111K OMAHA Till KSI. , Er.l'TK.MI.Mt n. r.';'-'. . 4 T 4 M ..-Ok. ev.Mr.Bmkncr f to Prcacli Views of New School j,.f!i,in . the liil.Ic and that teryi WUfJ ) II Mat Llll4.l) iiu' My Hi. . It. ..11 ut Iimiuij'iI Ii. Irrti Jar : ji.j. i(ii.u wiih and t.1.in i ij ,i.(iii. I I t'fhciaU, pa.tnra, I,".'rf "f( and nhfi 11I the Mrtfcudi.ti Jiuuli !! Other tritmintitii. "Not Typical o( Mtthod. am. ' "frUr trait ki'i I wf.le a I'ttlr , 1. 1 1 if 1 ' 1 in. j lil. t r 'l r ni tn u a lal'rd PaMor It-tir-t I.) .ilrlliIi. n1(jh,r (.!,, 1.111 4H, 4 l-.r i.ti-u 1 I I ilr, tthuh lil.4i1ri Ihr ll.r ! tjttlll n liif la till II I )'! j : I fit irliir, .y Ihr Vihi4.a miirr. , rtit I trHi thl, i4iiWM t I'l J! ll" I 1,141.1 M'lrfl HtKl ! l4ud I'lAIn V uflll kMitotrd l ! It ai I U'Y. l M, il(Ur, M.tl!'l'l ! l-miry nltrrr.l I.. print It l-4inj'li- ,. r IH. wa. .'.., ... ih, rr..!.!'1,"," M..M,!i.t ho ,u,u . , ' 1 I lint III. I l.i! ( til ill I'ImI allupr inni.in,,, Itn i.ri4U.r lie 1 I j( ,llt ,, , ,rfUl ,ju, , f.ii i.!lii in irrUiii 11 lit lil 1 Mril,,,,!i,t Ihhi!. alnmat without, the liihlr," iird lint ttaleilirnl )! ; t iri.l..ii takr ihr iin.itinn nl the! Iifiljy liwriiiini: lit 4" I ii.ii!rril tnw i.l llir (Mile "I 4111 U d what I am amnf t.i 4ml thr findi.ni nl n I 1, mi in .'"ill flu,' f.ir at in.ilnij 4 inii.it. I ) irniiit y Inr inil yit knnw. I havr rmt tnj n t-J 4! -Ihr aitinll n the iliraka run. Jul) ir 4.' y4it and my pruiiiul ft rrin r 111 nrrkiiitf j 1 1 1 1 1 v to nine In hiinie fnf j'.li hunting It there luic ; inr without toal i Iml typD'al ( liii.L-w Ini.iaJ ' Method in. It tlnivtt the mnirr- c : , Mjny Srrrrlly Hf I r in Dik Iritifk 1 1 KtMltlllll-. riiif i. il ii r-t'hiiiK 'Mik uulir in ill.- mil ii.ln .11.4111 1. 1 t lift. tun liim,jM in ihr Mrlliinli! i Inn id. j " mriiilur ul Hili"i Miuii' 14I1HUI, mIiiiIi 11 i iiiiiinr l.iliil 11 ir I11r111.nl Milium! tiul, l'. to tnr ; w ilhill Iritllt '4I: 'I iilii"r jwliitt ti ilu. Imt llii-ir i tin lif jliirinr; Vui 1 j'U aliiiiit it 4II flic I turn 411. 1 I jv iiiii li 1 it admit it.' 1 li4Vr I141I i.i . if l. trj.liir t4 ll) 111-, 'HI all I., lull 4 (lit ll.i, (.III I Vkr- ln linl luluvr il H l.rl Inr til' iiliudlt nr ttu- niimiiuii loll, ! my anythn k,' 4I10111 11 'In mIik'Ii I rrj.lv, 'wlul it tic IHr (if il KKH'K li'l K'liil rm riit tn i niiih llir win III;' " I lirrrlurr I inli il'l l' prrjitl in)Krrivr Chi Ili4inty lr llir test tij my life." (ilnlllillj! fur (illililn tl Nmli'il ul llniiif SoriHy An n;iiral inr iL.thntif Inr lulilrrii, frmii iiiunit lo 17. W4 tiuMr yrttrr iiy by Hrv. H. H K.ill ul thr Sr Iil4'l,a llililrrli' llullir xx irl), llotll KirU' ainl lin) ' rlnthiiiK it m rilnl. "U rn l ived 55 lumii U !. cliililrrn thit Miimnrr, inol of llirni ili'stitnlc in fury .ircl," aiil Hrv. HtU. "We Il4l ( hliy thrill lirv cln'lliliK. which ilrplrti nur fiiniN. Srvrral rpiiuiiprl liii.iiil;il (ate. (till u licinK . . I i i ... t .. 1.. I. ... :n thr. Mont 4li.4(tory rcu!t. irrmro ir a rrunKi-.i im hi imn w... krnirHv cmitain. no lurmiul in- .Kf- rciiirM, thiit .loiutnl irr-i.rnU ami nhoul.l fir usnl Bhm ! cUhwif he unit t.i tlij- .mirty o the kiilnry. need attriitiiin. K"'. f"""' Omaha l-a" I'.uild- Sold hy Shrrman & M. ( onnrll and A' ifin luiiMinK, l nii-niih .11 i... ,ir,,.,,.i. SaiiH.t,. krni and lliidur slrnn. on rfi ipt of 10 ffntt. Warlif r' Thr un lcty hat I'l lialiirn for Safe krinrdii'li Co., Utpt. 481, Ko- j adiiption, at iircvnl, and nrvrral old ihrstrr, N. Y. rr ilnldrrn, too. Don 't Take Chances In Shoe Repairing Yout feet are your best friends. Why house them in shoes that were formerly comfortable, but owing to faulty repairing, have been made impossible? W know how t rupalr thog. That't our bnti' n. Mall oidort gWii quick 4trvk. Standard Shoe Repair Co. 1010 Farnam SI. Down.lalri. 'My rim I mink, will lir i tuiilinur 1. 1 lafaill nd ti 4i II thr irw nl tlif lirw ti Iiih.I of ri-ii)( 'Hi' Hi'inhi, "t mil J'l f4r uri'1 i "4 a .land .4il'r and lnliiml in the A in- iitrii r. The Importance ol Healthy Kidneys Mjny in .in. t.iln i.jit in annil4' t..,n nf Iniirl, 4iid a iininlii r air active in rliininaliiiK llior .iirliiin nl thr food wliuh arr iml takrii inln thr lihlild Inr llir llphlltllllllK ul thr hmlv. Of Ihr rliinin-ilivr nrnm. llir kid nry arr nl iiujnr iiiiinitanrr, anil krr ii 1 1 . t tiki ly In he (ivrwnikrd and lirrnmr iliM4-nl. Whi n lli Ii it llir r.itr, varimit Irmihlit of i ilinr.lur and rliiiiniHlivi- i h.irai lr m eiir, 41 id in h trmihli arr to frequent and u roiiinion tlul il it 4hnlulrlv nrirt ,ry to find tomr rrlirf. Warnrr't te Kidnry and rr Remedy wa coinpoiindrd 50 yrart ago ti hrli rjn,ilie thr work of hoth kidmyt and liver. How uoetilul il ha been is rvidrm t'd hy it widr-tprcad ! and il :ilur i altrsird hy an imnirnr mimhrr id apprrcialivr liters who lliroiiKli lhe many ytart liavf put il to the nrvcrtut ti tt with .Medical (lollejre Alumni to Take Up Pediatrics lift li. hi of I ff ict-r tt Hi j II. I.l ll.ur.ilj. Willi Din. I llT Djlirr ut I'ii liM.ltllt I in l-niiiK. 1 . I IV'l.j'll, will Ihl'llp) I 111 k'li-jllt p4il 1. 1 tndav'a tcKimi ill ihr rhrak4 mriii! .iliimtu m-iimihii hull at ihr l'nirrii lni.piul f)i. ill, M. I I41.4I.411, dun nl Inial prd'4lrn laiit, will Ir4. I In r'llinl lahle din ikm.iiI, fiiUntt mg . lniu hriiii. Ilr, llnwji.l Il4iiii!liiil and III. di-nigr I Inilmi lirr will dii ii- thr 1 4inr thi lite Sti'Krr) of llir j.iKi will he thr i.ilhirtU ni lliMtnl J, F, Smilllirrn ami J H 1U.ni1, ninli.v, Ilr, I'd t'i, Pttir Xv99 ar kiaai iluh.c$ a. 9mm pmm tmm aa ff.Mf tog bmwdl mm' thip imtfm a . r ' Ihmy'ri mil num. mm1 4mm4rl' I t 'ii lw. Dr I rji.U M Ittiilm it Mil ri4ine I'l wind m'i I I It. 11. n oi iihi.it i il rdiihil nr ,4 i. in. tiiila). V timiitr iIjiuc si ' the J11M fhih it ihr rwiimn ru 'tffaui. I'r. I'dw4rd K'nhll nl W'atir- Inn, la, j'lr.ldint. will ;n,4k, I I mat rtainit wilt he I mljy nmiii. ing in l"niertity ho.piul Il.it, Dry UVjlltrr Saws i low.i (Itirn I rmii l'rol r Mi. ilu , I 1 , S. pt I " - He fr lit Iml, ill) wtnthrr h.nlind thf llUIUtltV lit nM4 null tll'll 1I14I ninlr thtfll l' r t i nt II l re4ily .ilr Irmii lum, i luitr 1 1 . Hrnl, linn tnr nl ihr t.tr w4lhi r I 4111I irn(i teitii'i i.itrt'm hit wnklv i hiill.-iiii tint.!) Ilr 4i, hiiwrirr, ! llul it i hrlitvi d tli.it thr crii h.l 1 hri II .linliimd tiiim-w h:it hy I'iih jprriiutiiir riprniiia partiiiiUily ill , thr iinrlhriil and jlriu rmintirt. ! V U ,t ir, I I... Im .l. 1'i-r it fcil.ir iiiti-i 'I In hllUK gnnd it Ixllir rrullt a you will trilnr tlriiiiuh anv other Omaha lirw p.ipi t - or in. mi y r liimlt'd - nut at Irt ri i WW A I 1 w . 