THE OMAHA PEE: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER so. kt. IS J f SOULS for SALE By RUPERT HUGHES. Hantaan ...nbar k .trir liana a Null! . '-...a Vaii.t b '4 I I llaellne) frvMI ll) ) iHMitm lai.4.4 Ik jinx ir. ar a. iia aai amaah.4 n n, ,a. I'aHlllaaa Ih.l k.-l'4 M Ilk tfauaklar uf 11. li. I IK I. Hi. loan t i auai.a. bar fatkar a rinit)4Hl. atta I ffiaai iy her lavar. IiiurI , aa u,,lani, oO. niaa. fi4 anr ir ik ri, f h.r (a! h.r a trek 1ai a lima mar. t keaw a t.ara ry i rot:t ,,r , Mi ak fcaaiiat-l la h.r a. ralhahir. Illl lau lala Ha aa aaha4 4atk in an a .itr..,,.. hna .. -i. aal al ttantambar, tni--.atriraaa ap. Am4 ' '""""' k- '"' r' aV uiti fiom ahl.h I ha irl fc.4 an SUGAR $6.59 f the The rrie of auirar la vly VVij'gly l In Friday eve ungg Cr ahould hav been $6.59 per hundred aui'rlf furnlh4 tha lr a e.auaa ta aiuar a trip iw a auuitiaaai. Thai. t.a aaatf.alad, aha tw many a, lll.. laarif n.aa aiul ..I klm d a .,ul.ii ' ilm .r.fea.t la br it,.ittiT tha a rat r lha aa.a.i.4 la aa4 lir lamer aaa laitura 14 a.iuet. Ik trip at i.,a.air lr bar haaiik, D ma t a , aha lftiat lha H.rll f a rli.a.a n.aalin arHk .mm l,..l,y. iiii,a pi, lute nr. aha tluii tully arrta k,a i.m, ia, r mint hr an . aim h.r '.!,t ,,-M ' an ti,l. "Mr. t u1iiir wham tha plan t.4 laiar to a ar liu..,itaijf k la ta M Hitting her lill talk an hour, Jual Ult t entering thti i'tn:.ntiu aut tit Oklahoma wo In J t -1 f an tx f ,tlng ezperir-ni-r. Th numn tit tli kUtlona wr tlieratur, iMWtrjp Arknloii, riuyinun Tnlinma, I'nllinrl. MliM!tr, j!ivn. ,V:ira. Vina, Tii'miic-Mii, Lxm Tuniin, Tul. i rim.1, Alnmi(nri1o, Turiiuuim, Uro (tunil'), tJI 'uu. Wh lunrhtd In Kani, eti-knit fiJvhihmiiri In two Imuia, i-nturciJ Tx Ok. itit t It; lit Kir It Into Now ,M'x! an4 brmkf.nlel kunlti In Tri;i, kii( ripht Imi'k Into ,Nw Mnno, anil lun'hri in Arizona. Ami h?t an n-),,dl of kranary h ktU'llrrl! the nidi run fliita of Kiinwik. with Its hroart lay r!vri Unuihiim o'linB lhlr Hut brt; tlia loll f (jllillli if tlffk In l iM Invrla, anl I hmi I lie kullfit nrr.vdt in at nmr I tilit. faritamu rrulin hfi ii4 h4 it hia iiui-r or hm iuaiu' or onifthiii mill fiune vriyihing wry, I dkarrt k'i't Vital IMKliln.HK of rock Aa If Ilia latntaapa hat Iwi-u ilraignnd ly on of thuiK. m.i.1 rul, i.ta ah hiii ml about (It ituy bff iin. Hut vrywbtr th-tra i vl drmra i f humun Jilurk; llrriraa ant niiittinir Hi Tlt.tim fir (HMitml. k n.t-n wlii turn vhana to ariUr mid tnm th Wllil irKiona to il.iiiilliHin. Tli m enry wna aui h a tuok uf ad ntur Vem nk'M nooihr dl Vrraimi. h.'io Will Ktntrfiil fur tha flirt that Vlvil hint Oim of h-r l-k hi'n. In. lira ti .il littltt talkintt. Tha hoiit and iluat kept thn );riit In hr driwIriK rimni, uml It'il.lna, too. Hho kuw Trni llolby In thn din n rur but ha dli nut txuk t her. of rmjmo, I. nuHn ha did nut kMak to him. lint ah atudlrd him alyly wtifn hi wiin not Iim klnK, uml kb wimdrrrd liut could rmika dim worth nt much muney, him hid nt Inurnad thut niirrhn:ilia In worth Juitt what It will hrlii( In thn murkrt, whrttir thi nirrhandik h khlpa or