40 THE Sl'NPAY nUKs OMAHA. SKPTKMCKK 24. IMS. Council Bluffs Society l ! nl t( Iht rck i th mr. Ht ef J.(n C,ft-!,fn Jles. i!uh. ur ! Mr, and Mr J. J. lint cf h! cir. d Mr. Parent I'rter, ) tit Mr. and Mn. M. C. Trim df Omaha, hirh svt'l or fur nt faturdnjr trrmnt suth Ov. Vil ford il'n III rtti,itina; ftrrgynun. Mill lies Mill rjr at iuttit Iirportnl (own ( hii georgette rusily bailed In liny pesrli, and piadt ankle l'"eh. Her hm vnl ii combination o tu'U ami nnrrii rt, v.ith soro nt clferi, and will ! arranged in most breouniig 4y ssitli or4"H Li'.il!l , Mi and Iff. I'c frt Hill l. un attended and ha vsnt.l fK vvi be lrliil.r in t.ie jfi'-ll oi th( J'r'Mi home, list roirg away fcossn rd Ihii lrtl lo-U i arunmng three-pierr creation ( f'Ui k prac Ii !!u cyiii loned avi!h fUme.i oloird frrM i!f cina embroidered in terl bead. l:jik f li:r l used II a irirriinnnj nl ssith, ihn a ihu'.I hut will lie sM. Mr, IVrr and dii bride luv fdaunrd an Bu'oitintiile inp liro?imh 1 lie rat, and -1 ' u t tli hrst of No vember rnj.r t In mum lo Omaha, v.hrr they will reside, "After Faradt Affair." Mr. and Mn icavtiiond 1 1 u I i gave a tui'f'r at their horn alter ll.r -jr-llrri fumlr last Wednes day rcinrf svhrn llieir truest ssere Idisie Mu.'f l Mann, In ne Kim rid I-dliline l.orir; Messi. Tom Kme Mjo (i'MiiUiu irn 'I flui'crt J fa t To Entertain. Mr. I.. L. llcMiinirrr lui issued Invitation, to 4 lri!i.'- liirn tteorl Vthii'i will lie given next We flit tay It lb I'T JIldl l Ir.l tOlilll. Mill Kty llostes. Mis Mary Kcv, w lir in spending the iiiniiilt of S' iiciiilii r at li r cot tdVe in I.al.oiu.i al Lake M .naw.l, gave a iniiprr tluie lat .Sunday evening, an.l on 'Jlimn'av afiermwui dad two l.il.Mi'i oi Kui'lt (ur bridge, For Miii lien, Mn. firorife Van Jirunl and Mr, Cliitrlri llamun, jr., urre lioslrmr ( l.i-l 'I liiiM'!.iy wlio 'l.iim' il a love ly IiiikIu'oii al the OiimIi rliib in lionor ol Mi GrLtdti'i) Ucm, a Sep tmiliiT lindf, A liakct of fiink and lavender a I'll, en! a mid mill tulle, formed the lm riralioim for tlie lalilc, around vhiih urre ncned Nfri J. f. Hv, Mm. l)'iuglai I'i Uti f Omalia, Mini Jlem, Mrg. John Mchlhop, jr Mr, Kldoii l.oiiKcr, Mm. Hubert Turner, Mm. Van lirunt and Mn. Haiuian. Thin bride elect wi alsi compli mciilrd on neveral oecaniom in Oina i durintr the past wnk. J'receiliiiK the rleelriral parade Wednesday eve ring hIic and her fiance, Mra, Clar ence 1 il'ri, were hunor kuiIi at a dinner Kivrn by Mr. and Mn. Doug .i l'iler, and after the parade there vai a aupper for them at the Iiran rleii restaurant planned by Mr, and Mm. Halpli I'etem, Mr. and Mm. M. C Pftrrn honored thin couple at a inpper Friday night immediaii ly after the Ak-Sar-Jien t all. The affair wai given at the Country club. Popular Viiitor. Miii Tune Davii ha ai her gurt Miti oily Holbrrt of l'asadena, Cal., Trtt V NQL AN Pt'H I'rojuclioni fiit tvtry worn in iht Kami rkrW4i 4 ! txliv .!,: Nit illHI.Wl (.wtttaJ Dilt TTi.il r PLrt t fc.'i.m4tt fc Si H bisJu. It. ' .f 4ti K.14, If 7Wl0 I! I 0 lliip and in her hom e lorne d'lihtful af Uiit hit hern Riven. (Jn MoL.Uy, liie d4V of firr arrival, Mr. and Mr. V. I- J)otn;!t had 2 ucti fgr d. liner and Ihe fvnuri 4i ipent Mitli tiri!ge. Mita June livii and Jerry l')jer were awarded iilic nr tii(ll iiie, A nu,. ( attractive bridge lea wai given mi Turnlay by M;n Dam lot hrr Kuril, the pne for hivh iroie I ring vion by Mii J aiih MfManin. Mi Naiic-y iili'lnun rrreivrd the tui -fur-all. The tea utile w pretidrd over by Mini 1 Imhuh buugUi and Mi (ine irhoruirn and aolniing Mm Uvii in her rluliei ai lutiffM were Mi I inula ll'iayUnd cj! (Juuha and Mii Nam f Milliiun. tin Wrdnetday Mii 1 lo,i.