The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 27, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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Credit System Is
Curse to Business,
Says Merehant
J'rrd Mann nf Deult Lake, N.
I)., 1VIU Omaha IMailrrt
M-w lie Got Trade
in 192!.
Ill jreuteai turaa In ulna In
i till country tvjy la th rrnlil
tew, iin-h.ilse4 fre-l P. Mann, prim'
cf tnull I. mil men-hunt. lu ltd
tll.Mf'J till) lllh tUltlM
lin ( Chamber 'f Onimrr
ti'iiUr on criimept In aalea
It " in entliuaiaatlc eatherlnt
that Hatirwt to Air. Manna narra
llm .f l-im ha t.'Onuiiil worth if
iimi In lv,l Ijtkr, . , 4 town
ff H.u'i'i, duiliK o-villet tr-id
dt .i-r.Pi. n in ir:i.
'(In (ifur th hualnma." waa ll-.a
l.ikrr tiihlr. "In Ill, I tu1ie1
lt. ill limine roni1iiUin In North
iNikntii. 1 learned thai " mrliiiiila (t
rat il e fruiu mail ruder hnuee r
diatrit-utr.l In lli etui ami that IJ1,
Oon.'iin) in buaihi ra went lo Ihoaa M
h.i.ii.fn withm t Ix-lna; tine-l y the
tiit. H'liiiiililtiK " ttT'iiiic. and !
Jla nvotH it una Ilia lnk nf c-orrert
livi-rf imntr nn Dm iart nf men-limit
In Nnyli l;.;ot. "
finiin (f I ha bik hus'nec a1vlc
flvrti hjr Mr. M mi la:
"Advertl In fi'wupnpnf, flrat, Inat
and alwuy.
"Writ (jerfti il letter to patron
nimum Ini mill-".
"Iilniiril the rreilit ayatvni: II lead
to loxa i t frlen-Milp, lima of imalne
Sri kimmI will. j
" help." I
Out of lutf nirr hn!n who ntteiulrd
th meeting ycalariay, only 10 art
mltt"(l fnlloalnt; the irartr of aenil
ln ininnl letteia to rtiatonier to
announce antra.
OIry" in Marriiifte Vow
Th Wnnt "nbi-y" wh tiikrn out of
tha timirlnga town of wowan hcraunn
of Hi'' iniulnr m (M iiiiif itlon to It
rnRin iiKi Jl "hop 1J. V. Hhnyl'T of tho
Kp k ii'1 h'aca of Ni'hraaka
pht nwl on li'a r i t urn from the Tort
la nil roiiffirni-n yralrrdny.
"It wiih ni'vcr IntPiKh'd to mean
that whan a nuui tohl hia wifo nh
roulil not K9 to thn movlea tnnlRht,
alie'il .have to jhiy hlni," will th
f!hip. "It uriR'nally r'ffrrcil to con
Jiifful ralntinnahl;) only,"
M!iinaojs Park Head
See Omaha Park System
Theodore V;rth, aupcrlntondant of
tha piirk ayatfiii In AI'nnrapnllH, nnd
Ilia w,fa wii In Omaha yentordny
en routfl on motor trip to Kani
City. Mr. Wlrth was Inkm nvrr the
(nuahft park ayatrm ly Cumnilaaloner
llummi'l and i-xpr(aacd approval of
tha ilahorat outlay In Klmurond park
wh'ro the nrw tourt ramp la un
flpr conatriK tlon. Tha Wirt ha will
Iwk for Knnaaa nty today.
Tlirr li ana aimpla, aafe and aura war
that navrr faila to aft rid of blackhaacU,
that la to dliiolva (ham.
