The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 19, 1922, EXTRA, Page 7, Image 7
12 4 in .rid will Inly, Na- Iprf. fieri Will I '111 I t ne men Ised. ii au a me nr i'olo HXt tw ican li cat! Innn. rani lrom it wo I ami Vf IvfU feuM 7. lace de the Inch the (o se 1 in I lid rec- pke the Vide led (tlx lull Hire Wed ball tin 8 Ms May A to fch- u a. E THE GUMPS KAS-s? Till: OMAHA EES: TUESDAY. frrTKMHER 1?. 1?: 7 THE MAN OF THE HOUR AWt HOg MXHS MCA CAM ov vuve to run CVt A,MONt MtM TO EtYJO "Wist tTtwcnoH- t i a. alia. . . '.. a. fl I 1 1 J . Ill ."NA SPSS' (Lt" A l"jl'4t- M fl'.TUftt -fjsV- A txtOuUM. - Tw CH't RtAT iHr CH-Me Fioatf. U'MT- .-yaw m .11! YJHU7!!!.:ri touu! - I .A IK): . t r i t) aa(!a4 .'ST fcl Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Sidney Smith Special Agent of Belt i- i.--i I ! Ray Is Munlcrct! hi i v i i 3 I 3 ni tivM io vim Vtl t tAW x J MjT IN j ioor PtOFlt V0tN6 FNT- To HIVE SWM BUlROARt? AND pot US COVU VlS A TXNt I Uih-k, Sl't. IT - I'liii-i- Hirn tiv j tlv iMiitil.'tr.l A. I 4 M "'! j.itji itt 'l t lip lU-'t lailu. I u.i '( j the mi d irc urnu-1 wn'i li-iKimi i itllll I .lllf (I ll 'n't lI 'HIl WU'li'ltt' v 4rninu. Ili' li.ul lii ll ', ''" j I f III lIl.l'lHI-lllllJ -ill'l I"! 41 iil' j I I lot- tn wrn k 11 jiii-1 and di flr'H l id i trffrty .md hid it ;niid v d.i .it mill hi- lixd iiuittrrd thi- rlililit nl the rtrikrrv lliu wji I'"' ullt-t.i 'uhiirf Jv't "i BRINGING UP FATHER-- ,. in JlbCS AND MACGIK IN ULL PAGt Or COLORS IN THE tUNOAV BtE Drawn for The Omaha Bee by McManui (Cjpyrlxbt IVl!) j HELLO THItj VOIJ- 1 if wri i . . OMiurr v,,, , re ) ) If ir "Torr. 1 Jlliill I v I 1 DlNVY? WE'LL-DC VJi DCK TROH THE HOViTAL VCP! fcA1 lTt ALLKHT f ft,,KN.w I BUT BCN-RAN ACLCTO'oAILONTHf tf iEfl TODAY I VAArAOD wc vvOzJN foT VC roHM TO TRAVCU- IkSt? rT-r i vST S I DAUCMTE.R ltWELL fl 'lnf TTT V 'Vl CH,NA! ) S ,T V' i JcTTrirSL- " j . I fl Battling99' Siki Expects to Kayo CarpentieYDrinks Plenty Liquor rpvrl((lif. JUIt. I'aris, Stpi. "Tt-ll Ui-mp-cy hc' my next mcit,'' was the nn 4Ke (he ChiiaRO Trihunc today was asked to convey to the champion troin Jiattlinjf Siki, a yotinK Songa letf. who fish's (W'orges Carpcntier in rang next Sunday, Siki is absolutely tyleless. His aviiiK urnrc is high resistance. He lias been hit on the head with a hammer and scarcely felt it. He crouches against the ropes and hounds towards his opponent, strik- iv.a with both hands. Often in Injured in Race 'I'm going to knock out Georges swinging he turns entirely around. in the first round and then go straight He makes not the slightest attempt to America, and camp on Pempsey's to guard. He is 23 years old, drinks trail," continued Siki, who has hard limior heavily and is always knocked out many of the best men lit up when he cnurs the ring. He in Europe, but has never been knock- is a regular braicat when drinking, ed dow n hims If. Nobody in Paris, more than a dozen policemen being except S ki himself, thinks he has a , necessary to throw him out of a against Carpentitr. saloon some times. Drivers Injured in Kansas City Race to Recover Kansas City. Mo., Sept. 18. Re ports from hospitals today indicated that three motor car drivers hijuret seriously yesterday in the dcdicatioi race of Kansas City's new half mil lion dollar speedway, would