The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 30, 1922, Page 12, Image 12
HE OMAHA EEEl SATl'RPAV. SEPTEMBER 30. 1515. THE GUMPS ,'",? IN COLOR1 IN THE SUNDAY fCC ONE SUIT OK ARMOR FOR ANDY Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Sidney Smith WAVE A. CKNCt tY rW Ar ATTLWTlO N0J ? THE. MOCt TV tKM NOV) Tt tvra. CHVNCt TVttS 1W .SOv'Wt CCY- THEM- '.ACV4 AT ' THt- AYtir. nl. O L. An u I ... f. MiiUt VAVl COX K PVH OP T W"f CCTCVM TAUT t . xr ' y- mtviM tut t uflM 1 W hc aux tus woman m-rtLUowa covet t.-.vH at ?tut mn swin A1AHt A, KMINOCtKOV LOOK UK. Figures Dispute Bryan's Report on Farm Taxes Democratic Nominee Claim Hi Taxes Increased Al most $300 Statement Shows Only $221. Dog Hill Paragrafs.l -By George Bingham The WIM Onion school teacher haa rombd Ma hair and la In readiness for the opening of hla achool neat Mon'Uy morning. J In holitrs will .Jnroln, Bept. J9. (Bpeclnl Posl tiva ami speolflo contradiction of tax Id urea cited by C. W. Bryan, demo ! craln candlditte for governor, covering hla own furm In Lanr-nater county, was forthcoming today In a statement issurd ly Oovarnnr MtKclvle'a offlro. Jirynn, In apeechra, haa rlaltned that hla taxea on 140 aerea hnd In rreaaed from almnat nothlnir to 1-100. Tha flRUrea almw that I he 1922 Hryan tax waa only 1221.31, a rednrtlon nf 15.42 from that of 1921 anil f 43.26 from 1920, Further, It ta ahnwn that only II cent of hla 1922 tux went to the ctate government, wberena In 1917 tlia atata received S3 per cent. In 1917 tha achool tax repreaented only 25 per rent of tha Bryun tux; In 1922 it wua 69 p'r cent. Hla atnte tax la 117.48 leaa than in 1921 and hla achnol tax la $33.13 more. Ilia achool tax la mora than double the elate and county tax combined. Bummed up, the Bryan atate tax advanced only from $19.97 to $40.13 In the laat five yeara, while the coun ty tax advanced from $25.67 to $21.62 and the achool tax from $15.31 to flDJ 63. Of the $!.! Increaae In Mr. Bry an's tax In five yeara, $4.01 went for the relief of ex-soldlera; $5.23 for the hew atate cnpltol; $3.84 for roads and ttidgea; $2.17 for the atate unlver alty: 86 centa for the normal achoola;; $1.02 for the atate charitable and penal lnatltutlona; 54 centa for aiding weak achool dlatrlcta; 39 centa for eradication of animal diaeaaea, leav ing an Increaae of only $2.10 for the general atate government. Drive Captains Named. Cnptalna for the membership drive of the Omaha Automobile club, which opens next Tuesday, wore appointed yesterday. They are: William Kollcr, Arch AVestergnrd. R. J. Welch, Hub ert Bushman, William Keane, G. II. frewer, C. R. Duflte, John Dormer Her, A. D. Waugh. J. 8. White and C. B. 'oIn. ' Resides a Star automobile as grand prize for the person obtaining the most members, IS other awards will be made, A gold rignret case and a ton of conl were added to the list to ' day. Food Center Specials Market Basket Large Size Sweet Spud 15 10 lb. Be.t Sugar (S Peck Early Ohio Poiatoea. .lot1 Over 2,000 other bargains in our store coma early. The New Food Center AT-460S 1HI4-H-1S Famuli BROS. Har. 0188. 28th and Farnam St. Saturday Specials Crp Toilet Paper, 7-ox. rolls, i rolls for 25 llcmhey'a Cocoa, 2 H-lb. tins .. -I7 fx WHITE SOAP, bars far 39c Honey, weight). Hell Hour, prr 24-lb, nek lite Clover frames (full t .. Post Toasties, 3 small or for ,,,'. past Creamery PuHr, per m, I lb. each, ttit larictf Extrt r'anry, Urge Quinces, ptt In W t I'm (irapefrwt. rtp ami Jutry, a for 2:i Coora.l rahs, taiat. t'anry Cranherttes, In,, 176 Jersey See IVtstaes, 4 K. f r ......... t . Fpiasth, per p-k ....... ;i5 tkraU Cauliflower, per Ih, 17Ht NwrHrit Katahagwa, 