The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 30, 1922, Page 14, Image 14
H ; TllK OMAHA KEK; SATURDAY. SKl'TKaMKKK 30. Wl. ' - ' Mm The "Wanf Ad low Put Your "For lemf Sigra section of The Omaha Bee you tell prospective tenants in O.iuha about wha t you have to rent. Every person who looks Oyer Omaha Bee "Want" Ads will be interested or he would not be looking there. Phone AT-lantic 1000 and ask for a "Want Ad taker. . Nit; BEE WANT AD RATES II. pt lln. Mrk 4y, t T t . ! par lln each day, I III 4a. I Xi per line H'S . t 4r r uuw Th. iu.i raiaa annl aAeluatveie- Want Ad wan. .r. oomioonly i'4 pblla wsata," sad 4 not larlud. .4 .Orllsinf or as plotting their baeioeo. TKK nre lb. H4 I. 4slg. MU what constitute a lie !. Win) Ad iepu4 ( lb. f.lllaf ffteewt Tslepkea ATlaMI !. rail foe Want A4 leortmnl. A. perlenced want a4 laaar will rwwt'. a4 and a Mil will b nll4 latar. Th. rate, ejuoted apply .Khar 'g ar rsali .rdsr. ct.twinn iou for want adi Keening F-dlletn a. Uomii, rditiea a,,. r- uodey Edition I . . asturdsr. Thss. rt. tly Huadey Be aa wll a w ilia worning He. All weekdey dvrtlrnnt aplaar in both momma and elug dlllon .1 laa sua coat. TUB OVIARA VORNlN'l BE. TllK KVKNI..a Uf.C DEATH ft FUNERAL NOTICES .foHOKNSKN John, aged at yrsrs, died Tki 1.1 his horn. H. F. II. No. 6. Funeral Sslurdev. I V in . from llrrwar'a rh.ti.l. 24th and K his., Dr, J I. U t'hM l.ffli lallli. BURIAL VAULTS. WOODEN bole soon decsy. Slerl or Iron . a,,it hiii ruit out and rollapao. There- fora you ahould Insist upon uur under taker using an Autnmatln Seeling l rret Burial vault; water. proof and over, laaiina. Manufactured only by h Omaha Concrete Burial Vault to., Mia N. IO1I1 St., Omaha Inspection Invited. CEMETERIES. VIMIT FoRFST LAWN. North or II r l.lillll. Offlcs at Cemetery and 730 Hrendele ThMl'f - SWOHODA. I V FARNAM STREET. - FUNERALDIRECTORS F.XSTACK & CO., 1 Om.h.'a hat tinrlrtakln f nhllhmnt. AMBULANCE! Thlrty-tnrd and Farnam. "LARKIN BROTHERS FUNERAL DIRECTORS. 4I1J HO. 14THJ "llEAFEY & HEAFEY Undertaker And Rmbalmara. Phona HA. DM. Orrira IH II Karnam. Hulse & Riepen, ranaral Dlrarlarm. 1114 Cnmlat. CR0SBY-M00RE Jllh Wirt WB. 9it. FLORISTS. T -W T A DTirnM rooi-. XJXJi-i AJaTlAVllXVyAl hi Phona AT. 244. HAV IT WITH FI.OWBRK PWOKODA. 1415 FARNAM FROM HBbS STREET. JOHN HATH, )04 Farnam, JA. 1V04. U HKNDICUHON. 1607 Farnam. J A. Hit. PERSONALS OOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 000 O . TO THK TKAIjB: O O All thona who hava PrlmA Tnnlo O or rrlina Doer eaaea wnn or wnw- j out bottUa ahould return them O within ilva daya aftar thla data O to th. undermined concern for O credit. Fallura or Reelect to com- O ply with thla will be forfeiture O of depoglt with tie, and In no way O will wa be reiponelbl. for further O del me. O If. TrfTtneon Company, O I fl!2 Howard mreei. u 0000 0000000000000000000 THE SALVATION Army Industrial homa aollciu your old clothing, furniture, niaira r.lnea. Wa collect. We dlatrlbute. Phona no. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 I lodge etreet. rtAl.B In order to make room for the holiday atock every thing will ba aold at the Barclay Coraet Hhop at coat on Saturday. Kept, to, on. day only. 1437-14 t'lty Nat'! Bank Wdg. WOOK8 correctly opened and kept. Finan cial atatementa. Reasonable ratea. JA. 1180. ATTRACTIONS. DOLLS. BALLOONS, RUBBER BALLS, NOVELTIES. Ask for catalogue. Globe Novelty Co., 1204 Karnam St.. Omaha, Neb. WANTKD FRKB ACTS MERRT-OO-round, conceaaions. Corn Carnival, Wed. Oct. IS. H. Crowe, Clarion, la. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Irish setter, answer to name of "Ted." Reward. Phona WA. 0095. STRAYKD Two buy horses; finder please ipl urn to 3".:4 Kminett, or phona Wfcl. tiOl 4. Reward I.S. LOST s.k -LHillfs waU'h, initials B. A., keep Call Patter, Harley Hotel. Reward. i'.OST AIRKDAl.K . LIBERAL RE WAIll). TEL. HA. 3014. LOST Airedale mip; license No. 6720. Call llnrnty 04a. Reward, Lust. Lonir dark Pima call WA. ftL'J. II 1 kid gloves, gray. EDUCATIONAL I'AY SCIIOOI NII1HT SCHOOL. fomplete courses In accountancy, machine bookkeeping, romptomctry, shorthand and typewriting, railroad and wireless teleg raphy, clll service and all English and riimnierclal branches. Writ, call or phona Jackson 1645 for larg Illustrated tatalotf. Address I1DTI, KM COM.KOB, Ttovles Mldg, Omaha. Neb. l LEKKS for gotsrnment departments; 4t: monthly. Eiperlenr unnecessary. For free Hat foteitums now open, exami nation requirements, writ J, Leonard i fanner nvtl service examiner), JOI KejuiUM. Wilg . Wsahingtcn. I . W A N T F 1 Vleii, Issues and b'is to learn barber trade; In demand; wage while ml"; strt'tly modern, tail or whit l''te rit. Trl-Cttv Harber t'elleva, lev or Kveoin eeawioBs rvWOHAK HlrllN C'H.LKIK. Was Itni. Mill and r'.rnam. AT. ttl. 1 UK Nalionl Aul Itteir etotitg . . Il t-'h ; umlMi . auml nnuli-'B , 1'.'