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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1922)
TllK OMAHA NEK: THI'USIUY, SKlTKM.!K.t 2S, WIS. Iowa Citv Hangar. Will Not Change Status of Oninlin New $8,000 Airplane Station Will Split Omaha-Mawoo! Chicapo FlightWill He Mail Station. l'lana lo ronxirui t an air mall nr vie haiicar at Iowa City. la, and to rftt-i". trtii-f.r tf mall at tliat phi-, wilt not t'haiiK Oniaha'a alutu n lh Chlrano ItiK-k ftprlnaa (Wyol ruul. P. II. I'olyfr. autwrlnleiiilvnt ut tli Ornufu Air Mnll rvlia atatkm, union nrcj yitTilay, , lta nv xiKninrunc U that I ha OfuHha MnywiMxl ChU-ago night will I tl'lit at Ifiwa Oty. Th I'mtml Hul- I'natnnira depart ri'rtit ha awnnlfil a rmiliait fur u tiuniinr at lows City to rout 10o en1 thx alrurturv It rxiM'ilrd to t i.mly tnr w within two month. M. mnr and limit! nmrhlncry will 1 alatliinfil thi-r, Iowa City m fululilUhod aa a mull tut Ion y onl-T lenin-d Hi'l'tiMiilH-r 1. Kuat liound fliulila will' hr fmm Itmk Hprliifta to 'licyi'tinw, Ch'y,nn to North I'luttH and Omuha, cimaha to lown City, mid Iowa City to Maywood, W'wl boutiil il:ni'' will travel tho ama routu rxrfpt for itn already (k lirduli'd Htoi at Haw llim, Wyo whr oiu reserve til In kuiIoikiI. i minima mutton will rontliiiiM with itn priwnt pi'montii'l, except rhuiiKrW lemiltlMK from a riVrinion to rennn litillillnK plnni licrtf nod rpriter all io'iicnil liuildlriK hihI rhulMlng In tlio M;iywoil lin.. Daily Prayer 1U lit f.ilihrul and JubI to furgivr ua our ion I John 1 t. AlniMlity Hod of th Ilcnvin, tlio ii 1 1 ti n rid lliii mil! (lod of our fathera mid (lod of tho imtlnna! Hoar u. we pniy Tlii'f! Kor;!vo our ichh nnl re move our triinHitremOm fur from u. Jlilp uk, that wa may behoM Tliy Kloiy. Ui'll ti to aeo the Iw.nitle of Thy taw. nnd to f' d th- iii:ckeiilnir power of Thy wondi rful love. (Jivo us, we pr.ty Th" broad faith, brlBht hopea, atrotiK Jove jmrf a firm atfp to meet tho duties of ;f. Let our ht.-irta for Joy In tho rfmonihranet! of Thy koimIiuhh. Keep us in HttitiKth that we may serve Thee. We prnlito Thee for Thyniany nnd siKVil Meanings vouehwifed to ua, not only ns Indlvlduuls, hut uIko as a people and a nation. V thank Thee for pur forefather, for Thy manifold bl nn ns bestowed upon them, und throUKh them upon us, their children. Wo pray Thee, O Ood, for grace to (nnblo ua to live useful liven, help ful to our fellow-men. May wars and strife cease, and the kingdoms of this world become the k'ugdoiiiH of our Lord and JI! Christ. H-iir our prayer for our Redeemer's aake. Amen. UTf'tAV J FOHDIOK. Jiori hesler, Mub. Parents' Problems Should children ho allowed to buy candy at tlv school lunch counter? This Is not very advisable. Whiles tho candy may lo ffood, you havo no way of knowing how rich the various varieties n:e, nor how much your children eat at a time. A pood "candy riilo" Is: 1'uy or make It yourself; give It to the children yourself nt cer tain times, such ns after dinner or ripper. Dean Noyes Is Slated - for City Commissioner Indications nt the city hall are tnat Itoan Noyes, forcinan of the sewer department under Commissioner Kout.Hky, will he named by the city council next week to fill tho vacancy caused by the resignation of Comml sioner II. It. Zimman. Action on the m.'ttcr has been deferred until the return of Commissioner Butler from New Yo'-k next week. Zimman's resignation taken effect October 1. Marriage Licenses. IVrnitH to w-l havo lin lsml'd to thd following: i:ihi.r It. VVHtt. 37. Waterloo. NVb.. in. I Alien l.oonniJ. ii. SluiKi'on. Mo. ,l(.hi M' l'u!lo.l!h, nvr L'l, Vnsinirl Vul. kv. Ik . iiml Klora K, HirJ, over II. Itn toirl VnUey. In. Kmloleh A. It. I'nilon. 51. rimh. il . 1TIR A. IliteUhuus. tllliRhn. , Kfiwiril Co'lllm, L'4. omuha. unit 01ty SliuNaunhlon, Omnha. !nn!it I.. Sh"arrt. IJ. Omaha, ami C-iherin Crwfril. JS. Omaha. .low MnirU. ?S. irmaha, and Aajm-a Itriurt' h li-Omeii, ;6, Omaha, and Anna Kimii, :4. Omiiiiu. tlnrry ().tn-f. S- (imnhi. and Mar tout A II. st..