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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1922)
10 I UK (IMAM A liM.: U1LI.MMV. SEiTKMUh'R 28. 1922. Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day I I - III. I I j Omaha Grain 1 ( Chicago Grain ( Financial , Omaha, B,.t. 17. Uraln nutrkUa after an inilial braak in smialhy wlin tha lower foreign n..Mta turn atrong an1 ruled higher during tha tmlanca ut tha aeaafun, tha current month In wheat blng iartic Vilwrly atrong. There better demand fur el port, 160,000 buahala No. 2 hard whaat Mug rportat worked via tha gulf. H a will bi(Mn 400,u0 and oOO,. 0iu buahele of wheat and around a milllin buahala of corn had bean or-d-re4 out of Chlrafo, all rail to tha teteri waboard, all rail being ua. Br ll.tlCl.M It. MUIIU.IX Utukt flee) U4 wli, chUaao, tfrpt. ;. Hultlh an(l merit predominated In tha grain mar kta aiid thara waa an Im-raaaod dla (HMiilon la ignore tha political da velopmanta abroad, opening lower, tha mnrkrta gaftiere.1 trenih a they advanced. At tha lop. wheat allowed t I fl 1 Sc. cum 7 131 7 Ho and oaia ltll 1 from tha loee of tha previous day. Oeneral evening up and profit tuV In if tauattl a reaction toward tha lt, with wheal uiidikiK4 to I 'o liltih nn account of tha conization at and I tr. 'tha latter on HrptemiW, while) tuist of lIufTalo. Hielpte of wheat at Omaha were II ra. of corn 21 rara, of oata 17 cuit, uku relating 111 tare, aa agalnat li cura liiat yesir. Total ehlpmenta wtra 110 cura, agnlnit 173 car Ua yenr. Thar wiia a gi1 demand fur whant on tha Omaha market with prlcee 1 tit 2 centa higher. Corn waa a ready alo at cent hutuer; oata were atroiig, to 1 cent up; rya waa quoted V to 'i tent up and barley un changed, quality considered. WHKAT No, I dare; hint,' t l car. tl OS. No. I dark I ear, II II (smutty); ! cars, II I (uniullf I ; ' I ear. II i -rnul i 1 : 1 ear, II "4 (smutty); I ear, lb (shippers kalilit). No. I .lark harcl: 1 .-ar. II 1J (sinu(t)j t rar, llll; I .ar, 1 10. N.j. Uuik hart: I ear, II (smutty) No. I haid winter: I rara. n.ei corn waa 1IWI 1 In and oata l i 7 e lilaher. Kye waa 1 Mill" blah ar, Winnipeg wheat fiulahed 1 lu Nr.W iOiIK TIMKH.I Osaatv He I mm a Wire. New York, riept, !. The tiowiiward trend which waa emphaalxed on to day 'a murk el a for atirrka, lawda and furetun en-hatufe waa lamely, no Juiil.t, real) It of the utremely roll fusing report of tha e.talern altua tlon. In Ihla reape. t tha-movement of prit ea prohalily lndicaie.1 diallke of tha eontraUlitlotia and oUcm Ulea In the cabled prwa, rather than poaillva view a on what the outinma la to lie. In th foreign en'hange market, ter ling aaaln taire tha brunt of reaction, (or although other Kuroiean ruin d"- dined, none of thnt reached the low pint of furtnlght or o ago, where- Mia eiihniige on Ixiniloii went nearly IntluoiMe mi .... Ilt lV M.a I'.i.n.l, Jits, l Hlalca 13W 14V r.. iriff iui ,,, ii pn-4wruaa .... '"Si l'hllha Ila I'l.f.a ml I'Ula Oil $J H,l liuleh.,,,,. !. Kllirulr (Ml I II 31 W ' am Hi 1 tli a lli. It. IIS 13. Niana ml, N. J....!ow lia " !' Taaaa I 'ft,, I'mmh mi , Mhile I'll 'handler UoHrral Muiura v iliya-livarlMMtl t'lrr, a. Arruw ., While ,, aiudulMkrr .... It ... a MoTiilt I i IIS .til i. IIs MS 41 4 Ut l.f TIKKM I S If New York Bonds lower W I c higher, tha former on i , ilvritt t,.u. h.d alnce tha UctoUr. Home broadt-nltig ln H general wheat trade waa iiotil Kdtrly offer Inga wera light, but lucieaaed on the Upturn, many of tha local element evening up at tha Inat. Liverpool failed to ahow any material uneaal neaa over the near eaat altualion and cloaed 1 d lower. MetrtemlMW Wheal Tlhl. gpi.inbr wheat ald H(hl. It nt Ur 4Vn oar lha l.-.inbr at ih laal, with a eaah haute the rwat hur. Thre alio waa liuln of H.l-Biir and aalllna of Mar. Ki"tOra IHiualil l"'in eaan i fuiurea at W lnnl.'. alth"uih Ih neral eapuri demand al the eealward waa r purtad aa alow A hr..adenir.f In Ih trad In norn, with Feniamber lialit, advanced the at rrra Xn! I hard winiar: rara, II Of I iirlivrrlr to within a frei Hun of the Inp (inullyi: I rar. II l (la ur cant dark); ; rara, II ut; iaia. 1I; I tara, II. 0U; 1 rai, II III aml-dark No, t hard wlnlr: I eara. lie. .No. 4 haid wlniar: I rar, 11.00 (amiilly, 17 err rant dark I; I rar, lie. No. 1 yellow bard: 1 ear, It. 00; 1 car He No. I yellow hard: t ear tc. No, I annum 1 car, 11,17 (dark aiuutty); I .jra. l 13. No. t aprlnct 1 rar, II .11. No. I mined: I rar. II. On; 1 rar. 11.04 II; pr rrnt durum I; 1 rar, It (imutty); 1 rar, lie (durum). , No. 1 durum; 1 rar. HVi. IXill.N No 1 while: 1 rar, IT'.r. No. 1 whit: I era. H'.i., N'o, 4 whif: t ear, No. 4 white: 1 tar, S7V: (wheat mind). No. 3 y.llnw: I cara, I7.c. No. I yallow; 1 car. 17 Sr. t. 2 mlaed: 4 rara. 47 e. OATB Mo. t while: I rar. 17r. No. I while I rara, 17c; I cara, Kc, No. 4 white: 1 mr, lte; 1 car, lio. ftmiipla white; rar, .11140, i-i car nilaed grain lie II YK N'o. ?! 3 eara, dir. .No. 4: 1 car, 11V dour) HAiir.Kr Ko, I: 1 rar llo. No. 4 : - rar, 47c. HMainple: 1 rar. OMAHA RKC'EIPTH AND f llll'MUNTS C A II 1 . T". Todny. W k Attn, IT Ao. bl 114 121 ii :' ' 34 K 'is S3 I I i 1 - 1 II ' II) 133 11 : 11 14 1 1 i I I Reralpta Wheat Corn data Rya ,, Karley altlmnte- Whiat Lorn Mill K Barley rRlMART RECKirTg AND SHIPMENTS ni'SHKI.H. Reralpta Today. k Ado. T'r A. Wheat I,34.d00 1, 124.001, 1,311,0(10 Corn 1. 412, 000 1,171,000 1. III. 100 Oata 141.000 141,000 113.000 Shipment Wheat ...... .1.431.000 1,403.000 1,111.000 corn 7IJ.000 lo.