. Ci In and eea i. otifska. f r celetii. f van s r" nHii. op m MN: a) a, ew S'!ienih and m ui ! 441 X"s.StTli T..I', "" 4 'B 4at Itatta. k US J I'M ... vii tR II arTl4 H i;l.l ,ii II I Ilk flle tv9 iu' MALE HELP WANTED. AVI hl kMI'U ' H t A'll.NC J .) ) A ll'h H Akl.l. St'l'- Ba ta.u Sk-B. llfAXxH e.- waKi.a Mast I ij.s een-o . 9 b,t Beta, la 4 .-aa Mtait s. M ..4B "MJI tBa la iiiB't.i-)li isle. St K. , , s-rti'N kv t.l ".! ..flHM'tf sii4,,tl t 4-U-: "9 !-, e. Ha. 14 v Q i V 4) 0 J 0 rt rt , r x 4: r i ft TtV rta. s4 sa4 a 14 I I f I l -, -4 , l . - -B 1 F,l 4 a lr .!. P sat .- 4 t Vle. ' :i4 , M'l.'B. I i)iat rv i 4 t MALE HELP WANTED. TKt'l'K 4flr; n.y.1 kno my jII. fur ai.h irnt ( iHnian; aiala drlvlu pailan.a, aa and phuna uuinhar, pflrr una Ha has had g' iy delnery ef. Intra. al. Oinalia ll. 0000 000000 0000000 000 oooog fr A.iro, rAHrfNTLIli .iii.r.wni'.ini AI PI.T AT fni.omant tept. CltiAlir PACKINO COWTAXT sulk Side. ooooooooooooooooocooooooo oooooocoooooo 00000000 0000 o o o o o o WANTrn. EXPeRIK.NCKIf CANDLBRS and 'fllll'Kr.N PICKKRa I'Hr I'll KKIt WORK. OM AM a. ini.l MTOKAOK CO. Kifhlh and Karnam. o o o a oooooocoooooo 00000 0000000 WAKTKIi -I aood mn lo o on ranch, alngl, I Itiamad, Mual give rarereBa. Iaa rail. Market i aflar clock. Market :. WA NTKI Klpeil.n. d churs) ma n for crnirallaed creaniery, iliv references. Aonreea l-iea Omaha Ilea WANTKIi Kpcrlned .wning men. NKIIKAHK A TKNT AWMXu CO., 1.04 Karnam HI. WANT HO K.aperlcnred plumber helper. Call WK H4a. Wantcil Llnam.n and grnundinen; aleady wk. Ilennlngaun Knglneerlng 0 , Oman W A NT Kl Plumber i first cleee; opes) ahop. Tholen liroa., Tavenworih. fcan. TOL'NO MAS HTUIlT I.AWI Kvanln downtown aeaslnna, I'nlversity of Omaha, Br eecrelary, 1027 Omaha Nat. Ilk. Hid FEMALE HELP WANTED. 'OMPKTKNT whlla girl for genera housework, small family, small home, II A. 3l4. FOR shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping etc., attend th American College of Business, 111! remain. Positions guar anteed; all our graduataa or In po sitions. Call AT. 7774 or writ r catalog WANTp;lJ experienced girl for general housework. Family of tbre. No wean. ng. Reference required. Call 1IA. 0917, 101 South Jlh street. WANTED Olrl for general houaework, or s hool girl to work for room and boara. WA. IJ. WANTED A white girl for general houae work, Call forennone and evenings. HA. 0034, Mrs. Louis Clarke, Z N. 34. WANTED Competent whit girl for gen. housework. Mrs. Ralph Petera. ha. osus, Wanted Olrl to help with h aw k.; student preferred. Mrs. B. C. McCague. Wa. 3372. WHITE maid wanted for general house. ork. HA. 7 Ml. MALE OR FEMALE. MEN and women wanted aa local and county distributors for a line of goods In dally demand. Good future with big profit for those with good references and capital sufficient for small Initial stock. Apply by msll enclosing stamped ad dressed envelope for reply. American Aa-enry, 15 R. 17th St., Co. Bluffs. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. SATURADY Is the Big Day. 'rowds flock to Stephenson Auctions. Saturday, September 30th, at 1:0 p. m we will hold our big week-end auction. There 1 always a big crowd o( bargain huntors present Saturday, but wa have plenty of seats for all. f rank a. stepnenson, Auctioneer. 1500 Capitol Ave. AT. biti. OLD-FASHIONED furniture. Mahotany sofa, over alx feet long: flowers carved on back; upholstered In green velour; per fect condition. Walnut cabinet with rose wood grain, etc, Mrs. Karl Mchol, 61b M. 5th St., St. Joseph, Mo. . HKAUT1FCL walnut d. table and dining chairs, genuine blu leather seats; Sel ler whit enamel kitchen cabinet, Ilk ew; also oak dresser; d. table, gas range. sanitary couch, Pkr. Reas. HA, 0700.' 8040 Mason. FURNITURE AUCTION. All Next week. 18 & Webster. DOWD AUCTION HOUSE. FOR. SALE: A rhilds folding korgi or play yard and case. Good condition. Call HA, 3468. DOOR BOOKCASE, cylinder records. 