recover. Roscoj E. Searlcs of Layfayctte, Ind., was killed when his car's steer in? knuckle broke and the machine plunged off the top of the speedway, bursting into flames after it had struck the ground 25 feet below. Eight men were injured in a scries of accidents, but of the number Christopher V. Pickup, Los Angeles, mechanician for Sarlcs; Ed Hcffer man. Chicago, mechanician for Ed die Hcarne, and Harry Henning of Independence, Mo., mechanician for Pete de Paolo, sufimed the most serious injures. They sustained concussion of the brain by cuts and bruises. They also may be injured internally, physicians said. The less seriously injured include lleai ne. De Paula, Joe DcThomas and Jimmy Murphy. Thomas' left l.'B was broken. The others were cut and bruised. Murphy did not go to a Raymond Curlcy of 1-vattle, Thomas mechanician, was ;,n.-htly bruised. The race won by Tommy Mil ton ft St. Paul, who covered the .liui miles in J:4(i:52 :'- Harry Ibm was second; 1'rr-nk l.Mioti. third; Ralph Mullord. lo'irth; and jerry W'ondi rlick, tilth, Ak-Sar-Ben Entries lioscoe Sarks Planmd to Quit Motor liacing (lame Kii-. I i v. I an tbi-niji iih t' " "' .poke fir' h, t...l 4lU the rot, 1. i . ! .t t'H II I jii-t be tin- uluil m lu'l.iV ' nl hit wile, who i i,l l-rtti 1 ''' ' 'i'i-' TIKSKAV KACKN. First flic. flv furlonnn. I'lirnu 1310, Ttirg-ynr-ulili nil up. Claimlim: SV Itnnio. tasiiii) Iinly rr-ton .... Miiy Woek Si:i.1 Turn Honch Iti'ts Thriimn SD.iT Kilty M Thlrly-Bi'vcn 3 1. 40 Jim Hrniir KniBht Timptur .... J"3 .lmuurl H.iy Bei-ond ra-p, Iiv rurinnrp, Ttirp.yi?r-oil(i nnd up. I'lalmlnf: 1 ........ 1 1 1 3 runic 3(I0. No, 3 1 1 . ; r, 3l'4t 29 SIM il 30.1 II 2h:i1 303(1 HorM. Sovi-reldn II Nuilli. Wllwer Ilnlii-y Mlnnln Mnc'l Mnlnrly Mntl Wt .107 . InS . I OS .113 f&t&xr of-? I ' : Q" M.Murohv 113 Flimh of Hlnel HI (Hit Hnmoiiti'Hil H3 Kit I. Van IH H Thini mm-. ttv furlrmK". I'una au. Thrce-ymr-iililn mid up. Claiming; No. lli.rfp. Mu t.ntm i: 303 :: 3042 3oi;i H. A. .lonrg May Mnon ... tnly KMi'n . Hay A I 111 111 . All Itrlgtlt ... 8i-ArplH tl ... Dub Ulli'H ... I. W. Hrpir Tom Cai o . . . . M't, .104 .107 . I ii .100 .112 .113 .11! .112 .113 ,113 30 m 3fiH 3'i32 2i"J ;.mi Knurth mm n furlongs, rum 130". Trri.e-yar-o(lii anil up. No HiH'O. 1't. 30,17 Appl H'osaom 102 .... Mnrlhit (Iniy H'7 Uui Hihirllv 107 npl. Hi'il I'11 Tuuh and Tight 11H l.nni F'triuno ,...tlfi Klnrmtlne ItS Mk, llama ...1ID Hun llr.Tlll.-u( Ill) Uuck Null 1 Flfih me.-, fivn finionm. Turns 1300. Thi'i'e-yiii'-i'tita and up. No. How. tt't. n. W1.I1 h 17 N'.'W Moilrl H'T loll lhr,.liu SNanl I"' !:.) Money II" I.', HI ) Jol'ii n. Hi" hi- 1 lH s.xitx riii-. iai nilia. 1'uit M'1'. Kour j -iu -ol.lii nnl up. Nil. Horn.- IVl thi llill-ra 107 3012 lalnlv l,,ly 112 :-"4 1 Mil ltn.. tl-'i Mn V ,,i. ill,. Monl,otn.iy Ill ,'i'U , Ill : Hill lr, in Wttathi-r thr..fii.'iHlirf, Irai U fjul. Safe or Out had 1, :.!. iiii i and t! .l I'e l Jiiuli ti I'vr Witl.'l Na'les n l t nit lnrHt 'l I Ai Ki l '.ji drtvm " oi 'be nn.e 1. ike lit th 1' e. he fiond r tl I not tnt m "' tior t! ' . I I in ant t Ird h' f .''. w lu , hi !ot liit1! ) Twn ar out Ah.l tht r-lnur .11 ili,il it la i ...I ti.-.i.i" In i-io. 'i't In. a an I I In- li llr !. 1 kt ! mu -1.. iuii' 1- cut 1 to mm f.. 1 h m ii 11 (It. a iHlll-l In .