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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1922)
THE OMAHA UKK: Tilt'llstlAY. hKrt'KMtffc.K 'M. VJ'IZ. V Clothing Profits tfCamoufln!;c(r Smoot Declares JtcpuMiran Senator Sty Dral- era Blame l7w Tariff Law for Increasing Prim to ConHumrra. Washington, itept. it Profiteering at the eapanee of clothlnt roneum. are la being "ramounagw." by cloth Inf uaJre through eteteinenta that the new tariff bill will InrTeaea prlcea tt cult and orercoate. Henator Hmont nf t'tnh, republican I'a'lT nrnt in-m-ber of the a-nute finance committee, iiM-liirM In a etatement nn tha cf fart f tha new wool ratee. "Tha prlre of worlm rlnthiiig houM ta cheaper In tha prlmr if ltii and theraitfter," anil Henatur Hrnoot. "rttutemi-nte to tha contrary appear to a ranwiuflage put out to hMe an Intention to profiteer at tha tkpxnim if tha rwiaumer, ir tot political purp, or hoth. Thera la no rex nun whatevar for any hmeat, ana prion to claim that tha pilra nt wool rlothlntf will ba higher rauae of tha cKrdnay-McCuniber tariff act." If tariff ratee affeit retail prlree, Senator KtniMtt ealii, 111" new law ahould rrtluee rather thah Increaae clothing prlree. The al.I-d coat to tha coneumer, attrll-utalile to the Furdni y Mi.Oum bar duty In raw wool, la ahown to he only $1.1 on a aprlng or ummr auit; only 1162 on heavy winter ault, and only I2.7H on a heavy win ter overroet, aa compared with the price which would have to he paid If there were no duty whatever on raw wool. Congressman Evans Plans His Campaign lUd.aon, Nib., fept. !T. itipw! I .'onraaaniaii Evaiie he returned to h.a hame In lkita City and waa here In conference wittj h a rniiipaigrt manager, W. U, Jtowling. and ! tltif acquainted with tha offu a force of hia head quart era. Congrenaman l.'vane aaa that the Hoeing niirii d;il more for the agricultutat ntrrete of Xebreaka than any previous rorj. greea. J la will devote Ma time be tween now and etertlnn day with tha people of thla ilietrlrt and ha plana to viait every locality. A conference of enng raaalonal chair men and county chairmen and othera will ba held at Norfolk. Octobor Conareaeman fcane and CharU-e II llnti'lnll. candidate for governor, and other atata and local candidate will ba preaent. SOULS for SALE Br RUPERT HUGHES. Step Taken to Pmmt . Pyramiding of (.oal Prices vVeiahlni-tnn, Kept. 17. -Preliminary atepa were taken by the Interatate ConiOHTie toniinlnii to reatrli t aula and retutla of con I hy Individuate on the Una of distribution between the tnliiea and tha ultimata ronauiner. Hiuk and forth f-lllr ar tin been held renponelble for aome pyramldlnr of coal prlcea and tha practice la aald hy offli:lnla to tie aunreptuhl to llml tatlon through regulutlona preventing rurloaite of coal belli rwiwelicned from one ahlppar lo another after oath aale. Kotnl Declare EmLarpo. New York. Sept. !T. The lehitch Valley railroad announced a riraHMo embiirKo, effective at midnight.' maln-t all freight, lioih eiut and weatbound, except fond for human beinge and anlmalu, livestock, perlali abla and neceanary producte. Armstrong's Linoleum jbr Every Floor in the House Ir l shoe store customers see the floor This linoleum floor is good-looking, long lasting, waterproof, and easily cleaned THE picture shows a shoe shop of O'Connor and Goldberg in Chicago, . which has