5, 20o phonograph, cabinet, clock, china Inset. Rem. rifle, vulcanlzer. !, 177. MAHOdAXT upholstered settee for sale; Iro folding gocart and wringer. Phone Harney 4000. Imiulre 830 S. SSth St. HIUH grade furniture, Vlctrola, Louis XIV dining set, 2 Queen Ann mahogany bedroom sots, parlor furn. WE. 2730. BRAND new dining set, consisting of pieces, never been used, can be seen at 4227 Harney St. EXPERT aewlng machine repairing. 1IICKEL3, 15th and Rarnay, DO. 1178 THREE-PI ROB tapestry overstuffed living room set, slightly uaed; high oven Detroit Jewel gas stove. Harney 6313. KITCHE N coal and wood range, 135. Good1 condition; fine baker. 3315 Harney St, PRACTICALLY NEW book cas 4 section top and bottom, 130. 4601 N. 38th St. OAK dining set, llbrsry table and other furniture. Fine condition. WA. 4631. FURN1TURW AND HAND TA1NTBD CHINA. Ml SO. 34TH ST. FOH SALE 3-plec all-over upholstered set, T0. Phon HA. 7ll. CRYSTAL electric washer for sal. 1440 Arbor St. Call HA. 46I. ROTATE Oak healing atnve. good condi tion. It4 Mapla St. X 1011. ON K Iron bed, complete: on child bed wilh springs KB. Il. C( H'Cl'l. 1 beds, romplat MA. jtll, Furn . good condition Ifli.Podgs, IIA 734. Itaeeburnar for eale. 64e4 Western Ave. I4MAI.I. gTsl chesp K K. 14,11, " HAMIi COAL he"ieirj: Corby. WK. S74I. I'lAl'el"" fer'aal WK 144T, HAHIH-OAI, liTu"" II vTu llii umili Aniiiter ru. I lie 4 AT til?. Ma'-LIPBH IIA "Riil !!" B 114A. GOOD THINGS TO EAT. oovronoonoooonoooooooooooo Weinthl'a Bakery o o a c Saturday Specials PMH AM' M"fcT 4 4'IIK o o o n o o o A .! erti it ui r I'PI r) 1 tk'l FSislI Fit I r I'llt W a - I Si t'aaiti.s '- 4 Haaia 9rJOrOOf)08900090a000000 a A ri ! ffea I 4 Jeeikix 4 Ck l k-i Mr.i . 4 c a 4 .' el I -lea O A i4 -e- kr, O A I M ewieil A O g t ,-, a'-w. A i n. t i I rt A ea 1 eita A A tat a...'a A AAAtaAAA9fo'fS trills Atria, 'tnu'lail )" t it 1 aii lo lao ! r ..! .t) ! rit ..r i.. SIHI. Dlltl I oil t. A Am at ea-- 4 frM 4 , la. , . h. H lii V 1 at "' ton 1.11I1. 41 I- b a MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. .i.ISi uul miu aiok i tilth giade landafd ph"lal at aa.rlli. . .rlra, rakj t.r imiiii. lils I'Mograpti lll ll. THAltt luar lad l la Bit in a Be BUf pia"a hala"- aa lav aa II t'f iihhiIIi. A M-'kl'ISf., 11 lwuiaa. M II I. aauiifl-e r'w Ma'IIB silver plaled ! Mrlwio ail , K III. I i'R "l.fc I'laou, Braciirally Bear. AT. Il.. Hll. I, a-ll ..ludr in lllr"la, ahnual !, iHd rarorde. Harfaln 1443 ..n Bi KliTl Rrvr Bilver plal.d lririilHBe, Mil alnaon Miiale Phap, J"l Arllnglon. II A VIM AI'K tl ptiw laailter raaa, lln fur sale, eirellenl n:i fan wa. i:n i"iK 'HKBTHA music f..r al. KB. 4S. l" II i k KH I Mlpiaiin ; Irada. Bell. HA. S:4 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE t'l.VMMt ep'-Hight fr windshield: never ud liaf 1117 RADIOSUPPLIES, KVevRTTHINIt I. It .alio supplies. Mall order solicited, Omaha iportlag Co.. 140 Hsra.v HI Good 3T0RE A OFFICE EQUIPMENT 6606000600060060000066000 O TTPtWRITtBi O O AND O C All make. bousW anal sold O O rented and repaired. Dot ent O O for Ih cont'NA, il our price O O barer )ou buy. Every mschln O O gusrsntseel O o cRNTHAb TrrwiuTF.n kxc, o 0 J A. 411. lilt Fsrnsm. O 0000000000000000000 oooooq WB lltlT, eirafe. desk, (hoi cases, etc. Omaha Flltur A Supply Co., a. v. corner 1Mb and Douglaa. J A, 1734. ri 1 1 A II A NT r. rTl"t7pe7rlirsr I7.V nd op" Midland Offli Supply. I4S4 Dodg St. CLOTHINO AND FUFS NAVY blu suil, also 14, almost new; black liuvetyu hat. all Saturday a, m. or evening. AT. 430. Room 411. ' FULL DRESS suits and Tuxedos for rent J A I 1 N.lth Street. . Keldman ARMY ehoe. lit. 703 No I4tk "haT I brown. I black velour coat, LIVESTOCK, VEHICLES, ETC. SEVERAL fin Jersey and Ouemsey cow a, freah and coming fresh. Manager Ger man Home. 4 S. 1 1th. 1 sows. I heifer tor sale. KK. 1144. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. THOROI 'OH BRED Plymouth Roik snd R. C. Whit Minorca cockerels, II, Louis Vomarka, Falrvlrw Farm, Rt. 4, mil southwest of Ralston. Take Pspllllon car to county lln. I'hune KAiston 70 w. THOROUGH BRED Plymouth, Rock chick ens. Call WA. 3011. WHEAT screening. 11.2 per 10O lb. A. W. Wagner, 101 N 14th. CBII j A. 1143. A few cholc 8 C. Whit Leghorn pul lets: well culled slock. KK. 4134. FOR SALE Pedigreed Irish setter. I month old. 4401 Barker Ave. WA. 1411 LIVE DECOYS. HARNET 4626. FOX terrier puppy. Reaaonable. WE. 2670, Genuine German Roller. 15. KK, 6611. WANT TO BUY DESKS. DESKS. DESKS. Nw desks, used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 12u7 Farnam. AT. 1140. WK buy baled wast paper, old newspsper and magazine. Call or write Omaha pa per Stock Co., 18th and Marcy Sta. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. IF you ar going In or out of bualnes It ill Py you to eo ti xirai lor fixtures, cash register and scales. OMAHA MKRCANTILH EXCHANGE, AT. 6171. UOI Howard. FOR SALE Good, clean stock of hard ware, in II v. town on main lin of U. P. railroad, will Invoice about l,U"; doing a, good business. Owner want to retire. Box T-2037, The Omaha Bee. GARAGE for sal or lease; main line IT. P.: 2.000 population. Address X-Z03I Omaha Bee. MEAT MARKET, cash business. S. U. Butcher, 4712 So. 14th St. POOL hall and barber shop. Sell or trade on property. 1104 N. 16th. ROOMING HOUSES. VI ROOMS, full of roomers, good reaaona for selling, sacrifice for lmmedlat sal. Will take car. Tel. HA, 0303. ROOMS FOR RENT LARUE, comfortably furnished front bed room, adjoining bath; excellent neighbor hood; walk, die.; meal If desired; refined business men preferred. JA. 6035. VERT attractive large room: private home; for permanent person. Park Ave. References. Res. Harney 4800, or office Atlantic 2160. FIELD club district, private family for couple or 3 men, 15 week, les perhaps on application. HA. 6530. FARNAM AT 19TH Hotel Sanford. FARNAM AT 16TH. Hotel Henshaw. Special rate to permanent guests. FURN. rmi, with priv. oatn; warm, torn tortabl, cheerful: price rrasonabia, day or wk. Hotel Hamilton. AT. 4701. TWENTY -NINTH St., 1023 9o South semi-basement room; prefer 1 or S men; 13.50. HA. 2848. 3021 MARCY Nicely furnished room In private family. Block lo thre car lines. HA. 0381. 3ITH ST., 4401 No. Furnished room. pr. vale family, breakfast If deelred, III mo. fXA-REMONT HOTEL -ON TiTh! near Jackson; Inquire for weekly rates. DO 1716. SLEEPING room, share kitchen. marrlsd couple preferred. Referenoee. WE. 1347, Parkvale Add., eaat front man, board optional; prlv. rm. for 1 young home. II. 2614. NICELY furnished room In new heme; breakfast If desired; on car line, WA. 4471, MOD, turn, room for young men. Red 1131 or 4161, Co. Bluffs. . 414 NO. TWENTY-FIRST T NIc furnished rm., hoard If d-elred. AT. tell. TFI log I AT. 71:1 comfy, cosy Mrs. I.uak leep. TfoMN oi of,n". ROOM IN rHIVATB TI.KMAN. WA. 1443. PI'NIiFK, warm, rhrrfii room. Uea et phna and, piano: gentletiieo, WA alt. Nli-42 frool rwmt for I oe 3 genilam or coupi eiwiloya.l, privet ham. KH 0141. aloOLNN iii1 rm. priyei horns, 4e ai'sk'e II par week it 3114 Ultt ,... rv. a I AHVAVI-Tia larg el earn, heated fe w ee rowe ms, FAi lllC r, IISI, -Fur no JA. i!.li'' B.d ..ia "ill "lal Aa . I' Bluff Mo tan r, !.' - k-Mi'n i r 111, mil w-aied a ei J I till HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. I f:t I. AH 1 4 i,.,4 wa'm. I rwwm Maiw, tylB,ef rrnlska bt te4t, l 41 iK'UMi r, i 1 - r ai4.w.i; f ..! I fiai. baaaap . an was, .,rtk-4 anl iii4iaai4 -Iwa i.ktaf f 111! - Hf'tafce4 siipe'if e-!!, k tea I v4 !' a A ! I f MSl 11 a, .Wi t I4i A .!! Ill w . Ill) I 1 1 . A -. win t i aw . 4-e4ai. J liaa I'ttk k ! -sH.t) -I ' 111 1 II 6 1 I I'M I a , i ws, 4fl4 ,1. I'll ll- III! IH.I1H o 1 a . a- t k- a I al !, 1 I .( . e at a . Mast e ! BnsM.aA Sws h a .-. a. f im I ' I a- .'aai . I ... aal l-a.eails, i.m 4'a".-4 IS BOARD AND ROOM UA li: Fi '..uld I k tooni a r old 1 hud uld and tiiar lakei rat of wlill mother works, e. bsnged, referenca Kulllf Fitter AVK, 431 Mtely furnish ed frail rmiiii fr gentlemen, hum coon Mig, nine la 3 rr lines. I'l.KA.ANT room (or lo, wiik mi. H A. 741. CALIFORNIA BT, 1417 Ileal d and twans for li on llernay car line. IIA. I)4 KVFN rienina, )4ih nd California, til 1 hot water heat; lis. Eight rooms, nod ertt, I'm snd fiat I sis. Gallacher & Nelson 111 paler Trust Hldg J A. 3t, FIVE'H'mivi houae, exrallent repair, mod era. except beat, lei South Itih trecl. 117,1. JOHN W. nriUHIN. J. lt Foil R F.N T A l-.luoln mmlern roltage, well furnished, ' Trniulrlali St, la Saturday or Sunday. BIY, room tiiiM.rn house, In Kountg PI 'Is.