The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 20, 1922, Page 9, Image 9
THK OMAHA BEE: WEDNESDAY. Sl.PI L.Mtir.K Ji). lyjs THE GUMPS SUTSV PEEL OFF ANOTHER FIVK GRAND Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Sidney Smith itVptfieM U HI Ul AND 0A tNtrk,AU. f M 0061. VMt "TWIHK I aia' Vs tuNN.NCt AwnST "Mow tr t iw . --w . IW i V" - e.wnii r WVtHOWHT lUl V Nt OVT TOO C6JHtiHT- VVVl GOT TO fWT Wtil HCH TWt bvW. vlt coy -to uia,. Ytwfcviir eftncis who ckm tmk a c.n.w Mt evT TAK A-CtM - AT UT HOOfcS To t f- CtlRtt eVwM r IM NOT lUCTlt TwiNtV, M-WiVtS Viv.irt "Wl VtiVTiN,fci n ; Bandit Hides in Field to Rob Farmer Victim lluu4ol.:t, Nil.. Si'l. r. iSpe ) - iiii.l, living m t Unit ilirrr imlrf arthwr i( tl'it uty, j In lit up ti'l rolilii'il of hit it I .in V ilnr.t ii. nflcr. jltll lll ll'I'HI J IIMIH.MJ .- .iittlrrf rl and hit wife hud gone tn a jmiuiij p.Hi'h h.rt rhsUtue from the huiise, uung the etutmo lute to nuke the trip. When thrv etitrreil th piti'h il niirnl m the r.imoakii rarth, Mr Slrulrr (on! thtn rc-lurnril to (lie hiu lr I linrtc in (Mill t lie ntn nut i'f hi mini. WliiU Itr i4 gMnr i'l hrr huhani rn.ikinx nomr atljunt riirnt aruuinl ihr tat. a vomitf nimi i'f i-i-d v.p with k ii it anil ruliliril St.indiTliiril. Itditi ut rjji'l City n.M.I i ny, Nili. . i I') - A l tn- am . 'I in u nmy Nin.Uv mwiii am! M 'li'lt Ii b,iijly muU4 n4 (Uililuik tlie (im-rr, BRINGING UP FATHER , SIC JICTJ AM) MAGGIE IN rt'l-L rAce op toiori in the sunpav pre Drawn for The Omaha Bee by McManus IfiPvnrlil IV22) TOOK VtFCti OdC VC.LU A;rHMLU .EMD MlM MOME1 TO "7 COU TOOvX 'iw WANT TO Mtt THiT OAT TO CHINA, A D)NT- yLU BE ON ir: "CVTi TfA A II I MS V ' vA..wA. OMU AS' DO MT PA,CKIfV v-) i7.inuT.; t to $ I M CoWillH. fcy Ini I fan,-. j.fvk, Im. j - T'oO I II II Omaha Bee's Race Chart Slow. 3045 DAILY PEERLESS FORM CHART OMAHA, NEB, St. IS. Fall Fc-tivaJ. WEATHER, Driiilinf. Track, PrildlB Judf, J. T. Inland. SUrur, Arthur McKnif hi. Racinf Sacratarjr, Chaa. L. TriBibla. FIRST RACE Fiva (urlonfa. Fuiaa $300. Thrat-yaar-oida and up. lndei IIma anil Owner JU3 Mlmiuri Doir 4 (Wll.on) 112 S03S Tom Knarh 4 (Uatnra 112 Knight Tamplar 8 (Miller) 112 tO7 Kittr M. 4 (O'Neall) lit UV.lDiIjiHy I're.ton 6 (Hub.) 109 tOJ7 Jim Parmer II ((J if fin) 112 Mar Bock t (C. drove!) 109 Left at poi till Thraman t (Hubbard) ' 111 Refused to break Viijit. j Sir. Kin. Jockey Od7 2 1 4 C s are .40-l 4.00-1 12 00-1 10 50-1 20-1 1B.S0-1 34.00-1 2.40-1 l'i 1' 1' 1 Marino 4' f 21 Scovilla 2'i 2' 2 i J. Carroll ' 4a i 4' Durham 5 6 6 S Dorlty (1 6 6 6 Lowe Koutu P. Wllion At prat m mlnutei; off t20; time. :2K, -.60 1-S : 1:02 1-11. 12 mutuela paid riny 18.80 atrninkt, (3.40 pince, 1.40 abow. Hoach f3.r0 place, 13. 20 how. Knight 16.60 ihow. Mart poor. Won eaeily. Seennd and third driving. Winner, eh. K., 4. by Harrinan,-Shrewd. Xrainer, B. Carnett. Overweighta, Thraman 6, Mny Bork 4, Jim I'armer 6.' ' ' - Minourl Boy rellihlng the going opened lip a gap at once and won emlly all the way. Tom Roche eaufly out-gamed- Knight Templar for aecond place. Latter raced fairly well. ' Thraman, a notorioua rogue, refuted to budge when the barrier arnie. May Bock acted green. 