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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1922)
THE OMAHA KEK: WEDNESDAY, SEFTEMHER 2 1922 Former Kaiser to Wed Princess During Novemlier iin ami Former .." Crown PriiM-riri Agree to Mar riage to Widowed . Princess. Vot4m, Sept. P. (By A. P.) The marriage o( former Emperor William to the widowed Frinrei Jlrrinine vufl Srhocntich.Carulath witt probably tale place in November, it wit iuncea tiler a lanui council of t1 house of Mohenio' lent. The council was attended by all the cx-Kaiter on with (he e trtiiiun ol ex-Crown Prince Freder u k lilum who it with hi father at Puorn. All the ion and, the ex. rrwit t.rmceie have contented to llie marriage, it it stated. The announcement wa made by I'rrtlrrirh on Hrrgen, chief of the in I cabinet of the houte of Hohen otlern. Primes von .Schoenaich-Carolatli wax horn I'rinces Feus of the El- ocrliup Thirty-Plvt Years Old. 1 lie princes it .15 year of age and it the mother of five children, the rldrtf of whom it 14. .she own a Urue estate at Saarboia. Siletia. Ever iinre reports of the former kaiser's engagement to hrr have been (initialed monarchist hae taken a roniiary attitude to the match. They have opposed It principally because the princes it not of royal birth. Her rank if what is described as "dorchUut." which it jiitt below that of royal grade, but ttill above that of a noble lady. Hefore her mar riage to Prince Jean of Schoenaiih, who died in April, I9J0, the carried the title of arrne I nes at Trill cest llcrmine of Reus. Tall and Bt.ut fuL Princess llermine is tall and beau tiful. She hat a graceful cnr(,..h t and display a rare qneenlv rt:ff',;i, She it blond, and her luxuriant hair encircles her face of exquisite sweet ness. She ha been a guest at the former emperor' rattle at Doom on many occasions. It it reported that lie was firtt impressed by the prin cess following her letter of condol ence' on the death of Kftipress Au Kusta. It was then that he invited her to visit him. Subsequent visits followed and developed into the en gagemcnt, it is learned. Ree Want Ads are the best busi ness booster. SOULS for SALE By RUPERT HUGHES. 1 sortie. lla4 ftrnm 1 Maf ) I Mem frit it a eruanin helm.. I l HrrsFZJiz .irsmr n -"h out to tai.arir, hm4 ra in a. ik fj 1 fauer grave in tuih merciless txaaat, mmfkl. atf-BM4a wt mmm. tmm a lk iwii i ami mltKl araaWa. TH aa4 ttM Min Ttt. Mte tfca WS f UtT' iMtW. Taalffc m taa ( saaaSaae la Ik aaa Faraaar a.Jarteair Mer4 Wa Bar Ik faetarr vkr k aaa atpla.M aa Nnna aaal4 akal 4m n (ka aatl aa4 skat awrtaaa I4 ha.e t ka Tka taiia IW tUaaik al tattaa at Ihla asataraaat aaa 4ir l4 lk Mtralaa 4af ak.a ka a l4 Ifca faaalll fkMtotaa. It. ItMHkartck. fae trMlainH taa a anara aaagk. Nia aarMtoala kfaaffcl a rtoa thara oaa a k I akt aa4 tkat raraakf aaa Ik fatnvr. t'r. ftmnarlrk a4tkw4 aa bam4aila Marrlata aa4 ka4 ta arraafa far ear. aakr ta mm ta kla afMaa. Aflar a Urn ailaatra af aalliai ikrra mm Ik sariHa, aaaaaaraaa al Ikat raraahr ka4 p raa 4aaa k aa aulaatabll aa4 k 1114. Tka rllala 4af, Mill Waamka4 kr arlr aa4 Ika 4rrrala aiiaalloa la a kirk ka faa4 krll, Mraakr raaal4 ta l. Hrrlkrtrk't alaa la aa4 kr la Arlaaaa, taa will aiarrr aa laalnfy ataa aat Ikara aa4 11 klm 41 anltl aa4 ha aa aa a Wow," in ak;lrlaa alal4. Mai't aarrala apara4 Ika trln aa axary ta rar kr roaf k. Thorn Lynch. I.taytr. hat rmnvd to Kit CUr Nat. Bank Bldf. AT. UIO. To hrr mother the must play the tame character. Hrr mother may have gurtsed that the tragedy was drrper than the revelation, hut the poor old ton I had had so much gloom in her life that the did not demand mnr than the got. Pr. Steddnn lived in such clouds that he had almost lorgotlrn hit re fusal to let hi wood call oil Mem. He knew that the had been at the 9c- tor' ofhee when El wood wa brought there, and the nock ol thit explained what confusion lie recognized in Mem' manner. He wai acting, too, but his acting was the constant show of cheerful ness, tie went ahout milling, laugh ing talking of Mem'f twilt recov ery in the golden west. He laid that they would be glad to get rid of hrr for a spell. Hut hit heart was a blark ache of despair and fear of that death which he spoke of in the pul pit 'at a mrre doorway