The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 29, 1922, Page 11, Image 11
11 THE OMAHA BEE: FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 20. 1922. Tell the Telephone What Yon Wait-Atlantic 100. Omaha Bee "Want" Ads are as close to you as your phone. If you have a want to list, advertise it in the newspapers which bring better results , at lesser cost I he Umaha Morning Dee ine evening Dee (two mscruuniur wc niltc u"uuw' V 4 I a 1, J APARTMENTS FOR KENT I. ROOK HB4TKr A'AHTMBNT. Ill MAMNKt. g eaaapllooallr ft rww In ehlr loci (Mil t kadrooiti 4 fleari I ru4 downstair. Frio! ealrea'e. t Yeceie tHiUiixr 1- II U.I. pl anoatk. J Call ' polntment. .. m (tikx-o oupr.KJt. lust .mlie4; til kalk; bullt-ia P beard la ktt"hni rack door pelween . Ilrlag n4 4lalng roes; etstd eolreaoe la Hitt aa lad floor; ltet of lighting ,' fislura Imaaedlale poae-wleo, ll.s par asektfc. i. J- HI ATT CO. I 111 let KaU Vk. Hldg. AT. MM OMAHA LAMUKST HINT I. AUKNCY fkirty-four aparmrant tiulldiaga, HI aierlinenta, rlnf'rid cmi'rala. luelp fireproof Murpfcr t4 ar bedroom afartmanu. rail u. an a will laka . our. I. BAKU RRKTlt. AORNCT. fireproof Aprtrnnt.' J A. Jill. AT. 1711. Oincr li'h and Howard Streets. Nr.Wirrv;'ii'i'pi.KX--i.AT Ihsi-4 at "lh A. aa4 loporl Hit (Ina rooms, Jut ompil4t resdr for acaupanry. 111.4 kn.Ui. luMI-ln ruotioerd. Kr.nrh 4rMra between lining a4 4inlng room, an'iM. enironr to nlc IMHa pur.h a eeoed floor, Se lh-- at on,. J. I. If ! ATT IIMMANT. l4 flret National Hank Illdg. AT. MM. liartttienta and variety al other af.D'jr ANT. ur.urn" remain mi aoart merits lit in toiler. Thra. mimi feiih flvs-rnom aecommoda- ( ,.. l .urtitiar an4 Ml wlnlar moutlia got nui'uliiiiii-M "all -. THAVKH riH', Inc. p ei ' rlr.t Nal. nk. tlMr riBViuVr. 11)7 6-r.M.iu hraird auari. n'"il, i-mfil'lrlrljf Pi'rn; aullabla for a'lU'ttl. ttUoa, dantal or draaaliiaHliig rima. Ui.: f'r t-nanta wlalilni hoint aliomln T. f. Hall. AT. T4 r FURNISHED APARTMENTS. ii.'.i KlTNTiT HiT N Two an4'lhra. r'tti.n apartment rlh Thxioaa. Ihif4 flnor. H KKTWuOIJ JkVK.. 4lf) ruoma and KM hrnnia, modrrn hrli-k fiar ll,l. rent an.) furni.K any aparlmanl for yu, li-t. riuliil. HA. 1441. 111" vf:lllnnAT itto 1401 Ilola HI. BUSINESS PROPERTY RENT 1.008 fyL'AUK REKT i.ffka tiiaia In lh Mcholaa OH kallillng, I'lb and Howard Bis., id floor. For rarlirular rail UKOnQB CO.. KRAI. TORS. AT. 3014. KXCRLI.RNT offloa. Apprmlmataly 700 aw nar a f""t of moat dralrabla offica apao In th oily tn on of Ih brat kulldlngt, I bavo a laaaa, an yaar yal to run, whirh I will dlapoaa of at nul h Iraa than pra vallln prcicnt ranlala. Call L. C. fholu, AV. 0013. . STOMEH KOH HUNT MODERN tor room at 004 N. 40th M. for rant raaannalila. Apply F. J. Do Trmnl. Omaha llr. AT 1000. a FlrtfT Nat. Hank HI'U FncliiR lath St. 1'rHrabla prlvnta offic Willi racaptlon 1 nmi ncrmnmoltlon. Apply 400 Flrat Net. Hunk Hid. 1'IUVATK offle wlih or without dek. Fr-ira Truat flld. Call AT. H04 KfcSK al.n"r. KLurltln Bid. AT. 1030. GARAGES FOR RENT OAKArtE for r(nt, Hi IA. 3491. 17.10. 1103 pougla MOVING AND STORAGE FIDUIjITT 8TORAOH VAN CO. . MOV1NII PACKINO BTORAOK HHIPPINO. -ouahold Ooodi and Piano. rate thla walk tn 1.08 ANI1ELKS. SAN PTECIO. 11HMI Howard. ' JA. 0211. KUTIMATHI furn. on pacKlng, mo v. and atoring. Contract taken by Job or hour. Olob Van A Btorag Co., JA. 4131, AT. Olio. Grosaman 4t Bom, owner. Moving Packing Mloreg. Gordon Klroproof Warahouie A Van Co. nil N. 11th St. Phon DO. 0114. BKK1X8 OMAHA VAN A STORAGE, 16th and Lrav an worth Bti. DO. 4103. Parking, morlng, itorag. ahlpplng. 9. If. WRH1HT, axprria and moving: long iUtanc hntlllng, 641 8. 30th Ave. Phone larkaon I7ST. . CHATTEL LOANS Co TOU NEED A LITTLE RBADT CASH? t SO 100 300 100 DOLLARS i 4 any other amount loaned at ten than j legal rale. 