-. for ' per month, phon JAckson 1314 Hf OCT lT Newly4eraled -roo hnuee, partly nnsl rn Call AT. 4111 7 IK'i'M Sr. IIA. IK 'LilE, ll4 modern, i: U. 0i rrt. stuec bungalow; garage: IIA. I4TI, RNISHED HOUSES. FIFTIKTH ST. !. Heauilful modern homa or l-ruoni apt., gerage. WA. III. PARTMENTS FOR RENT 0000000000000000000000000 o O o o o o Pin cut in m.NT Kffertlv October lit AT TUB HENBOvr rl-''t'r, 44th and Dndga St., Dundr Car Lln. o o o o 117.1 par month, 17.10 per month, formerly lA 00. formerly I 71.00, o o Reoutlful l-room apartment with room efficiency; each apartment haa threa outside aalls; exception ally well heated and lighted. Adult only. Heated garages, II ') per month, formerly 111.10. Tht Is th best proposition In th city. Only three vcsncle to fill Octn. ber lit. Tel. WA. 1731, Benbow. o o o o o o o o o 0000000000000000000000000 WEI.L-LOCATED 4-room. I room arrom modatlnn. well arranged, attractive apart ment, In excellent location, ana tiv per month. HANSEN' J.NVFSTMENT Realtor. COMPANT, 1114-11 Dougla. AT. 0l. , NEW STUCCO DUPLEX FLATS. Located at 16th Ar. and Davnport St. Six fin room. Just -complsted. ready for occupancy. Tiled bath, built-in cupboards, French door between living and dining room, outstdo ontranc to Pic lntl porch on aecona rioor. nee these t one. J. L. HIATT COMPANY. 1331 Pint National Bank Bldg. AT. (100, OMAHA LAROEST RENTAL AGENCY Thirty-four apartment building, 151 apartments, reinforced concrete, abso lutely fireproof. Murphy bed or bedroom apartment. Call us, and w. will tak you out. DRAKE RENTAL AOENCT. Fireproof Apartments. JA. 2106. AT. 1701. Corner 17fh and Howard Street. GET our list of vacant apartment and houae, W handle a larger variety of rental properties than any other agency In th city. See PFTKRfl TRUST COMPANT. "WHERE OMAHA RENTS.' ' AT. 0544. 17th and Farnam St. BEST 6-room apartment, with bath In the city; with beautiful surroundings; children permitted. 3120 Cuming BU W. FARNAM SMITH CO., 1320 Farnam St. J A. 0564 LARGE 6-6 rooma, 180 to 110; few smaller, 3 to 4 rooms. 136 UD W. J. PALMER CO., Real Estate Management Specialist. 413 Keellno Bldg. AT. 8160. MARCY St.. and 23th Ave. Tho Chlodo. For rent 4-room apartment, with 6-room accommodation, all room ar light and airy. J A. 1422. HA 8136 Strictly modern 7-room brick flat, located 2411 Chicago, two block from Crelghton college, 70 per month. FIVE room In prlvat home, modern except heat. Stoves furnished, near car, no children. 704 So. 30th St. TWENTY-FIFTH ST., Ill 8 The Floren tine apartment of 3, 4 and I room, phon J A. 1422. SIX room and 2000 N. 23d St. bath: newly decorated. HA. 4330. 30. STEAM heated 4 rooma, close-in; low rent. G. P. Stebblna. 1610 Chicago St. CHULA VISTA A PTS. 6-room apartment for rent; ISO. HA. 4336. FIVE-ROOM apart, for rent to party buy. Ing furniture. 132 N. 40th. St. HA. 2771. HARNEY St. 2671 176. -Pressed AT. 088 brick flat, strictly modern, MODERN 3-room Apt., private bath, steam heat. 2214 D at 23d St. FURNISHED APARTMENTS. SWBBTWOOD AVE., 4108 room kitchenette, modern brick flat. and WILL rent and furnish any apartment for you. Ref. required. HA. 3468. - HUNTER Inn. AT. I960. 24H8 Dodge St. BUSINESS PROPERTY RENT 1.000 SQUARE FEET tflc. tpac In th Nichols Oil building, 17th and Howard Sti, Id floor. For particular call OEOROE A. CO., REALTORS. at. test. SPACE In Iron Bid, suitable for broker office, printer or light mnufeturr, rent very reaaonaM. i, rl. AUSTIN. ATlantlo 0711. lis. l.t Nat Bk. Bid. TORCI FOR RENT M0DF.RM elore ror. si in V. 4tk t J. I- for rent reasonable. Apply F. Tsmpl. Omaha He. A r, 190. FlnT Nat. lUnk Bldg Fa. Inf lain M I'asirabl prlvat effu with ricnt!un rom (ceniroedatlb. Apply In Flrat Nat. HaoW I'M rhlV.VTI! wlf.e,, s t'eler Trust tt!f lira r without ar ii desk. all GARAGES FOR RENT liARAiixl I.. nl, li , 311 P-JJS.a JA. Ill MOVING AND STORAGE ll"a.l.ll Pt.iHA'li; IAN I!, Hit IS. I- l'i k INU It. hi. 11. - 1111 l'.l lfwaA..i4 ida end Pub... H-Im'-I asle lA.e wa lol AS',1.111 .H I'll. ill Hal 11 lia'4 J sill I Till A tH fee, 11 aa. a-.. sad tu'tag xailre-'i I. Is i te'. a 1 Bi.iaaa la. Jt lltl 41. HI itaa. A ... aaa' V lac - r lw.-ivs, IV, ya'lS"eaa A ?Ba Hi N in i ai k. Ilia ""Hi k !. I'M III I laj , -Hl,it lata aa I I aa.-ee ta k .. I- la-' a.ii ai-.a, ai-ae-v ml .. U V.e,i.,il( eae.a a4 a a a .-.a, t . . A . .la- aa.M lilt I .. LOAN OM KKAt. MTATt. k a a a kawd 6 VtavsM la4aaaa. W I ..I tv1.. 114 An sa s 4 LOANS O NR EALESTATE AHIAIoHT 6 "ar loans, 41, par cant, AMOH UftANf CO.. 11 tllh. Arthur Hldg AT III! 1 1 01 TO 111 el li'Blia tnad promptly. V, D WEAD "d I , 14. BOWMAN. II . Illh St IS .ad Hldg. AT. Illl OMAHA EAST NKH. FARMS tlKKEFK MICA I. F.gTATB CO,. lit oni. Net, H. Mldg, Ji-kosjtTII, f)AHVlS BROS , ill Omaha Nat. flidgT ON IMP. PIIOPFRTT. NO U 471, AT. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. a i 7miN ri f.atimi. ACCoRiiV, Nil's:, Inlfe, box pleating, covered buttons, all styles: hemeiltcritag, butlonholrs. Writ Ideal Button Pleat. log Co , 101 lro n mock, Omaha, Nab. Telephone J A, lln. Neb. Pleating: Covered Bullous tlemall him. Fsrnsm, aei'iiitil floor, J A. 117.. l MmoPRH TOK. rR. tl K M A II, r.n I', non lt. lira. I. I, I to 4. T-l At, 2301. W. 1137. It COSTH4I TORN. I.KT m pisn Ih old. AT. mir new liouss or remodel Hll. DANCING AC AIIF.MIF.N. KEEP S, Illl FARNAM. BA!,fRO''U and 1nry 4nring correctly laugnt. rlas or private lesson. CHII. I'Ml.N S CLASHES slsrtlng Sept, 10, 1. 1 m. JA. 64;. HF.IiIIHTA. DENTAL X-IIATS.'ll each. II a full t Shepherd X-Ray Ilioratory. III Securltle. nrrF.iTivF.s. Indpendent Detertlva fiurea au. 104 Nevlll BlkAT. Il.l; nighl, WA 4U4I; KK. 041, RELIABLE Deiertlv. Bur-au Railway Kx. fting.. ja, svse; nignt, nri. siis. JAMES ALLAN. Ill Nevlll Blk. Evldtnr. secure.! m all case. AT, 1131 HRF.HHMIklNll. Dreseniaking, alteration J. C. Mill ind all kinda of sing. Mr. . Call WK. 1711 Ft RRIFRA. VERY stunning fur coals, shawl collar; II aleevee. 140; other coat olaln and trimmed; also mink cape t a saerlflc. Mrs. Me.Namsra, 3l Wellington Inn. FURS LTe.i'.r, rellned, cleaned. Alaska Fur Co.. 303 S Uth St. DO. 7111. flTDC expert repairing. remodeling. A JlJ Heanlng. at loweot-ln-the-clty price. Goldstein Fur Co. Over Fry. JA1U3, KODAK liMSHING. FILMS DEVELOPED FREE. Th Ensign Co.. 1607 Howard St. MATTRESSES. OMAHA PILLOW CO Feather re novated and mad nv m rate reatner- prnof ticking. 1107 Cuming. JA. 2447. PATKNT ATTORNEYS. J. W. MARTIN, Patent Attorney, 1711 Dodg. room 101, Also Washington, B. C. I help Inventor sail their patent. PRINTINO. KDDT Printing Co. 311 8. It St. DO. 1147 Mlr.CF.I,LANEO S ANNOl'NCF.MF.NTS. DIAMONDS p,r,c..p;!thtp?.vbeV., to buy back at smsll profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO., Omaha, Nab., 403 N. 16th St. Telephone DO. 1041. MILDRED K. LEWIS. Saxophone Instructor, resldenc studio; for appointment call WA. 1422. 324 N. 41st Ave. OARAOE8 built, any atyl and li. 110 up. Concrete work. Mlcklin LumMr Wrecking Co. Tel. WE. lilt. PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded at th 6 Sherman sV McConnsll Drug store. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. 0000000000000000000000000 o o FOR DEPENDABLE TJSED CARS. RALPH W. JONES CO. O O o o o o SKIS CHANDLER CLEVELAND MITCHELL NASH SPORT OVERLAND REO A BARGAIN IN EVERY USED CAR. RALPH W. JONES COMPANY 2421-23 FARNAM ST, o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0000000000000000000000000. Special FIRST WEEK OF OCTOBER 1923 132 ton truck, combination farm body, $376. Ill ton truck, express body and cab, 1175. 915 ton truck, 1100. Authorized Ford and Lincoln Dealers. C. E. Paulson Motor Co., Oth and Ames Avs. KB. 0175. OOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o USED CARS Trice Reduced to Clean Vp Stock. Tou Profit at Our Expense. Various Make and Model. W sell used car on a plan that protect th purchaser. A Safe Place to Buy WII.LTS-OVF.RLAND, IXC. 161.14 Farnam St. Opn Evsntngs. Open Sundaj. OOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 06000 000 OOOOOCO O0OO0OO0O O USED FORD CARS MANY TO SELECT FROM. ADKINS MOTOR COMPANY O 4fll A Slth !, AT. 44I. 0000000000000 00OO0O0OOOO 00O00O0CO 000000000000000 llttl M0DKL o o 0 o 0 A o a 0 A a K t,Utg, .1 t'l.a, left W rM th:a r (ma roadHl; I th us Br lv ., i..r only Isle, ANDREW MURPHY & SO.W li s sad Jaaw 0 A t)v19CO0ii5 0OAO0OCO0AO0tAOA ast'ooo4oaoodoioo9oi O 4 t 1 !. Ik -4 'aa A 0 i.. f.-, a Ilia. Iw g w4 A A ,li. at vv-lti lill A A t SIKGFRIKI) MOTOR A A COMPANY A 0 HI In tl I l.'Mai A 4d$9sdw)4O0)tAaOwO2 l eaa.aa. o A si a ti i;i.i w A .-A A SIKliKRIKn .MOTOR COMPANY rt Ml Ilia Hi Fw- 4 e. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. s"o"Soo"o56o oooooocoooooooooooooooooo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Your Confidence the Purchase of an Automobile Differ from Ih purrhss f most other lliinoa In one big outstsnding respscl. 1 h owner inuet depend upon ih dealer for the satisfaction ho n)oys from hi purchase. Th deler hsa . responsibility slniilsr Iw that of a doctor, Inii oul6i' think of railing In 1uat any doc tor h I one in whom you hv Ilia moat confidence The confi dence of our ruetotner la a big factor In our auceee. Those ho buy Kllly Motor company used car know that we r personally re sponslble. They hav confidence which leads them 10 bring their friend to u. Why not buy your uaed cr wher ou a re sure of reel vslu fur your money. We do not buy or sail automobile that w cannot guarantee. Illl Big Six Studebsker, new cord tires, a, real bargain, 112 Dodg Touring. Illl Dodge Touring. 