The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 30, 1922, Page 10, Image 10
THE OMAHA BEE: SATURDAY, SErTEMUER 30.' 1922. 10 Yankees Lose to Boston While St. Louis Browns Trim Chicago White Sox Jack Quinn Holds New York to Five Hits Former Van!t Sjiitliall Star T Uu Brit of Bob Shaw, key in l-to-0 Came. Boston, Kepi. !, tuwton again de ? f -ated th league leading New York ; Yankee today. Jack Quinn, former ? Yankee spill nil star, )ir-ll the visitor ' to flv hit ami had the IsMtrr of . "f:ot" Hhawkry In a Played I to 9 asm, Aa ilia Hi. I .aula ) iun won their gain today with I hicmiti. th IH'iiliunt Issue In lh American league remain undecided. ' To clinch lh Hug th Yankees must i v In a (ante or I ha llrowns lo ono j pcre: I NKW Ton I oT- ' AH M OA I AM If OA Win, tf 4 I'usan. 4 1 Hath. If I I'l .p. lb I Mrue.l. if I bchst.g. c 4 Ward, 2b 1 br.HI. M 4 She ke, p 4 , bniitb I Heker I Mm'br. It I I 1 a I 4 Miller, rf I I llurne. th 4 lTn, ;h I it il. me. ti I a j i i'i, tf i j'M i'h l, m 1 I ii I a a a I I 1 I 1 U'l-I. 4 a t a ivunn, l 0, Totals t a a i ho'ill l CI tl shelled for Word In pliiilt. ', aliened for Mlmok' la r.UHli. , Sw York .......... ..ail 0fle 1l a ' )k..Iui an t , Sunimar) Run: J. Collins F.rrnri J, t-r.,11 ne. Taii'lilH til'". Menoelty, J. I'ulllne. llurne Stolen bae; M.uiel, ' Sacrifice till: J. Colllne, M It. hull, Iniwbl i I'r.u lo iltihll la Hurna. Left ' l.aa: Nw York. I; Boelon. ) flat J on belle: Off Shawkey. t; off (Julnn. 3. . frtrurk out: Hv Shkr, I; by gmnn, I. Illi by pitched ball: By 4ulnn (Dugan). t mplrrti gvana and Connolly, lima: j I II. " Athletics Win Two. T Philadelphia. Sept. Philadelphia g look both ends ef a double-header from 1 Weehniglun today, winning lha flrat aama tn II lnnlna. to I. and tha aconil. I i. Tha flra fania aa a pltt-haiV battla , Iiiwmii tifdan and Ertrkaon and tht for. m.r a wy tu Kumnial In lha I lib, ho rsn tola inn victory. I "ltat nmi arora: i ' WAIIINOTii.f. I rHILADEI.rHIA AII.Hti.Af AII.H.O.A. a a f in itn'n ft ii a a it o, II v " - - " - ' I ni.f, f lit o, iyuhk t i..lln, Iflli t'Tklna, a It'N.ra. (fill ! Walk.r, If ; " Id pan, u 4l I.Hauaar, lb 1 I' lmh, ii I I I Ii Millar, rf 3 I i : 1 I 4 Sitl'way, r S U'liaon, p 4 4 MJyk-n. 3li m ii-- k ft 1 9 I lliuflflt A 1 4 I 14 ' .i n rrr, iv I Tot a H II IK i: u'ln. jW-li Ii Ronimal, Totala 440 1 14 14 On nut lia ulnnlni run acorad: J' rr:n fnr liruy in mnih. I liijutte'J for iiltn In Jlih. Hit-on bjt Innlan: . , . V.ahlniloa ,....) 1 M Ml-' riniui'ipiii t ii ' ((umnmry Buna: S. Harris.' Goalln. Id I ii. i, Ailil'r, liki ' hfir. Krrura: Nona, . Tvri.bana lilia: uoalln, Hchrar (11. Thraa i Inaa'hltl oailowayt lloma runa: Iiykra, 8 lanan. Htnltn bana! 1-amotl. I' i v'aya: tiallowijr in Haunar, . Harris to racklnpauKh to Juil. I.ft on baaa. Viialilucion, 7; Phllaili-lphla, 4. Haaji on i !"lia: off Srlfkaon, 1: uff OaJn, 4 off J hoinml, I. Struck out; Hy Krlrkaon, 1: I stivlt, I; by Ho C' Ofiiim. 3 In 11 ; off 21 to aitrheil boll: by Ifontmai 3. llia;. am Rommel, 1 In I. lilt by Ug'l-n (Uimotla.) . n llinius yutiirri nviii.nv,. aiiii". , t tt; ilwini knd Nallln. f Lora aaconi inii: WASHINGTON. I PHILADKI.rHIA. i. AH H.O.A. All.H.U.A. I'Juda-. lb t I I llwalrh, cf 3 110 J- Harris, 2b Z II JiliruKy. o 4 2 4 IlK'f. if 4 11 0Wnlkr, If 4 1 0 ,' INixlln, If 4 0 1 o;.lnhna'n, lb 1 1 I uMNa'a, if 4 f 0 OiMlllnr, rf 4 11 & Olurrlty.e 18 4 o;i;allo'y, aa 3 0 4 k h ri I I ! l l'ykaa. 51i 4 11 t I. a ntic, 31. 4 0 1 Oistrhrar. 2b I 1 J Urlll'rt, p 1 1 tl 1 Hmly, p 4 10 0 f" Yurk. p 110 T- L liuh. l) 3 1 01 Totals 1311 2? I slirowcr 1 0 0 U Tulsla SS 124 8! J xllHttrd for Turk In ninth. ;:ror by limlnvs: . !V:nhlngt)il 1 101 0004 ''rhllmlclphl 104 110 Wx1 Summary Itunni McNainiti (i), Ohar f'rlty (2). Wrkh tm, Uruuy. Walker, John f, ion. Minor. Uslloway, Bchuer. trror: 8iher. To-b59 lilts: tiharrlty. Hire, V Uruity. Hotna rutin; Oharrlty, Welch. Left j on bsara: WonhlnKtnn, t: fhlladelphU. 7. f Jilts: O'f UrUlli.'rt, 7 In 3 1-3 InnlnRs; t, off Turlc, 4 In I 3-3 Innlnga. Struck out: l Vy Hrlllheiirt 3: by Turk. 1; by Haaty. I. 4. Ilaiea nn bulla: Oft Hrlllheart. 3: off Turk, off Hasty. 