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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1922)
THE OMAHA HO!! THUHSDAY, 5H11KMI:KR 28, 1922. Up-to-Bate News and Gossip of Interest to Sport Fans Sisler Ranks Pipp or Kelly in Series Dope EDDIE'S FRIENDS Playing the Hand All Over Firtt Jiase Value itifesi.iii. thI. .. . . baa MO I SM Has ......... ' t.n fcatlr a, tank 111 S4 I. lit ItaiiJ . ma Mi II nr mci7?rMnno. Artlcl II Ths Hr ilinieii. liiorr HDitr, for puiewn of wild series fames acslnat th. New York OUnf, mjt lines hli rtvala In tha (lr( coiopariavii of values of In t.ien who ma eiitfur. In this n-e. Y.rm deducting (i Ui i nut Injury to Wain's hotildT, v 1i' h la certain ' 10 affei t he'll lil ofTi-ml. hiiiI htf dcfilislvi Value. he Man far iibo Plpp In value and ou'ranii Ijeorae J.ny. Tl. dop iigurr on tit lirt base men oifer u iiun-r problem I year. Th.ra I no iluulit In tho world but tint Wnlly Plpp linn Increased tr biemjiiiisly In "i:l"ll value this sen- 'ill. II li i iMttoiiiM Mfifi essiv.. litis- t'ln;, aii'l I s far iiihii than I he ever h shown himself tu b In t pi'1. I'll ytnr. I him 1 Mi.lei.llin. TV. .1. .... l...fl.,..(. .1 It... I 11'. .ill. t.a.l , itW .njlti ill', 1.1 v lliuv .l. liatl sat. 1 1 ml down to I"" Jn t a ball il)r, woiklnf hull! and t-uiiiitly end doln- V. lilt h Could. Hi Uiiiieii flfcKI " LlvriK-ry, lit lini'i liltiluik' mralnut oi.j" I.linl nf lilti'MiifA seemed tu hull title tli't he V. I'Ml.l :ntv ti enn ndousty niniia In fiun- when pitted Kilit the Nut lulu I letigu. pllclnir. Yet I hud that. In spit, ir hi" Improve ment, he doe not U"u n strong SlSJiilni't. tile) admittedly Viedli (ilHIlt i!t' hlnif tii' he doc atruiust tliu i vriKn run nf American li i itu pilch- era. The lilnnt pltcheis, wnk s they I ,, rem to have. Hniri''thliiK n him. At.iJ the alow nn.l fist curve pltrh liii; tit iff Unriicd nd tli lnMk of Art Sot tt .ri)inl tu truulilM him In tho oinlnf iwrles ir h In foittinat i-ntuirli to fl into It. HMrr lungiTuu to (ilmiln. Staler, n other imml, Jui h'tclirr in vHlut thin he dofi lii hlM own lenjrue. where hi II the leader nd where hi hu hmiiiiHMwl every kind of iilti'hlnir. It wiiiihl h a for tunati thiiiwT fur I he Nuiloiu.l leaicue hoiei ut aiiDther' world' chuinpiuii hip If the Yankee liiHti-ud of the. Brown ihi'UM vln the American ItAirua cup, at leant ai far a tint bnmrnen cues. Hiiler would limply murder th Giant pitchhuf In the preaent Condition of the Mi-Oraw taff. Hittlror over .400 In hi own league, and with the Ulatit pitchers, beside being; crippled and worn, made to order fur him, he would fprca tho Giant Inflelderi to wear tiia. Plip due rot fta-iire as itronK liner In attack or defense agalnit the Galnti . as doe Siller, but he fllturea tron;er agalnit the Uianta t,an Kelly a;alnt the Yankee' de .'ense. Kelly would be much wrong er pitted anlnt the Brown' pitch ing taff and general defensive gtruu tiire than againat the Yankee. Thi 1 largely due to the fact that he i a nam winmng, rigni-nanneu oaner He would not hit hard against Mays and Hoyt, not nearly a hard a he would hit g;alnt the Prown' pitch er. Shocker alone figure to check tip the hitting of Kelly If the Brown happen to break through and get' into this aerte.' Muftt Study Hie Catcher. The fact that Kelly' blow are. a n general rule, directed toward right field, Inclines to cut down hi figure value in the attack, He guin a few point because if either Brown or Yankees are pitted against him he ia To do some base running. J u fact, I think il will he valuable to you who are doiiing this aerlea along with me to get busy atudytng the catchers and the style of p'.ar. I think the figures will indicate that there will lie a lot more base running if the Yankees and Giants meet than have seen in the season. The dope n the first baseman in father a surprise to me. In fact, dope this season la more filled with rnir rrlnei'than ever btfore. Values of men who have been fixture for years are changing suddenly and one must atch the f.gures all the