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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1922)
12 HE OMAHA BEE: FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 23. 1D22. Rainmaker ' Is . Challenged to Explain Stand fiorrnor McKrUif Defend (,Vnle and HwJuct Aki Uryan How Jfe Will Adimnifttrr State. o . Will, Neb..' Kept, r 1 I it spawn rfriivernf lit tha IMt county fair hra l.Kl.-.y. Governor K. Jt. McKtlvl d f.mlid the civil administration od n, tha bwlgt eystem of providing funds for conducting state govern ment, mid at tha anm time called i-pon tharlea W. Iiryan. whom h mllrd the "rainmaker" or democratic for governor, to explain to tii tulrra of the state what the latter m.iild do with lh activities under the (.".In If ha una Uced In a (mat lon whera ha could repeal It, Nil Worthwhile Having. In 'nrt ha anlil: "The 'rulimmkcr' candidate for K'iv. rnr on tho ilemocrutii) tlolut aaya that If ha la rlccteil ha will rlrnl tha coda anil return to lonititutlotml government, t'Ut ha d'M'e not say in tliii'U about how lm expects tt ilo thU. We hate a right to Infer that ha will return to th old, wuste ful. inefficient Hyatrni of inlmlnlstrii tlijti under honrila ami -iiiumlatnn. or that ha will transfer th a tivltlMt BRINGING UP FATHER f EC JICCS AND t rULL rcc or tot on in ink Sunday ate WHAT HAVE .V0O THES?E' OINTV ? Drawn for The Omaha Bee by McManus llvritst U.'J CHINK WELL HAVE TO WOKL Lin THEV OO IN CHINA tnrT MurjT IOV THE" TOIiACCO IN A KPT v.: I WONT tCLI,i r I II JUCX'N' rOM ) I 1 1 I . -...,,-v II I'M ONNA GUILD A, I I I VELL ' VOL) I 1 lHtTACOr r II KMLROAiD A.fLYl'A I I I RimniT I II I I IT I I TaVa-r taW II I IT. n MTW II - ' waaa.-www! I ill MlailP IT-THCY NOT.T " THi: PACIFIC OCCAM AN' fl I fAt W I HAVCCABJWra. 1 t ' J TuMtL DO IT IN I iv- III . . I O av htt rfaruac ravirr. " )j f1'2$, under tin" rode d''iiirtiiifiita to ion atltutlonMl oWi-eia other thin) the gov ernor. 'Thia wnuM mean no wniihwhll nvinir In tnio4 fir the conNtliutionol ofTlreia Imve nil thiy tun d, with their prrHent fonea of eniiloa, to iidmlnixtrr the luwa thut now fall TAN LAC Is purely vegetable. It is a splendid tonic medicine, de ligned especially for the cor rection of disorders of the Stomach and is composed of many of the most beneficial roots, herbs and barks known to science. within tlirlr Jm-Ndii llm. Anauiuliii that it would rlimlnnto the. aulurlea of tha alx coda rrnnrle (a thlntf which It would not do) the entire giv ing to tlie tiixpnira would lie only :u,0'MI it fir, und thla in turn would mean a ntlucllon In atulo taxra of 33 1 .Ooo f l p,r cut. U thin the downiHiiir nf tax reduction thnt tha 'ralnniuker' pi'oMiea to irecliitntr UHm tha prola of thla uLile If ha U elccled Koverimr. Approtrd hv lufcra. "Kurlhar, the cmlo r ranted nil ex KUllv hu.lgi't. Iviler, thn coliil.ttl llonnl convention ndo(iel, am) the leode npprovid, a aectloti in thn ci. atltuttoii which reuda: 'Tha Rovernor ahull preacnt hy mnwuKa (to the cla luturei a coiiipli't", Itemized budget of the finiiui'lnl ruiuiremeiita of nil di'iiartiiienU, liintltiitiona and iiKencti-a f the mute for the enduing hiennium. I Mild hiiilKet Rhall lo prcpiii'rd with r.uirli ex'Yt aMhilaii(;r and undiT auch i-.'irulufloiiH aa nmy he provided by l.iw.' ThU coimtltutioiiul, liudifi tnry uuthorlty ia helnK' rxerclaed by the Kovcrnnr tliioiiKh the deportment of II mi nee under the code, mid lie u re- Nult of It, not only are the depart jnienta of at.ite government