THE OMAHA !U:i:. TMl'KSDAY, 11. l'.CJ. il Klcanor (iuy Trots to New Stale Record l)ju;:)ifrr of t.OlllllU Pilot (Iuy Axworthy Around Trickin J:0.' 1-2-ln-trtftifif Program. By HARRY K. WHITTED. "The .Wl.tkV J 12 tr., f.,r a ptirf of $!,'", tlir tllt rif uii llir pK'Krjin (I Ihf m-roiitl day' lirur ntrrtmu t t lie!iMi traik fur tiittird thr n al Oirilk i the tlav. 'I hf tune nu'le hy I Ifanor fiuy, a nur K'i'iii? mare liy (iuy Axuorihy, i"t.ili luhnj a new itaie recot'l in tlie f ir t In hi. J.iiS'i. A I way, it liay mitre liv IVtrr tlir "ri" it, aiiil driven liy Unify Thinna of OtttHha. drew llic jn-tt- in (tie fir-.! lieat and tonk the lead into the fn' turn, Tiny rated in a IhiihIi iimiI after the half a aMied. Tlim ('apt. Mushy, a hliy KeldniK hy ("id. Monhy, driven hy "Hunnr.v" lh it l Iiiiiii;i;iuIh, lit out a few Ii.lii. rrtniinu mound on the ontsiile, and iiiakii'tf a lard try through tin stretch, llut he hark a hit too far, placing thud w:tli Klranor (iuv winning and I lipid A il)i!iK'ii min ing in ,eeiin. Vrila. Watt hv (iiii. Wain hnke hadly oil tin- iii.t turn, then tiam'ied ii on the hack strcti !i in a d.izring lnr-t of speed, only to K' into (he air a.iin uii the lower turn. She oi ihout a mile vv In u she iloei hr .;k, ami was (Jintnnci'd in the fir-t heat, The ijiinrten in thi this mile, the fasti st of the d.iy, were: :l i4; 1 HI ' i ; l..M!i and 2:05.', The Triumph in Front. In the second heat (.'!)' took The mit in front early in the (Mine, and w:i leading hy a IoiikIIi at the half. A u i " Al! n turned on the ya with (apt. Mushy around the lower turn and through the stretch, mming to (lie front in a hard drive and winning the heat hy a (lose margin. Child had The Triumph right there at the finish, and I .omnia was also ram in p last with Klranor (iuy. Child heat him out hy a nose for secon I place. In the third heat Haldemau took I'r nee Homlsniaii, a hrown gelded son of The I'omKinan. away sizzling at tlie word ami wan leading ;it the 'inarter, which they reached in M sec onds. ( apt. Mosi.hy was right on his tail, however, and again Allen .stepped on the gas on the lower turn. The I r 1 11111 r 'h gave Moshy a hard race through the utretch. hoth coming r'ovvn next to the raif, and looked to have a chs'ire to win the heat, but vent off h's feet 1'tO yards from the wire. I-mm then in Allen eased up, winning handily with Kleanor Guy in second place and The Triumph in a how position. 1". 