( Illl.l 1 i.l. 1 1 I. I mi Miiltaa Ik n.ilr rjltv rvaiiil luf thangtti Nla ari-ttlutt. ID put u u.Mtiiwtt th lUHtwt mf trr lu fei4tr 1 a awl. vi l( m i .ir -! i" h tut itiji 1 tn,r i tl. ilia f lit iinl liiit It IS, r tSa -11 Sr. 1 IK til'il C. V. Pickup, former airmail piot on the Cheyenne-Omaha di vision, waa perhaps fatally injured at Kansas- City yesterday when the automobile racer in which he and Roscoe Sarleg were riding plunged off the Kansas City apeedway. Sarles was killed. It was Plckup'a first experience in a motor race. He is an aviator. FootBallFacts WorthKnowing (By Sol JHeteger Q )lna th Kual-Rf'pr-touc'.iiiown tin rtnue Hway Willi? What ha j-i'plac.d tlila P''y. Th 111'."! fwitttull nili-a limki- linivl- Inn fur a rv-fiir-iiinit flrr liiiiliilnn. Tlila iviliti-- llitj lilalorlu timl-after-toiiou-d .Hll. Hllld It). . , , ij. How many plnysra if tlm HtnuklnS liln may bo In motion whan tlm ball la pui In play by airiminago ? . Only our Hint llu nuiHt bi III million lllrrrlly or loHHrda lilt imn (mil Una r lino ftlcllilwl. If lie ltti-a Ilia linn of a. rlmmm. h nttial ln at fiia titnla In r.Mir f It ttlim th hall la put in plav, Kulit 9. f-o.-llon S. ij, l ibu e. iiiar ih only man who may SUMP ilio bull bat U '.' A. No. Any pluti-r ran fti'l a the Hli.itti-rbm-k. Hull S, t't!tn S. 'j. 11.1a ih-t .lull rul-i bvi! i li.iuod lim-e la-! t. -jla.m ' . No. Ilia nil. a rnmmlltr tiaa rallml allfiitlim to 11 iti-iv iHifrpirtMtlini of Ilia M.-liillml "liltt Hula hy nilillnn a Haiti t.t liillo S, . lion A. Tula rulla upua 111 lilll.tiTa atilrtimf In llltta "iM.ttl fnrl ala lliiiuiry on Ilia (ruunil- bffora I Ha ball la pattrii ftilliiMUlll a allifl. 12. May 4 iiiivmtii traak throuuh and ttnin k tin it a ! ti'ttaiv.. I, U b.K.ia llt b.ll a ta.. an a fora-not mimi? A. 1. 1h nil pnitlitta fna prola. lion fur lh ilafatialvt. awrka tmly 4uriM Ilia lima tnut Ilia lartranl pataa la In tit air. Itila alliiH In In -'plili-' ml" b, (ni anrf allar Iba paa la mail..! at ll la, n tta 1 (HI. I Many Changes in State University Faculty Are Made Appointment and Resigna tions Annotmred Candy Acting Uean of College of Art and Science. Lincoln. Sept. IS. (Py A. P.) A number of important changes in the faculty of the .University of Ne braska have taken place since school closed last June. The list of ap pointments and resignations follows: Prof, A. L. Candy becomes acting dean of the college of arts and sci ences during the absence of Dean Philo M. Buck. Maj. Sidney Erickson becomes actiiifr commandant of the military department until the arrival of a colonel from the War department of the government. Dr. S. Mills Hayes is appointed 'professor in English, history and art; E. M. Dodd replaces Assistant Pro fessor Robinson in the college of law; E. O. Anderson, instructor in dairy husbandry in place of II. If. Thompson, resigned. Other appointments: R. A. Craw ford, agricultural editor; E. A. Hraun, instructor in dairy husbandry in place of J. W. Hendrickson, re signed; Ruth Staples, instructor in home economies, in place of Miss Fuller, resigned; Francis Dunning, supervisor of farm cafeteria and in structor in home economics; Floyd S. Harper, instructor in mathematics, in place of L. O. Ghormlcy; E. Mer rick Dodd, jr., assistant professor in law, in place of G. H. Robinson, re signed; John