The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 19, 1922, EXTRA, Page 6, Image 6

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    fllK OMAHA HKK: Tl'ESDAV. KPTEMUKIt 19. 1922.
Browns Weaken and Yanks Take Final Game of "Little World Series' 3-2
St. Louis Holds
j IiCad Until the
Final Inning
Dmi Mm Urttrr nf l'itdim'
HatliV With J or ltuali Until
Final Haunl Siitlfr
1'aiU to Hit.
St. Loui. S-pt. If Aitcr holding
a lead on the New Voik American,
j the llrovuis permitted the viiitor to
! come from behind in the 1at Inning
i and take tndaya gain, J to 2, thin
inrrrasing New York' trail to one
', ami one half games. Thf Browns'
Intir errors figiited iu the visitor's
I'p to thf lat inning the control
' wa a iMtihi-r'a battle, with F v i
ol the ilrownt getting the best r(
hi bat lit: nilli llilsh. lie wraki ttcil,
however, in the ninth and tin- via-
iior li)ok adv.iiit:ige of two hit and
an error, and scored ihe tying and
winning runs.
The I'rowiia scored the first run
in the Mill inning on Jarobwm'i
double, McNIaim' single and Si v
' rreid's a.-riliif fly. and added anoilu r
, in the leveuth on Williams' double.
Jacoliaon'a sacrifice and McManuV
i The Yankee made their first run
In the eighth inning, whin Dttgan.
who had doublfd, reaehrd home on
1 McMantis' throw ovrr Sister's head
on Tijip'" infield single. Ihe tying
,md winning talliei came in the last
Schang reached first base on an
infield hit and went to second on a
paused ball. Smith was sent in to
bat for Ward, but was removed in
lavor of McN'ally when Pruett re
lieved Davis, McNally, attempting
10 sacrifice went to first at Sevi-reid
threw low to catch Srhang on third.
Scott walked and Shorker relieved
, I'ruett. Iiuth forced Schang at the
plate. Wit I'd single brought in Mc
Nallv and Scott. Dtigait hit into a
double play, ending the rally.
I!y taking today' game the visi
tor alo fik the series, having won
the first game Saturday. The Browns
only victory of tin crucial strict
wan due to l'ruett's great pitching
in Sunday's game. Having lost to
day's game, the lirowns are now con
cended but little chance to win the
pennant. Sports writer agreed that
. this series would decide the pennant
winners of the American league.
Sisler, tne Browns' first baseman,
broke his string of hitting in consecu
tive games after getting at least one
hit in 4t successive contests, thus eg
, tablishing a new modern major
league record. The previous modern
record was made by Cobb, when he
hit safely in 40 consecutive games in
I This series between the 1 ankees
'and Rrowns, referred to as a "Little
World' Scries," drew a capacity
a 4 oil t1irri oanies anceta-
Itors were admitted to the playing
it field and ground rules were enforced.
' It has been estimated by the Browns
, ; management that at least 85,000 at
tended the three games.
' Although the Browns are schefl
i tiled to meet the weaker teams of the
league while the leaders will play De-
' troit and Cleveland, it is believed un
; likely by followers of the national
! pastime that the Yankees will lose
j their lead of one and one-half games.
i new tor ic
1 AH H O.
I Wilt, cf 4 S
i lmnan, 3b 5 1 2
Kuih, If 4 D 4
Plpn. ll 4 1 I
Vensel, rf 4 0 0
Hrhang. o 4 1 2
Ward. 2b 8 0 2
xSnilth son
x1rNnly SHI
Hoott, s a 2
Hush, p 4 0 t
Total 31 57 :
n rf 4 12 0
0 1
(I 10
1 2
lifttsler. lb
o:jco in, it 1 1 I J
2lM'M'us. !b S 2 J
IMHavereld, o 1 (I 4 0
AWlerher. 9 S 1 S
1MKVH, p
4 I'ruett, P
2 0 0 2
0 -0 0
, 0 0 0 0
tn wnr in ninth.
x Hatted for Smtlh In ninth.
Ik-ore by tnninits:
.090 000 015 S
Summary Runs: Duiran, MrNaly, 8oott,
William". Jarolwon. Nrrort: BIliT.
;Mnut. Sevoreld Pavi'. To-be htt.
Jcohon. Wiliun. lun. McManu..
lo.Nsllv. lWulilB rl: Kulh. Sohung,
Av.r.i '.n.1 l-iiin: romrr. MrMnnm nil
Hl.lcr. Left on b: Nw York. ; SH.
I.'u" . Ha" on bulli: Off Hu.h, 1;
ull Ivi, I: off ITwti, 1. Htni" x out:
liy 15uli. J : bv Lmvl.. 1. HIH: off Dvi,
6 la S Innlnet (none out In nlnihli off
I'rutt, non In none (non out In iilnlh); ,
(f ho-kr. t iji 1 innlna. Hit b I
Hitched ball: y U"' Uarobjon). ";'
ball: M-.rld. Lonlnir plt. hfr:
:mplrr: Outhrle, Kan and Dinieii. i
'lime; 2:t. '
Tlaen snir. I
Ptrolt. it. 1 A TlmT battlns rally
th. ftfh thai n-iUd flv rum and
i-llrfd Hrillhoarl. won today a ame with .
Wa.hiiiKlon for lh lovaia. U lo i.
Wrora .
All H O A 1 AM H O A. !
....... k a i ii (Uit. y ib 1 i
llarria.t'b 4
llira.f 4
(;..lm if t
llroa-r,r( 1
snnk rl t
J'uh (
1 almi.1 lb S
ptrlttM h . I
M lihan.P t
arhrtiv p
IV'rtiU'lb p t
l.a'lii. I
. j i. ii wm, . h m
0 I ..I.H . f I
V.ach If
rhrrill.rf 4
a I'ntabaw.b 4
1 H ' 3
v n'Mi'Tt 3
I .lahna p 1
3 vMuhm p 3
a f. tkw
I '.
.-Hi' U
Tula a IIIJ ii
tH.n.d U-t .hary i
K l- l fl..,. k (o . tin
h.n . JjU"U in f.'ar'h
tS,. .:..;.:;:.:.:.. . .-
,n. Ju.lia. Rn, !' ! '
t.vak Wim..m, ll. .:!. lla-
,. i,th U . II'. tfWt U.
.h4. i i..i M.m. '
,a.i. .(. f I" ' '
!..., I-1 ri !. Hla
I ,,k, kkaaa. Taa w h 'a. iK
(i l I .)'
tiaa Ha-a a
4,1 t l ) ." '" I
. 3 -I' ''. I !
! It a.a.a w
, . ..a M4 i
i,a,, I t a m-a '. II
i ....,. II It ,1 i l
-a h " '
. ji a4 ti t He il I
I ia-..-a. m fctl..'k '"
t . 4 a ,a a
I. ho a-a.l. I t '.. 11 I a
, .i ., a. u.' m-s
J. . I a. -a. '
,.. w .. ua . l a.
, .- 4' pv a.. .
44 v a I I
AtutiHiiur Oiiil Sttatlul.
a. N!a, V-j.l. J-J
i f . N mil
t.tfcti f.t Ie4 fc4 H.i n
Rjasrl at li)ti 4,fciki K -t
a i S . .' al v , tV ..
U, l :U I t V-, t.
I.! ,H ti IM.1I W'.t.'k
I al lV)-. I ; 4 '
l!4)a iil4 '--' Ij" t
Ul .' II. Wal '
I , Nrfai jl U, (il ,Nv-j
Coffield Star of North and
ijV n 1
The stable of the colored owner,
North and Rowe, is cutting quite
a figurt in the Ak-Sar-Ben race
Headed by Coffield, one of the
best platers in training, the N. and
R. string has been giving a good
account of itself. Coffield won hit
first start and later it required a
brilliant race on the part of Pen
well to beat him. Trainer "Bob"
Omaha Bee's
OMAHA, Nab., Sept. IS. Fall Faatival. WEATHER Threatening.
TRACK, Slow.
Pretldlnf Judfa, 1. T. Ireland. Starter, Arthur McKnlfht.
Racjif Secretary, Ckae. L. Trimble.
3039F1K3T RACE Fiv 'urlonS Puraa 1300. Three-jrear-olde and up.
foorw and Owner Wt.St.
Ray Atkina 5 (E. M C n) 1U
3027 Miuouri Boy 4 I Wilton) 115
S0S6 Trinket 7 IE. MCkeyl 112
2S4 Onota IS. I". Stable) 112
Alice Ryera 7 dir. Moore) 107
3029 May Moon 9 (A. llcyer) 112
At pout 2 minutca: off at 2:42; lime,
paid Kay 14.40 trniitht, 13.40 plare.
how. Trinket 12.20 ahiiw. Hart Koud, Won drlvinit. .Second and third same.
Winner, k. IT. 8. by by Jack Atkin-Laily Kbblna Trainer, K. Hterrett.
Ray Atkini waa out run fust part, caunht Minnouri Hoy tiring a furlong
out and proved beat in the concluding drive. Miseuuri lloy opened up a gap
but stopped at the and. Trinket was easily third bent. Onota atopped.
JfUn SECOND RACE Flv turlonsa. Pure $300. Three-year-olde and up.
jirrv Clain,in(r.
Index Home und Owner Wt.Str.
ab2irKr7Mack II a TE Crove7Fll.i "Y""
0U5 Melody Man S (J. M'P'n) 110 1
3029 Cleopatra Boy a (R naon) HIS S
3033 Recluae a (J. Parker) lift 3
8037 Bronston 4 (W. Klock) 110 S
2 f0 1 Fitzgerald a (Sandlige) 115 4
3033 Old Coin a (Mrs. H radon) 115 Rrfuicd to break. Smuln
Poet S minutes; iff at 8:20; time. :2S 1-S, :50 1-R. 1 :02 1-S. C mutuela
paid Mark 35.20 traicht. 33 60 place, $3.60 ehow. Melody SlIKO place. $o.20
ahnw. Boy 37.60 show. Start good for all but Old Coin. Won driving. Second
and third aame. Winner b. g. 11, by Chipmunk-Clincher. Trainer, C. Grovea.
Dr. Mack. fond of the going showed in front at once and f'nitthing in the
center of the track just managrd to last. Melody M:in rolled in closest pur
auit all the way, saved around on the rail and might have won in a few more
strides. Cleisantra Boy was best of the others. Old Coin refused to break when
the barriers arose.
OW THIRD RACE Flv lurlonts. Purs $300. Three-year-olds and up.
Index Horse and Owner
"36 Perch-" S . "Harnett
Via i'
3036 Little Pointer I (Multhy) 112 3
8034 Fashion Cirl 4 (J's. Bros.) 107 1
3029 Indianola a (W. Plounll 115 r.
2i08 Nellie Witwer 7 ( K. Stil.) 1 1 2 2
203 Sea Water 9 ( R. Sidcer) US 7
S03S Tom Cam (W. KenfroMlS S
IiiOJ Mar. Tilghman a (Morr.lllj K
Post S minutes: off 4:00: time -2IS-5: :1V 3-H; 1.02 2-3. $2 mutuels puid
Perch $3.20 straight. ti.-D plare. $i.K0 show. Pointer $3.80 place, 33.20 show.
Girt $4.80 show. Start gm-d. Won easily. Second and third, driving. Winner,
b. m. 7. by Ivan the Terrible-Skeptical Trainer, R. Barnnett.
Perch waa, much the best opened up a long lead and won as her rider
Pleased. Little pointer wa-i neat-eat the leader throughout and ran a good race.
Fashion Uirl out-uumed lnd.anolav for third place. Turn Caro quit.
'2Q4 FOURTH RACE Six furlonia. Pursa $300. Filllea and marts.
Index Horse and Owner Wtjit
"s82Cath. " Marrone 4 (Tom 107 l"
Icon 4 IW. Maltbyl 112 4
U604ilainty Lady S C. Ir In) 1U 1
(tOjfimilinr Mas-gl 7 tHar.) 1 1 N 3
3014 Innovation S ill Siren 112 S
2uj Fileen 7 l.S. F. S.) 1U
Post minutes; off at l:M; lime, :J J. 8. :47 4-S, .U . I! mutuels ia d
Catherln 114,1 strsii-hl, 13 sa p.aee. I! SO .h..r. I on 2sd place. Ii 10
hw. Lady f 1 vtt show. Htart g.iod. Won Ke.-.tnd and third driving.
Winner, rh. f, -1. by I'leneaiiu-i are 'Irainer. L. Tryon, H-ral,-hes, l.emeve.
Catherine opened up a long leed at once and won as if she out.
e!ased th fiv'd. Iron race.) in tie-trest and uusva.Ung urutt. D.nn'y ls.iv
rag well and finished gamely, basiling Ms.-aie sni a fa.t track.
AJi'lrTH ACE Kit luiswis. Purs 4M, Thrs ysars-.U aed ug.
Jr t t a,iiint.
lnd.a lt. a dw'n."r W't i, ') j . n',r m!i,wke O l." Si s
last Herts kaddef 4 t I Vi lli I ! ' l 11 t lluiu '.T4 .IO I
l.'ll'lt'.rl H terlt 1 le.)Hf 3
I4 Hit fenny I INK Reiltf
Isll H II Hiawtvell 4 ll...'lll!
111 H ' k I I I), kill III
- - -- A I !! t I.N. !! . m
ll pai.f 1 Itrus III
lift lael H4t t iHarSsiol lit
Post IS Mlinles: H 11, lies, Ml . 1 1 I -3 t 1 1. It .!. .
R..I1.S Is; 4 rs.aki. t; rs'. lis .k f, t oj., 1 1
s. t'snai 111 a'a't .4 V, ..a Ssali.f . vol and Ik I I
il.:e W'aa-e. k. 4, i iJ'.ii.l .u i. !.,. t M .itaaas
lla'g Si4-4e fd as 4 s..4 naek .. ise n.'- . iia iaei's
tS4 .l sa aad w tn li'-ed la t.,1 hake,i ..afd
(.ieee iHe s .- Wi k4 w a 1H r:.ils 14 s,.M e- f-.-w
ia War (.
JiWJ y1H sisii. Pa fk's isas-ald 4
sl.,"" H n sl Os ""Wiji ' 4 . ria 1
i4i K a, k.. tit u
SSI St.. 4 I Mauksl 111 ) l
.s 4s. U ,ri. ..-,.. : 1 !
Isji Ms.wa !- ,1 Isatlit 14
111 li Ass.a tr -s Dl 11'
r.i . ,. 1 1 11 i.., ;i
It .' s 4 tad It 14 ill It
t ll .4 a ,a s tl: .4
a4 sa.ed s-a W .a g ay I..,
a .a,.v a
a si , I tae f, ..I
sa las a fa 4e 1 ifts
4).-l I l.l.l lal A , t
Rowe is of the opinion that next
time the two horses hook up his
star will better the speedy Nessel
haus mare.
Coffield, after winning a number
of purses at Tijuana last winter,
campaigned on the eastern tracks
with success and is now homeward
bound, for he will be shipped to
San Diego following the Omaha
Off the winnings of Coffield,
North and Rowe were recently en
Raee Chart
i i I Kir. "Fin. Jockey Ode.
aj 2'1 2' 1' h. firay
J'i 1 l'1 2' Marino
4s 4 3'1 31 Mandi-ra
2' 4' 4 Mr Bride
M M 5'" f.'" I'ecornro
6 6 6 T. Ileyer
:25. :50 1-5: 1:02 8-S.
S2 mutual
12.40 ah w. Roy 34.20 place. S2.40
J 4 8 Sir. Fin. Jockey ()l. St a
H I1 'I "l"i Dority " l.f.0-1
2" Ii" 2 2" Pecoraro 7.00-1
4'J 43 4" 8 Spiccr 14.0(1-1
3 a'l 81 4" Barham - 8.80-1
S 6 6 Ii" Hooper 17.K0-1
S3 r, 1 51 6 Marino 26 00-1
i i Sir. Fin. Jockey OdK.
1" 1' l1' 1' Slaughter
2l 2 2' 2J Mandera
4J . 8J Horn
4 SJ J'i (iurgan
M ,6J fi' S J. Carter
7" 7" 7' Spleer
SS 4s 6' 7 H. Carter
S 8 Barham
i 4 ! Mir. f in. Jockey AZ
l'l 1' 1' 1 Slaughter
ii 3 2' t Singleton
8' 31 ' Hum
4) 4' 4 4 (.arenn
6' 3 h' 1 ftuthrW
.') : J .') Hu-r
4 a.
I " I
, tt I
41 4-l
41 !
U -!
S l
4 '
it i.aissa
4 f. W1I..MI
! iuia
s Psikaea
i t' ii
Ill' f
I .
1 a
t 1 t
I f I
I 4
I . 1 I
, 1 t
It .ai
4 1 l..ia.ia
ii . ii ii inn
14 1 . I i 4 1V.1 I k.nai.s 114
s ....1 W w. aa. . .tt-:4
ti. 1 4..ta i 1., i,..
,4 i1. f. i.-a (. 4 a
I . e-.. . ms I .1 a
.i ( ts a. I ,t .s. 4 . Kf.-I
St a
.60- i
St a
i ;o-i
1 1.70-t
Rowe Stable
, r pj
abled to add five other horses to
their stable, including Barriskane,
a fast sprinter; War Penny, a good
route goer, and a trio of yearlings
purcl-ased in New York.
"Kid" North, fashion plate, and
former partner of Joe Gans, attends
to the business end of the stable,
while "Bob" Rowe directs the
training of the horses. And let it
be said there are few smarter
trainers on the turf than "Bob"
Grid Prospects Not
Bright at Midland
Fre iionl, N'cb., Sept. 18- Despite
the fart that the Midland college
football team lacks several men of
colleRc football experience, Coach C.
A. Wynne, in surveying the available
men on the first day of practice, re
ported that he hopes to round out a
air team. The following men have
reported for ijractice: Captain Law
rence Horn, Glasco, Kan.; T. Horn,
Glasco, Kan.; V. Harmon. Grand
i Island; Nixon, Fremont; K. Lusrhei,
; Columbus; K. firiinning, Urunning;
Dnmler, Russell, Kan.; L. Luschei,
I C'olumbus; K. Llliott. Nlitineaoolis.
i Kan.; C". Loikslrom, Salina, Kan.; T.
lioimsell, . Jlonicr; Lathrop, est
Coach Wynne, who began his
coaching career last week at the col
lege, is a former Notre Dame star in
football team there in the fullback
played three years on the' varsity
football thea there in the fullback
position. While at Notre Dame, he
was captain of the track team.
g. ab. r.. ir. vox..
Herman. Omaha . 9. SHI il, 129 .414
Cooper, lea .Moino r,S 1h0 26 73 .405
Fnet, Wlihlta . ,1.'i4 632 141 2S1 .
M'inuah, Omaha, . 1 ..7 CI1 111 232 .174
Uenneil, Tula ..H7 700 175 2bl .371
' O. AH. R. If. Pot.
Jl'sler, Rl. T.nuls ,.114 .567 r.'4 :':M .430
C0I1I1. Detroit ...12H 10J IU 1S7 .:l2
Hpeaker. l.Mi-ve. ...1J7 421 Hi l.'.H .171
l..!munn, Detroit 111 4!i". 92 lfi:l .lr.K
Tobin, Si. Louis .131 KM lla 19ti .311
II. AH. R. 11. Pel.
H.irni,, t l.nuls 14.1 (s 1 12H ,401
Tierney. IMItUur- 0s S ,4 141 ..175
Itrim.-a. lhl.o lift 4,2 HI i; .:iSS
Miller, I hlrsmi ,.illl 4S0 :.l 1:.2 ,1M
liit ee. I'ltlsbura Is" ' MS ll) .351
How Yanks
i HjKrf ajtnin 1'arit, Ht Lmiiw, M-it i
' .in. fat Nf- T-rU: Wtu out
Miller lu Mt MttitK tufHtt rrmk ot.
. Hu'h tn mui, Al. rt htmwr, Wat
k "inaf in Miin. Suie-r itrvt tMtt u.rtM.r
thm tut I'm. mhii..I r M.1 f.ui it
I . tM .iii.t 'llli.a1 lit ii-r.r, IS' 4
lunt. (Hii hit. tif fri.
I ifit u imiti Mi Loiitat. Ttfn, VmU r n
' jp wviti ut in M r.l in I'mi
vn retell pliv Nit fiinii hi'at. tin t.rF'-r
'ii. I .lituttaT. V w V"rii- W tlit
t.l ',ii-,i,t ,);. ll l.., laiaftl In.
it , t! r tti j
,N- t4f, Rt h-. rifni. i:
T,- r-i iMi - .(s I-a)tr Ihiaiw
-H Ut ,s an n.f . 4 Ml ...
u,h -.iac -l.a.U 1:4 ,i
..-. hllh Ht -..rv r va.rL...
i . nig) n.t n . f,.f r" ft law i.4f4. t.
ffi.J t f s., I tv 1. l..f I 4 -.M,
! ' . 4 I f r i- s
tl,.v4 , -,rA (1.4 I--IH
,i, s, -. f ) h i(- g t , b a- . t j
M . 111, I I I vftl. 47 a,
I ( i Iluf it tt s. i-,4 Hl;
. ft ti-ttit' -4,iag. It t-att-avf
H . 4(11 (! f
W Wa kr,m (vh:ai.
t - att f
ii ' k 4r4 1 a- I a ; " aj U -
- 4 t I" in
: ., . HaV I to
''a Hxi S ' I
t' a . t ii .- v I ft
'-1 - t i : -! 4
t Vf : , ., I I .1 I ,t , ,
- . .! v t m 1 1
' - Nft fi - : 1 1 - , i h,. . .
a i
i . t, i
. 4 .4 is I
'Double-header on
Tap for Today
A doubU-header it on tap at
Western .tag-it park today a
mult of jre.terday'i m ht'mg
roatpontd becauM of the belated
arrival of Dea Mointi from Dn.
vtr. whera it closed a atries Sun.
Thea Boosteri. scheduled to play
t 4 p. m,, did not arrive until aft
tr 6.
Fincher ia alated to lake tha
mound for tha Buffaloei in the
Greater Omaha Pin
League Opens Tuesday
The firmer Omaha Kaaue ii ched.
ulei to open tomorrow mulil at the
Omaha allev with 10 trum per-
iiiriiniiaT. i ne iirratrr umaha u the
cily'a prriuier league.
I'iiilera Hit Ht Opportune
Tiinf ami Drat lltar
louver, he,l II ,env.r oui-walloped I'lty i4y, hui ihe I'a. a us lo,.k
advantaaa .f is' wiblna la lb
seventh and inaila four runa whlrh (ava
ihun a lu t viiiory ovar lha lo. sis
Hlianl.y starred al (lie rubber, antieamg
a horn run and Iwa duublea out r four
ilmea al bal. Tha fame waa delayed by
ha lata artlval ol tlis Hi. .us Oly team
a, or e :
aiut'x riTf. iiKNvisn.
A 14. 11 II A A II ,,11 ,1 A
neniinnsa 1 I I 41 II III en. I 4
laatd Jl
Klsh.) f
M-li h
" I'onr lf
Mmsina a
4 4 1! Kerr.,a 4
4 111 I h
3 1 I U I'sl.i.ii 3h i
1 11 'hsiiiey,2h 4
I 1 I mi'wriihl.rt 4
lie Or. ...if a
I t I 4,1'arker.a t
3 llllreer.p S
14 4 Oi.Vi.rlieis.p I
'iLone 1
sv I is I J I .
Totals 91 14 14 II
a Balled for Vorhsli la elahlh.
Henre hy Innliin;
Hloua I'lty 4fi 4i) 4(
. V'.T "u 1V
11 ailed end of eiahth; darknaes.)
nummary lions: llamlllon II), Ham
..., 111. usieraaril ll), Ki.h ll),
hana-llns;, Hur-, Patterson (1), nhanley
.... ....iriiRni, r srser, vorneis. Krrora:
Heinlnaway, Klsh ll), llurH-n.l.K-k, Kerr,
Hhmiley. Karned runs: Hl.ius i iy, 4; lien-
ver, MK.Ien l,sa..: Hamilton, Klsh. Two.
I.ssa hits: Hhanlef (3), ll.xns runs; Hhan
ley. limm-i on i,..!l: off Vorhls, I; off
lllrkenstork, I (ilru'k out Hy Vorhela, 3i
hy lllrksnslork. 1; l,y Davis, I. lilt by
pltrher: My Vorheia (Klsh); by liirken
stork (Parker), lioulda-piays: Hamilt,n lo
Msti) Kerr 10 Bhanley Hour. l,fi on
l.asa: Miou riey, 4; Lienver, 4 Innlnas
iilKhed: Jiy Oreer, nona out In first, runs
I. hlla ; by Vorhela , runs 4, hits T; by
eiiH.n.iiirH, 1-1, runs s, niia s; t.y
'via a j-.i, runa v, mis 1. umpires: uonu
huu and Held, Time: 1:60.
Grand Circuit Results
2 11 li'.t. throe liata, pursa $1.1100,
Worthy lry, h. m., by liny As
worthy (lirusla) 1 1 1
Jurt'eaima, b. m., by Jusllra llrooka
lllr.Mtthonj 1 a 7
Wllaska, br. m. (McDonald) i 2
l.nona Wstls. b. ni.. (Rdmanl ......4 6 I
Amarllla M Kinney, r. . (Krsklne) I 4 4
Alia Kvans. Walter Hierlina. Little .lean.
Henry f Ueera also started. Time: UMlii'A,
., 3.0714.
Horse mvlevr fulurlty. S year-old trot.
two In three, pursn 12,100,
Ursnitywine, br. n., by Hslwln
Edman 1 1
Thompson, tllllnn, be, by HI I loll
Axworthy (Mirrlll a I 7
Lord Kllerelea. bo. (Ooodard) 2 1 4
.lane Revere, n f. (White) 1 1 1
Tha Hobator eh. e. (!. Donald) ..) 6
Ktheimda. Marry Rose, Harvest Todd,
Winnie Ilarvesier and Judas t'rlsro also
stsrted. Time: 2:1014. 1:01(4, 1:10'.
Tha K I ti sr atalie, 2:01 uae, threo heats,
purse 11.000.
Peter Henley, b. h., by Peter Ihs
Urest (Htook) 7 11
IV w. Mallnnv. Llk. r. by Juda
Direct (Kay) t
W'raok, hli. (MeMalion) 3
Mlnnlo Williams, bk. m. (Thomas) 4
Tin Patch, b. ni. ( Brlttanfleld) ..
Dover Boy and Charley Kiet
4 I
i !l
a 4
started. Time: 2.06V4. 2:0CW. !:!,,
2:11 paee, three heats, pursa 11,000.
Russell Ona-nle, br., by Unfale
( Krsliln-Thomae) 1 1
Uarney'a Tramp, rh. m., hy Barney
o'f'onnor (Hinkes) I 1
Uvery 1'olntar, h. . (Morrison) ,.t 2 11
Naomi V, b. m. (flmlth) 4 4
peier dee, b. a. (Vlekev) 3 4
Kll Direct also atarted and Damlietio
and Princess Marlor wers distanced In
tho flrbt heat. Time: 2:06H, 2 :()T V4 ,
(11 lis Heat nndasrs.
Hrooklyn, Hept. is. ilhleaati made It
threo out of four In tho series and an even
break with Brooklyn on the 'ii (tames of
the year by Blaalnic a ninth inning rally
and winning, 4 to .
Hcnre : .
AB.H.U.A. A B.M.i' A b
0 Olson 2h
Holchei',49 4 4
(Irlmes Ih 3
K'aerald.rf 4
Mlller.lf 4
t (ir'itn.ri
I ' Wheal, If
Cheeves.n 0
S De berry, e
o vnnce.p
Vn tlrl flth
01 z.Nels
Ilarber. lb
0'! Totala 34 1 2T 11
Totals 54 10 27 Hi
glutted for Kaufman In seventh.
K.-ore by innings:
Ohlcngo 100 000 1014
Brooklyn oon 0J0 Ool 3
nummary Runs: Miller, Adams. O'Kar.
rell, Harber. Olson. Johnston, Hchmadt.
Krors: Miller, Adams, lleberry. Two-bse
hit: Pllsgerald. Two-ha hite: T. Jrif -flth,
Miller. Htolen base: Johnsion. fiactl
fke: Terry. Double play: Olson to John
ston to he1- -iilt. Viuice to Johnston to
fli a ns to Hollnoher to Hrimes.
Led on'bi.. 1: Chlcngo : Hrooklyn, 7 on bulls: otr kaufmsn, 3; off
Vsnce, :4. Iliis: I'tf Kaufmsn, In 4;
off Htuelnnd. 0 In 5: off Cheevs. I In 1.
Hirmk out: Hy Vsnce, 7; by Htuelan' 1.
Winning pitcher: i'h'. Losing plu'-r;
Vsnce. t iiipirts; Klcm and Wtevlt.
Tims: 1 :4'i.
Beat Browns
fiv ti tttith. Hn'h lonk Uffbr't f!jf. On
ran, iw hiln, n i not.
huh iflhli-f N Turk: Bh ri hi
f f ri on I im i" arrtr. I'tpp im'I
luaiatr, lui (. ui4 ( MaUr. tfckstntf
Mil. I'hVln trt fitlrr. ,i fit n, tut it',
Jnh it.liiiiC. V .au:: I'vl il
hriit uut U rt. I ttb.n ihi-.t li
t i'ti 1 '-r fit .1 In M M ..,r f.. i!.J
I . 1iiaii. Nw tuita, nt hit, n a i
H(h Inti nH, Vj V'.k: V nftt
lr.ffm (Mat lef httvi ?( i'i
T-MB, t)rr iNiow at 11 1 tttutt n fs-l
f . Ni ml, Ku l !, (I frtuta)
av.wM-it ifiHtii l."ia WtHin
M 'sMUit (! Id riiHI f 1 14 rfut J-il-
.aa . r.fu.l. l.tri Is I 'l'f M.
it Ub 11,4 tu tuft, a), ufiltaj V tna, Mn.
Manu Ml -a hir Vt HuaH lKr
nui (.tnr ttiuk mi. it
tun u,i k-it .-. r
ajh'h it l, uij, ,S k. fvttP lhf
M, ,,!. 4v S.l a I I t l.l' I
- xiti.i k -t r- 1 44 katlt . -s.J t wig l)iajah.
I' .4d v . r. t i- H-i4 s a it 4
U .1 m9 ID' !) av I fc- H la)4
- M - w vaaUt I ttat tV
Hi, 14 I r ur
I,..aj & -"4 (: l
4 a,! s Mil I I ' t4l t
- . t I H at. a ' fry
la(H kM l
ftta (-fial.4 t ts sl 11 a.
kurl 4
f.- s.h-44 a)i !
1 1 I l S.'ii --I k Ifc
I 4 ( ftaa-l tit ft
S f !'
!., B Rsisd. i( !- I Je I
aV 1 4 t 1 'Ml ,.. a).
I f . -v. 4 - I I--.-. I -fa- 44 v I
i. t l. '-'. ftl M .fc. .4) ' - " k il
' i - ' 4 . i t - '
- i '- :4 I i
r-" - tg M I l P I . I
Nebraska Football Warriors Get
First Real Workout of Season
Lincoln, Nib., iipt. 7tf. (Special
Telegram.) .Cold weather eent their
track mill to the lockert, and when
the 4H "vanity" Cornhuskera trotted
on the practice field Monday after-
noa, they were all clad in rrfular
f. nil ball toKt, It waa the lint real
woikout the men have had in mole
skins, amlHt'oach iJawion kept them
flusii t away for more than two
l)on was on the field the major
ily of Ihe afternoon directing the
practice, lie tpent contiderable of
iiia time with the linemen who wrre
ovrr on Nebraska field tarkluig the
ihimtmn. lie sent ihe heavy line
through half an hour of tbU woik,
Giants Increase
Lead to Six
Full Contests
New York, Sept. ft. The Giant
got an even break in their four
v .111 ii- srriei with l in intuit i by win
lung, 7 to i. An rittshlirkfll dividrd
a doulile-liradrr with the I'hillies, the
ihaiupiona increased their lead lo lix
full gamei. Score:
Hums, rf 4 1 I I Ran'ofl. ss t 1 I
Dsu rt, U I 4 11
0 Ha Unas, lb I
o'rnhrh, lb 4
s Ms.i-.l, if 4
Tuunr, rf 4
4 Kelly, lb 4
OINtentel, rf 4
anyder, e 1
4 rkoil, u I
ires tr, in I 1 1
Duncan, If 4 0 1
Huush, if 4 4 I
Kon'ra, lb 4 I I
Hera e, 0 4 11
fine-Ill, lb 4 I
tlohna. aa I 4 I
('..11. h, p 10 4
sHarper 14 0
Marale, p 0 4 0
0Tt4l4 11 It IT
Totals ll I 14 n
Hailed for Couch In aevtnth.
M.ora hy Innlnaa:
Olnclnnail 040 MO Ida t
New Yuik 0411 401 40s
unlltlary Runs: Fonsaca (2), Meusel,
Toung. Kelly, fltentel (I), Knyder. Krrnrs
None. Two-basa bits: Touns-. Ponaera
Three-base hln Meusel. Hums runs
Konsers. Hnyder. Htolen bs-l llsrrsvs
(.I. HurrHlce fills : Rawllnaa. Ht.yd.r,
Double plsys: tlsni-roft to Kelly; Hums
to Harsrsve to Hlnalll. lft oh bass
New I'ork, 4; Cincinnati. I, )lsss on
bulls: i iff f'nui-h, 1. fltruck out: Ily
recti, I: by Cr.ueh. 1: by Markl", 1 Hits
off Touch, 11 In 4 Innlnaa: off Markla,
2 In 3 Intilnis, I'sss.-.l bsll :Hnyd-r
ing pitcher: Con, h. Dmplrssi uulgley and
Higisr, 'linie: i ll.
Plrale Divide Double Rill.
Philadelphia, Hept. II Pittsburgh Pt
a half asms In th National league rana
by dividing m double-header with Mill a
l-lphla, whlla New Vork difssled OrnoAn
Tha Pirates won tha first sjme, 11 to 1
tr bslllng Hubbell and O. amlth to all
corners of tha field, whlla Morrison wsa
pitching brilliant ball. Tha Phillies won
tbn second agme, 6 to 2.
aVore first gsma:
AB.H.O.AIW' 4 I i
Msran'e, s 1 0 4Rspp, lb 4 10
Carey, cf 4 1 0 OJWIIIi.'s, cf t t
Hlgbea, If I 2 1 0 Walker, rf 4 1 t
Russell, rf 4 1 1 tjHenllne,. a 4 I I
Tierney, 3b 10 1 3II.Se. 1 111
Traynor,3b 4 2 1 ll Leslie, lb 4 1 11
BTna, lb 10 1 HHenlon, 2b 4 1 1
tlrlmm, lb 4 2 11 0! Hubbell. n 2 0 1
Schmidt, 0 114 0d. Smith, b 1 0 0
Morrison. p 4 10 llsLab'rveau 10 0
Totals 40 11 2T III .Totals II I 27 17
aHatted for O. Pmlth In ninth.
B o e by Innings:
Plttsbrugh 001 125 000 It
Philadelphia 010 002 000.
Fummary Rung. Maranvllla, Carey (2),
H ,e ' ;), Poise: I, T's- nor, Orlmm, Tslar-
rlson, firhmldt (2), Henllne, !. Lsslli
Itrrors: Wrlchtstono (ll, Williams, Hen
llne, i,e. Two-baa hits: Hchmldt, Tray
nnr, Wrlghtstone, Carey. Three-base hlta:
vvrlghtston. I.esll. Htolen base: Carey.
Sacrifice hit: Carey. Douti plays: Tray
nor to Tierney to rirlmm; Rapp do Ies-
lli; Maranvllla to Tierney to Grimm. IyM
bases: Pittsburgh, 8; Philadelphia, 4.
Hasps on balls: Off Hubbell, 2: off Morrl
sen, 2. Struck out: Hy Hubbell, 1: by
Morrison, S. Hits: Off Hubbell, I in I In
ninga; off 0. Rmlth, 4 In 4 Innings, IHI
by pitched hall: Hy Hubbell (Russell.)
Losing pitcher. Hubbell, Vmplles: Hart
and Kentelle Time: 1:42.
Bcnr secori gams:
Maran, 4 1
3 AB.H.O.A.
t'iry, cf 4 1
OlW'tone. ts 4 1 2 f.
" Rapp. lb 4 2 2 2
llWIUla's, cf 0 4 0
2i Walker, rf 4 1 t 0
PiaTb, If 4 0
Harn't, rf 4 1
Tierney, 2h 4 1
Traynor.Sb 4 1 If 4 4
1'Leslle, lb 2 0
"IParon. 2b 2 1
II Peters, c 3 1
Orlmm. lb J 1
Schmidt, c 2 0
Morrison, p 2 0
x Km 1 0
Ha iHnn, p 0 0
Brown, p 0 0
' Welnurt,
p 4 0
31 10 27 14
Totals St 7 24 10
iBatted for Morrison in eighth.
Score hy Innings:
Pittsburgh 000 000 Oil 3
rhlladelphla 100 000 04x 0
Summary Runs: Blabee, Wrlghtstone
(3), Harnhart, Mnpii, W'llliama, Walkar.
Hrrnrs: Msranville, Tray nnr. Two-hasa
hlta: Walker. Harnhart. Three-baa hit:, Rtnlsn baa: Traynor. tioubl plsys:
Wrlghtstone. Hsrklnson. Peslle: Parhln
arm and l,ealls; Traynor, Tierney and
Orlmm. lft on haaea: IPttsburgh. 4;
Philadelphia, 1. Haaea on halls: Off Wel
nert, 1; off Morrison, 1; off Hsmillon, 0;
off Hron, 0. ntruck out. Hy Wemert, I;
by Morrison, t; by Hrowu, t. Hits; Off
Morrtsun, 0 in 7 Inning; off Hsmiltou, 4
In 0 Innings (none cut In eighth): off
Hrown, 0 In t Inning loosing iitrher: Mor.
tison. L'uipirfs; Hcntcll and Hart. Time:
1:2 V,
Cardinals Ileal llrnrea.
n.uilon. Dept. 11 Aftsr a bad throw by
Pltrher llullhsn lo drat aa for what
sh iuit hai been the third out. at. l.ouis
a..ird fua runs tn th fourth Inning,
enough in meha lb gani safe lh
Vieitora, ho won, lu 4, rVnr:
T. l.i'1'IM HOHTdV
A II H O A ' A ll II n A.
HUd-s. !f
11 -nil., if
g.i.Hh if
4 4 u I'oasil .f
13 14 K.i.f. :i.
I 4 a St ruts., tf
Hi ,iir,b i
It !..... IR I
4 4
lt... r. If
i i
1 1
1 i
2 I
a a
a a
1 I
" 11
I a
1 llsrbafe b
l llnty. lb
I S-l. I sa
t it ..ilj. e
H tha. l
1 il m teU. g.
I II !...
I M l..s r
4 "i.nkulf
4 sti.baw.
a...vk. iu i
a oils, rf
T i. '. s
Ijivs'i. sa
.S ,i.Hh e
I r-ff...
Til 1I1M4 14 Taut 11 11 It II
i U.K. I f ,e T .f" : In f 'UIth.
siii-l f e a..'ii ia a.aik
si. i .i n.ii,ti, i'k ii.i
Utl l i ..' H
'i.M.i i... ii.. . k la i'k
slaiie4 I f t.a.a ta ,b I
g a.e ks tttftltig.
i .... 1 I ' -
k si. a ...... , ., , l-s 1' 4
a.-.?! as II 44-, M.. H s.
. Stun..,,),. A. .- is). I . t h-r',
fid,, lia'Sai I'li. l4i.ei.e ill,
1 -'.., .as Ha.'ksis ! k'l
-.. a a .'a .s rl- Mi,
I.i4 aa.i-.'.e A.isltai issilMia.
t-s. f Hii4M'S iasia4i l a-
14 II-.msi la Sf. l. h .o la
.1 t.l. S.. S if it 11
H4.-4 () 1' 1.