helng run i without ili'flcienclea for the firot tlino in t lie liiMtory of the Hlale, hut iiIho J h reduction of one third In the gen- i ml fund t.ix levy of thn atite for the jycur 192i, net compiired wilh J9S1, haa 'nlicmly bcon made Farmer Dndome limlKcl. ' "If the code ahould ho repealed, It " iijld nw in thut the executive budget .vuidd huve to be administered by ' oni QonHtltutlonnl ofllcer other thnn Candidate for Senate Defends Reserve System Liquor Iftsuf In Kinphafizcil liy Dftiiurratic Leader in Slate at Three Meet inpti Thursday. the Kovrrnor The truriafer of thia If yOU are suffering from , M tlvity to aome other conHtltutlonnl t'liM-i i vhuuiii iiifiifi Willi ine ituvrriiiir v.nuld absolutely huve no authority over the nmlilnt; of the budset or the control of expenditurea ufter appro Miintlona have been made by the I'Viixliiture. "t'pon thia point, a. committee of tha Karmera' union, nfter InvestlBut- ng the coda thorouslily, made thia rccomtnandation: 'We deniund the retention of the budget cyatein under any plan that might prevail, for the reason that It stands for the preven tion of deficiencies and the misappli cation of the various department funds, and It presents reliable esti mates for leglHlative action.' "I think it is only fair that the voters ahould know what the 'rain maker' candidate intends to do with the activities under the code If he ahould be placed jn position where he can repeal It." indigestion, dyspepsia, consti pation, sluggish liver; if your appetite is poor and nothing tastes right; if you are off in weight and have that tired, run-down feeling, then go to your druggist and get a bottle of TANLAC. It will help you back to your normal health and strength. T ANT, A f Over 30 Million Bottles Sold. Arapahoe, Null., Kept. ?. (Special Telegram I liefvnae of the fed ernl reserve bunk system imcu. pled a portion of Senator Hitch ock'a time today In his cnndl dacy for a third term In the 1'nlted Klines senate. Meetings were held at Alma, Heaver tJlty and Arapahoe. Mr. Hitchcock auld thut the federal re serve system la sound in every par- tlculur and when properly conducted vastly strengthens the banks of the nation. He said that the new banking system hud been put In operation under the regime of Woodrow Wilson, former president, and that the ap- polntmenta on the federal reserve hoard has been made by the democrat ic president. It was during the I ncum benuy of the democratic appolnteea that the democratic deflation was i brought about which resulted In auch I ffPAn I ''Aaulf.n h will tr timit tha a . tll.ll, , l;mphales I,luor Issue At each of the meetings held today, Mr. Hitchcock emphasized the liquor question as one of the major issues, regarded by many us the. most vital Issue In the campuign. At no time has the senator read the democratic slate platform of Nebraska In connec tion with his speech on the liquor Is sue, and his failure to do so has caused considerable comment at several of the stops made. It Is said that Hitch cock wrote the liquor plank In the democratic platform and that the democratic congressional nominees and the candidates for senator are bound only by that plank which was adopted by the party. Flays Tariff Law. The new tariff law came in for a flaying today, and the people were warned that within a very short timo they would be paying higher prices for every article they have to buy, and that there is little hope of prosperity In the nation In the years to come, tin- 98 Out of Every 100 Women Benefited An Absolutely Reliable Statement Important to Every Woman Remarkable Results Shown by a Nation Wide Canvass of Women Purchasers of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. 