'Xtm will aav lot of time, money and ' jnconvnieno ir you invaauiai our pian. 'V t'Pa, publicity, eaay payment, i CtnfldentiaU Thirty yeari In builneu. OMAHA LOAN COMPANT. : Hi Karbarb Illk. Tal. JA. t!SI. Bouthwvat Cor. llth and Doug. Bti. I . ' - BOijPA-fT---s' mqrtgages WILL buy flrat or lecond inornate or eontrart an farm or city properly. Cor kin. fl Omaha Nail. LOANS ON REAL. ESTATE WH have cask on band to loan en Omsha realdeocea. K, H. I.Ol'OEE. INC-, Jl3IJta.llnRldg. "Farm Ixans Sl;",: Kloke Inveatmenl Co, 141 I'm. N'JJ1: FINSr mociga loaus mad promptly oa Omafca real e.iat Hnopan o.. nsai lore. J A 4311. 11 Keeline rll. UrtAlUHT I veer laa, per ut luul ilHlVf I'll . tu a ink Arthur HI I AT. I' III TO 110.440 loaaa wd promplly, r. Ii WfcAU and IV M HOW MAN l Mtk PI W4 Kidt ft IL DM AH A H'lW A t " N F AllVli OkOif. KKAt 'TAT! CO. till 4m Nat, R. . ITaRv lnliHira 4 Omak Nat R d .4 IVr PSlr!HfTeiA'in.AT. I H MITMKN " lIHSRTf iiSi 111 Cue kai'l k li l BUSINESS ANNOUNCKMKNTf. ' hiiphii i',t; At'TliiruiVrAU''. kH:f,"b... ,.. ...,..! I, !l elH., 4'i.Hiin yHa J1 ' !; ' . ,'4 Wik. .. e . .!-. J llll NvlClMeatinp,;L,-. i r-M Jj'l' i Minora m . , i ."".""., ..... p1-.'1.. ' l I i .i at it. I tl 4iM' ink. if " k Ii. 4 f itlllH Al tlt." "'""" nif list "r "" Wtl I lti "A 4 - - a . t4akk "' .. an ll-" 1 al ill I .. It, a "t " " I ,tk te - " I a. I ' " .l4 MH t, I- ' ! J , r ... . c i tllllais !- ' '""VS I . M. f a II lt . ; al ha HV w-. I ll " )) a, t t i i- a -J a- . ... . . , L 4 " MrST our Hal af vaialit a f; boiiaea. Wa hanrlla a lamar I ranial pr..l,.rll.a lhaa any ol l f la I ha my. Ma 1 I ' Mini mrrffrtip If V "M-HKKIS OMAHA UK I V AT. M4. Illh n4 I I infiiirii ..v.r-l dr.lrahia III . .lu iMrii.i.rv lha firat BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS "" IH4l.aHklN r..'iu. n, itarii,n aad all aiade if sain Un J Miliar all UK. till "t i smir.- vns .lunami lor i"i.i .,,., ball sleet. a 140, other rot piia n4 iiitmi' : io uilnk rapra at a rnfic. air. MiNainara, ml Weihngloa Inn. FURS a lltk ft. Kaeeier Alaaka fur t'a.. Ill I Ml Till. CI UK aaparl ranlilha. raroadallna a ijaij i ilaaalna. al luaaai-ln.iha-aiir orli-aa. (loM-lil. Cllll 'Mroa Prr. J A 1 1 1 1. alATTMKHHKH nuiul vii.ijiW CU -O'.aib.ra aovaiad a4 in.'la vu tn 0 flhar lra"f llf hlnaT I lofTunilhtf. JAJI' ' l-ATr.? ATTOBRH. 1. W. MARTIN. I' AUnrnar. IfU fiarlaa. loo m tut Alto Waahiaaiaa, t. . I lialo Imrantnra aall Ikalr yalanla. . rKHllMi. " " RlTriT Prlnllnt Co. Ill I U M. IMirf Vl M.I.AN Mil AMM kl l MRvr) iIAMONDS,:a.,,::,.,i,a,l,;;: la bar back II tmall proni, JKWKI.Rr PO, Omaha. Nrk.. Iih ni. Talaiihono 411 M. MII.HHr.ll K. I.KWIrl. i..... iH.imi.liir rr.lrlrnfO aluulo f..r atii,ointinnl call WA. IJI. I! N 41.1 Av. UArVAbKikalil.aoxoiyiooa4laa. P. I'onerrta wora. aicaii-j mwrn Wrw hlna Co. Tal. WK. III! PHr'lU'HIPTIOMt rarafull) cnnipoua4ad al Iha I harrnan A McfoiMiall Drug alora AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. Fords Fords Nw and t7aad. Caati or Tim. ' hav lhm oil prlca til mod!. Ua iur and ui before foil buy. ' McCaffrey Motor Co., "Tli Handy Ford 9Tlc Itatlon." Autborltod r'ord and Lincoln liaalir. Illh ami Jnhaon Bti. 0000 00 CO OOOO 000000 000 OOOO I'rl. 'a Hr.lui Ml to I'lran l p Hiotk. Tou Profit at Our Kmianie. Varlou Mahal and llndcla. W aril uaail can on a plan that protect th purchaaer. A Safe. Place to Buy, WIM.TB-OVKRr.AN'D. INC. Farnam fit. Opn Kvinlnil. Oprn Sunday. 0Q0000CO0O000 00000 00000OO ' STUDEBAKER por fiaa 121 Studebaker runabouu in .I.. Ain.a rnndltlon. To ba aotd at a bargain oo account of forecloaur. Phono KB. 1101. SO REI.IAnLE uaed car, caab or tliue: Ford, noda-ea and other moiien. 