The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 23, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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    HIE OMAHA I5KK: SATl'UDAY. SKt'lK.MHKU L':t. vj?.
Qui era Qumi
' Is Well lotted
for Heral Honors
Mt (uTtruiie Mout, rirt
l.atly of Al-Sar-Hfn, Ao
tii' in i.Ut anl
Jimuir I.rague,
(f nullnuril ("rem I'M On.)
has K-rvril Ml tl Osnin flrrwstrr
C'it".mt!te stul tut si.iitnl in
Mii Siuut it i comiilikhfil in do
jur'ic art v Sure t he drsih
of l,T im.tlirr 4 frw yar a lir
lu fnjti,H"cil In-r Ijthrr' limi.rtiuM
She t ln romUrt iriiiitaiium, ni
any wrrlt filOfniriR iii.iv be rrn
wall.iri down I .tinam itrrrl villi
him fruw tlirif home at 117 South
Thirty ninth street. The new (iiurn
it sUu all ardrtit ifrvotre 4 Kf'lt and
Ki in a Koud i l time Id the
K.niip, She la widrly travelrd.
Hrr Knwn, whirli a nuiitiifirriit
Willi rlunrtmi and 'rryul, v
truly a erratum for royalty, in if
kliiiniiierinif perfection. It win fali
iotird "f the rimy (iauidire iiirial
cloth of lilvrr, ttliirh is liravicr and
at the name time more Kiiiiplc and
(learning thill Other tltrl,il cloth
and the entire j-otui n emhruid
ered in brilliant m an oriental flower
pattern of (treat intriciry. Cut on
the stuigtitcst line in one niece, the
gown a draped perfectly nt the
very low wakt line, and finished on
the rt'Kht aide villi a loop of nlvcr
that Ml to the floor.
Traditional Court Traia
If fratureil the Jenny neck inter.
peeled arcordintf to tin ranti s
mode with a lower rut in the liarkr,
and was without alrevrn. A sliort
fixhtiile train completed the sown
Mis Stout wore the traditional
court train of silver cloth decorated
with t'iiiins and lined with fa'in
which Miss C'l.iire Daujihrrty wore
for the first time I;nt year. It ha
Kreat ilitftiity and (?rare, rut with a
V neck anil fastened on the straift'it
ahouhlrra of the little oucm with
axiiuinte cord and tassel.
The court jewel were particularly
striking thi year, set off nxainst the
dark beauty of the new sovereign.
They are most impressive with rhine
stoncs wrought in silver, and the
crown, which measures six inches
In diameter, wa even more brilliant
against tjuefn Clcitrude'.s black hair,
ind only served to heighten the beau
ly of her large gray eyes. Slie also
wore the necklace with its pendant,
the two armlets, and carried the deli
cate little scepter.
Slippers and hose of silver com
pleted the costume.
Of Blood Royal
Louis Nash, new kinif of Ak-Sar-Ren,
was born and brought up in
Omaha. lie is married and has four
children and lives at 3707 Burt street.
He is the son of Mrs. E. W. Nash.
He i president of the Burgess-Nash
company, a director of the Omaha
National bank, rice president of M.
E. Smith S(, Co., director of the street
railway company and lias other busi
ness interests.
Mr. Nash may be said to be of the
Ak-Sar-lien blood royal, for his sis
ler, Mrs. Frances Nash Watson, now
of l'aris, was rjueen of Ak-Sar-Ben
several years go; and his uncle, F, A.
Nash was once Vinjr.
Retiring Queen Appears.
Preceding the advent of the new
monarch, Miss Claire Daugherty,
the retiring queen, made her appear
ance at the ceremony. She wore her
coronation robe of -silver, which is
made of an overdress of net beaded
in crystal, pearls and rhinestones,
that hang in two wide panels, at the
front and back, bound loosely at the
vraist with ropes of pearls. Miss
Daugherty, who was without a court
train, wore a band of brilliants in
her hair, and her only jewel was the
'diamond and sapphire bar pin given
her Ny the board of governors last
Governor S. R. McKelvie accom
panied Miss Daupherty to her throne,
which was situated to the left of the
kings, and the reception which was
accorded the pair at their appearance,
showed the enthusiasm with which
thi innovation was accepted.
The 12 princesses who entered be
fore the queen wore formal frocks of
the same metallic cloth, made on long
.straight lines, with a slight drape,
that gave an uneven hem line, they
too were made sleeveless with Jenny
neck. Airy court trains of tinted
metal tissue were worn by each prin
ces, Promenade Two and Two.