50,000 Women Answer For some time a circular has been enclosed with each bottle of our medicine bearing this question: "Have you received benefit from taking Lydia E. Pinkham'i Veg etable Compound?" Replies, to date, have been re ceived from over 50,000 women answering that question. 93 per cent of which My YES. That means that 98 out of every 100 women who take the medi cine for the ailmenta for which it it recommended are benefited by it ThU U a most remarkable record i f efficiency. We doubt if any other medicine In the world equals it. Think cf itonly two women cuit of 100 received no benefit 93 luccewei out of a possible 100. Did you ever hear of lnything like it? We muit admit that we, ouriclvci, ire utoniihed. Of course we know that our med icine does benefit the large major ity of women who take it. cut that only two out of 1 00 received t no benefit is most astonishing. It only goes to prove, however, that a medicine specialized for certain definite ailments not a cure all one that is made by the most scientific process; not from drugf, but from a combination i f nature'i roots and herbs, can a,nd doea do more good than hastily prepared prescriptions. You ice, we have been making, improvingand refining this med icine for over 50 ycart until it is so perfect and 10 well adapted to women's needs that it actually has the virtue to benefit 98 out of every 100 women who take it. It's reliability and recognized i-rTuienry hit gained fvir it a salo in almost every country in the world leading all others. Such evidnce abode! induce every woman suffering from any ailxncat peculiar to her its to try Lydia . Pinkham'i Vec?taMt Compound and teetf the can't be one of the 98 TIC LYDIA E. IfNKHAM MEDICINE CO, Lyes, Mate. leas the diniiHiat.o rnndldatrs are elected. The candiduta said that the republican party had not reduced taxis except on largo incomes and'eor puirftlons lUat had Hid rxce.s prof It luxes, Jl predlctvd that f'rraldeut Harding would cuH the ronsr-m In Kpcclal session Immediately after eln-tlon to pass the ship auh.ldy b.ll and that tha only thing that would cuuse the president to hesitate would be to elect democrat to th and hoiji-e. Omaha Jrvva- to Olisrnc Yom Ki'iur at Temple Vom Kippur, thn sy of Atone, nient, the holii-xt day In the Jewish religion calendar, will be idwerved Holiday liirfht and Monday. Mp lul mrvice will be held at Trmpte lroi l. I'aik vi-nun and J.ickoii street. T nlKht, known niiiuiiir the Jew as Hah I'lilll of cH' illume, the imIiI'I will iq,(ak on "TreiiiemlmiH Trifles'' at S In Temple Israel. Youth and Oiil!-ViiY K mid .Milk i l ii on Court Hf-iii li HIinnnMii tit. it. 'i T 113 t-ii.wim I st.eet, an i diploic of the I'tuled shoes lir Japan Sliilrs Tire lonipnny, was haled Into pollen court yesterday by his wife, I'aoy. II, who chsrgid til in wilh as mitiit and liHtlerv. Instead of fining Hie prliciiicr. Judge Wappli li told tho two to sit down on a bench and make up. In a few minutes the two were i and thn judge sent them home. .Miruw of rlco Is made Into straw iFamily Is Reunited Alter Eight Years There Is rJoicln in' the lioni" of Nam Temln, M-U ((..uih Twenty flfth irrit. It iMJi-nma th hap)iit'tit hdmo In Omaha yet,-rdnv when Tcinlu. n tailor at l22 Ht. Man bviiu. hd his wife, Ma, and tlu ir 9 old son, MoriM. urn iiunlieil afu-r ei(,it eii' . pit rat inn. Not since 10H. wlmi Hi timiher and child went to Kummii to vlxit the litanilpiiniit of the hoy, had they n-en each other. 