-l.ind rompliniriiti d thu viniur wnh a luiirlirnn of 0 lovrri at the Alh Iriie dub ad l'hurday nave party for brr at the Ak-Sar-l!en racei, Friday afii-itioon she wai enter laiurd at bridge by Mm Nanry Siill nun and Mr. and Mm, William t'"i pm k rrate an ei-ning bridge for hrr haDirdav. Oil Wrdnevjjy MiM llulhert will he honored by Mr. Lutln-r I'rake of Cimaha at a luncheon at the Cuuuir; dub. For Min Clark. One of the luvchett of the pre. miptuti for Mini Fern Clark wai die paiiy (n 'j'ui-tday last given by f.i i.lialirtli ijuiiin at I.' r home on Oakland avenue. The affair a a'-o planned in honor of Mini C'el.a ( allaghan who liai recently come here from California, and il gurti vvi-re preient. following a buffrt lunrhron the afd-riuion wai devoted to bridge, Mitt Marian Turner having high rore. Mm. Frank Kerline received the roitsolatiori and. the honor Kueull werr prenenled with gifli. Mist Clark wa coiiii!inieiited on Wednetday with a bridce-ltim heon at whirh MiKt Marian Tin tier wai hotteti. On (hit ncraiion Mm K betli Quiiifi bad high leorr, Mitt Aible Kretine low and Mit (lark received the honor prire. An enjoyable party wai alo given on Thuriday for ihii autumn liride by Mm. Henry Jenningi and Mra. John Sliugart at the attractive home of the former. Bridge occupied the early afternoon hour with Mr. Har old Ho and Mini Claire Mclnner ncy prize winnrri. I'revi'oiu to Thuriday earh Riiest had hern asked to bring some ar ticle which could be used in a kitch en and at the conclusion of the game thii array if culinary gift were pre sented to W'M Clark, Mr. Harold Srhaper arrived in the city Saturday, and that evening he and hi fiancee were honor gucsti at a dinner of 16 coven given by Mini Dorothy Clark. Thii evening' there will be bridal dinner at the Clark Iioinr, Informal Affair. Complimentary to Mini I-orrnc Ilamtud who leave this evening for Chicago, a picnic nuppcr wai given at the Country club last Thuriday evening by Miss Kuth Wickham. Legion Auxiliary Active. The member of the American Legion auxiliary have completed ar rangement for an all-day cooking oak-, and on next Saturday, Septem ber .10, will have homemade cakes, arc sought by smart bmckccpm To see the kauty cf an ENCIANDFR Double-Da-BeJ i not enough to tell you why it is one of the firn purchases of th imatt homckecrcr. You must examine it. You want to see how it is converted automatically, with cne motion, from luxurious, paccful day M to fvUI-shcJ Wd for petted sleep. You want to re cline on it and tee I the corr.fort that is yours, to rest or sleep. Then you'll understand why an LNOIANDIR pcntble Da lvvl, because of its double putpewe. i tscntll to the hos pitable, welt fitted borne. Thete art irtoui model in all finishes, Irt wtxxi or mcuL ENCl ANDIU SrRtNO IUD CO. hew Xwk IWVItw Clival SLANO Autumn Bride w if .. . r On Monday at 4 In the afternoon will occur the wedding of Mi I irn Clark, daughter of Mr. and Mr. (Jeorge I latk, and Harold Schaurr d Milwaukee. Vi. Kev, A. L. aiitrdrii will rrad the inairiaKC hnet before m improvised altar in the Clark home, and about a haidrrd relative! and intimate. fiicuiN have been invited to witn'm the nuptial Mim Clark' only attendant will he Mi Dorothy Schaper, iitrr of ll.r groom-to-be, and Jack Cl.uk ha been chourn at bent man. Preceding the ceremony Mr, Don