Promenading two and two, they
trod the lonj hall to the canopied
stairs. First in line were Dorothy
Norton and Virginia Leussler, who
wore trains, of sea-green, and the
wide silver head bands that finished
their costumes were decorated with
tiny ostrich plume of the same
shade. Virginia Carlisle and Dorothv
Davidson followed, their trains and
headdresses in peacock blue, Virginia
l'earc and Catherine Denny were
next in line, and f'om their shoulders
floated trams of gold. Tiny saftron
King Ak-Sar-Ben XXVIII
l Za S t
rr- 1- ---r--:--' ' 1''- -7
W5Cv J h lk,H''- hi
I Ladies of Samson's Court
I Grouped About Monarchs;;E'S;r;
' . Mi Al. Kiy w.
Louis Nash.
Common Sense
Are You Mentally Laiy?
Pet haps it is eiy lor yon ,i re
member a atory hut diitu ult fir von
in retain infortunium son should
W' worder at the fict, con-oder-ipK
that can fepc.U rv al
most verbatim, whde 'l (jV lotw,
l-fj s'i!y tr u tii commit ttn a
te I net in lodge ct, id lit 1!
Ict'er pe lie-, t
hi-.; v it ! the i(Mtnt yoi p. t
inn it w hiyh t'V vd t'ic on--ir
.'roii t' 11 v t.i t jn ' Sv hri't"
It 11 1 he 1 i. r yvi t- !. ri t
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ni '
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plumes were caught in their
bandeaux. Elizabeth Elliott and
Roberta Trimble wore preen: Mar
garet Eastman and De Weenta Con
rad, the peacock blue shade and
Miriam Wiley and Willow O'Brien,
who were last in line, had trains of
Entertain at Supper.
Following the ball, the king and
Mrs. Nash entertained at supper at
the Omaha club in honor of the
queen. Mrs. George Myers of Du
buque, la., who is a sister of King
Louis, and Mr. Myers who came to
Omaha Friday with their daughters,
Barbeau and Esther, to be present at
the ceremony, were among the
guests. The others were the Messrs.
and Mesdames Ward Burgess, Frank
KeoWgh and Randall Brown.
John f . Mout, father of the new
queen, had Mr. ana Mrs. waiter
'reston and Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Clarke at supper with him.
rhe queen s only brother, Robert,
with Mrs. Stout and their baby
daughter, Barbara, were unable to
attend the ceremony.
Deny De Valera in Dublin.
Dublin, Sept. 21. lhe publicity
department of the republican party
oflices in Dublin declared that the
statement recently circulated that
Eamon De Valera was in Dublin
with the object of negotiating with
the Irish provisional government was
a fabrication.
This dcnjal is borne out from in
formation at free state headquarters.
Board of Governors
. Present Queen With
Beautiful Seal Ring
"Most Gracious Queen All the
progress, patriotism and pride of
your kingdom as well as the good
will and fealty of all your loyal sub
jects is represented in this seal ring
which you will wear as a symbol of
your sovereignty as well as of the
love and fidelity of the Knights of
Ak-Sar-Bcn. May you possess it
during a long life and may it remain
an heirloom in your family to com
memorate your reign over all the
Kingdom of Quivcra."
With these words was presented
the beautiful ring which the board
of governors gave as their token to
the queen this year. The ring, which
was designed by Arthur Guiou, re
tiring king, chairman of the ball
committee this year, in collaboration
with the C. B. Brown company,
court jewelers of Quivera, is the first
of many which will become tradition
in the years to come.
It is an oblong Siberian amethyst
of great depth and color, set in
green gold. The jewel is carved ex
quisitely by hand; the plumed helmet
of Quivera surmounting the word
"Ak-Sar-Ben." The setting itself is
beautifully wrought with scabards,
emblems of royalty. It has been de
signed to fit the fifth finger of the
Each of the 12 princesses was pre
sented with a flexible bracelet of
green ggld with a gold pendant set
in jade.
Father of Dfead Boxer
Sues for $20,000
Charles E. Havlicck, father of
Charles F. Havlicck, jr., who was
killed while fighting under the name
of "Terry O'Mallory," March 17,
brought suit for $20,000 in district
court yesterday against John Kilmar-
tin, local boxing commissioner; John
Mitchell of South Omaha, referee
of the fight, and Dr. Michael Ford,
who was supposed to have examined
the tighters at the Orphcum gardens,
Havlicek charges that Kilmartin
and Mitchell were negligent in that
they allowed the boxers t strike
each other with maximum blows and
that Dr. Ford did not give proper
treatment to his son, who lived but
a few minutes after he was taken
from the ring.
Chatt Wins at Tennis.
