel. llt4 rw... r r.tta.e a. . i e, 1 et. t.t ..4 .4 M .A-" t ett l-l4 lb a a I e --! tt 1 I I e I - 4 . j a 1 t, 4. 114 tt t, liilHil, i. irnHni i-i .. I, .!. 4. 1 1 lltll. FI4U f ! 41 v At.. f ... 4 llil II a.w,.i a T, il a P it it 4 t H lit .-,. ALtii.ll 4., 4.,. 1 I, it i 14 I .. tt k, it ii tl 4 . -44 k 4. tt ti . , . 1 1 . i. t. i. m i, 1, 1 I. t'i 14 ! tt 1 !" ti 41 tl 1 lie H '1 It " w 1. ti l. f i kew a felt,, T.'k .st it 14. 4 . J l.i, P.4 .1 a ' 41 t ! I ee ti. 4 ,. 1 ! aee Hit H.i be t 4 taw I. 4.41 aeta a4 ' -' l'4l 444. a.l 1.444 .1 I II B-.4I " II mill f ike 4 kl 't..4 M Ik let ee h: . tl ll't il l a..,,1 4,4.4 4)44 i a.l A ua ef t. t Pt ..i Ht.,.4 , (fc,. tt t "' -, 4uit.. I I't t4.,, Itt, tl4, tff j i 4.,, I ar44. I II e-l i4. a i iett.j ttt- 44, II t 1 1 1 .tt 'fatt TlTV. 4 w'wt. '- (. 4 - 4 ltt 4v lit .( le. 14. W 4-4 .4,..t M II I tt.t.e 4..,.( , W 4f A 4 l.t , . I -41 t ..). ,, , at t 4 4,' I : tl 114 44 ita4 4v.ertii,rw" 1 V::;::rj;:::::r;: t 4,. ....... I . a : IT r 1 r r 1 1 v j t s I Mt 4t 4 ti m f fta-t. al '