a. floor of Armstrong's Inset Tile Linoleum. Store owners are discovering that in plain colorings or appropriate designs linoleum is a particularly suitable ma terial for store floors. Linoleum is smooth, but not slippery. It is restful to the feet, and firm though resilient. Wet days, dry days, and busy days make no difference where Armstrong's Linoleum is properly laid, because the floor is waterproof and durable to the point of permanence. If you are responsible for or inter ested in the selection of floors for any shop, store, office, or public or semi public building, consult your architect, contractor, or any good linoleum mer chant about Armstrong's Linoleum. You will find that linoleum offers not only a satisfactory floor at an extremely low maintenance cost, but that in both plain colors and patterns it offers an opportunity for giving individuality with dignity to business floor.. Our free booklet, "nuiineis Floors," will be sent you on teiue. AiMitsOKO Cos Company, I.iipiivm Dimmun Oik! Office 1206 I ley woilh DuiMnf '&4 C . V U4 e al. ket etorw. Kwitict Ia44 IM qiH b' ai.itr anM'h.a H " ' iri'tivM 4 triiliM thai kJ(4 ke twui lb. iIimi et ih H.v. I'r, m. .1. io ..f ihm lull ' uf t.ltMir. Aa.'n.t N.e fihre .oiiimlikU, i I ma.. I mwl eMraii, kar lue, teiw4 rare.?, aa uetii. a.lln.a. aue a. Mb4 !"' r thm efeair el ae talh.i a (hrck. T.ra can a lime ima aaan.a nacaaait, la exiM I kar kanar, km aa kxiiaial la ll hf w er.i la afbaltK. until e taia. Ma wa mka4 la L.ih la aa eei 4al n4 lai"Mitr. pnl...iru a., a -v.ai4 ta I'r. Hrelharli, Ike lawl'r kkr uiaa. A riutk from hib lha flrl had ka iirf.ritif f,jriiatir ihe (m Oir an r. u. la erdir a iriit lo lha tuuibw..!. 'I h.r. ha n.aie4, ahe u It luarrr an mm laar, n .a aa4 "LI him dia " M.m eonr.aa.4 la kar moih.r lha aeret of lha aitM kaky an4 k.r faik.r aa lmlui.4 In l irva lha trip aa kxaaMir t. r h.r h.alik. Un lha ira.e ah a,pnaH4a4 lha thrill at a rham rr.ll"f a. II h Tom Holkr. la eiuua huliMn exluta iiaa an4 la. in. 4 mil! h toi" i"a "le. ila of mu.latlnm fmin l larl,e, t-uilfill, vuluhla n4 luu'll hilurahd 4aar, (( aaIHM4 rae taataadaf .) bt Aunt SlabelT Welt An you remem lr itie telling yuii alwut tha awfully nice nun 1 met at church? Mr. Wood, villa wua Ida name, Itemrmotr? Wall, would you brlirva it. ha la oh thla tiain! lan't U a aJiu.ll worUI! llehaafa,! before your leaping Into It ( II ITKK IX. ' Viva waa at III lalklnf whan tha waller cam through. axln with bla proclanutlloni ''Kir acall fr dinner n dlna raw! Kir all fr din dlna awr There wua a acurry anionic tha paAionrera and lem waa anger to go, but Viva could nut rrcaa on ma atory ahe waa telllnc Suddenly aha ali.ped, alared, aelzed Mein'a arm. and whlM id, "Pip whnl'a coinlnT' Metn pled a druuiutlc womnn of iilngulurly tiolilo fare and fliruro and a'niiewhnt crandloae carrbiKr. (ol- lowltif her waa an elegant gentleman of a rert.iln eaotlclam, a bit peevlah over the bad manner the train ilia played In tocalng him to and fro. "Joo know who that la Mva wnia petcd, and did not atay for an an- wer. "That anme la tne greai Jiiniun Yore. Hhe'a been the grand alum at he Mettapolltan On ra for yeare. And the flrtay guy with her la that big English author, What-hla-name. You know, ha wrote oh, all them hooka. They're bound for Movleland, too. Everybody'a makln' that way. The comp'tltlon la