r T r Married Life of Helen and Warren Warren'a Acrid Sieter Proves Die turban Influence in tht Sick Room. "Dear, Jmi look how the dusted this room! Look t t!. Uk 0f tint table," worried llclrn, drawing an ther pillow under her head, "Never mind the dmi Your Joti t get well. Li back there." K0tv. t;d Warren, "Don't try to an up llefei story about KM MrC.nun. how hf knocked the Hufiin' nut of Joe Murphy. Want to hear that ? Helen had not tb sbyhieit inter est in baaing, Nothing in the whole paper could have appealed to her Jest While he rad about Kid Mc Gvan's training methods, hrr rriiiral i-at sought out more dut ur.drr iIia chnionitr and along the baseboard. It aa her third day In hrd with the '"Hit," and Nora, sullenly resent l'il of the extra work, had neglected the whole apartnirnt. "Hear, do write a note to Mrs. O'tirsdy to come tomorrow ju.it to clean." "Ilr-re, what's the tn of my read Ing to you? Not listening to a word." "1 can't, with everything In such men, Just look in the library I" riing on hrr elbow to peer through tl.e floor. "What you need's a nurse to keep you in bed. If you're not better bv tomorrow, you're going to have our," grimly. "Now, dear, that' perfectly absurd 1 m Letter today. It wouMn t hurt rue a bit to get up and straight en ;iroimd." wen, you re not soing to, as he stalked in to answer the tele phone. 'Ihroiitfh the tinted door Helen could hear only hit indistinct tnuui- bl. "Carrie's in town, spending the day with mother," briskly, whrn he strode b.ick. .She i coming up to are you a few minutes before church. "( arrir t" dismayed Helen. "You di'ltit ray ihe could comer" "Why not?'' "With everything in this tntiss? I'll have to get up and straiKhten." You stay right where you are. Whit got to be done? I'll call Nors." "No, no, she'll be furioui. She's sulky ftuiiiKl now." "Well, what d'you want done? Spill It out and I'll do it." "'First, get lome clean cases for these pillowi. They have, to be changed anyway before the doctor com-. In the hall closet the third Ihetf." "Here you are," Warren slammed down a pile cf linen on the Led. "These are dresser scarf I Don't get them rumpled I aid the third shelf." "Nothing but sheets," he called from the hull. "Look back of the sheet. Don't get them all unfolded!" Helen con trolled her impatience. "Tiring two linen ones they're hemstitched." But it was the plain cotton cases that he brought. "I told you hemstitched but those v,ill do," n-signedly. "Put these in the clothes hamper," giving him ilic rumpled cases the had already taken Off. , ".Vow you lie back there I'll put 'em on. How's that?" eyeing the ptl'ow which he had crammed in all akew. ' Well, v. hats the diit? Now what next?" "Get me a fresh nightgown and I'll fix myself while you dust. The bottom drawer of my dresser the one with the Val lace and pink rib bons." A moment later he tumbled a pile Of lingerie on the bad. "You fish it out. All got pink rib Ions all look alike to mc." "These aren't nightgowns they're combinations and camisoles. I told you the bottom drawer. Don't bring them all the one with the Val lace." "How the devil am I to know Val lace?" as he stalked hack to the room adjoining, which Helen used as a dressing room. "And bring my comb, hand-glass and powder box," she called after him. "Dolling up just for Carrie!" he snorted when he returned with the toilet articles on top of a pile of nightgowns. "Put these back smoothly," taking out one of .the gowns. "Xow uet a dust cloth from tbe pantryand the carpet sweeper. She didn't touch the hall." "How d'you know? You can't see the hall." "NTo, but I heard her. I h'slened. She didn't do a thing in the hall." "Now what?" when he reappeared with the dust cloth and sweeper. "Dust in her first she'll notice this room most. Do clear off this fable. Take that glass and spoon into the bathroom. And that old ki riona hang that out of sight and get my silk one. What's that on that chair? Dear, you didn't even put away jour own clothes." "Just give me time. Can't do every thing at once." "She'll be here in a few moments, i You haven't done a thing! "'"'-" rker It U the fctt'er Warren had liard!y started on the library