time for al teration. Sisler ha made tremen dous, gain over hi already hfgh total In petition value and l'ipp ha gained almost a much In proportion. In fact, tn all the year I have been doping teams no first baseman ever ha show n uch a total value s 8ieler now dot not even Chase. Th! I due purtly tu the weakne of the O ant pitching itaff. While Kelly would be stronger agalnt 8t. I.oui than h would be against the Yankees. J'et Bis Ur In the am series would be almost I;S point better. ( nange Are Kadlt al. The t hing In normal position Values of the men are tailiial and w ..! rAflllle. IWl Hot well take the July figun a a butia, , v"'!." the dope right up to the imiuilo 9M J.I55tJ f 19 MJAW Vtfu'O A-GOsJt TO THI WOODS MkC A SCAfllft WOW' ANb I TH AT fi'S PAT. UiT Ten. Mt,twf Vo5. 3auC . &JZ Voost am' Vtfy'ftt 6akil Matt A jack R88rr Jjr- T ... r , " 1 sL-..ti 7 VK SlTTlUfir THtftt Y VI wArnwiv fen tout Htv tvyii. n TILT Vou HJih II CAQ, AtWr J , 5au Mt HyJ mot 11 a iwUTtvuMrr3 J 14 A AltU0J ThE US VOALWiv' VUftS J HOMtf CMt V - ' ": AW' HUP Mi - . ' "h i A -y3T UP this .-.. fttAtlrt THAT IF r - Emm KXti"iMMti P "tsSMs-,ai mil ye-f .' ltd. I I 1 " w - It -1 r t Hi ' ' 11 .1 at h&cijp XHU S 1 c.l it. . n. N. H. rH. lUleT, M lHil I" ! I I ' tt.b, llelrvll I t1 1 lil.r le.el.MS ..HI 4 1 11 US llrllMin. . , .III4 t Hi W Miller, I NlUUrl,.!!! . HI l M II it Battling Siki Cuilized Gorilla HikuJii, II. Illl I HubM f lll.tinnl l,rlnie, I tilriiM , I Nlllee. I Mi- ! Tier?, riiihirN xtioi. irti.1 k. . H. M. n. fri. iw evf la til tie t4 4 II til S-MI lit w e ill mi lie M 11 S.M II HI M M Ml 2 pons yn3 WHY NOT MIT II 'I'M. ElMilK AMiKHSON', Wy ing In it t n in w I if h t tighter who knocked out Hiewart Mclean In I eighth round lhr other night, la sure to make a greater name for him self in light (li' le. Kddle' not only a smart l'X'-r, hut he's a fighter with a wallop In both milt and s 'i app"r I lie finis like to se In an-lion. All AlliliTmill rtalnlliy Mull'lell Iwut woul.lii t be a ld sffnlr for luiuih. AIN'T IT TIIK TIClTllf The (iHillmll wamti ia ronilng along heaullfiill). Dick lleale), ime of (relu lit on unlverM)' mint promUlifg iiiiarterhacki, h nut of the game for the season ttllh a broken shoulder, ("harle Heller, nianiiger of "I)ut tllng" Hlkl tell American f.ght man ager to go to Jungle land and Jt-t an apelike lighter and develop a champion. Tie funny none of the lighter who have performed In Omaha rings have not developed Into champion. Braves Heal lUAilnn. ri'mteli,' S''it. 27. 'i'h lti4tiiii llraves rlusHii ti'ieir licme ssnon luiluy l.y de feating liriK,kl-it. 7 tu 'I. M-.Namnra lirhiil well with n'n An lianeit. liut ilylng iermltt-.l liuniiin In m ore fnur runs on un hit In the eiKhtli IiiiiIiik. Hcort: IIKU'jKLTV. HOHTHV AUH.O.A' .HH.OA otanfi, li a J'vrin, 2o 1 1 J'Htim, us 4 1 I) u (nil. rf 4 I Whtst, If 4 I Wysm, i f 8 mil, lb Hllh, 31) H'lln. n ' lei-iitur.p T O firth Khrlver.p Mlt.;hdl 4 I 4 II : n i : I o I II 0 1 1 PowHI.i-r 4 II 0 1 l:Kiipf. 21j 1 1 4 f. 1 : H'w..rlh rf 2 1 (I I OU rilii"-, if 4 0 1 l 4 (i:iutikrl.3l Z I I 2 1 0 Mi-iiry. Ill I II) i 4 0 Kniil. 2 1 1 I 1 li'NVil. e 4 110 li M'.NarS, p 4 0 0 1) 0 i Totoll 12 7 Hi 16 0 '! 0 II, TuisU 21 7 t'4 : kHtte'l fnc Iecatur lu Mt-veuih, xKatteil fur Hhrlvtr In nlnih. Hrori by Jnnlngi : Brooklyn 0"0 000 null buatun 10U 20U J)lx 7 Summary Hum: Kopf, Hikel (2). Henry. KnriJ (IK i)'Nll. Krrora: Janvrlu (2), Hi'hnisnitt. Dhrlver, Ford. Tij-lia hit: B. Orlffllh. Homn run: Ford, fitolen bwM'-a: l.'rutae, Bui" kel. HaitrifU-ea : lonl; Hi-nry, I'ow-ll. liul!e plays: Kuril to Kopf to Henry, Kopf to KoriJ to Henry. Left on hones: MruoUiyn. 1; Tinatoii. 7. Bases on balla: Off Uciiilur, 2; off Shrlver, 1; off Mi N'aniara.ia. Mtrui-k out: Uy D-i-atur, 6: by Hhrlver. 