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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1922)
IX People Who Make a Habit of' Keeping in Regular Touch with the opportunities presented among Omaha Bee "Want" Ads are the ones who make their money go the farthest and most generally get what they want. You can't afford to overlook this profitable service read Omaha Bee "Want" Ads regularly.. Tin: oyAHA r.EC: Thursday, suptemkkr 2s. lar. PERSONALS i'KNnnna. All kind, of genial wi th. li.lllilua I'utv.reitr Con a of Iwaliatrr, Ink, and sifrni i DmiU. under in rrfu uier.lelnn mt th. irofaar. I fcllilren'a teella alrilglilened, ree Inpd. rata. Katraetlan fr Th Ientl In. ftrrrtry raepeaa aeitmlir let. Take liar ay. rrtt.ii,in of fitnti.g tree rar. 5'Mie HAirVATlOS Arm, U'lurlal" hnma aoltrit. yaur l1 nothing, fumiiur, rttaga. . Fin., Ha rnlleri Wa diaint.iii. J hona I'D, 41 1 and our urn ok will rail. 411 ad in.ri uur aaw hum. 1 1 l.-l 1 1 S-t 1 14 ftodira atree, NAl.h In nr.l.r it, iiteae rnm for tha holidar eiot vet thing will b fold I lha Herri Coram HlmB at mat on HatuMar. f-vl l, ni.a day only. I4JT Jl I'Hr Nat I Hank IHilg. alAlu'r.l,. ait-; ahalit'o, loe; at alp treat nt'iu, . Palon Ltharma, llu Howard. AT 41 A I.I. kin. la i.f fan, y rtiedfa, ail I k underwear. auric, allk lamp Tall WA. 7M. ItutiKM tnrret-lly wteii.d and kapt. elitan. tlal etaterneni. Iteaattnel,! rataa. JA. S 1 10, Mll.l.l.SfcllV repair wk. rmudllng. Va. ai H ATTRACTIONS. 'I'LL, BAI.H,NH hl lllir.K HALLS, NOVULTIKH Aak fnr catalnnua Novalty Co. Ill Kama mm., Omaha. Kab V A NT Kl K ItK K ATT VKKKt-HO. round, ronrr-a.iwa. l'rn Tarnlval, Wad, IK'l t l. I inw.. I'larlon. la. LOST AND FOUND. I.OT Irlah aaltar, imxn la kiiik nf "Tad." ll'winl. l'hona WA, tail. l.oitri.ady'a puraa In liurgaa..Naali mil Unary Oi't.. t'onUlna niuncy and wrlat watch, laluoil aa ktaaka Flndor krap rnortay and ralurn watrh to r. O. iiOZ S9, Nnrth nana, 1'n. I.OHT A aalraman'a hlai-k aanipla portfolio on O. I. P., Itrtwaan Uratna and Aaniand Wadnarday mornlnir, H PC 17, Keward ha mar. I.ANT Wdiifailay nonn, lontf hrgwn mnr tin ararf, illa attachtd to anda. Jleward Tal. AT. tlU. I.i iHT Long uavar katwarn mat and 214 Hi. on Olilo Mt Liberal toward. Call WR. K. .(ftT-in Konianlla golf roiita, hunday tha 24th, pujr "I gnld framrd noa (laaaca in raaa, 'ri a. 374a. I, OUT Two lllttt Cornhuaker tlrra and tin. a Krward WfC 1440. EDUCATIONAL DAY BrilflDI. NIIIHT SCHOOL. Complata eouraa In n(,onun!nn',y. machlna linokkaaplng, lomptomatry, ahorthand and typawrltlra-, railroad and wiralaaa talrg rarhy, rlvll aarvlca and all Kngllah and rnmniental braiK-hfa. Wrlta, call or phona Jackaon U6a for largo llluatratcd catalog. Adilrai" HOYI.KH COM.KOB. Pnylaa ItMir., Omaha, N! WANTED Man, ladlaa and boya to laarn barnar trada; big damaud; wagaa whlla laarnlng: atrlrtlx moriarn. Tall or whlta 1413 I.o.lra Ht. Trl-C.lly Barbi-r IJnllaga. Iay or Cvanlng aaaalnna. riWOKAK PUBlNrS roLLKIE. Waad Blrtg, Uth and Karnam. AT. 741E. TUB National Aulomoblla School announca thalr opening O.'l. 2, IDU. Coma In and aa ua. I4 N. S t . . Omaha, f 0 r cat a I oft VAM HA NT Sl-roOI. OF lUJBlSKttsT B. K. Cor. Ninntatnth and llouglaa. 1Q. MO. ANNUS K. OI.AHOOW, voir, and piano. 16 Kartarh lllk. J A. V)l. MOI.KR BAHPKH COLLKUB. 110 8. 14th. Wrlta for catalog. MALE HELP WANTED, COOOOOOOtOOOOUUUUuvvvuvv TLASTEBEIIS WANTED. Union and Nonunion. Wageg 110 and 111 per day. Eight houra. According tinn In city. ( Loca- I'lanty of work. ...Apply x Contracting riaaterera' Aaaocla tloti of Bouthem California. I be itlgglna Bldg., Log Angtlea, C'al. oooonooocoooooooooooo qooo boooooooodooooooboooooooo o r o. u o o o o o o o o o o o o 0- o o o WANTED. CARPENTERS MILLWHIOHTS APPt.T AT Employment Dept. CLPA11Y TAOKINO COM PA NT South Side. 00 000 00 OOO 0 00 00 OOCOO OOOOO IMKBIfAN EMPLOYMENT AUENCT. J A. 43: J So. lllh 8t. WANTKD Kxparlancad awr.lng man. NBltHASKA TENT AWNING CO., U4 Furnam H. THICK drlvn; inuat know city wall; fur nluli but of reference; atata driving prlanc aa and phona numbar; prefer one who hie had grocary delivery pet- lenca Hn W SCI. Omaha Bea. WANTKt' llr tor general houaework. or ech.anl Ctrl to work for room and board. WA TJ. t ante,! l.lnrttutl mid groundmen: ateady ak. Ileiiiilngoii Knatnrertng Co., Omaha. tVANTKlv l'iumbr; flrat claaa; "pan ihon Tholen Iroa , Leavenworth. Kan. WANTKr S i'd ifn to gu on ran.h, I alngla. roamed, Mu.l g.v rferr,cea. -a .all. Markit !. after .'clerk, MerMet :t ANTKIi U 4' build. ra and auto paint era WVlr l'v For soT Ta s riTiT i a w i r ain tewntawn t'nleareiia of limaha e ee-ieiarv. It'.: Omaha Nat. Hk. I la FEMALE HELP WANTED. t i', I K 1. fr .. J ;jll r ari l lHalNIs h.. baa ep.eit.. for w o ) a m o ol''g t.alttle r.el. lai. t'.tn el Aatetv 4'4r ea t rtni." ai ,a.e. d " I H (, t tra.el rooe'-lere-t tritt e.l--al.oa. lat taw, tlln Je.. w oi t... a r i'Ail-VK, '!. 