aid Anni will iug "L'ntil," accom panied by Mis Hodna Hughrii, who will alo play the wedding inarch. Mr. Schaper hat planned to take hi bride on an overland honeymoon and after Ihe fust of November they will be at home in Milwaukee. pie, cookie, bread, naiad and drs crts in the basement of the Jlco More. They aic alo bending every ef fort to the inrrr of the Hallowe'en lard party on the afternoon of Oc tober 31, and the dance which will be given that name evening. Luncheon. A color scheme of pink and white wa uned by Mi Helen llutler Sat urday at the luncheon given at her home on North Second ilrect. One large and three small table were attractively decorated for the 24 gucjt.s, Personals, Mr. A. P. Hanrhrtt spent tlie last week visiting friends in Onawa, Li. Mis Cora Ilrndce, wdio ha been the librarian here for some time past, left on Friday for Columbia mover- pps. i rx!-V " - ,:' JT-' The Dust From Outdoors disappears from your home as if by magic when you use rvi. ni 1UU UlUclIlUX cleans the Cleaner you've intended to buy GET IT NOW on our special offer. Arrange for a free Demonstration in Your Home Twlay Nebraska Ll Power S. ii, wild !t Will -tVt nine p.tt- guduate itutk. M m Nancy tillman Ir4vr i-muir- r la enter I he I'mvemiiy oi ttn ca.'. J W, S. Cooper i' rKprcfcJ h.inif i Wedurt'Uv fioirl l o Angdrt, wlirie be tprut th lat ta werkt. Mr, an.J Mt. l?a)riHmd Cuniii t and ton Jimima of lrniuii, la., wrr Conned liitillf vitituri during tl. ( IKt week, Miss I.orcn Ilanimrl trav? tin evening (or Ihii.i.'o, wuri tlie will lal.e a two year euur.e at Ihe Chicago Art inl!luie. Muntignor F, P, McMami it en pected home toilay from the eastern part of Ihe stale, where he spent the last two wceki. Ihe Muse Kathrrinr and Flranor Inner of Oklahoma Cily nt the last week in Coutitil tlu(l with tbrir cousin, Mrs. i-rrd llauuicistri, Mr. and Mrs 1'rjnk loiubr ird Mr.' and Mm. J. A, ( lark plan to leave ulioiil October 11 tor a three weeks' tup lo New Voik City and oilier eastern points. On Octolirr 14 they will attend the Iowa-Yale foot ball' game at New 1 1. urn. ' Mr. arid Mrs Henry C. Schaper and daucihtrr M s, porothy arrived r inlay troui Milvcaukre for tnc S' haper-t lark marriage Monday aftrriioon. 'Ihe trip was made over land and Mr, Sihronlrr, an aunt of Harold Schaprr accompanied them. Mrs, S. L. Ftnyre is anticipat ing the arrival of her father, W. I., Patterson, and her lisicr, Mrs, W. 1'. Pallet ton, w ho will come on Wednesday from Philadelphia.. Mr. Patterson will celebrate hii KHtlj birthday thii week at the L'luyre home. Mis Charlotte I.ovrkin made a brief stay in Council Illulls Ihe early part of last week, en route from the east where she ha been viniting, to brr home in Lo Angelri. Mis Love kin is a tennis player of some note and was a classmate of Mis June Davis at Marlborough school. Mrs. diaries Test Stewart is ex riecled home this week from Estea I 'ark, Colo., where she ha been since the latter part of June, At the same tune Mr. Stewart will al-o arrive from hi ranch in western Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs, Ilnnald Macrae and young son returned earlv in the week to their home in Uc Moim-i liter a brief vibit here. Old People'a Home. Resident of the Old People' home, on Fontentlle boulevard, wili attend the morning service today at the First United Presbyterian church, of which Dr. Paul Calhoun ii pastor. In the afternoon at 4 o'clock the association quartet will conduct a vesper service at the home, The