4 lt. fr ua Pr 1 4.,,10 ! fj'ii rvw4 IK r.W I ittts I'm Uama, pef Iw ,.,,,,., tKS, 2.V IllThe.t OracU Hat ARt?a Products Pilots to Attempt Nonstop Flight Atiators Kxpect to Hop Off on Trarieontine nlal Trip Otloher .". slnrt In with clean Klats and clear minds, aa they have forgotten all Ihey learned during the last term. The Tlckvlllo Tidings, which has been expected to bust aa soon as the editor starved, has installed a new press. The mail carrier says ho reckons he ill have to Install a tallllght on his buggy, as Monday afternoon he was bumped into by a funeral procession. - Parents' Problems How can a boy of 12 be helped to overcome the habit of sulking? This is an ugly habit. Tell the boy that he muut watch himself and keep himself from yielding to It. Remind him that hlmost everything has a "funny tsUU." Kuggest to him that he try to look fur this, when things do not please him. Washington, Krpt. 29. riuns for the nonstop fl'icht from Kun Di'KO, Cnl., to New York, to be attempted by Lieut. Oukley O. Kelly of drove C.ty, and John A. Mac It'udy of Ia Angeles, as announced by the air service, indicate that the start w.ll probably be mad October 5, Air si-r vice engineers have alout completed the remodeling of the mon oplane T 2, In which the traiiaron tlnental trip la to be attempted. The nhlp was originally designed to carry a pilot and eight pasiu-ngers and 14 have a normal gaxol'iie capacity of 130 gallons with a flight endurance of about eix hours. In preparation for the long dlstunce rinnh, the machine has been changed to Increase the fuel rapacity about six fold, so that an adequate fuel supply for more than LiOU mlli' will be' available. As remodeled, the T2 will carry 725 gallons of gusoline distributed In three tanks, together with reserve water and lubricating oil tanks. The two pllota will be sent so that they can relieve earn otner at intervals In the expected 3- hour flight. Pro- slons for dual controls and for moans to pass buck and forth from one compartment to the other have been made In the plane, which has also been reinforced throughout to carry the add tional loud. The remod eling work required about six weeks. Daily Prayer t'nlo Th.s lift I up mtn yn, ft Thau thai Slll In iht h..n Hhlil. lh. ryt i,l wrvnii l"ok unto th hantf ur matters, ana aa tha 9Ym nf a SiSlil.ti snio lha han4 nf har rtiatra; at etlr H't all upon lha t,orrt uur Hurt, until thai lie hava uiin ua I'a. 171.1.3. Our Heavenly Pat her, In the light of another day we rlss loln Thy will. We bless Thee for the comfort and rest of the night, and for the promise ff strength for tha new day. May we find lov In our toll, and much quiet in lha clumor and strife of tha atreet. May tha still, small vole guide ua in the way of good, and may Thine own spirit throughout this day keep our eyes from teara, our feet from falling, and our souls from death. liless all our kind, and those every where that we hold dear, and do for them, we beseech Thee, beyond what we know how to ask. Forgive every wrong thing In our lives for which we repent. Keen us this dav near to Thee in all our thoughts and words and deeds. !