alio or i aline i.i. aouia or ainllra or tmira. Alia frit fur till hand'onia youtn tha rontrinit that women f"il at t :tiir for hundmmifl turn. fh frit iTk'innl ritirta iigalnct him bet-niiao no llvrd and proaperrd and won muitl tudinoua lovia, wlilli hrr lover Iny d"-ad Irt oblivion. She alioiiilnated him f'-r gainlnK murh wealth for ruing not li In a; uneful. Hie kiinw i s as a. . m&Mnzfwm - lBIfwafM 191 I WHENYDUUSE 1 rfS I w A misi4ia IUENZER I Ska ft I f trfc- 'A V I T7D.-raa kOX JT m i , IS t TZLf-M-ls M '.iV.V,';.',;: "fcwfc. ,V7 ta 'ta. .6"' A'DLi Iff! I m 1 "rsiavery Out ?SJ Sl V ) tixi Iitila of lira aa ye ta retitn thut taAMUty and f'aillah kiiiuariornt are anuxiK tha wiwl uful rontributimia to latan and arc not overpaid, There may too aome doubt aa to tha actual heneflta and tha arlual eltl rlrnry of moat human artlvitlee and Inventlona, Inrluilinj the eountleaa medldnra. rellflona. polillral eipedl enta, nifrhunlema of tranportatlon and other eUborat devtoea that rreale new Irrltatlnna aa faat aa new convenlencea. Hut tuly that warme th heart and folly that tlrklea It are aa provedly valuable aa Uuchtnc ee and other anneal hetlre. In fact, there la more than etymology In tha kin hip between aeathellra and anaanthe tin, and buth have been denounred aa helllkh by tha godly. Mem apant moat of der day plan ntng her aecond letter home and growing acquainted with that hue hand of here. Hhe Ueed Tom llolby aa a model, reluctantly, yet for lack of better mntrlal. Kli had auppoeed that writing flo lion muat K aa ey for Ita manu farturera na aplnnlng weba la for apldera. But ronatrurtlng character wna exhauatlng work for her per liupe apldera grow weary, too, and auffer temperamental atrlngenclea. Hhe learned that the author muat wrealla with th Invlalhl aa Jacob with the angel, and that th angel rould dlelnratft a Joint at a touch. Mr, Wooilvllle eluded her madden' Ingly, and her aketrh of him waa ao Inconelntent her father, when he received her aecond letter, found In It very brfuddlement an vldenc that aha wua loelng her wlta over th fel low. Doctor Pteddon wa pleaaantly alarmed. Kvery man la afraid of every man who Intereata hia daugh ter. Yet he wanta aom man to cap ture her. The train carried Mem deeper and deeper Into th aoul of Mr. Woodvllle, and In th dark hour ah apent In her berth, reclining on an elbow and aiizliig at th Incredible landacape, everything unreal grew real, and her mykllc bridegroom began to tak form and voice, eyea and Integrity. Bh had great troubl with hia trade or profeaalon. Thla la alwaya complication with author. Mot of them In deepair Ignore th matter entirely or giv th character aome craft with elaatlc office hour and Income. Th landacape waa an lnceant In terruption. Juat a ah waa about to aettl on aomethlng an amazing butt would alld pt her window, or a captivating flat-roofed adobe hovel Infested with little human cootie of Mexican extraction would delight her. Tha equator of foreign era la alwaya plctureaque and It la typical of the nrtlatlc mind to find moro poetry tn an alien garbage heap thnn In