to eternal bliss. His smiling musclrs relirlled when he was alone and he paced hit study like a frightened child, beat ing his hands together and whisper ing to hit Father to spare him this unbearable punishment. A hurricane struck the little town of Calverly on the day of El wood's funeral. When Mem expressed a wish to sing with the choir at the service over their late fellow singer, both mother and father forbade her to think of it. Her mother cried, "A girl who's got to be shipped out west lias got no right to go out in weather like this." i am, Hrr heart urged her to dath through the tlieeit, bunt into the rhurih and proclaim to the woild how the adored the boy. Hut the had to pfotrit hrr father and mother Irom fin h teltuh tell terrific and inch ruthless atnnrntrnt. So she stayed at home and nared through the streaming window. .She taw her poor old father act out to pretth the funeral sermon. He had that valor of the priests which leads them to rtk death in order to defeat death; to endure all hardhip lest the poorest soul go out of the world without a formal conge, Ir, Steddon clutched hit old overcoat about hint and plunged into ram that hatched the air in long, slanting lines. He had not reached the gale whr his umhretla went up ward into a bl-iik ialx. He leaned it against the lence and pushed on, Thru hit hat blrw "It and skirlrd from pool to pool. He ran after M, his hair aflutter, hi bald spot spat tering back the rain. Miss Steddou was not missed at the church, for there was nobody there to miss her. The whole choir saved it voice by slaying away. Duly the Earnaby family went dripping up the aisle and back. The lirarte and two hacks moped past the window where Mem watched. On the boxes the drivers sat, the shabbiest men on earth at best, but now peculiarly sordid as they slumped in their wet overcoats, disgusted and dejected, their hats blown over their face, their whips aggravating the misery, but not the speed, of the sodden nags that might have wished it their own funeral. Mem had to Icate the window. Her impulse was to run out and follow the miserable cortege, to tear wet flowers from the gardens and strew the road with thrni, to fill the grave with the in and shelter El wood from the pelting rain. It wa a funeral like that in which Mozart' body was lost and, like his widow, Mem had to mourn at home. It was her meek fear of being- dra matic and conspicuous that saved hrr from the temptation to publish her concern. Hut she stumbled up to her room and let her grief have sway. She smothered her sobs as lust she could in the old comforter of her bed, but the other chidrrn heard her and asked questions. Her mother kept them away from her and did not go near her herself, feeling that this was one of the times when sympathy give most fomfort by at- seme. When her eft wet faint with , luustion and tou'd qure ,) nioir tei, when hrr thorax tould ( jrrk out anoihrr ton, her tout lay he 'calmed in utter inanition. Then she heard a hack dine tip to the gate and hrd hrr tat bet hull d iuh tor the ixHih, The old man wa cliiHed through by hi giavetiHe praer, but forget ful of himself in the exaltation ot hi ofhee, and a'l ababble ot pity for h client, Mem heard her niuther iroldiug him nut tt his tart rlnlhrt intis rtrv. jbut be kepi up hi chatter: It lnl alwayt easy to find mre things to lay at funeral, but there wis everything line 'to be said over that poor boy a good, haid working tad that tlaved (or hi mother and went to church regular, and - Why. I don't suppose he ever bad an evil thought," Mem tank into a chair by her win dow. The tain whipped the pan' and the wind rattled tdrm in the chipped putty that held them to the casement. Ihe last frw day had kept hrr thought o busy that she had neg lecied her housewifery a little. She was shocked to tee that a pidrr had tprrad a web from the shutter to the vine. The gale had torn the web to thirds and was threatening to np it loose, the spider, topping and pearled with rain, wa a desperate battle to keep from being I wept away. He clung and caught new hold as a sailor clutche the iliioudi tit a tem pest. The gii fell a kinslnp with the poor brattir. Her toul and her body were like spider and web, and a great ttorin menaced them