(ini) li3,ooo Oala mn.ocio HOC. 000 71,000 EXPORT CLEARINGS. Huhel Today. Tear Ago. Wheat and flour 763.1100 113.000 Corn l,0(io 41,000 Oata 140,0(10 7,000 CHICAGO CAR LOT RECEIPT. Week Tear Today Add ' Ako Wheat 7 49 Corn 170 845 434 Oata 104 41 2 ' KANSAS CITY CAR LOT RECEIPTS. Week Tear Today Ago Ago 141 121 177 g . H I II 14 LOUIS CAR LOT RECEIPTS. Week Tear Today Ao Ao .-, II ... I0 70 ... 7 0,.a 33 .. T NORTH WEBTERN CAR LOT RECEIPTS OF WHfcAl, Wheat Corn ., Oata ., ST. Wheat Corn Today Mlnneapolla 4 liuluth 3 Winnipeg -.3.303 Week Ago 14 113 l.lul Tar Ago 343 210 711 CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. Uy Vpdlke Grain Cn. DO. 3827. BeptJST. ArT I Open. High. Low. cioa. 1 Tea. Wht. Sept. 1.0 1.1 Dec. 1.04 1.04H 1.044 May l.M 1.04H 1.08 Rv Sept. . Pec. .S .70 May .73 .74. corn, 8pt. .!T4 .i J.o, .! M. .0'i May .411 .l .43 Oata Sept. .41 .4 .40ti tiec, .31". .! May .MH JrV't. ,11 t Ut I t. jll.SJ jU.JD wtpt. ;io 'ij ; i.o Ml 1.01 .4 .414 .73 .13 .m .41 4C, .' 1.09 1.01 1.0IH 1.01 V. 1.0S. ,S!"4 .( .7ii .64 Vi .5IH .31 .03 .42 Sa iVA S .SIH U.3i .31 H .31 i U 43 111.10 1.064. 1 064 1.04 V 1.044 1.0H, 1.014 .614 .194 .73 .63 Vt .ClVfc .11 .36H .SI 11 ST 11.3 10 40 lino la 10 drain Kaporta Ileereaa. Wa.hlngto" 'lt. 17-liecr.aaed -pom. o grain, during Augu.t war. r. por ed "y the eemmere. department. 9 Fxport. rt gram during Augual gated HT.00.,00. compared port '."for't hVmoM h aVgVeg a'ed Jj J 4!.rh.A.uirr'h,i...ov- with 14 0,4i b.h. at l.00t),i) aur .(! Pl aggraaa.M m b&4 404 ...Mil ia44 rompaead with '",, r.Ve.i. watifc ltia. ta Auguat. KeeaM CM "!. Ma. a rd 1 eara, "w I vh'l. Hti It X. t yi:. 7 iare 1. 4 I l. . . r.ur.a on lha orri.nt uixurn. winie rotnmlMlon houee rlaiiiie.l lhr waa Ih largat ran of outaide urdera In many -. tiffarlriga war nut larg early, i but Ihe advance brought out aaning on reeling nrdira and with profit taking, i mad the reartlon. Heptemuer aold up to 63c. Ktportrr In MarkH. Conalderall buying wa haaed on an oin.'ll.nt demand for caah grain from th aeaboard with aalea of loo.ontl bu.toola. lorluding 111.000 buahrif to eaporlera and a Mt. Loula operator who look In lio.onir buahala lhr on bptmbr rontraela aold It 10 lha gulf for eaporl. Iam-oI arrival rr 471 cara with Ih oaaia rirm iq higher aa compared with Heptember. Mapteniber oaia old at a new high on th prtaent upiurn, loui hlng 42o ahd rloaed o under that figuri. Deferred ohvrle ai led firm. Tlirra waa aorno ailing of Chicago Iarinbrr agalnat pur at allnnrapolla at Hie dlfferrnrv. Recelpta. 123 rira Willi th baala eaalar a comparrd with Reptrmtiar, Rya derived lha greater Part oT Ha irength from aympaihy with wheat, l-rarfa waa not lrae and mainly of a local rharaclrr. Chliagn handler aold 31,000 buahele 10 Ih aeaboard for export. Pit Note. farmer In the Ctinadlan northwt de llvared 70,00ft.0o tuahala of wheat at In. lerlor alailona from HtpO-mber 1 to 36, o cordlng 10 careful eatlmatea, or double the quantity received during th aama period laat year. The fact that euch a vaat quantity of grain could have ao little ef fect on th markt lead nuny to bellnv that th drpreaallig effect of th Immena muvmrnl had been dlcounted by th de' lln In prlcea. compared with laat year. Th emigration at Huffalo, dua to the rar 'altualion rather than th threatened atrlk of lake teamen, la rraponalble for the upward trend In lake fremhta, accord. I ua; 10 vftael agenla. Around 3.000.000 buahele whent cleared Tueaday from Fort William and Port Arthur for eautcrn porta, although ail of them ar mora or leaa congealed. It would not aurprla the trad to eonalderabl Increaa In the arrival, of oata here during Ih net few daya. Mll waukeo waa reported to hav ahlpped around 100 cara to Chicago. Dellverlea on Heptember contract ran be made In car lota, commencing today. The corn market la regarded aa gaining frlenda and active aupport 1 expelled to be wltneaaed on decllnea. Ralna were reported In New South Walea and Victoria, Auatrellu. today. A London cable to Pjrchon Co. aald Italy had only half a crop of wheat and would have to Import amund 110, OiiO.OOO buahela. Oermany need at leaat 71.000,000 and England 314.000,00 bunhela, while France, even on Ihe taaia of re duced requirement., probably will lake 74,000.000 buahela. Cable, were received from Serbia e.klng for corn for quick loading. In view of the recant reporta regarding the crop proa perta In the RMkan and IJanublan cnun trlea, tha requeut catiaed cunalderable comment and waa taken aa Indicating that th cropa wera not aa larg aa re. cently given. Live Stock Receipt ware: Cattl orflciiil Monday 24,r,7 Officii. 1 Tueaday ....14,096 Estimate Wed. ..... 17,600 3 days this week 46,193 A.-me days last week.40,4ii7 Same days 3 w'a a'o. 39,964 Snme daya 3 "w'a a'o. 41. 669 Sam daya year ago. 29,860 Omaha Sept, 27. Hogs Sheep 6.023 6.376 6,300 30,698 21,663 26,113 26 644 22.166 16.606 21.600 62,966 61,269 64.2116 41.076 11,601 111,371 Cattle Recelpta. 7.600 head. Strictly good to choice cornfed beavea were acarce and eomewhat stronger andf new hlirh price for tha aeason were registered, prime ateera selling at Ill.26ffll.s5. On tha general run of good natlv and weatern beef th market waa ateady while medium and common cattle moved atowly at ahad d pracea. Cowa and heifera ruled ateady to lower and ther waa very little change aa compared with Monday and Tueaday in the Blocker alid feeder trade. Quotallona on Cattle Choice to prime beevea, 111. 00011. 16; good to choice beevea, llo.6iigH1.26; good to choice beevea. 