Orville Chatt of Tekamah, Neb.,
former doubles tennis champ of Ne
braska, won the American Legion
singles tournament at York when he
defeated Julius Fcstner of Omaha,
0-4. Only one set was played.
ri ii j l it it ,h fWrit, Tl' nfVj4iiit tinl'ioiderr J in t.uini, and
j, l,i,n hJ Ut dut.d. i i"Mt wiiti hiw wiM lu:e 4" J nU
M 1 liid ! ilW !,"' was of
' ;.i:'il .jti fciltn Mitli tL.rl rtf Lrflt
I'M, and iMirow
Maids ami Matrons at Coronation Seated in Semi
circle Ifrhind Thrones on Dais Brilliant Clowns
Form Myriad-Colored Itackground to Silver
Costumes of Queen and Princesses.
A new feature of the cm uition
rrreiiionui ihi wa the group
ing t special l.ltlit the iiiiiil
iiri uiid the person of the iinmarcht.
All your: woiiiiit wh f.rmt rly
frrved as priiiceie were invited to
HI tin p.'ntiun, and before the
queen ami her maids appricd, the
bevy of brilliantly guwurd yoiiPK
maid and matron, wire e.curtrd the
length of the hall room bv members
c f the fhxir CMiiinittrc, They eatcd
thrniM lvr in a semicircle behind the
throne mi the dais and formed a
myriad Colored background to the
parkhng silver costumes of the
qutcii and the priiicrkr.
Mrs. Fred DauRlierly wan gowned
in sapphire blue velvet, rut on long
straight burs ihapcd an I caught over
the hip with a buckle of rhinmtoiir.
With it she wor silver clippers.
Mrs. M1I0 Gate appi-.ired in
brown net over cloth of gold, em
broidered in sequins and with eiiutl
An unusual combination ot pink
chiifon with baroque prail of tin
same (.hade was worn by Mrs. Rob
ert Reasoner. Heavy strands of the
pearl formed an evrmkirt, and also
were banded about the arm.
Wears Wedding Gown.
Mrs. Robert Ross Wade wore her
wedding Rown of white crepe satin
trimmed with roe point lace and
beaded in crystal and pearl. Slie
it yellow crepe
romlmird miiii !ir Ucr, nude
with leu it line 411 J ankle
trni;!h rfuprd skill.
Mr Geori; Howell wore while I iliiiiiir .1 w.lh wide giidte mid
.limner ul fnc lurul'.u ilolh.
Tan tuns Chiffon.
Mr. Kolrit Moil wat in a tan-
wore a iiiiiu-.t.Hie ton. i in irr hatr U,miu' tluffuu brocad J m vrU.t
Mi. J.aae Carpi up r. jr , iln'cjiut with a Jenny neck and !lrr
flame colfird ihitlmi, made with Jen-' , n rta Ui.sptd at our ide with a
ny iievk and sleeve. 1 lie onlv t-i 114-1 ihmr .tone bu. klc and fii'in the
nieut was the f'dle id ft"Wri ut il j ,!ur .huuldrr buna 1 tludoii
color. Jler shppiis tnati brd '! c Kir wbn h wa litoprd about
nown and her hair wat done hKh'ir jjrtn, Mie suit silver .'.iper
with a large Jet comb, I a"d t rail car ring
fr.uo. I. Iiliie rire '.r ilmte i. i ,, , '
Ullltl .kilt.
Hit Dorothy win
Coloird crepe, a Uns5 diped iuo!r
if.iiimtd with pearls at l"' gnJ:
sod over the sh ullcr. Mif wkic
baiidcaus in brr hair.
Mt Jo.rphinf ''hurniaii w
gowned 111 rtame colored yeUet.
irimmed with ild tie nd dituhrd
with ule paniU ulbng a'lin'.t to the
iwr and edgd w iih tin.
Sea girrn rrrpe milci r was iho.en
by Mi. l.liMbth JUiker t.'f her
la!l povyii. The imrviii r-'iil n
..nk!l' Irllgtll, tl fc'-lldr M I'l
ilnr il.nh and thi i!t,-. wt
timunrd with it'i'Ued p ai'
tiinmird with double 1 ami tt
foloii-d Lire, gitdlrd with leave and
grape h-avy nlvir, wa woin by
Mr.. tlfoiKi- 1 lack.
Mr. Jame I I1111..1I.1 r wa icjwned
in jade km ii gen: Ki-'le maiie wuh
an mi tdi r i if 1 liautilly ti .iiuurd
with petal, oi clntti'ii, (JsIihIi ftaih.
rr tormrd the ginllr, (im.hed on v
tide Willi a biiinh 1 I giapi..
Mi.. Alfird Muiigrr wore a funk
fd cluiry iiilutiil ilut nude long
and t. .1 k Ii t withmit ili.ipr.
Old Fashioned Frock.