1. SsorlfU-a hits: Peik- lupsush. Wet h. Htolon bnaea: Johniiton 111, Miller. Umpires: Nallln and Owens. .'Time: 1:4T.' Circuit Judges Slap Fines on Drivers Columbus., O., Sept. 29. Favorites were tlefenteil In two of Hie three v eventa on the flnnl tlny" card tif the Grand Circuit race meeting hero to- I day. At the eonrtualon of the meetlnaT I- the juds;i announced that Henry T" Thomna had len fined 1100 ffir lm- limner drlvlttn of ronywood; Walter t'ox $10(1 for improper driving of Me 4 . tireRor the Ureal; Fred Kaan 1100 . U finl Id'rt ttMtS mr iiiiiiiih in win iiw iit.i " " f; with Jolianne: O. Jlemkine $300 for i failure ta win the eeeond heat of the lace with Ituaaeil Onisale, and John I Thomua etwpemW-d 10 tiy for lm- liroiwr diivinir i'f MalulU k. v 3:11 irot, I heats, put. II ai i lV'-ki. kr, iii. by lha rtorihera a iMi-iwiiaiai I S tj hiiMir. kik. . lHinta .....1 !; Ali rtbs. b m , lclbi . .. I , fMrl lrl, V b. il.oomiel , ornan, b I, tHeodtukai I Ttma; I 44 . I H MtM ( it bans, t heals, purms 1 1 . Kala a. k, I. b ,VislJ4, tHsftl . t . !, b t, b WstUes, lMi- 7 Idbt-.MI ..,.,1 . SklSll.. ,lfli.i I flak instil, k ax., (Vstan Jim 4. lid a a. ma i -.!., a.- .!, ."lMI .. I I 4 timii 4 4. I . 1 ll. I bts. pars IV t,.:.l!,l..l H 14. k . bf IfSl t.U I M 1 )l .l 1 Cw4 A , k, a . r A'b'a- I I i! 4 fnn b a, i ! i.. I ! 1st b . . !. l . 4 -. ta t b a ifi - a, I tmm n-.f 1st "" as A Mai l.ssa. i US I 4 I SIH ISoulrr Hrrokt Pingtr Hut Main a Strikt lUttl ( tawva ailnsaana. Ma lb jt aa , Hat kiki Wheal haaiy halt aaw4 tnMk) lha) atafiy tll al $ Keth I Kama tm lha aasrsnsif isasa el lha lk 4nallf kealtM Haawaa 4kaf mit at lha (amaha alalia, hassha tha, enseal! !. al hat rtM haasaV aWeteWl aAraifht a lha e Ws4 asaia a Mrike. lawsa) hta ftassa lha liaK 4 a ia tbsaai i RahsaV H amaiaaait tha , ha a 4 lha a viae aas kiraj4aaa s hnai la eaaviaaaa live ! at WaNbi EDDIE'S FRIENDS Preparing to Throw a Birthday Party i vJU3T Ul55t To filftTflOAV M' I'M GcOrtM THftOW) A ffAAty tf tT'3 Tht UA8T THifsKr I P' MOOT P'Vf O'PdiL Tlt 0V)T llssTMt V'TCMCM CM f VP a That CUOAJT A AUt A l0"T Of VWOftK FttrX T FCXK9AH RESULTS Af Central, 11 1 (relthtun High, a. bTATK. IJiiriiln. a: -nHint. . Itakola I Ity. Ji Jw keon, (. I I una, AP llimper. 4,ihrnhurif ti Mnaan fit, a. hapuH, Ml Julrsbiirc, a. V.iek, II) bnperlor, II. I nil emit r I'larr, rele, a. Adania, 3At I'nlleire tlna. a. HaMllnira, : Mlmlen, a. Ilolilreio, 1 Oiford. a. Hayard. 41; liol. bluff, a. Ilaard aaronda, 4; KrotUhluff aeinnd", a. Huyard Orainda. l rirollabliirf dec. omla. a. I'aarrwe lily, 13: Falls f Ity, 7. Tsrlleh. 5 Hlantnn. a. (Irri. lit (Mitral 411). . Kimnn, t I. rand Island, t. Harnett. 44 1 lletiklemsn, a. Aurora. 24 1 Polk. M. I OI.I.MiE. ' 1a Molnra unlvcrslly, 0) Still col le. .. lntofi, 94 1 firaretand. a. Teiaa nnlvaralty, 12 1 Austin rollrae, a. Howard Payne folliie, 1,1; Texas A. and M., 7. Central High Beats Creighton Central Iliglv school'a Kfld machine plowed l(a way through the light Crelnhton High eohool team here yealerduy In the first game of the nenaon and won an easy 32 to 0 victory. The Purple and While grldstera uaed atraii?ht footbalfrom the atart nnd fountl little difficulty In airmail ing through the Creighton line for lonir galnH. Capt. Strlbllng of the winners kick ed two goals from placement during the first half and accounted for the 12 points scored by Central In this sec tion of the game. Tha Lineup follow creighion Central Clarke Stnbllng (c) Thomsa C'ogsn Pollard Ennls Perelvsl Ileynolds Uwion Oallowy Howell Osrvey R. K, R.T. R.U, Morgan Nussrallfth C'anlKlla MrKenn Mullen Moylan 8oflo Portr-r lisnahey (:) Prendergast T..,r. L.W. OB. I.. II. F. B. R.K. Centrsl Hulistitullons: roflljer for Prendergas, Merrill for Howell; Creighton, Narketvlta for tiarvey, Htoutt ror Uenna, Tsrke fur Csnlglla, MrKenns for Tarks, Ulllan for tioflo. Touchdowns: Galloway (2), Howell, Lawaon. Field goals. Ktrlblllng (2). Oosls from place ment after touchdown: Htillillng (2). Offi cials: Rt-feree, "Chuck" Morlsrtty (Creighton) i umpire, Carey (Cornell) j head linesman, IJurdlrk (Omaha univer sity). Fontenelle Championblup Between Four Players Fontenelle Oolf club will clone Its season tfundny with the deciding mntt'hea In tha club championship tournament aa the feature events. Kour playere Harry and Francla Donovan, brothers, and Victor John sun and Howard Johnson have aur vlveit the medal play and are con tendere for the rhiMiiplonahlp. Winner In last dunduy'a competl ttona era announced by club off!, ciala aa follows: J. II Thompeon defeated H. It. Wll linnia. 1 and J, for tha lUppy llllow club prUe. lvmaUl Ptllshuty won the Keyttona rattarn tVorka pila fur having tha low me.UI aun) list H'.imUy with net It tor the nine hole couraw. I'hll KnU!l an aen4 prie wuh a at II, and Alvin Uustafav.o third aith a net 41. Pakuta Stream Slinknl. I In run, . t, hpt. JJ Ivmal lisi.n era aniiciiuliug aw reai sps'et nukta ke sail ta ar t!na aia a a a laauit af IKo meal e'etk lag it take H awn. atitaa aneih ef br ana biv has d jfii a lha last Weeks l'la hoM4rd Fai'l wta fl.a. i ike Ula by w.kit.rt ua4f ( lha 4-rMi af Ita aata (isna d -avraia ae Issi s b a alwae-4 t s ka take aiw4 ttaaea la Ike hiM d ' ta w.Mlsf ai-ntba. Jik Mat Miuisr. at j.., v b. lasa. rvaaiisav4 b agbt kavr',av, a4 be fcvaitug beetle . tk tity Us4 msi t"t Hwii.. aa rtiuie tha sa 1 4 b ebet Iks 4s-. a sa-i.rg BHss aki Mi in wwasaa ' 4 h n-a a ieni k ka k... 4 h aM4) sl t asj, , r ws.iauj tjiftv Vf3UA P flTM plftTfiPAYS A fyr I OtfJ'T VlJVITlM6 MIS UmCUTh' I p.AwAJt5 fop v0y. I THC lOltNV-ifc f (W1 WIm jlavvm. W Lincoln High ' Trims Fremont Kreiiiont. Neb., Kepi. 19. (Special.) Fremont's football season opened this iiftirnoon with n thrilling battle between beef and speed when the Lincoln high eleven ecored a victory over Coarli Down griilsters, 6 to 0, Too much weight for the Fremont line to withstand, carried the ball within striking distance of the Lin coln goal In the first quarter, where Lewis sailed a 15-yard pass Into tho waiting arms of Capt, Gardner, who had a clean field for the remaining 20 yards. The one and only touchdown of tha game came after 10 minutes of play. From that time on, Lincoln attempt ed time and again to use the aerial method for additional scores, but failed. Twice Wlnkleman, Liny quarter back for the Fremont squad, pre vented Iwls, Lincoln's colored halt- hack, from crossing the goal line. In the third quarter Wlnkleman nailed Leu is after a 40-yard run w ith the rest of the Fremont team trait Ins. Wlnkleman again starred when the whlHtle brought the game to a dra matic end aa Lewis started for the goal posts after wriggling through the Fremont line. Wlnkleman stop ped the dusky warrior JuFt five yards In front of the line. With Lewis, Brown and Krelg featured throughout the tattle. Krelg succeeded several times In nabbing short passes over the line sent by Lewis. Urown gvlnod ground for the Red and Black' on end runs and sklitlng the tackle. Fremont failed to carry the pigskin within scoring distance but made the required downs in the center of the field on long end runs, with the ball carried by Evans and Balduff. Cham bers, full back, was the battering raw for the Dodge county lads and broke through the heaviest Lincoln line for substantial gains. But in both cases tha other teams would brace at tha third down and force the opponents to punt. Chambers took the hotting honors, sending the-ball down the field with a 60-yard average. Nearly 2,000 Fre mont and Lincoln fana witnessed the contest. Potash Highway Complettion Discussed at Broken Bow Broken Bow. Neb.. Sept. 29 (Spe cial.) A special meeting was held at the Public Service clubrooma to dls cusa the completion of the Potash highway, which runs northwest through Broken Bow to Alliance. Lloyd Thumas. secretary of the proj ect, was down from Alliance and gave In detail varloua features of this piece of road work. When finished thla highway wilt bring the Natksnal Tel lowatone park 2oO or J0 miles nearer to travelers from tha east. South Dakota Coyote Open Apuiiiat Yankton Pierre, a. I. hP I Tha l:j rmtt.sU season In Houtll Iktkoti will opan In aarnast tomorrow afternoon whan five of th college equmte and a d. n h'gh s.Iuh'I team will go Into actum for ll Kmt ttma. Th Var.kton ol!g a.itJ will eltsah tunwrow with tha I'oyot ela of IM t'nlveralty f houlh l1 kU al YsiHiiUi'i. An)y Ht IHy hasn't tsnnenl . am man h pittbwl-a' wearieg 'am (; al wear katikar K -- t-it a- .! - Vhamt for Tif in Amtritan Hag Hact a. laaA, ati. ? hh a Mbdi al DIM th Naif ath asvhssa. f lha taseeWa a(4) tawh4 thesa, llsa 4, I assH He a a as leslai aasinea) a Ifcngaaae) b WHh the ( hteaga Uh4 . Tikag lha aka la lha lavasa lha ! eaa) iMfsa hm aa h eavli lltsaa) baaa gaasia ff. I Haw a Ihlsat hat th itakesx a a leal a M IWwaaa ka tbsr rasa bin tat (tasxt waastsl itkmH IM psia4 ! at. wttt P , Vffy rRt Sit umv'yau t0 0 It AWO TrXilMl. A 5U.rH5t WA S5(UCf UrJOtll (1 CfC AAf Ta' A3K foR PA VACA.TlO: Av fVull dM VO0 TWO u. a-' aRy - inw vvm'ij For AS WOAt, ArseciAnp i Foof-Ball' ('hsuDidl Wlna Came. rliappell, Neb, Kept. 21. (Hpeclal.) Tha local high school rootbsll eleven from Julraburg (Colo.) high was defeated here thla afternoon In a feat and Inter esting game by 1lie score of 11 to t. Jncbaon VI allowed. fiakola City, Neb., Sent. ! (Special.) The Dakota I'lty High school football team elally won over tha Jsckaon sleven here thla afternoon by tha score of 13 ta 0. Iakota I'lly'a quarterback made 11 out of 13 drop klcka after touchdown. Hooper Pleven Laaee flams. T.yone, Neb., Kept. 2. (fipeelsl.) Lyons High school football team defeated tha Hooper eleven here thla afternoon, 41 te 0. Gothenburg Defeat- Mason City. Cothcnburg, Neb,, Hept. 21. (Speclsl.) Gothenburg, minus the services of aeveral regulars, today defeated the Mason City eleien. 26 to o. on tna isncr s iinu. thenburg used straight football and rorked little of Ita formations aa several Broken How fans were on tha side lines. Tha Unthenburg and Broken Bow teams play here next Friday. Vnlierslty Flore Wine. T.lncoln. .Sept. !. (Special.) Univer sity Plsca High won tha first gams of Ha echedule here this afternoon, detesting Crate by the score of to 0. Adams High beat College View. 31 to t. Bayard Teams Win. Bayard. Neb., Hpt. 20. (Special.) Tha Bayord flrt grid team defeated tha Scoitebluff first team here this sfternoon v.v h ,.Ai. nt 41 to 4. Tha Iocs! second cloven also won from the visitors' second team, I to 0. Until!- flMto Oxford. Oxford, Neb., Sept. 2. (Special.) The Oxford eleven lost to the faet Holdrege tesm hers this afternoon In an Interesting game by the score of 7 to o. Play a Scoreless Tie. Mlmlen, Neb., Kept. 21. (Special.) Th. Mlnrien and Hastings High school football teams battled' to a acoreloes tie game here this afternoon before a large crowd of fans. Central City Loses. , Ord, Neb.. Sept. 2 (Special.) Ord High won from Central City High hero thla afternoon by tha score of !i to 0. Ncllgh High Wins. N'ellgh. Neh.. Sent. 29. ( Special.) Tha first football game of the season wa played here thla afternoon at Rlveralde perk with Stanton and Nellgh High school teams. The home boys made their first touchdown within one minute of play by a forward pass. The next play resulted In the Injury of Walter Leneer. left tsckle for Stanton, who was tsken from the field with a fracture of a email bone of tha right ankle. The game re- aulted In a victory for Nellgh by score ut 37 to 0. Benklrninn Lose. McCoolc. Neb.. Sept. 2. (Special.) McCook defeated Benkleman high, 44 te 0, In a hard-fought game. Davis itarred for Henkleman. Snyder. Varvel and Nel son starred for McCook. Snyder and Ver ve) look Ilka all-state material, iney m Ueil In every may. Jones at Quarter showed up well for McCook York Reals Superior. Tork. Neb.. Snt 24. (Hpeclal Tele gram. ) Tork High school football team won Ita eecond game of the season here his afternoon It defeated tha Superior eleven In a hard-fought game by the acore r 17 to e. The thlril quarter endul with a touchdown and In the fourth York made a touchdown and kicked a field goal from tha 10-yard line. Pawnee 4 tty Wlna. Palls City Neb. Sept. 31 iSueclsl Tel egram I Palla city high echool opened lha football aeseon beta by loalng to Pawnee l .ly high school tn the lot inlu- ut of play. 14 lo T, Wlik lea thin, a niinuia go, ilravea, right half for paw r.e. pun.ged 13 yards ever Ike line oa aa off l i amash Tha play ef the paw. lea baikfleld featured. orn. Mppold, Jabaeea aad Ciooa started for '.! VUy. Kearney High Wins. Kearney, Neb, bn.i, ! ispettsl Te.e. f raiH. I ksati y bigk b4 eaev picking ta Us game with lirasa I-- Uat tli:s Iflitleen. defaallng Ikflin 34 i a. The gam an a.-iebiy U.... I of t.siufe. Hut a flna ehilNii,. af eli:kl f..ia 1 1 rtiM k.if mf ll'as.l la. Iea4, aloa.1 ul ea lbs etr ef Ih vietl a learn, aaua kilb-k ki.ietweg S1-..I 141 ,.(., piiirwa sa. Unerii P'akie aera be.SWiia f Ike l.i Lam tk i..Uis aeie la l ull al aieiy eiefe ef lb eesa k-., ii . - la daegee, H ..n k-iali.4 iiwe4 tea "a. laea) Mih Vla liwi N. s,i, ji-,e,it ,i. a II ga I ll 4-.as4 1st i i a H ii s-t la f-i Ikat) g a i.... a. ik .4 n ia tit lpl i. 4 a M II l I pisw ill Ii IkKSM III a f,t i ) ) in it it i Ik ), - iw- .et l I ki.a HI Ml as , w. H ! e 4W4SH ta !!., x is it lie jMI , p. 411 Hteh School l lswea) m 9 Vrf eat J i a. ..a .. I , ll4 aake HI ! B.wwa 4ia . I ,, I asst. tt M HI " Giants, Yankee Catchers Are About on a Par Catcher' Values Often l. (II a;i lie fell. 7!l tal filanla . ankeea Mil My lll f.H r U.l r.KT0N. Her la tha queer tiling:- After liftiir of figuring, studying doi. and calculating every angle of nfTenetv and defensive piny on th part f lha pitching In the world's aerie and dl rert play, 1 discover that lha Ginnt and Yankee catching slnfT flgura o cloeely together wa might a well Iwve ennreled them aeainat each other aa fnr as either showing advantage goe W have now eliminated I'ltleliuig and tha Browns entirely from an consideration In tha world aerlea atudy and It waa tough, loo, for there th Browns ahowed perhaps tha greatest superiority of all over th other teams. Ther was no doubt but that Hank Hvrld would hnv shown mora trn 160 nolnta better than th Giant rivals snd perhaps more. Nell her Itoaal tireal Backstop But In tha atudy of lha ralcliera who evidently ara destined lo tak part la the big aeries, wa find two thing: The highest attack valuea ever hav found among catchers n gnged In a world's aeries (excepting If t remember correctly. Ming In one series and Hank dowdy In another and the remarkable contrast that the defi-nslva values of both tilanta and Yankeea are near tha low mark among world'a aeries cntchers. Neither of these teams, on o which is to be labeled a world's chnm plon, possesses the greatest asset any team can have, which la a really great catcher, on who can handle pitching, throw, hit, run and above all direct the play. 5chang and finyder will, of course 'tha great bulk of the backstopplng durlnif thla series, and there la so little to choose between them that tha margin really amounts to nothing In the flnnl compilations. The alight ad vantage held by Bnyder la due large ly to the fact that he la better fit led to hit the kind of pitching that tne Yankeea have to offer, than noma of his mates who are accounted better hitters. Ha will hit really better in thla seriea than he has during hla own season. Snyder Best Director. In spite of tha weakness of the rilnnt Ditching- staff, th dope does not Indicate that Schang will be anf more of a pitcher killer than against the average twirling of the American Hague. Of course, it is difilcult to figure that a erinn lilttlne against one kind of pitching will do against another. But Schang's w ork last fall against Giant pitching showed them what will checK hia alugglng, and Barnes can do it. If Jonnard uses speed all tha time. aa Is his habit, Schang la liable to do some concrete breaking with his bat. Snyder Is the better director of play He has developed under Glaqt man' asrement and is quick and sure In sensing situations. Neither man shows much Judgment in throwing. Against a base-running ttack it Is probable that Schang, even with his tendency to wildncss, is the better man. Ha may throw wild, but he will throw; and Snyder has shown against the double steal play Perhaps it Is Giant strategy, but It makes a team and a catcher look bad to permit a runner to Jog down to second base without making a play to stop him, beyond bluffing at throwing to third. Schang Is Fastest on Bases. Schang ouh-anka Snyder as a basc runner and has more speed, and he ii dangerous at all times in attack. It is his tough luck to be pitted against weak pitchers that others ought to hit, but whose styles will worry him more than some good pitchers would do. The slow curves and the slow- ones hurt him. How ever, he ought to get soma revenge in swatting Nehf. The next study is most important of all. If we knew exactly which pitchers each manager will use in tho series we could do a much better Job of doping. As it is, we have to guess which pitchers will be used in each game. This fall I am going to try a new plan. I'll explain it tomorrow In presenting the figure strength of the pitchers. (Copyright, lilt, th Chlcsga Tribune.) Excitement in Neligh Over Oil Taken From Well Nellgh, Neh., Kept. 29. (Hpeclal Telegram.V The people of thla city and Immediate vicinity are excited to night over the fact oil waa struck thla afternoon at a depth of 494 feet on th Jatne Nash luacr trail, a short distance west from th city limits. Many people ar exhibiting samplea of th oil a taken from the well Ihla afternoon. Not only did th oil aaeiii to Im In abundance, but a larw quantity of shale was brought lo surface. I.iveatixk Imposition at Norfolk Kill Vltth le(hn all playa gain, faually, thla Nut folk. N'b, ttept, 24 4rlwvinl j I lately the ra. A ti-am, to gr Tale ar am ) Th district tlvast.nh -jiiar the) Mponnt goal, generwlly pvalibm i an- tu a rloa bar afler lha In U everylluiig It mum n I. ur ilava ef an.iaeefiil aiuettalnmeiit i th way of ana. k Nn play your ToUy a ftuie waa Ihe sal of mora a. I'ff la. kl bu k gnerally pro titan faiuy felr eattt. whukjln lli atioogeat ntailiode vf at war brnugM her by pniuvr fniU k ( h.rt euui'lv and . innv All of tee feelers M In Iw.i n. Wall bt sir timet al ant ltf :ng rt.i I" ii ! Ii ' le uii.lia if th (iia vtuH.-i't iiiovia ei. t irea ft IS aiy-wilaiH fStiea Hamruft iii lldfiltuji. Uah,oi.wi Vi 14-lHl la rfl, sh.nteil i-f lha Neat leik law'-al team, tIU-l al lk vikii it iiid I I'' va la In pre 4 l i I fl but l lha i.,l set e s'" m Sew ta tai la livala ail I .. peaaateiit ! itl g ,. at..., I. ' fc i 1 ,4a I, m Ika i la 1 I' " 1 il-M .cut ef sun 1 1 . ' Ili4 wan Hii a.r ri a a at ifc . t.,e ! a4 nki World's Series Contenders MANAGERS. By IKMirKKk 0. THr: Hnv i. inann a IM imponaiU I Hi mnr a-r a md nearly the li tor gain campaign. 1 ;,y that. dVei.iit, thn fail that una nf tha coil- tiidci. the liiams. abrulutely la dominated l,v ilm neraoiiallty of lie man- agr, John M.ilisw. It frennently has ln aald In r"nt week that no other manager tna Miiraw bav rarrlrd ilia I2 tilanta through lo a pennant with Ih wabbly New Tork pitching staff. Wa subavrlb lo this t-W point. Ther waa never a aeiba In h!cha the manager made hia presence fli (i a muih aa the one ,l last autumn. When III tilnnl defeated th Van Pee-a. It lias hern aald thai Mwiraw pitcher nery ball nf the series, and that wa hardly an eisgg.-raili.n. Tba Mi Hi a mentality was tn-hlud every pitch. The (limits gut wry tin kel looking over In the b m-h for In struction. MHIrnw riniiot think a ilnU Into lha woiid'atiiaiiiplntialilp, If the play ers in n not rxei-iite his plats, Mc tlraw iinquestliinally siood well aheid of sii'ii former world'a riea oiiih- iienta as Juke Ktahl and (laren.a Bow land as malingers, yet b it world'a aeries to thes rnen, bvgely bev-auae hi pluyeis fell down in making the miU nf ordinary piny. Mi-fJiaw ha won many pennants. but comparatively few world's series. Ilei won In 1905 and 1921, but In lie. tween these years "Mai;" suffered four world's aerlea reverses, In i. 1921. 1911 and 1917. The strange world's series Jinx which hna followed all of th e luanagera who have been product nf the old linlllmore evhtHil, bufried All i ilk w until laal fall. Out of 12 world's seiica. In wbh-h Mc Graw, Jrnnlfigs, llobliison and Glea son have rritereil learns, only twu vli loiiea have lieen scored by a for mer Oriole, ih two McGraw euo cense of 1903 and 1921 already men tioned. Miller Muggins, also Is a thinker. but a different typ of manager from Mwiruw. For one thing he hasn't Mc- Craw's dynamic personality, nor la be the natural leader Mcflraw Is. How ever, everyone, knows th troubles Hugglns has bad thla year and lust with a team nf teniieramentat atar. During the last two months of the present A merli n n league rai-e Hug- gins had more concerted action be hind him thnn at any time In two years. In St. IaiuIs, Huggins developed a hit and run, base running mode of at- k. Jn New York ho found a con gress o sluirgers. and was obllsred to shift to the hitting game. How. ' ever, occasionally Miller still tries the kind (if a game he finds the great est pleasure In. There is no doubt hat Miller diluifounded the Giants In the early gamea of lha series las full, when McNally atole home In tho first game, snd Hob Meusel in tha second. It was tactics the Giants wercn t prepared for, aa their imprea slon of the Yanks was a rather dumb ball club, which relied solely on Its punch to win. Hugglna is a strategist, knows a lot of baseball, and at present has firmer grip on his Job with the Yanka than ha had at thla time a year ago, FootBallFacts Wm-thKnowing HSJf aWsari. 4V 'aJeat aVIT Q. What is clipping? What is tho penally for it? A. Clipping ia throwinc Ilia lindv from behind across the legs or leg (below Hie knee) of a player not carrying the hall. This, however, due not apply la close line play. I-ocs of 15 yards from snot where hall was put in play. Utile 21. section (0. Q. May the referee call penalties that come under the jurisdiction of tha umpire? A. Yes, he ran, but lie must rec ognize and allow precedence to any penally given by the umpire. Rule 5, section 1. y. How many two-yard penalties are there? A. One only. Time railed more than three time during a half at the request of captain. Rule 14, sec tion 2. Q. How near to ;he ball may the defensive players stand at kick-off? A. Defensive players must lie at least 10 yards from the hall until the ball is kicked. Rule ft, section 3. Q. After a touchback may the de- ftiiidlng side punt the ball from their own 20-yard line? A. They may from a arrimmace. The ball must he put in play by scrimmage. Rule 11. section II. TIIK MSST PLAY TO I'SK. With the ball in your possession on our oimpnent's 20 yard line, ftrl own. launch your strongest running attack. Now is the time to strike ith all your pow'er. Soma schupl f foottmll save curtain of theirVrong layer for situations Ilk this. That they will try many plays early In he gam and If they find that cer tain ours go for big galna hlla others Imply go for from three in four yards, they will depend upon th Utter to carry tlielr advance within rlklng distance. Then they launch ith gtaal play, tho that hat car- rted for ft mil fives yarda up par rush. I That H tha-H I method ef attack r llarilll t lltr It tat I Moltimile Heciiril Set ly Baker ' vih. sii. : .-; ti 'tinnw4 ball' tiiker twk all ptac) in l..l... . I e..,,l 4,f (.,i.v ! .H tnii wbeit h 14, tk4 tb a, i ii eet.Uy aalti.ka ria kel m hw h kel I it l. i fiuoi 1 - Ah4I In I 4ia. II hvuis n4 .'HhI.4 1 ! a . In. wa H hfUts, It aoautea b-e tfcaa l 44.i .Mita a. t l i f I ' AUa lat-eell lM J niw k f t.' y iii a I .! a.'i ! W k ley 4 tial ;a) h . Ikl w-iai4 - - b- tl - INe 4 I - a . i - if - mi.i - . a4ke 4 tkf- lht 'l-fg 4t J Ml ll - vlt --.I t4. At taaiak lrt4i(e( MASU.rK. In a world's efs? In my r-ulnlon, th In a shut world awtle that I I over BaseBallGesulls MTWVtl. IKtl.l I. Staea'lnga. If Ther I, PH. Vla. I lark ., rillabargtt , I leelnaall . M. 4Mlk ., I blraga , ., Ilrawklia .., Philadelphia IteelM l an) ana aa .A 4 aa ,AA1 aa Jlil 1 1 .ATI 11 .11 a 4)1 e jit Resells. . .sie .Me 14 e .1 .14 1 A l ,4I ie .4a 3 .114 Ml A Jiaa Jl letarda;'s rhlreai. I: Ml. Laule, fVe oi hue scheduled. Tedei'e lieinee. St Jiuta at rtil'ego. Pltlebutgh el I'ln. innall. tlouliin al New York. Philad'lphla at flroukln. A r it vaTr-Aiji f.. blaadlnge. If Thy Win leu .(II . W, 4 I IS 11 la a? i. .4 I 13 1A 1 S4 Pe4, Jilt .fib JM JMJ M .414 4tl J' Vie laeb . hi. I Aula . f I-trail , . ., .e jn i ."4 .44! .41 I hlrage) . . . 4 leretaed .Mil .41 .441 ,41 .te VI a. bins lea Philadelphia at i 1 Ml r da 'e Keenlle. Phi'adlephla 4 1. Waebleglen 1-4. St. Isiula 3, I hli-egn 3. fineiun I, New Tork 0. No otheis Played. Tadai's dame. New York el llo.ton Waehlngioa at psiladelpbla. Chicago al Iiuia. Detroit at Cleveland. AMPRICAV AN4KIATIOrt, SUadlngs. V W. I. Prl. W. 1. Tel. Ut. Paul 10 a .4 Mil 'auk e S3 St MtS Mlnnea'la SI IS JIA IauUvIIIs 1 AM Kan. I ltf SS 1 Asa Toli-da 4 .SV3 Indl'polla S4 1 Jls tolumbua 3 M Veetefday'a Reaolt. Illlwaukee, I; Toledo. 4. Kanaaa CHy. 4: Columbus, I. at. psul. 3: Louisville. 2. Allnnispolls. I: Indianapolis, 7. Tadai's (iajnea. Toledo at Milwaukee. Columbua at Kanaaa City. Indianapolis at Minneapolis. Uiulavllla at St. Paul. Tulsa Oilers Defeat Mobil Tulsa. Okl., Sept. 29. The Tulsa Oilers of tha Western league de feated the Mobile Bears of the South rn association, S to 4, tn tha first game of their post season aerie hera today. Mobile got 2 hits to Tulsa's 11. but waa unable to bunch them on Danforth. imnn.K TULSA. AHH.OA.' AB. H.O.A. D Vg, rf t I I l Bennett, If 4 4 1 fiieo. as I 3 4 liTh'son, 8b t t 1 4 N'hoff 2b i 3 4 41 Davis, rf t 2 1 VTIvev. ef I 1 2 llt.ainb ct 111 It W's. If 4 i 0 Lellvelt. lb 4 t 7 0 Mullen, lb ( I ! 2i Rman. 2b 4 0 4 1 lluhn. lb 3 1 OMcO'ls. aa 4 0 1 2 Baker, c 4 11 llCrnaby. a 4 1 Henry, p 0 OiD'forth, p 1 Aciiala. D I I 0 II ' Slsman, p 1 l Totals 30 11 27 10 xPope 1 0 j Totals 34 12 24 141 xBalted for Acoeta, In tilth. E, ... k. I nl 11..' Vnhlla. 000 020 2004 Tulsa 31" urn uuo e Summary Runs: Cueio o. jsi'noir ist, Bennett. Thompnon. Davis (2). DanforOi, Erroa: Cueto. McOlnnle. K.srned rune: Tulss. 6: Mobile, 4. Left on basee: Mobil, in: Tulaa. 6. Two-baaa hits: Davis, Cuelo Three-bane hit: Thompson, noma runs? Mehoff (2), nsvis. nacriiH: Lamb. TJavla. Has on balls. Off Dan forth, 2: off Acosta. 1 off Slsman. I. Struck out: By Danforth, 10. Kuns ana hits: Off Henry, 3 end 3 In none, (non out In flrel): off Acosta, 2 snd 7 ln4. .oalng plirher: Henry. Doublo piaye: Cueto to Nlehoff to Huhn. Mullen to Huhn. Umpires: lioimee. oenina piaie; Brennsn. first ba-e: Ormaby, aecond base Pflrman, third base. Tim 2:11. Taxes in York County Are Greatly Reduced York, Neb., Sept. 29. (Special.) The county clerk of York county has turned the 1932 tax llsta over to the .county treasurer, which shows a big reduction of taxes over 1921. The slsrfe taxes are reduced $59,000 and the county's ahare ia $29,000; the schools, $26,000: the townships, $17,000, and the cities and villages are $J,500. 'Berg Suitt Me" Style -Wear Yoa Get 'Em Fall Itatios Svhobl MaUory Rti (or Nti L IP VL Imp 41 Ik w 1413 rnum8t. Two Home Runs by Johnny Tobin Beat Chicago 4V VangilJer Hurls Gootl Ball in Pinchei ami Wini (same by 3-to2 Scre. IM. Ijiui. Hept- 2 Two horn run by Johnny Tohlu and masterful pitch ing In th plliiiiea ny tangmirr gav .. fit. Ixmia all: victory over Chi tago today In the flrst garnet of Ihe final aerlea of the aeaMiii, Tobln, the livala' Itadoff man, clouted the firt ball pitched, and It went Into the right Old stand for a circuit drive, Hla aecond homer cam In th third inning on hla sec ond trip to the plat and tha ball fell virtually in thn fciim plsi th JWJfT.TvBW. ftrl one cll.l, Tobln waa lha first man up in thla inning also. Th victory contiiiuea tho mathe matical possibilities of the Brown tfi!tlng the iemisnt, In 4ewr of New ' ks defeat by Boston tcxlay, ! .iulil the locals win their two re maining gamea and the Yankeea lose theirs, tha teams would be tied for nisi place and a playoff series would be necessary. Score: tlflCAOO. AH If O A l,Otl AII.II.O A. fill llmiprr, rf 4 I i Tobln Johne ,e 4 I t J Kllrrl.e Jb 4 1 : a.eier. lb 4 1 T e willla'e If I 1 I 0 Jacnbwni.rf 4 I I a M Keoue lb 411 8,1' Colllna.e I I I I K i'oll.,2b 4 Sheely, lb 1 lol, rf 4 Palk, If t Mullig.Sb 3 a. halk, a Paber, p 2 l,eerelt,p satrunk 1 I ( tit: iiVanglld.. 9 1 4! ! Totala St 1 17 I Total 31 4 24 Jl x Hat ted for Paber In eighth, gior by Inning! Chicago IM 10(12 II. J.OUIS , 101 019 401 s Summary Buna: Jnhneon. H, Collins. Tobln (2), Ellerb. Error! Uerber. Ta'O- bae hit; P. Colling. Thrr-bee hit: i:, olllna. Horn rune: Tobln 12). Stolen base: K. Collins. Sacrifice: Sheely. Left in baae: Chicago, 3; St. Louie, 7. Haas no balls: Off Paber, I. Struck out: My Pa'ier, 3; by Vsngllder, I. Hits: Off Ps ber, I In 7: off Leverett. In 1. Psseed lull; Schalk. losing pitcher: Taber. em pires: Outhrl and Moriarly. Time; 1:34. Cubs tCead Cardii. Chicago. Sept. 21. Osborne hl t LouM to two hits while Chicago bunched five of Ha hit off Pfeffer and defeated Ihe Kl. Louis Cardinal. 3 to a. In th first gem of th flnsl series af th yesr. Th entire vlalilng club eurround-d Um pire Bigler on a peculiar plsy In th eighth Inning. Pournler batted for Lavan and walbsd. When ha reached th bese, Mann took his pise to rua for him with out notifying th umplr. Pournler went to the bench. O'Parrell then threw th" ball tn Orlmea who touched Msnn and ha wss dedsred out. Th St. Louis play-' ers ran from th bench nd whll thy wer arguing, Fournter reiurnerl to first, Th umplr then ruled tht Mann wss not In th gam and Pournler had sot been tagged out. Then Mann was an nounred as Ihe runner, aad tha game re turned Score: .av gT. LOVIS CHICAflf) A B. H.O.A A B. H.O.A Blades.lf 3 1 1 4! Stats rf 4 4 i,.iihrl sol oi 4112 Horneby.Jb 4 0 3 3iTerry.2b tilt Botl' 4 113 l( 4 0 4 0 Slock. 3b O l J ilea cm e.rt , w Schults.rf s Pournler xMann UlHarber.lf I 1 2Kelleher,3b till UiO'Farrell.o 111 OlOeborne.p 4 0 0 1 Frelgauea Alnamlth.o 3 Pfcffer.p 3 xM'Curdy 1 North, p 0 Totals 31 f.7 7 Totals 20 3 24 11.1 xBstied for Lavan In alghth, xRan for Pournler In eighth, x Hatted for Pfeffer In eighth. Score by Innings: t. Louis 000 000 0000 Chicago . .020 000 1 Ox I Summary Kuns: nonocner. Meauiroie, Barber. Krrors: ITornsby, Lavan, Kelle- hcr. Two-base hits: lleathcote. Barber, Kellcher, Boitoniley. Stolen bas: Terry. Sacrifice: Terry. Left on besee: St. Louis. B: Chicago, 10 Base on balls: Off Os borne. 2; off Pfeffer, 3; off North, 2. Struck out: By Osborne, I; by Pfeffer, 1.- Hits: Off Pfeffer, I In 7; off North. 0 In 1. Hit by pitched ball: By Osborne, Blades. Umpires: Klglrr and Sentell. Losing pitcher: Pfeffer. Time: 1:40. Peter Manning Beats Own World's Record Columbus, O., Sept. 29. Paced by champion trotter, yesterday lowered his own rocord of J:57 3-4 by trotting a mile here in 1:57, in a successful ef fort to lower the track record of 1:59. His time by quarters: 0:29, Q:ii. 1:27",. 1:57. All in Our Clothes '20 to 'bo A wide rnne of fabrira and miajipy mojcl. The values are xcrllcnt. Whipcord Suits The Latett for Fall '37ii and '47-1 2-Pnnts SuiU '25 '27 '30 '35 Vtuar anj Superior Un4nMa.r MAalutt&i IMrts