-wtwl, 7, imiaha. .1. . h e,.,tr(.o-k. Omaha, and A n a WHtfrur. .1, (Mntiha. II. i wi A l.yrr. Ji, Ornjha. and Julia punt-re. 31. ointtha. tinel.l II. riiim. :, SiTln Valley, lit., an4 .VrtfeiA t.ul..iia, 2. (tnaha, Iiirtlii uiul Deaths lllrth. cm an.1 Mart Mjn. rif( 'in anil N an. Eirl :) ii-l ami A a:ul. H1 Via. tviiiiant nt Anna (vtraon, t'amJa H"Hi'", am Wdt.r -at Att KlkF, K 'I mh Tn.'tm ai ', . , ;,; aa.l !U A441M, HI Ol V!-nll air"' i ti. cnai l l'! M .ala, .! .mti lllfl lh?r. !. M ,wa4 M I SftbOn(V(, il oi,'ia a't- t a-l 'i f-tr a.Afii. a"1 l -v ea a4 H H"-'-l- a W ,. I H'.j W..t.-1-L III t'ar.,M I lee UxktM aa tlaai At .a, al. ' , tx. la a '' ' it f l a as.' fc o! " I ... 4 H - ( l'-0l. l Ik. 41 .a a H . a -' . ti . .( I.OI t.l a ."! a t w.-v i-.-a. a a w , , 4 . i r - a - t rt t . ! itta. ll .' r-M-!..- a"-i a t , ,(i v, i w.. - " I . . . I t . ,t tul-. '' "' t-- . """ lo M.,, Maal a $.i !... an I Ma tl Ka t -' I .a ---a r-. tM i ... i a . .i .. .. ia. -t a - e i ... . a ... i r -a .. .,i I! TheMen's Shop Sixteenth to Seventeenth on Harney - Main Floor The New and Correct in fmVq f! Intln no 1T1VU U IVtlllJJg No finer assortment of men's clothing is to be found than that which U here in our new fall and winter stocks. The newest models for young men and styles for the more conservative dresser of a quality that assures satisfaction at notably lower prices. A Special Group oj Winter Overcoats At 35 00 Thin is a most exceptional assortment of smart wagger models at a price that should find each an owner early in the day. Single and double-breasted models of self back coating are made in the new loose-fitting back, raglan sleeve and full belted style. All are finely tail ored by standard American makers, who finish the in side just as carefully as the out, etery seam satin taped. Urowns, prays and tans in sizes 16 to44, offer a won derful selection at this special price. New Fall Suits, $25 to $35 There are snappy sport models or semi-conservative styles that rely upon their fine fabrics and excellent taloring to assure correct and lasting service. .A choice of full Norfolk or Golf sleeve models with half belted1 back. Wool Mixed Union Suits Elastic-ribbed form-fitting suits made with locked stitch seams wool enough for fullest protection cotton enough to make them wear well. Each, $2.95 . . ' Interwoven Wool Hose These hose are exceptionally fine at this price in new and very smart heather mixtures. Durable and of ex cellent fit. Sizes 91a to 12. Pair, 75c Men's New Fall Footwear Winter Styles in High Shoes , Black and brown calf leathers Goodyear welt soles with flat heels. Made in the Brqgue style that is very popular this fall. Priced, a pair, at , $7.50 to $12.00 New Oxfords Sport Oxtords a. inn. i.!..Hkj. Black or brown calf leather new fall lasts. Brogue style. All Good year welts. Priced, pair, $7.50 to $10.00 Plain toe sport oxfords in black calf. Plain toe, flat heels, new Brogue last. Priced, a pair, $7.50 Burgeaa-Nash Men. Shop Main Floor. Winter Clothes for School Boys Suits With 2 Pairs of Knickers Priced $8.75 to $17.50 Excellent all-wool suits that even boys cannot wear without a certain feeling of pride. Well-tailored -in half Norfolk style, every suit complete with two pairs of knickers fully lined to insure double service. Dark stripes and plain blue for dress wear; mixtures and novelties for school boys. Sizes 8 to It. Little Boys' Overcoats Sizes 2 to S V If there U in thin fir a mll boy n?fd more than .ill other, it' a hravy, warm overcoat. We hav a com I'lHe lin of new merco&t made of Wurumbo cloth thinchiUa, and other fin fabric in tan and brown mix ture. IUith rat Ian ard ilain sleeved style in ue 3 to year. Priced $10.00 to $45.00 f 'f lfSaN.. fUm - 'V 'a-'- URGESS-SH GOMPANY i m EVERYBODYS STORE I 1 """' ' " 200 Street and Afternoon Frocks Priced at $25.00 Our artist has sketched four frocks that suggest the fashions of more exclusive dresses, and illustrate the styles you may have at this low price. These are sample dresses that present particularly attractive values from the standpoint of quality, and from the viewpoint