THE OMAHA BEE: WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1922. IT dJar i IE if 1L4 A Real D) yzzle Contest ictmre craa -nde r Over Backed by the Reputation of The Omaha Bee in Caslk For Those Who Win $2,000.00 . The Omaha Bee preicnti a picture puzzle game with $1,000 ai the first prize and guarantees that all prizes offered will be awarded exactly as stated in the governing rules printed in this first announcement. Get busy, today. Do not let anything deter you cash prize offered in this great puzzle picture game, stands behind it. How Many Objects Can You Find in This Simple Picture that Begin wiih"B"? Here are a few of the words: Bank, boar, ball, beads, badge, batter. Just pick out the words and write them down. We are running the- "B" Puzzle Picture to increase the popularity of this paper. It is 'not a subscription contest and you, db; not have to send irt;;a single 8 u b s c r i ption : to" win : a prize. If the judges award your answer the First Prize you win$20, Second Prize $10, etc.-' But if you' want to win more than this, read4 the offer on opposite side of the picture. The Wonderful Omaha Bee "B" Puztle Picture Only Visible Objects ; Count Every object has been drawn plainly so everybody can recog nize it. There are no hidden ob jects. Every one of them is as plain as the nose on your face. You don't have to turn the pic ture upside down or sideways, Just look at the picture and name the objects, that's all. The per son wjo sends us the largest and most correct list will be awarded First Prize, Second Prize anal so on. This picture will appear frequently in this paper until October ,18, when the contest will close. But don't wait to send in your list. Get it In early. V fi'n'ii ill iil'ii Hi HI l.l i I lii III iiimu . from trying to win the $1,000 Remember, The Omaha Bee You Can Win $1,000 If the judges award you first prize and you have sent in one bona-fide new three-month subscription for the Morning and Sun- v: day Bee or the Evening and Sunday Bee either in Omaha, Council Bluffs or , any town outside Omaha or Council Bluffs where , The Omaha Bee has car, ;, rier delivery service; or one bona-fide new six.", month paid - in - advance subscription by mail you will receive $500 instead ' of $20, second prize $250, -" etc. (See second column-, of figures in prize list.) 1 Isn't this a fine offer? ; It only takes two bona- sfide new three-month sub- scriptions by carrier or , two bona-fide new six- month subscriptions by ! mail to qualify for the big j $1,000 award; A1 new ;j subscription isfone for a person who was not tak-j ing The Omaha Bee on 'j September 12; 1922. You do not need to send any money with a sub- " scription to be delivered ' by carrier. The carrier boy will attend to the col lecting. Mail subscrip- tions must be accom panied by 2, remittance for $2.50 for each six month subscription sent, in, as all mail subscrip-V tions are payable in advance. When sending sub- scriptions write instruc-1 " tions on a separate sheet from your puzzle answer. OBSERVE THESE RULES l.'Any woman, boy or frirl. who i not an employe of The Omaha Be or a member of an tmployaa' family, may lubmit an anawcr. It cost nothing to try. 3, AH nnawara must b mailed by October 18, 1922. and nt to Thn Omaha Beo. 3, All lint ef namea should be waitten on one aide of th paner only and num ber conaeeutively, 1, 8, S, etc. Write your full name and ad4ra on aach png In tha upper right-hand corner. Do not writ auharnbcr'a nam or anything tu on tha aame paper with Hit of word: e aeparat aheet. 4, Only word found in the Webal.-r' Unabridged Dictionary will b counted. Do not uo ubaoU-t word. V aither tha ainifular ir plural, but whera tha plural it uid tha a.nirular cannot b counted, and vice vrraa. lo not u hyphenated ar compound orU. or any word f rmrj by tha combination of two or mora eroplt rnfltah wordi. whi-ra rath word In Itaatf ta a aeparat object. When an object can b correctly callad by two or mr name, any on of auch nama will b counted at a word, I. Word af tha aam apelhuf can be baed only ne, aten though ued to eVilfrnaia different object. An object can ba named only one! however, any part ef tha object may iIm hm ftaiu4. t. In making th awarda eaa lt wtil ba cnt drr.l ao!ly ujn It mrtt. Ketry tncorract word counta aain.t tha fpiiWeunl Jui ai much aa a crrt wur I cuunu in tha con!etanta favr, Therfra, it ta ery tmts'rUnt that na lnvrrct atd ara iaeUdd la a it T. Tha antwat haeln tha Urfeat numhof of rJa h; rorreetly Kama oh. feeta ha tha pi, lure huh hefn w ih the kinr "U," deJaoli-na ji ba .! ftir taeci na I wwut, b aaarkd f .rat yu, $. Candidate may eprmta in anertp tha pm!, t aty ana pr.a will ba art4 t any aa hhMi or will pm ba awarded t f hn tti f a oap atatda af th fa .' h t r k.- ha ba wiktf t-thr. la tha eM f a tn f any prttea a?(rtd, tha M am.wnt af a. pn.a vU ba pi t la a,h ti4 partl'-taatw t. A t anawera will taceta tha aaM cni4ratiia. ririU af ttat!ttt t viWhmm ff Tha t'Waba P ara aar. t II Idraa au.i't.M wen f ikm fit, han a .B'tWf Th 0ih4 Pea, will ba aaleeu t u act aa itt aa dwi.ia lM wt.r. Ihey wi'l uw Wik af V'Mbrt.l I l'ui:ay a !(' anl pitipu ? N a'pt tha V saw af 'a t:a a4 aJtt. 13. T NJif wtSj ti.r,ui f :;j! !. ,f th a 't. and aaaw at a4 ta af wer4a tjt pt'.a w.ii ba jHb;N4 ii l'h lmat ttaa Jat m 4h hi) tra(wr a tav,k The Prizes Winning Answers Cash Prizes as CUm A Will Receive Follows: 15 (irand Trlaaa Cia if NO Sab. iplt ara !. lit Triie $20.00 2J Trita 10.00 3J Priie 5 00 4th IVut 5.00 5th Prii , 5,00 6th PHm 3.00 7th Prlit 3.00 8th Prlit a 00 mh Prlit 2.00 10th Pili. to 15th Ptii 2.00 data B Mm Ci. II t fcMUl-IM M J-MHMtta tub Hrilii r m k. mm a Mm mi la, $500.00 250.00 125,00 100.00 50.00 40,00 30,00 saoo 15.00 10. 00 CUm C frlMI Ci II 1 Wm-M m a-Mih ! UtlO. mm a'HMia .4 a.. iy tMW .Ml $1000.00 500.00 250.00 200.00 100 00 5000 SO. 00 4000 30,00 20,00 SUBSCRIPTION BLANK Carrier Order Mail Subscription 9 Deliver th Morning and Sun- Endoed U $2.50 for il day or Evening and Sunday month aubicription to The Bee to me for three roonthi. Daily and Sunday Bee. ; Nama f AJJraaa T ttal f-P Na. .. Na, TbU Otelat Ta.d ( b A44aa PI!1T, PO hQT W1ITK NAME AND APDRESl " raia meme Els 111 ' 1 " " 1 aiaMii iji!riiTwaiiiiMia-iijiii-ijitjiiii.iULiir--iaii in -mi 1