10 brand new Forda at a dlacountl Ford bod lea, new and used. GOLD8THOM AUTO SALES CO. Open evenlngf. JA. till. 1311 Harney St. DOPOE TOL'RINO CAR, OOOD CONDI TION. GOES AT FIRST REASONABLE OFFER. TERMS TO RESPONHIBLK PARTT. X. C. -WICKLAND, 1513 FAR NAil STREET. SOME bargain In ud Forda; prompt delivery of new Fordi. M'CAFFRET MOTOR CO., ' Th Handy Ford Bervlc Stallon. Hth and Jackson Bla. DO. 3600. NEW and ned Forda, rh or terms. C. B. PAULSON MOTOR CO., Atlthorlaed Ford and Lincoln Dealer! SOth and Ames Ave. KB. 0111 FORD coup. 1022; used I montha; lock wheel rhalne: bargain for qulok sal: rr Ilk new. liar. t372: writ J. C. lillasard, : 8. 3th Ht. ' PEPENDAHLH VSKD CARS MEKKS AUTO COMPANY, J047 Farnam St. . J A. 4101. I'SED CARS. Jf. Bonney Motrjr Co., z34 f arnam. I'SED Ford1 uarte at half prk. Part' for all atandard make care. Neb. Auto ParU. Hill Harney kt- . ... I ' r . 1. . . . n k. ttmmA NBHRARKA OLDSMOBILH CO. Howard at lHth. AT. 1770. NEW AND VSKD TlflKS, I2.S0 AND UP. H. ft II. TIKW A.U AUIU J. ;85 Farnam St. HA. 7404. USED radiators, all make, lor sai Oreenoimh Hdltnr Rpalr. 3031 Frnam. CHEVROLET touring, lata model, sac. Inl7 Douglas, or AT. loll. fire for cash. AUTO PAINT1NO; all work guaranteed. 1761 Hurt St. tan iia. qui. ONE good llaawell touring for !, cheep. AT. HIT, TOPS, Celluloid ind lu side curtain; quirk aervlc. I'KK I FFERVn. . llol.l.V, expert auto trimmer, mil 8. 14th NEBRASKA LANDS Your Farm or Ranch Turned Qukkly Into Cash. NEURASKA RKALTT AUCTION CO., Central Citv Net luformslloa ., MISSOURI LANDS WHEAT haralna. i down. I) monthly. tus 4 acre good fruit and poultry land, nur town, oulhern Miur. Prim nly IM. Addert Ho 111. Sprngfild. M MONTANA LANDS. HITTER 'RT VAI.I.Ef 111 acre In the ! vaiirt la Monlaai, f.,r 4ir.lll.l frwiln Splendid "U fo hind f '-ruii; d. re"4 w.lefeigkl aad ditrka) la fin otdae lof leltui " meaaa ,.I4 of '!. peas. . i . I Ik baaonlul R-ut rive a.l railroad f o l,ipla, I ream Me and 'K.e I n4iag; flu well al t aaleet a.let 4 ! ' re f.a, 4Mln. sk.ep. telle f k-s, sn I ba !, I llta Irna "- S sallo la .!. a U. Ike k ee f ! " f.e... la Ik. val ley aad " - ' .al li a ll4i oair 4 a 'iik ii low iaa)as ' la. at. vil. M,,-! WAIMINOTOK LANDS. rTaidA rsi Taii i"i.i i) nt v iai inail l. -ati " ! le iU!l ni 14 , , Hi', WANIfcD MEAL CSTATK tad weal M e " . I illl.W (4 ,.iw-lt W" ff T . 4 MlMa, I t ' ..itti pi.. ir i ! I' MR KBIT . l. tlfllf I p...,e f. w I "',, i, a ..!.. ! ut' ill fl : it ilia iiU'HI lie i a- " t 1 "' . "wvu; itl ' v I A V. I L. I -tin .,- kill II 4 ' t , , ka-e ' i ' 4fk. 4isl4. w , .a . . . , .. v4 . ; mnwm ; a it 1.11 WANTED REAL ESTATE IS'iAYVrrrxVn n Heal Vatat n-l lnauratn Member Mxit PlaL"" . Llt '" h"Mi lly "'ie hum. BINDER & OTIS, Real r.'i'e, I. fan. Hrn'ala J A Jill, r CHafles wrYounff & Son R-a t'.lata, HeMal. H'lJ I'lly Naf Ilk Ifi.tiranr, AT l.ll' yui pr.iperir win , milk Co. II. remain SI- REAL E8TATEI VCS1 MENTS Dundee Brick Apartment Four fl room and iM,iig penk aa k An o.i ii. nil ioi.i.ilii"i lik thig I al .l.,in olt.r.d Think of 0 11111 thia pi"iaily totaled on a rorner lot In Dumlea, with a-ulli and ( esp-iaurea; tile eali,ula " tiame, III baths In aa. h apart. manli Blao rafti"ral"r ruom ami g.e etutes llrue Inrom l.4a yearly. Haaemenl wall iuipi"4 with private i ker. laundry a'l ailira' uuarlars Tbia inoolM propnrly will prov a ,iuri ( u,iT and tifatif to any Inveetor W. Farnam Smith & Co., Raaltur. ll.'l Farnam M J A. 0U4. WA. SI74 oM.r Iji oo. INVOICE 14 0. HRICK apartment building on Weal Far nam car Hue Invnatlaat. HUMAN at 1.11 II KI"IN 411 Omaha Loan and Kldg JA. 0411, KK. Iiljl. WK 3l TnllN buildin at l3l Bhernian Ave. 1410. rental lll per year. J A. 12(4. VACANT PROPERTY GOOD BUILDING LOTS ATTRACTIVE PRICES Near 4M and H"1 St.. 40(130. . . . 