1; by MrNamnra, I. Hita: Off Deeitur, In Innlnss: olf Hhrl er, 1 In 2 InnlniiK. Wild pllih: Hhilver. Loalng itii'h'-r: Jn;ratur. limpiri-a: Hart and Waatervelt. Time: 1:3. f-hamps Split Hill. Nr Tork, Sept. 21. The champion Omnia illvMeil a douhle-heailer thla rifter nion with tha I'hilllei, th vmltora taking inn first, 6 to S. In 10 Innlnga, and tha iit-mi taam the aeconil, 2 to 2. First same: l'HILADKI.I'HIA NEW YORK AB.H.O.A AH H O.A. Waton,!,s 4 12 21 Bancroft. as 6 0 0 Rapp.Jb 4 0 1 a. i Iron. 6 10 2 5 2 4 0 4 0 3 2 Walker.rf 5 4 4 ll, Meuel.lf 4 12 0 Hanllne.o 5 14 I'Yoiinsrf 4 2 3 0 I.e.lf 4 12 1 KlnK .lb 4 112 1 I, 4 1 10 i"HKhHm,ff 2 16 0 I"lnon.2b 4 0 3 liSnyler.u 4 2 4 0 Wrinert.p 4 0 0 1 Ji hii'on.p 3 0 12 ' aShlnncrs 10 0 0 Tollls 310 30H; Totals 35 30 7 7Hhlnnrs batteil for Johiuon In tenth. Score by Inntnaa: Phlladeliihla ono 003 out 25 New York 000 010 101 0 i Summary tuna: U'rightstone, Williams, Walker 121, ilenllne, Youn (2). ."nyilar. Kiroia: Hhpp. l.'-e. Frktn'im, Two-bane nls: Lie, Wjlllama, Walker. Younit. Home runa: VVriKlliaione. licnlhi.-. Sm-rif ices; Cunnlnsbaiii, Jnhiucn. SIdIcii baca: Sny d'ir. t'ui'nlnsllam. lluuble plj: Bancroft to Frlsch lo Kinj?, rlKhlalniie to 'arkiu aon to l.eall (2). Ilenllrio to WrlHhlflrill. Left on baen: rbilail'-lplila, fc; New York, . Hlrui k nut: By Juhnaon, i by We'.n irt, 1. Wild ritch: Welnert. rnipliea: Mt-i'ormlck and UiK'rr. Tiina: l:iV Sccon-l gams acoip; HIl.AI'DI.l'IIU. xkw TURK All. H OA.! AH .11. O.A. Willi, as I it 3 I B'crnft, as I 1 4 Kapp, lb 4 1 A .1 kai'li. aa 2 0 l 1 W inn, i f 3 t M plirt, 3b 3 1 I 3 W kr. tf 4 II S 0, Mas,., 4 12 4 l.aa. If 4 0 1 SM'ab.c, If .1 t 2 I.T.H., lb 4 2 0 s r. if.if 4 1 4 I" ...n. Jb 4 3 ! 3 Kllif . 11. I 1 1 W'ro. u 4 0 10 2 C ham. i f 4 I) J Kin, p 3 10 1 IL. .m,, r( v v . li.ini, e J02 Ttaa - 11 ; J4 1 h-mt, p 1 0 Hli! p 111 ivitn-.i, p I i" 'vCiulh, s 0 Bas-eBaHBesittis eiia Standings ATIOVL IK AI. t K. Mandlnga. W. I. Pet. W In I An PI Ml .WI7 .SUV .)! SA SI .All ,m .bi "4 HH A'3 AM .A4M HI AS ,A47 .AM .Ml 7 71 .vn .ill ,yt 7.1 77 .4!1 .47 .11X1 AH HA .171 .I7A .SIX At V Jit ,47 .H4U New ),rk I'iltahursh I meinnsli ...... M. Iioula i. t hliiso Brooklyn riillailelphls . . . Honioa , leaterilix's Kesults. Phllailclphla. f-2: St York, 1-3, Hiiatun, 7; Brooklyn, 0. No others scheduled. Today 'l (iimes, Vfncinnatl at I'lttaburgh. No othxra acheduleij. AMKKII AN I.F.AUIK. Hlimllngs. New York .. . ht. Iiuia . . Betrolt Chicago ' . , . . I 'levelitnd Wahfnio"l . Philadelphia Ifoaton If Ther W. I., ret. W In U , U3 57 .1211 .421 .SI . .911 l .Alii ,.VI JiVl . .711 71 .S20 .AZ3 .SI ..77 74 .MO .All .AII7 . . 7eT 7 .H0 .A04 .41)7 . . XI .411) .4A3 .4411 ..111 S7 .411 .410 .4(111 . .A!) 1)2 .DDI .Hits ,M 'eiteriliiy's Kesults, No games acheduled. Today's l.iiwi. New York at Brtiton. Wai.hiiiKton st Philadelphia. No others acheduled. Kunnell Winii Game. Plttauursh. Hepi. IT. Fred Kuurll niadi h's local debut In etrlklng out four tiui'-s today, hut he plichrd I'hlcsso tu a 4 10 1 victory over the l'lrstea, acors: I.'IIICAIJO. I riTTHIU'R'Hf AH M o A ' All H O A A'lama, 2b 4 II 2 6jM'vllle, sa 2 14 4 114 1: Carey, i f tl 4 0 Terry, as S 1 1 4i Hislire. If 4 0 11 Online, lb I 112 0: ll hurt, rf III Krus, 3b 4 112 T rn. y, 2b 412 Miller if '4 10 OT'wi'T, 3h 4 110 Ma, .el. If 4 2 3 o'lininm. Ill I I 1 I O'F'rell, s 4 2 4 OH mldt. e 3 s 7 0 Fuaaell, p 4 U ;(.'uuper, p 3 11 Have you had your picture taken wllh "Itahe" Ktith? TIIKY ALWAYS IIAVK IIKKN. Aa wa tsildly predicted earlier In the season by numerou keen baiee ball expert, the pennant races In or ganized base ball are being decided by the ujtchlng. 37 il 27 l! Totsls 20 6 27 t AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Standings. W. I.. I'et. I W. I.. Tet, pit. l'lllll llll AH .: Mllwa'kee XI S2 .4117 Mlnne'lia XI) 71 .ft-IH liiil.vllle 7,1 17 .Wi kin, I lly XH 75 .fill) olumlMla S3 V7 .804 liiillm'lla X 77 .A2A Toledo S3 X .301 Yealerday's Kesults. Mlnneapolli, !-,: Louisville, 1-11. IndMlnaprilla. 