3046ECOND RACE F,v '"'on- Puraa $300. Threa-year-olda and up. Index Hone and Owner fit. Sir. "'Ed La" Van 14 ( K'hier 112 4 3040 Melody Man t (M'P'n) 112 1 22J9 Halney 4 (W'. Oargan) 109 6 v BOSS H.vreiirn II 9 (A. J107 Ii 3n:l M Murphy 11 IMorri.) lit 2 3030 (lid Home-tend ft (Har.)112 K 2794 Harm 10 (W. Flouril) 112 7 2035 Minnia Maek 4 (MX on) 109 t T 1 8tr. Fin. Jockey , Ode. St' a a'flO'rU" J- Carroll SOO-i ' l'i 1" 1 2" Pecoraro 8.00-1 4 4 4a Gargan 8. 00-1 8 . 61 H ' Horn 7.60-1 5 8 8 Si S. Carter 81.80-1 7 ' 5' 6 61 Scoville 6.R0-1 6" 7' 7J 7 J. Carter 17.30-1 25 3" Sl 8 Barham 6.80-1 " At post H minute: off 8:4; time, i24 4-J, :50, 1:02 1-5. 82 miituels paid Paiiey 830 ihow. Slart good. Won driving. Second and third enme. Van 18.00 atraight, 14. 6l) place. $2.80 ahow. Man 86.40 place, 84.40 ahow. Winner, br. g. 11. by Bowling Oreen-Idlebridge. Trainer, W. Kohler. Over weights KaHn 8, Balaey 8, McMurphy 8. Kd 1 Van wai restrained for first part In tion pursuit of the pace makers and when let down, came on and got up to win in a fnst finish. Melody Man set the pace and lasted gamely. Balsey was running strongest of nil at the finish and would have been second tn another jUrap. Sovereign made up ground. McMurphy is improving. 7 THIRD RACE Five furtonge. Purse 8300. Three-ysar-olda and up. 3047" 1 j Str. Fin. Jockey Od. S1 2J 2 "l" "Singleton 4'1 4s 8J 2" D. Fouts 1" li 1" 8'1 Richardson 5' fi 6 4" McKride 6 6 6" P. Wilson 2 81 4 8" Gray 7J 7 7 7' Beyer 8 8 8 8 . Marina St'a l-PO-i 26.70-1 9.00-1 29.00-1 88.00-1 1.20-1 80.00-1 18.00-1 fnd-x Horse andOwner WtSt. luoi I. wrilaroer 7 (F. lr'nUli 8 i0.12 Bob Giles 8 (T. Bros.) 112 803S B. A. Jonea 10 (J. Hall)J07 8042 Lady Eileen 7 (S. F. S.)109 8048 All Bright (N. Sale) 112 . Srarpia II 8 (L. OL'ry)112 8039 May Moon 9 (Mr. B'er)109 2604 Lot la G. 8 (Splcer B.) 104 At post Vi minute: off 8:10; tlmt :24 2-5. :49 4-5. 1 :02 4-5. 82 tnutuels paid Harper 85.00 straight, J 00 place. 82 60 ahow. Giles 112.40 place. $7.00 show. Jones $4.20 show. Start good. Won driving. Seennd and third same. Winner, br. g.. 7. by J. F. Crowley-Fenelon. Trainer. F. Irwin. Over weighta B. A. Jones 5. All Bright 8. I. W. Harper, a contender from tha atart and saving ground on tha rail, got up under energetic handling to win in a hard drive. Bob Gilea elosed with rush to annex second place and waa rapidly overhauling tha winner at the end. B. A. Jones tired after setting the pace. Scarpia was done after a half. ) FOURTH RACE Six furlonga. Puraa $300. Three-year-olda and up. 3048" Index Horse and Owner WtjSt 8044 Florentine 4 (Maltby) 111 2 . Martha Gray 4 (Ua tner) 107 6 20t Ben Greenleaf 14 (Max.) 110 j j j Str. Fin, Jockey 07s7 1' 1 Scoville 6 610 SI 21 Gray 8' 4 41 9 Sequin 4" S' t'l 4'1 Singleton 6) 5 6" ' J. Carroll 2J 2 S'l 6 Horn 7 7 7" 7' S. Carter 8 8 8 8 Gargan .26, :60 1-1. 1:15. 12 mutuels paid Sfs 1.80-1 18.70-1 27.40 1 1.40-1 23.00-1 12.80-1 50.00-1 7.80-1 3031 Tough Tight 4 (Jones)llO 1 - Make Haste (Polton) 110 5 808T Apple Blossom 4 (Doug.) 108 8 Lost Fortune 11 (Morri.1118 7 Buck Nail 10 (L O Lry)115 A. ..a. IL minuter nff 8:43: time. Florentine 85 60 stralttht. 