10.009 10.60; fair to good beevea, 19 604110.00: common to fnlr beeves, 6.60 (f I 60; choke to prim yearling, llO.GOJf 11.2.i; good to choice yearlings, !9.66i 10.60; fnlr to good yearlliica, I9.0n.iii BE; common to fair yearlings, I8.0iiittl.00; choice to prima graaa beevea, 8.0us8.60; gocal to choice grata beeves, 17 10i$7.86; fair to good graaa beevea. !4.35il7.1i; common to fair graaa beevea, 16. 6006.36: Mexicans, II. 76416. (v; rood to choice glass heifera, 4 00ei7.00; fnlr to giod graaa heifera, I4.764J 6.00 ; cholc 10 prime cowa. 6 66471.60; good to choice gra.a cowa, I6 06l!.?6; fair to good grasa cows. 14 36 ep4 46; common to fair ires. cowa. II no 4 10; prim heavy feeders. 17 S 10; good to choice feeders. I7.004J 7 "6; fair to good feedera.. 4 J6 8 7 00; common lo fair feeders, 15.10494 16: fancy sdu-kera, I 40; good to choice atotktre, 17.00 I7I; fair to good slm-kara, 14 14 rf7 0i common to fair nckers, IS no 00; stock heifera. 14 4644.00; stork enwa, 13 60414 10: aloi k calve. II to g) I 0; eal ealvea, 15 01 (1 11 00; bulla, atags. etc., II 104 I 14. RKKV arrra At Fr No. I4 l Oil 14.... 94 14 76 31. ... tit; it 17 tin ll'J 11 14 TKgn and itrtrtiia upward movement cctieed in Junci, Weukneaa on tha Work Kxclmiiga waa greoter, and oaca of a point or Upward mora widely diairiliutcil than on any dny elnce Mnniluy of In at week, when prlcra firat gave way under tho Influence of tha "wur acare" Money Market I ssler. The day'a unaaillement of prices waa not acconipllshsd by any disturbance In the money maikel which la fail waa die linniy ea.irr. The none nr leaa raac Urinary movemenl of Invraimant iNinds, In whlih Ihe Liberty losna pariii inalrd, wa, therefor, nut a reepunee ! Indicailon of higher Interest rales. In th rase of cer tain European bands, notsiily me l ulled Kingdom 6a I which reached the lowrai prha aince April), ihe ea'lern poiuiial tur moil might have been th governing fac tor. The action of the Liberty bond, how. ever, Indb-atea that more attention la be ing paid lu the matter of we Impending lonna. Th actual effect of which auch opera- liona aa a larg t'nlled Htates government refunding loan la yet i. p determined; th Investment mitrkei' esiierienca last spring did not Indicate that placing of new loans waa an obstacle either to Increasing demand or to auaiained prl.-e. tf the later autumn were to be rharactt rUed by rapid and wldisprend revival of trade activity, then It might readily be predicled lhal tha bond market would have to Buffer; for a very aulisiantlai part of th year's mand for Investment aecurltlca has rep rraented business capital left unemployed by Inactive trade, and bank reanurcee which were torgrr than Ih enisling needa of commercial borrowara. t ar Loading Inrree.e. Very greatly Increased trad activity would reuse withdrawal of auch rnpl rai from mixed Invest men la. Jlut It run hardly be aald that the sign of tha mo ment point to Just such a change In Iho liualneHa altualion. and the money market certainly haa not vialblv foreshadowed it. Once ag.i.ln the weekly report of rar loadinga. classified by kind, nf products loaded, la Interesting chiefly because of the movrnient of general merchandise, Lcadlnrs of coal aa shown for the aecond week of September, wera the largest alnce th strike beam, larger In fact than for the' corresponding week last, and the total loadings were e.ceedrd In 1921 only by two weeks of October and even In 142(1 only In 10 autumn week.. Hut Ihe show ing of traffic started In merchandise and mlscollaneoua freight far exceeda- the cor responding week In either 1921 nr 1920; II Is, In fact, more than one-flfih of the largest loading of such freight In any month on record, which were achieved in Ortnher, 1920 tn th face of the urgent pressure for transnortatlnn of coal, these general merchandise shipments haee risen lo much the largest total of the aeason. Well Street Tapirs. 'The expected new Issue nf government bonda haa reached a stage when It no longer Is whispered In the banking com munity, but now Is openly discussed, espe cially as to Its size and interest rate. It appears reasonably certain, according to bM era. that the Issuo will be formally aiTounced by th Treasury department ni it Monday. There , were two definite re,l rts today. One was that the Issue will be 11,000,000.000 at 4 per cent; Ih other that it will be 1600,000,000 at 4',. per cent. The total Issues traded In on the New York Stock Exchange today came within one of tlelng the record, established on April 18, of 464 Issues. The total todsy waa 466, exclusive of the "right1' and dozena of unfamiliar and almost unknown stocks niade their appearance here and there, In most cases "at the market." Despite tho numerous reports regarding Improvement of railroad earnings, only 12 of the class one rnnda Irf tho country earning more than 126.000,000 gross an nually, report an operating rallo to ex panses of less than 76 per cent. The ffgurea which were compiled from tha re ports filed with the Interstate Commerce commission roverlng the first seven months of Ihe current year show the Elgin, Jollet, A Eastern with the lowest ratio of 69.7 per cent and the Iienver A Rio Grande with 74.1, ihe largest of th 13 in question. Kl llllkK AMI risk (loodrl. 344 "S Krlleyapringfleld 41 4 Ket.tobe Tire ... s 7 ' Ala. IS 1114, f, a. Rubber . lew 494 INKl.aTRIAI. Alll, Ileal Sugar ,. Al (lulf 4 W I., 34 27 Am. lul l, .314 41 , anient en eunia(ra 4s as Am. Telephone . I2I i: American Can ... ! 