The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 19, 1922, EXTRA, Page 3, Image 3

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; 1
Alii aiicr of Co;il
Miners Planned
Bellevue Sends 'Big Four'
to Convention of Legion
l.uiifrrriii'1 jlrtwrru I'iiIi.ik
of lr. S. ami (treat, liritaiii
Krtlnl to Hi in
London or America.
1t4i1tic li'y, N. J, Sept. Is -I'bnis
are mobr wy fur ait intrr
rational aHuiia lirtwuii tin coiil
miners i,( Crtl Ilriuin unit the
l liilid Mali In miiI mi h u'Iht in 1
lunr of strike.
Tin Kl haimd when William
ilrcll, tii'rit iry-lrrasllirr (, llie
tinted Muip Worker n( America,
I.ntu.iilii rd that a cniiierriu lur llir
MirMir 14 h.-iiiKHi about tin h a
iUii of f 11 i.pi r.itu.ii had brill mih
wi-tcd ly the 111 iirrs' li drutiini 1,1
real llritain Mild lud been Ijvi.r
nMy rrtrurd hv thr iiiIitm jikhi.iI i.i
liuMi of tin- Ann rn . 111 iiiuiMi.
Null ill illllalli-r, Mr. tircrll c
. Limed, would (irrvrnt tile l-n'll.l-I'uil
oi llrilish iiniird t' Ainui
u H aid in breaking strikes here,
iii,i! would also serve to irnlnliit the
t M"'rtatiiitl lo lirul LriUin id C'mI
liiK by Aim nun ininirs wlu n the
miner of rrnmtry wrrr 011 strike.
He said a-joint Coiiicrenie of rrjirr
i illative of the miners' union of
boll roniitrif unuld probably he
airangrtj in cither London or Aim r-
Member nt 1 In- rxreiitivr cimm-il :
oi tbr American l ed, r.ilinii of La
lor. which Hlnrd.iy conrludid Us
n .-ion here, tmiiiflil expressed thrir
irol of tin- internal ional alliame
and said 11 Mould iioImIiI;' hasten
the rnd of coal strike in cither conn
1 1 y. if carnid out. They took the
position llntisli mined coal im
lorifd dniintf thr recent inim-rH'
riU r had st'i veil to 'io!oii the
inkc ly au;iiii mint; the nonunion
Mm It.
Mr. limn, who al-o is the vic
iiicsidrnt il Ot Ann Fcdcra
lion of I.almr, said that the lirilish
liiiiuTK lit) ii n had drill a clink for
f-'J.mW to the l iiitrd Mini- Workers
oi America, to lie used in f main inn
tht Krov.iiiK out of the recent
iiulion-H iilc Mrikc.
if ' 1 X' .
1 rS kMrOL
rti r i.- -
Sliopu-nonlU' jqi
Unit as Others C , n
n n 1 . wr 1 tiitions!o(,et
(ionaektoorki IIWI . w,
j IOIMIeter Waves
NorlliMrntrrn anl Milwaulr'.
Hoa.U Kfjiorl Mrm "in Inrpe Uiipili Will U, HarJ
iimlirrN Ilrlurniug la ( ,u Ariiirr Only Supff
J,,,. Hr-re. j I'IuhU MipiMr.
Sitting, John Kelly, lelt, nd
Henry Lafort; ftanding, Ralph Mer
cer, left, Jamet Collin.
It' a ili-iliiiKiiMied iiiaitit of irp
11 . ni.itivci lhat the itplli vne oca i
tional school for v -r-rvi inrn ,-iu j
American Legion riioveinent to
a loni 111 11 nil y ImiMinn 'or i x
ervice men in Onia'ia.
'J hr ilelcxalioii went (o Yolk Sun
day nijiht firiiiicd loi' one iiiiioe,
In 1 1 1 1 1 ihruiiuli a ri ,! ut H 111 callniK
l'ioil connrrH and llie War 'rt-
They are
to the Arnrriian Li-kioii 1 oiiuiiIioii i cran hnri iiu to otaliliuli in each
at Voik. N'rh, tlrin week. 'ilistiicl sllill a tiaillillK center lor
Jt iikIihIih John Ki Hey, hohler of rehahilit.ition ai the one in Itilleviie.