both. Her flesh termed by a frail network that spa tint of fobbing and coughing threatened to tear to pieces. Her toul was a loathsome arachnid spin ning traps for fliei, and storms of re morse and grief threatened to dit lodge it and tend it down the wind of eternity. But ttill her body clung to life and her toul to her body. She began to long to be shut out of the town, however, and the dull playhouse where she enacted over and over the tame dull drama to the tame dull audience. Her father and mother drove her almost mad by their devoted gentle nest. Hitherto they had both brrn strict, and a little tiresome with moral letsons and rebukes, making good ness a dull staple suspiciously over advertised, and creating rebellion by discipline. Hut after the doctor a first visit they heaped almost intolerable coals of fire upon her head with their de voted faith in her. If they had any doubts of her future it was only of the wicked people outside the fold who would attack and beguile their ewe lamb. They never suspected her !f , i , , I I ' ' ' II i x8 . y I I 9 S 8 It Would Be a Happy Day for Any Store That Could Show Such Beautiful Furs From the fur modtl hounts of Seynwurt Louie and Jcckcl thete won derful urapi and cape's eome to u through the wILknoivn fur manutae turera Gordon and Ferguson. They are, however, not reproductions, but the original models. , Btauttoui wapi and graccM iVringini tupfi i nhipufUtnt coiiftli'on e luxurfaui fur t, the btaute and vulW 0 t'hkh ar jiumjj an)) Jlpla thai, h our ano(fi, mi fVf hem heU in Omaha, thtm art t'iap Russian Caricut$tJ)0. Ptrsian tiroadtale$$?5. Real Kolinsky $97$. (Unuine Mlnk-$$;S and ,t.V Hudson Seal$7S. Itlue Seetch Mole-WS. a ! a las ka-Ta4 flaw s-Nash Gemrc ..VERYOODY.S STOR& of esen the capacity for in, though h frit that it wa the who had -dq.rj ,er sacred lover, and not lie her At timet hrr pairnl treated her with that unqurtiimiing approval we giant only to the newly dead, and the unmerited homage was harder to enduie than unrarnrd blame, mre it had a belittling influenr whrrt th other would havt aiouted tell etieem. 5he wat not longer at home at home. She had to draw on a mask thf moment the rame in. When the went to tha doctor' ortire the en countered truth and the trank lacing of it; the could be herself, a normal young animal who had dene a natural thing, unltickilv, and had lost none f her rights to life, wealth or tH pursuit bappines. When V stepped erf Hi flrethetitk porch she wa a very allegory of deiiant youth; when she stepped on to hrr owe; porch she became immediately a Magdalen bowed with a hame the dared not even ask loigivenes for. (Ta Ha aaclaa4l Tli'a I Fee Want Ad 1'rodute Kesutt. Mr. Hanliup Muili Knier. Whingn.i", S'pt l" -Hy a oia Harding was reported a grea-ly mifiovid t l' White House, e condition l.riiiy- to salisfaitoiy that Ihe fiesidrnt, t!ir hist time iuc thr became iii'ally i'l 10 tas ago, lett the executive gtoundt (or exer use, BiffiESS Hash Qxmt EVERYBODY .5 STORE Wednesday IsHousefurnishings Day Special Offerings in ChinmvareChoice of Separate Pieces and Complete Sets Complete Bridal Sets SVrviee for two, composed of open tuck patterna, include t dinnw piste. f tups an4 u art, 1 bread and butter lla. 1 vflabl 4h. X fruit pities t flattsr. White Rarmon liape. Set, II. tS. tiold and White. Triced, aet, $2.39. Choice of aeveral Floral and Conven tional designs. Set, $2.95. Low Prices on Separate Pieces St, Itonnla heavy whita cup and aaucer. Sold by let or separate pieca. Triced at Piece, lOe, Blue Bird gold etched tea cup and aauceri, Each, 25c. 7-inch Blue Bird dinner plate; gold etched. Each, 25e. 40-Piece White Set, $8.50 Composed of complete service for six, in fine white porcelain, IUnon shape, set, 18.80. BurfMt-Nath Cblaa Shoa rurtb Flaar 32-Picco Set, $5.00 Clear whit porcelain with narrow gold line. Set of 32 pieces priced $5.00. Goblets, Sherbets rointetta Cut Goblets. Each, 30c. Toinsetta Cut Sherbet, Each, 30c. OOO We Are Proud to Welcome the 89th Division In behalf of the 700 members of the 89th Di- 1 1 vision, who are now resi ' dents of Omaha, we wel come the 5,000 men who come from every state to join in the reunion of their division. We are justly proud that the nucleus of this division. 