4 Five Starters in 2:17 Pacei ' ; l ive starters took the word ih the first heat of the 2:17 pare, "The Iowa," for a purse of $1,0(10. The hottest finish of the day was in the initial heat of this class. Fred Kgan, driving N'eita I'atih, a hay mare hy J ;in L'ateh, 1:55, drew the guide posi tion at the start but dropped hack m the first turn ami was in about fourth place at the halt. Around the lower turn L'.gan shook up the daughter of the world's champion, coming around on the outside, the long route. The first four horses raced almost abreast up the .stretch, with N'eita winning the heat hy a nose. Radio second and Whiskfast in third place. Again m the second heat Kgan took his mare out in front from the start, with Nellie llesure pushing him out. But the mare ran' out of steam by the time the three-quarters were reached, Ribbon Cane and Whifkfast .furnishing the real fight for .(econd place with the former winning hy a short length. Nellie llesure finished last. Ncita l'.'itch was leading the field again in the third heat when they it ached the quarter and was trailing (lose up on the rail when they passed the half. Thy hid this position until they headed into the stretch, when Roy Owens pulled Ribbon l ane out and set sail. They came down the stretch, both swinging their whips freely, and Owens was aide to nip the daughter of Dan Patch at the wire hv a nose. The time was 2:07 1-2. Frances Rares Up. Only four entries came out in the 2:20 "tiohleiirod" trot, for 3-year-olds and tinder tor a purse of $000. Hoy Owens drew the l'avne. a hav cot by Gen. AVatt owned hv F.d Mattison of 'I he iield got away to a fine start, v nil vt ry little scoring and were well hiinchtd at the half. Morgan shook Moore Wei thy. a chrsiiut geltimg hy . ir'ah.ui ,uorth. out at the head BRINGING UP FATHER rfmt urn, irt JlMl ASO MaUalfc IN fVll rAcc or colons in me .i'mu b H& 13 A UCTTCW TftOM CUR ACCNT AtooT OUR TRIP TO JAPAN HE. HAi AWQANCCD rO US TO VTG AT HONOLULU C L Q tm iii rAfwt tvitt. tic m s(LU- Lffj CO TO WOviR. .O to nov.1. r - smOw! , Li ALL i6HT' D JUJT A tLEro A"j At : VA'aJ? V 8 i wSSfL ; Drawn for The Omaha Bee by MrManui HH.i.hl I'.'.'l r; ir rrnt n illS 1 kfli a lm'i ij CUT OUT H'mCiUlO O ' II r mmmi f 1 Mi JblIowiti8Horse5 Today's Race Program Til I HO KAV Ilariiru, J II I'urr: Tt Alt l lrm. I'urM t,.yuu. Hum. K'l Ptl'in.ii Hl lire, K'l r. O'tun ll. Vitn lOmitra n.i'i'y ii mi a l'-k Knurl- ll-ll. W M Wrmhl Qllt'fl DhlK, llrpirr HilllV'tll, l.tjii Jloow. J K l'r(iiti. H iimli'trnr lllnitrn. Chnrlra tf ir-llr iutitft-nw.i'Ml Ji . I ir 1, A. Iirrihoii. l.nty M , H nry 'l'h-inr. LftiiihiiN llir ii-'i. .1 Hi-liurrlrcn. lUfllr... VilM Trul, I'uru II.IHK1. I-I"if JO. J. I'. I.Hrlnioir, Hkytw kl. il II. Il-iwar-l r'rv Wiitlirwii. Ilriiry Tholngt Annit vilru li-n Morgan. '-lrr Ahi-i'iM, ilruixv Koainll. immi'tiu 1 1 r. k, II. il. I'nry. Jt-i-iitniha. W. i. Iluruliorn. MnrnrM, 1:1 fare. 1'iira W. Mftrtin lu i r-1, . 