-et Thy loy live In our hearts, and Thy peace abide in our homes, and all theso things we ask In Jeous' nnmi. Amen. WTM.IAM CIIAbMKRS COVBnT, DD . niragii, in. .ommon Sense Do You Believe in Others? To believe that you are no worse than any one else you know is not Dream Misses Fire. "I had a dream that my son was shot to death in Omaha." Kuch was the statement of Mrs. J. C. Babcock of Kearney, Neb., In a letter received by Chief of Detectives I Charles Van Deusen In which she pleaded with the chief to Inform her If her dream were true. Van Deusen wrote that he "took great pleasure In notifying her' that her dream "had not come true." Oiii UUa n excuse for not being dependable, honorable and reapectable. If you have such a degraded idea of humanity that you believe that you are aa good as the beat of them, you have something to learn. To be aa good as the best Is not an excuse for not being better. You may make It an excuse, but jour principles are off if you do. There are two classes of person who believe that all persona are do (eltful, or villous, or dishonest In fact who doubt the linearity of those whom they meet and with whom they are obliged to asaoclatu. The flrat duns haa been to gullible In the start believed every man and woman hnneat and true and sincere. and then through bitter experience haa been led to believe otherwise. The second class la so mean and dirty and dishonorable at heart that It cannot com-elve of higher Ideals and greater efforl to be decent In others than exist In themselves. To whatever class you belong, it would lie well for you to Inquire and look about you, and finally learn that there are men and women In the world who can be trusted, whose Intentions are sincere and whose expressions are truthful. (Copyrlsht. It::.) An automobile, parked in knocked- down form, waa shipped from Detroit to Cleveland by aerial freight. District Court Has Heavy Docket To 0n Monday With Four , Murder, Down Shooting and 200 Dooze Cain. The heaviest crunlnal docket In yeara will begin to grind Monday when the fall term of court opens with Judges Lealle and Troup presid ing. Pour murder cases, one kidnap ing, a dnsen shooting and more than 10u liquor cases are on the list. County Attorney Photwell stated that he would assign Deputy Henry Ileal, who Is republican randlilute to iictwl the county attorney, to pi o. -tula moat of the canes. The firt e f liniirtiice will lw that iif Pred Urown, Jirnsun chain man, charged with kidnaping t girta. Following the llivwn cuse a jury Will deliberate on the charges against Tommy tUilllvsn, Un coin and omuli Imllpluyrr. While the murder vuses are being triad. Wiotwell announced, llquol coses will be tried In another court. There la a rxM'siblllty. he said, that lie will ask the district judges fur an other court If liquor caaea continue lu accumulate. Flan Hospital Room. Ravenna, Neb., Het. 2. tHpeclul) lUvenna's first big pavement dance waa given by the ICeinxiin looge. The object iv us to nilao money to furnlnh a ro in in the tMd Pillows hospital at York. a ttl raw U R Safe Milk For Infanti, invalidi oz Childnn The Original Food-Drink for All Ages. QuickLunchatHome,Office(kFountain. RichMilk, Malted Grain Extract in Pow deri Tablet forma. Nouriihiag-NoeooUof. Avoid ImiUtioDi and Substitutes .Buehler Eros Market Specials for Saturday Guaranteed Quality Meats and Provisions Lowest Prices Quick Service 212 N. 16th St. 2408 Cuming St. 4903 S. 24th St. "We've this to teu. The meats vje seu. Vrtu. make a hungry, cc MAt4 Vs EUV- VI B.V.X- ! Prime Beef Rib Roast, boned and rolled 20c Choicest Beef Chuck Roast :. .11c Choicest Beef Shoulder Steak 15c Choicest Cut Sirloin Steak , 20c Choicest Cut Round Steak 18c Fresh Cut Hamburger Steak .15c Choice Rib Boiling Beef 6c Choice Sweet Pickled Beef Tongues . . . 25c Choice Corned Beef 12c Choice Beef Pot Roast, special at. 10c Fancy Fresh Young Hens at 25c SMOKED MEATS Sugar Cured Skinned Hams. .22c Sugar Cured Picnic Hams..., ISc Sugar Cured Regular Hams 22c Fancy Breakfast Bacon 24c Fancy Strip Bacon 20c Cudahy's Puritan Skinned Hams 28c Armour's Star Hams 28c Cudahy's Puritan Bacon 34c Cudahy's Puritan Lard, HV-lb. pail. .