0: Mt. Paul, I, Toledo, it: tar.M City. 2. Columbus, lu; Milwaukee, . Today's tiames. Toledo at Kansas City, ('uluinbus at Milwaukee, llldlanapolia at Kt. Paul. Louisville at Minneapolis. C OAST I.EAOH0. Vernon, B: Henttle, 4. Salt Lake City, 8: Los Angeles, 7. Syracuse to Play Huskers on 1 923 Syracuse, N. Y., Sept. 27. Syracuwe University's football team will muke it trip west in 1923 at the close of the eastern season. The Orange will play Nebraska at Lincoln on Thanksgiv ing day. Another game probnbly on the Saturday before Thanksgiving will be booked in or near Chicago. The Nebraska game will be a re turn of the game to be played by the J Cornhusker here thi year. Nebraska (i com tig here on November 4. I 1 ttlal'ot I r V, ir.Oi.u si l!,'m- in st-veii'b I III l'l fH. t'll'J S'-'U P,ifc ICina, . tl .... I..-, i.i,n... IS wit kl. I'l.- U.iriii, HhH.h.,. h..,.,. Ulik. i . .... ... . . l rv Kit I'hew la., Kii a),'n,n,a. .'ihmi figure thi boy t)aiu.y f in a;- ..;H: ,,,.. IrtlP. wnat wotua nappen. : ,aiua nrnaiea K'i l amun Mixt'tl liout in (rotliaui. j I New York, Hept, '.'(! The first mixed bout In New York t'lty since the ;7 ! r niwley law goxvimm noxiug in tins " ! slate acventl yean ago, was held hint iiinlii when Irish Johnny Cm tin. . Totals score by Innings: Chicago 200 SUA 000 4 1'lltaburih 100 000 001) 1 Summary Kuna: Htats, Terry, I1lllr. Malael. ilaranvllle. Krror: Traynor. Two bane hits: Mnlael. Cooper. Terry, Htats. Three-I.aae hits: Malsel, Traynor. Stolen base: Carey. Sacrifice: Mnranvllle. llouble play: Maranvllle and Orlmm. Left on baaea: Chleago. I; Plttabursh. t. Baaes on balla: Off Fuaaell, 3: off Cooper, . Struck out: By Fuaaell. 1: by coopi-r, . I mpirea: Scntolle and wulgiey. Tln.e: 1:33. Harvey Thorp Beats Maunce McOook, Nob., Sept. 27, (Special Telegram.) Harvey Thorp of'Kanxae City, welterweight scrapper, won the dcclxlon over Alex Maurice of Grand Island, here lust night after 10 hard rounds of fighting. Thorp, the more experienced of the two, had little difficulty in outpoint ing his opponent after the fourth round. 'Maurice was game from start to the finish. "Young" (etildie of Omaha and "Kid" French of Central City, boxed a lb-round draw. Smoker to Precede. Hilltop Grip Opening The opening of the football season at Crelghton university Saturday will be proceeded by a smoker Friday night In the gym at which alumni, students and followers of the Hilltop school will be treated to a boxing pro gram and stunts. Tho "Keno Four" quartet of the Pantages circuit will uncork some vocal stuff. Tha smoker will furnish many of the alumni and students their first op portunity to meet Art Schablngcr. the new athletic director. "Ihillllnc" Sikl's malinger I one of the M type. The manager of the lli;lit lieavyvM'lKht champ wauls half of the I nlted Slate to fight Will. Whl was s minus quality a far a fighter are con cerned until last (Sunday. I i , i?t y ijj 'si F&W 'jPftXHM a Alleged Disabling of Race Favorite Probed New York, Sept. "7 Steward at Aqueduct track ttstay were Invest I- sating a reported attempt to (Unable a horse entered in the feature race of yesterday's card by stuffing it siMinge Into on uf its nostrils. The horse, Tufier, regarded a a fnvorltsi In the SUHtyhrtmk selling H ikes, until the tampering was d MM uprtti hi dor4 suth anwrttf i . la... I'l.i!4,i I HH H'l.. I Il-J k el ll i l .... 1. I a ;.. t. l if ..'! I in i. i.;f V H ff ..'i lie) V ,M i,.'. I , Jerw'V I'uy linntsmweight. rm-elvetl w tiahietuie. I --'lo. ; the Jinlg- ' de. iion after a 12 round) j t iivnwl, wa allowed to run after Hie, With I'mmy KiHirds. negro i sponge linl lireii reitioei, but fltilarieil puailist of sieaule, 1 aisth In a field ot seven siuitfri. liimi follower atu. hed Hnii lance I Thi lmiliit I a. tu I the Mtirtn IIKLI'M TIIK OA.MK. Tho foot ball season Is now in full wing and the followers of the game will havo their first chance to see how the new rule which provide for tho extra point after touchdown is going to cork out. Instead of the old scheme of the extra point de pending on one txpert kicker, the ball will be put into scrimmage at least five yards from the goal line, and the attacking team may use a kick, a for ward pass, or may attempt to runh the ball over for the extra tally. Thus every point in the game now will be