The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 17, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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.L I f ' Ito of Velvet : 1
l costume teem comp ete, or a luxurious 'J N$tf . UZZSSV'ift,' f mle for Autumn. Para docm t (wem to mlna 1
I . . -! I Xfcj -!SaA S5!S!5?1N f ' whether the hats we wear are large or smal , I I!
I ousSth g - only they are of velvet; our collection em- , I
I ouswarmui. Xlkfc .XsIl & bodies every favored shape and style in velvet. i I
1 ll Short Capes . S I I J I 'J flfj V KKVJw-. Delightful styles, B
I &' $115 to $950 v LsU L Lst I i (j I 1? V SKtroS Sv .quaint or jaunty, -IS ;
lift Coats and Wraps S, faces' The A '
'fl 9.60 to $2,050 I , ( ) V-r-k , manyhats 1, ' i
' Long Capes "a w ' finest materials
i igS' $425 to $2,000 ( jm C fW f that every little girl fcJ$S
sj( "1 f hDCpOtSlllOYl :,
1 ' Jacquette and overblousea are quite the
Mgr. I newest in a Reason of new things and com- ttf j TTJT S ft A '
If f a'lt" TJVASHION, with fickle fancy, has turned her back upon careless and NWe8t WOS-GlTy Lf
b The Jacquette blouses fashioned of matel- P carefree modes, showing favor only to studied grace and dignity. Since ghoe8 per8ist in being of two shades. 3 I
P, esse crepe or of satin tucked or quilted in color Frivolity is in discard the Mode has grown up.- hosiery must exactly match one tone. . The ' I. " " ..;. . .
1 Pi are best worn with th-s Costume skirt of self smartest of these are lovely silk hose clocked in M ' -w
, y. j d or of contrasting material. Not for many seasons have styles so well expressed the gracious charm. contra8ting color But whichever hose one (3i -1
V . 5- 11 elabSeV emtM fvingS 6f ' ... gooses she wi,l d'elight in the excellent weight
' j in suit shade. Prices are moderate. . It is as though the Renaissance of Costume in every land had contributed and even weave. . ;. S
I I j ' Byr...-Nh Bi.iu. sh.p-7iiir4 Floor, its best by way of inspiration. From out of the styles of age-old artistry Fair, 1.00 to 9.5.. p.
I Bp fl has crept this season's mode, as it has been interpreted to meet the re- t if .
, I - I A Mltllllinniini S lF(Q)1tWw8lir quirements of today's most admirably costumed women. t Wool' Hosiery j 'i
1 , Smart as soon as it may be worn with com- j -
, There is no question about the vogue for Do you gel the merest hint, the lillled minis eye glimpse of what avails fort. The lighter weight silk and wool mix- j
satiil, although there is a preference for the you here? The new shades the season sponsors, the new fabrics, the nev tures are woven in practically every shade this ! -f
I I" brocaded, quarter. Patent leather with , , .. , . , nht)nrpi ,m, rp!pch cnret'l season, while heathers and clocked models vie
high Fren'ch or straight Spanish heels continue T t A u 7, A , "e m apparel that reflects careful j ribbed hosje jn H .
to be worn for both street and dress shopping-models adapted to the conservative styling oj Burgess-Nosh patrons Dwb Richelieu and open.ribbed weaves. 1 i
$8 00 to $12.50 models of a quality in peeping wdh the standards of this institution marked , g
at prices' entirely within moderation.' ' ( Pair, 98c to $5.50 I.
Of.rtpf Oxfords I ' .
outck wAxuiwo cor(iaiiy invite y0U i0 e our gLiest (iurinff this Exposition, and to PVpnW TTnsp 1 P
As the season progresses street oxfords come rpp how rparliMv vnii ran nPmhlp a wnrHrnhp of mart rnshimp which xvexmife iiu&c : ,
into prominence. There are the usual all black see now reaaily vo" cfn assemDie a warcirooe oi smart costumes vmcn That t .,in skirtg m not eci the C3 .
and brown styles, but combinations such as vou will wear with pleasure, and in which you will be distinctively ap- silken ankl6( jet beads are embroidered in ' c; ; .
patent with tan suede and patent with gig sad- pareled for every occasion. intricate design. .