when rhe bnl rang. Hut'l hrr m vi I" stt.,t uT.. fluttering p4ir, tjwt, t,e tike these ihuigr thrusting at him Hit hand gluts and powder hot. uon i grt iuel up over with maddming delibtra- Xow Carrie," tion. "Shut the bathroom door and elott hat closet. Don't let her go in the from roomI don't know how Himg look in there," lc m'hin- you can go right in, tame Nora's voice from the hall. "Well, of all things, Helen! What's the nutter with you?" was her sn-fr-in l.iw's greeting as she flounced in. "You're not really sick?" "The doctor seems to think so," exasperated by her first remark. "What's the trouble? Nrvrs?" "lie a it's Hu." averting her fare from Carrie's critical scrutiny. "Oh, they always say that when they don't know what's the matter. You still have Dr. Kfllv? I never did think he was inu h (rood. Hello. arren, as her brother entered. V by. you ve eot it dark in here Put up those awnings!" "Nuw don't vou start shootin or. ders. Helen's kept me trottinir all morning," Then with a grin. "Wt put down the awnings to hide the dirt." neien, you rion t mean you re without a maid again?" maliciously. "No, but she can't do everything," resentfully, "And I em't get im" "Oh, that cat!" a Puny Purr Mew jumped up on the bed and ti tled down in purring contentment. "Keally, Helen, you ilo the wierdeit things. You say you're sick, yet yon lit tlp.it rit lust lull of germs lie on your bed." "We've had Pussy Tiirr-Mew s long time and she hasn't infected us yet," defended Helen. "She's booful and clean. She's always bathing herself." "llm-m, if that's your idea of chanliness! Warrenk you'd better clse that window," instructed his s-s'ier. "That makes a draft right on her" "Oh, no, I like it," protested Helen. "I never get enough air." "You're one of those fresh air fi'-nds who're always sick. Fads are all right if they keep you well but yours don't. No, put it all the way down." "I didn't know I was always sick," flamed Helen. "I think I keep quite as well as sou do. It's the first time I've been in bed for, months!" "Well, you're always complaining and that's just as bad. But I must'nt stay I'll be late for church. Now, hurry up and ect well and come out next Sunday, A day in the country'll do you good. How about it, Warren?" "We'll see how she gets along. "Keep her out of drafts! And I wouldn't have that cat on the bed. Well, goodby. Let me know if there's anything I can do." As Warren went with his sister to the elevator, Helen caught her fur ther shrill admonitions until the hall door closed. Huryinsr her face in the piHSw, she tried to force back the agitated hos tility that Carrie always aroused. hven when she was well this in flamed antagonism was baneful, and now that she was ill, it was poisonous, When Warren strode back she sat up, flushed and tremulous. "Dear, raise that window quick as you can!" "Better not. Carrie thought it was too much." "I don't care what Carrie thought! I ought never to see her when I'm sick," excitedly, "I was all right this morning and I'm all feverish now." "Then lie down and be quiet. Jove, you are hot," feeling her forehead. ou fussed too much betore she came, dolling up and changing your gown " "That didn't hurt me. It's just Carjic! She upsets me the minute she comes in the room. She had to criticize everything even Pussy Purr-Mew." "There, there, now, no sense work ing yourself all up." "Well, open that window and give me Pussy Purr-Mew. I want every thing she told me not to have and I don't want to see her until I'm well." "Now you lie down and be still or I'll spank you. Cover up those bare arms! No wonder you're sick wearing a wisp of lace for a night gown." Picking up Tussy Turr-Mew he squashed her under the bed-clothes. "There's your germs! Now stop chewing the rag about Carrie and go to sleep. If you're not better in the morning, you're going to have a nurse." At this ominous threat Helen snug gled down with Pussy Purr-Mew in her arms A nurse meant f 50 a week, besides extravauances in laundry and sup plies. Warren could not have heid over her a more chastening threat. Even her rebellion at her shrewish sister-in-law simmered down before the more direful thought of