4 ..e.r. , f,, !.: f P.II. ! ! . f-aa ! 4 a d I e. aa. ''a . e..pie e-t, 1' HM.ll ;il wlttt gut m te : . . w.t .v tf .a.e;t- V- el1 .,. a. tea , S '.e . -t ee e4 , I . a I I k 4 M ! if.M.av.i,, aa., giei .. ..! t 4a.tii i r'Me la I ...-- . ' 4 e ma t ta J ..aa triaill' i at It i a.m.., I ,. A' f. . a A trta".. lMa 4 '., .tie I lit twH4 Cite. I .. llll ?. Pa.. .4. .ia4, 4 I ee , -l taia . atiiH I i I II i'e ! e - 4 14. v g.,e -..1 e tl l. g,.) ; t v. wa, ... rH 4 a a l M nl I I 4V. 4 .et k ,in..(,i.'..i4 at. . sea 4 K .t 4e1 lit, iw.a4,. J,. : .4 HI Ml MALE OR FEMALE. MfcN at'd worn titt4 a IimI .n4 mat, tf .ll.trlh.itor r a Una ol f4a In dally deniend. 4lru4 fulur with a.g lirt.nt fur th.,. inn gaavt rfr-nia and capital audit lent l.,r amall initial alo. k. Api'ly by mail an latent, siainred ad. rtreeeed envelult fnr reply A'tteria'aa A.t.y, I. at. litis Ml., to. Uiufla. SITUATIONSJrVANTED; HTHKNT oanta wnrk ftr 4 u m Will ani tliint. reftiii furnished, Adtlr.e. W ilt dm. ha llaa t'uMI'K'1 K.NT nur.a with over two training deeir. fttaalfmn aaeiettng in r out "f t.Hir i nn Ja jail reel' (totter HOUSEHOLDGCODS. HKAI TIKl'l." walr.ut d taltla and 4lnln( rhaira. g.nuin lilua l.atli.r !, 1 lara whit anamal klti'lian ratine!. Ilka new; 1U0 oak clteeaeri 4 tattle, ae range, tannery iouh. I'k'a. Iteaa. HA. dim. il" ll. KI'MNITI KK AT Al l TloN Thla afternoon and foniort"W night. luWI'l AI'CTI'iN ItclUHB. nr.U Thureday Evening lira for romplete Met f gooda to b. gold at tha Krldey 0terhetl."n Auction. Lxl'LKT gewlng machine repairing. MIC'KLI.i llth and llarnev DO. JITI HKVVLNU ma. hlna, perfect tonditlonT" lltT china rahlnet, lit. HA. !7S THOH elctrlo weahlitg 0j Mouth lid ftreet. tnahiiie, J. I.IVINU room and kitchen furnliure. KK. (.14 !h hurnee for ele. fc4"4 Wcaltrn Ave. l"l"e hTTcOALTaTerf":!! l .irhy. W E tll'Z Kuril, good roilditloll. 3I Uo.lae. IIA. 7.44, I.Nr! 11 1" rug. Cell" KK4l!i; GOOD THINGS TO EAT. I.ARUB Concord (rapee, n lb.; (0-lh. Iota or over. L. J I. Gall, (h and L airceta MA. Ml. ' I'.N'lllT'ALLT ir.JJ. Kl. fin. grape. Call WA. AI'I'l.KN for aale; bring your container, 41 4 Kranklln etreet. WA. ll. , MUSICALINSTRUMENTS; TI1AUK your aued piano on a new player piano, fiiitntir aa low aa flO per montn. A. IKWI'E I' Dnuglag. WILl7 aacriflr new Marl in allver plated C Melody llanophone. 3270. I'KAi TICAI.LY new Martin ellvrr plated (' M.I.Hly K.n..ih"ne. Call WK. I (K SALE Piano, pracllrally flaw, AT. II .. WILL aell equity In VI. trola, elinnat new; good raiorda. Ilamaln. ZC 42 podge Bt. imt'llKHTKA muete f,.r aula. KK. 2242. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Ktill HALE Ona 14 Huh pot uard Itogera pipe furnace, excellent condition, Holland Kuranc Co. I LHIKK apoi light for wlmlaliield; lie. d Har. 2;47. RADIO SUPPLIES. LVKHYTHINU la RaaJlo auppllra Mall order! aollcited, Omaha Sporting Good Co. !0 Harney Kl STORE ft OFFICE EQUIPMENT oooooooocoooo 00000000000 o 0 ' TyPEWRlTEHS c O ANI O C All makea bought and gold O 0 ranted and repaired. Sola agentg O 0 for the CORONA, net our prlcta O O befnr you buy. Every machln. O 0 guaranteed. O 0 (ENTKAL TYPEWRITER EXC. O 0 J A. 412(1. lilt Farnam. O ooooooooooooooooooooooooo STORE & OFFICE EQUIPMENT WE OUT. aell aafe. make' d..ake. a how caaea, ato. Omeha Klxtura A Supply Co., a. corner inn and uougiaa. JA '724. tll'AHANTKED typewriter!. 7.l! and up MUiiand orric Huppiy. 1404 Donne Ht. C L O T H I W G A N D F U 3 NAVY blue ault, gize in, almnat Black duvetyn hat. Call Haturday i or evening. AT. 4210, Room 411. 1'1'LI. DRESS nulla and Tuiedoa for rent IA 81211. in N. 18th Street. I. Keiaman MIHHKS cape, tan. medium. Call WK. 2107. ARMY ahoea. 12.10. 703 No lath LIVESTOCK, VEHICLES, ETC. OOOD team for aale. 3r,7. KE. 24 1 or KB. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. WHEAT ecreenlnga. 