K. S( lleck. business agent of athletics and student activi ties, in place of M. T. Chadderdon, resigned; Herbert D. Gish, assistant to Mr. Sellick; Josephine Graves, in structor in school of agriculture, in place of Mae C. Hughes; Ralph If. Parks, assistant purchasing agent, in place of John K. Sellcck; Harry R. I.ewton, instructor in pharmacy; H. P. K. Agersborg, instructor in zo ology, in place of E. II. Powers, re signed; Francis ITood, instructor in mathematics, school of agriculture, in place of Ruth Sinclair; Mrs. Elsie Ziese Miles, assistant instructor in line arts, i"ii place of Mabel Dobbs, resigned; Charles Harmes, resident phs;cian in charge of student health; John I,. Osbom. assistant in structor in zoology: Helen Cook, as sistant to dean of women, in place of Ida WiNiin, resigned; Margaret Lonant Stott, assistant instructor in physical education; Ralph ", Tyler, assistant supemsor of science, in place of A. IS. Uayburn; W. I'.. Put man, football coach, school oi agri culture, in plue of S.mi Kellogg; J-", T. Dawson, ilean of men and director of athktics; Lulu Mann, advanced to instructor 111 physical education, tn plai'e ut Mi.s ilnimti, resiKnt'd; Prof. t .forge !.. Howard, on part time Li", to he lit rrtiileili : (ill Allien- Nfi shell-, foinnnint, nt ol mile's, Shubert Vaudeville Scores Hit in Omaha Despite the unusual number of shows in Omaha, Shubert vaudeville is "going over big." is the prediction of Edward I. bloom, well known in the theatrical world and general manager of the Shubert Winter Gar den productions. Mr. Iilooin made a, hurried trip from New York city to review for the first time "The Whirl of New York" at the Brandt-is theater yes terday. He left for Chicago last night. The entire company came from New York to Omaha in one jump. Large audiences have witnessed the production. It closes Wednesday night, with niatincei every day. Mr. Bloom stated that all the Shu bert shows are of the higher class. He said that AI Jolson, famous com edian with "Bombo," opened last Sunday night in Chicago. If Jolson decides to take trip to the coast, there is a possibility that he may stop off in Omaha in May, said Mr. Bloom, who is well known to old Omahans, having visited Omaha with troupes since 1876. Bethlehem Ratifies Merger. Newark, N. J., Sent. 18! Stock holders of the Bethlehem Steel cor poration today ratified the proposed merger with the Lackawanna Steel company. Buffalo, N. Y Sept. 18. Stock holders o( the Lackawanna Steel company today unanimously ap proved the terms of the merger of the local plant with the Bethlehem Steel corporation. Keller Will Push Impeachment of Attorney General Minnesota Representative Re quests Samuel Untermyer to Handle Action Against Daupherty. New York, Sept. 18 Representa tive Oscar E. Keller, Minnesota, who introduced ill congress a resolution seekiing to institute impeachment pro ceedings against Attorney General Daughcrty, announced that he had requested Samuel M. Untermyer to act as counsel in pushing the im peachment proceedings. Accompany ing Representative Keller from Washington was Basil M. Manley, director of the people's Legislative Service, of which Senator La Fol lette is chairman. They arrived here Saturday night and spent the entire morning and part of the after noon in conference