$1.85 Cudahy's Puritan Lard, 5-lb. pail. , . .95c Carnation Milk, tall cans .9c Fancy Fresh Spring Chickens at 25c PORK CUTS Choicest Lean Pork Loin Roast 18c Choicest Lean Pork Shoulders 14c Fresh Spareribs 12!'ac Fresh Neck Bones, 4 lbs 25c Fresh Pig Feet. 4 lbs 25c Fresh Pig Hearts. 4 lbs. Fresh Pig Tails New Sauerkraut, quart... Choice Leaf Lard ..... Fresh Breakfast Sausage .25c .12' 'tc . . .10c .12'ic . . .20c SAUSAGE AND LUNCHEON MEATS Choice Fresh Wienies 15c Choice Frtah Frankf urts .......... 1 5c Choice Frvih Bologna 1 5 Choice Fresh liver Sausage ........ 13c Fancy Summer Sausage ,50c P. A G. White Napth Soap, limit 10 bars to a customer 40 BUTTERINE DEPT. EvergtMtd libeilv Nwt ...20c EvergtMhl Rulterine, 2 -lb. carton. , . .45 Evergeod Bulletin, S-IW. garten. . , $1.05 Rt a Nut OuHsriwe 20 VEAL CUTS Choicest Veal Shoulder Roast Choicest Veal Stew Choicest Veal Chops ...15c .12 tc ...I7e Pure Rendered Lard mmemssmmm .15c CANNED GOODS DEPARTMENT Early June Peas, 3 cans 40c Fancy Sweel Corn, 3 cans , ,30 Fancy Pork and Beans, 3 cans. , . , , . ,2S Fancy Catsup, large battles ,15c American Sardine in Oil, S cans. , , ,25 Fancy Red Salmon, Mb, tall can... 25e Danish Pioneer Creamery Butler, Mb, carton ................ 3SWi Genuine Spring Lamb liiJturter, .20 Forequerters , . . , , 14 MAIL AND EXPRESS ORDERS FILLED FROM THIS LIST MKT OF TIIK HE M.USI.U TO Jt IVINTICMTH ATXDOWOiAS aVntXIT MOM! DOWLAN 30 10 NAIL 0KIIEIC.S HI.l.KI) OX THIS AD 5f i PRICES SMASHED $ FOR SATURDAY J J Not a Rival in the City J ........ a . nT raimoiive Soap, spe-3f L!. L .!..! . 1 Be our guest SATURDAY this beautiful market greets you. Here is store) that you'll bo proud to shop in. If you just can't get away, PHONE US, your order will be delivered to any part of the city on any amount from $2.50 up. Remember, OUR PRICES ARE NEVER HIGH. PET, CARNATION OR PARITY MILK, TiU CM...9C SUGAR Best White No. I Refined, 100 lbs., g.7H 10 lbs. Bett Cans W FLOUR Blue Ball, always plesset. 48-lb. sack.". Cilt Edge, made of Nebraska flour. .SI ..! Food Center, makes mora and better bread, at 81.50 CHICKENS Freah Fre.h Dressed Drested Spring!, lb. .2 lic Roasting, Ib.l7'4r HAMS BACON x, arreu w e a a i n g dark, per gallon, 43c T ding Breakfast Syrup, light, per gallon, , AQr Farrell Wed- 10 Pounds Best Granulated Sugar 69c tMjJkf White SoaA 1 t& 1 1 10 Bars 1 i No. 2 can Solid Pack Tomatoes, TV r man Corn. 2 cans Toilet Paper, 9 Rolls for -Kfor 27 -WfJ 'Log Cabin Syrup, -)( small can 25 A( Log Cabin Syrup, medium can ..-19 T Log Cabin Syrup, large can 97 Big Line Assorted loonies oix varieties at One Price, 18c Per Lb. rial, 6 bars for )f 42c t Eed Arrowjf Peas, 25c quali- )f ty, now f r Sunkist Flour, )f 48-lb. sack, forjf. Saturday at $1.79 Frank's Milwau- J kee Sauer Kraut, T per can . ...15)f Lux Washing Pow-ji der, specially priced, ISC l T I ,W V Sugar Cured Picnic Hams, lb... 1G No, 1 Sugar Cured Slicing Hams, per lb 21 No. 1 Sugar Cured Bacon, lb 1 fl'i Cudaby's PuriUn Bacon, 5 or whole strip, lb 3a MEATS Fretb Pig Pork Roast, lb 14H Freth Pig Pork Loin, lb 11) 'it Fre.h Pig Spareribs, lb Pure Leaf Lard, lb 12 Mil Prime Rib Roast, boned and rolled, lb 22V4 Steer Pot Roast, lb 12'4 Porterhouse Steak, lb 25 Fancy Young Veal Roast, lb.. lt'i? Young Veal Stew, lb 8H Young Mutton Stew, lb 7C FRIJITC ntirl Fncr Fr"h Cocoanuts, ea.fle IIIU Market Basket Onions... 