1J ltd and C'orliy Kia.. oil30 14" Near nth and liorea si , 40100. .. .IU0 Dundee, on Lafayett Ave, toalut. , lirn Minn l.u.a. on Mary Br. 4:il20. .11,000 Minn l.u.a. on Hauinan lit. 44120 11,100 Lwkwnod ,on lath and Jatkson, IOsl.1 II. !' For further Information se AMERICAN SECURITY CO., AGENTS, REALTORS. KOI Dndg Bl. DO Mil Dundee Lot Bargains 13.110 Very lghlly, overlooking Klmwood park and Happy Hollow luh. U.zr.O Mr east front, convenient to car. 11.000 Chnlc dodbl corner, 13d nd Farnam; apeclal paid. ALFRED THOMAS A EONS CO.. Realtor. J A. 0001. 104 First Nat'! Beautiful Dundee Lot, 75 Foot Front, $3,500 J. J. Mulvihill, Realtor 200 nrandeli Theater llldg. " JA. 3351. 2 Fine Building Lots Bargains Each 50x135 Only 42. Water paid for. Lay hlk'h and sightly, Klvlng you 100 fnet frontage. Easy terms. Phone. Seavey Hudson Co., - 21I-0 City Nat I. AT. 90(1 holr south front In Montclair. . . . II ,260 North front on1 Wikeley. ono Il.uoo Two on Parker Ave., each WOO Two In Minns Luh. each s r,0 These ar lots that will suit you. Let us build a hoti! to suit you. RASP FROH, Realtors and IlulliUrs. FIVE elegant lots st Hamrom Park boule- ard anil Spring atreet, 1700 to II, Z00. h cash and 110 per month. C. G. Carlberg, Realtor 313 Ilramlels Thonier nulldlng. FOUR nlr laying south front lots, on Decatur strset, between 3th and 39th streets, for only 1400 each, with sewer, water, gas and permanent sidewalks, W. H. OATHS. 017 Omaha Nat'l Hank Bid. JA. 1294. CALL "Lot Headquarters" ' for a list of Dundee lot bargnlns WILLARD C. SLABAUOH. Omiiha Loan Blilg JA. 29n. Colo ol Ralston lots and acreage tracts OalC now going on. Special terms and price mad. 1200 upl small payment down, balance cay term. Se or phon Slewrt, Ralston 10-W. WILL build to your order on our beauti ful lots In Edgewood; very eaay 4erma AT-lantlo 1540. DUNDEE lot, IOxUIi, on 04th St., near Farniim: choice location: owner will con sider offer. C A. Urlmme!. JA. 1111. CENTRAL PROPERTY TWELVE-ROOM house; t'sss Ht. AT. HO. lot 66x132. 1110 NORTH SIDE PRQPERTYT S-ltOOM. ONLY I4.3SII. PAVED STREET. Corner llth Ave. and Saruloga St. Call HA. 3714. AT. UI. 111! ERSKINE ST.. Four-rm. mod., oak floor and finish. 1710 cash. tL monthly. Crslgb. (01 Ilea AT, 0100. 'S?' HAPPY V I h HOLLOWS New Addition T ;, gerwus k ties rrolecl.d kr re lirielion lkl lumi Ik pan af refined saerouad s. 1.1 with trat ran. eg fr. e I I-. Ill feet. Price $1,200 to $5,000 Ief Tsesa 14 is Pa ape)lwl. George & Co. REALTORS Al-UalM J01 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMItllltl TELEGRAPHERS WANTED hy :j Union Pacific Railway ;j Wire 'or Wr if ;j P. K. rPkNZKU. : kSupt Tilrgntnhy l NORTH SIDIS PROPERTY VOtlR OPrORTUNITV IV liu 1 vvvi. ini'iu OWNER LEAVING CITY 1(11 I.alrd all''! r.niu. nimlern niiieiiiin of liv tuoii a and lath ua firat flu. i, tan bedieoma and room n aecond ftiMir, Interior deroraii"n and finl.ta In firat el. rouditiiin. lut l .ail Inalila In b aipra.iatad. Blrerl pavrd and ii ear ar Una. ua ahow you through. Villi giv Immediate pua.ea- AMERICAN SECURITY CO., AGENTS, IlKAl.T'tltH. I I'll Do.lga S' DO. 1011 Must'Be Sold " RtTAD THIS A Nil FUII'IIK FOR TOCR. HK1.F. 1 room attratiiva hum near lieima mlk, only 11.100 veatll'Ule, coal t'luaet, lung living rumn. Ire ilining room, ion ver.ianl hiti-ht'O firat flnirr; thre fine tied r.i.iiiia, bath and a dnndy big Heaping pureh verund; Bttlo floored; oak flniab and Uarlar aawed ok floor first; ift water In lanudry. tlarag and drive. South front lot, ol,tl feat, Heaaunabl tnn. Prierd under lha market a real buy, Kvrnlng rail KK. 4;''). VYA. l:t. WA. 17 Fowler & McDonald, Realtors. JA. U'.t li:o City Nal. Hank. Attention! Home Buyers or Investors Public Sale Hll Jayntti Hi, a nindrn, l-room lunir low will t of ft) red for Hpt. 30, 1911 At 14 o'clock a. m., t hi( dn'ir of court to pariittofi mi mit. rrent n- i-uinhranr alHiut 1 .1,210 imyah $j0 nitinth. Now rntU to uirnd titnla a t't tl per mnnih. lOMi-ilnn If d"ilrr4 within tmatumi llmi For further Infor mal t ton rail Mr. Hhotwell, DO. ftOlt. 1803 IJoilga Ft. American Security Co., Agents. OOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO) O o O Tmir P.-.Xitrm TImyia O iv ii vr-avvvriii as-vriiix This horn I lust being com pleted. l.rg living room with fireplace and bullt-ln bookcaaes, pretty sun room, two nice bed room with romplet bath, conve nient kitchen, refrigerator room, attic. Full cemented baaement, (larsge. Will be ready for occu pancy Oct. 1. Can be purchassd on easy termi. PAYNE A CARNAHY CO., "Your Realtors." Ill Omaha Nat. llldg, J A. 1010. OOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Ill'NIIALOW STYLK O . VP-TO-THK-MINUTE IN O DETAIL o I.arg living rrfom, bookcase, din- O Ing room, built-in buffet; kitchen, O breakfast nook; f bedrooms, tiled O 8.- bath with bullt-ln plumbing. All O oak floora and finish. Full base. O O ment, gtrlctly modern.- eaet front, O O stucco bungalow, 3-esr' garage. O O Prico I IH.&'lO. Immetllnto pos- O O session. Evening call HA, 1044, O O WA. 4410. - ' 0 O C. C HEAVERS CO., REALTORS. O O JA. S4r,0. 700 Om. Nat'l Hank. O OOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I1EAUT1 Villi CORNER "bCNOALOW We hav listed this liungntnw for Im mediate al on corner lot with paving on both aides. House Is In dandy' good ehnpe, just newly painted. Has I room with lots or tmiit-ln feature. colon nade opening between llvlne; n4. dining rooms. Full cement basement with evsrythlng complete. Let us show It to you. Price I5.000; 11,000 cash; 4S per month. If terms do not ault you, w can probably arrange them for you. Call Mr. Lswls, WA. 1422. F. CLARY CO., Realtors. 24th snd Ames. KE. 0171. BRAND NEW BUNGALOW. I1S0 DOWN. Well built tram bungalow, five rontn and bnth; oak floors with onk end white ensmoftrlm; hillt-ln cabinet; full cement basement, flour drain, etc.; corner lot; nesr Miller Park. Call- Mr. Pedrraen. HA. 3003 or AT. 741!. NEW six-room Dutch colonial house; oak finish, east front, fin location; priced to sell. KK. 04C0. D. R. BUCK A CO. out and eeil home ininlMiiH I i.iii'iiiiii'i'iii!li!l4B:.iiliiliaiialli3 WANTED : By Missouri Pacific : at St. Louis, Kansas City, " Little Rock, Omaha and other - important points: " Machinists, - Boilermakers, ' Blacksmiths. Standard wage and working ? conditions. - Apply 217 South 14th St. : Omaha, Neb. I 'lul I I III 'liil 'I 11 I I I 1 I l l l l I I " The Rock Island Lines Is flor Will Rot Settle With the Striking Shopcrafffs: Tha men employed heretofore and hereafter will retain the positions they now hold or assigned to them and men hired hero after will be considered as new men. There are a limited number of opcnlnes for QUALIFIED Machinists, Boilermakers snd Car Men Apply Now. 311 Lafianf Building;, Corner 16th and Capital Get Your Home Started Now WhH thU womlrrfut fstj wnhir U Uiliii? thmll (Tfl Jtur ritw harnA ttdHf l. si I ynu mil J a t m!4 t' tVrt th. iers ictcf thf r nti in, Ws ht a n-m lrful l-.u i-'fa.nuitc.n ami liw? !pH eti IU I1 1 TO PI K,VK Our i-nun an. it sm ta?s IrHcf V Vn s, U"li-e f h,..t ti.t-l (wr Ui.l Ii fhrnnf fit m, i r tH Jv'i-4. 