with Mr. Unter myer at his country home. Mr. Untermyer, after his two vis itors had drparltd, said he was send ing his decision as to whether or not he would accept the invitation in a telegram to Representative Keller at Washington. The text of the tele gram would have to be made public in Washington, Mr. Untermyer said. . t :-s'r-'o I T I 4 i - . jM . S ti rath1 i i i l I'm d-v, ailliouil . oi r 1 tlf at"1. ! .. . i w.. t. . . ti -. ad nriJ ii id,- i liil. lii n in men al wotk i.t.wii n in the -' I- "due '. .uui iitsi' i t t s unkil, Mat us mu' iiiuiMu'Iy ij'.nit iit jwilill i.,i!.:i!e I-! I ti'iai"' 1-.- Want Ads a'f t-r-t liiisiilfS. bo.lnllrtt, Aim mii Msr, WOMAN TOO WEAK TO WALK Now Worln Niie Houri a dtf. lyik . I'inkW Vegetable Compound Ufitcre J Her Strength I'tiii.n Villa"-. Vt."! ' weak lillil lii l Voai und u.l inn iluwn. I inuld not walk aeroia th nmr without n-ating, inr I hd Un n that way for Wek. laawyiHir adviitiw-inent In ttiat p ijx-r and af-tertukiiiguiii-bot-tln of 1-yiJi K Pitil.hani'a Vegt- tkblw t'l)ITlMIUI)lt 1 felt thu good It wusdoimr m and 1 tm k rev-i n nunc in nil, Hi-tore I lin inlied I wan id le to Work nino hour a day in a steam laundry. 1 cannot ny too tnuili In li;vir of your med icine. 1 trur.t nil auk aid autri-ring ; Wiiinonv.'illtakeit. It baa been two yrnrn sincn 1 t'k It nnd 1 am itrorif i ml w II." - Mr. I.. A. GlIMAWM, Unixn Yill.ipi, Vertnont. 'iliis is only on of nm-h 1-ttera wa rro c-ntifU.-i'l jiubiLHiim hiiwlnj w hat l.y'iii I'mkham hadonfor women. Mrs. Guimur.n'a letter rliould interi-iityou. Many women gi t Ifito weak, ner voiii", run down condition beaua) of til-nents they ofti havn, Such wo men Hliould takeLyrtia K. Pinkham'i Vei'ttableCoinjiound at tlio first sign of trouble. ' I...11IO . 1 1 t , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 wm For Colds. Bronchitis Asthma, and all throat troubles. No Alcohol'or Dan.trout Di-u'S Mony-Sainf Drug; and Toilet Goodi Sale All This Wa.k at THE FIVE SHERMAN k. M CCNNELL DRUG STORES A T-rait'airr . r.iaVif'a v . . 'i"' ":- aJ'i! laVi.lVl. mm -.a,- Tk .ML--. V.-X Brief Cily News urat From Denver N. C. War ren of Denver, a slat senator, nnil Mrg. Warren are aueata of Misn lauura rteynolils at the Merrlam hotel. Mrs. Warren U a cousin ot in Into Mr. John J. Pemhlng. Foiirttvn Trialn (set Only 14 trial r.otieen for Jury trials during the next term of federal court werfl Bent out lnnt week by the rlerk. The docket usually requires 35 to 40 sueh no tices to be Bent out. according to John Nicholson, deputy clerk. ColTejr 1sIkii Raymond Coffey, for three yenrn chief deputy In the county attorney's otlle, tendered his roHiKimtlnn to A. V. Hliotwell yester day to tuko effect Jnnuiiry 1. Mr. Coffey is (roliig In for the private practice of law with another Omaha, attorney. .ommon Sense Dog Hill Paragrafs -By George Bingham" Frisby Hancock desires t swap his right spotted dog for one without any spots at all. lie says there is not nil in r i-i in i i . X ill I-.-, o i,. i'i!'. 1. 1 a . .....1 " i l.t a' -i . tn t .a. p.. IS '- I I , . . . . . .oi t ",. ,., i,.,. 0., ,i las., i "" lioui I'i service h f o"n J ti 'ij I hi liilioniua- feiill.ltttiii IT St VfMlTmj I i . Ha St, If lit " .riliM in alis I, tai M xj i . .- s. , I . I'.", a .i, ifcj ii'.l'il s tall a t ia l.a .i.' i I ma S.3.i.i, aa. 4 l' j . . , ;. 