To ia thli t't two ounra of ealonlta
powd.r from anjr druir atore .prlnkle a
little on a hot. wet aponite rub over tha
blaekhnit. briskly waah the part and
yoi will be turpriaed how tha btatkhtadi
hava diiappearcd. Blf blackheada, little
blackhead., no matter wher they are,
limply dii.nlv and di.apfrar, leaving tha
parti without any mark whatever. Black
head, are tlmply a mixture of duat and
dirt and aprretloni from the body that
form in the pores of the akin, rinrhinor
and enurezinff only rati. irritation, make
large pores, and do not ?et the blackhead
out after they become hard. The cnlonite
powder and the water simply dissolve the
binckher.d. so they wnshj right out. leav
ma the pores free and eMt-an and in their
natural condition. Anone troubled with
these uniirhtly blcminhea should certainly
try th'. nimpl method.
For Lasting Fragrance
Use Caticura Talcum
Thrre is nothing better than
Cuticura Taloim for powder
inn and perfuming theikin. It
appeals to the mobt fastkiiotn
becaute oi its fine, smooth tex
ture and delicate fragrance.
ja.lwa.tiH.1 (.-
at.iaiw Bw. r aiw. .
:t a mmJ M. la
I Ottawa ai ahaaaa wiakaiii aaaw.
is ii I
a .a a
tr 4ar
f 1 V
tah4 Vt
at irau.
mae lata. IS ! Ufa ef .
aiaai ai4ia e4 eiw.w. ail li
uioiuiaa a. 4 ia4iti iae he-le ef
kuul at tka dauaaier ( la Kr. r,
aia-iae al ie lima ia l -eiri,
Aeelft.l a, f.lkirl rfaMiatle, ftli. caa
l iv n.dl i.ilir tf, Klao4 aa aariaM. Hll.. ru man.
mm4 teeor It laa alf at a la)
raur. n Tn.ra m a (Ima ai a.'
MX. aarani a i.m.ih la pril a.r
an nor. aui n. imiuim la im h.r a
...I a aatll laa lac a. Ha aa
na.a.4 la aia ia aa aaiumoMia aH. aa4 i.inamb.r, iani.-ari.'li.a, ap-W-ai.t
la r. Ur.ih.rlra, (ha lamily phf
A .aufh fnaa kl'k Ika lr k.4 kaaa
amrarma; lamiilKl iaa 4lr aa
la ar4.r a Iria la lh aaaihaaal. Ta.r.,
ka aaiai4, aha aaa (a marrr an ln.fl.
laarr Haa aa4 ""I klm 4ia aalaiir "
U.m unf..Ml la kar lha aarral
vt ika pt'l.4 kakr aa4 kar laikar o.a
iaa'a4 la aaprata tka trip aa aeaar?
Inr fc.r h.aiik.
l lha train hr fir. I irtanca
la ma aniM I'alv.ny waa
kr rlianra mMii( rnk I"m Moihr. fa madoa iiura ai.r Wfcally lnor.
aal of orl4ir ihina, ak 4iarav
.fa-l hi. ,Uiinr oiiif afiar la.Miira in a
pirn of hi.ta.ia in a aaupia u a.aitaa
tt lura maiaatna.
Trt ah read In tinv of theaa mn
ilnea a atatement that on of thiatn
peculiar women Una vrjr Itotifna
Twle, Indeed waa balnt paid mora
dollar for on wlr pulillrlty limn
her father u imld for four yenr of
aavlng aoula. Tha prena agen, may
hav aiuaodered rtpher or ahlfted
tha derlmul pilnt llttla, but Mem
(ould not know that, and 1 wa rnn-
vlnred that tha workl au all wrong
aomewher. Mainly. No wonder peo-
pi amd It wm solnc to perdition
th wnnderd what u:h women
rould h like at heart and at horn
Aa ah in-d through th page
of aneweraj to rorrexpondenta and
how roiiiitleaa the ftietlouer aemd
to h! hr caucht thla para-
Mum L, Y, deurl, ah will aend
you a photograph If you will aend
mr 25 rent. Horry to hraak your
heart, but ha 1 married. Tom Molhy
iHii't. thoUKh, ao far a I know. How
mu' h h get la hi own erret and
tho Inmmn tax rollector'a, but it waa
atnted thnt he lately refuae4 n offer
of $1,01)1) a wwk to deaert the com
pany that mnilft him what he yum to
day. Huh loyalty dcaerve a poay.