of price. Canton Crepe Crepe de Chine Poirel Twill ' ' BlackBrown Navy n Dresses that appeal because of their low price, yes, but certainly a great deal more because of the quality of their materials and because of their late styling. If you do not see the style you had in mind, Ut us tell you that these are but four of a wide variety of new frocks at $25.00. Burf.M-Naih Dm. Shop Third Fiver. You Will Enjoy a Visit to Our Wonderful Silk Department Because it is a difficult matter to judge the quality of silks, every day brings greater patronagfc to our department, for customers feel that they may depend upon the quality to be the best. Complete assortments of new and staple silks and. woolens, and outside windows that permit daylight elections make our department the finest in the Middle West. French Silver Cloth Priced, Yard, $8.50 The two-tone Imported French silver cloth go mucji admired for evening gowns. Beautiful eolorinps of jade, orchid, black, and royal blue in combination with shimmering silver. Canton Crepe Yard, $2.95 Silk Duvetyn Yard, $3.45 Excellent quality in beaver, Splendid all-silk heavy weight canton in black and the 'new autumn, navy, midnight, Pekin, Autumn shades. 39-inch wfdth. white, black. 36-in. width. New Coatings $3.95 to $9.50 54-in. Chinchilla, Reversible Coatings, Cameline, Chantilly, Velodrome and Krimmer. Burf.aa- Nash Silk ShopSecond Floor Rich Black Velvets - $2.45 to $4.45 27-inch Velutina costume velvet of fast pile and color, yard, $2.45; 36-inch English costume velvets, yard, $2.95; 39-inch Chiffon velvets that are beautifully soft and silky, yard, $4.45, Kimono feilks Yard, $1.65 36-inch silks, printed in floral and butterfly designs of rich colorings. Excellent quality. . Continuing Our Loom Display and Selling of Esmond Blankets If you are interested in seeing a blanket woven, we invite you to our dis play and selling of Esmond blankets, where a Jacquard loom from the Es mond Mills is in operation. In just two and one-half minutes you may see 3, 12xl4-inch doll blankets completely woven. When the weaver has told you that the loom travels 100 ticks minute, and that there are 3,500 ends in a Warp that weaves a yard width, you will understand how the process can be so rapid. The following and many other blanket specials will be of furlhc interest to you. Large Plaid . Blankets', $1.95 Comfortables, Each, $5.50 Attractive Indian dosign in very affective color com bination. 72x84-inch size. Of light weight quality, of (tre'it warmth. Block and plaid designs. Kach, $4.95. Extra Size Blankets, $0.50 72x84-inch Mnnke' of ex cellent quality with hand some borders. Burfaaa-Naaa Blank.! Sh.a S.a4 Floor New Neckwear ICyelt't M'ts for wear when you wi.-h to h a little tailored; filmy lace nets that fit well en sweaters; dainty organdie cuffs and collars sevmtl Mtylt', all priced at Sit, 50c ' Boia.M Naaa Naaa 3k.o Mai floor Curtain Swiss 27e Yard 3ti Inch Swi tit a variety of prrtty dfIirn M lrk-l m nh kwrr than uual bvcan it happen lo find a p: i n th U.l Arrw ll.wth. . fcaafc ! 4. a who, iaoat. IU.4 Children's Health Conference October 2 to 7 the Children' Health Conference will be held in the Auditorium. Chil dren up to ."i yearn may be enrolled for examination by the bet children' physicians and specialists In Omaha, under conditions as private a a doctor's of. fice. Every aftenuon from 2 to 4. a proirram to tereting to mothers will be iriven in the auditorium. fcn.l In ihr onrtitWnt of yur on lh blank .w. or hin the fi-r l'inp' n (ho ( hininn nt tho ' rt! romw llr w'a t' at'h Tonf. r ", l Vn !0t. an, I an pfoin'WHl rar.l !! . M i h t 'S r w l h CWrwn H'lf.iHm. nt O .mmi t. h l '-ri'i ll'al h Titn f . rt it r Wk, lra SaS (" mnfty l ,Stt. rnroll tit fhi!.lr'i It ! H fV-f,r ; . ' t al It i St I'umi ac y A.tit-nuMi, (ifth fl.ior, darn ll nk f 0.,.,fe,r 1 t. ?, 1J.J yS hn ii. , tK lt, an. I h. rf ,j rari.t Kama , , , , Ifc. .. . I'.ui l allr. .1 ,., a ' a . " tMaw .' - 4a. v i - - a a . . , . ' a I ... , ,. - t ... . t ..- Ja, It t ' I " ! ... M , a. a- A i tVERYUODYi STORE.