11 Ul Ve'f J ! ). Jf ii,-f (V! W A - . W l ir W I TEMPLE McFAYDEN CO. AT. 9? KCALT0IS yTmmH, NORTH SIDE PROPERTY 0000 00C 000000 00000 0000000 North Side On N Silh St., lust off Ames Ave, a Bpletiilid bungalow of a rooms; 1 lirdrouma; oak finish and floor; tlp-lup shapat aiihd brli'k fomidit rreaned pori h, Extra l ira lot with all kind of fruit lre and ahrubtiery, Oarage for one car. If looking for k nie home. clo lo ar. a hiHil and atnree, b aura and ar tills one. t'rlr li,0U. Terms ran b arranged. Charles W. Martin & Company, Realtors 71T Om. Nal, Ilk. Hldg. AT. HIT. OOOOOOC 000000 OOOOO 0000000 I'HAIItlK PARK D1MTHICT llenutlful new anlid brk bungalow with anlid cement floored porrti on sl ad north slilra. filled up tu floor level; base ment I'srlllloncd and plaaiered. hot water lioitl, ft rooma and breakfast nook all on flmt floor; I sdilllloital rooma can b corn Dieted on 3d floor If necessary. On ac count of death In family am obliged In aall at eerrlflia. Cuat in. over Ill.OOe, enruinbered for IIO.Oiio streei all ivd and parked. Meal nelNhhorhuod and ur- rounding. Mi, in an offer. 4731 Norm 17" h sr. KK. 1273. WEST SIDE PROPERTY. Brand New Bungalow rioi In. raved atrAvt. Kirallant aur riutillritfa. Klva fina rofjina on on floor !rp bnBmiit. and lnra aHln which rould ba flninhrdln on or two fin a r'lumi Ktcollaiit arrmjKl'iont. Wall hullt. NU-My finlnhatl In oak and rnainal. 1'rlra 6,00f. Kiay tTMia- Hliown by appnlnt nifnt. Call Oiant Hcnann evlnK, WA. 1C80, Benson & Carmichael, II Pstton Block. AT. Ii.40. New Bungalow$3,G50 rnr IM&n with II. 009 down, I will build you a brand new bunica Inw on your lot. an la flnlnhrd hefora Dor. Int. No axtraa. Oak floora and onk and rnamel finlah. T. B. Campbell, PERSONAL SERVICE HOME BUILDER, 037 Keelln Illdg. AT. 04l. Ev WA. 1704, 4355 Hamilton St. 6 oomi, all modern; oak flniih firnt floor; 3 bod rooma and bath Hftrond floor; larfe H; urate; paved atrtpt. I'rlra only H.fttVO. , Vt&my term. Furthfr information vning call HA. 0-15". , Gruenig Realty Co., Jackson IBM. 1400 First Nat. Hank. Bungalow, $600 Down Sonifbody get thlt. Munt be Hold, -room, oiii-f loor, strictly modern bungalow ; well built and ftntrihivl In onk; fine cornar lot; rent ric ted location And ffaraa;. Owner leavlna; city. Halnnr-a like rent. Call Schroeder Investment Co., Realtors. JA. 3261. Eve.. Mead, AT. 60. Booth, WA. 6001. Field Club. $8,250 Eight-room, modnrn Viome with hot water heat at .Ifith snd Wooiworth avenu. About 13.000 ravh will hnndlc Glover & Spam, Realtor. JA. 2150. 01 City Nafl NEAR CREIOHTON UNIVERSITY. FOR SALE 2784 Daulnport St., an eight- I-nont house, two fireplaces, full cement ed basement, oak floora. newly decorated; beautiful Interior woodwork: will show house by appointment, 10,500, chsH or time. O. M. Offarman, MA. 4927 or MA, 3137. Cathedral District Home large sunny bright rooms first floor; rooms second finor: hot water heat; large lot. 17,000. Terms. Gallagher & Nelson C53 Peters Trust Hldg. JA. 3312. Campbell builds borne hy Deo. 1st, on Jour lot; 3,(II0 up. 637 Keeline Bids;. AT. 8041. Eve. WA. 6704. Now Homes Your Terms. AT. 4966. r--TTTi;Uln tn. 620 Sunder- UIUVC UlUUaiU JJ. landHldg. FINEST home In Mont Clair district; 11 rooms, brick construction, 3-car garag. 3113 Lincoln Blvd. AT. 6260.. WAITERS DISHWASHERS YARDMEN $75 PER MONTH BOARD AND ROOM Free transportation, Bonus of $1 per day for 30 days' service. JOHN J. GRIER 1018 HARNEY ST. MISC2LLANE0U8 PROPERTY HANSEN SPECIALS On South Illh Atinu. eoutk of Martha. Vry wll built $5,000 room coltag having Inlrgnr vestlbul with cost closet, liv ing room, dining room and on bedroom. finished Ik oak. on other bedroom, bath room, kitchen and refrigerator room finished In natural wood, blreb doors, mspl floors; full Pas, ment; stslrwsy to larg floor.d attic. Full lot. Uarags. Ilous in esrsllent condlllon. -On Barker Avenue. Tnrse blocks lo ear, Adsndy l-rooio stucco bungslow with ' very larg living room with fir plars. dining room with built in fcuffet; two guod bedrooms, til hsth. with built Iti will lub, kitchen with all kinds of bullt-ln cupboard", refilgerator nook. Full baseman!. Stair way. lo larg floored attic. Ileus In good condition. Lot, 4is!0i; 11,000 cask will hsndle It, Iinmsdlal posselon. $G,500-M Must be