a JJistniKui.hi d Serviie cros and I "It ha done more to rrhahililatc
liumeroim c itation; Kaljih Mercer, i Mien in it nhort period of rxisieucc
prroident of the lU-llcvue Muih-ut than any movement of the kind 1111
liody: Henry l.aiort, coiumaudrr of ilertaken by the bureau," the turn
the district Disabled American Vet
erans, and J. K. Collins, instructor,
at the school and active in the
4. M. Mare, jr.,
Hellenic, tchool.
i in cliaiKc of the
College Head Speaker
law to shoot lilackliinls. ritainrd
U11 k I'leifer and Itucli Ames, ileinty
. n ,! . Kame wardens, 111 the justice court
at Dapnst meeting i of l. . n..pce 5 r,cr,uy. Th.-.e
f.fficrrs are rotinditiK up luinleii who
M. . , l( ... - do not liave license and thouc who
Dr. John Xfason Wells, president I ,, . . , , , 1
,, ' ., iitherwn.e v olate hunting laws.
Aliio Amato. 1116 South Ninth
street, was fined ft
ol (iiaud Jslaml collier, uave the
I principal addres last ninht at Oma-
11a naptisi msirici coiHi reiice, in ses
sion in the First Haptist church. Seventy-live
delegate from towns in
eastern Nebraska are attendiii(f.
Kev. Fred Younx of Fremont ad
dresed the natlierinij yesterday.
'Llie convention opened with a young
people's session Sunday. Dr. (i. L.
Sharp of lit-nsou spoke.
Women ot tne church serve meals
to the delegates, who also are enter
tained in local Haptist homes,
Four Hunters Fined.
It is a violation of the state game
Others fimihirly penalized were Joe
Marillo, 1.118 South liiurleentli
street; Carl Cullottn, 121') South
Seventh street; Kd Jtarowsky, lifty
i.ixlh and 'J street.
Road Conditions
W Sv You $2.00,0-1 Every Ton of Our
Colorado Lump Coal
Smokelett Sootlet Retcreened at the Yard
Per Ton JQeSO Delivered
Consumers Coal & Supply Co.
DO uglat 0S3O DO ugl. 0530
IKiirnlshMl hr llie Omnh Aula Club).
I. lnrflln tllKliway. KaNl KobiI mudily
til I'culMOn. No report tiiisl.
J.liiroin HfKhwvy Wmi lomd opwn mi1
IimvciI to VMlli-y. Holnnwhat lllptiwry Jr'rt
lliiillt lo Onim! InImiwI.
I I, T,. II. HiiioIh K'ifi'l to UnrnTit. lte
portcil rnlnlliK Hi Dunlin and rara ulin
ihiiina. Lincoln will lo HdiitliiKi. roaila
lilKhlanil tillrfr Romln fulr to (noil.
Mi-rUllHH Highway lloa'ls lair to Nooii
1 'ornhimkr Mmhway HojhIh food.
I)'irga WanhliiKloti Jlighway Koa'U
iiinulia-Tulaa HlKhwny Himili fiiod to
ktale llni,
I imaha-Tupeka ltlxhnay Itoaila good
to aiate Un.
Klna- nf TralK North Road Muddy.
KI11K of TriOK Hfuih Roada koo.I to
Ati-hlffon. Had dntutir Atiiinon to l.a
vnworih. J.i-avonworth to Karma City,
rut-r Battlifldia Hlithway Roads fnlr
to Hood.
Klvnr to Hlvr lioad HoiiiIr minlily.
i 'hlciia'i-i iinu h Mhortllni Hi'Hda mud
dy to Allanli'-. n n-pmt easl,
I 11. A. ltu;,dl
Hlin. lira.v IK, u.l II. 11
-..t,thi.r ri-pi,rti-i r-luutlj at n.u.L
in iiiIh. Willi plrilli-llnlia I .'IflillllK illll
Ini; tit da. I
While nhopmert rr reinruinu tu ;
work on the N'orthwrttrtu and Mil-'
wanker linn in Dn.aha MnniUy.l
I more than a dorn builrt maker laid
I i'iiii n llinr tnoU and quit work at the
Jrnuni Lacii'ic fl-op here, it ir.
'(urted at union hrj.l.jiijrlers jester
I day ri tnr 11 it 1 k.
I It wa t.itrd at .the ernilnc
't-fiicri of Northwt stem line wet
that men "111 large number were
rituriiuiK to work in t nuneil II hi II
aid in Omaha. The Northwestern
and the Milwaukee are the only htie
rnii nun Ouulu known to have hem
parlies in the aiirtruiriit reached last
Meek ill Chicago-
Settlement Foreieen.
Missouri I'acilii; ofliciaU here ai1
they did not know whether or not a
settlement had bren made with tink
er on their line.
Leader of linking I'nion Pacific
boptnen here eireed cotihilence
nine tort of a ettlemrut would he
leached on the Union 1'anlic v
lerri nimll. Union f'arilie officer, "till
maintain their oriinl position, how
ever, that a new organization of
shopmen ha been formed, a new
wage ca!c placed in forre, and that
the road can be operated efficiently
with it present force.
Resolution Paed.
Following the sinning of an agrre
ment roverinu rule, rate of pay and
v-orkiug conditions, made rfleclive
en the HurliiiRton system September
15, a resolution by the six '.' '
cli.iiimen of the newly foruird me
chanical department ot the liuiliiiK
ion railroad a presented lo F.' I".
Craeken, operatinc vire president,
and other oflirrrs. 1 he resolution, j
aiiionti oilier tlunK. holds that the
recent conference " exemplified that
employer and eiliptove can get to
Kether aiuirahly in a ipint of mutual
accoiiiniodation and mceessfully and
satisfactorily dispose oi all matters
0 difference."
The old HurlitiKtoti ytem feder
ation of shop craft has thu far
failed to negotiate a peace with the
Burlington, and liurlington officer
assert the new organization has per
manently retdaced the old federation,
member of which went on gtrikc.
July I.
All shoprrafti men who were out
on trike are back at work in the
hop of the Milwaukee railroad. Gen
eral Agent F.iigene Duval laid.
"We have taken back all the tink
er, lie taiil. A great many of the
men who came to ti during the ttrike
do not care to continue the work
and thu are making room for the
former employes.
I'liilli'liH Trial PotHin-d.
I. o Aiwlcs, Sept. 18 The trial
of Mr. Clara Phillips, indicted for
the murder ol Mrs. Alberta Mead
ows, went over today until October
20, when the defendant appeared in
court without counsel and asked the
court to assign the public defender
to the case. Judge Houser granted
the application and gave the public
defender the continuance to enable
him to prepare for trial.
Movie Meet Put Off.
The Nebraska and Iowa Motion
Picture Theater Owners' convention,
scheduled to be held nt Omaha for
three day begirtning yesterday, has
teen postponed until October, the
dates depending ' upon Will Hays'
acceptance of an invitation to attend
the convention, according to J. Frle
Kirk, secretary ol the association.
Horneford' Arid I'linantiRtfi
In vvatt-r or flint Jilica Is del iKhl fully fe
rn Mhlrn;. l:-tii'W-i vitality and n rve
m 1 "ii; li. IiMiuKlsta. Advertisement.
Ill ,, ,i
I ' n't' :i v-
VM mm y
ir J V-.o. vi LP-
i If : -'4
Continuing for Tuesday Sale of
Hart Schaffner 6? Marx
New Fall Suits
For Men and Young Men
All Fine Samples and
Short Lot Samples
$50 to $70 Suits 37.50
$40 to $45 Suits 27.50
Winn mt j.uit lulM' a suit in t hU al ynu Imvr llif uuar
juitn' of snthfartion fomulcil ujn Hart Sohaffnrr nnI
Marx quality, wliith nuans all wool faluiis autluntie
tylti, lust orkmanlii,
Matt'tiaN iw rttiincr. S.tjus WoiMn.. (Vxlnts
Flatinrts Whip amh ami otlu r jun wm fa!rit" in nil
the ticwot Mtt,rn'i -Si?r furtnfnot nil luiliN-ltesu
lar. ttut", um aiul .tuls
Mt$ i'hihinn lejartiwM-.Vit fr.
asbilik'lon, Srpl, IM - Thr i-1
eitsmg ot lla. It raihoti leidume aslmg si, ill. .n by the Depait-'
im-iit ut t iimuii icr (indi r new leg !
uUtioii, will enable tho.e Lin who1
lisiie to "h.tfn in" lo the best u !
inn on a s,rcial -l Mi melrr nave'
w ithout iulerlereiice (rom tome ol I
the Ir.srr hii'il ill udio broadea.t-1
inrf. I
Cut li.t .lit, on. wjl be In led
the in it ii Kii!jtioii iiiiiii a
uiiiiiniiiiii ol J'si and 4 iimsuiiiiui ol
,ii W4IU in the aiiteniia, tui I1.1i
iiionii ., in ul iiiodulatiou, a aludio
and a suptMiacd t'togiam, using
"canned" music m an (mti-
khu v or ilunng inirt mission, it 1.
n! Ir!ied many ol tlie 47 Itioad
iatiug tjti.n, v in now nu 1 1 the
triii n im nli.
One "B" Station Per City.
I pon apilu atMHi ihiough llie nnir
di.itiit iiojH-ctota the dr lurtiei nt
uill bcrtise "H" i.iti..i.i a lul as
tltrv qilali'v, but prohably Hot mote
than one 111 each city or sr.iioti at
lirst. In the event to or inoir tta
tioin iiulil'y in a ingle district or
111 ighbtii lloud win 1 1- Kiln l.ii tur
would occur, a schrilule will be ar
raiiifed ibviiling the lime lulivetu
I hi in.
The "l" lultoii will have to toe
the maik in stution ilticuncy and
keep up to 'ij.iiih on piogtams, the
fin t ladio tn-pi rtor sl.ilis, or Ihry
ni! or l!ier special wave biijt!i
.im) trvtit to .''J' mrlri mill tlic
grrmal tuoadi asl'iig iatnn
Kjilio (!rilit'iini.
1 1 W, I " .": runtenelle
boitlrvaiil, is winner of the pine
ottnrd by I he I hi aha lire over the
radio last w.ik for the best criticism
I I biiiadcasiiiig liom stalioil DV.
Ninioiiuceineiit ol he couslet a
made solely l. radio and numerous
I I in 1. nn ir, lived bv the radin rib.
lor slniurd that station YIV pl-TM
to l.itje an. Iictn r, tltlirr pi ire con
trts will be announced urr the ra
dio by the Omaha lire Itoni tune
to tune,
Nuiljinl lltitil Cloiliit r.
I red oiljint. Topcka, Kan,
ilolhier. welt known in Omaha, sa
elei led president of the National He
tail t loilners' association, 111 New
Yolk Saturday. Voil.ind i gene
tally a speaker at (tie Ni lnaika j
iloihiris' niretiiig. I
PrapC-PrrauuMt Reiki'
Mvrla4. Purely vf
M aurely but
tlf os tba
tHtm ill...
tllaaar tia.
fraa cor. A
mm lmH
W V IHaiaj
tkm; (ropnirt
tha com pica ion brighten tn tyca.
smo rai-taa Pm f n rike
lire Want Ad Produce Knulll.
Kill (O
illMi IITO
;!!!miiil,iii!li, ."(iii'Mliflii il !l!lhi!
. jhmt 1, ; i r h ana. r BTtk. 1 u m m w
!!llliillir'lllriillliii'ii!'ili.ili.i'Mii'i Hj,!.,;,!;,,, -y pfj
Tuesday Special Selling of
New Fall
Hats, 1.39
In Tailored and Sport Styles
A large variety of attractive Ktylen uilalle for immediate wear
soft, cruMhable hats, Iat"Ko models, turbanx, matron's
Htyles and miMse.V tttylen.
Black Brown Navy Copenhagen Sand Gold and Silver
Combination This is an unusual opportunity to pick up a clever
little hat for business or" sport wear at a triflinjj cost.
. Bargain Square Main Floor East,
Women's Pure Thread Silk
79c a Pair
1.50 Quality
An unusually good value in a semi-fashioned or panel back silk
hose with lisle garter, tops, double soles and high spliced heels. In
black, brown, white and shoe shades. This is an uncommonly
good wearing hose for which you would expect to pay twice this
special price.
Main Floor Center
Notions at Special Prices
Whit Naimook Dre Lining
Sizes up to 46; special, 29
Twill Tape 10 yards superfine Eng
lish twill tape, 'i-inch to 1 inch wide;
per bolt, 15?
Kitchen Apron Rubberized aprons
in plaids or small checks at, each, U50
Stocking Feet Black or white, per
pair, 5?
Sawing Machine Belt Special,
each. 25
Shoe Tree For shoes or slippers;
per pair, 7
Hair Pin Cabinet 150 wire hair pins
to the cabinet, 8
Saniilk Per spool, 5
Gilt Erfga Darning Cotton Per
Imported String Shopping Bag
Kaeh, 10
Snap Faitener 3 cards, 10
Fancy Barrette For bobbed hair;
special, 19
Velvet Grip Sew-on Corlet Garter
Pair, 19
Ocean Pearl Button -1 cards, 10
Pin Cube Headed pins, cube,
Kleinert'a Dre Shield Sizes. 2, 3
and 4; special pair, 19
Warren's Feather Boning Per
yard, 15
Mercerized Rick-Rack Braid Per
holt. 10
Rubber Sheeting Washable Para
rubber; regularly 1.60 per yard; spe
cial, 1.19
Three-in-One Sanitary Garment Belt,
bloomers and apron combination; a
very practical parment; special, 1.89
Batting Thread Larjre spool for 10
Star Pants Hangers Each, 5
Main Floor 5oui
Three-Piece White Enameled
Kitchen Outfit
The kitchen of the modern home
mahager in no longer furnished
with the cast'offa from other
rooms, but has ita own specially
leagued pieces with proper sani
tary feat urea.
Thia white etiameletl kitchen
J table haa poiieUin tup, which
ia aa easy to clean h h china dih. It wdl nut rut or corrode and
with proper cart will give a lifetime of service. It ha a con
venient drawer for the kitchen nilver or tea towel's. Two well
built kitchen chairs of th Windsor type, nicely enameled lule,
complete this set.
.Ni'VCMll f ml
P. 4i S bTH
v V Queen $ Pantry Bread and Cake
Cabinet, 2.19
Mat f ka)f t. i ir.u, . a'-4 . 14 fa.
, a l i ( a4 . t t a .t
laa bU-t ai. I t n mv tx Jatl f r tvm t I
4 i tfc ik t in i I h d-.r
.'4't inn. :; ( te n in
Tjit .',f at W1J
huh U UV.t
You will find all sorts of goods
in our advertising and you will
find, also, that the prices are low,
while you know, of course, that
the quality ia all that it should
be. Head our advertisement
carefully and remember that the
offerings outlined are only hints
of others given in every depart
ment. We believe that the function of
The Drandeis Store is to perform
a service to the community. We
believe, also, that our advertising
makes this service more valuable
to you. It enables us to tell you
about new merchandise and the
particular advantages and ser
vice we can offer you day after
day. Truthful advertising is
valuable to you. It in a powerful
force from a buying standpoint.
It protects shoppers and does not
arouse false expectations. Our
desire is to operate this store on
such genuinely frank principles
that the people may turn to it
with confidence at all times.
Many problems confront us, but
we believe that we are helping
materially to restore the old buy
ing power of the dollar without
sacrificing the quality or variety
of our offerings,
An Invitation to
Make The Brandei Stora Your Head
quarter Visitors just arriving in town
may' come to The Brandeis Store Im
mediately and find every comfort.
Bundles and Luggage Checked Bun
dles and hand lurcnge may be checked,
conveniences may be found for washing
and "freshing up," so that you may go
out into the city feeling well groomed
unci ready to meet your friends. Your
letters to the folks at home may he
written here and cards addressed and
Banking Convenience The Bank is lo
cated on the Main Flour West.
Rett Room You are invited to visit
the new Kvst UiHiin on the Tenth Flour
They have been fitted up fur your com
fort Mini convenience.
Dining Roam There is a magnificent
limine rnuni and men's enll on the
Tenth Hour, while on the Main rh-or
is a cafeteria and soda fountain dm-
ln(f looms to suit every taste and pmkrt-biHik.
Mail f atitttta .sUrwitfc'rra who have not
l ruled on a blaee .f rvaulrnee in
Omaha can have their mail allrrmd
t.i Station IT. vihieb i lovated nn. the
Um HtMir Vrt. They way rail fr
their mail ths-fe. It it a irgsitar I nited
Mates pttaiuf in .
k.riag Made I 1 li Ttansfef
f-Md-m us U used t tfsl ehai.UiH
rw tune i mints, Th h...i.r inay
Ni4.e .unswi in any department at
..i,U will tie vit I,. tte tiai-iVr dk.
h re ie may a fr ihm a l at iue.
The .trh.t aid then t J! i. .j
the hwfe Is. f re f vharc.
lalaf atta Dk -the nf jiu.I.
K en the VI.h H.-r i si tJe
!- ! 1 af kee-lt.4 iff
Unique Lunch, 60c
SorJ ,i the MN tin!I, fenl 1
Tha .'! '. .t,t, heait, .rank I ,l f,
f ti mu-t, t,i lal Hifnj i f tha
aia . Kt (I Ka Mt.siH a-rl
ri..inva tl lha v4
t ie I sj. .
1 jus;lj
I l
I'4--, i "1 11,. r-r '" . t " n ' - ' "
m fe- , ,.r r, . a 1 .mi , aimnaj