1131 Ford Touring. 1110 Ford Coup, lot of lllra. 1111 Ssson Six. Illl Saxon Six. Illl Oldemnbll Six. Illl Chevrolet. Illl Overland Sedan, new. King Eight Coupe, Special, Illl Hudaon Super Six, Illl Mitchell. Illl Mitchell Sedan. 1020 Franklin Sedan. 111! Franklin Touring. Illl Franklin Touring. Illl Apperenn Six. lot of antral. 1130 Ford Coupe, lot of extras. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Many other I. choos from. Cssh or Terms. Killy Motor Company o o o o o o- o o Open Sunday from II A. If lo O o 1 p. sr. Atlnntio 7411. 2060-62 Farnam St. o o o o o o o o o o oooooocoooooooooooooooooo oooooocoooooooooooooooooo o O v o o o o o o o o o ON SATURDAY WE WILL OFFER THE FOLLOWING USED CARS FOR SALE AT CLEAN-UP PRICES: DODOS ROADSTER. BUICK ROADSTER. WILLYS ROADSTER. OLDSMOBILE ROADSTER. , DODGES TOURING. CHEVROLET TOURING. BABT OVERLAND TOURING. SCRIPPS-BOOTII TOURING. OLDSMOBILE t TOURING OlaDSMOBILE 6 TOURING. REO TRUCK. COMMERCH TRUCK. O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o A Host of thes hav been over hauled, repainted and put In good condition. Now 1 a wise time to buy on of these. We will loan you 60 per cent of the purchase price. NEBRASKA OLDS MOBILE COMPANY AT. 1770. Howard at 18th. oooooocoooooooooooooooooo O0OO000O0OO00OCO 000000000 O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o A o o o o A A ATTENTION! ATTENTION! FORD OWNERS AND BARGAIN HUNTERS. Why not av 10 per cent of your coat of Ford part by buying Ilk this; Ring gears, 11.00; pinions, 10c: axl shafta, 70c; wheels, 13.60 (and a reasonable atlowanc for your old wheels): blocks, 15.00 and up; connsctlng rods, 60e; oolls, 16c, headlamps, 13 00 a pair: and there ar many mor such bargain tht a visit will reveal. Thes parte ar. snld to you with th m guaran tee that you git with new part. Touring, roadster and truck hodle, 110.00 and up. "Nebraska Only For Wrkra" NKBRASKA AUTO FARTS CO. 111.11 llsraey St. J A. 4111. If it s for a Frd, w bs it ." oooooooooooooocoooooooooo oooooocoooooooooooooooooo 0 . P TRY COLOSTRUM FIRST ' 0 I o o St tl. t'aKli 1 R KAS'lAIM nip k .oiwii.. rn iii. nun iM MoaiUA I II K. RIH.ll " A he !- Ires I I 4 up K.ery ea M. kelr'iy 4rM4 Furd N u m.i.e Tee M I BMBea ( a GOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO. mi it.'. 1 4 .(oi.iao-joooioo'iooooiooooi AaoaoaiuooooiaXooooajioJ A a ii'ii mpttiiNA t ) I l.4 4 a-A aaa aaiel " A a U'.a r'. 4 i4 h hm A A lew aei BaAa 1 a-a mt A A A ttHMA IF ttt.ialtV A A I N(lSl k.rfoM lljylf A A It laal l4 ll f) A ail 1 is 4-1 laoe.e f J A 4i4l4asai(llltlll ell - viiii l toweiaa) l-a . ek I'll I AUTOMOBILES FORSALE. 00000000000000CO00000000O PFEIFFER TOP AND BOUT CORPORATION, SMASHKO CAR REBUILT I.IKE NAW. PAINTIN'I. I'PIIOI SriKINia. Ti'P URH. Uavnrth at Uth At. AT. oooooocoooooooooooooooooo 0 000000000000000000000000 o o 0 lit rveeabl lead Car O O 0 0 OH SAI.K O 1 Meeks Auto Company o o O J04T Frnam S, Phon JA. IHI. O O 0000000000000000000000000 STUDEBAKER For Sals Illl tudbbr runslwtul, In fret rise condition To be sold at bargain on account of forsclosur. Phon KE 1713. kTI DKi'AkKR SIX, t-paaner, an good tires, windshield wing, spot lights, bump ers In a ted me hatti'-sl condition. 1736, SIEGFRIED MOTOR COMPANY HA. fill. 161 Firesm, II REI KLIABLK used care, cash or tlins; Ford Ttodaea and other tnodele. , Todge II brand new Forda .1 a discount) Ford pedle. new end ued. UOLDtlROM AUTO SALES CO, Open (venlnge JA. 1441. I III Hamev St. i'i HE bargains In used Fords; prompt dsllvery of new Fords. Jri t A rrt KT MOTOB I ",, The Hsndy Ford Ken Ice Station, l.lh and Jackson St. DO. Il. I'OIMIE TOURING CAR. GOOD CONDI TION. O.OKS AT FIRST REASONABLE OFFER. TERMS TO KF.SPONHIHI.K PARTY t!. c. WICKLAND, 1 41 FAR NAM STREET. NEW and used Fords, i-aah or term. C. K. PAULSON MOTOR Co, Authorised Ford and Lincoln Deslers l"tll and Ames Ave. KK. 0141 FORD coupe, 1122; ueed I months: Im-k wheel chains; bargain for quirk sals; car Ilk nsw. liar. 1373; writ. J. C. Hllaeard, III s. 34tn St. FORCED to sell my Hsxon six touring, Owner lesvtng for college, A.l condition, good tire. 1100. Call 2401 Ersklne St. USED CARS. N. Ronney Motor Co., 1614 Farnam. DEPENDABLE! USED CARS MEEKH AUTO COMPANY. 1047 Farnam St. JA. 4101. USED car that can be used. NEBRASKA OLDSMOBILE CO., Howard at 18th. AT. 1770. NEW AND USED TIRES, 12 60 AND UP. B. 41 D. TIKE AND AUTO CO. 3161 Fsrnsm St. HA. 7404. USED radiatora. alt makea. for sal Oreenough RsdlstorRspilr. 