20 I 2 4 ticvet tasted Com Plaices so . joyously fovored, so m8pycivmcby as Kellos That's why bij and little olki who know the differ ence insist upon KELLOGG'S! The thing to do is to make comparison Krllogg's against any other kind of corn flakes you ever atel If it's quality, or all-the-time crispness or delicious or appetizing flavor you want well, just wait till you eat Kellogg'sl And, what a da light to know they're never leathery! You'll get so cheerful about Kellogg's that the day's best hours will be when it's time to sit down with the family in front of generous bowls all filled most to burst Ing with those big, sunny-brown Corn Flakes I Never was a better time than tomorrow morning to prove that KELJ.OGG'8 ai m i,orn Planes are aDour trie "giaaaesi 'KQJUUjff' of all good things to eat." - 1 rnlCTFD Insist uPn KELLOGG'S the I kind in the RED and GREEN rack COR"' II aKe yu want to know how won rl kWS II derfully good corn- flakes caa be. AmaialT.Z. t 4V 4W mm mm w m m m I rnm l aV a m mm Mm m W m 9 i r mm m m at mm mm mm mm mmw "Sk" . mom MMW sW. mW CORN FLAKES Ab mJkm f KEUOGCS UUMBLES aai KELLOCCS BIIIT. rnAti ui VrwmUU ptATiOH FLAVOR ?20L I UT1S For Baking Purposes 1 XTr5 A For Baking PurPIeT ws jy "-S" , Z Gray Labtl Puritan Hop ThvortdMalt Sugar Syrup has the Green Label Of Course You Will Buy Some Malt Extract HPHE only question b which malt extract willyoubuy? Gooo malt extract is made out of choic No. 1 malt barley. It is fllfoj with j"-grt rich with mal and almost fjf frvm moisturo. A cheap malt extract, on the other hand, is law in suirsr enntrrtt ana fljj in ntl valu lcaiw it ii ftHj with moisture and adult. rrtl with fhnari mm. Such i malt extract U of no earthly valu even after yoa hav bought it. And ith Iuritan yoa can have your ehok of two prwluct. Yoa can get the plain Puri tan Malt Extract with the separate packapre of hopa that are press wj tc keop them fresh: or you can get the Puritan Hop Flavored Malt Sujrar Syrup, which is the same rich malt extract already flavored with imports Bohemian Hops, Buy which ever yoa are used to, but be sure you ak for Puritan if yoa want the best result, There is no rca.n for eiprimentiriy in buy. ing malt xtr.wU bevau; I'unUn H the at.tnHanj all over the world both la tonnlity ana m w prvt. So ask for and rtfmarjt PURITAN MALT Hofinaforta Qr Plain Extract With Sur Syrap ur FreK PmeJ Hopt afor SaU at Alt GooJ 5for 41 JTKPE COMMISSION CO. Omaha, NW. J "NT1T' yV rlX : n ra 1 i m i.viiic- i i uua i 1 vtn . - m aw t i -v.- m t -v. t - . v. ' . . '" -i -( s h w a. . ' I Sf w mm i ei 5 Ul TTT ltll .1 v5 - k-4 J , .. .... i . . A Store Created for You "The Greatest Service to the Greatest Number" is ever the aim of this Institution. That is why people look upon it as a store where they may come with the assurance that they will always find just what they want at its fair price; where they will be promptly and courteously served by well-informed salespeople; where they will be cordially welcomed and always made td feel "at home"; where