sold. This !a a dandy room, two-story stucco house bavins large living room, din ing room and kitchen on th first floor; oak finish end floors, Three fin bedrooms with good closet, III Uth, namel fin ish, on second floor. Full bisomsnL Dsndy corner lot wllh hedge fence and shrub bery. $7,500 South front In Edgewood, kella- ton stucco bungalow having larg living room ore tbs flist floor with flreplac. dining room with bullt-ln cornor china cupboard. breakfast nook, kitchen with built in cupboards, tov and refrigerator nook, two bedrooms, til bath with wall tub on first floor. Ons dandy fin bedroom finlah An on second floor. Owner has left the city. House must bl sold. Lot DJxlOT. LOT BARGAINS . $QAA East front lot on 13d Strcit, 'W one block from Park tar line, near Oak. Bound to Increase In value. Corner lot 32il Street ank Oak. 40 ft front runnnlg back to $1,000 paved alley. Both strest paved. Subject to unpaid tax not da Ilnquent. Tht Is a dandy lot, QC1 Dandy corner on three itreete, V east front on 60th Avenuo, outh front on Nicholas, weit front on SOth Street. Sewer and water In. Thli I a good peculation. Can b bought oa easy terms. HANSEN INVEST MENT COMPANY, REALTORS. 114-10 Douglaa. AT. OOf.J. The C. B. & Q. R. R. has made permanent agreement with its present employes. Have va cancies for a limited number of Machinists Boilermaker Blacksmiths Apply lit Floor Burlington Building, Tenth and Farnam Streets, Omaha, Neb. Missouri Pacific Railroad Co. Office of President St. Louis,' Mo., Sept. 26, 1922. To tlo Shopmen of the Missouri Pacific R. R. Co. The Officers of this Railroad hare so far refrained from issuing statements with respect to the strike July 1st, be lieving that as long as there wore any prospects of satisfac--tory settlement no good could be accomplished. It now a pcars that definite information as to our intentions and pol icy is duo our employes in view of tho misleading statc ' inents which have been made from time to timo by Leaders of strikers. Representatives of other organizations with whom we have agreements have approached tho manage ment in a spirit of friendly co-operation for the purpose of making some arrangement to compose the situation and re turn to service certain of our employes. Wo believo that man of our men were induced to go on a strike- against their inclinations and better judgment and therefore we aro willing to take care of iy many of them as we could but it wrm found iriipos'sihlo to work out any such arrangement which would not result in injury to tho rights and utanding of the men who remained loyal to the Comimny or those win entered tho service ince July 1st, 1!22. ' The Missouri l'actfiu Railroad lmnmiy therefore has decided to call on the shopmen now in it employ to furm an nsNooiattort for the purjHe of negotiating an agrreiumt covering uajjes and working rule and also fur the m'ttli. ment of any griivanrei or dispute which may arise. I .oval employ rji who remained in our service and those who en teri'd the service of tho Company sulxHeiment to July lit, 1X2, aro hereby Mtrvd permanent employment m lug m they render atifatorv Miiee, former rmploves who a rn Mtifui-tory to the employing Ofi'ii-er anil who apply in per " will h jriwn in filling ueh viamics a fiovr eit, their seuiontv to il.?e from day which they enter the B. V. BUS If, rmUttat m MISCELLANEOUS PROPERTY, WeBuild to Please" Tempi NrFayd.n Co. 1 11 Fainm HI, FULL l-atory eouar lyu modern home; garage; paving paid. Want an offer; I'l'il cssh, WA, 141. or AT, IH. T HA1IMI4 A IIKYDEN. R.allore. SOUTH SIDE PROPERTY. 