scored by the efforts of the entire team. - TIKEK IT, JACK. Jack DittiiiHcy ha heroine dis couraged in hi search for a fight wllh some large, heallhy, hardhit ting man, so lie has gone into tho North Woods to see if he ran find a hear with a mean disposition. i Three Athletic Captains Play on Penn-KIeven I'hiladclphia. Sept. 27. For per haps the first time in the history of football at the Vniverslfy of Penn sylvania three major sports captains will start in the opening gridiron hat tie Saturday with Franklin and Mar shall in the Ited and Blue backfield. They are Miller, captain of the foot ball team, Sullivan, captain-elect of the baseball nine, and Vogelln. cap tain of the basketball team. Miller and Sullivan will play at halfback and Vdgelln at quarterback. Josephs Win. Portland, Ore., Sept. 27. iSpeclal Telegram ! Jack Josephs, Minneapo lis battlot'. defeated Otto Wallace of Wilwaukee lu a 10-round bout here litKt night. Battling Slkl, noted Senegalese fighter, flashed into International puglliatiu prominence when he knocked out Georges (Tarpon tier, idol of the French, in .the sixth round of a scheduled 20 round bout, in the Jiuffalo, Velodrome, just outside Pari, France, thereby winning the heavy weight championship of Europe, World's Series Contenders CATCHERS. By FREDERICK G. LIEB. NcliFs Recovery from Injury Is Boon to Giants Chicago, Kept. 17. Free from n. Mitt worries, after turn of the unit siren nous rHinpiilgii Iii thnlr carver, th New York (llant. 1 922 Nsthinal league cliHinploni, wound up l In hat tin ag.itnat western uppolilliin by Ink ing Ihu rthHl b iiiih of the series from tin St. I.inils Cardinals. to i, behind Artlo Nelifs steady twirling. It hii Die third defeat In four gmnei for the teani which threatened the lli.'intN' supieiiiiiry for a large aim re of the Si-ismi 'and shoved tha Cardinal buck ) fourth place, while Clin Inmiil, trouncing I'hlliidelphla, 13 to H, climbed to third poMllnn. , Indication that Nelif bus pmcticiilly recovered from the effect of a foot Injury which checked his effect I veneis curlier In the season, was regarded aa an ImiHirtiint factor In the Clams world series rhntire. The outhpsw held the heavy hilling f'ni'illn.'il coi lis In sll but two Inning mid ethlu. Ited (terfect control. Tin Yankee, within a game of clinching tho American leiigus tllle, hoM to settle the) race beyond alt doubt by winning from 1 lust mi tumor row In the first of a three game serlea wllh the lied Hog. They hold a lead of three mid a half games over the St. Louis l'.i owns, and wllh hut four more contests to play need only a single victory to eliminate the mathe matical uncertainty yet existing. Imzzy Vance achieved Ills ISth victory of the sens., n, w hile Brooklyn pounded two Boston twli lers to win, 12 to 5, la Iho other major leugue gumc played yesterday. Brooklyn Asks Waivers on Players New York, Sept. 27. Officials of the Brooklyn National league base ball club today confirmed report that waivers had been asked on 17 play er of the teum. President Charlei II, Kbbets refused, however, to mak public the names. The Brooklyn Kugle listed the fol lowing a those upon whom waiven been asked: Charles (Chuck Ward. Harold Janvrln, Ivan Olson Hay Hchmnndt, Sam Post, Lew Ma lone and Moll McCarrcn, Inflcldera Leon ('adore, AI llarnaux, Pair Hchreiber, John Miljus, (lareno Brown and Clarence Mitchell, pitch ers; Bernard llungling and Otto Mill er. catchers, ami Ib rnle Nela an John Koseberry, outfielder. Three stars Burleigh Grimes, II Myers nnd Zack Wheat have beer placed "on the block for sale or bar ter, the newspaper added, asserting that the trio were regarded by th4. management as "trouble makers." CATCH KKS. Fielding Itecords. Player and Club Walter Schmidt, Pirate Hank Severeld, Browns Frank Snyder, Giants . Karl Sintlh, Ciiints John Oooch, Pirates... Walter Schang, Yankeoa r;. . 23 . 123 . S4 . 