1. u JnhiiNun. i'Miivuo'.il. Hnry Th'-nini -I...M MiiM Mm W. I. K'-rrnl I.Hililir I'nic h. J. 11 Hyun. Hi.ll Zri I' i, Wnrmn I)-ihi.. J.mi lM(uir. a, r: l.ti lit'su. Ul'liii Krri. K l llolli-l. lUrnm, II tn Vmrr: Curnliuiikrm. I'ura turn. Ttlnkl Heir, Ai-inm MrtlonuM. FIi.i -ri"- if-'l, V i Kthrrtr At Max-I. K l. tl'iuiil. N;.l, 1 I. Nrl.rrn linrnr tiiiMc, 1 "in Klilif-n Hnipy Jii.- -t i.r. Muiinliif, H rurluii. I'ur.r 4iMI. Tlifr-i r-OliU and I p. fSTT 'n , tt :.7l fuh i.f Hi-. I II" i;n "I' vt.irii , n: . .. I 'I' W Aln II" :il Mil. Mrrllttc it: I7'l Hum W rhlr it: i :!;?) I '! Mir-.inr I': iT.t 'Hurry llu-IO'r II'- 1 r.t-4 Klr-llrr full II'. ! 7 lull I'iarkurll 1 1 i l.'Mtl Curl Hub-Tin Ill 1:1111 r..ifi.i.t lit. Al.i' i n.- wctah it: .... My li'ii-k n: Trilllirt ..Hit I'piHk tniry. HiinnliK, Una Mllr: fall Kr.llral Drrby. I'urM S.VMI. .... r'nihrrin Marrnnti 1"2 1P74 l,r,i.,. 112 Ailrlltla 1. II- :,h:k Kryir'i I I i. ii. in il I Krt 1U J. II. Karl I'ruin :Altriiiit to 1'ny l)tlt hy I'iu! W-k' Tour Almiailj Kiuii Sule (.! Stthad In live week that J. It. It.llien. '1 he rfToits id C, C, "Oad" Ifen Oir.aha aiitoiuohilc man, vt.n mltliuks, nwuer of a (hiikm dinner Furupe lie avv Kiiik (ieorge V an-l tdace near Ak-Sai-Ilcn lit Id. to pay the prime of Wa!c jictionally on off a $700 mnitnaxe mlfrrcd t el T heir private y.nht; had i chat withjbaik when he vva unestcd yeteriUy M.itluld.1 Mi i-rmirk-, liani ee r.f Ma by diiiity nhrriflt, who ay they Osier, and attended the irt retiliio-i , found ix pints of liipior and a gallon oi tin- ii.insin laiuiiy in m years in ! cmiiainer partly tilird with "hootch in Ins place It II I II T I II I uhvh fey l iMiiuhascn. Mr. Hansen returned limine ytster day. He alo met his hro'her-in-law, Cant, (iutthard of the Danish n.ivv, In the basement a toiiiid a can containing currency and silver. .Sheriff Clark says "Dad" mutes. ed' lie tiyniK to 'ill the liiiuor to y.l.o lost two vcc!s to the Germans i pay olf the niirtn.iKe. diirinif the war and nine was taken "Dad" and "Lone Star" Hans were pr.soner for refusing to give food- held up in the latter! shack a few tufts to ships. 'months U" Iiiroiiii' Tu Tliinl Onarti-rly lnslallmrtit Due ruiiiiu i (v '1'he third qnarteily in .tallnient of the illiollle tax for I''-' I is ill U or bif'.ir niidiiKht, tuiiiiiiiow, .Stp'i'in ber 15, A. li. Allen, colli , t-.r of in ternal revenue, anuoumis. I in rccrive notne dots not it-ln-v.- I'xnaver of hi nbl watioti in tiay on time, the official eltildusics. I tie to pay the installment render I lined Monday. I the whole amount due and ti.iv.ible ii I ion demand from the i ol'i . lor. J. I'. )i,.I-.'k Daiinhlt r Wi-.l. Detroit. M ill . Sept. I.' An-liniilii-iTiiint was iiii-l' today of the ni.iriiniie tf Mrs, U'linlicd l'idi;e (Iiiiv, damthter of the late John F, I Milne, ailioihubile Hirer, tn Wesson SevbiiTii, wealthy rial e-tale Fail- ' di al'-r nl iJiirtiit. I lie wedding oc Yesterday's Results HARNESS RACES. "TIrllrllUll, i ll trot, pur 11,000: Ciiiiln jn.sliy. 1. H hy fulcilittl Unity lAIIrn) i 1 1 Klrni'ir lluy. I), in. by tluy Ai- wuithy il.nomliil 1 -I Th Ii. . by Tim V.n- inn! (I'hii'lrl 2 3 Priie -f 1 tor t1roin. Or. . I.y Tin. H..ll'ln.nnn IMalilrnmnl 4 Altvay, b, in. by I'rlrr thn tlrnat IThiimnil) ' 6 Mlri M-tiliff, b. ni. by Mubrl (.Shlvl-y 1 1 T 6 Vnils Wills b hi. by ilvnrral U.dl O I1HI1.JI.T II Cui'l.l Albinijrii, b. k. by Allilmi'-n (Hurl) 2 "Jr Tlmr: ZilUH: 3 2 "I'-i- I if niuluil In lots inilrl: Kliat hntl, Kl anue Ouy. fJK.S". S 0; 'Uill'a Al- blniirn. 110, SO, 13.60; Caiitaln Jtmliy, 12 I". Sir. in. I hiui. enritmii M"hIj'. IH.dn. $.1 !0. ti ii"; Tli.i Trliiiiipti, 3 ii, il.""i Hl-Hnor iiiiv. lit in. Thiol li.iii, "h oi m n Moby, 2 'ii. IJ tiO: K.liiyior t;uy, 1:1 1'i. "ThM lnvm" i.17 i-uir, pur tl ooO: N.-lot 1-iitih. b. in. by iJan J'atih I Kuan i 1 1 2 million runt', b. in. by I'-'li-r Hufr lnvrlil - 4 2 1 Kaill.i. I1 k. if. by Hilly TwittT llliirl) 2 WhislifiiMl, b, ni. by TnuiipfoKl (llalUiniian) 3 Tlmr-: ::ii'4, 2:"7'A, 2 : 14 . $J iniiiurl balrl: Fli't hrat, Nleta I'm. h $: so. l ""; Rinllo, f:. 70. P.-.-nri'I ll.'iil, N.'ila 1-nt.Ti. 11.4". I2.H0; Itllilmn tianr, til 20. Thiol h.-at, Kllibon Cane, $62". $2 20; Nrlla Patch, $2. 0. -Tin. f.iil.Irnro.1" 2:2(1 trot, 3-yrar-olil ami mtili'l, l-urs.' ItlOO: Mi.oiv Wortliy. ill. K. by Orlallan Axvturlliy (.Vti.ruaiil I A 1 H.-n Hi Ik. b. n. by HinKn 8I1K l llal.m;in) 3 2 2 Kr.'iiu-.H I'iyn b. ni. by Crnorai W :i On (I ilvllll 2 4 3 Cent Maxt-y. b. in. by Julg Hai ry (riiamllrr) ' Tlmr: 2:HVi. 2:H''i. !:IH. 12 mulurli pabl: l-'lrt hrnt, Monre Wi.rlhy, lino, 2.o: Franrra l'nynr, Jit HO; .Hvrnnil hrni. Moorr Worthy. i:i 00, 12 '0; Urn Silk. $.1 I". Thlra hrat. Mooro Worthy, J1.6D, 12.70; Hi-ll Silk. J3.40. RUNNING RACES. First Kunnln Ilarii Six furlonltii. Purse $ iuii. For 3-y. nr-..Uls and upward. I'liOieinn prtr... $.'of- SiniliiiK M n;Ki" '- r.-''orarol, ownrr. .. Bui-nit, won: Pull ri tj.i in IV. Iluthrlrl. ..wnios. Fox X- Johnsnn, arroi.ii : Iir. Ma. lt II i roinrtiirk), ownrr, ". W. Grov.T, thiol i l-ii.ihl'.n (lirl IP. Horn), nwmr. Jra sup Iliiithi-m. r.air'h; Minion l.uwis (H. .... ....r o. r T rtn.l.oi flfrh: Touuh . ......v.. .1.- lt .,r.uul i.w.iur H A .lllllI'M. I Hlxth: riropatra Boy IP. Wilson), ownrr, .1. Kobinnon. s.-vrnlh: -tor Nui:rnt IT.. Hrr rinit). own.T. . P. Salt.-, rishlh; Inillanolii I W. Maniirrpl. ownrr. JnrtinnoU Stable, ninth; Murh tibllard HI ! Marino), ownrr, J). A. Moore, truth: May Moon IT. llryrrl. owner. Mm. Pryrr. alrvrnth. Tim: 24 1-S, 4S 4-5, 1:14 3-S. At post one tnlnuir: iff at 4:81. Two itollar alralaht mutuala paid: .Smlllnn MaK-l-i. II '0 siraiiilit. IS 00 iiiarr ami 12 0 nil 9 i rhi.w; Hsrrmlianr paid 120 pla- and J2 o dlo . N. K Ural paid 12 20 rhov. Hlart HlrHaicllhR- Won easily. M ond aamr. Third sain.- VVTnnrr. bi. it by Jim tjtt-lty-1'u.-lt. Trairirr, h worrrli. FootBallFacts WorlhKnowing o(rl(ttit, mt. Q. Can a nytr of ( ndl k t klriK off kHk lh I, uii a u alii after it baa truv c.el thn r4Uir-i1 Ju ynrd? . So. hhonltl Hiiy iilitr of thff tiiln ItliUInK off kirk tlie Imll the nitijim! ttm II gorn in tit oMniii(f t4fm 4 thitt uuot. KuIk 30, Hrc. 'I, W. May Hiiy yaytr M In Uiotion at th ki-K-off .' A, m. .All tli pl)TN of both tmnifM limy Ii in rnutloii In uny dtreriloii, lniti(Jcd I In- phiyrrN at thi Uv kitkiitK tt niutilfi Imi-k of thi hull uiitJl It i a timl!v ktrk'i unit tlio liir of Hit nUIii rrreituiie rninln tit ItHht 10 unlit tn nlunri of tb point frmn which th hull In ki(kt-l, until It In Hi-ttmliy kirked. liul 8, hfi-. 1, W a tr a pluyer of the kU-kcr'B niife rpcover thn at the kh-k-off hefon any player of the other aide hnn tourtu-d It.' V ria. ( !. .... .l.lll.l flint fa, htiM hn klrkrd 10 yard for- ' wnni. Knit n, rvc. x. Q, Hr'h'TH tn th If n 1 1 put in play fol low mif it toijfhtiHrk ? A. lolloping h toiK'lilifiik, ivnm df f ending uoiil h Ihtb tout hliiu k wiim u-ored, put a hull In pluy Uy nrrtmnuiK nt Ita ?i)-urd Hit. Kulo 13, Sev. I. U- 'an ft t'J til t hr uw n forward pn after rt'icivini,' lh- t.rll on a kick-off'.' A. No, A forwiird piinm van uy hr leffiilly miido from a arrtininng; hy the tram putting the bull In pluy. Kule 17, hec. 3. Jp1 you are contemplating matrimony, don't take the leap until you see Dodger Recruits Recalled. New York, Sept. 1.1. ''line play ers who were placet! out on option hy the Hrooklyn National league club have been rccallcl club onieers announced today. Tht-v included Wallace Wood, an outfielder with the Seattle club in the l'acific Coast league. . .1. ...:.u l- i thnw: Full Attain. Sl'i i-larr pine Willi ' ... I htiw I'r Mai lt. 14 20 .how Ntart aoorl .Watts, w nn ranllv. Srruntl aiuiif Thlr.l ranir Olliaha. i Vlnn-r. rh. .. lv Smil..-Marurrlta 1 I I 11. 'I n i.rrin-'i St.oon.1 Ittllinloir U.uo Mlf hilt Urn.. Kor 3 yotir-.iltla itn-1 ui.vt'ir.t lhat ho. not Hon mi . ra'-r pintr July 1- I ' i ml i'i( prlrr MHO . W i, M.ritnl'.ik H .l.'rr). ruvnrr, K ltrri-'H won: lv.irii.hiin.. ..I 1'. . -ir 1 1 o ) . .. - t II. I ...,.,..,.l V u lll i the .treti-'.i, with Hen Silk by (,, ,,.,,. ..,.,. s n..i. Mi-ui; I'.u-ir. n t- mt, it .l I'V lames K. . t - ! V..!-i-w (l,.n.i..-.i ..n-i. nui-.r.. I A.-niii ! (iiii.ihi, tiia-inq turn outl,,,, n.'r 7i nrnr-i. r fo Tim 14 J V i -I l!ii'i,:v!i tl-i- sireii 'i Cut the i'r, i 1 1 ; v !! 5 . r .. t . ti -1 - I ..i , k.,-:, rii'iv b.i.k,- ?,l ,V m, ,) 1 J'Z re. j e,l I'l.u nl tl-sr-l, with rtances ! t-. . m r n.t w i M.i'iin- I '.IV lie 111 v i .'Ii ! p'.l.e. Ill M .II..Hlht. I.I' ria.a !.! -' M lii ti e tt" .n.I ii. t, tdrv avtam iiot - " --- i I'.v.iy t. a to '"1 i.i !. i.i:l I'i.iiiii- a i I I'.ivne liti'M- ri 4i-r t!v v Kt t i . j .vo-,1 , Wiiil'ivunnllif Dnnm. 1 !-,, v.'th t':r IKur, tl., "li-; piitlmm! tV lOOIIl5 J BR , . ,i:r i '.'.'l i rv -t :.! ivi v, v. in. ; ft t 9 y 1 A .'"n:"v f-i !h-.v,,h iii-th., iVvv-j.-'.ft.'-'! Il K a A. J I ,-r.l iiii it-r f!i- :-, I " i. n.-l , ft., II : .' ' .'i.l '- '' ! f (l i ..tiH.i im.1 H, l Intfrtatui,; Kitf. -(; ),. Il 1 ... v.,.. .;;... ' ' 'ii i'-' .p-'ir KIK1MS f r. - ' . . .,i !.. ' . t i i e l y "'' tf A , i . -. :, .'.I '..ii fi J v '' !. ui j. I Pj . it . ,...,'. i. t .- I . L ' v. ;i .ii v' tv- ' -. "'T "- ,r ... . . .y P- . . i I . . . i. .. - - .r.i .- i t. 1 r . a. it .t i J rr4 I : . !'"'. Ui:;,."'iv:.!.,;;! I: ............ H il .. . r-. 1 MR t -' ) ' "' RM4 l Roam !, fGolFfKcis ! ' tec t I..,. ;.'.' t . . , Il ili..j I I, '-! .f to,tl,cn V I m m m ii MIT ..I A 7T. V" 1 r' m " n -- '- I'" i A I f f.. a a4'4 4 wl... ha. i KliUtt1. 1 1 .. t. M. U .'. . I iinf a, luu. . aa - ... V V -' 111 I'1 i N1 gi)V ' ............ .,,...,, f i m 1,1 .,.. Now Showing RQDOLPH fJ(7i t a a m. mwrmm B, I A VALfcNIINII The Wonder Pic ture off the Year Price: Daily Mutinees . .33 Evening: 50? TODAY -TOMORROW ( a I Timr SUTERIOR SIXACT DILL. a talua fhlui Plav ALEXANDRIA OPERA CO. sim pa i BARGAIN DAY AT IMC 1RU Malta, Oft N11M1, t'kilJr, IM. lilt f Now" Showing M HAROLD LLOYD 'Grandma's fJ - S Five Rfce!" jT ft I Ak-Sar-Ben Field III ' WW I Admission to 1 Agricultural and B Carnival Grounds X VC Industrial Exhibits I Running and 1 SMILES OF '22 I I Harness Races j7 X musical extravaganza H -(plu tax) i AUTOMOBILES FREE 1 ISfgjS I September 12-23 I SEATS NOW ON SALE I i H Beaton Drug Co., Paxton Hotel, Fontenelle Hotel, I E Burget-Nah Co., Exchange Bldg. S. Omaha I THREE DAYS MORE fa NOW PLAYING At ll-l-.VB-T nj o'clock I (Tf13l ' will be filled with I -4r i ' v Wi. r 'w i m 'iKL.I ! ' UV i ' ,S j In Hi First Cr.-i-t ' ! I ,t.I in I t. M.'U i STARTS SUNDAY The Admission to AK-SAR-BEN CARNIVAL Is Only 1 0 Cents Ak-Sar-Ben Field AUTOMOBILES FREE NEW SHOW TODAY Ploner's Alpine Singer Swisa Singers nnd YodVIrr Joe "Jazi" Wil- McQuay A Hazel Mama, "Spicy ton, "Songs anc Syncopation. Dance. " Andrus&Geofgctprr,YooSYir::r:.l PEARL WHITE THE BROADWAY PEACOCK" ORrtlEUM I CIRCUIT VAUDEVILLE Mai. Dally, ZilS Evary Nlfht. 8:13 HARRY CARROLL anii company of 10 in "Varieties of 1922" JafU George Pno Browne Siatprs STAN STANLEY Miat Merla Frank WiUon B. C. HILLIAM Topica ol Day Aasop' Fabla Pathr Nrwa Mat. l.'c, ?Sc, SOc. NtchU ISe, 25c, SOc, 75c, $1.00. When the Easiest Way is the best way about it! there arc no two wavs Marie Mikova PIAKEST .V liKCl'lM. r.KANPKIS TIIKATKU lHiKnnv VMVi ".;'.'. I II "IS Yvtxt . , III. ii S. t Pa Vif 1 TOE 3 mm DK Jaunade EteniaJRaiiie At fl.4 Mtl ,4, fcrttl.. M ' li- It.," MIIISIM I Mil 111 IK li t am '. l(l The easiest way to find ln-lp or a posi tion, a place to live, or a lost article - to sell real estate, used automobiles, nur ehandise in .short to cet what you want at lowest possible cost is to i'se the "U'-irt" Ad columns of The Omaha Uee. The people of Omaha think it is--hundreds of 0k m l ead and use Uie' columns to save and make money -vi ry day, (Jive the !nt and easiest way a trial ival thi- "Want" Ad column of I he Omaha lire every dav - and wlu n oti want to ue on-, call AT-lantic louti'aiid ask for a "Want" Ail taku. Krmunhrr, The Omaha lUv "Want" Adt llring lUtttr Hrmtt at hnmr Co The Omaha Morninu' Ucc THE EVENING BEE Boimfs TMK VAV.UC, OIVINa TO Whiltt ntlenJing the Ak-Sr-Un riicri, krrp in mind th fact that you can purchase home furnithingi at Howe n'l at valun - diving price, whith many of your frirnd are doing every day. Cmployera working to keep down epene, make (hit pofiitle. Ml grade of room-iixe rugt, 9x12 Ax- minstrr. . $37.45 ' VT'. ! Walnut finish Tt-a Wagon, at dropleaf $16.50 Golden or Fumed Round Dining Table Oak $19.85 Free! Free! A GARLAND PIPELESS FURNACE OR A FOUR-PIECE WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE And 39 Other Useful Household Articles Given AWAY FREE Friday, September 29th At 8 P. M. Ask About It No Purchase Required Dependable Brooms, at 29 Aluminum Double Cookers Strong Clolhcs Baskets, at f)5 Oak Foot Stools. . .yf) Nest of five Earthen Mix ing Bowls roc Set of six Enamel Spice f 'xes 850 Large Clothes Hampers, at SI. 25 vfat"W HI ''A 0 Cm Rnnget Other make. $59.75 $33.75 up C i , 1- y r n Hurnvrt , , . Dandy 5f $12.50 (Val lUaU.OlU.JU t ' rt t r. ' -a '.a " t . a I t l a i h a. a !... . t,, k4 I,, ... ! ' -.! a . 1 1 1. 1 ... iAIK (.. a-f . v m i i aV