a familiar temple. The deaert waa beautiful to thla girl becauae it waa unuaual. Ita cruelty waa romantic, alnce ah hnd not encountered Ita monotony. The nxt day the train came to an abrupt halt. A driving bar on the engine had broken and dropped; It had torn off th enda of the tiea for hundred of yard before Ita drag had been noticed by the engineer and the engine atopped. If the train had not been puffing alowly up a ateep grade It would have been derailed ana eent rolling like a ahot anake; aome of the patraengera would probably have been mangled and killed. It waa a long while before the paa aenger found thla out, and they reveled In the delight of averted die aster. Mem thought how fitting It would have been for her to have auf fered a death eo closely akin to Et wood's. There would have been an artistic grandeur In the pattern of their fates. And yet she could not help being Klad to be alive. She had ridden a thousand miles and more, apirltually as well as physically, away from Calveily. 1 Nobody knew how long the train would be delayed. All were like people on a ship becalmed in mid ocean. They could not go on until a new engine was secured. A train man had to walk to the next block !nl tuwrr, mil. niiaul. and tele gi'l'h I' k fur aiiollirr I.Monii.uve. Th I'ik-hki-h ariili-d tlQ to hour of drfaitiiant. ruran.g drl.iy un. comparing it, nut with th -d of Ilia iloitwia Who oni'l ncriMHl tha Wll.lrr nrk, but with th tx-!ty of vralrr.l.iy a e,n-a. Viva, and Mem wamlored about, looking at lha rartus and In . hruah and dolu-loualy eiiwiing a raltleanak undnr every tlump. Viva returned In the car and Id alvrp, but Mem atrolled farther and farther aHiiy. Wia hi Tom llolby eat out fur a I brink walk. II climbed a ragged butt with aatonlahlng agility, win ning th applaua of th pauenger. II had th knark of acquiring ap plauk. The other p.ikwiigar dawdled about, but Mem went firther and f.iillirr. 'h w,inia ti av oil thai olUr ki la of 1'iut Lull n niut h wa Mankind h.i I. I kil tu . the ollirr a la i t tha lina n. Wlu-h aha got runl ha fount t tint the oilier klda waa Inu h lika tha oilier kitla nioi ilraaif, iiuuu I mva, uilnr diaai'lilliU'liy, )! lha runi4eta l a"'il.ljni of tli.,oa lo rl.joa Whrnj kh a(4itB. Imck the col ah-l'lnW tii.ola tor I aal kwhlle. Ill hit nnd the hypiioki of Ilia hlin merlng kund i put hrr BaU-fp In aplt or hrraalf. M.a woka with a atari, Ttid train vim moving, iirw rna-ln dmNtilng It and It hroki-n en (In, tharan, fell, pirkH Juraalf up, llini'i.t foraar l. IT Ita alhor4 Hra.4ar ) Saturday Sunday Special Saturday Sunday Special llhln a few yrara th all rail i out from lalro lo fa will b cim plelrd. SUGAR 10 lbs. Cane Sugar Qg Log Cabin Syrup, quart cans 433 Va gallon cans 850 FLOUR 4S lb. sack Gooch'g Flour $1.65 4S lb. sack Gold Medal $1.9& Kamo Pancake Flour, per pkg 10 Dhonc AT. iCffiif fWWi P1. 18 bars Crystal White Soap.. Tall can rink Salmon, can .. Fancy Kvergrucn Corn. can... Country Genileman Corn, can. Sun-Maid Rfti! Int. 15. ptckare Kamo Spinach, larse rani Pure Fruit JeUU-a, aiiorted flavor, per jar H-o. jt I'uro Strawberry Jam.,, 4 lb. Ili ad Uico , 41b. packkse Kamo i'ancake Flour. Tall can Milk. 3 tor Carnation Milk, per dozen No. I cana Iv Mont Sliced i'tueaptii. t'i"- Rnyal Anne Chen-lea, per can S for ,..