79 . !M) . .103 PO. 47 mo rn 3(14 2 nr. A. 24 103 111) r.i a 5 ii 13 13 Total Double Passed Chances Plays Pet. Balls 114 MO 2C1 r3 472 3i)l 1 S 10 a ID 1 .991 .9S5 .9K1 .9 SO .972 ,9H4 Bui ting Hcciird. A I!. U. II. 2U. 3B. lilt. TB. Sll. Sit. Pet. Snyder 231 2ti S9 111 3.4 121 11 0 .335 Schang 330 40 111 If! h 1 M2 19 9 .335 Oooch 330 42 1111 15 3 1 1.14 4 1 .333 Severeld . 4ii;i 44 130 29 6 2 197 12 1 .320 Schmidt 90 12 2S 5 0 0 33 2 1 .311 Smith .' 217 29 5 11 4 9 104 1 1 .2(17 Denny Ryan's Boxing Classes Start Tuesday Denny P.yan will give Instructions to aspirin? Benny Leonards, Jack Brlltons nnd Jack Dempseys In the opening clnss of the season at the Omaha Athletic club next Tuesday nlwht. The classes are fi-pe and no club UH'tnbei-Khlp Is required to ,1oln. Appllca'ions fllrefdj' have begun to clog O. A. C. mail sacks. One re emit, IS years old, with 1S5 pound of flesh draped around a six foe three inch frame, reported In person THKRB IS NO department of moro vital importance on a world's scries contender than its catching. The Giants once lost a world's cham pionship through a muff In center field, while the hitting of a nulisil tute third baseman once enabled the White Si x to triumph over the Cubs. But the average world's series game revolves around the pitcher, catcher and the second base combination. Poor catching helied Hughlo Jennings lose three straight world's series in Detroit. It Is not always the rule, but the world's series contenders which had such men ns Brosnnhan, Kling, Sullivan, Gibson, Schang, Schalk and O'Neill behind the bat usually divided first money after th game had been played. - . All of the 1922 contenders aro Billy's 6i P0 pit. f VI C rti.l ... the shorlitop Titay b t clom to hung the Ut turuv In t Ameruin leas us t would ik a lt lev nihisic lhn I im In dt MiJi betsean him Slid th s'.ua. ..hir way, oiwir, th Asirtcn tiii hukl a k! f sure !! i im( trl Vs d p In th ntt rV. Ii i N V, M.p -'7 The Will csmv ane '! ' Aiet i ti ..lvi , ,1. . t .ur, ..mi i tmy .aui fir puu'ea ! hi,.; ...u if tin I .u.t , ia tHi ri ' ' ' lf '! Vv llm Aa4 aim Ut Mi ..m - ib ' .'' ii uli. it...,i . i tl , f IH Sut tpa 1M t I'UV- i l 'he fi' isli,! t I ... la lt In f.r In ifcur i-a a ! In ii'r , " " f .i IMnl. kilt Ihitr ! (, IK if "lie i "t I'o li Uil n iiiaraiiiB th eiul of ; of a slmlUr tiatwta to ixi-ur litis sea in i. i i-.ntnti at rtisriled a an unolTiciai an on n'eitoi'i'innn no. . -". " '" il ..I.I..U I - " t,v- - I'. 4 , tll 1-1 "tt, a.'Hrtm ,..,,,,-.,. r - OH llilaeil (I'llleala I llll pollltwl Hilt I llunihuldt Wlna. llumliulilt. Neb., H"it. J7. (Hieclal.) Tllit In as Ii aclliml liaaeliail liiaina 'if 1'atila It... k ami mat on I'lalnvl-w firi.l el l lilt illy In i tuna inn by tha liii al t'-aiu n It li a avora ef 6 tt) 11. Iluffili Imiih iJiila. Kearney, Neb.. Hlt. II..-(Hiaclll ) 1 li llutfaiii li'nana elnld III aaaiein wllh a e.l -iiill a-rlra certain t" detarmiita thi IraS'e . llinil'ilt"llll. Mh.-llnn da fei(e iiii,iii,, I, lu v. ainl l'ia!itun tnkii.k a an 'i 1 f'um Mataril. a In 4, l.alaiu'til 'If tha t'eo i-iiluga f,r futt lacn. Ki'arii.y hot i !.! i-n uf II, ta,ti l.ul ef It"1 a-i.'i.. 'ht.lui.,l Tha alien aili a al all aaieta at at.4 an.t fltianclat l llo tiai'i tinlt leil I h" uraaniaa. itn a iii ruiain iioa-1 l-ir tmiiho ytr, alileiuan I ha .! I.CU r cl a.l.lln lam t-ii:br i.-:i. . ma samnar ae plav or im two .iio-ii ii enulpped behind th i bat. the Yankees j lng st,n.e(, , n Athlot,c.olant have the hustling Wally Schang, al . worhVfl Bpl.e' of 1913. Wallv then ways a dlsMngulshcd world's series ; fl.wnnilll, ,,, . ,,, -, firHt performer. A year ago Frank Sny- j vf.;ir , ,hn l;tj. . dor of the Giants was McOr.-nVs lead whon , Y.,n. , (lis ,, - "fr.Wr1.'L" r','" miU""r' i will be the fifth time that Schang herl hmlth fell down badly In the ; haR mUvM in .,.,,,. ie. 1922 worlds series. ,, . ,iy M(.