J die, with low, military and Cuban heels , Sheer net and chiffon in silver and gold IrV ' ' '
f . $8.5oto$u.oo , Dresses of Charm , raalch slip ltsST 1 ' ' A
S1 I Evening Slippers Very new in the season's mode are slim, clinging gowns of canton , ' . u ... . , S
i I a . ....... i i i i- ii , . ..... ,. . , , . ' Burgei-Nh Hotitry Shop Main Floor i II
f . - v- 0 The sheer ecstasy of feminine loveliness and crepe-back satin, the ultra plainess of which is relieved by graceful ' ML ''' 1
i that permeated the court of Louis XIV finds draping; Lizard crepe in line soft and supple attaches a single metal - 'fl" i 4
' expression in the delicacy of evening slippers. , ornament for adornment; chiffon velvets are quaint with basque and fiUHf TrTi 7?1 'AHa-srao I
I ' Silver cloth, made wishbone colonial one-strap circular skirts. Priced as low as $25.00 and up to $150.00. EJlJliS) alllm W vU;ilV5rlllS5 jj
4S , 8 ' BW with hlh rei)cn heel3 are P"ced A pretty woman js at her be8t in silkg. a ' ;
-' i Pair, $12.50 irSffl 5Zr Tr-iV Wfl IpTT'.Tnif'lk'S P,ain woman derives grace and charm from & '
j BUm.Nh N .-Md. fw MMITX W TO JL IT their softness. Among the favored crepes are
I ' A frock that does not demand a wrap is particularly interesting
J. ' AbBStoI IP Girfs at thU Ume f the y-car Marinette Crepe, Yard, $2.95 "
5 ' jyjpcu- iivuii u, Coat effects and long slender linos admirable cuts for street This 40-inch crepe, in a weight heavier than K
I Apparel designed especially to become wear. A silken tassel, and Egyptian girdle, or half a sleeve, enliven crepe de chine, is exclusive with Burgess-Nash
VWr younger girls may be found in great variety at the severity of black or or midnight blue. Moderate at $19.75 to $95. company. Lingerie, street and evening shades.
j " our Girls' Shop. ( , - c -J
I W School dresses and party frocks: Twills (TWlilfs jmuTiffll "WifjRi Burnasco Crepe, Yard, $2.95 ffl
rn7yoS hSN mw am wraps Knitte(1 crepe of 36,nch width in orinentt y
! J JSd cantons emb? tlt Tho coats and wraps present a combination of luxury and utility muffin, liberty, jade and other new shades. , I
. i metal threads; pale-tinted taffetas. that Irrwwtible It may be the.r velvety p.!e fabnes their n I'
... . , . . graceful slender lines, their lavish use of fur, or perhaps the comluna- Crone dp Chinp Yard SI fiO a
J , : Heavy school coats are warmly lined and tion of all that makes them lovelier than ever you have known them. ,.7 1 , , . . V I ,i .
' made of heather, polo, herringbone and peb. Of excellent quality for frocks, blouses and i
bled cheviot. Fur collared dress coats, ar Fashloned'of Gerona, Preclosa, Marvella, Marcova and Punvilain lingerie. 39-inch width; all shades.
faihioned on soft lines of Shawsheen and J priced moderately at $79.50 to $250.00. , 7
P tied cloth, sixea tis. Chiffon Velvet, Yard, $ 1.95
u--nw rh- T-H KW TfilHllwllirO r.hlt J ,0 mueh ,h'w houett as the I
OUT COITCt SlhOB n. n,lume which Wom wy feel correctly attire.l in fh pUinnes of thTnmde'lk'avy amMustJoui k
Bjj j,ai.tlJ amj Rt ftny houPt chiffon velvet in black nd timet hJ..i
directs attention to advanced models In Warm and wintry duwtym with .ft ..s line are genemlly 'imii cnuion xehet in black ami .trtet shadn.
Corset. A presentation that httwa a di.ttiiut thre--iurter length anil collared in fur $125 to $193. , 1 , .
advance In th Art of Corft, Maklii. and in Triootine and twill, lontf Mraight-coatrd modeU that reach below ( OUtinjT?, 1 Ul'll, ?(.9. to $9.50 l
' $ which tyle and rare beauty'form an lrreUHbl the kne, are priced at $3S to $S5. KxquiMtely oft and warm are Veldrome P?i
fj appeal t the fatidiua women whvi demand tht Simple, yet adroitly tailored model f mannUh muturv prove Chantillv, famaline, Krimmer, plaid back and (ill
at word in cret fhlon, evrr frvleeatle, enpectalty for Ittuine $-15 tn $83. rerili coatinir. . ((vj
S.L )