1011 Farnsm. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer, 111 B. 14lh TRUCKS. TRACTORS. ETC. OOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o I BARGAINS Ford Trucks, leas than 400 miles. Panel Body and covered top, Mak us a reasonable offer. THE 0 N; BONNEY MOTOR COMPANY o o o o o o o o o o o o o S5..0 Farnsm Street. Omulia, Nebraska. Telephone No. If A. 06 o o o 0000 000 00 00 ooco 000000000 REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS -room -h0U9ef jnt S6xl32, negr P. O. 18.000. hsraaln. .TA 0327. VACANT FKUJPliKTY NASH USED CARS Why consider a cheap new car when you can buy a good NASH car reconditioned? 1 NASH-VRIESEMA AUTO COMPANY Retail Department 10th and Howard Streets. ATUntic 2916. Dodge Roadster LATE MODEL $500 OotvpltUt; Htbuill RtfinUh.J-OuArar.tcs.l Tls Is aa ictptionsll foot car In trtrf rttpfct. H hAdjrtry erfljlt snd is Uks atw. Cimptt-t!"' ipp tad hi trj; good Mrst, taelu4.f a iprt. Wa . w,ll p4fBM lUa aftrj, rwpt, and ou 1I Kay ta look tlcx4!jM t. tht it fct tiftr atd ftrftct pr(jrn. tar aadjrtrj, a,Ul lUUt car tohf. Xult in it It yUl W ita4taf fa frt f aar j!mtn aa rrrvi at WtfcTtrtt If a4Htd. Guy L. Smith NEBRASKA LANDS CHOICE BARGAINS 14 arro. th rtilie iu rlensun, very kol.a, :t.eae aiarih good Imprwi. liieriis, plenly f fruit, fine paelure Willi running water I'rl. a r-du4 la Illl I,, nulls well lu.proi. I. noir II mile t tiensuB, M Hillary road runalag IBnsugk) lenei and Bern pat a. I at 1,., ( ust la lit. aalar Pile reduced to l;Il I S' res In Barpr count. II mile. I. Sourtj ontaha Price, ill pap an. , I aire, no linpruvemeaia. l III. a 4 ai res, Imprwied and a eftap, 4 ll.l... I a.ra improved and Very clo t. town. Pipe. 114,10 ( clre. Improted, fit Ihltaal low, prlia. III. 4 acres no liuproveinanl. rlo. I. Psplla lea. I: II. 4 acres al Ashland, iht lmpr.vmnta, prl.o, l4.o. 4 a rea, impreveel, etna in lleinphl, very produellie. Price, Ilia flood ferme ran be arran. d en all of Ik iKeia farms In oinah ea. h day at :l Omaha Sai l Hank Hi.l I'lo.t. Jsekson SIM. Nlgh's st Springfield, N-l. phon. I. FRANK ONAHAV, Mprlngfleld, Nrh Your Farm or Ranch Turned Oulrbly into fasti. NEHRABKA REAL1T AOCTHlN CO... Central lltv Neh leformstlota J MISSOURILANDS OIKAT bargains II down. II loon'M', l,ur 40 acre good fru'l .nd poultry land, near town a'ulliern Iflasn.irl Prlc onl a"". Airareae t.- j-j, Borinrteia. m WAjNTEDREAL ESTATE He r V' i.nah Peal "-'ale Sel FOWLER & M'DONALD Ral Kafnfa ami Invuranr. M tH ml rmitm K. rtraftort BINDER & OTIS, R-al Estate. Mans. Renlsls. JA. 1611. Charles W. Younj? & Son Reel Kafle, Rent!, jnaurance, ;. C,r s,t Hk- T' ' TUVVVTT "K"'' estatk- JJlXifWjl 1 Sell. Rent. Ineureg ISA peters Trust Hldg. J A. 011. n Rl I h.Mlf.'u"l'' with a w .wv VJ tin for nulrk results. 1411 Flrat Nat l Hank Bid JA. lire Ol'ICK "SALEM SEE " " FUR GUARANTY IIKALTT SALES COMPANI 310 Arthur Hldg. JA. 111. "Tukey Sold It" A. P. TI'ltEY A HON. Realtors. JA. l?l. GOOD LISTINtlS COMF.TO lj WH SELL THEM. IIQMH REALTY CO. AT. Illl. LIST youe home for l wttb ua. ' W s hav th ciistnmsr, PA FN si INFEST MENT CO.. Realtor. LIST Smith your property with W, Co., Ill Farnam St. Farnaa Wlllard C Slshaugh. Rasltof. J A. till. fO SELL see Glovsr A Morsll. AT 141J. Western Rail Eetste Co. JA, 1617 VACANT PROPERTY GOOD BUILDING LOTS ATTRACTIVE PRICES Near 43d and Boyd St.. 40xll. ...1321 lid and Corby Sta., 60x110 40 Near Oth and Dorcas gts 40x100. ...1460 Dundee, on Lafayette Ave.. 6010. land' Minn Lus. 00 Mry St., 42x12., 11,000 Minna I.uaa, on Reuman St., 44x110 11,100 v Lockwond ,on 66th and Jackson, 1 11,101 e fi.rrhee tnfocmation .. - , AMERICAN SECURITY CO., AGENTS, REALTORS. IIOJ Dodg St. DO. 161.1 aVtMcl'-l'.li.liiliiiinijuiniiHiHnini,,,,;!,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,! TELEGRAPHERS : WANTED by ' Union Pacific Railway : ; for Wyoming : Wire or Write ; P. F. FRENZER, : SuDt. TeleirraDhy ; Omaha, Neb. 'nt-i. .-ririiiiiiniiiiii -i;ii..i'iii.-i';4'ii.-ii'Hii:inii'iri 2 1 41 ... A I ill I'' (tl ' .itm ta HOARD AND OOM I H 4 Sal Baits at t t i ru a : in4(a4llJ41ai t aw.. p, . al A . r a Ka 1 -a-i. ii ,sy, !. At ti- l"il eiS'eM ewe -wH. i .a-a-s es-j., a t w , a i. I ' .1 I Sal f . 4 ' - aa -S - s. a , I ta.aa!, ! $ III Ml ..- W 1 I u kiimi ! I li1l 4KiAi . I, b. a la- a k.... '- t 1.1a ?a..-a.4 i- a ba, it .1 ... t tale. )4ta,)f ft ;Mf4 lv lUfc . -. f till H. ! Ias -ti ai 1 III t. ea , . - eta a. 1 a - ',- a I el ..