To Have Been In Omaha And Not to Hare Visited The Brandeis Store, Is Not to Have Been in Omaha at AIL That is counted one ff t tic "familiar quota tion" of this city. The Hraudeis Store rover ten htorit ft each floor comprises .11, MS square feet of space, hesides k 4.t,(HR) Mpiure foot hasenienf. Within thin striN'turo ninety four departments cp ernfe. Seventy of these arc to lling departments, every one of them wi ll equipped for eomplete service and well pro vMeil wit Independable in e r c h n inl I hp. The huildintr Mauds as ii permanent memorial to the business foresight arid sagacity of the founders of J. I. Branded & Sons. More than that, it is a reminder that they had Mif faith in Omaha at ft time when there were those whose faith was like unto a mustard need. There were men w ho . faltered where the founders of thin frreat institution went forward. They went forward with a hoiik in tlx ir heart, building for the Omaha of the future, which, in all it present greatness, stood ever clear within their well de veloped vision. You will he interested in 8 tour through The Brnndeis Store and we assure you of a cordial wel come. You will he charmed with the rearrangement, captivated ly the striking beauty of the many improved departments and delighted with tho enthusiasm and pride displayed by everyone connected with this great institu tion. If you buy, you will be richer in treasure. If you merely look at the ninny improvement and partake of our own boundhss enthusiasm, you will imbibe of the spirit of The lirandeis Store's pioneer; you will go away with greater faith in Omaha; you will have greater faith in the progress and prosperity of the country generally. This will provide an even greater treasure, for the real treasures of life grow in our own abundance in the meas ure with which we share them with others. J. HR AN DEIS & SONS. Wool Knickers For Boys 1.65 Just a dandy pair of knickers and of much better material than we've been able to p;et for a long time at this price. Every pair is lined through out, and well made with double button at knee, watch pocket, hip pocket, belt straps and every thing a regular pair of knickers needs. A pair of these in good dark blue, brown or gray mixtures, with Sonny's old coat, will fix him up fine for school. All sizes 8 to 18 years. Our big department devoted to Boys' Wear is filled with attractive clothing for real boys, and everything is reasonably priced. Fourth Floor Housefurnishings I .lertric I urliiui Inne Kully guaranteed: i.iug " Smu.1I d.:- 1. 00 l.Wtrle linuMe "im L. H- titr t" "iii l.'M frtMii oi ieul..r nm-kH : .-!' Ul, IWW kerr Msmmi Sell Si'hIIiik Fruit Jiim , p c la I demonstra tion Thursday; utile muutU jn: Pint si?, (loi, 1 ,10 yt. ni.'.v, doi... I.'J.'i ll.ilf-galnn ! i "'" 1 .7t :4'4&Z r V. t'ervnUtof lir. finUh, hifhi; (ulUSit l . !t. VSe 11 J lmb. )tMitf Hirl tt i'mfit Ilk iltil. arid tp: ( ut Wllf UI. Mill l'r- A . tsuili tt.t un tnd;. r '! Ur I TS l t, h Ul tt I.itt Thursday Ou. Own Importation of Beautiful Beaded and Spangled Robes and Tunics At y3 to y2 Less Than Regular Prices licautiful patterns worked out with beads or .vpangles in lovely designs, from the simple and dainty to the extremely elaborate. The foundation is of firm silk net. They are cut on lines to suit the approved mode for evening wear and re quire but little work and material to transform them nil gorgeous evening gowns. In Distinguished Black or Brilliant Colors Orange, Rose Royal Blue, Jade Green, Wliile There are styles to suit every taste and every type of figure. One of these robes purchased now mav be made up fn time for the Ak-Sar-Uen Ball. Priced in Two Groups At 17.50 At 27.50 Worth 25.C0 to 35.00 Worth 39.00 to 50.00 Main Floor Center ftp MM ) V- )a New Cloth and Silk Dresses $25 IJndeniablv s m a r t are these frocks, in authentic new fash ions sponsored by foreniost designers. Canton Crepe, Satin back Cantons, Rosh anara Crepe and Poiret Twill are the materials chosen; in black, of course, and many in brown and navy as well. Sizes for women and misses. Second Floor. The New Cloth Coats at 39.7549.75 Feature Beautiful Fabrics and Fur Trimmings A beautiful as sortment of coats each with a touch here or a bit there t h a t makes it a little out of ordinary. Fashioned from the newer nile fabn. such as Iloliosa, Marconi, Arabella, MarWn and tin always beautiful Mnrvell.