83 40 place, 81.00 show. Gray 213.00 place, 89.60 how. Greenleaf I9 60 ahow. Start rood. Won easily. Second and third drivlnk Winner, b. f.. 4, by Feter Fan-I- lorenet. 1 rainer, r. neememeimer. Overweights Florentine 2. Bn Greenleaf 6. , Florentine at home in tha golnint, sprinted to front with rapid strtdea and eatily held her field safe throughout. Martha titar earns from far back tha stretch for second plaee. Greenleaf rn suprlslngly well. Tough and Tirht tti4 badly in tha last sixteenth. Apple Blossom quit. i - FIFTH RACE Five furlama. Puraa 8J0O. Three-year-alda an up. 3049" injrx li.irse and fiwner W t."'1 rile's Weifh 4 (V l.AinTl1 4" tell I'hrone Mar.l 6 i Updike) 17 I fat Mener (F. Ifwm lit t ?.! y,m M.ijel a (J. Oner) II' t ml)Jha R. KMbe 8 lUtoa tllt ) f j7r. FinJ.wky 0.1. Sl'i ' t't1 l 1" J. Carwill 1180-1 1 l l 1' P. Mum -! 4 4' l I1 K i tie lei u a Lta-I J ! 4 4 Oray 14 10-1 alt IWs 1159-1 At p..l Si air 4 16: Urn; . :4 2 J. t tl. II muluels paid .. J atraighl. It place. Ill . im ",e Mie. n;i snow. skew. Start We dnvtnf. fleeond and laird same. Winner, pr. f. 4 B t a. Tra aer. B. Vcl aie, tverwehta J..h R. he 8. Rea WeUk r.i'e4 he Irad.ra el. iy and gstaiaf tarbllr Dira Ward la the lait ant. "t at I wm ) IS narr.eeet of raaegins la a h him I'nish Pre Ward r.d hew M..J1 Inla aukasietlM t the l nl hs f ad .e.d gamely t art r m lae ?rdla drtta. M. will a keefmed ' '' 4 warns frihee te go. , Jeka R. Mmae waa aiwais lae out ef Jrifr-v-JIXTM Ct gad. Pw 4t. Fa-er-ed4 ad wp. tele a " ll 3 t'waee 1414 W w l-m lltiailU . ( ?! ll4l ia ttll P i! H.4 its Cwiet 1 ten 1 .v t- ' IrtallU lt Kslr-rw t I NiMH' U st H4 aWa i- t l" 41 I I saaitie, 4 Wis.-,lt"-e't.a .e Ws. I l l f l I I P t'el-sj I l I I t' Mae.. t I I I I' II II 4 1 4' 4 ' l Has I ' .. a 4 6 4 6 P.Nara tl t I. "46 It. Ill, I II t I II I i I I t 11 1 It I M , eh e . .t t . !'- - ' y. II it .k. M-l ! ' .:. " "''wl t V ..y m: ka a. It a .J.. eases r hie W. 4 al i.eW.e f. 1 ' ". .7... w... .... M '" . I tt.4 .e4 . le . "" ,k . ,. t'- tf ' ' mm " ' ' Stockyards Charges Probed by Commission Over a dor cm witnctci appeared before a tpecial commission from the Stnckyardi-I'ackcr administra tion at Wasliinglon, headed by Judjf.e I'ayard T. Haincr and G. M. Dagger, at a hearing held yesterday' in the oftires of Everett Buckingham, gen eral manager of the local stockyard company, investigating charges that the stockyards company had made excessive charges for quartering live stock. The complaint of one commission man was withdrawn when he was shown that instead of having been overcharged, he had in reality been charged only half the maximum amount allowed. Other witnesses were called to testify to general con ditions at the yards in reference to charges. Among the witnesses was C. F. Hunsinger, secretary of the Trad ers' exchange. The hearing will be continued today and the commission will leave this evening for Kansas City, where a hearing will be held, after which the members will go to Denver, Fort Worth and St. Louis before returning to Washington. D. C. MinLut f lt ;Sunljy Ut i'Wwf fur IWUitii MfUUii.! VM nf Aw u.uinr VtSn.kt (. " l- I'm M'.t, U. Sfi. l-Tk II ivill-lli. I. IK i'- 4'i. ! '' ' ' , P, .m iM 4 .'i a . w k. ,i'U f.''