the (MA mik Lotijr (3b dlioppin villi Mly Your e'$ me tca-bluc, on J iht y IwU A'em visicnt they f ill not" unfold. You litigh and crji and ccp and pU); And eat and croon eaih h:y Jay. Your haun ait ditanti and happlneu; And life, your mother' i warm caress. You now not 'ncath the tinging tlici Are hurt and teart and thame and liet. Oift Derailment Offers Latgett Selection of English China in Omaha TN the Orchard WilljcIiii gift dr. partmcnt there is an exceedingly fine assemblage of EriilUh pone China. One is assured of a satisfy, ing stlcciion from the .10 designs re piesented in the diflerent chinas well-known to beauty lovers the world over: Million, a h send out service pieces; Crown Staf fordshire, whose tea services mace many tables in perfectly appointed homes; Hoyal Doulton, the china which best serves the si'ad course: Crescent, lovely in each individual piece of its service; Coalport and Cauldon impressively brautifut serv ices. Unique in charm are thc quaintly shaped gift picres; marma lade jars on tiny square plates; oddly cut titit, mint and sandwich plates; coffee cups, and dts-ert plates in the different chiqa designs represented, all calculated to impart a distinctive tone to the table, gifts of rare thoughtfiihirss Vtry few people know that there is an unusual serv ice rendered in the Orchard-Wilhclm You tiling 'tii llmven j,ou aie in. You nott' not trouble, tare, nor iin Oh, Baby, may you never now The tor did things, the mean, the low. Hut thould they tome, the thingi we dread T henCod' t own blessing on your head. -FOR A VKRY LITTLE BOY. Edmund Lemy, Good Housrkssptng. mm Til I r FASHION'S LAIR: TTALCYON' dsys of early fall bring to mmd the important necessity tor pUi.tung i,it.cdiie pn ..i winter wanliobr Murly ui t i n.,t ltt by I the worries of choosing becoming apparel tvrlmet-so very beaut. fn ae all of ti.e mode!, i tr.cntrd I specs!! apiicabng ate the wijcspuad and drooping hat models, the long dtaped skirts of the t ew season. Hi: as io hionl es "Meet Me for Luncheon" Tl'KING the day's shopping sc tivities, where to go for luncheon is most important. Service, prompt, efficient, is quite Is much, to be de sired sa good things to cat. One will (jnd them both at Candyland, 152' Parnam. Ihe large floor space in. the expansive V limit Room, up stairs, alfords an unusually la rye seating capacity, the service is both unusually large in numbers and ef ficient in training You Vill enjoy patronising Candyland. Flower Shop Offers Pleaaing Tele graph Delivery Senrica to Any Part of the United States. m ELF. GRAPH X s s " iffi IK'"' SrAUi The Mod Goes Woo! dithering an Many cf the Loveliest Cuillurt C're- Inspiring Showing of Costs. rTMIE F.mporium, ilO South loth St., offers for your early f ill buy. ing selections coats of umitUdl stnartneis in the fabrics so well fadaptrd to Fashiun's fancies m models (rimmed in a lavish rkhn-si. of furry peltries. You will enjoy 'he splendid values represented n this coat showing of exclusive fa mestengers co operate with John fiath, flor ist, 18th snd Farnam. Ja. 1906. got department. A desired piece of in the delivery of fragrant blossoms china in any design or make may be to all parts of the United States and obtained upon order, even piecea to Canada. The same service in flowec sluoning in price range from $(.9 to replace those mane many years ago. selection and delivery is assured if ?1B.SU, An opportunity to get mat utile now- one enlists liie Hath Mower Shop er-sprigged saucer which is so patent- service for foreign orders. If you ly missing front the, tea table, to re- wish flowers delivered to some one place the all important creamer or in Chicago, this florist knows the sugar of the treasured strvite. exact florist on whom to call for satisiactory service. Jt is interest draping fullness, rounded sleeves, into (his shop with ruily heads un- Th. 8.f Manni.h Coat Holds 'n to note that one nays nothing ... - -oo-- - rfrj rtrst I'jace tn tna wen ureseea fhop Xelegrsph your flower gifts. Woman's Wardrobe. International Sterlina Masterpieces of the Classics "Wrought From Solid Silver." IT HE John Hcnrickson Jewel Klmn lAlh mil f-,,..l,,1 1,1 Tadored