aomelhln' fierce." Iler voke died aa the two drifted down the alhle, pausing to talk be tween diuihea for tha next leaning poftt. Aa the train swung the great Miriam half arroita Mem'e seat tha author wna aaylng: "Everybody telle me that Loa An- gele la abaolutely " Then they wero gone, reawakening In Mem her doalr to learn juet what thla fabuloua city could be absolutely. The return of Vlva'a huaband re leased her to her own thoughte for the rent of the evening. Viva Intro duced the partner of her fato and her dance and hurried away to the wom en' room to "worah up for the eat." Her huaband aald a few amlablo nothlnge to Mem, but ahe waa afraid to look at him. Ho, Cyril (ne Jullua), wai ordinary enough In apeech and ap pearance, but Mem could only nee him a the panther-pelted aatyr who took the public absolutely Into hla confidence and awung hla hiilf-atrlp- ped wifa aloft for all the world to uee. , . After dinner Mem found her way to the obaervatlon car and aat on the platform awhile, watching' the dark world of her past fleeing back- cord to the horizon and vanlHhing llicnce Into the star. . Hut her Interests were no longer backward. Bhe wanted to look ahead. She rose from the contemplation of ight and re-entered the car. riding that the wrUlrg deak m not In use, aha wua reminded of lux toci;, She aat down and began a etter home. Her hea t, weary with the day's excursions, melted again to ward her mother an 1 father. Hho ri le them a prattle of childish en thuslasm about the journey. 8he did pot mention Viva or the others. She waa afraid they would friRhten her parents as much aa they had fright ened her. and not no agreeably. She had finished her letter and was sealing It when she suddenly remem bered Dr. Bretherlck's prescription. She was to take a lover on the first day! Tne very name of the figment of Bretherlck's mania had been crowd ed out rf her mind by these curious, unbelievable people who actually moved and breathed. After a little groping, she recalled Woodbury, then Woodhouse, then Woodvllle. She took up tho painful composition of a post script with all the agony of an au thor trying to recall and to originate ut the same time- She had mentioned nobody that sho had met. Now she must describe the Iri'fortant man that should never leet. He wna an imaginary, and therefoie a quite perfect, character She finally wrote: Oh, 1 forgot! Who do you suppose ran Into on the triiln? You'd never gueaa In a million years. You know whim 1 went to Cart ha re. to take care Lean muat kind and polite. I mt him In church, aa you rmniir. and aomahuw I fa muih eafer not bitig alone. I'm aura you'll be gktj. r'ea vary rellgloua, but awfully nica ( mean, ao, of tour, awfully nice, Uood night again you darllnga! I. ring told that they rroil1ed Ur, ooi wii. her (urrMa obugii Kiy re memUtrvd hint. Mm. StuMmi had teen warnad of thla fiction and co luitfiraimi in it. Dr. Mteddon wna one of thoae who bellrve ullimal anything thay rmd, eapwluUy when they hope for Ita truth. And there wua nothing ha hoped fur ao much aa that hla child ahould meet a good twin and love hlni and be lovetl by him. That U tha parental Ideal, and Mem could have aunt him no other tneaauKa that outd hava ao comforted him. lie uwnlted tha aecond Installment of her rotnuiice with all the Impatience oX a country man watching fur the etage roii rh that