.4lM. iH,,'Mfo,.-.., (, N ka.e il . t IM 'i't Jt !-) anehv-l. V. r"J ' -! Ii"t ' .'.sj K'J ' M I k ! tte-!t 'iepi-' l i ! f m. I ! Sr'4. 4e d"'- l--'i 4 ., im . (. hf 4 iftl . f- 4 Ittj'ttm vull Mt Uv it 4 t t Gates of Buffalo County Tenth Annual Fair Open Kearney, Neb., Sept. 19. (Spe cial.) The gates of the 10th annual Buffalo county fair opened at noon today, to cloe on Friday night, En tries made in all classes indicate that the race for premium honors will be more closely contested this year than ever before. Secretary Haase and his corps ot assistants anticipate an over flow of exhibits in almost every class, but particularly in the livestock branches. Added premiums donated by Kearney business and professional men, of a value exceeding $1,000, make the premium offers exception ally attractive. Ilorse racing will be featured Wed nesday, Thursday and Friday, with three harness events, one running race and a free-for-all daily. Entries already listed include many stables racing at the state fair and other points in Nebraska during the past few weeks. Exhibits in boy and girl club work, together with demonstrations, arc shown, also, Mrs. Srantland Named Head of Butler County W. C T. U. David city. .Net),, Sept. IV. Offi cer elected for the coming vear at the annual Butler county W. C. T. V. j convention were: President, Mrs. Jennie Srantland, Ulysses; vice prrii-1 'dent, Mrs, E. A. Kuthtr, Octavia: i recording secretary, Mrt. S. J. Hvatt. ' I David l itv; torrejpondiiiK secretary, i Mrs. II. H, Jiidd, Rising City; treat- j urer. M:i Nellie !inw, flvttet, ! Mrs. C. S. Clayton of Lincoln, sl.itc j yne prruirtit, iuvc a very inttret ing a idifji iliirmy tlie afternoon. M. A. Shaw and F. H. Mnera, cituli datri lor county attorney n( I'.utlcr county, r u n t4!( at the meet in . Yfoiuni Coiiiinittec iit ' North riutte on it Tour Smh tli'tt, N'cH. .pt, J'J (Spi i Tr!((ram I A toinniitlea t.f th tiolihimit i.f Aillriiijr) Y rnn. vitiit r teekil'f I h ii..i ..f it4tH l h.'ine (or Indi an , Sni,!tni, II fl :! bft I'm eten i sj ni Mioi. lf H b sKivttt ti'tt alttftrtl . thf ntv, I his istmnaj IHe coMini.t If u .!.ie.t t IHe K ! I d Uir an eniert'nl by t fej Ytm. 't hfxti ii. i I J . ni .ifii m : V t tf g ir.ia II Ha K- 4 lum ' - n, in lv4 lull 'tl h 1-1..., i I gu ! i, i:t 'm i. f I I t i WIKI.f, itlffalit futility t e 1 1 ltdllt Aflrr Orouth nf tfkl I kt l , Vrl. J -t, i 0 I - vii,, U l i U 'a) i"4f N 4.i'sa tt 4 iu'l '. !. ) N t .- I'sii'j' l 'yst (n, Iy Sill t i sa t in .fur-si. kill I I j a ! ti n ' . i.s ' t h mi. n 1 114 tai 1 4 it If tt'it ' ketf i , ifia? Kj. k iet iatf it K l s)t:ii ,4 ..! Vets of 89th Reach Omaha for Reunion The men of the 8th division are already in Omaha from many place! for the reunion which opens today for three dayt. Today . will be given over to registration and the heroci will view the electrical parade in the evening from a stand tpecially built for the'" in front of the court house, after which they will go to the Auditorium for the big reunion dance. The 89th division was the first to enter the front line