fuartet include George Campbell, Hugh Wallace, Dean Smith and 1". F. Williams. i Ultlt UCULb elb 11 c3WrjqJi) lib IL Down $Ki A Month Drifting Into Temptations Needlessly By BEATRICE FAIRFAX. '1 iiu-ant no harm." cried Janu. ' ' I v.s lonely and bored, I didn't I now wl.fdi wy to turn. I bad sent my wile and children to the country ! and 4s fight ng an uphill fight and j tr)ing to s,e the pieces of iuy bui net, which looked as ll it wue ' dutmd, Mot of my frirmls weie i"it '( the city. And I got nek and turd i of dining alone P'glit after night and mulling oecr my Irouhhi. So I atkrd iny little stenographer to come oul to dinner Willi me, She was niih a ii Miuie. tpiul hltle thing in Ihe oi lier lh.il il nevir occurred to me she'd haer so much pep and charm, "And now I'm imue than halfway in love with brr. It wouldn't be fair to b. r to put her out of my ofiier til,..'. I. lit..rm ill, mat li. ll. Utt.t llf, wotkrd up lo three thousand a year! a general secretary to the execu tives. She sn likely to gel as good a job soon again lint I'm afraid to keen her around, She doesn't know it, but I'm getting mail about her. .Von, in fairuets In inyrf and my wife don't 1 have to get rid of the girl?'' "My husband Is off touring the country fur a serie of gcJf tourna ments," write Mr. H. W. And I'm Iryina to anitite myself in town. There isn't money enough for me lo ! go anywheie I d like, so I prefer laying at home. My hushand'a cousin came to town a mouth ago, and my husband asked me to li t him live at the apartment. He thought Frrd would be a nice companion for me. "He felt our place would give Fred a good home for less money than be d have to spend any othrr way And lirilher of us is averse lo taking in a little extra money while business is so poor. Put I'm growing too fond of Frrd. He doesn t know how dependent I'm growing on him. Hut I'm drifting into raring. I feel that in ordeV to protect myself I must ask Fred to go." I isighrd as I finished reading these letter. For there ii something pitiful in the dramatic instinct which makes a lonely man or woman drape in romance the first person who comn along to relieve tlie monotony and boredom of their day. Most of our marriage triangle hap pen just in this fashion and the lone ly husband or wife itarts out, meaning no harm but ready to dramatize the companionship of any one wdio comes into their drab cay bringing a little sunshine, a bit of relief from monotony. Wc place altogether too much l sues on out ejMi.il itieDtui m euiigi.il or falling into dangerous stimuli Ur iiuv tiins U ran dr, '"utions. Id's gel out of lb nu re than they dn In our own mi- ; l."l id lanes ng that we can resist 3g:n4tnni see construct r'" n,e and Hrrjlhirg but temptation, and tt.ipeity out of elements which ie . iecoguie that we nuke Icir.pt.Hion p-Milo)' nudi ijiute to cansr a'l hie 'out tl tr oven reaction tc HUM eoiiiniotion we iti'liil I ertv tune lt.iru.irs in fhrmsclvrt. 4 k.M.ly mail or WtHti.ill IS tin oven into ihe siinity of some one ot the. t pposite srs rie siiu.it on nerd not j ic iratigni witn uigti explosive prop erties. There need b n trouble in s in ation such as th letter I'te fl'joied ciihnr. The trouble lies in the esrakuets of the man or the woman wltt) insists on stress, ng Ins giatilmlr for a tittle- attention ami making a thiilling sitM.it it'll out of it, If James i a weakling and a coward and a yrllcsw Cur to hoot, he'd better find anoibrr job for h''. stenographerand a new viewpoint 1 . ... . I, Wl l . I. ....I I... lor niinseu, ii ue . . r- an oe . ... ter a kii.g the ,rl on to diue with bun and grt himself luck on a srlisihlr bus'iieis foot'lig Willi her, And if Mr. It. W. know that she is weak and potentially faithless, she'd best ask ( niisi,) I red to move lit once. She is in a d'Hicult posi tion for a hgh-stf ung. imaginative i'lul none loo loyal wile. Hill neither she iur her friend Jamrs nerd be in the rtres ill which they find themselves. We don't drill into temptation we etk for it. We make situation dramatic because Ihe longing (or drama is within it. And it i to our own strength and common sense that we must look for the lohition. The most trying situation of lone liness on the one baud Utid of pro pinquity on the other can be dealt with by the man or the woman who i itrong and decent and sane and tjriua!. We don't have to go about falling in love with everyone tdio is J ) U 5bra op . y , LS Luxury Lingers Women's Outer R ECEXT years ers. javisu travatrant efforts, garments at moderate prices, there lingers in fabrics and fash ion the art and attractiveness that have heretofore character ized the most extreme creations. OUR SELECTIONS OF Coats . Suits . Dresses . Skirts Blouses and Hats arc those taste and intelligent experience have chosen from the millions of less desirable. Your purchase here secures for you without cost insurance ot correctness and goodness. ItifiliBiil In the Autumn Pageant of Fashion hata play a constant and varied role, and this senson more than ever hats must be different. If you want to get our viewpoint, Just try on one of last year'a hats with one of the new long gowns-Enough. Hats Thii year the drooping hilm has come Into Its own while the Oriental Turban and VKNKT1AN TRK'OKNE are brought forward to tempt and bewilder. Swirling, awerplng feathers, flashea of silver and Jet with veils alluringly draped mark the new arrivals of A msden V "Hats of Character" The Delineator Mj Irn hud thu niiintb at a spr. eml low prlca, Toustilt jsa Min. Iha liuturtck enmpary i-p. resentjitsK, at our I'atttrn Ccuu Hr, Crepe Paper Xoveltles V.ilit'l Ultra al bant It tasclnat ii Mis pstsr i't It. l nn on I niupn Kl diti iun'i' isa I I (imi m.ti ,ei, ibs in ti t 'i eispa I sit'l 4li ( oik 0-1 e. 0:111,10 Px-U' a. Y. W. C. A. Offers Varied Courses in Bible Study Thice di.'tetent Ilible routtei are olitred by ihe Y. W. C. A. thu win- , ter. Th Frv. TliJinas Catady will I conduit a cla on "The .Message cf itlie Pronheis," every Thursday nioin i ing ai 10 o'clock, beginning October ! I' In anticipation of the Stuait ii . . . , -.'i. . i. i viki'r pei I'iriiisncri oi j us noon , j , .. , ,,rr,fn,f, j Omaha in f )( , , ' ,,. ...... s...o.i. .u ...... . ( ti. in list YJ i iiiiiiii vtiis H ' v m rnr x4 Tur(l.iy fvcnijitf tjttki mi a f a . .' , i . P lie Hook of Job," beginning IKto ber .'4. The third course, "The Gospel by Matthew," will be given by Professor V. K, Vaitiinaii commencing Fri lay evening, September iimbr the Omaha I'niversity extension course. Negotiation, for credit, must be maile at t tie I'nivrisity of Omalia. The religious-educational commit tee J the V. W. C. A. is headed by Mis. A. W. Bowman, assisted by the Mesdame A. C. Kennedy, C. A. Mussaliuati, D. F. Jenkins, Call (.iray, Carrie Ada Campbell, general secretary, and Miss Fliabcth How ard. Franci Willard W. C. T. U. Frames Willard W. C. T. U. wi'l meet Wednesday, 2.M p. tit., in he Y. W. C. A. CstablisntM taiS70 have marvelously developed expenaitures nave