brought along Charles Dli'kxia' arrlula plm-emeul. lie knew nothing of tha wilra of atory nrnkera and did not euiect the Imp hla child waa laying for him. Iter name ahould hava been Sapphire. HAI X. After aha hud flnlahvd her letter and aeuled It, ikiu pauxed. Wonder ing what to do with It. Uhe wua In an agony of ralueUnce to kind aui h a, puck of Ilea to her mother und father. She recalled tha llibllral warning agulnat doing evil that good might come of It. Hut aha dared not face tha evil that would certainly come If the truth were told. Aa ahe gut Irreaolute, beutlng lha envelope agulnat the tip of her fin gers, ahe aaw Mine Milium Yore coma Into the obaervutlon car and pna on out to the platform, ftha waa follow ed by tha famous unknown author. They were both talking ua before, and tha motion of tha car threw them thla way and that without checking their prattle. Mem waa hungry to hear how great people talked, to watch them bejiav Ing. She had never seen any bnfore. She auw tha porter of the obaerva tlon car grinning In front of her fog glly. He spoke twice before ahe heard buck what he had aald. "Want tne to moll yo' lettu, lady, at next atop?" She nodded and gave It to him with a warm, "Thank you." He would hava much preferred a cold quarter. Mem aaw that the platform waa not crowded. Ho ahe drifted out with labored casualnesa and aat down, pre tending to study the acenery and to be quite deaf. Practice was making her a zealous actress, If not a good one. The author waa Just offering- Mir iam Yore a clgaret. "Thank, old thing. I don't dare. I've smoked myself blue in the face today. I've got to fill my lung with fresh air while the porter makes up my drawing room, or I won't sleep. As I was aaylng. I think you're quite wrong about the moving pic tures. Of course, most of thbse that have been done are abominable, but that's because they were done for the wrong people by the wrong people. J lave you seen me as 'Hvnatia'T i nere waa a picture! Poetry, passion, splendor, drama. In that scone where the Christian fanatics drove the woa rterful Hypatia to the altar and strip per ner naKed and tore her to nieces it was tremendous, you know; real-. lyi There was something there that only the camera could give. You didn't see me In that?" She was a genuine "Have-you-seen me?" Just what the French call a "m'as-tu-vu?" "No, I must confess. I go so sel dom. In England I saw mainly the cowboy pictures. I met some of the men of the 101 Ranch when they were on the other side." Mem noted that he said "rahnch." It must be glorious to say It nat urally. He went on: "I love the cowboy things nursery Instincts still surviv ing. I fancy. But the big spectacles such as you speak of, they leave me cold. They have all the faults of (rand ir and no muaic. I ran land lha silent Untiua, but ro the ailt-nt oprsj." 'lint what right have you u cut Icjie 11 yog haven't aaam?" "Oh, but my d'yuh Miriam. If they had boa-It worth awing Id hat lir.ll dm an la thmu." ' Hut, my dear! utter damnej rot, and you know it. You are tha typ of literary butanrd who a never drawn to anything auept whut U dntd or la dune In a dad tyl ao curding to ilrad rule. You live In a time when a new art la belna- creat. ayea, and Inateud of ou are afraid, you l.4tig bk, like a thild afiaul-of lha oown. You put In a b and run ahrieking; ou ba'k, and 4 latle lll