-45 ..-10! -I5e ..I9e ..-23e .. 29e 25e $1.15 ...;we at $1.00 Fancy Fresh Dressed Spring Chickens, lb 25c Prime Rolled Kib Konst, per lb 20c Best Chits Native Steer Shoulder lfoast, lb W2c Native Steer Pot Koast, lb 120 Fancy Yminjf Veal Itoast, lb 15c and 17c No, 1 Skinned Hams, per lb ,22c Pig Pm k Roast, per lb. 17VjC Try our Puro Polk Sausage, fresh daily, per lb. . ,20c Central tipctlitl Coffee. J', b. lor. Kitr Fancy Santivn Corite. 4 lb., Het I'tirulured J.ipan T, lb. ... Vlrilnia I'eMiut t'jke. per lb.,,,.. 5fi-srlal fr Salurtay Only Bulk Sugar Vafra. VOfl 33t Ktr Fancy i;:teru reach 'r bi $1.75 " $2.25 Fb. i ll uib.l l!4kt Kiir l 'i, fm lor 4nnint $1.75 Kttra Fancy Tukay Ufl, per kkt.. 5Jf I FANCY FRUITS AIiD VEOETABLE3 $1.10! B.'d nier Karly Ohio rotatoe. U.,,, -12 if I'alUn I'Tunei, p-r b4ket.,..., Caultlloaer, pr lb. ' I "' 12'f l.t riicy Cl.-ry 7 (. and U)f tlreea l'fper, pr n ttt I baaket. ., . , , . Hon. vw Melon, Urge in ..,a " l-r inin, ran,,), Sl ru'atoal. kket 75 25f d 30 10 39 Butter and Es 0a4 I rb i ?. ! Tit ta o. yt 4 -,.,, jJ , Central 4 lt Ci ijr Fa. k4 I' iua. ar i 3D t rvaM vi si'r Fitb Tub H lr, ft lb.. a. ,.... ...31 tf Candy MtfComb lluKi al I I h.4 late. rcti, lb -49 tit(kti Fc lb. (', ilr;: Fiji, ib, , Qt Cirs-JuH Insida th Door ill- M WanlU I Ui, le lUa, 1 f."f 10 rk 4 tit. $1.50 Pearl White Soap 10 Bui for 39e. M-J-B Coffee 80MKT1UNQ NEW IN THE COFFEE WORLD! Visit our ICth St. stcra for the famous ll. J. B, Coffee DRY demon stratlon. SEE WHAT WE HAVE FOR YOU. M. J. H., I'ho (Quality ( wffoo of .iju rica lHunt can. ... , 47c jt'mitt ct ti per H' ............... 4Cc i! lit Si1 B 11 w Raspberry Fudge , Ice Cream Flump, meaty rusplerrif!!, blended into good, old fashioned fudge; and frozen with pure, billowy crcaxu. A Harding Sunday Special that M ill make a rare treat for week-end dinner. JCE.C.UEAM aaaSMBBjakaial el- VANILLA NUT Won't you have aome of this delicious cream? Flavored juat right, filled with an assortment of tasty nut granulated, then frozen juat right. You will liko it! Th Deliela alar will aerv you well with ny quantity from a con lo galloni. It'a good for you atk for it at oda fountain. Served daintily or la bulk or in pint r quart tealed package Md th "FT It by riMMHONf la Omaha, frala, l.ra4 Iala4 an' Uwa lily. II RaE AD IT'S MADE WITH MILK LET TH?, QUAKER HE YOUR BAKER USE BEB"WAN t ADS THEY MUNG RESULTS romwn FANFCiT STORES IN THE WHRI nrw" 11 I ammmm POTATOES Fin Cookr Lrg, Clean Early Ohio. 15-lb. pack, lBc 601b. buihel 59c SUGAR Eilr Fin Whit Granulated CQ 100-lb. bag OU.OV CRANBERRIES Cranbarriet, extra fancy Cap Codij dry and f 1 claani lb. 1 1 C APPLES A variety of extra fancy eat ting and cooking; for Pi and Sauc O 1 per Ib J"C CABBAGE Larg criip, trimmed clean, ua every leaf. 1 Each head OC GRAPES Eitra Fancy California To kaya, choicett in th 1 A cilyj p.r lb 1UC