Suit Distinctive in Styling, TP you'd have nn aipeataiie of attlul toniitig, ciusii'l the ex clusive ladies' tailor, L. Ktteeier, nd llooi", loth & llowaij. Here you will lind individual rolut li.it ts ol suits and W'ups which fulfill 111 exactions of a woman trred in the at t f tuott beronnng tj her type, Knectet's pri are always reasonable. , Velvet Evening Gowns Smsrtest FssJdon Note for Winter rPIIK coming season introduces many beautiful shades of vchet; liroiue, charlotte green, rid -orange, all tones of violet, de p American Pean'y and of coure a arrat variety r f the li(hter, brighter shades, if tmn expects to wear one evening trown a rre.it deal and wishes it to he especially attractive she will makn no mistake in selecting one id the new velvet at the Silk Shop, -117 Douglas, Delightfully diapey in tex- Pare Exqulsitenesa, Bridge Lemps ture, they're moderately priced, sur of Uuexpected Value at Prices prisingly so, ?4 ';5 up. iruiy a vecoranvs coasuu, ivt ations st the Hall OWI D their sohly-pded artistry to the kkillful work of Margu. cri'e I.t (iron in the Ullimi Oeauty dtop, 51't i lectrie fildg., AT. 4(1."'. Ladies of the court went romiiing der sports hats, eiMeruiiiv as state. Iv pctona;;i s, waiting only to don tin- robes ol flitl'tiug aaliu to be truly riil. Coiliuns in character. TKJD(;E lamps sjffer sn interest- ing possibility ' to the home decorator. In the art department of Wumon lieauiitul Not Only a Maa terpiece of Nature but a I'toduet of Modern Science as Well. as Ion Iv as the ai i" nude au on Ik amy culture raa ituka yuu. !'' t uf all youi par in ular type must be d.-scove r d. then that tpe iiitnule!y stud ed and de veloped. Mr. KoImMi and Mr. Fiauk who SIIMH1M' the beaUtJf work done in ihe :;4'k and Wbi'e I'oiiin, Pikki s-N'asli; the Salon df li'.nite, J I ol' 1 1 onii in lie, and the I Ijik.totie llrJiity Shop, ate ut t -1 1 ,s 31 y well tei.td hi the varied lyes of U inimmly and their latent possibilities lor beauty. Let them discover the tvvc rxprrssel by )olir I r file, culi'tiug, carnage and rlf-vi-olp it to its nillrt loveliness. A pri m ou nt w ive, t l be am, the l.ani d procets that makes the haT friiwtli more lusuiious, with dainty tharirt of t.alural wive; e'crtrotS tor removing blimul.es and hair; erienttfic facials to eradicate all traces of the nervous aire in which we live. Let science play its part in your sppciranee. Flame Evening Gown Threaded in Gold and Yellow. A LITTLF. frork for evening wear seen at the Ideal Button and Pleating Co,, ,1il floor Urown Block, 16th and Douglas, the other day was B ECAUSE of it. adaptability for Hori-y Department Greatly En. all tailored on the average list. Lamond's, 'round coats wear, the mannish Urged. great pleasure in presenting to Oma- A. Hope Company, IMS Doug- na the artistic new Pantheon dcf.iVn ''' '""e ' anrXf el,,,"n!" value m in sterling si.ver. "A Materp'cee ,)r"Je I-nips offered this wtk. An- li'jui: k'jhi iiiu jjoii in uiue iiiueti arc ilcsipr. hold first place A N important new department on woman's shopping the main floor of the Orkin 17th and Farnam, Pros, store, Conant Hotel Bide.. 1'V.h in International Sterling is wrouchl hc gracefully shaped lamp bases, from solid silver and is a possession ,0V('7 "1,l,,('d when tojiped by one (hat will endure a trratiir il.&i ill on e soltly colorful transluco or TO quote Vfrs. Tarpenning of the cunningly 'bioidcrcd in slanting lines .Mode Pleating Shop, 4th floor fiom neck to waist, round low girdle Paxton Block, 16th an.l Ksrnam. and short shoulder sleeves in (cam- And we agree it's so hard to choose, mg metallic threads of gold and just what one's choice of decoration bright yellow silk, eliarinftiil com- shall be that right joyfully we have binaiion. bott. full rounded I pa l a bit of everything all on the same panels of rh.ifon swayed "racefully garment. vtr ,lu" "fcordion pleated founda- lion skirl 01 gom, senq ior nr i ii eimel'. hale makes a love- catalog to consumate your fall present to Omaha shoppers an un- & Harney, it the hosiery department it beautiful. Put all enrich the association of your home. :;KC hand-decorated shades. A ijt,fc .kjrt for a young girl, $12.50, season's wardrobe planning. I. WWW usually varied rhowing of top coats tanging in price from $22.50 to Very shaggy is the surface of a gray and navy pebbled weave, f35.. Leather buckle and buttons furnirh a trimming note on a brown and tan blocked coat, $25. Bright plaid flannel furnishes the lining, oollar, pocket flaps and belt of a Mocha colored coat of furry soft ness, $35. Coats of individuality. . .l.l.i. j.:i.. ..u. "i- " .,. .ii n, a nirtsic which ua.iy amis new unea oi imc v,ay w inch rs reminiscent of the a. eat hosiery to its shelves. Van Raalte .0lrwn ,cllll,r froI wlich it uUri daintily clocked, hand drawn and its name. That is v.hy Pantheon novelty slitehed, the smart new harmonizes with every deco'ativ "Not-a-Seme," the Knitloch, and stheine. Jf unable to view this sil- now a new one, Lver-Wear. Surely ver in the shop send for beautifully ought to find something to suit your illustrated booklets. The design is massive. It is clran"t val,l: not t0 bc rciM'l you'll agree i. .t ... ... v 1. .1.. ..1. - ........I..,. upon hearinu the piiie, complete, 15.75! Lamps to impart the wanted note of "homineM." Fall Corset Models Conform Lines of Comfortable Grace. prctcrence here, rion t you think? One is assured of hosiery to meet individual preferences and needs in this new department VlMSr Paper and Wax Contribute to Beauty of Table Decorations for Hallowe'en Functions. MISS fjakcr from Dcnnison's pa inr Imnse in 'eur York is at Surprisingly Kilpatrick's to instruct in the i.n tricaciea of the new decorative art of t N THE main floor at Herz- making (avors from crepe paper and W berg's, 1519 Douglas, Milady will vcgetai.lcis .. , .. , lor the Halloween table, flowers ot glow estatic over the loveliness of ,,xrfc(lll(? naturalness which sway a gorgeously colored little breakfast fragrant pr-s nee trom twisted stems, robes offered at the unusually low mo.st surpiii.ing little bees and but- pnee of and $4.9a! Who wouldn't irfii,.. hnvr Mrr t.lntsnms. enjoy her breakfast if she were soft- realistic diamonds trlitterinir from big Vividly Tinted Breakfast Coats of Finest Corduroy Priced. W Se-vlng Time Brings to Mind the Subject of Suitable Sliirt Pattern. EVERY season's changing mode Qtfj(x making is a fascinating is reflected in the designing of Ofcjnd of sewing cuperially if you the corset essentia! to molding the disCPVfrfd ,e n.irge,. Shirt fiatirr in lines to conform to tne ' , .. . Mandates of Dame Fashion. Hattie Shop 2d floor Karbach Block. 15 h Putnam's Nu-l!one Corset Shop, 5th and fX'ilr Floor Karbach Block, 15th and one of Mr. Burgess personally made Douglas invites your viewing of the up patterns with full cutt.ng anej latest models for fall and winter. making instructions. ly folded in a novelty woven cordu roy robe, slashed up the sides to show its dainty brocaded lining, $5.95. Choose the color most be coming to your type, cherry, duxp maroon, mulberry, dull or vivid Never adert abot the houje, to- !,,, ;, nnes of trained nurse. day Warren surpassed himself in hiS iCops-nthi isj!) awkwfd helplsnes. He could i " - " tmd nothing, he knew how to do! Neat Week A "Candid" Dinner, nothing, and he could remember) nothm she told him. He drove, Illinois 10 L.Clf Urate her wild with his incesiant: "W here d'you say this goes What d'you want done with this.' No Matter What Sport Engages One's Ambitions Realized in Busi Your Attention and Excites Your ness Training Enthusiasm mHFPP in t-,tnt wide skirted expanse of vivid color. OU'LL find a realization of the 1 talent which if developed would t sport m practical supplies, suits, prove a realization of his vaguely values I ' balls, etc., at the Omaha Sporting formulated ambitions. You owe it Goods, Co., 18th & Harney. Before lo yourself to strive for the highest Woman's Exchange Appears More rums, and quaint little nguruics to hold the place card, nil have very simple foundations. Cigaret holdeis of' black rubber are delightful favors from the up-to-date hostess when tliey're partially covered by blue, blue, coral, pink or rose, you'll be yellow or jade wax, gold and silver iiiosi iieiiK'ucu wucn you see me, splashed. Y W Ttr.1t P..-,sWet n9H .nrf Vniw 0ii "tlatnablc, a perfectly possible Hall visit thU shon for nrire en- achievement if one but follows the titnatcs and a personal investigation directions of those qualified to advise XT ATHERINE DWYER, well of the values offered You'll find w'"V'y as t practical training in the 1 . snecialist 'IS them most interesting. Information Attractive With Each Artistic Ad dition to Its Tables and Cases. is cordially itiven entailing abso lutely no obligation to buy. liet acquainted. Fall Fashion Revue Part of Open ing Festivities in Department Store. of A LL departments Bros.' Store are in gala attire preparatory to an elaborate revue of fall fashions, beginning Monday, September 25. Special values will be presented in all parts of the store during the week, an assurance that the crowds will not only "look" b.ut buy, a distinction in shop parlance. Great drapey wraps of wool which demonstrate the chic use of fur a trimming, sumptuous full length fur wraps, unusually low in price, hats of smart allure, gloves from well known Pari makers, bolts and bolts of intricately woven silks and wools for fashioning modish attire, truly a feast for the fair sex. iiiisinesc wnrlrl thu iiistriirlnrfl ot ,... iu .vb,,,0., - Boyles College, 18th and Harney. 0lllI' l8t' Street, is now conducting Especially interesting is it to know a Woman's Exchange in her shop that the teachers and officials of this where 0ne mav pay a small fee for school are personally interested m iicr display windows, cases, tables placing m auitable positions every n(1 tll0p gl,rvire. Most interesting student trained in Boyles College. of the contributions this week were Regm today to develop your latent exquj,,ite candles with hand modeled talent it will prove unusually re- ,.. k,i. t ..,v . fini-u t th. Hayden' numerative in pleasure and profit. Dainty dotted net curtains, fine, frilled, with ruffled "cufls" to hold iliem to the sides of the window are but $S.'JK a pair. Plain net, also ruffled and '-cuffed" are $4.49. "New Discoveries in Waffle Mak ing" MAKES one remember that song, "Morning, Noon and Night" to tulle of waffles, does it not? Especial ly since v.c've seen the Star Elec tric Wafilc Iron at the. Grandcn Electric company, 1511 Howard. 1'hesc irons are so beautifully con structed of gleaming silver aluminum tht they re most decorative, lovely Beauty Send the Little Hat You Did Like" the Krugcr Hat Shop, daintily dropped decorations of gold enough to i rove an addition to any G Contnb- jn the same decorations are $2.25. Number Send your holiday sewing in now a fine opportunity to add to your savings account. You Are Sure to Enjoy Dinners Pre pared and Served in Homelike Surroundings. THERE'S an appealing atiim inhm rii tiAm at th I , i Metropolitan liming Room, Hotel wax which cover the canine s sur- Ztz" Confrey, Who Wrote Popular f?ce In 'avendcr, rose and bronze, c ti-. bp. .,. h tr.eyre unusually attractive gift ot- Song Hita 'Stumbling" and "Kit- feHlfs t $1 2j. V,rUme "br.it1r, ien on ine ft-eye," utea Delightful New "Tricks." REATLY Tb be desired, that deliciously melodious new song by "Itt" Confrey. "Tricks," which is now on sale at the sheet music department at the A. Hospe & Company, 1513 Dour. las, "Swanee Blue Bird," "Wake Ifp Little Girl. You're Dreaming," "Hot Lips" and "Why Should I Cry Over You?" all offered at the tame price, 30c each. You may be ,-isured that the murie selected in I his up-to-date department is essen tially the newest and best to be ob tained. Send check with order. table. Lets of fun to make golden brown walflcs at the table, a true "lind" for the hostess. May we send vou a little folder which not only illustrates in detail the fine points of the Star Electric Waffle Iron, but which gives' three splendid recipes as well? ' , Wrap Fabrics of Unusual Warmly Long in Nap. milE VOGUE, 16th Hi Douglas, fTO fall's early frost with wra; of lus- relrint it as well if you wish, trous fabrics, fur trimmed in sump tuous manner. There's a fascination in the very names of the coat fab rics: Froshona, Marvella, Arabella, Pnnvtlaiuc, Kovanah and Tarquina. SugK stive of beauty are they not? You'll enjoy the