. ( lis aaa, s u-... '. I no "'
M . ass, 1 is I II i. .ii -
-. a I 't I I I 1 1
1 I l- 1.4s - u 11 . f. . I ia I .
H 1 S, e I 11 vi .
, , 1 , -. . I ' . I
..... j
a..' I.'
, . ., .
then brought them baik for I union
of plavful arriniinage.
-I4ill' Day and Travk Coach
Coach Selmlie were buy with the
back field men. who later in Ihe
afternoon bewail running a few .
nuk The twr mnitora were foaih.
ma arveral lark field formatHnt,
C'larrttre Swin.on gave the ends a
ttitf drilling 111 leiiiving forward
paisea, upending most of the atirt
noon at tlui drill.
When the husky lukri"' trol
led on the field 'Red" Layton and
"Hunk" Itussett were included among
them. Iloih men returned over Ihe
weekend. I liry will add materially
to the weight of the vtieian line.
"Rube" Dew tia, injured in the in
ilial praetire, wai out limbering up,
HKeirany i.roi r..
W. .. I'rg. win. 1 1
NI. Joseph ,,,
H b blla.
aious my
Hklahiini t ll
He Molne , ,
. si
M lua
lsab-rda)' Keaults.
lies Moines al Umahaj rsln.
nklahoiiia City at Ml. Joseph; rain.
Ml., us Cliy, I: I'env.r, I.
As uthera beduled.
Tadaf's ie.
ties Mollis at Dinah (il.
nklahonia I'lty at at. Joseph (1).
Tulsa at Wbhlta.
aiuug (.'Ml' al Lienver.
H'. I.. Pel. WliiIaM
New Vork 4 M .am .411
Piiieburaii ai al ja .fMW jmii
hi. laiui 14 .i .ia Jioa 14
I Inclnnall 11 M M JV4I Jill
I blraau a .All .:! .(
Ilrooklia u 1 .44 ,4N .4al
rhlladelphbs 41 M .IHI .411 .14
Hoela 41 HI .ail 4li .ti
Teaterday's Keeulla.
at. Louis, 4; Il'.slnn, 4
New York, T: Cincinnati, f.
1'Htaburgh. 11 1, i'lillsdslphlg, l-l.
Chicago, 4; Hrooklyn, I
Today's Came.
Pittsburgh at Phllsdelphl.
Ht. louls at Hosion.
No other scheduled.
AVll BH A.M I P.Al.t It.
W In. Ixise.
.nil .mil
New Vnrh .
. .!
. .17
. aa
. .
fit. IMlls . . .
Heieidl . ..
I hlraga) , ,,
I laveland
W aehlnglon
llostuai , , , .
Veslerday's Mesults.
Thlcago, 7; Pnstnn. 9.
Hetrnit, 11; Washington. I.
Philadelphia, 4; Cleveland, I.
.New lurk, 1; Ht, Louis, !.
Today's f.anies.
WHahlnglnn at hi. Louis.
Philadelphia at Chicago.
New York at Dairiilt,
lloston at Cleveland.
W. L. Pet. I w y. e
Ht. Paul 17 61 .ClUMIIwaukc 7177.(07
Mln spoils 14 IS ,HlliUlsvlllo 74 11.411
Kan City It 71 .fjlliToledo 10 14 .14
Lndlan'ila 11 71 .HUiColumbiis II ID .11
Veslerday's Results.
TudlsnsDolls. 1: Kunsss ritv 1
ii.ii, ranii.
Milwaukee. 10; Tiulsvllle, I,
Toledo at Mlnneapolla; rain.
Columbus at Ht, Paul; nsjn.
Today' fismea.
Tolcrio at Mlnnespolla.
Columbus at Ht. Paul.
Indianapolis at Kansas Cliy.
Louisville at Milwaukee,
American League
Athletic Deal Indian.
Clovetand. Hent. II. Philadelphia mu,iu
it two our or Hire from Cleveland tuday.
""'iii.'s, s 111 s. ogoro;
AH 11 O A ! AH.H.O.A
0 ,1'eson. If
P'klns, p
tl Wamhy, sa
08umma, if
Ojd'rdner, lib
0.1 HewelUb
O'M InnlH. lb
3 O'Neill, 0
0l B'arda. n
Ha user, lb
Miller, rf
(i'lnway, 8b 8
rrykes. lb 1 4
H'mell, p 3
H'mscli, p 0
- I Llndscy.p
6 27 J2 7.Spenk.-r
Totala 29
Totala ilt 8 27 7
Hatted for Edwards tn eighth.
sHan for Speaker In eighth.
Halted for Llndaey In ninth.
Rsn for O'Neill In ninth.
cUatted for Jamleson In ninth,
ftcnra by Innlnaa:
Philadelphia 010 000 flil 4
Cleveland 000 400 0111
Hummnry Runs: Walker. Haussr MHIee
11:1. Atc.Aiuiiy. Mcinn s. Krrnrs.- HauMr
I'yare. j wo-i.ase nils: sillier, J, Bewail, Me.
Innls. Horlfcss: Dykes (9), Oallnnay.
noubi plsys; Kummeli to Hslinwsy to
naueer. ,iinisson 10 Mcinnis. Lett on bases
hlladclphla, 4: Cleveland. I. Haaea on
balls: Off Hummed, 4; off Kdwards, 2; off
in.lsey. 1. Ntruek out; Hy Hnminelt. n-
by Heimach. 1; hy Kdwards T; hy Lindsay,
Hits: Off Kdwsrds. 4 In I Innlnas: off
Hininiell. I In I I I innings; off Lin.lRv.
111 j inn na nrr ii. un.-n. 11 n .i 1.1
nlng. 1'aesed bnlia: p.rklns. I Winning
piicner: nuitinitii; tnamg pitcher. h:d 1'mi. Ires; Monsrlty and Osu
Time: 1 11.
Chicago, Kept. II Chicago took th
seasons series fr.iln 11. .stun, II gsine In
to by shutting nut ih visitors in lb
final gsine, T 10 , Hours:
All II O A All If ll A
Men'ky, tf I I I n Hnopee. rf 4 I 14
. It., he. S4 I
1 1
i j..hi...n. ss 4
0 or us. ti .1
Mhcelv, Ih I
VI, .1,1, if 4
a a, If 4
1 M 1 ll 11, lb 1
I ft I..IS r I
1 jir le. a I
t A
I 11
Hill us. Ill 4
ll.rris. If 4
r.n !li 4
t'.il AS. ef 4
tl s-r, u .