BUTTER wa7amS3a33 mj ma amataflu rmtitmi tiiZif 39c ddr Freth Churned, par lb Meadow Gold, pr Ib, Wedgwood, par lb LARD, ETC. Swift' Silver Leaf 1 - lb. carton Mazola and Wetaon Oil; pint Quart aiz , H -gallon iz , Criico, 1 -lb. lize , . . . . lH-lb. iie , , 3- lb. aize Snowdrift, 1 -Ib. aize 2- lb. aize 4- lb. 15c 26c 48c 92c 24c 36c 69c 18c 33c 64c OLIVE OIL Pompeian Oliva Oil, le-pint Pompeian Oliva Oil, pint , . Pompeian Olive Oil, quart FLOUR Omar, 48-lb. lack , , , Gold Madal, 24-lb. tack , . , Sunkiit, 48-lb. ack , phg. SWANS-DOWN CAKE FLOUR Regular, larg Pkg. .. Intlant, P-t AUNT JEMIMA Paaaah Flour, kg bukwk Flour, Pi LOG CABIN SYRUP ...30c . 56c $1.06 $1.79 $1.03 $1.79 32c 27c 14c 17c SOAP P. & C. Naptha, Cry.tal White, bar Omaha Family, bar Ivory, amall bar Ivory, larg bar Fel Naptha, bar Petrolenc, O Palmoliv. bar OC bar ,4ic ,..4c 7c 11c 5ic 8ic 27c CLEANSERS Gold Duit, larg lize pkg , Small aiz 4',o Star Naptha Powder, nrt large , , aUaU C Small 4 ic Rub-No-More Powder, O A larg 4C Sc siz 4c Old Dutch, f pkg IvC Kitchen Cleanier, ? 1 pkg OfC MILK Carnation, Wilion or Pet, f 1 Tall y.?C Baby Sc Suntet Gold Milk, be.t or money back, tall Baby tiz . Eagla, Brand Condemad Milk, 25c tiz Horlick'a Malted Milk, large 75c; amall SOUP Campbell', all kind NAVY BEANS C. H. P. Michigan, Ib , COFFEE 5Sf1 39c 34c 9ic 5c 20c 38c 10c Madia Tbl t4tttit,t.t SOAP FLAKES la. bag ....., Itary FUkka, fa.bag 54c 28c 10c .9c 7ic BREAKFAST FOODS Poit Toa.tioa, K.llogg'i Corn Flak . , Crape-Nuti, Pkf Quakar Oata, large phg Quacker Oata, Inilant, 15e '! , Sliredd.d Wheal, pkg Cream of Wheat, P TUNA FISH Calalina Brand, whit mt, 4 -lb. tie LOBSTER N.w Path, N. )i tim , . . . . SHRIMP N.w ParV(wt or dry) 1 e N. t li .IC MAYONNAISE AND SALAD DRESSING frei.r, larg ; M.i I..,', tmaarial 1.000 I. lead. ., M lar.a t Oli Cia, , , , . Yaakt Clak, 0m. balll ,.8c 15c 24c lie 10c 22c 22c ,48c larg 68c 42c 27c 21c 42c 8hc IIMIIMMt I ,39c 36c 36c 28c Pound for Equal to any coffee, regardleta of price. Lady Alice, 29 C Mello Cup, Mb George Washington, QC- email aJUC George Waihington, 7 1 medium 11 George. Washington, 1 1 1 tr J. . JL 1 MALT EXTRACT Puritan, hop flavored COCOA Baker', H-lb., 21c; l-!b Herthey, -lb., 14c; Mb '.. TEA Lipton' Yellow Label Tea, 1-4 lb. can Lipton' Yellow Label Tea, j-lb. can Lipton' Yellow Label Tea, mall can JELLO All Flavor., 1 f pkg 1UC Knox Gelatin, O fl COLBURN'S SPICES All kindi, fre.h ground or 7 whol. 10c pkg I C DR. PRICE'S EXTRACTS Vanilla and Lemon, 1 er 3-4 oa 1 C 1 H -oa 2. BAKING POWDER, SODA AND SALT Calumet Baking I'owdar, 4-o. .la , , Calumet Baking I'awder, 16-aa. tli . , . , . Prir' liakiag PoVrd.r, I X-oa. til Rayal BaWlag Powder, 4-aa. na Hakiag Poatdcr, 1 1. al Arm and Hammer 3d, I -Ik, .. , , Marian'. Table Salt, l ib- k. . SALMON Real Ata.U, 1 Ib. tail Dab, I lb. II . . , pkg. 8c ...28c . .21c ...16c ....44c ...8c lie 27c 14c These Are Every Day Prices 14 Clean Stores 7 More on the Way -i - S n j wl 4mn4 A III ! ... kj af M (m. 4 u laaw 11 aj H IHI a it 1 ill A. a ... vi a, a ti t .CLEANtiT 5 1 ORES IN THE WORLD: