The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 29, 1922, Page 7, Image 7

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!eu4 IWUh. wljy Mr, ul Mra fl-J J huim
' !(' Iia a iiuftil-. f giifdin in nine
Hrl4e-4o-b lluliorea.
MIm Helen Hues I gave a bridge
luncheon Thursday at bar horn in
lienor of Ml Marlon Hamilton.
Cover wer placed for th ateadame
IhIm Muffltt. l. K. Haney. J, J
ll.inlfhen, jr., Ctiarle Uuraea
hrlr Hamilton, jr., and the Miun
Nannl and Mary Emily Hamilton of
Wajihlnfton, U. C. Kllnor lturlcely.
dull Lmugherty, Marmierlt and
Missetta fioueseau, Ituth Ktnaler,
i;rna hm4, Helen 1'orter, Nan Mar
I hy and Mary Taylor.
Ta Vlalt Mm. Merer.
M!a FJorenca llnlluran of Bait
I.tike City will arrlv Vedneluy to
U th guest of Mr. C. Lou la Meyer
uiul Mr. Meyer In their new home,
at Me Jonea atreet. MIm Hulloran,
w ho baa been eprmllnf a few week
tit White Sulphur Hprlnte, V.
stopped In Omnha for A day on hvr
way met. Ml Hulloran la an ac
complished sportswoman, and Play-
ft In the Woinun'i Western Gulf
tournasitnt at fit. Louis earlier in
the month.
I.umlieon for Mr. Ilium.'
Mrs. Charles Keller will be hostess
at luncheon Friday at her home hon
oring Mrs. A. W. ilium, Jr., a re.
cent bride. Cover will be luld for
the Meadumea Willlum McCaffrey, fl.
W. rrltclmrd, A. Undb.rf. H. E.
Johnston, W. O. Pwanson, Jt. JUn
irkson, M!s Alice Olnviulst and
Mies M;iruirlle Llljrnstolpe.
. Art Exhibit Knlrles.
Four hundred pieces of Nelraaka
art have been presented to the Jury
uhlrh will pass am pictures to be
exhllitad as Nebraska's artists' work
by the Omnha Boclety of Fine Arts
at thn pulille library, Omaha. Any
one residing In the state may enter
work. 1
Central High Will
Hold Open
'Central l(.h axhool will hold i
second annual open bouse Friday eve.
nine from MO to I JO. when all the
parents and frlende of pupiU are wd
come. At least 1.000 attended the af
fair Inst year and aa many are i
peettd this evening. The faculty
will be present to meet the f ueai. In
the formal receiving line will be
Superintendent J. Ht Veverldge, As
s sunt luperintendent Miss Dell
Hyan, Dudley K. JtrJ of the board of
education, Mrs. Charles A. Muearl
man, and Arthur Welle of the I'arent
Teachers' aaaoclatlon, J, T. M.ialor
principal; K. McMullen and J. F.
Woolery, and Mlea Jessie Towne, dean
of girls.
A musical program will be given In
the auditorium by the tllee ilub
orchestra and the band, and the work
of the manual training, the art and
the household arts detriments avill
be on d splay. The gymnasium
(.Insure will give an exhibition of
floor work, and the laboratories and
class rooms wilt be open for I in pec
O. C Hoinsnn, will entertain the
Messrs and Mrsdames Cieorne Miller,
flert Fowler and C. K. Chilli at din
Dinner Parly.
Mr. and Mrs. William Itandall en-t.-rtnlned
nt dinner at the Field club
Wednesday evening, when covers were
laid for ths MfMis. and Mesrtame V.
Hasoall, BamucI Hanford and
Merle C. Taylor.
Card Party.
The Loyola club of Kt. Johns parish
will entertain at rnrds Friday after
noon at 2:30 In the parish rectory.
The hostesses will be the Mesdnmes
K. J. Wilson, Anna Curnaby, p. M.
At (lie Field Club. ,
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. London will en
tertain at dinner Saturday evening at
the Field club when thPlr guests will
be Messrs and Mesriames Edward
Noal, Ray Shields, Jack Wells and
Mr. Albert Krug.
The same evening Mr. and Mrs.
Prominent Y. W.
Worker Has
Miss Harriet Vance, prominent Y.
W. C. A. worker, has arrived in the
city. Khe la national city secretary
for M nneiota. North and South I'i-
kuta, Iowa, Omaha and I.lnioln. ller
offices lire In Chicago, and the na
tional hi ad(Uiirti rs. New Vork, M s
Vance, who has been In t- W, C. A.
work for IS years, took up her pres
ent position tin f ill.
Sum of the birxe cities of the coun
try have been Miss Vanes' field. fche
has been general secretary In Pitts
burgh, Kansas City, Portland and
It was during her Incumbency at
I'ittnl.ursh thut wlmt was then the
finest Y. W. C. A. building in the
country, went up. Two years ago
she made a trip to China and Japan.
Miss Vance Is here to attend a
"setting up'' conference at Camp
Brewster, tluturduy and Sunday. Lo
cal workers and representatives from.
Dee Moines, Hloux City. Council
Bluff and Lincoln will also attend.
Miss Vance will apeak at the Bun
day vesper service nt the Y. W. C.
A. The public Is invited to attend,
.... v
CTtati Wtlt?rV
yiTiN i ivi owl i uniLLiasti
Mr. Ueurt Itreudei had four
guwts to luncheon and biidtfa at
tier bom tn Fairacrea Thurs.biy,
Misses Iul and Csther Cutter
left Wednr.luy fur Iloaton, Iheir for
mer home, whrte they wilt visit dur
ing the beat month,
Frisky (Mjulrrel Receivrj Jimmy Rab
bit's Caller.
WMIn fall came, Frisky Squirrel
found so much grain to eat that he
grew fat as a pudding. Whenever
Jimmy Babbit saw him he couldn't
help smiling. Jimmy actually had to
laugh when he saw Frisky try to leap
from one tree top Into' another. For
Frisky wai so heavy that he had lost
half his nhnbleness. He missed the
branch at which he had Jumped, and
went tumbling down through the tree
until he managed at last to grab a limb
and cling to it.
night then Jimmy Rabbit thought
of a pin n.
"Wouldn't you like to work for me?"
he called.
"What sort of work?" Frisky asked
"Easy work!" Jimmy replied. "I'd
like to get you to come to my house
and receive my callers. I have a
arent many more man i can nuenu
r iresrTKxsTTjrfT
1 - H
Jtnmu RsfeMt fU4u tae
vim bu to Cm tsea.
"CoulJ I eat grain and put while
I m working for you?" Frisky In
quired. "Orrtaint) I" il Jimmy. 'Hut
t .nt give any lo the rallera They'd
never go Knt if yu did."
Well. Frisky mulrrvl eald that he
would aaree to thut. And since Jim-
sort. L'ncle Jerry Chuck even pinch
ed him, Remarking that he wanted
to see If there wasn't a trick some And Frisky Squirrel thought
that a very queer remark. He couldn't
understand It.
"How much does Jimmy Rabbit pay
you?" Undo Jerry asked him sud
denly. "Nothing!" Frisky replied.'
"It's too much," said Uncle Jerry.
"I'd do It for less, If the food was
thrown lp."
"You mean, If Jimmy Rabblt'-threw
the food Into you?" Frisky Inquired.
"Certainly not!" Uncle Jerry snap
ped. "I mean, If he furnished the
"Well, he doesn't do that," Frisky
numbled. His mouth was so full that
ho couldn't speak plainly.
"What!" cried Uncle Jerry. "Do
you mean to say that you have to
provide your own mealR?"
Frlcky Squirrel nodded.
"Then I don't want the job," suld
Uncle Jerry Chuck. "I wus golnir
to suggest to Jimmy Rabbitt that hs
discharge you and hire me la your
place. Of course," Uncle Jerry added,
"he'd hAve to change his sign."
"What sign?" asked Frisky Squir
rel. "The sign odtslde, of course," Un
do Jerry growled.
Then Frisky Squirrel broke one of
his promise to Jimmy Rabbit. Leav
ing the callers, ho hurried out of the
houfle. And there, tacked upon the
trunk of the old hollow hemlock waa
a notice which said, "Come One, Come-
All, and See the Fattest Squirrel In
Jimmy Rabbit was standing there
with his back to the tree. And hear
ing a noise be spun around.
"HI. there! Oct back Inside the
bouse!" be cried.
tut Frisky Hqulrrel wouldn't Ha
was very, very angry.
itrriihi. !.
Mr. B. V. Kendill of IV Moines
U, will arrive the latter part f
(Vtnher to ba the guet of her sister
Mrs. O. C. Hoinsnn.
Mrs. William Hill Clark returned
to her bom Wednesday after
three months' absence, pnt at Wat'
lisin Lake, Mich., and In Chicago.
Ralston Kcoble, who has been
apvnding the past year In Mouth
America, arrived Hunday to be the
guest of hi mother, Mr. J, R. tk'oble
Mr. and Mrs. William Archibald
Htnlth, who moved to Lo Angel,
Cal a yvr ugo, will rid U114
Whitley avenue, iiuiiyvfooo, artcr uc
toler I. I
Mr. and Mrs. James Gregory and
small daughter of HatavU, III.,
arrived Thursday to I the guests
of Mr. and Mra. JUchnrd Mallory over
the week -end.
Mr. and Mr. Carroll llnlden have
given up their apartment at the Ts
iloua.ic and have taken one at the
Monterey, near Thirty fourth and
Hodge streets.
Mr. and Mrs, A. A. Ard-r and their
daughter, Dorothy, who ar motoring
home from Cupe Cod, where they have
spent the summer, expect to arrive
early nest week.
IN-nry McCarter of Ihe Pennsyl
vania Acrud'my of Fine Arts, who I
o act as Judce fur the Fine Arts So
ciety Nebrankn artist exhibit at the
Omaha public library October ( to 29,
ha arrived In Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Cusper Offutt ret
urned to I'mahit, Tuesday and ure
In their opartmnt at the Monterey.
Mrs. Offutt has been visiting her pur-
nts, Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Lmigmnld,
of Bryn Mnwr, Pa and Mr. Offutt
nd her there a short time ego.
Mrs. C. F. Mclirew returned Satur
day from Trout Lake, Wis., where she
has been Uio guest of her son, R. U.
McCrew, on his Island- Mr. Mo-
Grew expect to go to Los Angeles,
Cal., later In October to visit her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Miller.
Mrs. O. M. Wood has Just returned
from a two months' trip to California.
She traveled along the coast and re
turned by way of Penver and Colo
rado Sprlttlr Next week Mrs. Wood
and her son, Raymond Wood, will
motor to Kansas City for a two
weeKs' visit.
Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Cryden, who
went abroad In August, were at Loch
Lomond In Scotland September 12.
Mrs, Brydcn, who was a Field club
golfer last season, ha written friend
that the golf courses in Scotland are
splendid and that she Is greatly en
Joying her games there.
Mrs. A. L. Williams, widow of the
late Bishop William of this city,
who has been visiting for the past
month with Mrs. Irving Benolkcn,
leaves today for Kent, Conn., where
she makes her home with Rev. B.
C. Chkndle family. She will visit en
route with her eon, Rev. G. C. Wil
liams of De Moines, and with friends
lit Chicago.
Problems -
AJla Csrrltea's Ktw Fkat ef
'Revelations of a Wife"
I CBrrirHJMi
Problems That Perplex
Antwtred by
II For set Utile foualN.
Ivar Mlse Fab-fax: I am eomlna to
my Rabbit wanted him to hsii wotkrou fr em ot your good advte.
st once, the tw frt.te t erf to
gether Mr Jinimv B In a certain
m-IK-w hrmUvk tn the womta Frisky
tuHrl dun sly brvusht a etr uf
I.! ft HinMMlf And th b an
i 'vinred that be Waa r-ly ! Il
VI Ike tiiM taal smM nm.
Th I bve t be he."
a.i Jimmy lUMxl "Pa Jul as you
!e but t o-me te the Ti
it s nut pottle u wall b ' )l
eswu't einy "
Aaaia Fkr -juurl rf.imlt
I'mmr IUtt..l weal eil.
It n t bn baf-if tH f ii:e
tit arriv. Fii n..fil i
IMm all aVwa a4 wU tfci
tt b4nsi. Aa-1 J tfte wkll be rf
fcimeatf fttlk t'aia a I k
"Atea eftai-t U k tiveif
My lbtHiMb aak4 ktm, "Araal
tit aftl a a ""
h d- r '' '
H'MaKS,ilt anKM-adi
Im t I k bs
t-it f-f y r-' M'"i
t .. all tfce n..:ls ! e
Omaha Golfers Win
Trophies at Open
Day Matches
Low score at the Lincoln open nay
golf tournament Wednesday went to
Mrs, Mark Levings, state champion.
Mrs. Howard Goodrich of Omaha won
second place. The other trophies
went to Lincoln players, Mrs. Ray
Elliott winning the driving contest,
Mrs. Ross Curtice, putting; Mrs.
Dee Jyiche, second longest drive and
Mrs. Summers the nine-hole event.
Omaha players who made the trip
were Mesdnmes Levings, Goodrich,
E. V. Arnold, Houston Harper, O. S.
Goodrich, Mnynnrd Schwartz, C. Louis
Meyer, Ed Megenth, Blaine Young,
Clifford Calkins, H. W. Hough, Allen
Palmer. Victor Roos, C, H. Ashton,
Miss Nichols.
What the Man Hmllb Threatened lo
lo lo Mail-.
At th self revealing facial gesture
of the man who called htmaelf Hmlth,
but whom Allen Drake evidently lx.
Ii'-ved lo I om formerly exalted
European pcraonaga, Lillian took
swift, stealthy step forward uneeen
by Hmlth, and with tense, narrow id
eyes am n tied him rloaely,
ejlr fir? a waa'muaked, lmerturbabla
aa always, but I w ho know her so well,
reallxed that it was she who had first
suspected Smith' Identity, ah who
In all probability bad planned Allen
Diak' campaign.
Th reason for her leaving the man
agement of Smith to Mr. Drake when
ahe herself was o peculiarly equipped
for such a feat, waa also clear to me.
Smith' race, poaitlon and training
mad him look upon a woman aa
something of Interior ability and sta
tion. To convince him of Lillian'
authority would have been an almost
Insuperable task, and Lillian, always
willing to aubmeiK herself and her
position, if necesalty called for It, had
turned over th handling of th man
to her colleague.
But now Mr. Drake turned to her.
"A Thousand Pardons."
"Are you aatlafled on that point?"
h aaked.
Absolutely" h returned. "My
compliment, milord."
He main an airy little deprecating
geiture while I gaxed with wonder at
the malevolent scowling fury Incar
Could It le possible that this un
couth looking man, dresed In the at
tire of a fiirm laborer, with a scrag-
ply, iinbaitt red growth of beard up
on bis face and wearing around bis
forehead apparently th same dirty
bandage which had boen there when
he first came to th neighborhood,
was reully of royal blood? Then I
rimiemliered the really magnificent
stature and bearing of the man when
I had seen him in the Cntsklll moun
tains, remembered also his arrogunt
air of command, and the thing be
came more believable.
That the man himself was fully
cognizant of the meaning attached to
the little by play between Lllllun and
Allen Drake t saw by the pallor which
deepened) on his face, and by a sudden
look akin to fcni In his eyes. Then
ho begun to bluRter again.
"This is what you call a frco coun
try, I suppose," he sneered, "using In
quisition tortures upon helpless
Allen Drake laughed lightly.
What Lillian Asked.
"Oh, my dear ir," he said mock
ingly, "what Bn absurd Idea! Hut,
of course, I cannot blame you for
shrinking from the thought. Never
In all your experience, in your old
home, or your new, did you ever see
or employ such mothods, of course."
The gibe was unmistakable,- and
Smith's eyes showed his reaction to
It In an angry flash. But he spoko
only two words, 'ihose In accent
which were a command Instead of
a request: ' -
"The cigar."
"Oh, a thousand pardons!" Allen
Drake replied. "We muat not let It
go out. But there must be only two
or three puffs this time, for this lady
la very Interested In you, and It would
be unflattering to keep her waiting."
He waved toward Lillian with one
hand and put the cigar again be
tween Smith's lips with the other,
while the bound man registered lofty
contempt of Lillian with an extreme
ly mobile set of facial muscles. But
he did not neglect to take the two
or three puffs Mr. Drake" had prom
ised him, and his furious eyes held
also a tortured, hungry look when
the government agent as deftly ex
tracted the cigar again and laid It
carefully upon a smok'.ng stand.
"If It goes out I'll light you an
other," he promised, then added sig
nificantly after a second s pause,
that Is, of course, provided you are
A low snarling sound from Smith
was his only answer, but Mr. Drake
Ignored it and turned briskly to
Lillian. v
'Shall we valet him now?"
Lillian shook her head while I
puzzled over the cryptic allusion.
V'I want Madge positive identlfl-
j cation of him nrst," alia eald. turn-
Hi- to me.
Can yon awear," ah akd,
"oven dlDKUiewt aa h" i now that
i he's th man Smith you aaw tn that
rofo near the Aahokan Iteeervoir,
j and whoa vote you beard In the
! reaprvoir ground after h had killed
th young atate trooper?"
iiforr I could anawcr. Smith
Vole roue in a furious yell,
'Vou she devil!" he shrieked. "If
you dare lo say r to that I'll tear
you In Inch piece when I get loose, "
Th Woman' Home Mlaalonnry so
ciety of th Flrat McthodlarTTfurch
will hold It first meeting of the year
Friday afternoon at the bom of Mra
W. 41. Indoo. North Forty nlivh
atroet. Luncheon -will be served at
I o'clock, with Mra. J. F. Beard
group In charge. The buslnea meet
ing will be held at 1 p. in., with Mis.
I ndo presiding.
Publicity Chairman.
Mlaa Lllu Peterson baa been made
publicity chairman for the Iluelncs
nnd Profvaaional Woman' dlvlslo
'f th Chamber of Commerce, Mary
Mnrsten Klncy I chairman ot ad
vertlalng publicity. i
Musical Tea Friday
for Mission Funci
Mm. lauac Carpenter' hum will
b th scene of a muMiul ta Friday
afternoon, given by the women uf the
Calvary ttaptiat rhunh, when Mra.
Carpenter will retciv, aeitd by th
Mraitame J. Frank Carpenter, II. J.
Jnerph, C, K. Ijilhrop, Kai Kelaey,
Atlhur L4H'kwood, (1, W. Noble and
A. I. Patrick. ,
Mra. licrtha Smith. Mm. It. II. Dor
ria, Mra. Clrorg Barker, Jr., and Mra.
J. A. Linn Wilt pour at lite ta table,
and they will lw aaalated by Mr.
I.rroy Ohria, Mra, '. A. Wnmuore,
the Mlsaea Klenore Carpenter, Luclle
Ijithnip, Alice Wlsoti and Grace
Tbi Is th flrat of a aerie of ten
to bo given by the miaaion clrvlo of
tho rhurch. .
The Van hunt Honored.
Mr. and Mrs. Itulph Van Hunt if
filadatonn. III., who cam to Oinnlm
Inst vveuk for the wedding tit Mr,
Van Hanf staler, Mr. J. Ixirrance
Flynn, were entertained at luncheon
at thu Hrandcl restaurant Monday by
Mr, and Mr. Ditna Van Heuecn. On
Tuesday Mr. end Mrs. Cecil Herrymsn
were boat and hostess at dinner at
the Hrabdul in honor of the visitor
Willi them tu their home imiiulitiioa
ury to -Mr. and Mi. Van Sant, Tli'
hav the guest tf Mra W, U
Van ai.d will nlurn to their
hotim in Kalurd4y,
Fur Mi l-url.
Mi Marion To la ws hote at
luncheon at br bom Wedurilny In
honor of MIm Ilium he Deurl, who Is
to b Will tktober 4. Mra. Cat! Paul
son, a brute uf the summer, chared
The a urate In-duded the
MXtme G.urrtt, John
Louiois, Henry Lubrngt-r, Isaao 'nr
ciiir. Jr,, and Newman Ilenatm. and
Miwea Planrha Wuvl, (lrtrule htotit,
1 ,ii iba Morton vl N'.dtak4 City and
ll.iUvioi Cotton and Ruth Ik-lie of
CbUaso. i
Koroiliy I.nurhaon.
Omaha chapter of Alpha Omliron
p will h misnamed unbiy at
luncheon at the home of Mra. H. W.
Vrlginatitt by
Kound Packaga
Tvlalted Milk
Ustxftucccssfully for over 13 century.
Mado under sanitary condition from clean, rich
milk, with extract of our specially nisi ted grain.
The rood-Orink It piepand hy aurrlng die powder la water.
Infanli and ChilJrtn thrive on it. Agree with
th uaftif itomach ot thu Invalid and Agtd.
Invigorating aa Quick Lunch at home or offlct.
Ask For w Get HORLICK's
at Fountain. I total. Realtumnti.
thus Avoiding imitations
l..ab.. 1. Vy i?vya, ID
IIimdred-fMlsaitd Bdlar-;Sale Of'
Pianos Players and Phonographs
''Off with a rush" is right. Hurry or you will loso this greatest opportunity of your
life to own a real piano, player or phonograph for less money than youever dreamed,
of. Come now! The whole county is crowding into our store and snapping up these
marvelous bargains. Pianos 'at the cost of phonographs, players at about the cost of
uprights. Come today. Dcn't put this off. This means years of pleasure to you at a
cost you never will miss. Such sensational prices you never heard of. Make it your
businef s to get one of these bargains today. Don't wait. You owe it to yourself to
save all you can, and at the same time make your home a happV one. . ,
Are Just a Few of These Price Smashing Values
ange'd Uprights
h N
ew an
Like many uthre d.v
I am a il I year of . Now,
I Have a cousin to ywrs obtar I Kan
I, ho 1 aitntm a mtiltge (or (our
(rars We are l pnla .r sinr
sr. re aim II. W hile at enllrge he
Iwava wt me teller. TMa sum
mr k did nt write edn. I
r"t Mm th Ual ltl.r Tht I
Uut too mntb ata, but he did
not en.wer. It la tl kav a
Ktrtblav - Would it be tver
a r at l n l bint rwnt
rat rf.t, a t ait, tr ik-ul-l
ait and a it ball r.mihr n
II :t la a.v prt in
iM.tWTlit T j
H.hJ K.IU- rar l, b alt inaan,
lmt t ar u. a olt likii U lie
ill 1 rl.r t I K Mfa.lMtMt
Kim. fct 1 (! M-llr a b
1 aril H e . be waM
H Ma M 4 eaar l tle
! apt l.t ra u
tM a fc.t if l Kioiwl
a ii " imi
Tv Kml ittKe tM! all I He aret
rrt4e aad ateae b bae a'Kttett
rrAMr bM b-tw kM aa I b
aM 1 mm a t'tue I oitttr bwt I
This Laxative Works
Fine on Old People
TtaMai Wee kttt tlitaMlv kealtky
will Dr. CaldwaU'l Sjnp Frstia
ADVANCING ape with it
subdued ambition and
trivinri could bf made very
happy if only good health mvtiiu
panted it, aud the liaats of good
heolth. a every
una leama upon
rraihinf t)i sue
of 60, 1 the regu
lar daily move
ment of the b"
eh. If it can I
elfin Ird through
th ftxvi you eat,
th vatrr you
diink and lh ri
a wiah lb hell. Il'ii if
lulur JI Bit ooefat it nut
be aaatated if lw atU f -ll'i,
Nf lertaaf funatipalKi eaitara the
t4i prraaiua ta to up it f t
rant, attel that ta in firerumtre
1 lunifiun vf I Ha arW. Il
air fbeuakiUaoi and (imi
urw, t"v
Ih kleJ eAtiptiii trawly
f ae.4-1 f alaaMJ )tii at
Dr. i Ailt JrM IVaM. a
UlJ tnnjil v ta,tM
rtiM aal pM4ti aiikj riji ml.
1h4 araMia. It kt fvatl
n4 aul-l, an4 J a4 trtawfi t
tip. It M a a..'1-tk k lIuiU -m
awt a kJtit t f e
tU, takjMsat, fl taf itvf al
u ihmJk I ky faff
Tkemmndt of avnli ere tkln
Ounwli, "Wkrrt tarn t find e truji
IrarlAy SnlM lAal unvvn in tht
umiy m um irAn tonttipulfttr''
I urtt ymi ta try Syrup i'p4m.
t nil lurfv prvuk m Utxrnl f
tampk kwifa , tHjtuwnt fur an aJieuai.
M. HnM eAv f r- tt.
.4-UVm i. If. H. CmUmlL SIS
HuAmffaA St., MunttnlW, llh
f tf ml
weaken you. 'ami their rest-lion
tend to iuaV yuu niur consti
te4 than Ufre.
iNaw try tha miklef method,
Tlr, t 'aid aril's Jyrup l'Tvtin de
But !( it r! eflrt-t with re
peal! UM, arvt (nrrraaiHl !
ar unnafraeary. Mr. K. M.
Purarae of t nih il, ,N. C. who ia
71. lrrp hrrlf it) r health
with it. and Mr, tiwtta lh,aiun
of Mi, UUo laiaml. .N. )
aalnl ftU- year an.) vniMii
erahla aiotwy (.a oiKe rrntatltr
Mw tublifl uady rUf with
tjrup Vtw.
I e l. i 'aiUall't Symp r"P
a yuirlf th wt Iuim y.4
tiffwr frura faliatair. tdktu
MS, k'l K, WjManr, W-
iittik, lra af i,lt ptHiM,
Maay lluMMeint of riitarly t4
wa HMtkin; !. aiv) it r tkm
m taaa a ! d I n
ha.a mil It ew.fMUr I 34
)af al M ta Iba aaat wal'ly
Kf k faaulf UUa a Ike
cr Exelb
MtSfiWVtt&Wte -TV
a a
N Brand New
Pianos and
For Friday and Saturday
Brand New Player, Bench, Music Cabinet
and 12 Rolls of Music .
mwm ii mi inwii
Wo h a v o t h c
latKost and most
complete stock, of
Victor Victrola
a d Urunswick
phonographs in
the wW, .
Mre vptn mrjr ttn
ni until 9 p. nt. Jlut
don't ait Mftil thfn.
Cw early.
Cl 9 If S W Si
- sJyJtUJ Per Week
illll!te Ira
mrmimsiw mm
Have You a
Machine in'
Your Home?
' If Not
Get It Now
Thin new ami beautiful jilaytr piano U an Htf-note Instru
ment, fully guaranteed, which asnurs you of at9oUitr iatU.
factitut and protection. The instrument U dtijrtifd ena?
plain liiu-a, Vit is (i tirti-ttic that it i. crrt.iin t a.ttUfy the
most crutiuif!njr buyer. It rontair.a a five-point motor,
full irrn plate, sprue a.ninilinir board, the l.itct transpo.
Inif tUvic for mirtnsr, copprf uujij It, loud and cft
pedal exprtaaion dnici. In fact, Is a rmxM player piano
and an instrument that will conpar with the l.r. A maf
nificenf harrain.
U13 DauiU Straat, CmB. Neb,
(Va !,. t al l O ( U.
j rue vijl
We Include ith the
machines Friday and
Saturday a jewel point
with which to play
K.lison records and a
Mpphirt ball point for
TAthe record i. Alto
full assortment of tcl
rtcfdles. With thii
equipment you can
play a'l nuke cf
If )ou never ed
money before, ye can
Jjt it itaw.
M aaf itt tun U f
4 t4tHUf 0 ,lWt