Mem cloned tha magazine with a
up. That younr man refuaed $1,000
a week! and her father bad never bad
more than 1500 a year. And her fa
ther aaved aoula from hell, whiln men
tike liiilliv led them there In drovea
and would follow In flod'a Kood time.
fhe did not feel any ImpulM to
mull to Tour Molliy and warn film to
nVe from hi doom. Hhn almply hated
him for veiling hi aoul to the devil
at such a price. Hli did not even ad
mire him for-'cheallnR the devil. She
Juat hated him and th cat-eyed
Itohlna and all thla Babylonian horde
of ararlet women.
And then ahe beard a voice aoroaa
her Hhoulder. a voice of peculiar and
unplennant aoftneaa. She) had read
aomewhere of a velvet voice. Thla
one waa of pluah,
Hhe felt uneaay liefore ehe turned
her head and almoat bumped noaea
with th woman who apoke. At thla
cIoh rant her reaemblnnce to a doll
wus astounding: fhe eyea were voet
and Klaaay, the noae a pujr. the mouth
full und thick with paint, the face
mneared white and red, the hair
kinky yellow, aa if It were made of
hohby horaea' tail.
Th voice of Imitation velvet to-
tinted: "What I wa iaayin' waa:
few've flnlahed 'th thJf magazine,
fmind fl lion-ied it off you? I 'ain't
aor that nummba yet."
Mem hardly knew how to answer
that face and that dialect. Sh handed
th mnfcailn up over the back of the
neat with a mll of shy generosity,
The animated doll remained lean.
ln acroas the seat. She mint lie
kneeling- on the other Hide. As the
aklmmed the magazine rapidly the
way he ran her eyea up each page
reminded Mem somehow of 4 cat lick
ing one of Its paws.
As the girl skimmed picture and
text, she talked without looking at
"VOu're on the way to Sanglus, I
-To where?"
"Luseanglus chief suburb of Holly
wood. Xearlv everybody In this
train ia bound furl Sanglus."
"Juat where is that?"
"My Oawd! Is thera anybody on
earth who don't know that dump? Or
maybe you call It Loss Anjuleez. No
two people pernounce It alike."
"Oh, I beg your pardon, I didn't
catch the name at first. No, I'm only
going as far as Tuckson."
"Tooson, eh. You're not on th
screen, I RUeaa'.,,
"No-o, no. I'm not."
"It's the life! leastways It was. So
many nmaehuor belli drord Into It
tiow, though. It Hin t .what it waa.
I fa the money get nf all. Who J 00
a'pvue la on thla strain?"
"I can't Imagine."
Tha alranjjaj creature diaappeared
prd cam round to tt down opposite
joo mind If I set In with you
awhile? You're alone, ain't you? Or
la your huttban' up amokln', th way
mine alwaja l? Aa I say to Cyril
only th yother day, 'U yoa'd '' v
aa much attention to your rarl aa you
hav to your tubbarra, you'd hav
John t workln' for you t aav. 'Pt
trr to amoks hrr than hereafter,' lie
at. Ilea fll With the
ant, title, that boy. I don't smoke,
in self. N it that t ! any predjudlraa
Brings Out The Life and
Beauty of Your Hair
lit M M
e(aaa) M r,f a,. M M-eaai aim aawe la
feawaitaa auiaaiaa. aMUHlha UlaMt tteveaMAa,
If kaO M tM. a4 hMwetaea)
H aian a K IM a.uai tmm ia hM-tm. lU.t.
atefaa w4 aMa m ait ikmmm e4 a.a
r kM laai'f aaaa otui k' m4 I iai'. lk
a rl w t. .1 ii am kwMa fcax l kai
K. 1 1 4pn .nw.nllpai aii n I MM
w 1 ka Mian at rm eiai
l4 li aa,
Hmmmm Wawt Jfai ftAmf aWr
((.,. , ayawaae kavat n 111
IT.1 Im ia 1 m a. I paa aai
1. 11 Mt . e a ajaa) avaa)
rf kw faiMu T af mm
aavtf a aal aiaa.