(!l,,w. ,,, H-ank Snyder outhits the other wuvWa Kere batting averages are catchers, as ho Is poking tho ball for . ,,. -J75 , 1,,,3i ,, .. , nn average of .335. However. Iu I tj.n, Wth the Athletics; .414 In 1!MX, ha had his average fattened by thettith ,.r(1 Sl)X. ,, 2st. wilh hu fact that hn has caught all the games i ABllk,.,, Ht In which a lefthander has played against th Giants. However, Frank proved In the last world's series lhat bo Can smack right bander Just as hard a the "lefties." as he batted out of sn average of .3fil in seven game, and nuthlt the regulars ot both New York clubs, (inn of his hit was a homer which tied up the! Mt.l.ile n ears Beat Former Buffalo Hurler I'iC'ht Park, Fort Worth. Tex., S:nl. 27. The Moble Bears won the Dixie b.'sek-iM championship by de feat '"-f Fort Worth Panthers In the Klxth game of the re.rles today by a score of 2 to 1. Mobile won four c .'lines and Fort Worth two. The game was a pretty pitchers' duel be tween Fnhr nnd I'.'itee, southpaws, the former having the advantage. A single by Mulvey in tha ninth in ning pcored Manager Niehoff with tin winning run. FootBallFacts vvui inhnuwirm Moi.iie n,i Tuisa ciui. :, tt A- a a, , ; ,-. i Annual Nehru.-ka-Iowa Horsechoe Tourney at PLii Blair. Neb., Kept. 27i 'S;iei in.l.i -The fifth annual Nebra:i!:a-lowi Horserhoi) toui naiaeiil will be lipid li I Hair next Sinidiy. All players of Nr braska mid Iowa are eligible. In ail dltion to Ihe 1123 t 'Inri lun cub, I hen will bo lniTihiindifie nnd cash piii"S aggregating a total of close to ?"00 Tboiinil of bills, advertising thi lurnameni, have been distributed ovei Nebiu.'ka and lima. iJy ill. JHitZV Wh-t Is a fair catch? A fnlr antra la mule by eilrliln i I C. - H a .lll l ...! It . .. k.k m, m tl.'t IrtV nn ui.h..... ii ) igni line inaii ii Miiiigur I II I 'I' - liw.e.i Kiriv Willi, inurd, . 1ml aim i mi I lit ill ilia. I.rHii lhniH (.arilitii. Nan Fi ate I '. eteoi. V I'M c efi.i, i ti.'ti f f't.1 llbMuflaU Iwi t'laal. Owners Situ for Serh! Fort Worth. Tex., Sept. 27 An sixth game, a contest which Inter was " " ' t ".'"" ' ' i... , , !..,. ieuenu ami beluri II I ml. hea Ihi ' iirnooii between Mubilo and Ttlls.1 won ly tne tusnls. gr..uml. pruilUri Ihe .lnar, .tl..r la ,.,..... -.. ,i ,, .... .. .,.,...., Snyder's fielding record slso wu in.t..,.i i ei. h n,. b.ii. .i.,ui. hi. i. , " r" ''rov.d ug f..r a s..i. um vi v I., ihs ih. l'j'l .rl..s. si lu. ?".'"- ."''" '" '. Wlalsc . r b 'tweeli th. two for tu mmof ' -- h - ..nJ rl.,,,1. Mh...a kl .1.. . , . , ,. ... . . i. . " ' 7- league t iinnip.fiiisii.ii in ini rvrm .inn !'" ll .' lhM ln lria Iflae mih. i , . , ,, ' ... ,. ,, ln( iha ...i.h. Kale , . ' wn from lilt el : h. Hie se- M If a .!iai ty l,a. n leklel anil la r.el W.ll Blurt III Tnl" I rldllV SO'V u;rv;,;4,'.c'r; " In Ihe I'.H" if ttmfft. Hul I. KM. , week Ilea 14 II I j S). an a r-'a ah.t ai'i... Ilia in.j w t 11 l aa ia n . il In lha lo-l ha f laliti! I rflMrtlli lOf I14T, Hol.lM a-.i. N.-t, , K. pl 7 - !h'i"c l I bundled 41 ihsncci without an er rr, Miiydr throw will, but Frank I one of lln alow eat mm In lume liill, and doein't put the foe or sip Into hi woik which 1 hitrin tertie Hie I'ild'le Fi ate I '. ftepi. leOWl. WOll'l' witiht wiiaMins hiiiii"li, leliii' I ml Jn, k Iftuoa.'V, I Imliipnn I ,ei,alu lUl'lllil, Hullall I h llii . jihllnfr, tw til of Ihrmi Coif Nbit h t ( lotitl. ,t,, cil. hii. Mi hmtff and Sesneid. ! Hmllh Ii hitting considerably Ih-Ihw In thi nil.) l a uf lh , ..ii I;! 1 It ail ralltai la Iha aama al axt I l Xhff Htmt ...Rll. tapa,l:y IM U. ivitii. Mil ri-t t iti lUntriet lutct. I if-1 ..r. Nab., M.-I.I ;: M .. t.ill -Ti t '!t ,0. lielf I lll'l Hill t M Ited I I- o.l ii liv fur a tiHumitiiol ,iii Hit. .i of (hii r.n. A lu I Hih i.m ia t i'. vi aa tliarw ) .... Ii..l. Hi .1 t i.ll.- h"WH iJ 1 ii t-m hi MfHii Are "Watchdog" for HMoitn$hine Farm' I 11 -,i 0.I1.1.1 .i, t.i. ti -.mi, tai 1 hn f.rin tlil ea..t. hut In la Mm. dmiu ik. k.11 ai-i. a m', NkIIius i !' ng I'fi uni'in m i"t) i;,1'' "'rv::'.., iir,,1; ir,il'i''i,1'''' w ii'1" i'i . . , 'i-MMtaun th.. . t a. . 1"'H I B) ti ii ifil I ( SI i ' J ; If I iliike I. Ill .Is kMh lbs 1.. I atak 0lt.l i ... . a. ...... f u t Hind, In New mk a In Ms a . . .1.. .Vu . .... , hi !.' .' ' Mr. lvilr 1?. Ion nnd , -'" ' " "'""? . 