trenches in F'rance without being previously brigaded with French or British troops. It has many other distinc tions. Its men were drafted prin cipally from Nebraska, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, South Dakota, Wyoming, New Mexico and Arizona, Business sessions of the reunion will begin Thursday morning. Mrs. Becrline, 83, Dies. Wymore Women to Hold Benefit for Willard Nail Wymore, Neb,, Sept. 19. At a meeting of the W. C. T. U. at the home of . Mrs, Arthur Gillespie the following officers were elected: Mrs. Spcalman, president; Mrs. Gillespie, vice president; Mrs. Kennison, secre tary; Mrs. 'Bclunit, treasurer. Fol lowing the business session delicious refreshments were served. It was decided to have a program and re freshments at the home of Mrs. Charles Fulton Thursday afternoon, September 21, for the benefit of the Omaha Willard Hall fund. Churches Hold Convention at Pawnee Fair Grounds Pawnee City, Neb., Sept. 19. (Special.) The. Pawnee county con vention of Christian churches was held at the fair grounds auditorium here and was well attended. Al though the group is known as the Pawnee county district, it includes charges in Jefferson, Gage, Johnson, Nemaha, Richardson and Pawnee counties. General C L. Dort in reply to a let ter from County Treasurer John I). Ilrintz of Banner county. This hold ing is the nine as that given by the county attorney. The 1919 hail in surance law provided that premiums should be collected in the same man ner that other personal taxes are col lected. That wording was omitted from the 1921 law. The attorney general's office holds that such pre miums arc not taxes, that taxes in tlie usual sonic of the word are foi the payment of expenses of government. Kinsler Gets Assistant to Help Try Fraud Cases A npeci:d assistant to prosecute mail fraud casts on the federal dock et was assured him by the attorney general's office, James C. Kinslcr, United States district attorney, an nounced on his return from Wash ington D. C, yesterday. He hopes to clear several of them, involving big stock "steals," off the boards tlie coming term of court. Road Conditions 1 1 urnlbrd by lb Onuth tnl.i I'liih.) I.lnrolll Mlh. l'l - I' -rtmia (wi. fl I'uiin. II IHulla I. Ml Missouri Vallrv rrp'.rt. ,1 lu laihi-r pvtii -..i, .1 . i . n . ein r.l'l i..illi.l ...II rate sfe in. Hi. t lth' vol; inini, essl r. S'l eo"t I im ll.hw . Vt ri li.,e. Mini and . st r.l l.i teilei. ill lour l.'illl i f l nl. mile wsi, llience mirth: . .,!! fitir I" f . 1, i. I.. 11 -P-ea ae4 te AstiUii.l. muddy III etret' lies 'u llN. M. 'I ilia. i Ills'. u - II. .a. Is ai'O'l. ri.inhUMHrr Hisli'va? g.iod. e V A --Ilea. Is to tj IIHtMsii.l i ill..'! i ii .1 in.ili-Tui llli'haa llui.ia g.w.l to Tut He. .in iha T 'poii i ll g .o.l ( turn iln. .f Tialis, North It'is Is r..uh (mhi'ii t'ounril fluffs ii.d 1i-"..uri Vil '.v; t str li si . I I" Slnlll I'll' King f 1ri. Hnulh -l:ns.l fslr to Al.t.l.oti. bad demur heiweon Anhiw.n and jrsiei.Mur hi I., av.