4V 1 chiral leather , 4i 4"', Cube I'anu 114 US I' Am Sugar 24 32 V. Corn I'roducle ,,.114 1131, 113 111 l'e Minus Player ,46 14 9414 96 tlelieral Elect rlc. . 17 7 S I77S 177S 174a ill. North n lira... 39 lt II 21V, inier. iiarvisier I'. M I ml Alcohol, ) Internal Taper .. 67 M , pfd, 67 7 - 6IS 41 40 41,1., US 4 7-4 16 44 1S 31S 19 l.'0 17 40 11 s 33 41 '4 14 lll'i 41 11 l ,21 41 l M Am. Suaer Itef, H.aia -Ho. hack . . . Si rotnslmrg . , . Tobacco Products W irlh glon I'ljiup lla.m Ci ,. Wrrlern I'nlon ...114 114 Wesl'gh'aa Kiev, ,. S3 Am. Woolen HI' 4 1 MIMCEi.LANKdl'H. .' (.6 U 7 61 al 40 46 42 til. to . II 07 61 M 40 46 114 62 16 101 . 67 43 41 4S 9le 7 it't II 40 n 7 4 J I , . . . 41 24 14 Mt. 104 109 3 1 74 79 eo is a 1 2 21 New York Quotations Am Cotton oil ... 21 21 Ant. A sr. I'h-m., 3a ! Am Linseed 37 Is I'nlon Lag. nfd. ,, 72 73 'loach tlaaneio 4n 40 likiyn. lisp. Tian. 34 3 con'liil Can 17 47 Cat. Pitching M 4( Col. Css A Else. .109 loa I'ol-Or.iph 1 3 lulled li Mir .. .. 7'. 7U National Enamel.. 61 ,'!( 1'nll.d Km .141', )4l 146 147 (.nrniarn I oriacco,,j 1 11114 -71 I'hlladelnhle Co... 44 44 444 44 Pullman Lll 12. 12i 12146 i'unU A I. Sugar.. 46ii 46 4f, 1. 4li S. P. R Muaar 44 44 44 4 Retail Slorvs SI. 7vi an 111 ni. at r. r 27V, 27 37 V Car Chemical 37 16 34 ioiui aaica, i,ui.,iou Money ;.. 4 per cent) Tuesday' I'lo.e, 4 per cent. Marks Clear , ,0001V, !'e clone, 0'07. ; iiince 4'lnse, .0761; Tuesday' close, c:4, tiu rung t'lose, 14.40; Tuesday's close, Chicago IJveetork, Chicago, Sept. 37. Cattle Receipts, 16,00(1 bead; natlv beef eteer and yer llnga, ateady lo 15c higher: better grades yearling sheer most advance; corn fed ofrorlnn comparatively a'-arce; top ' ma. t'eea aa-'f teeia and yearlings 112 On; mixed steers and heifera, 11176; bulk n.illv beef elecre. I4.2610IC; other classes generally ateady; (n-beC.n beef cows slow; uneven; western grasaera ni... ut steady; bulk dealreable bologna bulla, 4 16'(4 36; bulk veal calve around 112 00; few upward to 112.60 to packer. Hogs Recelpta, 16,0iii head; deslr. aide welghta steady to atrong; plainer kinu uneven; ateady to 10c lower; hulk IsO to 210 pound average, I10.60ul0.46 practical top, 110.70; short load late, 110.76: bulk 140 10 170 pound average, 19 Illtt'IO 60; bulk 260 to 310 pound butchers, 19.704)) 10 so; bulk packing sows, 17. (.oafs. 21; nesireiipie piga, 9.264?9.i; eaTimaiea iininover, 12,0110 nean. Sheep and Lambs Recelpta, 14,000 head; flit lambs, stendy to 10c higher; top natives, 114.76 to city butchers; top na tivea and westerns to packera. 114.60; bulk natives, 114.261a' 14 50; culls, mostly 19.60: feeders airong to higher: 460 Montana feeding lambs, 114.60; bulk feed era, 114. 25 14.40; ahep, slow, ateady! big weight ewea mostly 13. 60444.00; good handy weight natives around 14,00. Range of prices of the leading 'stocks furnished by Logan Bryan, 24s Peters Trust building: RAILROADS. Turd. High. Low. Close. Close. A. T. A. S. F. Bait. & Ohio. .1114 104 104 Sf 44 M Canadian Pailfln. . .144 143 14:iti 112 112 112 112 24 Vi 23 23M 23 New York Central.. 97 96 Ches. Ohio 7.1 73 Oreat Northern 92 90 Illinois ( antral. . . Kan. Clly South. Lehigh Valley 68 Mlesourl Faeiric... 31 s N. y. & N. H .10 Northern Pacific... 86 C. & N. W.. 91 Penn. R. R 44 Reading 77i R. I. P 41 Southern Pacific, 91 Southern Ry 26 Chi.. M. A St. P.. 32 U Union Pacific 149 141 STEELS Am. Car Kdry. .. .186 183 Allla-Chaimere Amer. Loco... llaldwln Loco. Bethlehem Steal,. 76 7.1 Colo. V. A I .13 S( Crucible IS'i Am. Steal Kdry... 44 43 l.ekawanna Steel., 81 79 MM vale Steel 34 33 Rep. S. 1 66 4.1 Tl 94 ' 71 i 90 106 66 144 Vi 97 74 93 66 21 29 84 69 7 76 2 93 2 30 64 66 21 29 84 89 47 76 42 93 24 30 148 184 64 6 21 30 85 81 48 77 41 '6 94 25 33 .160 186 56 66 123 120 120 122 133 131 1.11 134 3 33 86 43 79 83 84 Ry. Steel Springs. 117 117 117 Slose-SohefNeld ..47 47 47 t'. S. Steel ,...102 lei 101 Vanadium 46 46 46 V Otis Steel COPPERS. 75 33 18 44 81 34. 6 15 46 10 11. , 67,. I . .. A. Pr. in i '":' c" 11 24 Anaconda ., 61 Am. M. at R. Co. ,.l Cereo Pe Pasco... 3 Chill clitite Calumet 4. Aiis le.piratlon kennecolt ..... Miami Navadk ten..,.. 41 80 3 344 29 51 so 3 54 : 61 l 36 26 : Hah I.. I.. Ill 1: in 114 114 411 I 14. t II ow a 33s 1 , 1 J . Hriy 1 i . 1 e ,Cl.ia 4 ! mi 14 : rianerel A.phalt ( eeden ... . . . . Cal Peterol ... I. lead nil . !6 . !6 , 40 40 6-1 , ' 3 34 . 34 , 24 2 2 14' I 14 16 , U 14 14 1i 47 44 64 17 OIL. 42 46 4'V 4! lW 46 19 14 4 44 44 41 s Kansas t'llr Live Stock. Kansas Clly, Mo., Sept. 37. (United Statea lieimrtment of Agriculture.) Cat tie Recelfila. 16.000 head; market, beef ateera, mnaily steady to atrong: spot higher mi led Iota;- top medium welghta, 111. 60; beat heavy, 611.35: fat she stock steady to weak: bulk cowa, 'I4.00'6.60; better grades, tO.OO'fr'O.KO; moat heifers, 15.606.60; cnlves ateady to weak; best vealere, 610.60 1. 00; all other classes around steady; bulk caniiers, 12. S0O2.76; cutters mostly :l.00fj,3.60; most bulls, 'l 60"r 4.00; few abova 14.35. Hogs Receipts. 6,000 head; market mostly 6rl0c higher; closing weak tin mixed quality ; trader top,"410.16; shipper mid packer top, 4111. 10; 140 to jsv-in., 9.66Coy9.90; ISO to 240-Ul. mostly 19.269 10.06; bulk 250 in 320-11)., 19.6510.00; bulk of aales, 19. 40fi 10.06; packing sows 6 10c lower, mostly I8.2648.60. few at 18.65; atnek piga steady to atrong: best natives. 19 90; bulk of sales. !9,50iji9.76. Sheeii Receipts, 8,000 head; market very slow; early solea ran steady to 2fic higher: prime Ctahs. 114.66; plainer kind and shop mostly steady; fat ewes largoly 5. 60ft 6.60. St. 1-oiila Livestock. East St. Louis. III., Sept. 27. Cattle Receipts, f.iiiio head; fed steers, good "lo choice light yearlings, canners and Blocker steers, steady; weatern steers, shade lower; grass heifers, heef cowa and eiil calves, 25o lower; 111.25 paid for yearling ateera; hulk best ateers. 19.76 1110.00; grssK westerners, 4 9otr6.0(l; light yearllnge, 7.50Sr9.00: beef cows. !4.00fif6.25; laniMrs, 12.502.611: bologna bulla. i.76(ri,4.26; vealere. 111.00; top, 111.26; atocker steers, I4.606.26. Hogs Receipts. 6,600 head; closing tone sctive and strong 011 butcher hogs aver aging 200 pounds and better: other kinds, slow and weak: top, 110.60 for 200 101 250 pound aveiages: bulk 150 to 200-pound kinds, I10.25W10.4O; 210 to 260-pound-ers, 10.40ifi 10 60; 260 to 300-pound vv... Bht, 110.16610.41); light lights, 110.10 H0.26: desirable weight pigs, l.8otp M ill: packer sows, 18.008.35. Sheep and Lsmbs Receipts. 5,500 head: closing tone. 26c lover on fal lambs; top lamha to butchers. 114.00; packers, 113.75; bulk fat lamlis, 113.26013.75; others un changed. Sioux City Livestock. Sioux City. Sept. 37. Cattle Receipts, 3 ooo bend: market, ateady: fed steers and yearllnga, 18. ootj 11.26; grasa ateera and yearlings. 5.50t( 8.50: greasers, cows and h-i(, i. 14 00' fat cowa and heifera. 16 00tl8.50; canners, 2 26(2.76; vealai 61 uoirt lo.oii; feeders, cowe and heifers, 13 ,e"Ci 4.00' aio-aera. It 604J8 0M. Ilga Receipts. 6.5no head; market, steady, t no lower; I'ghla. l(l OOfHO.lo; mixed, 8 563li: packer. 7.60I.IO; bel! of .alee. il.f lo 00. nheep Recelpta, head; market, al.ady. tut . ni 4 6,j Sew aerk t'ottim. New Tork. Sept. 27 Cotton futures sagged tadav, despite th bullish crop condition esllmates. The first two hours 31 I (,IIII" aa i.i.v.i f , ui reatouai B'.e "nu ...- rake, not in. maraei easen oir under " I weight of further southern hedge pr.ur and a little. Japanese selling, Af'er be ing 10 lo 20 po.r.'a al lower, recovering moat lhat around m ddav, price later ease.! eft In aympaihy with the siock niarkat. Tne ri... a the low, ,,ff 31 il peima net. Spot uuiei, at 7"c. 31 polnis decline for mlddllfig Ul.:4td- Sou'hara inaraei. Ilalvaaten. 1'i.e, l ',(a decline, NSW "Jtleehe, 34 :ae, J . hihi ...a eelling a II!. yeaillet j i..m dacin. SmaniTh. 34-4S, It paia'a 1 4 ..J W.thera, 17 t ,wlie; ll-.,.(.h.fc ) uaihang.d., jiii.,as .h..p! rt lan,.e. i K.i. l"c 4 gaiaie deeliee, l.itti j l. .kal-a, I I Ue II II. lai l.onw, let H, I'' til'. 34 pMei de. Ilee, i o. a"' IHi'SUli. r.-1c lame, j 1 1 - 111 :.4f'4 36:, l MSIK', 11 , . . , , I ,'fM II a.t. (l a wee. . Ne-etorh v. SI - ep-t eeilen, I lag I la, ' feJr ee, !M.' n.,ddlig. 2 ? - j - .a-.,-. 41 '-""-"-4a bet. !'' Oeeaaweae I' ,'...- ef !, a'".. t1 4M4, .....a i.e.. e-K i ir '" . 14 kt i . ' ' tie 1 tei, . T' a. .i-i. ' ; 4.., .eaee-4 ee"4 e w..h. : w targgsj c l,Tt K 66Sli A, k e P 14 fMe.r4 . . ., . t teadae IH - M fJ. 4 t S ) I' t t l 14 IMH4 ! 4 'I 14 t ... ... t 44-a.-e.p a l k t a--. ee-e t geea) 4u.nI ft. e I m 1 ri -(. t 4. a,v,i.r iai iit ! a e j lift). N e s -4 a l.u I l-a. l 1.1 a--' i e .H.e .1 I'tflk ( a. e4 f ia( t'4e ea ! "I'll a4 . a . ae l ig 14, 14 M 6), I. a, f It 4 14 i l l As I. I4 44 aj.a..Maag - a al a.-e i ... - .- - e.-4 4 6 -- a. I l ' -' - ' 44 a a. e-s - a el ' .s-4 M i' 6.ea r :-- 4 l f . 41. It. (,. 44 ' ' tVv.e.. I ' . . '-4 ' " ' ,. ! l. i.4 ,4 li 4 II 4 4 4 . ' U I . .4 4 tl U 1,1 t' t I l . I. it , . 4 ' I I- 4. ;.4 u ti ii " ii e.r- a . e ii ' (. ea.a t ' .4. a 6 4 -' " 44 a- . -4 ...-- a" .-4 e ..... I ' . ... .. ... ta igi- .' . .1 ... I ' ill a . t. - i . 4 . 4l 1 1 . . 4. . e " 4 1.6 44. tU ) "' IP A BATH A DAY THE HEW RUUD AUTO MATIC WATER HEATER Number 9S limit la jupt'l tnatie'lt Hl Wale ff tha rt0 soma at rrtra ts gTr( fume-owner fan fay, A grngU ayn4vit put ang in yur a ta, a'ancw in..aith.y wttt) ta ki'.U. t aiisiect'iry feriermano i fttafati T WAim HCATm rxrmiiNtt e II ye TlplUee) Caee.e. Peal. MelrvpulitaN Uttliltwl UuU GAS OEPARfMEIIl 11.1 M.eiaee) Il.e4 IH1 agla 01 Near foik. 17 The break la Utterly laeuae, which fell I la tl SHiime. ti. ih nuiatanding tlevalopmsei in lo. daj' bond market, which wee en of Ih Weakest III latent we-ks I n. erlaintr regaidmg th term ef t'oerntneiii's paw f mam ing waa lha only xpianaliue furl kenning for tne present decline In war I .uea Liberty la uf. farad Ihe meal, but lha 1 aariea ale) rigisiered material r.'aaalona. ee.aial weak u'.t alo were uncovered in lha bonda list. Prague 1a rtn.pping 1 polnis. I'ani.h Municipal a erir A 1 nd Pel ig-l.yeiia-Medileia lanaen . tlraail 7 ad a, Anion Jura gene a glut Cut railway 6 a point each. leeal traction alao lost ronslderahl ground, Hrooklyn Kapld Transit 7a. car. nfirate 7s and 7s each loalng I I cute or mote, with allghtly amallar loaaea In ihe Third Avenue dluaiment 6a. Hrookiya t'liloii Klavaied etamped 1 and the llilerhoroliga laauea. of I lo t potnla were iiulie wm, mou in the railroad and Industrial llsis, 'I hey In-, luded llalllmnra t'hio 4a. St. Paul ronvartibl 464 end 6 and refund. I.ier 4s, Chile Copper a. "Kaiy" le, ad. luxnieiii aa and nan issueo - .a, nun folk e Western convertible s. Northern 1'a.lflc Is, Pennsylvania general 4w and 6a. yrla.o edluatmrnt la. Income a and prior lien . Southern Railway 4a and ts, ........ a. I .... lu. s.. hn.r.i raiuna n 1 ta. Saw York Central 4a. Colorado ( Southern 4a, American Smaiiing it, Colorado Industrial Is and a few omers. i'otel sales (par valuei ware 1:1,431,00 I nlled Nlalea Honda. Saleg (In l neoi High l.or Clos 12rl.lhsrir ts ....10ll0tll00 90 73 Uberty 1st 4.. I0 211 110 00 100 II 1214 Liberty Id 4s.. 100 03 91. 7 S4 !"JI Liberty 3d 4S..IOO.IIO 9171 161 I74 Liberty 4th 4s,.lo0 14 Isle till Ml Victory 4, . . , . loo 41 100 6(1 Ina.14 261 Victory 4, ... 100.24 loot 100.21 Korelgn IJevernmeut, hlele and Municipal, 4 Argentine 7 103 lot 1"2 I Chinese (Inv Ry 6 113 118 111 14 Ilergen 10 " so II Copenhagen la .. 13 4J 97 II Lyons ha " It 16 Marseilles 40 10 0 I Hie de Janeiro 6 ,.tno 100 loe 12 San Paulo I 102 101 lot 3 Zurich a 114 114 114 It Cxachoelo Rep rt 18 12 92 1 Iran Mui.l a A... .107 107 lu7 61 liept Seine 7 84 67 87 14 Horn Can la 21.101 100 joo Hum can 6 .... t s 99 122 I1..111 Can 6a 62 ... 9 19 13 Olch K Ind s 47.. 96 44 97 Dtch K Ind la II., 96 94 II Kren. h Rep as ,,loo ins 11 Kren.h Rep 7a .. 14 4 tO Japanese let 4.. 41 91 ao .iananes 4a 99 4 4H 100 94 40 104 101) 464. 14 44 41 Reigium ? 1 Helglum 6 Ttenmgrk 6 I Itslv a f.4 Nalherlsndg. 4 ,,. t Norwsy aa 16 Sweden 117 Psrle.l.y-Med Is , .',6 Pep Kullvla, Is . ., Tten Chile la 44. , . 1 Ren Cuba 6s 04. 1 Rep t'rueunr 6g, . , 17 neenslsnd 7 ..... 7 Queensland 6s .... 1 Rio Or do Sul I , Its Hwl-s Con . 644 K (I 74 7 His 5-.1i't 106B; mi in k n n i in. t io mm ioi t if 6 HI I 6is 17 102U lm inj 10 IT R rteaxll Is 64 64 64S 11 IT S Mexico 6s .. 40 21 19 Railway and Miscellaneous. 1 Alex Rubber s .. 14 I9U 44'6 Am A Chm 7a ..106 I'iisj 1044 , It 10 .1044 104 .100 9 . 984 6 . 16 9 . 94V 94 .111 111 111 .103 13 103 . 76 74 74 . 94 7 7'4 ,104 103 103 , l 16 1(1 .106 104 0 .108 104 108 .103 10 103 .101 101 101 .123 1 21 i 1514 Is 90 9014, . 96 93 i .10311 102 .116 116 .10014 100 . 9616 91 . 9!T, 41 u 00 94 1024 116 100 6 91 U 91 6 Am Cotton Oil 67 Am Smell 6s .. 41 Am. Siiiar 4a 6 Am T4T rv 6a. . IK Am tat col Ir 6a ' Am Writ Pa 8, ?. Armour A Co 4 tea 91 A T f) a-en 4a.. 92 91 e Wait a Ohio ..10114, 101 itn 1 Tlslt - Ohio rv- 4s 6j 86 66 ii eii ti Fenn 7s. .108 10714 7074 t Path St n m 6s.,., 4414 94 1 44 1 Tleadeo Cop r.a .... 444 694, 99V I'l Tikln W T 7s elf... a A n 9 3 Can North 6a ..1H 119i 113M 40 Can Pao d 4s 83 8J4 82 3 Cent Co. 6a llloH loot 100U 6 Cent Teslh 6a .... 9844 j) aa 17 Cant Par gtd 4s,. so t 44 14 Crro da Pasco ss..1f 1?4 1"4 1"1 Ches Ohio CV 6s.. 444 98 OtVt 10 Ches A Ohio rr 4 its 89 9 87 r ft A r) eef r,s A. 101 J01l nl4 4 Cbl F, Til 8s an 4 84 '7 Chi dt West 4s.. 6316 63 63 10 C M ( l r )i;, 71 m HV, C 4f pt p ref 4V.S 7 86IA 8H '1 C M Of P cv 6s. 7lt 76IA 76W 14 Chi A V W s. 1)14 1116 111! '7 Chi Pva 8a 8' 81 U, 81 ( "OCT T 4t P gen 4a., i 8 8l 57 C H I A P ref 4s.. 8813, 84 SSlj 0 fhl A W Tied 4s.. 77 77 77 6 rnn Bt t, gen 4a 63 83 63 1 Chita Con 7 1084 10 108U l1 CM I Cop 6s 9616 914 988J M Colo In-I 6s 7814. 78 7 ' Colo So rer 4l. . 9914 88i 89i 10 Con. Cool Vd "la. 91H 9114 1U 3 Cnhft Csne Re d s. 90i4 90 9014 4 Cnha Cone Rg d 7s. M 96 8814 6 Cnl) Am Rg la.... 107x6 107H 10714 Tiel A Hud rv 6s.. 10014 100 loot! 3 riel Fd ref 6 1014 JOS 08H 24 T1"f t'fd Ttv 4IIs.. 9814 861 88I4 I Tilmnd 61tch 7iis.. 107H 107 107 90 Tlnnt Vein 7tis ,.108 108 104 11 TMinueane T. 4s 10814 104 10KK le vmn a tc 7 C(f aim si 46 Icrla gen 4 ntj 4314 4.1 11 l"re nr lien 4s .... 5 66 85 15 f'lslf Pllb s 108 1044 10(1 16 Tram T Tl 7t-'.a .... 9T.IA 96 96 Oen Klec d 6s 101 101 101 84 flnortveor T 8a .11.. 100 944 100 C6 riod'-enr T 8s 41.114U 114 11 7 Cnd Tiik n c 7s.11'S 113 111 .31 dnd i"nk Ry C 6a..10.8i ,103 103 IK C Term 4s II I Kelt Spring T I. Is I l-acke at 6 II.,,, 16 I Urk HI I 61).... 44 I La-Id U II L lei 6 11 3 I, a A 64 tf d 4 28. 9 16 L B 4k M K d 4s II. 14 I 1.1 64 1 99 I Lonllard I I II L N rof l,...l4S I I. A N ua 4 .... I 34 Mkl at My ran I., I Mrlnd nil 4. ...til I Mag Pet a ! 10 Mid at e I. I M A St I. r.f Is.. 14 M hi I'aNMM ls .im It M K T a p I la A 11 II I I T a ad Is A 134 :7 M K A T l.l 4. . 81 I Mo I'ae eon Is. .11 is Mo Pen an 4s.. . 10 llonl Pow le A , li INK, TAT 1st la nf. 19', I 6 11 7 4 M ino la. II M !t T I 4 !" I KI W ref s ..III I N'T Nil A II e 4a 44 14 11 NT Ml I II 4 4s 44 14 I N T Rya ref 4a elf. I 11 k r r 1 ti 41 ii Ii N f Tel ref 4s 41.0 II N T W eV llo 4s. 6s I Nor So 6 A. 474 II Nor Waal cv .. .11 I Nor A West con 4 11 4 North I'ae pr In 4a. 14 North I'ae ref 10 Nor Mia i r Is A. 94 14 N W Hall Tel 7s.. M7 I Or RAN let 4s., 81 I O S I. (Id is elf 104 O S I. r. f 4a ,, f 24 Or-tVaah H RAN 4a 13 14 Pan It A Kl 6a 44 '4 14 Pao TAT 6e 61 elf. 43 7 Packaid Holier 8a,o7 7 i'sn-Am Par 7a..l3 43 Peon RR .,,,111 tl penn R It gen 6s ,.)! 11 Perm HK gen 4,. 94 27 Per Mara ref 6s., , I Pierce (HI d Is., 16 M P It LAP ta 88 I Pro 4V' R.f la .. .,)'. 17 Publlo Sarv 6a 69 10 Reading gen 4s ,,94 I It II A W 1st 4s., 19 14 K I A A L 4a . . 81 SI I, I Mt A S rf 4s 91 74 St L H r ad) 6s. 84 414 SI I, A H V Ino 4s. . 14 63 St L S V p I 4s A 76 11 St f, S W 1st 4a.. 79 It St P A KOI L 4a 86 ISA A I' 1st 4. . 76 14 Seaboard A I, cn 4a 67 I Seaboard A L ad 6s 27 4 Seaboard A L rf 4s 44 10 raw. in St Jlp 8s A 19 43 Sinclair Crude 6s. II 11 cinrlair oil cv 1s ln4 107 Sinclair oil col 11 0 II South Par rv 4s.. 12 2 2 II So I'ae col tr 4a., l 17 87 61 So Ry gen ls ,,03 1024 102 16 So Ry con 6s.,.,, 98 I So Ry ;en 4 71 70 70 14 So Prt Rn Kg 7s.1i3 1 1I I 101 24 Stsn Oil t.'al d 7s 1 ln6 106 61 Third Ave dl 6a.. 64 64 44 I Third Ave rrf 4s,. 