11.25 per 100 lbg. A. w. wngner, soi n nm. tan ja. mi, LIvll'bEt'OYS. HARNEY 452:.. SII.VERTONK roller canarlea. AT. 04&1. WANT TO BUY LESK8. IlESKS. IEHKA New deiika. need bfiuffht. aold and traded. J. C. Heed. 1207 Karnam. AT. 146, WE buy haled waata paper, old newapapera and uiagaitnea. t'nll or write Omaha i'a- per stock t'o.. inth and Marcy Kta. WILL buy a carat and half perfect atone at tha right price. Hoi W-30H. Omaha Bee. WANTED TO BORROW. Wanted to Borrow $1,000 nt T rpr cnt. first mortiriTT nn Omnha rfl fatal. At1rHff Box Wei;ia Omh Bt BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. I'RCG etore, will aell on account of atck neae, a money maker. Call WA, 3371. HOTEL; Korl, my leana and furniah- Inga modern hotel of 1:7 roome, weH ea- talillnhed and paying buaineKa. Pur further partkulnra H.l.irea the owner. r.tAitt r. tit "i i' a ti t, 1 North 3.1 Hire. I, purl land. tit. KOOMINQJIOUSES. KI.llT rntTi lutlt, (jritiulu ti t ?nle t, Kent on (ioir, lv'tl; letim. If A. 4146. ROOMS FOR RENT ooooooooooooo cooooooo 0000 KRNM KT . ll! I I. I IV. I. T"V in. -4 HAH MCMl.v H it Nimi:l H.ftMA ITH it'. Tl' OR PMV'I'E IUTK AT I I KV ATTH ACTIVIC HAt' T PKRV NKN i tit' 4 7S. I"'NT AIL fO . TIltM u IOO 000 0 0 Of? 00 C Of1 A0 OOOOtJ V"H A I rHAt Tit K l..e r..o, Kit i. tt r.e pt .t.n4t p'te.-' I r. At. H- f.t- e ea Hee, Harney tltl ae t'Aa r . im. l ift,i k , k -r -, e-n kf.l.t If i)ea ra4 ! . Ill ,t . flvSIII if n ! I. tl ... t ,h.4 rmsMi Af i ft' l' ii. . 'ctat lat.a 4 aerM,'ee g.ata i.. trit -t. Ave. ..a !. a. i ' t f , a.eae. ai-4 io, I f4 II V "ill US ... t t.i.i., .1 at ia a aat. ', etw a lit , a l"tfct 4af r 4 i 1-4 1 . . . - t. m a hi el K.I. -. Ill 1. I ' ta le wvt- a . ..t , ,.i.4 Va a a.. 4 t, . II H il It tl a . t '"I H, i I - .wa t a., t "4 If i ' Hal a, I ..t a I r. .,,ala . , t4 tl .4 r - t . li at ir f i , ' - a. . .- I . . i, it 1 1 e u.ftta a a li t I a . J "nodi r-. RFNT ib hear Ja. k.un: leouire fur weekly rataa IhI jilt H OU SE KEEPI N 0 ROOMS. MUM TI.KM II kT . NTTo I.AIltIK llol HKKKKI'IN'l IttWlMk, I'KI- vati: FAMii.y , N'.t nil. Mi. -IJ N Jilt T I'oai rooo.a for liuiiie. ke-ping; erriNiiaT futnlehrd. tall afar 1 la . m i :.; llii KAKNAM. two Kltely fumlelied haueo. keeping rooma. reaaonah:. I'all after 4 o'rl.tck at Apt. Mn. 4 wr phona AT alia. I OH I moderaj room for houarkeeptngi everything furnlehed. walking dlelanca, I'all II A. Ilt aveainga I I.OVKI.Y fornlebed tmiiiit with u.e f kit' Ilea; we'klng dialen.e JA II' 4. HK LrVl"MT TTiV K . aif- Ni. a light ht.ueekeepli'g room; everything tonioleie. i n.ty light hetierhe.'pirg no., everything rompleia, no a 1. 1 i.l ran J'U N lllk ' i .M' K ll.kpg. Itma for merited eaupla who work; aieo aierping rma. AT olet. SitiT L.atge; f rooitia and kilt henett, Itto.lefn rvervlhln. furtilehed 0 "Tai'iiilifll V" Ht.L'uKK Kl'l'l'! UliuM" " "L'J."1 " - Mill real, llekpg Itma. reaa. Ii:l Ixoigiaa. BOARD AND ROOM. II A I'll U'ret Karnam dl.trlit, ricel ten! nteale, hm pnvllegae, f"r couple; rom f'iriii.hed In Ivory, e"U'lt eaf.eure, large etoaet, reaeottahli to permanent. WA ii)fl W.Tul,7llliir r7.oinand board where 1 r old . hn. would I" taken rare of while root Iter worka. reference ea hNOgrd i'l.EANANT room for two, with nteale. HA. TH. ('AI.IKOIt.N'IA HT, 57T Hoard and room for ; on Harney car line. HA. 0714 HOUSES FOR RENT A LARUE I room houa at 2Mb and Ooiiglaa A very desirable piece for nlgo ciaea rooming nonee liEOlllHj K, JuNKK CO.. flEALTOR). AT. UtiU. !J Keelln Hldg, Ki:VKN r i a, ilt and Cailfnrnl Ble : hot water heal; 176. Lljrht ruon.i. mod' arn, lih and Pratt B'e I'a. Gallagher & Nelson S2 f' Truef Hldg. J A. Ilf, FURNISHED HOUSES. I'iiII IIK.NT Pari of nine-room furnlehed home, to roup' or eiimll family. Call v nlnge. II I J Houth ioth Ave. WELL furnlehed atrlctly modern lroom hou.e. 471? Kranklln HI. J'hon Co. Hlurfa KIKTIETH KT . 3 14 II. aullful modern h'.ma or J-room .t.. gnruge. WA. bef.4. FURNISHED APARTMENTS O00000CO0OO0 0 0 0000000 oooo MOHRIH ARARTMKNT HI'lTKL, , HTH ANI IHilxlK HTKEKTI4. Aparlmenta conalet of living room, dreriting room, kitchenette, and bath. Weekly rental. Including heat, light, gag, phona and maid rervlce. Either weekly or perma nent gueale. Phoii AT. 3210. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SIXTEENTH Ht., "(I'a7n. Two and three, room epartmont wllh heat. Apply Mr Thomaa. third floor. SWKKTWOOI) AVE., 410 I rooma and kllchenetle. modern l.rlt k flat. ".RARTMENTS FOR RENT You Can Rtlll Obtain 8nm of OMAHA MOST DESIRARLE APARTMENTS. For lh Coming Tear aa Shown by tr.e Knllowlng 1MI: No. 11 Klwood. 