-nat.rln In Kan sas cur, fitir Him liisss I. ..sit llid fair to good aih tnTirwrT. Stabbed by Neuritis Vans l..ile suffer attarks by this arek fiend, eortiaii.nlf tailed "nersa Indemsne I linn" Hie fsl isrning is Usually stieip, slabbing ai. wbi.h mar '..ires I and go ' .r hurt r M-iant'r. on enae frrl it ill the lini.l.ier, ni.'k. I.reare.. ' smell of he barb, r dean i Ih rh and I lg to ll.e herl It Is st.mrt.n.e ntte'seen j for sriaiira, iheamatism or uemata, ' wh.rU aften end In neuritis N.i mailer a here sou have per.a pains or what raurd them, .! ear, not auiek j rehel aithn.n using narmiies ur nsnsmi, I Juil ai.'y 'l i.enol mer Ih part th l , hurts, and III few nilnulci tha cam will be Is ahsurhsd ihrooth lha pores I f ibe -k n. it has a smithing. h-al.n I elf-el upn this d s'd nrrvis. eie.I..sll .helping In ro.t.ra thrm lu healll.y II. .n, llon'l suffer any )nnar. Price II al Sheridan 4 Mi'l'unrtrll, ur any r'l.aMa drtirsi.t. Turn.. I IV. Mfg Chemist., 400 Suttel Strret, San Krain ieo. GLOVES CLEANED DRESIIER BROS.' CLEANERS 2217 Fernsm Street AT laalie 0.14S Men's Iwo or threa-pleca CQ clssnrd and pressed, " ' J5 I r, ill v i, Mr. Annm Connmf Sherman Save and Beautify Your Hair With Nembro'sWerpicidc Herplclda la beet for On hair beeaua of Ita positive action In Leautlf ying th hair, rrmovtur dandruff, Slopping failing hair. Aftoran aiiplleaUnn of lUrpM l lha high lights pf your hair lgin to k'U-am and your aralp begins to tone up and baennM haulthy. In a few days your hair will be completely Uanafornssd. You will hsv th beautiful hair you hare alwaye longed for. Your aralp will lie fro from dandruff. Your hair will atop falling out, Xuur appaaranc will be groaUy liuprovad. jSctubro'sKcrplcldG- Rtmovt Dandruff Stop Falling Hair Read what Mra. Anna Conner (pictured bar) eayaof Nawbro'a Horpicido: " as Niwbro't lUtpMdm dally, tl h m wonjniul prtparatian lor th Aair ana acafv. Afy hair foucnes (A floor". What Hcrpirld haa don for Mr. Conner and thousands of othera. it will aurely du for you. begin tha uae of llvrpieid today. You will like It from lha ftret applieaUon. I! very bottle ia guararw toed to do all thatia claimed for It or your daaiar is authoruwd to refund purcbaas price. Sold By All Drug and Dept. Stores Applications At Barber Shop a McConnill, Special Agent Hail Insurance Premiums Are Not Taxes, State Holds Lincoln, Sept. 19. (Special.) Premiums to be collected under the state hail insurance law are not taxes that may be recovered as liens on a mortgage foreclouse, according to an opinion given by Assistant Attorney j Cuticura Talcum Soothes And Cools Art i at tata waa Cue. tons Vt taew It tvniatni mute tefieaa ltC tot wabf 't Mrhtef tkls) I kin Cuiwwra Tikwitt, II put ana l lad, uf k sii aataU, inu.4 with CulW n Dint mam m kwis and peal TbT a kd) '' 6 I uWl sees. MsMtaahabawt 4e -eiaml e ea Ml enss.SbMa -. i.e. THE im. EMEIT WO MAX is !. t lt !-! itsrl, wh.! .: " in i.leli. '.... V , I'm l,i fit a I'm i n ls..t.4 e 1 i "'4 it :' (ft . 14 t I'F 4 . i-'4J4 . s 4 . S ' l!ilki 4 t tt j.l.l, 4 . ! is- i ! i f'ss I- s, V s, ' . I ... .t ...!.. , I 1 . 