Hwka kaa M
taw ! polaaaa,
a at t r-se aw
ai aatjaafaTi kaaaa aka4
aTw "av aaaaaaBaT aaBaasaj; Vafaaraw
JUU 9t Al pMafl avi rVee lava)
AyAkM Al IkaiW !
as f retard
ain.l K. Hut I think It take away
front a woman' (harm. Imnt you?
Ha offana Inleniled. Miyb ou
moke, youraalf."
II fin wagged her hJ In a da.
Ph W'xibl h hen horrifletl to lat
auaoaia,! t,t ititau-a. and t( aln,e
Ihl Mutant pleea of Ignorant artiAY
havt ohtion to I', ber Inclination
grew perverae,
Th magastn engaged th vialtor's
attention a moment, and Mi-in afmlled
her aa if ah were aomcthlng in
no. Ther waa acgreaait Itu
puitenc In lh very way ah aet
her rhin high, her noatrll aHarr: her
hetut flaunie.1 now and then lo abake
away br eurl a a mar toe,- Iter
man aaide; her ahouldera thrown
ack; Iter tmeom uplifted: her ellaiwa
agog, one band ail with finger
dlepread on an emphatic hip; leg all
over th plur. and the aklrt an abort
that olio knea, laired by It rolled
down to klnjr, waa nianlfeat.
Mem ua alinrwt pet r I tied to oh
rvn that th kneecap waa powderH
and rouged!
Yet aha rould nut help noting alao
that It waaeviuleltely modeled and Ihe
ralvea aa delicately latbrd aa a Chip,
pendale aplndle. There waa refine
ment In all th creat tire's mil lines.
yet hnpelcN spiritual coaraeneaa. Th
conflict Jarred on Mm, who hail
taken aa little thought of to-.trmtlir
mysteries a any pretty girl could.
and llv aa long a ah had lived.
Abruptly th perfectly modeled
minx shattered Mem calm with the
flrat she had ever heard a woman use.
"Well, I'm damned! Would )n see
what they done to me!"
Hhe whirled herself round and
plotinced down at Mem' eM" In a
cyclone of perfumery. She pointed to
the open page where there waa a
picture that hail slapped Mm In fhe
face. A young man dud In a leopard's
pelt and nothing else danced while
he held aloft like a cane the horizontal
figure of a girl similarly revealed and
concealed. Hhe was Hung backward,
broken at the walsf, a mw of hair
flowing down from her reverted bead;
and she wns pitifully beautiful. The
nam under the picture was Viva
d'A rtolse.
"That's me, Veva Iiartnys stage
name, o' course. They lined thnt old
pitcher of me with my first hUHban'!
The nerve of 'em! I ought lo soo 'em
for slander. It's three years old.
Them leopard skins is all out of
tyle. They done that to mo just to
save ninkin' a noo rut. Cawd! I hope
Cyril don't see It. He's so senBatuv.
I'll show you one of my latest.
And while Mem's soul was Joggled
as If tho train bad left the rails to
run along the ties, tho girl had left
her and returned, carrying a sheaf of
photographs, which sho displayed
Willi a frankness that shuttered
Mem's calm.
In some of them she was as fragile
and pnellcal us If she had cupered off
the side of a Orcek vase by Douris
himself. In others her beauty, was
petulant and deprecatory, shy and In
expressibly pure. Again she was an
acrobat rerklees of conseuuences.
Ther were pictures of her husband
nd herself, her husband looking as
much like a young Greek god as pos
sible, holding her in the nir as high
as possible. And each permitted the
other to be seen In public like that!
Mem was so shaken that she could
A little baby. A little child. Don't they appeal to you? Doesn't your heart
yearn to pick them up, to cuddle them close to you, to shield them from
all harm? sure it does else you're not human. Being human you love them.
Their very helplessness makes you reach out in all your strength to aid them.
In health there's , no flower so beautiful. In illness there's no night so black
Save them then. Use every precaution. Take no chance.