3 1 UPCITTA Dl ETC Early Ohio Spud., peck.. 15 W bUI. I flDLbg Jonathan Apples, peck. . .25 Carload Colorado Fancy Peaches, buahel 81.79 Juicy, Pink Meat Cantaloupes, 3 for 251 per crate. . . ,95 Market Basket Large Sweet Potatoes 45 Market Basket Medium Sixe Sweet Potatoes 25 Tokay Crapes, lb., 10 -lb. basket 5fJ St m ll 6 for Fruits and Vegetables Virginia . Balra I hair f:tra I. arc relator, Mnrkrt Hip Hnnaana, AIHae lln-kd, prr In. I'rara 57c 9c 65c Kanrr Mlrklsaa "Jrar f raa tlraall K.alra I fcalre I alrrr. I atalka ala. S lha. t'rfaB Maahraams, 15c 49c sY.25 Klaa HaSlakra, I arse Mr :lra f iw? S kanrka far llalaaa. Maakrl, I eakla SS'a . aaarkr, kaakrl. 5c 49c ;)c Butter and Eggs lids Hit or Pfssrit ftttlttr. Pr 10, V2C Maple Issf Huttr, lb. 30 Nrw Yrk Cream r Brk t baras, par IK 23 Coffee and Spices Ail! IViraa. 1 , t ,,.... HMkat4 ('"((.a. t IM. Sa .'. t-S hJ. st Ik 1 I'Hra a llaame I H' .tMi lea S m.L.rJ . H.kla .!.. Ui. ' HMMll I fan, I .... if )f X- Jf )f 5f Jf 5f Jf Jf Jf Jf Jf Jf CANNED GOODS Kama Midget or Maize Cora, can.. 10 Kamo Midget or Advo Peas, can..2-4e Kamo Fancy No. 3 Tomatoes, can, 19 Del Monte Sockeye Salmon, tall can, 27f Del Monte Loganberries, Strawberries, Raspberries or No. 3 size can Peaches, can, 341 Pr dozen $3.05 Nomis No. 3 size YC Peaches, Apricots, Strawberries nd -Raspberries, new pack, can, 251 per dozen $2.05 EXTRA VALUES Lemon Squash, quart bottle, each contains about 2 dot. lemons, 25 bottle. Case of 12 for .-...$2.50 Toilet Paper, large 10c roll ..5 Baking Powder, Dr. Price's, 25c ralue 14 Raisins, Sun Maid, 1 -lb. pbg .....14 Pimento, Red Curtis in glsises, 25c value ............ .19 FREE 1 lb. Hershey's Bulk Cocoa with 3 lbs. Food Center Coffee 031 DAIRY Country Creamery Butter 30 Danish Pioneer 41 Thomsen's Dairy Maid 42 Good Cooking Eggs and Checked Eggs ..-.25 Fancy Wisconsin Yellow Cheese 27 Rex Nut Butterine 20 Meadow Gold, Idlewild and Better Butter always on hand. PEARL WHITE Soap is recognized as the for laundering purposes. 10 BARS FOR true family friend 36c BAKERY Pecan Potato Rolls, pan. Chips, lb . . 25 50 JUST INSIDE THE DOOR Manila Cigar, 8c value., 3 for 10 Bos of 50 for SI .50 CIGARS Whathar or not you are acqualnlrd with Skinnar's Macaroni and Spa- fy ahettt you can buy tham confi- ZuC dntlly on th rocemraandation of hundrada of people ; Sal, 3 pkf .. SKINNER'S I Meat Specials for Saturday II e lr.J Hl'itng I Vmin Vt Ktwitt, Is, . . , 1 3 t hlfstas, l 24i H'e Ir..4 kg t el. tens, IJl'i I k. Ofe (iwsr Kmi'S fc"Sl i. ...3? ihrti.s mt bit H'ii, it., to CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP The famous Billion Bubble Soap. Saturday we give you a bar of Cream Oil Toilet Soap free with 6 bars Crystal White, CREAM OIL SOAP A vegetable oil soap with a pure olive oil base. We just know you'll like this "lathery" soap. Saturday, 2 bars Crystal White free AH with 6 bars Cream Oil for. . 4 1 1 Ml D We sold about 2,000 pounds of this excellent coffee during our grand COFFEE P"nt ' Doesn't that record speak a "mouthful" for quality and sheer drinking satisfaction. Saturday. Ai per pound , . , , 4Jv Vnlif Vs llrasal. Ik .. fl I! ik m.lliBi Iwaf, (It.... 5 teas Imfc Ik ,2 I ih .t.s sr hnuu t um iiv ,. 20 m ir fwia-l kift4 llm, kslt sr ki l!k 22 Ira ftklsewat ( J-s Jt Krhr4, riSH AND OYSTER DEf AtTMaUVT Mrt kkiaeiast el r Kvlt4 SATURDAY CANDY SPECIAL t! I ' u,4 full M iUt4 h . . . i I9c jf jf jf jf jf jf jf jf jf jf per pou TREE TEA Produces a clear, strong, fragrant liquor. Many stores charge much more for this grade of tea. Saturday. special. U'lb. sise , JJC PURITAN N "fuss or mua" Include one IJQD v two cans in your phone order FLAVORED ,w 54,u,dy' MALT Special, Can 65c To serve yeu better Saturday, PIIO.NE your order FRIDAY evening until S, Out-of-town customers, mail us your orders) we guarantee satisfaction. ti 'J Mat fan r.. At. 4C03 t HINW a IU STAT IIMIvVII rARNs. ti nam isttlia