1111 hint for snotfcin h.i."eri i.ii. ' a. m .M .,.. , 1 1 and II A fin h.0f Mile I wit full Mr i f nk, (,.,.,,, 4 vv.. i at in 1 I hi Unn I. l'ln- in 111 V uf I hein In l ' ' . a... . , . , 1 i'inibt-1 and IM wnl np i , ,..M. in b.4 ' III .-! A r ". Mmlth fllletl to )H In a4a. M-l. . .f he I -l-tt t offarad ,m, i. 111 hi I l,i M ' 1 ill her of tin (line wht. M l iwiiglil. u it m. j ..., ..... ..... . .1 leer. II in ? ' al ,t lo.i a i ... , ma i. I. a... i . , " " n ii io a . a . a.a , . . . u I. II. k. ... i. .,t.,r ,n . tilt a.. ........ ... .1. ...t.e.l .., fila'il.l S.oth I tl I ' ! 'l I I I ' t , .... I I 1 - ' - ........ r m - ' ' ' I .. i ,. . i. . . v-i. a ,.. i .... ... .1. . i - i-i i 1 ' ' !' . -.ti ti. ...... i , . . . . i . , ... ... i i . i . ..ft Trttlli Fillatli. P44i4va. Nh, s Ii - 4 Hid. m p a I hi Til Ci-ui.iv I. .ol . ii hl l In la k.lj 4 (. 4 It- I i- ! ! a. iid 4i en n i4 i' tnail .:( -Ua-,I f riu IVH4 - flilH llt.'.l 4 ll 4lt It Ih . .a, , )' d . wa lrt. i..f m lj . .a li.-t II. , t4 t.. ,. I .. -. w li I I f. , . Ht o a I ii 1 1 mm : I e.Ol It. t ! Wat 1 1. ii. an. ,i4 ;r mI I 'tola N' n. el , ,.,iil y I. , mx , I i I a. 0"w lull a I". ,' i ilraiul Circuit litmltt. I lailia t-f i a- a . l ata, ; ft ... . , 1 at l I -i. 1 1 ,i, . a- . . a i. .it h . I i , i . . I . .. ,i t I I'tMrt tiwi", stilt, A duil l AHIn't t ill bil ri ' M,k ' SiflllM. Whall alciB. lpHi.iH, i thi of a f. bur ru ii h i a, ' . ..'Utiuiii In in" tia.ii htt hi i,i ' wait li tiie a, " srl ft-l ti ail irffl. ail Hi. .. I .IH tlti iao I j ' i i. stt ittiaai " e j . on) h H'K.iltit- iL.H A ihy ly- . ( ! tvf llfcl I'll ...-ill tfcl .o. aa l'Hl . til t M ItiHi.r ntMt l - I I il H4iW Wh-t .al lit! , ' I if II. .!. ail I' t) Lieu a latl la I r m t tl.a ' ' t.l . . tl , (,. ,. ., , . . , i i ' i mat b I iii- ' t- w , I M., i a .. I -, ( ah .a I hi al a I. h-l M kll. .,,,, a-.itta ii ait'", eon t ,,i i. t ..i,H..i't ..t at tt it, ittie I, t, . .tt iot l... ! i n w KI- (4 but t.r i t ua ! b.m t. .a. a ri lit fit is .l .tt i,,i .ii i. t . t a - ih i i .i ih a' .., it t-a-tt .a . .', t.-a. . 4 i.t I e. ,.i, it n ii I '.MM e-it,.M..iM,14tMi a Until li ti a Mi Ms-k.l . ! 4 l'a hun.Ur uf Mn, and ail -f Ih le .lit 1 . I -.. .ii, bar an iUM, 'HoHthla' a to-, h-a, . tli.ill-i.. I,..!. ... ....j... ....... i.. l . . I, ..i i a n .......a., I. Ittl " " t-t .ft I ....e,.. ii.i . t ,.... .J t,i-M I aa i.t ' win! bi i tl J.. anl,l taieea , ,n i -. - ti-. I l a I i ... ..hi , t-t t i. ti..t " . i .,. . U at im t h-tl tl a law R a. I -a u. la. i all ' ' i i .n .n 4 .., tn la t.. im4 It. t I t - . 1 t -a t t ,- a i t , .... , i i . . i , ,. . i $ ' tl-Jt l'l '' t.ct a, 1.-,1 It ... . I .. bui.a ia. J hol Ihil - 4 .!-!..-.. ... I a i itii nun ( i akii a ii, ., a ... I ik,,t k.i.l fit ihivnit it tiitttei n i.a tia'a4.. I In Kb, t In- l. I '"', , ., , i, ' Mt Mi!.' it-l k-t'4 t-t l . .. -I I.,.,- i i, I ' , ... It ! .".. I . Mi. 4 a ti ;' ' " ! ...... in a aa.i baa K..M al kaal at. t. a II aa I ta-a . ik . -a iu I'f i nt. rl t n.ani t -e I t I a a - t 1 1, I-.I n ii.ii ., . t 'f at yi,..-ti .1 i it b t iii ... . it-a a-p.1 , i it 1 f a . . . -a t ti, ..-..-a " -it . ft in. a t ' a- t a . t a -t-i .. i. ia . mi ... -a a . i i i ... I . i i. a , i t t a l I . a k ii t i. .... t t .. . i li. H lit 'I I.t 't 11 -I ' . ' i . ... . , i ft . 4 t - a i 1 ' t . a... . I. it 1 1 a, I c.i ... . . i , s l t e a ... tit .t ... a .... e ... a ,l.! 0 I .11 I .. r a ,,,,, ' la l f ot tha i,l ,n. b U ri' el, mt rt. a tlo ii it II M I t ). I. an. no ( ,, lt.i tr roll.- fo.fM tnr.Ht. t h t a, 1 1 n . w tl n an i ih. au-li- ' i " J M l anl ( thftt .ley fc a' a. I I a t ia i--.i-i -a Vi .1. .itio. - t.-a Va .t - b i 1 1. ia Iha tu.- tni I'Ijh S4turt!4),! M lattaaa B) ta W al I i.,.l I , aj.,i " ' ' '! ! I i tt a. it,.-t i., a'i..n,-.i, f t is i, I if lh Mai I . 'I l a, -t I I i-i a .:t ti ih luii.ii. i i.-t a a ".I S.t t i a pa, ii Sstfti 4 ai.t il le tma t i if . t) I,, tb ,!. im, h i it, .1 t i , t -m, , V ...Tl - ..t t,,-. '.t. .i , 4 I. i,, .! . at i, "ii . .ni ! I