When sickness comes, as sickness will, remember It's just a baby, just a
child and if the Physician isn't at hand don't try some remedy that you may
have around the house for your own use.
Fletcher's Castoria was made especially for babies' ills and you can use
it with perfect .safety as any doctor will tell you. Keep it in the house.
ii twet rnntenM 15 Tluid Vmim
" ' 'V.V.
11 riiiioL-a PtH US
A:Ml.thJe rrvwaueafcr-to
L..i!t..wtiwrrl)o4 wrt!i-
aiiiBM..-- . j
gW Hi""'
feT" - T 1 ' 11 1
Measee -W
I Hint puihi.i i i to mv, Hh
' KlMt urn, h cnly VH( Minlr.
liioi.ri d Artni hrpUKht t.'t ailM
true (ftaaii OU th at-a uf U r rnarnui,, iitin n-.n.-n
huiiMluw. wild h-r hu.l-.n-l mowin
th Uwn and her ncriu toother
aniilmg frum tho poult. In ajl tti'.
pli lllle M"i1"li'.-llM Yin held a j
aby, an iolocnlile huhriy I sing that
reetored Mem 10 rivilliaticn aa she
Uii-lvratood It.
Th tM her plained; "I bad.U
have him for a (t"h to N'Vork. I and
tH'uehund haddit bty a cnifida dancer
nt a swell roepOoli for Ihe motles,
o' nmiiH', And ey hadU ahooi u.
on Kith Al'iiyeh lo get Wal color."
"Thev shot you fur local cwlur!
"On r'lth Avenyeh. len ahot
alt over Ihe place. W user to he
In liwihul, but we drifted Into ilnlu'
apectaiiilura for Ihe movlea In th
big perductlon. If the life! Hadn't
you ever thought of la kin" a shy at
Mem alui'l.lered. IUr figure waa
her own or only a IHOe w hile longer.
The IMen of the nioviea waa not fr
Viva was wilting to. gossip a long
aa oiiyone waa wllllnf: to listen. Hhe
admitted tlti heialf with III frank
lu,pleeniui of a (i I'ulona soul.
"Cyril alw.iy sayfri' I never slop.
I'm what h bear Uilkln' when he
fjlla asleep, and the, flrat thing h
hour In Ihe morula' is me lulkln',
Koiiietlmea bo says, At you tulkln
again or yet?' "
Hut Mem was an Insatiable audi
ence. Hr ibforiiiNilon was a Sahara
and no amount of rain could be too
All afternoon Viva chattered, giving
Mem a llliemt education In one of
Ihe rntiiitli-e phases of moving pic
ture life, a foreign world, another
planet wher everything was utillk
anything sb had ver imagined,
where the very laws of aocriiil gravity
were re vers. (I, Hho . ig ail
altogether Iwlstvd Men of It all. Her
guide was a trustworthy aa a
I'eruvlnii Indian trying 'i( descrllie
the heroic wonder r.f the lost city
of Machu Plcchu. Mein'a knowledge
of Italy wns gulnid from a bamma
and fruit peddler In Calverly. Her
Intrraluctlnn to Movla was like that
of one who enter Klambotil by rail
road through ihe back yard of Con-
slant Inople. What she heard gave
her no curiosity to see nsore, and an
assurance that her dear old father
had mnde a good guess at Ixs
IT He l ent In ued Tomorrow.)
Enrajrrd Wife Used Wliip
on Woman, She Tells Court
An enraged wife, Mrs. He!, tin Iiro-
kaw of Detroit, appeared In pouce
court yesterday morning against her
husband, C. J. Uroknw, and Huo Har
per, who were arrested on her com
plaint, at Hotel Home Monday after
noon. Hhe said her husband went west
from Detroit in 191$ Mnd met Hue
Harper in Hioux City. Kho followed
him to Detroit, where Mrs. Hrokaw
horsewhipped her, in the street, ac
cording to her testimony. Ijiter tho
two left and she traced them to
The case was continued until Oc
tober 24.
