THE OMAHA UEE: THURSDAY. SEPTEMP.KH 11. Vj:2. FtTiViTr Bw.Tlur ta i r FURTHER TALES fi or ) h I M MY RABBIT TOAW.AIu1FJRSCHlMIUT tarting This Morning, Thursday, September 14. Th Whii k.W.u that Wouldn't Kun Ay. It Ht i lovely itl; ht in niiirin. r. Jilliili)- K.ililnt (rCiiiiK tty J')', llrf lU'l JU'I CHtl )fil lltllf4tj ni'fr ill hKImk" tuMii;n in I'.ifnur (!frii' KJiilnt. And nv lie M4 n'l' i'K 4!MH i'ie ii. i)aii The New Food Center Is Located at 1814 Farnam AT-lantic 4603 I oui efforts have been centered on this bit? event. We have been making 1 fine Here bargains that have never before been advanced by Omaha grocers. 'l L ! f 1 l I l l .1 it .i ' 1 uem iciu is -prici-ii ai tock oouom ana mis, coupiea wun our iremenaous 7? i nJIIi 9 y-.?m n ; ' ' ' I J ! 1 J7.I3 730 IK 88d j 730 j 130 I ee V i ever I I 15c 1 1 350 11.10 our es 290 2.95 2.43 1.15 100 PES, r 1 K 10 10$ FLOUR Food Center, guaranteed, 48-lb St. 03 Gilt Edge, 48-lb SRI .53 Omar, 48-lb 81.711 Victor Flour, 48 lb. 81.711 Cooch Flour, 48 lbs SI. 71) A Carload of Hew Extra Fancy Fresh Pack Canned Goods This car eonsiaU of a complete line of Kamo, Advo and Del Monte. Buy early of this fresh atock and aave money. Kamo or Advo Extra Sifted Peat, 30c value, 210 Dozen 813.85 Kamo Midget or Paris Sugar Corn, reg. 25c, tale price, 1)0J dozen S2.25 Kmo No. 3 Solid Pack Tomatoes, reg. 30c seller, grand opening price, 'J()C; per doz. ...S2.35 Del Monte Grated Pineapple, can .190 Del Monte Spinach, can 2-10 Del Monte New Pack Loganberries, Peaches or Apricots, No. 3 size, 40c to 45c sellers, Grand Opening Sale, JJUf can or J8J5.80 P" dozen. Del Monte Sockeye Salmon, 35c value for. . . .270 Nomis or Windmill Country Gent. Corn, can, 140 Dozen gl.5 Red Dot Sifted Peas, per can, 150; dozen, Sl.(5 No. 3 Hand Pack Tomatoes, 150 c"n5 doz., S1.75 Nomis Fancy Peaches, Anricots, Strawberries or Raspberries, per can, 250 dozen $2.00 D?l Monte No. 1 size Apricots or Peaches. .. 190 We have also just received a carload of Standard Canned Goods, bought especially for this Grand Opening Sale, and will be sold at Grand Opening Sale prices. .. . Standard Corn, 3 cans, ?50 doz 954 Standard Peas, 2 cans, 250 doz SI. 40 9 Standard Wo. Z tomatoes, 2 cans, '50 doz.S1.40 Standard No. 2 Pineapples, can, J0; doz..S'..f 5 Ncmis Pork and Beans, can. lit: doz C1 K . . . . ' - . ' V- ' ' ' 'UiJ f JU ;amo or Advo INo. 3 Pineapples, doz $1.15 Grand Opening SPECIALS Swansdown Cake Flour, large, pkg. 320 Instant Swansdown 270 Yacht Club Salad Dressing, special 120 Winner Matches, 6 large boxes 250 Post Toasties or Kellogg Corn Flakes, small, 3 for 2501 2 to 250 Large package Advo or Kamo Oats 210 4 -lb. box Graham or Krispy Crackers 590 Jello, all flavors 90 45c Del Monte Orange Marmalade 190 10c roll Toilet Paper 50 Edward Queen Olives, 25c seller, for. .. .... 15 Dr. Price's Baking Powder, special . . . .... , . B loch's Best Broom, regular $1 seller .