-i and fiorona, in tbe impoi tant fall shades brown, navy and black predom inating. Caracul, beavc1', fox, wolf or squirrel form luxurious and warmth iv in? collars and, in many in stances, cuffs. Sizes for women and misses. Second Floor Ill n k'r ,)iIl'A j Sale of Wicker Furniture At ONE-HALF Price Sixty-four hts (if wicker furniture are to be iIommI out at exactly one half price. The sehvtion include Rocking Chairs Ann Chairs Flower Stands hi a number of attractive In ivory, frosted brown, Maui' (. :md natural color. $18 Fiber Arm Chair or Rocker A chMiii- t.f ltc ilitlVrriit Mttynn in ivmy, fntM lnn nnl Manila Ihhiwh fuu.u; !l h.iu-j-l'iinc UiU.mi with . itislii.iu M'at and uphoUtcrcd batki ccrvd in crl"tjc ( A A 7.50 Rattan Arm Chairs, n.7.i I 9 00 Kattan Rockm, I. ,10 5.75 Rattan CM Chain, 2.S7 Stvrnth I ' four An Invitation to Ak-Sar-Ben Visitors Make the BrandeU Store Your Headqudrtfri isitor just arrivinif in tnun may fome to The Mrandci Store immediately and find e'ry comfort. Bundles and Luggage Checked I'-meltr and hand In may ! cheeked, conveideneoi may lm found for wftoliitiK nnd "frenlieiiinir up" m that yu may i?o out into tlit city feeling well groomed and ready to meet your friend-i. Vour letter to th folk at liome may he written lierp and cards addressed ami mailed. Banking Conveniences Tim flank located on tin; Main Floor Went. Rest RoouiB Vou are irnited to vinlt the new Ut Roouu on the Tenth floor. Tin y have lieen fitted up for your comfort and convenience. Dining Rooms There it a magnificent dining room and mcn'a grill on the Tenth Floor, while on the Main Floor i a cafeteria and aodn fountain dining room to kuit every taste and pocket hook. Mail Facilities Strangers who have not decided on n place of residence in Omaha can have their mail ad dresM'd to Station 17, which in located on the Main Floor Went. They may call fr their mail there. It is a reg ular Fnited States postoffiee, Shopping Made Easy The Transfer SyKtem cart he ukc-P to great advantage, when time counts. The whopper may make purchase in any department and good w ill he sent to the trarmfer desk, where xhe may pay for them all al once. The purchases will then ho delivered to the home town free of charge. Information Desk The Information Desk on the Main Floor is always ready to supply any needed information. Sale of Womcn'i) New Fall Hats 8.95 Charming now hats in panne velvet, now the season's vogue. The. richness of this material makes these hats most becoming to everyone. Large brims, either straight or rolled, mush room shapes, trieornes or turban novelties and off-the-i'ace models. BLACK BROWN HENNA CANNA OLD BLUE NAVY RUST CRAY in fact, all colors. The selection is large and the lot, for popular priced hats, is thf season's best. Second Floor East Glass Utility Sets of 4 Nested Bowls 39c ''or mixing up a salad dressing, for holding left-overs in the icehox and a dozen other purposes, these, howls ore a convenient, size. Crystal Marmalade Jars Of clear blown glass, beautifully cut and hand tinted; complete with colored spoon; OO Fifth Floor East each, Long Silk Gloves, 95c Seconds of the Letter quality; lfi-hutton length ; nil de sirahlc shades to finish out the season; douLle Qf tipped fingers; I. fx) value; per pair, DC Main Floor North Brassieres Corsets A grmip of spceialn ou odd Ms and divei.n titmed iiuiiiIm ih at prices greatly h.u.ttd t effect quick rlearaner. Nemo Circlet Brassieres In JerN.y, M!k Lroch and all-over lve; d ni'd'N M'e 111 to !; ftU, ;f,n f 5,4,1 Special, reh, Boyshform Bandeaux A Lrokcn ..t, in firm hri.etn and p!mn matvri aU; 1 M nod J ,V value SjveUI, raoh, Corsetj An ixld L-i f w,l ima.U e..rt, mH Mine, Ijra, Amernan l y m h ut t .V m. Jiijudl I in U.w and loph-w md,t in hoth f4ii"y and !Uln maUrUUi a'l '"i mii-mhh rnir.f iuppnri, r 1 I l 'otiUnitid 1.85 59e well U filth foorlt'e .t ThitJ Fhn?r-S'jtth I