Zimman Resigns From
Cily Commissioner Post!
City Commissioner Harry 13. Zim
man yesterday morning formally re
signed from his post, effective Oc
tober 1. The city council accepted the
You H
Do the People Know?
Da you know why you ar asked to call for Fletcher'a Castoria
when you waat a child's remedy; why you mutt insist no Fletcher's?
. For years v hay bee a siplaiatng how tha popularity f
Fletcher'a CaitorU haa brought out Innumerable imltatioaa, sub
stftutrs and counterfeits.
Ta protect tha babies: to shield the homes and ia defeasa of
leneratlona to coma wa appeal to the better judpneat ff parents to
insist on turinf Fletcher'a Castnria when In need of a child's med
icine. 4 ad femembaf above aSl things that a child's medidne is
eude far children a medicine prepared for (rowa-upa la art lnter
chssfrsMe. A baby's f x4 for a baby. And a baby's medicine U
Juet aa essea'Ut fof tha baby,
TbeCaat 'tta Recipe (It's aa my wrsppet) haa ba pfipr4
by tha same heads ia tha ima maaner ft rranr years that
lha slfnirare at lb , II. J Uubet aa4 peifectb a la tha ptuct are
sy soar own.
Mat taiHjta sua artit ti mo othi hi'tif icui4 i
Run the SienAtuw of
..a liaoi.i ., aia a..
Dog HilLParagrafs
By 0cr Btncbam 1
me)l , . j, jny,,, , tj 0ur
.j, , 1UUJ Kn Thmhar
1 truing white riding hi bicycle its
ran tight through a fl k of rhiikena
In lha rmd, while ihe owner, Mrs.
Tub Moeelry, waa fitting on lh porch
111 full view.
flab llitico k say h hasn't a thing
In fhe wurl I to worry him now, a his
wlf.' lias Just bought om window
khnde will roll.
a a a
The Tin rddler missed a aula at th
home of Jefferson I'iKlix k thl morn
ing, a Jeff wtf mad sign that li
wanted aomethlng, but the children
were rutting up so be nvr could an-
derst.ind what It wa.
Common Sense
Do Von Profit by Your Mistakes?
Don't you excuse yourself too
for error you make?
You comfort youraelf with th
thought "To err Is human."
Do your mistakes make such an
Impression on you that you do not
make the snme mistake mora than
Or du ynu lightly pes them over
and consider them of small conse
quence? Kvery time you make an error it
should be food for some good solid
thought, that you may profit by th
mistake; in thla way you will make
If you do not give a little thought
to what you hav don ynu are bound
to keep on making mistakes, because
not sufficiently on guard against
You may think tho bosg Is pretty
New Arrival Daily at
Bring the Family
Luncheon, 40(?-45? " ,"0c
Dinner... 500-6O? and 75t
2038 Farnam St., Omaha.
Cry For
ar? .
w-tnr vh eii a-nie(iuie Ik way
Ii (iwa after )tH tarewuaa) of rH. j
I ut lha fact that b di-a may l lha
only way )u aie keeping your pti.
lion, for yon are roi inlicnlr mi
11. r.niril of lb acorliif yu get and
that may fe ih only way you ml.
)enr J'b
Why should h e.utre to be force,
ful lo itwik an tmpreeaiott oil you?
If yju ai lb anrt Hut baa In W
hit on lh brad to atop wher you
ai. 1 hen barah irra'meot la rti,red
rather than m.H.
Th down yij get a fre
quently nwy b of great tjlu- in )ioi
if you hav a mind to pnifil by It.
iMam lh helpful uggeiiuna.
In Kamlngiat, llen liao, Ausiralla, It
I not unci minion to e rdd proapec.
tor and trmp pmep. ting "for a
color fir a heavy rainworm, UoM
I found by rd mender and a bar.
riW load of Ihl inrm-luWe4 nnd
haa been known 10 yield half an
I Mince of fin gi4d.