they may freely come to inspect new and seasonable merchandise without the feeling that they will be pressed to buy. This is the kind of a store that wc have created for you; each day ve strive to make it better. IJURGESS-NASH COMPANY A Few Pertinent Facts About the Burgess-Nash Store The materials used in the construction of the building are the best obtainable. The building itself is modern in every respect and fireproof throughout. The display windows, facing on three thoroughfares, Seventeenth street, Harney street and Sixteenth street, extend a length of mpre than two city blocks and carry G,000 square feet of plate glass. There are approximately 60,000 square feet of Wilton carpets used on the floors in the sell ing sections. Main entrances to the store on each of the three thor oughfares, Sixteenth, Seventeenth and Harney streets. Fixtures are of solid mahogany or mahogany veneer throughout the main selling sections. It is estimated that on special days and during the holiday season the number of visitors averages 60,000 daily. Here are some of the features of this store: Eight Elevators to serve you An Emergency Hospital on the Xinlh Floor Women's Heat Room on the Third Floor "Ask Mr. Foster" Service on the Third Floor Free Check Stand for luggage on the Main Floor Hranch Postal Station on the Main Floor Hank where checks may he cashed on the Main Floor Men's Harber Shop on the Mezzanine Floor Children's Harber Shop on the Mezzanine Floor An Auditorium on the Fifth Floor Public Telephones throughout the Store A Heautiful Tea Hoom on the Seventh Floor A convenient Cafeteria in the Downstairs Store Tlit-M and many otlu-r tVatuivs an at your m ix iff wlu-m-vtr ymi iit Omaha. Durintr AK-SAIM.KN "time t'spt cially, we ex. tend to ymi a ino,t cordial invitation to make our store your head quarters. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Burgess Burgiss'iXush Com pany Open a Charge Account Webster .says. "Credit is the reputation and in ' fluence derived from the c on t i tl e n c e of others." Have you ever thought how much a recognized credit standin"; benefics you, your personal in fluence, and importance in y o u r community? The power of credit is immeasurable; it is the foundation of business success, of the world's commerce, and, upon your own credit de pends personal pros perity and the happi ness of your home as well. Before a business, or a person, can establish hU credit, certain informa tion must be furnished. Men in business who realize the importance of credit give this infor mation cheerfully to those who are to render the credit. Have you evi-r thought of establishing a credit rating with this store and trading with us on a charge account? Your credit once estab lished with The I!ur-gess-Xnsh Co. will bp of value to you in other trading tenters. (live it serious consider ntion now. Hundreds of worthy folks are es taldishing a t'iot -class credit standing with this store and find it n pleasure and u conven ed! e to trade w it h us on a chargp to'cottnt. In order to arrange the t'in!iioiin ilctatN. our Credit Manager on the ith f'nnf, w til ! jrUd t.i! it o vr w tl h mi at n- time. timiimaiiumitiiiiiiuiiiitiiutiiiiiiiiii mm. EVERYBODY STORE