101 South 49th Ave,, i roome, 1118. No. 4 Potter, 3Z1 Parnam St , 6 roome, $00. Nn. S Mt. Vernon. C24 Sou In ilat Ht , 4 room and dining, alcove, JS. No. I, Flo Le. !0lh and Capitol Ave, 4 rooma, $ii7. 60-116. 00. No. If. KlngahnrniiKh, 263S Donga 81., 3 rooma, li.O.fli. PETERS TH1IST COMPANY, "Where Omaha Renla." AT. 0544. 17th and Farnam Ht. I-ROOM HEATED APARTMENT. 3210 HARNEY. I exceptionally fin rooma In rhulc. loca tion; 3 bedrooma on aecond floor; 3 rooma rinwnatalr. Private entrance. Va cate Octolier 1. 1112.50 per month. Call ua for appointment. ROOM 8TCCCO DUPLEX. Juttt completed; tile hath; bullion cup board In kitchen; French doora between living and riming room; nuielde entrance to porch on 2nd floor; luteal of lighting fixture. Immedlato poaaoaslon, 376.00 per month. ,t. t 1331 lat Nat. Hk. HTATT CO. Bldg. AT. 9300. AT THE BKNOOIV COl'RT. 44TII AND DODCIK. A v n 1 1 a 1 1 1 now, neautlful S-rnoin apart ment, facing rnurt, 1100 winter. ISO aum mer; avallaiiln Oct. 1; ono t room apart ment on tha ground floor, 175 winter; l7 60 auininer: adult only; heated garage, llo wlnterj l aunimer. Tel. WA. Ii7 3 Henbow. "t i M A II Al . A R I i EHT R K N'l'A LAG K N C Y Thlrt) .four apartment l.ullilliige, r, apurtmenu. concrete, aheo lutely lirepioof Muipbv bed or he lroom aimrtnienta. Call ua. ami wa- will lak you out, MIAKH TIE NT A I. AGENCY Kireproof ApaMtuenie. JA. soi, AT. 9704, Corner I ,rK id Hotviinl ftlieeta. NEW VrptVt l'irpi.KX "flath. located al ;m Ave and p v. ii,i t HI Six fine rooma, Juat eomplatefl, ready for . . upant v. Tiled bath, built-in rupboarda, Kr.n.h 1..ora betw-n living at.. dining room, eutal.le entrtnt e to hi. a little pofcll en-ae-otid floor H. th.a at .mt e. .1 I. II l.T r COMPANY, mijrtrer National Hank pldg AT 4. GkT our llt i l vacant apat I itietila an.i h"Uee W a handle a larger variety of rniai pf...erii.e than an wilier agaaey P TKHH I BI .tr COMPANY " (HUH A'il VGA h:si a ' I AT 4M. ':,,, "' "'' ' iynf 4 i.,..ot apaMw.ent. with I' tilt t it,,, eit, i with t vaut.t'tl .,ifr...i.iiiga, rklldre Pa.w.ltlXI I4; Cattilltg Hi. ' W VHNU HVIITII A ft. 1 1 ' Fernet. Ht It e FtHNAM l" ." .i kie- pttl r eel fH,. 'l'y tt -tar. ., t , I. f-.e I tr . aa, aH iw-a. er.atvi r tt..i,t.ait.g It: a ai..., f" r.oaat batata . T t,n A e in. I UHi a .-.. It t i I ta I . t ta I . . r. . .. e, J Clll'kH ii, .-.I 4..., M,a,--. hi fc., . : t I, . i a VI IM I . . I I l f .. ..!.., . ... i I 1 1 , j,rt at ti. a iti,fet. ,v. -at i 1.4 - t a . aa4 A a, a- I a . ti ii I.. I . . . ti lJtt4t fa., t . . 1 1 , . l - a -, Af li.a .t ' 4. , II HI i i - e fat K -! r, a ut, i"iH r .. . t i. Ma at. 'ta I , ta t , - i at l 1.'. ) IK 4 l .', 4 i f . 4 a. a i.r i.f. lit a hi tr .i I inn i'M af '. I a . t I . -... "ti il 1 la-ll I"- - a. (a i. ) BUSINESS PROPERTY RENT offiea gp.r. In lb. Oil building, lllk and Howard ma, :d fioar. for patll.ulaia .all utotae co,, hicai.toiii. at. i:i. rrollK. roH KENT MtlOKNM etore roam at tot V 4 "Ik Ht. for rnl r. in, Me, Apply Y, t. Le- lemi.le on. aba He, AT MIIHT Nat. Itank It.Hg Kalng 1. 1 It Hi. Ieeltabie pritle offo WHh reception room a. .'n...latlnn, Apply 4" Kiral Nel. llank Hldg I I Mk e.ate, kiurlti.a Hldg AT. lull. GARAGES FOR KENT UAIlA.,i; for lent, hi JA. Ill 17. ail. llol 1'uugla VKUJJTO RENT Gk.NTI.LMAN drait.a room and !; eiaio price an4 imaiion. Hog v-n, Omaha Hee. MOVING AND STORAGE KlliEI.ITT HTOftAf.r 4- VAN CO, HoVI.N.l PAfk INK kil.llAliK HIIII'I'ING. Iloueehold (it,. da and I'lann He.iu.ed rale Hue weg to I.OM ANtiKLLM. DAN IHKllH I'M II Howard J A. ;t KSTIMATM furn. on packing, mov. and ai. nil, g. Contra. 'ia taken by Job or hour. nioi.e van a atorag Co. J A. 41)1. Af. una. uroeem. ...nt. owner Moving Pack I'.g murage. Gordon Kireproof Werehmiae 4 Van Co, tit N. Illh t, Phon UO. 4I4. IIEKINhIiMAHA VANi" 8TOHAGK. " lath and Leavenworth Via. it. 4l(t. l atklrg. moving, elorage, ehlpplng. LOANS ON REAL ESTATE Varm Tnfln No '' aterB r arm j-ruans .s,b f.rm. rnehe. Kloke lnveatmeiit Co,4l On. NCIBk. KIltHT inortgaga loana tnada promptly o Omaha real r.l.ile Hhopen V Co., Heal tore JA 4124. 1114 K'eline Hldg. blllAIOIir t-vear loana, A4j par cent, AIl'lH GRANT CO., - JV h, Arthur Hldg. AT. H4 WH have taab 00 band to loan on Omaha raidncet E. H. I.ODOEB, INC. tl'4 Keelin Hlder. 100 TO 110. otio I. .ana mad promptly. K. D WKAD and I) H. BOWMAN. Ill) 8 1'lh Ht Weed Hldg. AT. Olbl. OMAHA HOMI:H KAHT NKII KARM1 O'KEKI E REAL ESTATE CO.. It4 Om. Nat. Hk. Hldg. Jackaon 1711. OAltVIN HMoH. 4 Omaha Nat llidg ON IMP PROPERTY. NO DPLAT. T K. MITHION r.ava mor'for LIBERTT IIONDH 021 Clly Nat l Hank Hldg. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. Af'f'ORHIAN lf.K4TINO, ACi'OHIMoN, HIHK, knlf... hm pleating, covered liuttona. all alylea; hematltrntng, buttonhole. Wrlta Ideal Button A Pleat ing Co., 304 Brown fllnek, Omaha, Neb. Telephone J A. 1134. Neb. Pleating ,Ie;.7,;;1!?.u""" 10. Karnam, eeeor.d floor. JA. Ml. CHIROPRACTOR1. IlR. C.E.MAR, 300 Pagron PMg. If re, II Te At. 3303. Wa 0337. In 1. 2 In . DANCING ACADEMIES. KEEP'H. Ifllll KARNAM. rtALLRO'JM and fancy dancing correctly iHught, t-laaa or private leaaona. CHIL- I IRAN'S I'l.ASHKS atartlrig Kept, to, 10 a. J A. 14 ,11. IENT1T. DENTAL X-RAYS. 10 each. 13 a full "t Shepherd X-Ry Laboratory. Ill Securltlea IIREHSM AKINO. WANTED All kind of Bewlng, altera Call WA. 6n0. Hone. Reasonable price. IIK.TF.CTIVF.f4. INDEPENDENT Detectlvo Bureau, 304 Neville Ilk. AT. 6501; night WA. 4045; KM. II4HQ. JAMES ALLAN. 313 Neville Wk. Evldenr eerured In all raaea. AT 1130. Hlk. AT. 6501; night, WA. 4f45; KE. 04S. Independent Detective Bureau, 304 Nevlll H RR1KKS. VERY atiinnlng fur coat, shawl collar: hell aleevea, 110; other com plain and trimmed: elan miivk cape nt a sacrifice. Mm. McNamara, 5l Wellington Inn. lVTTr?Q remodeled, rellned, cleaned. Kneeter Alaska Fur Co.. 303 R ft. DO. 723. TTTpC expert repalrlnic. remodeling, 1 UliO !leanltig, at lowest-ln-the-elty price. Osldateir Fur Co. Over Fry, JAII38. '. KODAK-KINIHIliNG". FILMS DEVELOPED FREE. Tha Knalgii Co.. 1007 Howard Ht. MATTRESSES. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Fealhera re novated and made ui. In ne-w feather proof ticking. 1907 Cuinliig. JA. 2AK7. PATENT ATTORNEYS."" J. W. MARTIN, Patent Attorney, 1713 Dodge, room 2i9. Alao Waahlngton, D. C. I help Inventor aell their patent. PKi.vnNr " EDDT PrTntTng Co. 213 8. IS St. DO. 4447 MISCEI.I.ANKOI'S ANNOINCF.WENTS. DIAMONDS p,.,btm to buy back at amall profit. OROHS JEWELRY CO., Omaha, Neb., 403 N. I nth Ht. Telephone DO. 6049. MILDRED" E.'l.EWIH. Haxophnne Itmrui tor. realdi-nea atudto; for appointment call WA, 1423. 324 H. 4lat Ave. OA RAGE8 built, any aiyi and gl. llll up, Concrei work. Mlcklln Lumber 4t Wrecking Co. Tel. WE. IH4. P liT: SCR I p f 1 ON S care fully co in po un d M at ih I Hherman eV McCunnall Drug atore. BUNGALOW BUILDING BARGAINS Window Frames, any sit, IVs-inch Casing, P. & T. Door Frames, any site J? I.."i0 Oak Bookcas Colonnade Oak French Doors SIM .00 Oak Buffets, made to order Sl.i.00nd up Kitchen Cupboards, made to order. $,hj.00 nd up Medicine Cabinet, beveled plate mirror. ... ,S7.M) Cellar Sack frames, any ! , SI. SI Raymond Mfg. Co. 112 South 33th Ave. (he Rock Island Lines Is Kor Will Hot Setile With the Striking Shopcralts: Ik. nh et i!)t k.rvitt'urt 4 kfafir i; r tui the I 4 1-im they mi ,. or ai ,r.. ta ktm n mh tMi heiiN ahr I h if..r,i,!r. as rien nun, Tkf a a ttm.'a I aviturjef Michinijlj, Coilermikers and Car Men A.! N, Ht l.0.. l.iUtag, C ik J C.4l A.t, AUTOMOBILES, FOR SALE, ooooooooooooooco ooooooooa O hrKOIIIf, luving ueed rar look O aver .ur ato V fcav . Utettt O O p.trrd to ei. Aak aiwtul tur aell T A O l plan, whirl) piO'.l III pul- O ikeeer " a AKK PLAt -5 Tt MCT fHKH O 0 l' A rtk a 1 Willys-Overland, Inc. ,? O Ittf Karnam a'ce.i O o ftn evening. Open ktindata. O OOOO OOOO O00O0OC 00 0000 000 0 le llr.l.l AIH.IC vara .era, caak ar lim; Krd lKdge and .tber modeia II brand new Krde t 4iciintt Kor4 bodiee, new and ue.d Gl-r4Tr1tM AI'Tft ALE! CO, Op. vnlnge JA. I4. lilt llama l STEHN KNIGI4T Chummy ttoadatar. Re Ihla kefar you buy. Mual aell. W. K. VORltlR. Karnam Ht. Huui; bergenia in u.. Korda, prompt delivery of new Korda MCAKKRLY MOTOR CO. Tha Handy Kind flatvlr Hlallon If lh a Id Jackaon H'a nl. ItO NLW n. u.ed K.', can tr terma. f H KACI.HON MOTOR OO, Aulhorlaed Kurd and J.tlKOin I'.alrra 1'ith and A me Avr KK QI4I liM'KNiTaTill K I'fKII AR MEKKN AI'TO COMPANY. t04f Karnam Ht, JA. 4141. I Kill CAMS K. Iiot.ney Motor C, I'M Karnam. 1 1 k K f Kord parte at half nrlr. Par' a fat all atandard ma'aa rar. Neb Aula Part.. ni Hareer let HI'KKIHTEIt Klral-cla.a roull'lon, pow erful engine; muat aell at once. 112$, I'. 