1 ' . ! ' r l , is , m .i t ...iv i.n i't a , i , 7 I t I . I t' . . s i t feaa.l 111 h. , I n . s (.k s-w n 1 I'gtei lasi III (4 j,!, set a ..1 kV,i .j -. , A Kentucky Race Horse A Pigfrly Wigifly licensee from Kentucky a few dnyt ago sized the proposition up as follows: "I have owned horses and I have raced horses and I know that if two homes of about equal speed are entered In a race and one carries 128 pounds and the other U8 pounds, then the horse with 98 pounds up is sure to win," In the retail distribution of food products there are certain costs which must! be added for which the consumer must pay. None of these costs add to the intrinsic merit of the products. The aystem, which can eliminate some of these costs and lessen others, can and does give better values. The Plggly Wigly system eliminates certain costs and lessens others, therefore it can and docs give the. public greatest values. The system whose overhead is less than 6 per cent can give a larger value than the system whose overhead expense is from 15 to 25 per cent. Come and See the Cleanliness and Efficiency of Piggly Wiggly Stores A Glance at These Prices Will Convince You of the Money You Can Save APPLES Large, fancy Green ings, pound 3 Best for Sauce, Pies BEETS CARROTS .Pound . 3tf Clean, Fancy Stock CRANBERRIES Extra Fancy CAPE CODS, pound 12 6 First Car, First Quality GRAPES California Tokay, large, sweet, pound 12'2 "You'll Like Our Fruit 'cause Prices Suit" First Quality Handled Exclusively FLOUR $6,99 OMAR, 48-lb. sack S1.85 GOLD MEDAL, 24-lb. sack $1.03 SUNKIST, 21-lb. sack 91 SUGAR C. & II. CANE, lOO-lb.-baj? , CEREALS KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES.. 8 POST TOAST1KS. pkjr SO C,r. APE-NUTS, pkjr 15r QUAKER OATS, larKo 210 QUAKER OATS, small Ho CREAM OF WHEAT 210 SHREDDED WHEAT 100 ARGO STARCH Mb. taiton CI.OSS tS'sO 3-lb. carton GLOSS 210 CLEANSERS OLD DUTCH CLEANSER . . . A? (J'sO Butter r.ssk CkeweeX pe . 37c NAVY BEANS C. H. P. MICHIGAN, lb.... 70 DR. PRICE'S EXTRACTS VANILLA AND LEMON, oz 100 on jl n oz 2so MAYONNAISE AND SALAD DRESSING PREMIER; larjre size MAC LAREN'S IMPERIAL 1.000 ISLAND. 8 oz 370 MAC LAREN'S OLIVE CREAM. 8 oz 370 YACHT CLUB. 10-oz. bottle. 280 BAKING POWDER KITCHEN Ct.KANSKU Mtt'UI.lsnsrwasajaaja)lae4 12 CLEAN STORES k4aW Ci-a, pee Us wtaJ4'MSk pse , He RUM FORD'S, lartre can. ROYAL, -l-oz. -ize i ROYAL. 12-02. fix. . . . . SOAP P. & 0. N APT HA OMAHA FAMILY .... IVORY, small bar i IVORY. Ltrifri l.r FFI S NAP I II A. bar I PETRoLENK, bar ! PALMOI IYF. bar COCOA , RAKER'S, i lb. j HKRSHKY, lb ! HKRSHKY, mull ........ ; SOAP FLAKES ; I t . rai Utti ! IVOKY H.AKL'i 170 1(10 no JELLO ALL FLAVORS 100 KNOX GELATINE 220 LOG CABIN SYRUP LARGE SIZE 550 TABLE SIZE 280 AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE FLOUR, pkjr HO BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, pkg.170 SWANSDOWN CAKE FLOUR REGULAR, larjre pk .,20 INSTANT, pkir, 270 COLBURN'S SPICES ALL KINDS, fre.4h ground or whole, 10c pkir 70 COCOANUT BAKER'S, can ,.. SHREDDED, 2 oi. A oz. 8 02. 1.V 7o a afv , i r 4 aeta COFFEE ytr - So ( "(fJEr v. Ji 8'. o "..- 3wIiFu I..4 af pr..- If J j af I V w aV 1 .T m w I yi rr vi too JIO J1, iw. ,. r lad Cade, pi IV, , ,...!, taf It totk tl avw-t I a4e. a4 A - Hit !. It. tl S. I4. tl WH tseawM 4. Ill . n. ! . . t4l tl HI laks Is Its .,. A, list MlH., . t4l t t. 1. 9 MORE ON THE WAY PIGGLY WIGGLY