style notes ex piessed by the designers of these clever wraps, the draped effects and great, loose sleeves. The priic range, most reasonable, $75 to $150 You will also find at The Vogue an extensive showing of coats at pop ular prices, in Nftrmandy, Delicia anil Sucdine at $24. if) up. Fern Boxes Hold Fragrance of Dark "Woodsy" Places to Light en Winter's Tedium. LASTING pleasure during davs of winter housina are skillfully filled fern boxes which they're now arranging at & Swoboda's, 1415 Farnam street, 1A. 1501. For the big box cue might suggest llelptrti, Boston, Whitman iii, 1'iersoni, Roosevelt and Scotti, winle for the fern dishes or small I no aie the daintv small (ems: Wilnii, Wimsettt, llollv, Maiden I lair, Asparagus Phimosis, Aspara gus Springi, Especially beatit'tul are 'lie boxes combining the . different trrn growths artanKed by the plmt experts in attendance. Always 303 southeast corner, is ready to meet x Barker Block, they'll reblock and Why not have the oh feathers made into some original little accessory, fan, hag, or hair ornament they'll do it for you. And they'll also fashion your furs and marabqti pieces into P'22 models, most skillfully. Breathed Forth by La Mode Wide black satin ribbon thread the low waistline of a coat-gown e( navy twill trimmed with black soutache, Silver cloth is used to make the long bodice and face the side trains of a dinner gown of cream white velvet. An allovrr batik design in black and red is used on the wida sleeves and pockets of a frock of white tricotiri;. A short jacket of platinum ea- Hess cul ending in a belt is worn over a street trock ol draped roysl blue velvet. Shoe lares eovly reen out front the slashed leather fringing of tha Indian tabs on Milady's winter ox fords. The mode might truly be celled a "metallic" one, so widespread is the use ol metals for both evening ;md daytime wear, A my '!t'd be easier to set up and i expects v;v!," visitors here August vsclf. No. no. thit s an r""111) ;o lor the Hth anmveisaiy oi the , , i r i rv t . iKeen, ISth and Harney, which espe- I.iacoln-Douglai Uebate ;tilllv r(.ornm,,4, i,.fif t those reeport, HI. Sept. 23 The city (own! i told you my sun "" un.oua Lincoin-uotigut uroaie on Vouve sren me wer it a thousand ,iVcry. t mes. It's not wav back niit in snutor Pat lUrrison. Mississippi's, chtd'ng soup, tipnt. AsiJ those out snpera won i . t,(ry democratic statesman, ana Al- . . i ... , , i i: I l rrt i. nevcrmjfr, rciiuuucaii uii.n- (re,ure, ricniy erfsmeq Vfgeta!)le el ite tiom Indiana tor the L'nited ! jmr ;,;is e!rr. .tt. senate, ar to be the ;k- r t . Iht gathering rwrniscs t be the Ut fuin tSem. Ihrow thn in the tioi and btmg me my tost sat- t.i mti'f " "Mules?" "Oh. v i know whit they r- f-dfooni slcf-r'S You'ts to if( 'a r" ! ' ' political niettii f of the y4r Un'Mi'l T'ttf r gKt thete m '. 't lilinina. Governor Let Smalt, s o dig. Yi"i c i t nds t em." j Mayor i!l .sui Hs't Thompson anj I1 dainty tsir p'scrd tonsp'cu-1 i h pil iitil t ormy ol the tw, Al s!y by lbs bd s i Writ cou' l rstt jton ry Central Wn! am itttindsge, as ti I lo sr iHsio. IH 'I, V i-i' wt il Ibiins-s s, i i.-ii if n v ho ore more or !r "unattached." Particularly pleasant is tbt; dinner hour when tie extensive menu af ford an u'liisiiilly varied choite ot vind at ri.'c up. each !mrer in- a rlrmk of milk, eoer or t', a riei'iiotis siitt, a niri A Choice of a Hundred New Sleeves to Put Into Frocks -New or Old EVFKY woman, be she. rvr oUo l,.-i the im'.lic t'toni be.rg s dull, can catch al the bi.vM,i'l "" . ,d H!a.k tcrdisn il-eriile, geoiet:t 'iiitil f t" are ac plratrd and broidercj m luaui I'.lly sc. ta be ,(( t o i f! (tf a ''' "S'sw k'-r iot s1!.'! I to,.k gSati'y m . s sniT I .:' u hetsli in ir-e h--- s j k aeser m " t )'' w- t ' sa f.V,4 -t s!-'. ' 1 '''S tn-'vN' ! ' t -tt s y ' fit si (,r,..r Vfta,'- rV-ash imi tHf H t i .' P-'" 1 V,A Kr. t- " N' ltua IS IM' kt !'