ruabru up 10 Ilia i f our puimee, and chill you; you f.l tha 4nd giving way, und rum f t liuraie lo coma drag ou nut "Why don't you pliinar in mid barn lo swim; fce lha hrtktri if you can't rUe oter them, diva under them. VHiut are you nfia.d of? If tha mov ing picture p ara a stupid aa )iU Hunk tiny are, bow tually they i ail be i-onijuered by aa h'rritt a mind ua you think you ura." Tha author iulnne.1. fih, I eiy, my dear MtrUm, aren't you ht)!itg It on a big kllutig? Arm I I uu the tr4.fl, gum out to ktuty your o-4ii? I want to tm. I'm going to try, Uattlly!" "That's beltr, III a fr better thing thin you'va tvrr dona. You'll are Vou'va written guod Itotala, kioru., plava, iia. pjma nil aorta if tb:nka; but iiii'ii have drnte ihoaa for 'ihoUMiuta of enre, When y.iu writu u movie )ihi 1I1 what no man ever i',id Ixfi'i tin jeenrrutioit. And look ul tne. l'v playnl pla, I've aiiug la,lit ot.iaa und kiand I'p-raa, and ilalliol a little, but, II"l U..' wonitu have dona thoae tliinm fur uk. In the niuving pii t in f I'm 'lo ll a ..iiiih.iiig that no wunwtn U-f"ie lliy senetdtloil lrr dd, "We are the piuii.ria, the Aigo nam, the diwoverr. Wa kball be cUuwna aat aura aa evrr claaaiia wna, It a glorioua'" (Te Ha raalluawd TMawrfaaj.) KujiUiua rdtliug lndiutry. Urand lUi.d. Nb., Hrpt. U-iHi a clal.V A. r. Htr)kr. aicretary of tha tmiaha Llveaiink aichunga, a.Mir.aau the Itotary club at Ita wtekly lun.l.. eon. lie dwelt oil tha Iniporiumi) and .opa of the OitMha irtw kund linking Inlereat. Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief ELt-ANS 25 and 75 Pacxagea Everywhere Uncle Sam Is Planning to float an issue of Ac,c Liberty bonds to the amount of a billion dollars. State and Municipal bonds yielding less than 4 are offered to Investor?. This is proof that interest rates on securities are gradually falling." You can protect Investment. by buying long or short time f irt mortgage real estate bonds owned and recommended by Home Iluilders (Inc.) and secured by high-grade business property of ample earning power. These bonds are of small denominations, yield Ing1 7'i, payable semi-annually, tax-free in Nebraska. .-Uk us for full details as to bonds ami property pledged to secure them. Dooklet free for the aking. American Security Company MCKtM Ilia ! Poatae ! Effective September 25th Another B Reduction 1923 In The Greatest Automobile Value READ THESE PRICES Roadster -Touring - - Super-Sport Brougham -Coupe - - -Sedan - - - 1-Ton Truck! 4 Cylinder - $955 - $975 $1,075 $1,375 $1,475 $1,595 Chassis 8 Cylinde. Roadster -Touring - -Super-Sport Coupe - - -Sedan - - - $1,375 $1,375 $1,675 $1,875 $2,025 - - $1,095 Farm Body and Enclosed Cab, $1,365 (f. o. b. factory) The Oldimobile factory at Laming is one of tha largeat in the world, equipped with the moit modern machinery to mann factura at a minimum coit today producing cart foura and eight with abundance of power and in every detail ta meet the demand of tha moat exacting at the loweat pricea ever made on high grade quality automobiles. The Olda mobile it now tha General Motors' moat eenaational value. LET US EXPLAIN GENERAL MOTORS' TIME PAYMENT PLAN. Nebraska SIOUX CITY Cha.. A. Tucker, Pres. L. J. Dunn, Vice Prea. OMAHA Company DES MOINES uiiili.nll ' iwwii.1 iii'i.r ii im. i.i .. - ji. .mil. . i i. rrr- , . . 'I 1 1 ""lillliHUIillll.mvwiii'Bwiiiwii.M i'"i.,:!i;;":i r.:.',!'