88 48 8 I Tidewtr ,111 s. 1014 103 101 17 Tub Prnd 7 lor, 106 1116 1 Vn II A f A etf.1110 Ino, 1nn 31 l'n Pan lat 4a ., 44 94 94 41 l'n Pao cv 4s 16 6 96V4 j l'n rar rer 4 .... a 89 13 l'n Tank Car 7 ,.n34 1o3 ln.1 I I'ld Drug 8a llli 1114 111 I t'td Fuel (las 4 . 16 99 I I'ld Ry Inv 1st ta P 95 65 ; 96 17 1J S Rub 7..., 107 107 107 103 IT s Rub I 9(1 81 in 33 IT H Steel sf 6a. .103 103 103 13 Utah P L 6e.. 11 93 93 I V Car Chm 7s,05 ion, 10414 zi va-i ar enm 7 elf l 8'i 98 61 II lua t'. 1 6 1 4 14 14 II 91 6 41 91S l'4 l"4 96 S III til u io4t; 44 .9 44 44 . 14 ot 86 86 1 S 61 1 102 1: 44 '. 9 99 94 73 11 14 14 111 III II S3 11 67 " 107 17 104 o4 61 66 7 74 111 117 1 n 14 ..l, ns (IS 44', 4 1"7 t7 69 89 ((4 104 2'. 63 83 4 94 9) 1 107 M1P4 1 tl J 102 111 lit IO1.4, leu. 94 3 9 6 S 8s 04 li 4 86 8. '.a; 79 79 84 814 II 90 4 94 74 4, 744 74 74 74 79 86 86 7 78 , 67 67 574 174 44 44 98i 99 8 104 10 I 4 .. la A is II 17 I l utan T.I 1. -. 1"' 4 Cud. by 1a Il 1 I1..1. A Co 7.. !! 1 Kn.p re (Ue A V s I il.l.oa kg till it l I (lee Asphalt sa. , S4 1 (I. h I ue 7a, lt 1 ilrand Iruok 17 1 II ...d Rub le..., A t Iniar M 1' 9 'II , . 13 Incr II T a. ni . . 6 r.o Ua A Kleo I .Ken c.p 7 I" I tVnxa Co P.I 6a.. 11 I l a. le.te llaa la. . , let 1 m. 1, 11. .i.a U 13 M irria a Co 7.. !' I Nal Aetna 7e I Nal Leather .. nl 11 N V N II II la se II I' S (' of M J tt l"4 21 Iti.herl liair la . . 1 r. aa II la. .4 . ll I Mliawaheen 1 .. 14 II Soivay A CI la , I") 4 Snuihw II T Te . , . I1 I II ti N Y 7. '3! o'4 41 Xt il N Y . . i"9 I Swl'l A ', 7a, 'Si 11 31 Swift Co 7, 'II i: I Tidal daaga 7 ... I"4 I IT II Prod 94 ,. 99 III I'll It of II 7s .!" I Vacuum tdl .e lusVa lorelge. I Argentine 7s. '23 l"0 31 Can Siemsh 7a ,. 94 92 King N'rlherl 6s . , 94 67 King S C 93 8le.HO (ll.V Is ..164 I Me. leu (lov I .... It III Hamburg 4 I... 4 Rep Cel. I sa ,.00 I Russian ti, s. cifa . 1:4 I 6S, Ufa 13 66 Sei.a t 104 l: lei 1014 im ! I. )14 !. let 10 a 4 4 1" 10 tol !". 1 "e 6 lil4 In s I "4 f.4 I ii4 ll I "9 Ml ' I 01 144 94 ti 0i l'l luf 11 11 le4 s l"4 !" I "7 l I I 9 l6H !" el ! " im 1 im 99 11 1 11(4 IUI 1 -.IV 19 11 ll 144 I 164 19 BEE WANTS DEATH t FUNEKAL NOTICE 1 elvtl-a.iN liwia 1 i a. 4. ) le "i fivad healdee hi Wife ly en ou, Jubk. ead a ilaughlar. gleeeof, ... 6ui,eil Belurdey wiorein from Joha A. li.ullainaii a Murluei I SenreA ll.arl . hui. h el a eleck. Inlerm.ul Holy Sepulcher cemetery, i7e,KKie-riiiliu ege II. Remi le 6. shipped ! Itenver Colo We.teee.Uy l 4 Ii l M. fr John A. metiusry. l uaeiel Aatardef morning el leuer. e.i I BURIAL VAULTS. WOODKN twiee .mij decey. Nieel er tree) vaulie will tust aH and tollapee There, foie you should Inaiet upon tour uadar laker ueing en Automatic Sealing Co, Kunal vault: water proof and ever, laellng. Manufactured only by the Omaha, (..n.rete llurlal Vault Co. (Sit) N, loin HI , Omaha. Inspection invited. 1(14, 10 4 .' 14 II I 94 II 11 14 93 14 II 4 le U 11 It1 In S New York lieneewl. New Vmk. Sept. 37 Wheal Spot, film; No, I northern spring II 21; No. I red winter. II l: No. I hard winter, tl2l: No 1 Manitoba, 1117. and No 3 iniied durum, l.ui c. I. I. trck New York pot. Corn Spot, ateady: No I yellow and No 2 white, 63 to and No. i ini.iil, 60 c. I. f. N'W Vi'ik all rail. ogle Spot, f-m, No. I white, loiroo. Lard l ien; middle weal. II J 2'iJ Ii Jo. other Arid lee i ni hangavl. FLORISTS. la. 811. LEELARMONiH JOHN HA1II ."4 Varnam JA, 1944 sav rr w itm" yi.owrsa nrnu hwi 1. HKNOKStn in " ', yaresm J A nil J PERSONAL. OOOO 00 0000 0000 OOOOOO 00 ooo O Til TIIK I It A I iK : O O All thoae who have Prima Tonic O O i.e f'rln.a beer raeea with er w.ih- O O nut bottlea should return ihem C O within five daya after this dale O O lo ihe undersigned concern for 0 O iTedil. Ksiliue 01 neglect lo mm- C O ply with Ibis will ha fnifeiiure O O of deposit with us. end In no wsy O O will we be responsible for further O O tislm. 0 O N. lvlna..) Cottipsiiy, O I "U Howard Stie.i o 000000000000 00 00000000900 44 Va Ry 6a 17 West Pan 6a ... 2 West l'n s . 10 West Eire 7a . . . 1 Wlck-Sprn Kt 7s 19 wnsnn 6 Wilson .100 loot, inn . 67 87 67 . 94 94 94 .107 107 107 .99 99 99 af 7S.106 104 0S A C rv 6s. 98 96 9 13 Wise Cent gen 4s. 62 12 8 2 Totsl ssles of bonds today were II.. 161.000 compared with 116.442.000 orevl- oua day and 117.449,000 a year ago. N. Y. Curb Bonds 40 C.rl North 7s A. .113 1111 1 1114 61 Crt North 61'.B B..l344 104' 101 100 T1rt A M ref 6a A . 84 86 80 14 Mud A M ad lnc 6a. as . 87 3" 7nd Sfael 6a J01 r, 11 lutU, 7nl Met (U. ctfs. 1 16 10 61 lilt R T ref 6s 7'4 73 72 M0 T A n N sdl Sa . r.3 52 t.U "6 7nt M M af 6s 914 63 91 33 Int Pa ref Ss B... 894 S914 84 11 Invlnr Oil 8a 96 98 7 Tn Cent ref 4s 43 43 43 14 1C C Ft S & M 4a.. 81i 81 81 14 K C South 6s 43 91 11 New Tork, Sept. 27. Ths vigorous and persistent buying that haa forced the Standard Oil laauea aa a group Into prominence In the atock exchange eg well the curb exchange became even more vigoroua on the curb market today. Huylng orders came Into Standsrd Oil of Indiana In large volume, forcing that stcok up from 119 to 120., over 20. (100 aharea changing hands In the first half of the day. When Stsmlar oil of Now York, which closed yesterday at 547, aold as high aa 660 8nd then reacted tp 6.16. Vacuum Oil wa traded In at 626 10 530. Ohio Oil made a gain of 6 points to 316 in the early trading. Other Standnrd Oil stocks, including Imperial OH of Canada, were alao in urgent demand at brief ad vances. Gulf Oil of Pennaylvanla moved In a more orderly manner than at any time since Its listing in curb exchange. Southern Statea OH waa Increased demand and made a fractional gain. Salt Creek and a number of other Independent oil atock were active end atrong. Motor stocks were without a nearby de mand. The market for industriala waa In fluenced to a grot extent by the liquidat ing movement 11 progress pn the atock ex change attributed to dissolution of pools. New Tork. Sept. 27. Transaction on the New York curb bond market todny were aa foilowa: Domestic. 2 Allied Packer 6s.. 60 70, 70lj 6 Allied Pack 6 ctf. 68 58 ' 5S 1 Allied Packer s.. 90 90 90 1 Aluminum "a. '33..lmi 106 1116 2 Am L & T 6a ....107 107 107 20 Am Kep Coup Us., 9 9 9 1 Am TAT 6s. '24.. 101 1 ft 1 Vi 101 10 Am Toh 7a '28.. 101 lol 101 4 Anaconda top fis. 3 Anac Cop 7s '28. . 7 Armour & Co 7s. . 9 At Ulf A W J 5.. 1 Reaver Urd 8s ctf J. S. B ACHE & CO. eetehUshed lJ M( New Y.n Slock F.rh.nss ( 'haego Bosrd of IrsJe New York Cotlun ts hsnae snal ether lesding Eh- Kansas New York 1 4)2 Broadway Cbicagoi 108 So. LaSalU St Uranchei and amttfxmdenu located in pnncipid cuvi Stocks Bonds Grain Cotton Foreign Exchange Bought anJ Sold for Cash or carried on Conservative Margin ' ... Jmaha Nat'l Dank BIJg., Omaha C. B. Moftitt, MANAGER Telephone Dotigla Jli7-ii "T7u Bach tow" lew en plk:erlej . CorrajMrvienet .sia) BANK ST4.Tr.MP.NT HANK STATEMENT Charter No 2774 Reserve District Ne. 1 REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK AT OMAHA. IN THK STATE OP NEBRASKA.. AT THE CLOSE OK BUSINESS ON SEPTEMBER It, 1B22. RESOURCES Loans and uisrounts, including; rediscount., accept ances of other banks, and foreign bills of exchange or drafts sold with indorsement of this bank.....) 1,126, 334. 15-1 9,1 Overdrafts, unaeeured U. S. Government securities owned: Deposited to secure circulation IU, S. bonda par value) All other United States Government securities (includ ing premiums, :f any) Other bonds, atock, ascurltiea, etc.! Ranking House Real estate owned other than banking house Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank..,, Items wiht Federal Reserve Bank in process of collection Cash in vault end smount due from national banks.,.. Amount due from State banks, ban Iters, and trust com panies in the United Htates Exchangee for clearing house Checks on other banks in the same city or town as reporting bank Miscellaneoua cash items , Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer an ddu from U. S. Treasurer 60.000.00 499,649.60 1.S6,ll4.77 468,936.84 2.291, (40.70 1. 274. 47. 90 182.767.eS 11,666.71 126.826.26 26.914.45 4,e.l (49,149 19 117,35 09 100,000.0 8,929.7 2,r.00 00 1021 101 102 103 103 1( 104 104 104 66 63 63 74',. 7 'i- 71 3 Beth ft 7 '23.. 104 106 106 6 Hklyn Un (las 6s. 108 inn IP 2 Con Pao 6a. . 16 Charcoal iron 8s.. 6 Cltlea Serv 7s "C" 1 Col (Jrap 8a ctfs. . 56 Com Power 6a. . . . 6 Con Oas 7s 9 Con Oas Bait 6s. . 1 Con Oas Bait 7s . 101 loi 97 965. 97 96 80 SU 90 90 100 100 100 106 106 106 10 109 109 101 964 97 :o 90 I UPDIKE CONSIGNMENT SERVICE ITS MEANING TO SHIPPERS! Top Prices, Quick Returns With Check for Balance Due on Each Car Th) careful bundling of lot and drlajf claim. .1 Cunrantrr of SatUfattlan UpdiUo Grain Corporation 'M Consignment oui?" OMAHA aVestil . M.leWa ! ( i , 384.3oD.15 21,777.21 1,066,934.15 1.66,661.44 223,434 27 164,243.14 10,151,212.02 115,130.60 874.00 3U.891.51 4. ESI. 21 - 5.906,194.91 116,812,979.11 t 1,000.000 04 600.000.01 50,000 04 Total , LIABILITIES Capital stock poid in Surplus fund Undivided profits ,.,..1 Less eurrent expenses, interest and taxes paid Circulating notes outstanding Amount due to national banka Amount due to State banks, bankers, and trust com panies in the United Statea and foreign countries.. Certified checka outstanding Caahier'a checks outstanding Demand depoalt (other than bank dvposits) ubjc! to Reaerv (deposit payable within 80 days)! Individual deposits subject to check Certificates of deposit due in less than 80 days (other than for money borrowed) Dividends unpaid Tim deposits subject to Reserve (payable after 80 days, or subject to 30 days or more notice, and posts! savings) I Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed? Postal savings depoaita United Statea deposits (other than postal savings). including War Loan deposit account and deposits of United Statea disbursing officers: and outstanding Total , U,812,7.lw State of Nebraska, County of Douglas, sa: I. S. S. Kent, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that th above statement is true ts the beet of my knowledge and belief. S. S. KENT. Cashier. Correct Attest : FRED P. HAMILTON, B. H. MEILE. C. V.'HAMILTONT. Directoi. Subscribed and sworn to before me thia 26th day of September. (SEAL) C. M. FIXA. Notary Pahlla. 3,599.00 13,900,401.1 The Magic Touch! isk for Jhe Omaha department rj King Midas hail th power to change everjrhina; be touched into pur cold. The people of 1 hi day greatly admired hit powers. J Now everybody in Omaha can chantre anythinr t)f the ort that'i no longer needed into pure rash. f They all hava tha "magic touch" then day! ' If you have ny pieca of houaehold good or buI nesa equipment that ha outarrown it ufu!n to you. thotith (till In k'nod roiiiiituin, you can cah It In by teilir. the buvrra f the city about it thrutifb a niai Want" Al in Tha Omaha lire, If yu at auxiuu ta ptrk Up nm 41 tide) at a bis? a.u4 over the original price -ft auk tha offer ef the a lvrtir n tha 'Want" ,J column of Tit Omaha l atary tty. A bsuli il a .t f Money. When yu want t a Want' A 4 af yur ran ATlanti loon e.j a a f -ttaal AJ taker. The Omaha Motning lite THFe EVENING BEE