11 . il o I t I- 1 i I Sa Ha na lha is l ttl'ti Iha alal If Sa la asaax aai la at at j , i ... u.l ia. i i ... at. If a i-.t-. .' I i a. .ts -s t I .a , ,, O I fe' !'. ! I, i. i , i , . ,. ., ii i a ". i,-' . I.M .! .a,. t in. . ...- ..-. is., a.. ll.i a. i.i i. j, I, 0. ... I tl .1 1 a. I. .i tl Iha aul ti in ii i t iiri' ifi i't"ii it1. j una a-iin Ihi a l I i-r a t. W ,na I . I I I a I i' .1 ana i a a I "t. s- t I I ii a I t. a ifr-ti s'.ia -! r---1. s- I.. s ttt Xlh lo -at lb. i-i l i si i i-i, i iia 1 1- t T 1 I. s a- i i . . i .-..-! it I ,. , f ' V- i - - ' at in l. iM aa vaaala4 tat aS l- ka, ta -; a .w. .S Ia4 Wm l. a-Ha I iStaM law k a a sat a sfca- taa saa hai t aa w . . -at a. t tt ' a . Is la. . k. f i -- I'- ''-a 1 ,.',. a aa sat .a ai-a I I a 11 la a i.; ' J ti. 4 n I l ' t -t a t I .1 IS a l.ive I'iiii .niriU'l: ti, It. .Niiliie, as- i'it .roit -or rtf poluii4l siiince; II P. Ni'm. irrcliiiv. ill nifibiniial iiil(i'i rt iH ; Joriti llutti-i worth, in-j si'.!, li i- l i I itg-lish; .14111 D, Nuf' , j t c r, irttni.'tor u n .ulrrn Ian i!ige; t.Vi'irt Sifitiiilir, iiinii imr n ti;, tr- tii , ogiiim ; (iirltliril I . Ilii'mi, in- tint, i. if in liolllf fi Ollnlli , s, l,rola-C It ! i.o ii in lor. t'i coot , I 'i'! It. ;, -r, iM m.. i , v ; 1 1 i t. i . ; -. D M -1 1'i'f. i -of in i -.ii it isotioiiii, , ! ' Vila '. n-l'oif I't lli.ui.ol U I. a-ia't. loitl'l M,l)-.l, at..- ,ul i'ii'i. r at b iioty Oil Utirtine" IVrmiltr.l HVSt.'lt'tti' I ! 2fci r M P iii oi i-i -i i ii it r oi to ii tt . How Much Loss Do You Charge to Grouchiness? If the boss is an cstablismtnt, gets a grouch on it permeates the whole cstablisment. Foremen and superintendents grt it. the men get it, and the result is that good work is not done. Real spirit, real ambition, real in terest are necessary to an industry. From the least to the head, am! back again, there must be united spit it, ambition and interest. For this reason is is imperative for the head of any cstablisment to keep himself in hand and preserve an even good nature, a reasonable, Approachable nature, which is just to himself and his business. Some bosses act as they fed, and think it their prtrogative. Hut the grouchy boss is the big gest loser in his factory. He loses in quality or production, perhaps 1oth. Men cm piecework may turn out as many pieces, but they will not have the same interest in making them as near prriect as possible. It is not wanted or expected that the boss be a jovial, prankish man. He could not be a good boss if he were such a man. lint llic boH should be wholly rational ami in con trol of emoliotia and his conduct so thy shall not brcoine the master instead of his better sill. Overcome that itching rash and enjoy skin health Decide now to rid yourself of eczema, ringworm or any other equally tormenting skin trouble from which you are suffering, by using Kesinol Ointment, because: It stops itching almost instantly Cools inflammation at once, and pro motes the return of skin health Contains nothing that could injure or ir.itate the tenderest skin ts a doctor' forrflula and has been prescribed by physicians for nearly 30 years. Can be obtained from your nearest drug utore at small cost one jr.r good for many treatments, Rninol Snap is an iiivaluabte