(J.j Advo Jell, 3 pkgt ...23? Skinner's Noodles or Macaroni, 3 for "250 Kernels of Wheat, pkg 230 -... - ' 40c nPrn'-B Jf D.nifh Pioneer Butler, Pr lb 38 Rex Nut Butterin 20 Gem Nut Butterin. 22 Cookinf and Checked Effi 22c Country Creamery Butter, I Kumtninoit or Caraway Seed per lb 37 Chee.e 30 SOAP 'lO bars P. & G. White Naphtha 430 P6 bars Palm'Olive and 1 free for 490 Urge Naphtha Wash. Powder 230 Snowdrift. Mazola and Olive Oil Snow Drift, 1 lb., 25c value for 19 Snow Drift, 2 lbs., 48c value for 37 Snow Drift, 4 lbs., 94c value for 720 Pint Can Mazola ..250 Quart Can Mazola 470 Half Gallon Mazola 87C Gallon Mazola $1.70 Half Pint Old Monk Olive Oil 370 Pint Old Monk Olive Oil 690 Quart Old Monk Olive Oil $1.08 Half Gallon Kamo Brand French Olive Oil. .$1.85 Cmllon $3.45 CANNED FISH Star Lobster, regular 30c seller, can 200 Star Lobster, regular 50c seller 350 Scotch Lassie Kippered Herring, special 150 California Oval Sardines, regular 25c seller. .150 Domestic Sardines, 6 cans 250 King Oscar Oil Sardines, special 150 Crown Jewel Sardines, packed in Norway in pure olive oil, tiny fish, special, while they last, at 2 for 250 Finest Sardines, packed in France, "Yawl Club," 4-oz. cans, special, while they last J5(4 Curtis Brand Chinook Salmon, tall can 250 Chum Salmon, 3 cans. 290 E39B Mail Orders 1 1 Phone Orders will be filled on any items in this ad. We guarantee absolute satisfaction. Be sure and include postage on all parcel post orders. Telephone us early in the morning. Your order will be delivered in a jiffy FREE to any part of the city on any order of $2.50 or over. GOLD DUST Large of th l.mou. Gold Duit, pec 11 h tbl. Crand Opmlnf S.I.. 25c IK Ak-Sar-Ben Visitors Given Special Attention TOBACCO JUST INSIDE THE DOOR. Manila Cigar, Sc value, 3 for 10 Bos of SO $1..0 Leo' All Havana, mad in Tampa, 50 for ...$2.35 Moi.rt Vencedorai, I8 va'u. 11c Boa of 25 2.75 Prince Albert Smoking, full lb St. 10 W1.aU Smoking, full lb IS S0 Fr.ack Orlar Pipe. 2TC ,A, Tpn Co. . -r'iC ( 1 XAIS SALE I LASTS i W wk vm$Q& (rSrimatfsA 1 !toiv foitulri.4 Jimmi fiaikli. I crtain)g ant." i,i t tic I iriil'ioinr, Minlliilf liri jiln. ir kiu wr I h.i old I"P Spot l i'l aIirp in In? lii'lr lioinc Ly. "."pol would urpriil if tie wlio wmi railing lirrr. lonlMlit," Jimmy climklrd. And ihrn, a tie luriit d 4 corner of tin- fariiiliue, lir liail a mrpri.c liiinirlf. Imide a wiie runway, a while JUIib t tod and t.irrd :i him. "Hello!" aid Jimmy. "Mirre did you conic from?" "Are yon addretsin;,' n'-;" ' white huimv aked omrw iool!y. "Hoity-toity I" cri'd Juiitnie Kah liit. "I rnt.iinly am. Did yon think I wan lalkinn In old dng Spot?" 