-'. it, mttcta sH U' ilt imiiiMt ami (jrmer Civrn!s I 'ir, I'uiiin. lv,,!cn Inn. in w .l 1 1 limtlJ Im K'i 1 ;r b. stoi c t;.tt tx.k f j; hf. must 2', as ih ;'lh lt . it unJy Ti.s ' k - iij , r I SHif I rt Js. M "t I' si .t g .! t ilo ... . i i ,. n i ..,! ps .4 'n -s sue - ito'u tK 4rubt fsi-iHt' tKS U t- t'a I t Shopping Service iivmlt rtd (iut'of Ttmn Visitor Pn ' t! hspplt at yonf n , tii's i'--i a' In tHiaa. I ' , t !' f r Inf.. una. ( .oi is t(i!it t Si rs, tl fa- ti i. , w ist f" io ' ' I! f i s'ti;-' p-h w 't tn- U f-i'y inuif . i !- ss, !i--.- : )t-v,e i v m sliiif in i-tiii kuikM in on- tin 1 ii. ri , if I. lL llir t .iif 01 ihuoic can taut, at me - :, '.,:. ! ;h",;: ",,..',. ...h,,, v.,w ... , . , M it i ,i,i-.llll'-i ti;il I.IV IkUmiDI imtl t IV- l.mruM ... a .Vi:n tbmgs as they UU t,,,m ' i , v,rn would be an.l !!' n l.f wr.,..-r. c oi-r.l . (.oint skirt. I'hett is not a siiule e.cue lluimv, vy hey in a staiul4f.il-ed Ibne .m l tl.ete by iilt. hnmg new but that el laiiiirst (or a reprutiofi f,.,tu.iit it the ditssmakers and tltot.s l tl. short elbow sUtvc. t'T s.iur ,.u, uuly ,t ehi-m .!wf, llow l,t. tie thev know ivoittru! II .e tiut!i it Ib't tvoi.fit ys.mt s. irv. but they d' S it a ! vs a V ys jut H !'ft ,t tblli's (i'IH h!iI !.t ' -I tur yyoil.l Hfait I lit Itaikit .wl-l h. (,.,, i i,- ,il: H i.n t'n .'o i.,.t , fie liiilol U tiistsi'st watit 4 ibai it i.i the tut-danitnu't rt I pivhs hi ' - '' v.it sift Ins I 1-r.an-t t'.t l i't'i'1) i ' .! i ' ( t nn ii-1 s !. t 1 "i us ml oji) i- -t Hindu t'eeve. the kmr-no !fve ll wntnan indultjes in the-. si t l,i, kt knislt 'n. tt y l.at bn oiCurtr I, ot t it Iti'liiltlcM t- lt I'rw in nt- tiitrt. Mit n y be tht kot-l ! m el u.!. i'lt who pfS.f hr .kii nun I . f ft l! t- I i t.l l. t! . . !! ! f i . i .'ii, ii i.i-t it in .' '-ii--1 ltt SttCC'S. J .Jinet'.nes s!.f - ly a a.,i-l sui(.:r (t .t st iu. . v , 1 bett is a ! b. ' l it-. --S-tfas't! "S f.f.mt ti imi tovti.i 1 ' r -mii'fl f t lit a, 't u! T'.ty ft a"il.-l' tH)is t to-.l si ( M- V s-.i.t f it--nfy t "in J- .Siig l -1 I i.t i -- v i , i a' ' !. It t tt't ti .t t . ii i . i . f I ' -S ,. n (it .,,. i .1 tee i . ft. 4 month it tuns aav fiom il,i publiv. At tht inrlisi !ual ii as piohtu at a pie.itssioii.il in diguing new ami cuerings, thri i, no bout to wt'4t may be deme. Rather, yslut is clone, materi.ila hu! ihev lu-l als,ht ciuiirtiSo shght it h 4s toil elunffi lit ill i ii.ln.ij etrprs tot (tot ks am) Ian. I ht lui damentals of IftnW, nu. h as i els l'..f '!if ii'l the ilvftt dr- ! Iriiglh ol skul, i.e .1 ttabtc. ,!tt. o,uiitd ol ry. r rH.irriti womtn trom j i-.tnt cl aist bur. bilbirst o hips, I44( k, ll--tiieit.it H4v i lines, iyt'y i artannnent of hrm, t-'it vsoiratl ami . es, l.fs'iu I.i pout ul ntff i i it ttiiishf i it--1 ttity fjn elisinits 1 tie ( tf tf bii-.il e1 mnien I I iim iv aNoiit t! tlin.rfs and a tiaita.ua. 1 f xi. t in iMuiiUln.il and liiirnu.ty i'ii"l to, to tl, acctiicui i. Whnh v. I no s. ' t: e . tv . tie n'rfvrt. Hp!. lit i , i I I I.. ... h ' i I It H t ( -t I v ..tin . , .- o ..( -t s ' .. h n . I t'-rn 1 U. .. i I.' S .k a xt c it tf i t. t -- ii S 1 J I ill I1 1 l! - --k---t. t a. n t t us 'l yutll.l'll -. i 1 1 t -!. I S ' - I ; t 1 11 . i e. II. ..t i.llt i t p. In t j Winmm should bt Ift.Sl b.tt , fii.-.lt K y.t'utioi'S ' rvr tint ttun o tttn'l lit) amtf i-1 1 ' r '' 1 s ' : Kit t'.at a sl'tst, si t t..4Ht li.sw tl t'io. j-wlii t "'I ' r-tinpl itt.. it lty,si,4 ti .,ly !t- ti.tit.iu.t It. - tr 41 lb.t t,t S.I. t.'-t-l tt ttfc'n it?v a inii't i..i. f.t .a 1 t.ii t o .' is, (. rt- ' 0-11 i.t g ....., to s- t-'""'-i v ' s' '! tt lit -' 1 lvtdy tbty hail t- t $0 let l eadini; im the bodies and a girdle of Jrt at the low waistline trim a trock ( iitin faeed Canton, showing h dull side. t Ft't and other aroitt la s aie In gif4t drniiiid, a I'mxt ronular uio..;t sh.it bus a crown isound ytith multi-coloud fdiboiia K rharmin ttnytn is rotnr.nte-1 of almond giffit flnllon and blf yeUft, Two l.fyy, t4eld Ink cords, Out ffffn, aid tht other ''iik ait HM by t s;utt ulttr b.ukhv t t Miny t t! t tint uj t mtlil tyj', tiftfi !, ft i t i.ii.birird nil1! Mtk f lyct, lo'1, !t t-,ua i. t U'iit s'-.pf s. h.. "'t ititiil . ' S 1 1. I e.t sfly ttttl b t s n 1 f ' y r 1 t nt 4 -f yti.lu-s tht f'.l tn '. -j t ' v ' . -. r." t S - it.i-t " t.l 1 a I t f T i.s tt 1 1 , At ti. t at I t ti a , a I. t n -A 1 .1 s I (..i.l, . t'M.t St utl...-44 ty