nld tn Retiool (Hr. ment, and its dmiy u-r tnr thr t' il:t and baih it sufficient tn kern must runiiili-tUms clear, tresti sod glowing. Iha ideal siisn fur the laraily. U U 13 JJf UaJ Aih tot ih Rstfnal pre loi-ltl Pi yr VaJ f X M'VSrtt mm - wo mm n 'uli-m?ml TiS. Prayer Each Day am t'Vt I ti n t m jihI h ii ut Jat il to V, 1 I in t r ti.t aliiia. . - r ) a ... ii iiy ,. SI .l I li ... (.1 Ii. I.f.. nan laa ( IS- it ta .!., us am '. i i ill .y ii . n. . t a.i ,1-, ti If la t,.. tli. tia no . ..,! ... ,.i t 4.1-t tti.l oak Sa ih. aa i ., .,., !!-. aa.iih- r I . I. ,',.ii.i la.i , ii,i, f aSt a tiili t jm f . .,. i .fit. II )4 i t A'-i iwb'v ti-l aiul lltitiu!,' I Father. Mm I it salt Iv irn rtf . u iriroi.Mfl tit 'r. -,,! I '"" oi I i a m a ! --in i ' to 4'l b'rs, I lif, ... iii it . i . r. ,: ,.! llPfSi I I'I i-.r' "fii-ii '.. ' .,r i.. , i '' I 1 hf v " l 1.1' i,t .u h. 4(1 't-'ojS 4'! lb 1 1 s .. s f id., i',.' I. f 4 il. t htvn t sjio! t, : '"ST I'1'. 1 1 4( i i Bitir l- mr. Hi t'li'HI I tt aei. , (''J !'. il i't f.fsir. (ot -1 . "'d Wi'h l' f'tt an. I ( in l'' f "! I't I -1.4 lit. !,o , J .i4. !,a I Hi it; it Children Cry for Fletcher's Tbf Jilml nu o Atmim Don ;lif lurti th sUnn turn il tltui, il. Jt-ti her mi !itt ltrnpM'r lof Ulit shl jcirs Just ii proleet (tin i-uiiiiii!' k fif i at tuna. Do not I m ili 1 1 It nl. All t imtiti rh us. Iiiittiitlniia Hint 'luat-ua-i-iMiil" urn Imt r-vi'i-riini ni f-iMliingar lti tit-itltli n t luliln ii -I viit rtt iiio njiiitnsli Uvitt iUin iit, Never nttempt to relieve your baby with a remedy that you would use for yourself. What Is CASTORIA !' if 1 1 U i litt-tuten it.f itnti for t :l, rt Burtc, irsi a St u.l fti.oi 1,111 ; lllt. (,.,i,ili, iieiltter llpliliil, inr l lliir H O title atltisl mi-,., up lui.ri- tli ill llilrt e iri It tota l et ll onsl.u u ,,i ,,i t,s Ii 111 I ti I ollst iillit,H, l.illll. lit t , VUllil t fill' Mint Hitri liH' I hM hIiiJT I i trri-lii.t .a nrlti.of !n n Irmii, Ultil It r Sll l.sllnT ' i'i -si l Ntnl lov.l., nl U llift km aitiiiUtinH ( I foil i iris nil In tli I. y Mill ii itiira) atsH'iH 'lU ituiilrru'a t ' tit (oil -'.In .Mutlnr'a 1 ruml, Jast rovivf 4 ftf Ak-Sar-Brn Ball, a fin s'ihis af Full Dren and Tuxedo Suit taat ff Ctt tlf "4 t fiN1 i . (rrt drtsa fjiritsMn f t aU fsi as. John Fcidman, tot Nt Hk $(. P.U ihtaoati rttaMiaa. i l'i t ine in Iiisljlltttrtttt " I' u Caraaa) M' - " ' a, s -a lis a j Mw ak.iai. a r -a Sa tk .1 ia a- at - it ! U 1 . t m . ..' i r- A,. y the- . ;-tttiri cf 11 I. t v if I in i. 1 , o . t .i r t i t i I i t w -i 1 ' . '4 t-4.t 4- . ) I I'' I ' f . h on he u .1 t i to l ? i- :' i " ' t..i i. ,.- i i 1 . . -to t i Kt, I I , i t -i. I a t . . t. 1 . 1 I-S I t i't a- l t l . ' ... ; . . . '. P. I t , I I in Uso For Ovur GO Ycsra , S- . t I t t I t,t V , O-tf UM i i.r i.i- 11'- .1 ,-ii. m,4 I )'.!i a t nJ t-r If .r , , ' I i', I 4 ,t t ... . , , ' (! till l .-tt I t-i t 1 'M ftt a Is!' .iit- i ' it it, t K ta riitr 4 4si a T ' a i II f l I, ' '. i t ; . .ill aa I .4 i.i... a ISaa i iti - t- '' -"'. i'.- it, i .,, .. . .,.. a i... vi . . , i. a a 1.4 a, ba. .a Sol. i. . . s a . a . las a.'a. a I a a At . aa) l l-t at t.f. t-ai it t i Ui.i it.ssav 4 lav aaa.. l 1, , ml I'd - ' ' , I .; , I . V I . I i' to 4 t ' - ( r 1 ... i .,!'. i a it a .T H i .. i i