.;,, ;,i,ajCMl!l!lli!iam TMC VALOt GIVING STORE Buy Your Blanketa and Comfort! NOW Double Blankets $3.05 Fine Silkolino Comforts, at S4.C3 Galvanized Pails 19 Galvanized Tubs 65 Splendid Washboards ..55? Golden Oak Stools 7t Set of Mixing Bowls... 70 Aluminum Double Cookers, Clothes Baskets oHc4 Clothes Hampers ...$1.'J7 Blacking Stands ....1.25 Copper Bottom Boilers, t THE VALUE-CIVIN0 STORE Hoararal St., Batwaaa ISlh an 4 laid Values Never Before Attempted and only by purchasing; m large quantities can we quote such prices. Prices are slashed to the limit, and too, we do not charge for handling goods, either in a wholesale or retail way. Why pay uptown for considerably less at the "State"? stores more, when you can buy it Dining Room Suite ISfllialaal Ihiflaa. i JJiirTVii?ailaW Here ia an exceptional value in a DINING ROOM SUITE. Think of it I Eight piecea in the popular Quean Anne or Italian deaijn. Spa- cial for thia week, complete at only. . $95.25 Thursday's Specials ' $35.00 Drcaaer $16.75 $40 Ruga (Room Size) 810.75 $48 OO Buffet S27.50 $47.50 Extrnaion Tab la SK38.75 $4725 'iaa Ranra 826.75 $60.00 Uavunporl $10.00 Ri her 85.08 $30.00 Klnor Lamp 816.75 Bed Roon Suites Three-piece bedroom auite. A ipe cial bargain that ia made potiible only through our ayatom of cloae buying and cloae telling. Priced apecially for thia week at $75.25 Price Sale Bed Springs and Mattresses tiy i.KTtr.M nt. Child-birth Valtaakla Uluttrated Dok Sent Free. Raw tttauaaiui. af vaaaaa, If a'anala an.tKo-t a an ania.M iloiiu., atai nMiMi aMa?l. ihw.yH auiy awniM .ne ne tn jtm p'mwiwi p.., rm ar-1 t. a ItUr a.iia4l Hi UN naiilila a, I 'Uaa .rJ a4 Ik. I aa " T.iat a. k.l I k .at 4 ati.r $ nv.iri iff . f at. a l aaiNlf In M.rtkat. In.!" laM.Jlfl I J varaa ettiisa allyj r H f Hn a4 t4 .u J I ' awa f .. aV JTv)Nl ' .. rt.4' la I -HQVv li TJl ai4 a'.r4.,, la ..'a. I;a fimm aa.. Uk iau a.itae UMk tat a4 raaUjaaaat ml a .fc..a a. a. r Mia-a a4 ... a-.tiva. ar -. m a ., a, II 4iiMl aa w&. a4 a. M B.M a .! vav. .a ' M.iaai a IiMaC' at at a4 4f aMa a-" . a !. aai Wh an in Na.J Try Pa Want $22 50 5p.ii.g 811.75 $H 00 Sp-leg. 87.00 M OO Spring, 82.JIS Our entire Hoik of mattraaa. at lv pciaa. Yau taaaal keel (Kit effer. Rugs! Rugs! la alt a.alaii fat tare, asd w a a a a a. t'kaieae ilkt liia aaal eel! eailf ajkile tiMka al raaga ef tilltiai i ( ate tax ! )I0 ... J HI 50 all ...... H.i.7. Beautiful Living Room Suite SiWw Hix.. (av. ; hi Beautiful Flcor Lamp FREE Wild iKit livieg room auit are giving r'KKF. a baaMtiful, lull aia.d IWer lamp, cm Vate jitk tkada. la aJJilma. lo aeaurmg lha !.! priaa poxilla nn ike rnnm tal, a an V FRt C lk kaautif l (Uoa tamp. Tka entire -aulflt ia pric.d-. Complete $99.50 This Console Phonocranh by $89.50 U State Furniture Go. Cornet 14th and Dodg Sti. Mak Your Own TVtwt at lh Slata, Pay N Inleraal 91 Your PrKa. K.CE A CEAUll. HJL HOOR LAMP Willi F ACH I'HO.N. CCKAPM. Pay k. ing down. Maraly a. )! aid p. Ir a law ra.otJa. TKan tke ia truinenl will ke anal la ynua karne at ana. Exchange Dept. 0 Faikanga Dayait. aaanl aaakUa ea um in ya J lurni. lure a I tam.t.aWIe ptwea ad iapl. il wilk aew pa. a ffeaa a Uk al tlJt. wl.a ly tnw pia II. k panaa faf U Int. ntliata law p.M.a l aaw Iwaailnte paf. efcea! Irnaa a. 3 Join Now! Our rhnrtoft-fiH Club nJ OhU'm a HANK FRFXt Id l A 3 ' 1 M 1 1 1, g- r v.