rewarded so that while we arc todav New Self-Collared Coats For Immediate Wear They come in soft luxurious fabrics Marvella and Tarqucna beautifully tailored, wide Bi.shon sleeve effect and an occasional one with a touch of refined adornment in the way of stitching or button arrange ment. The linings are of superb crepe. Collars may be worn open or wrappy on chilly days or when driving. Colors: Brown, Black, Navy, Sparrow and Navy with Brown. Special values $79.00 $98.50 Women' and Mlsse' Section Second Floor Junior Costume Suits Adroitly combine the suit and frock in one. The blouse in matching or contrasting colors with skirt and coat, the latter in the finest of wool ma terials. Colors: Marten, Black, Kodskirf and Hawaiian Blue with fur trimmings of Fox, Squirrel, Caracul and Beaver. Size 16 only. $82.50 $99.50 $125.00 Junior Section Second Floor Tailored Silken Underthings Of the most beautiful of nil al!kn- Truhu. The "feel" of It to the body la lndeaerlhahly delightful. They are Htrlctly tailored with touches of trimmings)--contrasting tailored ednliiRH, fine tucklnRH, lady fair rlbhon or pngalhly a dnluty ribbon roacbtid. Colors; Klcsh and Orchid. Knvelorics of Truhu, 'special. 85.05 $0.05 Nightgowns of Truhu, SU.05 S8.05 Klllc t'nilirwmr firetlon St-cond Floor Women's Hosiery "The Luxitc" Nationally fuinnua. Two nmiitmra offered at anr-dal prleea. Turn ailk In hlitck and hrown mode with wide ni tp; a iplenilid nuiuhar for ilout fijurea. q ' P'r, O I Ot) Tut silk to th t"P. a onderful quality, 1 " Ulaik, Hiown and White, I'atr, .Ut) New Gloves Of Silk or Cluimoiscttc AfMUOVH tn. tui.l an in. !. r.l u rf tatiuc for iii rtiy r: d)s. yiuhiy and ivle la assinH vith rtr fttlini by our SHtiriKd a!rs eiiifll. SU.K Cl.OVM Tply ttttita In H tmium r .unt!e lrnth. f-tl at . Nt and ,t.ii CHWIOIi.TTK-U 1 billies IfBjth. a t h ...r lUd". m! al i.nM ,,4 li.VVNTI ,T.s) of h.t fMlr l f.nrs niiiM,,,, :m and M ' Nil, l.TII.-t- U k a'.. Hio!!i tn.jmil t iijiu 1 1 aiiess silo a i i I.. ;f si.i i a Y. W. C. A. Sunday C. ulral budding open front I" a I", to p. in. At J h m the aiteruoon Mrt, Hf rnce Spencer Put yea ol New Yojk wil sp.ak m the auditorium on "Ihe Crisis m Smyrna," Monday- p. in. hanrpirt and open- mg rally ol federation of dubs, fol lowed by report of aummef eon ferencrs at Lake Okoboji and I-k (ii iirva. 810 p. in., rally night for all mem ber and friends ol the association. There will he general registration Mr cUssct, also program in the audi torium, a tour of the bnild'Pg gv ing rver)oue an opportunt y to lee 'some classes in se.sioti, a volley hall game staged iii the gymnasium bv Ihe Athletic Club, a Jolly good oriai lt""' I s. Class in millinery starts Monday evening. Mis Ann i J. Iter, instructor. All intetestcd in cooking ctn"' are invited to come to he building Monday evening to meet the in structor and register for clissei. Tuesday The cabinet of South High School Student did reserve will inert ut Libiary hall. Wed n e d ay Tcchnir.J lligli School' Student did Heserves cabi net will meet in did' club room at V. W. C, A lo complete plan for the cmrster' work. Friday Alumnae dub meets for dinner. New millinery rla. Miss Anna Jeiter, instructor, first lesson, Fri day evening Satunl.iv Setting up conference of employed and volunteer workers Ironi assoce cons in Sioux City, Council Plui's. Des Moines,, Lin coln and Oinnh a t Camp Urewitcr. isl.sts.A . lfl7A ir Apparel garment desijn- Iheir most ex- able to offpr von I f0DUCTl0WOs flttr ANORIST