60 men- who formed companies A, B and C of the 341 Machine Gun Battalion were Oma ha men. To every member of the 89th, we extend the hope for his fullest en joyment in this reunion. BURGESS-NASH CO. Real Values : Rugs : Linoleums These are clean-lookinsr linoleum rugs, printed in the favorite Chinese patterns durable and practical. 3 ft.xl2 ft. at $1.98 4x'6 ft.xl0.6 ft., $2.49 4.6 ft.xl2 ft. priced at $2.98 OOO Notion Specials Coats' Thread, black and unite, dozen, 58c. Whit a Button Thread, spool at 10c. Fancy Frilled Elastic, yd., 80e. So Garter Elastic, 2 yd., 25c. Imported Balling, lVt to 3-in., yard, 80c. Mercerised Rick Rack, white, yard, 2 tic. Oriental Braidt, fancy designs, 4-yard bolt, 25c. Dutch Braidt, for children'a rompen, 50c. Jiffy Panti, all rubber, ea., 39. Elastic Sanitray Bait, 49. Carset Cartart, 2 pair, 25. Waiat Lining, white lawn, large, aiie. 39. Skinner f Satin Jacket Shields, pair, 80c. 4rfMNaMia t laa Oval Rag Rugs made of new rag in those pretty old-fashioned colors that you remember seeing in grand mother's time. They will give the same lengthy service, too. Size 18x36 inches, $1.00. Axminster Rugs One doea not often find this quality at ao low a price. A host of good patterns in Ori ental color effects that fit in well with almost any color scheme. 27x54 in., S4.50. 36x70, $6.73. Bur(s-Nesh Sixth Floor. ooo Curtain and Drapery Specials If you have a window, or group of windowa, the draping of which does not satisfy you, our salespeople will appreciate the opportunity to offer suggestions. Estimates on shades and rollers without charge. Ruffled Curtains, Pair, $1.39 Beautiful quality voile made with ruffle, hem stitched hem and tiebacks. Voile, Marquisette Swiss and Curtains Hand-drawn effects in marquisette and voile about fifty pieces. Several pieces of 40-inch voile with fast-color border. Sale price Yard, 39c Beautiful Nettings New patterna of filet weave In ivory and teru. Triced moderately at, yard, $1.00 and $1.25 Specials in Housefurnishings Electric Heaters "Simplex Run" bowl .heatrrs with lanre beatlns: unit, com plete tsith connecting: eord. Knch $11.00 "Perfection" Oil Heaters Chilly mornlnira and eveningrs, btcr- !' is time to begin fur- nuce heat, one of tlieao oil heaters will furniah ade quate warmth with very lit tle expense. Splendid to :i t e in the i a t h r o o m throughout the year. Japr.n.ii finish, $8.75. Nickel finish, $8.25. Nickel and piue Krmmel at $10.50. Electric Irons Hot Point $0.79 American Beauty $7.80. Marion $7.50. Universal $7.80. Kitchen Knives A new shipment of Univer sal Cutlery Paring Knivea of bet quality Universal ateeu Assorted blades in aeveral stylea, are priced accordingly. 18c, 20c, 28c, 30c and 3S Family Scales That will weigh as much as 24 pounds by ounces. Slant ing dial style; enamel finish. Each $1.98 Corn Poppers Two-quart poppers, made of best quality sheet steel. rnced, 50e Coolers' Seis Con plete set for repairing shoes at home. Priced Each $1.25 Edison "Mazda" Globes We carry a com plete stock of these famous eleetrie light bulbs. Yoawill be able to purchase any size at any-time. Coal Buckets, each 39c Black Japaned finibh; a dur able bucket; low priced. Burfss-Nash Fourth Floor Swisses. Grenadines Figured In white and dotted in white or color. 36-in. width. Yard, 59c arfssaNaab-Draaary aaa fasirta flaae Read These Books "In Favour of the King" Price $1.75. Haw thorns Daniel's story of Ihe pageant "Coronado in Quivera." "Foursquare" Price $1.75. A charming love atory by the author of "Red Tepper Burns." Ba.k I War Wtstinghouse Portable EleetricSewing Machines Special at $2pso It is a t!iire to vn at .le l Vavhine and it ais etnaiar, tu, if vk eat ttrkas a ! he a t eh tsaaa at lVt i f fl. I it af !! ateril r f lV "INK In" feature af tVe Miia(iM not-, i tBwa 4t i f le a 4 It a alawt revf rtsa na 411 rka4 fin's. aia te fat rU and all a'.asaariat m t as. lav aiite tm a f taraatee af aatswe, aiaaaa aalsaaa Vtsaa Infants' Gowns and Kimonas Very Social S-U l'tl(e outing flannel garmeoU ,ht will kep ttbiea rojy ami want, liovtpa n. klmyrtaa, nme) of thtm mad plfttlr other with slainty trtmmmgt of hanl tmbroiJrr, Only tht R. Arrow liooth i offer hm at thi t:vtl ri. aaa-a4 ara IV,aaii ftaa immmmmssm