1 u war kept Mrs, T- niln stranded among lh Imlnhe tst, Temln tried tor ninny jenr to penetrate the big nation with aotnn message for his wife. He Wlted l.un.ia. but could get nn further than Itiga or Kovno. Ijwt May. however, lha American consul 1'ieiiteil Mr.. Temln In Moa cow. KfToria to luing her Imh k wsra lenrwed with einvrn this lime. On her arrival In Omulni she was sur prised with a new house and new fut nit ine her husband lucl bought. Hotly of Frank. L. I tailor Jlurifd in I'Wci Lawn The body of r I.. IIall-r rented yen terday in the main rumi ,,f n. t.min. ger art gallery, KlKbleenth and Inv etiport street.., wlillo flshoi 1". V, Hhsyler of thn :piscnpul diiHene of .Win aid. u loud the fuiienil st-rvlce. There was m nitislc, The body waa burled in l-orest J.awn cetnnteiy. Until Saturday Night-White Bread, the 10c Size Loaves, 5c a Loaf Umbrellas ladles' ind men's tap edge American Taffeta Umbrellas, reg ular 11.35 value.' V tnr Psy, each , . . . . $1.00 AXL i f ii ?r ii Jt cD Stationery Katon, Crane k I'lka'a Hixhlanil Unen Htatlonery, 60c value, fol iar my, three boxes for S1.00 $1.00 Glove Sale Ladies' real chain oisette strap wrist Gauntlet Gloves, fancy embroidered backs. In beige, beaver and gray; regular f 1.25 value. Dollar Dny....$l Ladles' 2-clasp Kid Gloves, embroid ered backs, brown, beaver, mode and gray; regular f 1.60 value. Dollar Day, per pair $1 Friday the Day of Bargain Sensations r i't3 i i i I'n a1 IZZ) Every Department Participating in Friday Exceptional Offerings $1.00 Sale SILKS 36-incH Cliange- able Taffetas Georgette Crepes Imported Pongees Corduroys Tubular Trico lettes for Under garments, etc. AU 36 and 40 inches wide. A fine range of colors. $i yard. Values to $1.75. Dollar Day Annex Pajama Cloth A wonderful wearing material, 34 inches wide, in, soft colors; used by many for comforts; sold in oth er stores at 35c. Fri day, 7 yards.. $1.00 Ginghams 1 A special buy of Lan caster Ginghams in checks, stripes and plaids; regular 2.1c value. 6 yards. . . .$1 Victor Percales 100 pieces new Per cales in all the new light and dark colors, stripes, figures and dots; a regular 25c value. Friday, 5 yards for $1.00 K The Annex Dollar Day Sales Friday 129.50 Coats at 1190 300 new Winter Coats, with or without fur collars, full silk and satin fined, newest materials I'adona, Avora and Polnceanna cloths; also 40-lnrh Plush Coats, fur collars, satin lined. These are actual $29.50 values. Special in the Annex Krlday $19.50 200 'ew Dresses, $4.98 All Wool Serge Dresses at an unheard-of price this time of year. New, crispy, snappy styles; new mandarin sleeves, neatly trimmed with red silk embroidered designs. N'ever have you seen such values. In the Annex, Friday 84.98 400 Sample Dresses, $10.00 Polret Twills, Tricotlnes, Taffetas and Mescalines, elegantly mad and perfect fitting dresses, all blacks, and dozens of beautifully trimmed dresses; In colors; 115.00 and S16.60 values; all sizes to 44. Spe cial in the Annex, Friday 10.00 t ;i!l M. m W 1 1.00 Special Kxtra size Sateen Petticoats, fine lustre, soft finish, regular $1.49 quality. Annex Friday ,..81.00 el. .10 Pantie Dresses, ? 1.0(1 12 different styles In hand em broidered Pantie Dresses, ages 2 to 6 years, all colors and materials, regular $1.50 quality. Annex... 