Mi Ruth Wallace woie a wirt.!'1
old f.i.hiciie l frewk of pink rhittou
over iink ftdk Tie boduc wa
tight, and the l.iit wa vrrv lon
on tlid iide and was slitclitly honoed.
I.ace uirdallioii added a fini-diing
Mi Catherine Go.i wa gowiud
in orchid edition vrlvel, with draped
skirt taught at the side with a
biinrli of grape.
Mif Ruth McCoy' gown v.a of
roe saliumi velvet; made on long
burs, with trailing ornament of il-
rkiit and lnihi
ii aprirot color rd
gudlr id blue. It
h Uk' ib aped
Mi Do ulliv We;r wme an
oijirc clniliu heavily brocaded In
P'-aii and nude with to wat
Mr. Robert (iarrelt wa K"Wi''l
in black uiid '.!. er. and tu-r fiock,
too, wa rut on the popular long
unl SliifntPiit f Men's
Suits Hi-cmcd l) Hoit l'
t 11 'in i' my n f 1
I! f
it wa
i'liilloii with a'Ir"d i 1 -v mi." .ompaiiv nr. jom ie-
u.u ni.-i. to wild 1 rtivt d i h.levcd to be rue of
aiiii ,u
lipim lit of It I II S
ill. ever rere vrn
In r
"Ttev II a ! a. we gel them,"
,n l Ja.k l 11lk.11, tu iiikiji r. " I hry
fe wl at the public waul"
Parents' Problems
Mi, tilady IVtrrs apjn rid w.
.ti hire blue velvet w iih ''raped
kul and tlioil tram. lhe Indue
timiiiied with iitver l.oe and
w i cut in a V. I 'h 'rout m l
The girdle wa of heavy flat
15) ph'te bi ads.
l' Colored Tslleta.
Mi Daphne l'etrr" gown was
praih coloteil talTeti, and panel, ol
Ian- nd chitfon at thr idc made an
imguhr b'lii I ne. The dn- was
en.broidirrd in pruh cdoird rr
tali a-id M 1'clers wore (.-.jr! eat
Mi llicy t')ibke wore black
At what site klmu'd Kit'" be al
lowed to udert tlieir own rioihrt?
In tm aliening a rla ui (ugh
sih'i.t! gul ii'eiitiv as to bow nuny
r1i ct d ti" i' li i loUang, I found
that about Jit mii ul the ot 40
b-ited piaiticilly all of the alti'b
ill tlx tr w.iidt'd e. Some of the oth
ff cboe tluir own bat, and ove
thfii diee... I'lo-.- girl weir about
J year ( i r. Their cloilnng a a
who!,- w ixcelleiit a to fat iir and
color and not woise 111 it'lr than Hie
aveiane drc. of the season.
IUv Want ,i! produce remits.
- l rssra?avrri ... ri -i..s 1 1 1 jla.iiiitwasiwaM
f I roM j '4
W in: i:kaiy 1
I 7 ! ii- .3 .- 4 f "TI i! lfyi', ! !i -," m -i8 irT .i.-"in '
Certified Automobile Sale
Dort Sales Co.; Harney at 20th
Tomorrow Will Be the Big Deciding Day at
Carnival ope" 8 o'CIock Tomorrow Morning
Kve Days Trial! Q
Dort Sedan
Run Le Than 7,000 Mile
Your Preient Car Taken
a Caih
Dodge Sedan
Newly Painted, CjEEfi
Good Tire. sDOOU
Kissel Sedan
$200 Down
Balance Monthly
Drive the car you select five days. If,
at the erd of that time, you find it
other than as represented by us (
Drive It Back!
We wHl allow every dollar paid on it
to apply on the price of any certified
car in stock.
, Months
to Pay for
Any Car
Even as Low as
Certified Car,
One-third Cah,
A Car for Every Purpose A Car for Every Purse!
One-third Caih
A Rare Bargain
and Cartifiad
Che vrolel Touring
A Snap,
7S U.a
Free Driving
We will supply you with a
comfctent instructor who,
will instruct ony member of
the family in car operation.
This means if you cannot
learn to drive you need not
buy the car. j
Lasn or
. Come
Monday will be the most remark
able day of all days in this sale.
Therefore to assure yourself of one
of these bargains, we recommend
that you be here at 8 o'clock. Bear
in mind that there will bt trn prci
pective buyrrs for each and every L
cr on hand. W
No matter how you want to buy a ear, torn here la this ml. The nan with a few
r'ollsrs to pay don is as welcome as th cash buyer. You can buy for cash u
tsn pay on time. You did.
ales Company
Open Nights lUrrey at 20th St. 0;i.h, Neb.
; J Open Nights