'I he while Ininny ltivrred. "That terrible ireature!" he ex ilaimcd. '"I can't l the itiht of turn. I wish I'd never left my home in the villas." , , . "Oh!" aid Jimmy Rabbit. ".co you came (rom the villas: !" "I did." answered the smutf"" "I've river known anvthiiipt about farm life. I thought I'd like it. But I find I wa iniMaken." "What' the m.iiter with farm !iie:" Jimmy Kabbit ayked the white bunny. "It's not elix.iiit hioukIi for me, llie other explained. "At home, in the vtll.iKi', my mistre tied a pink ribbon around my neck every morli-inK- Heally, I eel ouite lot without that pretty pink bow under my chin." Jimmy Rabbit i.treJ at the white bunny a if he could hardly believe it wa all true. "Well," he said at last, "you ve rot a kind mitren here. They say that Mrs. Green" n "I have no mistress at all now, the newcomer interrupted in a com plaining voire. "At home I beloneu to a sweet little gir. Here I belong; to a horrid rounh boy. He pinks nic up by the ear! I've never been treated no rudely in all mv life.'" "Ohl" taid Jimmy Rabbit. "So you belons; to Johnnie Green, eh:" The white bunny nodded. "Who's your owner?" he asked his caller, . Jimmy Rabbit looked surprised. " haven't anv," he replied. ( "I suppose nobody wants you, the white person went on. "Bcinp a common wild rabbit, you're not the sort that people care to have for .1 pet. A pink ribbon wouldn't look stvl'sh asrainst your yellowish-brownish coat," Jimmy Rabbit grunted. "Kibbom," he said, "are not my style. You won't find many of ns country creatures wearing such gew gaws." . . The stranger w inced at Jimtny a speech. "We don't use. words like that in the village." he murmured. "We talk very elegantly down there." "Why don't you p b.vk there, then?" Jimmy asked the white bun ny bluntly. "I would if I could; but how can 1?" the white stranger retorted. "Can't you see that I'm in a sort of cae?" "HukIi! I could dip my way out of that quickly (iiuiirIi," Jimmy Rab bit declared. "Look! Do you see that corner over there? Johnnie Green's wire floor doesn't cover it. Get to work, friend, and you'll be out hire with me before you know it." "Pardon me!" said 'he white bun ny. "I didn't know 1 a friend of yours." "Well, you are." Jimmy told hint gallantly.' 'You're a ttiend ol mine, ind I'm a Iriend of yours." The while centlcmau looked doubtful about llul, '1 never had anv friendi who wrre. common wild rabbit," be re-narked. "I don't know my friend down in the vill.iKC would i.iy li they utf me talking M you," "They'd v ymi were huk" Jimmy Kahtitl tai.l l.ntlv. I ' U 'l Ibr truth, be w.n hrKimiini; ! loe (Minnie :tli tin- f i iikv !t.uiiiit, Sliil, J (tine v ili'ta't I ke to ec "' bmty tooped llli ' ' a i ,e "I I' l l imi how to tijif," be luiuiubd Jidiiour t.n rn' in pet. "D,loliry ainl d rf way on.," I'-ut li e l,imtv pel betiUti d. Il l(l( I .i . n at I. in -v. I. ' (iu't il' Wilb.Kil fjrtl,i uy u gninv. ee ii'ih!o I l it v i A bt'b tiM llU'fh f.miHv h' ile I 1 1 1 f-r l li'il and I uri lie ill I'll1 li h hi 411V 41. i' "t i"'i eifi tm I n i f , i, a i t' )--'i'll I' -!! klitus l-.ff iff (ill tl I'.-'i ek. t .! t mil I i. imi in id jni it ' ' ( .I I tl' In i1 V l i ' ii ! i''.b mh,'i," O"' h- hum. (M KlHI "l.llH l t!i. . l. V. t M IU' 'im I '.ti in u. i i!n i i ! ! . ! 1 1 . i i , I , k i . in i , i i- , ' 'It . i . I a ii 1,1 , i i I W I I. -