81 Infants' 49c .Milrts, 3 for $1.00 Reuben's Infants' Shirts, fine combed yarn, regular 49c Quality. Annex, 3 for $1.00 Infants' Rnlilier Diapers, 4 for $1.00 The genuine "Bunny Diapers," genuine Para rubber, all sizes, reg ular 49e quality everywhere. An nex, 4 for $1.00 Kxtra Special 400 dozen fine Sateen Bloomers, all colors and black, all sizes, regular $1.00 quality. Annex, Friday at, sach 69 Dollar Day Annex Ladies' Lisle Hoee A special value, at 49c. All aizes, in black and cordovan, ribbed tops, double heels and toes. 3 pairs for. .. .$1.00 Ladies' Silk Hose A pure thread sill; hose , with lisle heels, toes and soles, in cor dovan and black onlv; all sizes. Pair.,.. SI Men's Sox Pure Maco yarn hose for men, all colors. Friday, per pair, 10 Per doz SI .00 Dollar Day in Men's Wear Youths' Shirts Collar attached, collar to match and with neckband; satin stripes, woven madras; sizes 14, 14',4. 15 and 15H; regular price to $2.50. On sale Friday at. each $1.00 Mercerized Hose Men's Mercerized Sox, all col ors, all sizes; regular prices 35c and 40c Friday, 4 pairs for 81.00 . Silk Knit Ties Men's all silk and ftbre silk Knit Ties, regular prices 79c and $1.00. Saturday, two ties for 81.00 Men's Underwear Men's Fleece Lined Shirts and Drawers, High Rock make; regular price $1.50. On sala Friday, per suit $1.00 Dollar Day Annex Blankets A large plaid single Blanket, wool finish; the best value we have had for years. Kach . . . .81.00 Comforts A large bed size Comfort, made up In cretonne covering In sav cral colors, tufted and a good heavy weight, new c..U.J cotton. Friday, 2 for.. S5.00 Dollar Day the Front Room Handkerchiefs Men's all linen Handkerchiefs, full size, regular 35c value. Friday, 5 for 81.00 Ladles' all linen, embroidered rorners, new fall goods. Fri day. 5 for $1.00 Ladies' Neckwear A big sample line of ladles' fine Lace Collars, Collar and Cuff Sels and Collar and Vestee Sels; values $1.50 and $2.00. Friday, each... 81. 00 American Thermos Bottles Sale price Friday 81.00 Hand Bags and Vanity Boxes A special line of $2.00 and $2.50 values. Sale pries Fri day, eath 81.00 Dollar Day Bedding and Breakfast cloth of circular or Item stitched da mask. Worth $1.73, 91.00 Bel sheet, TlMiO, French center entn, values at $1 Pillow cases re sui tor ize.v"V n alues 1 for $1.00 If lick towds half linen, 4Vi values 1 for $1.00 CHIC AUTUMN HATS That Present the 4 Paris Fashion Trend Hats for Every f I Vom an on Every Occasion A Superb Showing. I ...!.. I .1 i.. tl.ij . il,t t- Imtd tti- mi Attn il.iilirr- ittlil tll'(Hf flYlIU ruotrrn fuihinn o ntnu. Tin-re arv Itnti for vt ry m-mMon, ryn in .Me from the e xtn uxcU lame ilrjiti; brim niul I'luvNiilc effects tv til sflh tlrniw'tl off thi- f.te tn ! I mi'l oloMj.fittimr. turban. Tin-itiafi-riah ar nw aiul I.von uhrt nn.l trimntinc ctmtht f mj of clvcrrinrtl tri burnt IN .iintk, Q10 00 M4i,Mv The Ur! I I . t l !'( iti c! Kin..ii!y listn in Omaha nt l i:y ihtt hat at , V- Wt Pv the Hitbetl Market Prlcci for Toultrv and Produce at AHTimpa Dollar Day Blankets and Cottons Dresser sea its, lace triiimietl, filet iuct, I'e.liular value, spe- eial, 2 for 5? 1.0( Deneon blanket iebo for infants, sliIitly toileil, worth up tn st;t, for 91.00 White ynrd niilo tml Saxony flannel for in fants'" skirt. t t,' r ynnl .......'. ...51,00 White .silk fnibri.iuYittl skirt patterns, :, uU, for iiiLuiU1 wear. ..ith f-r "....-..151.00 Whiti? Nhakr flannel, l Inehea niilo; worth IV; 4 jrarda for $1.(MI