Desigjied Jor Lifetime Service, Enjoyment and Convenience
We picture three pieces of a suite which Is built of choice stock of Ameri
can walnut or mahogany with full dust proof drawer construction. You will bet
ter appreciate the value of this suite after you see the pieces on our floor. It's
one of our new patterns, clean In design, superior in construction and finish and
moderately priced.
Triple mirror drosainK table,
like cut, 40 inches wide, with
one 14x21 and two 10x20
French plate mirrors, 3 18.00
Bow foot bed to match; priced
t 858.00
We have recently enlarged this department, conveniently located on our
main floor, and now carry complete lines of standard and well known makes of
blankets, comforts, bedspreads, sheets and pillow cases.
We List a Few of the Most Interesting Values
Full sized comforts, filled with! clean
white cotton, especially priced for this
sale at $2.85
Fine quality silkoline covered comforts
with white carded cotton filling, full
size, specially priced $4.75
Soft lambs wool comforts, fine silkoline
covering,' plain borders $8.75
Sheets and Pillow Cases
In all sizes, plain and hemstitched, 81x-
99 Piquoit sheet $1.95
45x36 pillow' cases, each 45
irmanKli.ti li!!!l:,r ll:ll -i.rirti
Parents' Problems
What ran no her nt big h hno
g'yl do to Impiota lh praiil larli
tun of dl followed by gill?
Hti(aTl to their it u titer lo start
a new "fnjhbn" of pttty yet tauieai
diea. Talk 'h other mother, ('id
w th anipla of in W'wiien ilub
of on of our bug rill, whtch of
fried pile irtrsl, aetimd and lltlrdt,
fi-r lh pr.turet dreaava maib by high
chnol girla. lh material for rv
die "iiired" W lh ronit In to!
only on dollar. Tb wlmiiaiTaph of
th prMwliuir In their prlMWln
l ing drear- wr 1 hnnliig.
Agrtiullli' cooalltUI th chief
source of th pjwer and wealth of
Iho Japnm-se woplo In apli of lh
1 aped sfrkle made rerendy In lb
manitfarturlng and mining Induairle
gixiy per ront of iho p.ajulalion of
Japan I rural.
Vanity dresser, like cut, 48
inches wide, fitted with one
18x40 and two 10x28-inch mir
rors $88.00
W rf
Fine cotton double wool finished blan
kets, golden fleece, 66x80, assorted
plaids, special value $4.75
70x82 assorted plaids, 3-inch ribbon
binding .-$5.50
Beautiful guaranteed all wool double
blanket, plain white and assorted blocks
3-in. ribbon binding, "$12.50, $13.75
Kenwood Koverlet
A dainty light weight all wool Chaise
Lounge or Daybed covering in well se
lected colorings, 62x84 $12.75
niiil.BMilS:.i.ii'.ll.i'l'iiliinill'1i(niliitolii.i i-l;(i,i,ii,ii(iliii,llill.l,iraii
" Service w
The men and women who make up the org.mIya
tion of the Northwestern IL11 Telephone Company are
doinit their t to give a service that will be thor.
cughly iatisfactory to teleplmnc users.
Hy "icrvice" wo mean not only prompt, accurate
work by our operators, tut courteous buvnc- itu
tion. speedy repairs, accurate bil!iin short, complete
latiifiction in your every dealing with us.
We believe that we are giving ns icrvlcei but
roalic that our service U gl only if it sati.hci our
I r-ae arrv- 4 not utUfy ) U ery sn?,
sAaUl an reoau it e4U J sum aOJ U ka.
to jour druggiit'
The iimilrt wy to end a
rorn 1 Blu-jy. A touch
stop, the pain miuntly, Tlirn
lh corn loo.eiii and comet
out. Mid in a cotorlctt
clear liquid (on drop rl-ifl
it!) an in rxtt thin pU
ten. h action ii lh iimi.
Pain Stopt Instantly
Chifforobe, like cut, 48 Inches
high and fitted with 3 liftout
sliding trays 805.00
Dresser to match, 44 Inches
wide, fitted with 28x32 French
plate mirror $69.50
ttUI !,( pallia, aa