'I We, to, HA 447. or AT. 140. I'Hf'l rar that ran be ueed NKHHAHK A tJLUSMOBI LE CO, Howard at IMh AT. 1774. NEW ANI CHEO TIRKH, I? 10 AST) VV. I. at II. TIIIK ANI AUTO Ct. :SI arnam Ht. . "j74"! I'KKI) radlatora, all make, fnr ala r.eeenongh Redlator Ret.air. soil Karnam. CHEVROLET touring, let niodel, bhc. ffe for caah. Sn7 Hogglae. or AT IHI. A I TO PAINTING: all work guaranteed. f74 Hurt Ht. fall II A. I'll. ONE good Matweli touring foe .ale. cheap. AT l.'.ll TOPS, Celluloid end giaaa eld curtain! nulck aervlc. PKEI KKKR'H. HoLLY, eipert aulo trimmer, ill H. 24th NEBRASKA LANDS Your Farm or Ranch Turned Quickly Into Caah. NEHKAHKA REALTY ACCTION C , Cantial Cltv Neb I nformtlo MISSOURI LANDS ill EAT bnrgalna. I', down, ti mnnthly. buy 40 at-rea good fruit nd poultry land, near town, southern Mlesotirl. Price only l:no. Addrree llo 72. Hprlnafleld. Mo. WASHINGTON, LANDS. IRRIOATED land In cam -el Waahlngton ready for aeflloment; escelient goll; rea S'nbl prices; ay terme lo settler. Writ H. W Reeugh. Mgr.. Neppel. W.ab- Ington. . WANTED REAL ESTATE GOOD LDT1NGS CiniK TO C'S. WE HELL THEM HOME REALTY CO. AX- IIIX To lluv or "cM Omaha Peal date. Hee FOWLER & M'DONALD Ren I Kttttta And InurHiH". Mmbfrit Multiple Mating Kk. KpHltorn. BINDER & OTIS, Real Eatale. I.onna. Rental. JA. 2501, Charles W. Young & Son Real Fetal. 1402 City Ntt GRUENIG Real Eetate, Rentals, Inaurance, li)02 Clly Nat. Ilk. AT. 9tH. Realty Co. List wltn u for quick results. 141 Flrat Nnt, .Hank Hldg. llJii: BIRKETT REAL ESTATE Sell. Rents, Insure. 850 Peters Trust Bldg. JA. 0033. "Tukey Sold It" A. V. Tt'KEY A SON. Realtors. JA. 4223. LIST ynu home for sal with u. W have th customer. PAYNE INVEST MENT CO., Realtor. LIST vour property with W. Smith Co.. 1320 Famain Bt. Farnam Weetertr Reil Eatato Co, J A. 007 wiriaTd C Siab"ug"h. Ral!o"r. J A. Jl"5. TO SELL ae Glover A Morell. AT 3H33. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS 24th St. Brick Building An excellent Investment on 24th St. Store building with 6 nlc. living room up stairs, 3', 5"0. Gallagher & Nelson 053 Peters Triltd Bldif JA. 3H. VACANT PROPERTY. Happy Hollow and Dundee Lot Bargains. You hiive often made th tatement that If you could buy a lot at th right prlc you would liilild a home. We have listed for e a "2-foot lot on Hnppy Hollow boulevard and a 100. foot lot on 62nd St. which enn lie eld for leaa than coat. All taxes p.tld I'i full. Owner muat sell. George (& Co., Realtors ' AT. 3024. Celo of Ralatoa lot and acreage trade OcllC now going on. Special terma and prlcei mad. 1200, upi small payment down, balance easy terma. tie or phon Stewart. Ralston 14-W WILL build to your order on our beauti ful lute In Kdgwoodi very aaf larm AT-lantlc 3140. MA. 7171 VACANT PROPERTY i.rM'r-kil..t. ti.twa. . 4tk mT'aear Karnam; location; owner will eon eider offer C. A. Grtmm.". J A. 1414. oWr Eft muatif beanilful (Ighily lun. d-a lot. II It J A. t1i CENTRAJLPROPERTY 7v r.'l.VEHotiM h.-uae, M Hill). Il laae HI AT '.!. NORTH SIDE PROPERTY. Vol' REALLY MEAN ITT hrn yn. ear you wgnl to own your homer If you da, bar la your oppoilumty. m have five-room, are, a.l rnodetn bungalow in ..tod neighttrhootl. and will aell It lo feaponeikle, patty Willi ( iuo caeh, and eaey paynienta. GPARANTrK REALTY SALES CO, 314 Arthur lll.lg JA. 1J34. $2,300 it.iiifw f 4 bf muni twn I'-tn, Make Your Own Terms. Phone Mr Hpltka. AT. H44. or offpe, Amos Grant Company REALTORS. AT. 1114 110 ft imh HI. MILLER PARK IH'NGAIiW 1144 IHJWN, Itrand new fr.itn bungnlow; fit riHitoa and bath; oak floora tnrouetmut, oak and while enamel trim; full rrtnrnl baaement; e,tat front, torrier lot, on paved etreet. Call Petleraen, HA. 1003, or AT. 7412. $o00 Cash. Act Quick. A toil bargain mi m amall to 'ym-nl. An all rnnfl-rn I room hua with f itugf, liava.1 airi, pavln i-nld. In a flna ! lion In th nor in part nf I'y. Vour pnymcnf will b las than rnt. nt 4tm. KK, 4?-H v., or AT. f'j: da-. S. B. McDowell & Co. " NKAH N 20TH-flol'I.EVARD. Brand new Keiiaatona, 1 large rooma and bath, a sunroom opening with French di.ora. all oak and enamel fnil.h, garag lo III. Ml house, south front Int. paving Paid In full, Price tuny 7,l.oll about 11,504 caah. Immediate pneeeaainn. HAHP BHDS., 313 Keellne Hltlg. AT. 0731. KIVK-ROOM new Ttungalnw. I't-ln fealiiree In kit hen. dining rooio liv ing room. Hied bathroom with bu tub, Owner had thla built by day lab.. t half bln.k fo treei car and one block from Miller Park ai hool. Ow ner offering tine at a bargain If sold t once. KE. Palmer Co. Moves lnrran)n bumrtHif mm pi la ua l lak Iftrffff offlca apse. Nw adflrmaf itt K litis filiiff. W. J Palmar I'o Ral Kutata Manngftnfn( Hpo-lallafa. bam !t!pbon niiinhr AT. V0 HUOM, nSLX ti.iHK PAVKO 6TKLKT. Comer 2Sth Av and Har a tog Ht. I'll, HA. 3714. AT. 35. D. R. BUCK A Co. out and aail bom a "Jackaon 2000. Central I" "Hello. Is this D. K. Buck A Co.?" , "Yea, D. . Duck speaking." "This Is Mrs. Thompson, 2S76 Bauman Av. Mr. Buck I wanted to Inqulr a'tout th new bungalow you ar advertlalng In th Leaven worth Heights for t,260." 