Duel. CI 1
W'On a 1
Uiiisr 1
I TwXis 3 111
Ksit, t
.1 II
Totals II Mill)
tHsii-il f..e guiaa la )un
. or IV luaags:
n.sixa ,- es ssi Hi
ki-stJ I I t m.l
SHimmery stuas- llu. s.r Cdiliia (Jl,
bsiy, M-ait. a. bsla, l.tei.n .,,,:
-SS Tsia kits, I -s.
vePvtls. g- Is. Vi-4t:t tin liw hi
ll ..! 1 at tSialns. Va.-eil,.
s 11 N nrl. s.-d ghl, ..i.s ..
' l Hi 111 ltd , sas-a It 41.1..
Iti al, I !- wft b:s I'lf .4
wlf !.. I u., a sfcil V, I.,
i s I, sr u.e.. 1 St.i I Ii 1.
If -.'.- I is 1 Ihtless s'f Rir I
I a ag 1 ssei.-s H : I an I
1 a. .I. 1 Stai. s,4 sv T.. .
I HallblrtU Selection:
VswaWaWaWaVaVaWaVe Wis sajfi sWaWWalawM
I. Thirty Sivin, Thtipniia, Lady
I Kl la Van, OUI Ilw44iia4
MsW-ly Miii
1 Cm 4 II, I W llstiai, t a
4 I'l.iien.aa, TwiH an I T 4j,
Metwy, rhe W.iO. Ni
World Series
Will Open in
First (.uiiin to It ridjnl in
$1. I.oni Oet. 7 if UriiHiia
Vt'in (soufsitoti in
Anit rii an laftup.
Oiirauo, Sr. 1-Tli !.'.' m.rl.l
mil lao'l.all (hiippuiniliiii will
iijifii fltiut'ir 4 in New V01 i nlv.
it wai ilf. lilnt at a rm-t til n( Na
tional anil AmiTuMn luwitf rrprf
sritt.ititr lirrr. 1 s )ri' um
will pin ail,
The arrrtiktrnirnti fir t lie o'iriitn,j
aa-tie in Nrw Vmk on the as.
iiliiitirn llial lit" Gantt u ill win
tliff S'aiii.iul Itaijtir? (.cntiaiit. ! .th
Stw VorV. iltitu wrr rftirrrtitei! at
thf Hireling ailH I hs? N' Ii .li-tli-rliib
won lis tiM lo ili-ri'c ultifi
lit- first g-amr wtuiM he pUw-il
Mionl'l St. I oiiis Miti die Aim rii an
Irannf ('liaiiiiionliii, tlir first jsiir
at St. I.ouii wonlj I, l4vni on St
unlav. Ortfibrr 7. 'I'll arrant-mieni
rail (or thf pn-iiiiig i;aitie itlnrs
day, Ortohrr 4. to be e.niwii a N.i
tmii.i l.iJkjtii- il.iy, ulun llir (chiii
wotild lir "at liiitiiir" on the I'ulu
Krouii'U in New Voik, mnl ihe ni't
rljy, Oiloltrr S provitlinix tlw New
Yotk Anirritana win the Annrii.Hi
Itaxuf pennant would be Ainetiran
Leairtic dny, when ihe Vankera wonhl
br "at home" on the latrif ground".
In cae the St. I-otili Amrhrana
win thf American IriRiie rare from
the New York Yankre. after two
pamea in New York, Ortnbrr 4 and
5, Fritlay. October , would be travel
(ay, when the lean would lie travel
ing to St. Loni4. Three gamea would
be played in St. Louis, October 7,
8 and 0.
Should a aevrnth game be nere
ary to decide the icriea. the place
of the deciding game would be de
cided by lot.
In case of a postponed name, the
arrangementa provided that audi
game should be played on the
ground where postponed prior to
gamei irbcdiiled at another city.
Oma'a Nines Battle
16 Innings for Purse
A inappy lfS-inning game played in
the remarkable time of 2 hour and
35 mimics, which probably is a rec
ord, was won by the Carter Lake
club by a score of 3 to 2 over the
Sherman Avenue Merchants.
The teams were playing for a lido
Smith and Fisher each pitched
eight innings for Carter Lake, tin
two yielding only five bits, while
Uauingardnrr journeyed the entiri
route for the Merchants and allowed
onlv nine. He nitrhed superb ball
the last six innings, thrice working
out of dangerous holes.
Kansas City Monarchs
Win Two Contests
The Kansas City Monarchs had
everyM-.irg thi-'r own way Sunday
and blanked Omaha' two Class A
champions, the Townsends by a 4 to
0 score, and the South Side Merch
ants, 8 to 0.
Omaha vs. Des Moines
First Game at 2. Ladies 10c
Suits to Order
$35 and up
Exeluslv suitings, fin all wool
goods, carefully tailored and guar
anteed perfect la lit and styls.
On thousand nw psttorns to Icl
from. Extra pants it you want thsin
Big Daylight Tailor Store
S. E. Cor. 15th anal Harney Sti.
Common Sense
About Eczema
Hr' Something About S. S. S.
That Yn'II BeClad to Hear,
Tsa might Just aa welt knew It HiM
. th tause of skin rutluna
tmililes, bUi-alu-aila, boll ami so on,
la riglil til Hi bltMxt. Thar ir no get
ting a war frum It. H. lem-e has tosl
It Hi It. Vuil ran Mitiv It.
When Ih raus r skin tumble r 1
truj lions i In tna bluwl, It Isn t
iui a. a. a. em ia Aa 4u ssii
m U ih as-..
A iii ..f m wilt r.,. s . i
K 1 I. reel, eg ta ! ake.l a 4 I
S HHI'IW k.. rl.SUM ll J-,..
lut Ih imeiit tim . ait nt,
i'. ssv. s)d bv I. b. i.
l I'SeJ aai .ia.e ais s.-. l . e.
ISlftsai lk liwrtia , d ..e. .1,
. I si sa si ai , 4ks IS.. 4
bfii.a tei bi i-..a aai
sii s., . si st-ast,
S..!!!!..! k.r .
l-4 lM I Was t. t,us w 4,
fev.-.., ,, .) 14, sfii.
gi -ie. si r4 .
I . u,..Mt In,. ..a,M ia el
tksl IK -n sm s-i-a. -. a
.as. f.l k,,i, a,,H ,
Ii -il a s i a-n t
i Ti a ! ii l a ass
sks, ..!, , it,, , ni b-tr
' b ! fsast ll vi Mil: t
ti Ii.ih iss - a sv a sa
r a at a j.e s-. I t ass,
M hiaf ia aax aeai.4isa4
l a V4i; .'h.J.s tlstt. ih '.I. n tH, .f 1!' t i
: t l. 'fl 41 Ho'is I 4t ! ' 1 1. t"..-is!it kV . a,
t' j t U'. w.i s-44 uM.. si a -1 il )..
I ; ) , . 4 f
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U H. y i t t j . 4
4 - U a we.Vfc
m tM 1 4i,
t i hi - t m
. w i r r
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.... k a Wkl.a Wal s . Ma.
t a
ft .
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1 4fi4, tVaetvy LaJy,