0O0OOOO OOOOOOO OOO OOOOOOOO 1011 South ITth Street, l-roorn house, modern, In good condu dltioii, paved streets, deelrabl lo re l lou. Prlre, 11,0110. Trmiiii modern houao with hot water Ileal, garage, eight ly cor ner, fine location. Will k shewn by appointment, 1711 Mouth loth Street. I roem huuae. water, alectrlo lllhia Lot ilsluo, curlier; 11,110, J. H. Kopietz, SKA LTD It. 4731 So., llth. 11 A, III. OOOOOOO OOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOO Attractive Practical Do you want a rnmforlslite horns al a reasonsbl p'lreT if so, look at llll Ma. son SI , consisting of a two-story framo, sis rooms, sleeping pori h, Hied bath, oak and eosincl finish, full ksaemenl, furnace heal, ran only be ehown by appolntmant; e iu for prltf and trm C. A. Grimmel, Realtor Om. Nat. ilk. Illdg. Phon JA. llll. DISTINCTIVE HUNtlAI.OvV 'FIELD CLUB. Living ronin with flreplr, French door to sun room. Isres dining room, kitchen wllh bullt-ln features, two bsdrooms with larg clnests. best oak floor and finish, chnlc ast front lot, Priced right, W. FARNAM SMITH A CO. 1320 Fsrnsm St JA. 0I4. JUST UP. A dandy 7-rnniu ll niodern horn on psved str.rt Is up for sale. It a real P 1 1 re at 4.oo wiih II Ono down, Partsch & Huttelmaier, 103 Elerlrlo Ul.lg. JA. llll, ATJ260. JA. I3C4. BY owner, f-room modern bungalow at 1 841 South 2flh. Easy tsrms. Hnnerom Park district. Price lt.100. fall MA. 174. FLORENCE PROPERTY NETHAWAT iii and trad. KE. 1401 New Addition Woodland Place Southeast Corner 30th and Fort Streets Lot Sale Saturday, Sept. 30, 1922 Will continue until all lots are sold only 15 lots. Sewer, water, pas and cement walks. Paring in and paid on SOth street and Fort street. Petition now being circulated to pave Camden avenue. - LARGE SHADE TREES . This is one' of the few remaining unsold, close-in tracts nesr car line and public schools and where all necessary improvements for modern homes are In the street. COME EARLY AND GET YOUR CHOICE Prices $650.00 nd up. ( Easy Terms. American Security Co., Agts. REALTORS 1802 Dodg. St. DUNDEE PROPERTY iTl'MDKE I'ROI'ERTI CALL I S ABOUT TIIKS EXCaLLUNf Dl'Nl'KR HOMES, , ,,,, rooms, oak finish n4 floor, fir, pic, i. prctiiiy hew, coraer lot. luill It 10. Tamil I room. Including 4. beautiful Ii oak and klrck flnlek aad floor, fireplace, cl.lein, double ars. Anaolulely mul b ol4 at one aad mak oiler. 1'eraer lot. I in. I". Ternis. I rooms, W osk finish, hot water hsst, cors.r lot. flslll. I blk. I car sa4 renter Dosd-ta. wker ground valu ahaw tepid Must b old so li, r Iv toii.r 1st Wll.lwUU. C SLARAIOH. Realtor. Oinsba l-oaa Illdg. Sun. WK. till. WA. lie. J A Ills, Membr Multiple Listing Kubsnis. A Dundee Brick Double Garage $16,500 Would you Ilk la lit en high ground, giving ynu a lln slew of Klmwood I'aik, Happy Hollow and Faiiarreaf A full two-story brick sad slurrn, uoruotii, firepuce. blr h mhog- ny finish on first floor, oak floors. Three fine ablle enamel bedrooms, and tiled hath on second floor. Very nicely decorated aud fin ished. Toilet on first flour, full cement- a ed besement. an east front lot , surrounded by line bom. Easy termi offired. A. P. Tukey & Son, "Tukey Sold It" III First Nsl.Hk Illdg. JA. tilt. Dundee Colonial Will Consider Trade- i Esst front, bilik veneer, colonial. ', one of lha beat built home In Dundee, built by day labor, all materials of very best; very leri living room with flrsplsc. dining room and breakfaat room; oak floors and walnut finish! kitchen 1 has all desirable bullt-ln conven iences: 4 hedroome and tiled bath second floor oak floors nd ) French gray finish; msld' hoar- lers on third floor. Lor ted south : of Dodge on loth avenue, Will ' consldsr trad. I Binder & Otis, ) Heallor. 121 City Nst'l Hank Hldg. , Loans "o Heal Estate. JA. Ill) K. If. CO. MOVED TO 404 Keeline Illdg. Ctll us. DO. 1401. f Doug. 5013 j Umaha, iN-rti. .! IMM4IIIMll4i ih ll.i . k . I av a- I l,l It. Il . . ). -' ,. 1 V 4 ate.,!. A triu a-s-4 Mil. tk . ! " . 4 I