'Alright Mrs. Thompson. W hav. a very complet. bungalow just com pleted, with 6 nice Urge rooms. Fir plac. book raaea. Built In kitchen, breakfast noo; oak finiah and whit enamel kitchen, all oak floors. Nic. attic, big basement. Corner lot, eouth front on paved etrcet. Juet completed three weeks It is Kellaston construction, a pretty horn, and a dandy location. The price si $6,260; terms II. 000 cash, balance lik. rent. May I ar range to show you through th property this afternoon, Mr. Thompson T" "Yea. I believe I would Ilk to set it about 2 :30 if you will call for me. I believe it i. iust what w. want." This si a rampl of on of our many calls w. receive every day. We hav. a complet. list nf high class medium priced homes that will interest you, in any part of the city you deelrc. Just phone Ja. 2000 or Ja. 3R4S and let us tell you what we have. I)o it now 1 1 D. E. Buck, . H. J. Newlon, A. W. Terro. Missouri Pacific Railroad Co. Office of President St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 26, 1922. To the Shopmen of the Missouri Pacific li. II. Co. The Officers of this Kailroad have so far' refrained from' issuing statements with respect to the strike July 1st, be lieving that as long as there were any prospects of satisfac tory settlement no good could be accomplished. It now ap pears that definite information as to our intentions and pol icy is due our employes in view of the mr'eading state ments which have been made from time to time by headers of strikers. Kepresentatives of other organizations with whom wo have agreements have approached the manage ment in n spirit of friendly co-operation for the purpose of making some arrangement to compose tlie situation and re turn to service certain of our employes, Wc believe that many of our men were induced to go on a strike against, their inclinations and belter judgment and therefore wo nro willing to t.nke care of ns many of them as we could but it was found impnssille to work out any such nrrangemt nt which would not result in injury tu t ho" right h and standing of the nu n who remained loyal to the Company or those who entered the service since July 1st, I!i22. The Mioiiri Pacific Uailroad Company therefore has loeided to call on the shopmen now in it implov to form nn asocial it m for the puiiM of negotiating nn ni,'reemnt eoering wages and working rule and aU. fur the settle tnent of nnv gi'ievunee or depute widt h may arise. I.oval rinplovc-i who remaiiiid in our xi nii-e aul those who rn tere the M-rviee of the Company subi M ijm nt t.i July lt, l.C air hereby .Muicd H nii.uu iit t op!., ment o b'tig 1 they rentier aiif.t'torv miee, f,.rmer employes who ri nati'facttry to the Ci"fie r and whi apply in pe P'U will Im Kien jTifenuie in filling mifh venneita m now fsixt, tluir M-niontv t le fuui tUy which thfy enter the crviee, B. T. HUSH. ff4lat0t NO R Til 8 IDE PRO P E RTY JTif fcltHklNr! HT Kur."m mli, oak fiuor. and flmah. I'll ca.h. bat monthly Creign gag tra T ! a Initial ONLY I..4"PAVV: HTHICIcr. I'urner ;ath Ave end Haiatog. Ht. Call HA llll. AT. !' Nr.W ail. room I'ult h rolunlal houee, oek finiah. raat front, flue location; pitted 4a -II KK SOUTH SIDE PROPERTY. Southwest Semi-Bungalow K.atra hoi. born. I t.M.nie. tten ' and sleeping pur-ti; finest oek t oneiruction, preea bi it k foundetlon and gerage; near . h.uil; beautiful Interior, I'rlt !. T 1 9. Offer wanted Call J A J!l Foil HALE IHi .aven.otrt . a. eight loom houee, two lireptat-ee, full reinenl etl baa.-inenl, ouk fioora, newly decorated, tteauilftil Interior woodwork, Vill show kuuee bv appointment, I ?0ti, or Hm. o l ntf.t.o.n. MA l17 or MA 1117 WEST SIDE PROPERTY. West Farnam Homes $0,230 An lehlroom. two. story all modem home, near jMh and Karnam, II.Ovu will liatidl $7,000 A good eevea-r.10111 all modern houee; larga living room with flteplaie; llbrery; full f t.l f-ont lot, I nine. Hale poaeeaelon. ll.Oi.o caah. $7,500 A tv I'Mfl cv-.tu'' w r,n roin 1, tutitlK-rii hoinr on U 'il lMif1i mtfmml , A rjarffalu for IhI- -mUn i00 taah $12,000 An cf-ollont hrrni. nlna roohia with fin lah1 allttf; Iwu lthriHfiiiii, autiioom and aU'plnic porcl; flroplar nti1 o(hr built in feiiluri-u ; on room 1iuibH In taa riiiint. Knit tot ; afM aii'l ilrtvawny, I flirt jtttih! Inlnnii 4ilrn?hl I'lMti. Glover & Spain, Realtors l-:o City Notional, JA. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOCO OOOO OOOOO O O O fMttciv In Titinnrn Intir O 0 i w.-tt- in Muiiguiurr q O O O Ksceiient loation. cloae lo car O O ami acbool. Paving paid. Klv O O tlandy rooma on on flour, room O o for one or two room on second O C floor. Prlc complele, lii ii"0. O O Ka.y terms. For full informetion O 0 call Grant llenaon vninga, WA. O 0 50). O 1 O o Benson & Carmichael o, o O IJ Pa a ton Hik. AT. 3(40. O o o 00000000000 00 0 CO O 0 0 00 00 oo ISM I'ABH. " Located In choice reatdenc location, Flv room and bath Large floored attic. New ly decoritted. Built-in bookcare. linen cloaet, full vt'fr.enled baaement, guaranteed furnace, etc, practically pew. Two blocka to car. Poraeitiiion t once. Call WA. 4093, New Home- -Yntir Terms AT. 49L4 Grove-Hibbard Co. 6:;.8n'dnH;.r.;. .I l l l l I I l i I I i i i i l i I I I I n i-t WANTED : By Missouri Pacific at St. Louis, Kan. City, ? LittU Rock, Omaha and other . important point! , Machinists, J Boilermaker, Blacksmith!. 2 Standard w.g.i and working condition., I Apply 217 South I4th St l Omaha, Neb, in n 1 1 mi, , iii, ii nn i .fit , 1 1 1 WAITERS DISHWASHERS YARDMEN $75 PER MONTH BOARD AND ROOM Free transportation. Bonus of $1 per day for 30 days' service. JOHN J. GRIER. 1018 HARNEY ST. WEST SIDE PROPERTY Look! Here It Is Th br.l buy l. Ltaveitwurlh Height In a a r.tntn houa ril on on fuir. 9'lva large roome and run r.'inn; Juet . reel I u Mlf or t a 1.1 It.rtie III a fin lotltia. Ea Ira large b'd ri't'ine. Full remain l,aee. menl. fleored .lilt . Nl.e large garage, fine ehrnhnarr Tie price le only level Willi II iuO mart lull II be pbeetd will I).'K. BUCK & CO., PFi.Toim 113 om Nat Hank JA. 1444. OOOO'j OOQ OOOO oocoooocooooo t? Montelair District c o o N. w five room, oak and wMt o enatnel fin;. bed bunge'ow Only O Cunl. id for immedtal O aeMinii, l.aey terma Laii Air. c Kltiall. WA. 3l. C O OOOOrtOO''OOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOO ciAlHE IN. ItotiSI MltliLHN. Ila nt rloore. Imlali. an.i.l ..l and grlage. t'm, ftatio ceen ai, seee. H'SIK IIEAIIJ in, AT llll. DUNDEE PROPERTY. "r. H 'ni";vM:ir for moved to 404 KeeHne 111.1 I'ell ue. DO I4"4. FLORENCE PROPERTY Wk.1MAWATTi. nd tradee tBT4C4 MISCELLANEOUS PROPERTY. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O G O I P,tOM -4 IIEIlROOJnH g O Thar la a family looking for . O O well built h tm with re. lied front O lj Port h. large livn g room acroa. O O front, built-in leto'ei a.e. larg dm- o O lug room and kitchen Willi bum- O O In featuree. Oak floors and flnleh. O O Four bedrooma, both. Cemented, o n kaaement. Hot Water heat, G O O rage Eaey terma. fall ua today. O O PAYNE 4 CARNAHY CO O O I4 Omaha Nal Hulr. JA. 1014 O ooooooooooooooooooooooooo "We'Build to Please" Temple McFayden Co, 11.04 Farnam at HA.TI NGli ' eiil It YOKN, BaitVra. The C. B. at Q. R. R. Ut made ptrmant-nt aurefment with iu prffnt employei. Have va cnciei for a limited number of Machinist Boilermakers Blacksmith Apply lit Floor Burlington Building, Tenth and Farnam Str.eti, Omaha, Nab. rimi'ini im 1 1 4.iii'i 1 1: i"i.i4"i.iiiiif;ii'ii'ii i-v.EN WANTED 1 For Chicago. St. Paul, I Minneapolis & Omaha Ry For permanent job at ratei prescribed by the united j States Railroad Labor Board as follows: 3 ? Par Hour I Machinist 70c f Blacksmitha 70c ; Metal Worker.,... 70c Boilermaker! 70c i P.nenger Car Man...,. 70c i Freight Car Men ...... 63c ? I Helper, All Claiiei 47c i i Mechanics and helpers are ; I allowed time and one-half for i time worked in excess of eight '4 ? hours per day. j I Apply at Division Superln- , tendent's Office, 15th and - Webster Sts., Omaha, Neb. "tl'luf itiif irft'it ig"! 't -frtif rif !'u.iffjifii'if nihjinit, aitktvfHti t-.a i l.. a...... lax H-l t.-t."-4 I I 'I j !. . tl - l4 '. . ' a la I ' - . 4 . .. - I It4 4 f 4 aiat. ; I M ana. It44'llt i a. . , ,,l li.Vlt " . 1 V a ti. -,a Ill 4'k aa tiiail kl til !' ta.a 4 tar a a ,a . . It,. t..l ( I I . It. a "is a ' att . k s a j a ....... a.,. .. i..,. kl I i h. 1 I 4 I .,,.., ,. , ti , t - , ' il it a,l i.a 4 -. "la 4 .4 e)4t av . HA tilt. (Ill) t4 ,4, . .. I t, a. I . tl. .. 4, II