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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1922)
r 10 THE OMAHA 15KK: Tl'KSDAY. SEPTEMBER 12. .Si.2. Up-to-Bate News and Gossip of Interest to Sport Fans V Dotlie Day Has Easy Time on Syracuse Track McDonald Fnlry in (J ran J Circuit Rat 2.W Trot in riglit Heat. ' S)cu, S. Srpt. U. Wuli '.1 t he leading (iranj I irctlil drivers hrr f rrJt the vrtrran Grrri, who i eshihitmg Saturdo m i tit middle wrst, the 5yiaiu( turning lit rn irrtion with the state lair got off to an auspmoui ''! today. Honor in the opening program consisting of ihrre clan events, each for $1,000 t'lirin. were divided by Alomo Mc Donald, Murphy and Hy. McDonald, with Hut tie Day, had an eay time in thr J:IN dan trot, winning three straight heats and InriVintf thr brt time of the day, I "5 1-.', Worthy Mare, drivrn bv Harry Finning, was second in each Lrat and Kdith Worthy, third. Murphy drove. J'Um Mae to a de tisive Mi lory in the sreond event, thr 2:IS class trot, winning in straight Jirt. 'J he Frisco Hrlle, wit h Kay driving, took second mnnry, with Walter ("ox's Let Fly. third. I ' The third event furnished the most sprcfacular driving of the day when i I'. M. Malonry, Jay driving, came Lai k strong to win after trailing in the first heat. A brink breeze causrd postpone nient of I'cter Manning's scheduled attempt to lower iy world'i trot ting record. Peter Manning will be started tomorrow, weather permit, ling. Nedda, X.Ki, i irhedulrd to tart tomorrow for a new world's record for trotting mare. Summaries. 3d rlut trot, l Hud; (hrtt heal: Uottl iy, br, in, by llurian Aier.rthy. and liana Jar. (A. He Ii.nlll t Worthy Hsrv, bin., H. Firming) 8 Kdith Worthy, tit., (U Hrusl)..! Minos Toddlngton, ch. m , Hr 4 Mr. Knt, bh., O'on 7 lime jm and Tallshsu-hi also tarfed. Tin,.: i out; J M't. t 16 das tml, II. (0: thre heat. Plsin Mr, b. Iix fount - hff iit Louts IHIIon, (Murph 1 1 l he Frisco Belle, bni., (Ky.,..3 t Let Fly, bg, ("'ml I 3 Ixlegoa, Peter, br, h. ilirlgg.) I 4 Hi.n Cat. ,11, ch, g, (11., ran 1 4 I Monarqu w. dut.nrtd In th( first heat. Tim.: I IIH: l:l!': JOIl,. S;0I else ptc, tl,o(; thr lioatc I. Wr. atalnnav. hlk h. i...i. 1)1 liar, I and Mini Jcruah'i, (Ray). I M.rBar.t ipana-lr. t, m , (W't- lartl 1 I'rintaaa Marlon, br, m , IS. Kd- fcan 4 Tha 8hrwond. rh, (Murphy).l Coloool Mparka, bj , (Horan)....! Time 1:07 i; 11; .Jl!4. Supreme Court Rules Against Benny Kauff Xew York, Sepf. 11. The effort made, by Kenny Kauff, former cen torficldcr of the New York Giants to restrain baieball Commissioner J. audi from disbarring him from protVsional baseball, has been drf pvd and the state supreme court ban siRiied ajt order discontinuing the action, it was learned today. Foof-Ball' Thl weak will tha majority of Jebrak hlBh aehunia turning- gridiron man out th field fur the firm crlmmaga work of the acaaon. A few f tha teams were out In toga Ihi week, but owing to the hot wmtuer very llttla acrlmmag work wa done, ftcc-ordlng to report received by The Aaaorlateit Prea from more than 25 ooarhe In the atate. Moat of Iha opening game of the lrg r high rhool are more than three week aay and aom of the achoola will have d'fflrulty In rounding out ihslr teama for the flrat conteet. aince In a large num ber of raoa theae teama were depleted bv atars retiring by reaaon of gradua tion. tieport received from roaohe and other ouieea ahow I he following condition to xlat among th teama of the male: Beatrice The big Thankngivlng dav trip to Appleton, Wl., for a game with one of Wlaconaln' etrongeat team la the Inducement, that will bring nut 'he beet f Beatrice football talent thla year, ac cordlna: to Coach "Mien'' Hunhea. He aya that hie craw when given three week nf excellent practice, ahould be In mld-aeaaon form. In the aeaun'a flrat game, Beatrice plasa Falrbury. on di tcher . At the preeent writing eight flrat-atrlng men of lat year'a tetm ar proinlred for the team thil year. One of the team which Beatrice fear Thl ea n I that rt Alllanc, aald to be on of th atrnnjvat In the atate. fleatrlc I captained by Fred t.ayton, Nehraaka City Nearly 40 football men of the high achool her donned the rnol.ekin at th atart of th aeaaon at Maywood nark. From thla turnout, the coach" expect to pick an eleven that will rank up with th beat lu th at'., and tha flneat th echeol ha ever had. Ther will b aeveral old men back, including Hurley and I'oilng. Thr two wer ir laat seaaun and will form (he nucieu of th preeent term. N'ehraeka City doe not hav heavy achedule thia year com pered with that of the laat aeaaon, but wh.-t th men r lined aiainat I hhii real oppoalilcn, Fteme.'t Thfry-flve men ftf Fremont J?!n f ,ita,i mil b. k from i mill t. fining camp era ly un I nMnt fr Ih ron.iug fta, ar r Wor'.ed ia fc one of ihe etrorigrftt !" pell f'lr th ti f,ntt,aM chuilt'nnhip anieug Ne,ak hik . hiioi. eaht flow ant Itawk are' smv th aui'.ek, :ni they hve it i.ut p a eia to the I'lteuii- l.'et l i.ctlc eii'le ha .'eirmn.i ni.-h eiuied lh I'iro tb krwllee.s .fcl.'ai ",1ittoft Tlt ell lb a.',! W'it M a vt.1.4 tote a4Md n4 . iiimi.. r.n. T teem ! A bel tl.lui r'f Y file gftn i (h l.leeo . cee t th f' tena IA IS tt Oamee ill r"b I'lal'. ' two. 4 te In In IJ4 t ifc tv 1 u.i , W tallage Ther i h tVe ta-'h f fie.ll MHltMial i rteiee ( ye ' nkt t ban ,k-ii lea 9 lb ii(( . i h M iai i a 4 to k '( l (Ave tWAA (n-t k ftit te't fa er' fr l i ! 44 t H, It-1 t b a, f .( niiti t'! Iw ! aa4 eaeac nw h' 9 vIm rAae4 f Uftt ! Uv ' mux (( I t. k. in wt U Itt IS l ( i t-ll iW-W" ! . f t miM4 at M 4 " ' t t 4..ea k C,a k . , i ! te ' Tot wa -- . " I. 4 ! rti.Ti i' kti ' ki t b( ki ta , Ik-b I- ' ''' tee " ! ke i a--.v te S fc !, ft . Mxh School EDDIE'S FRIENDS Y30 OM'T AT GtoftCat Hoo3t ALU AROCWD WITH vTH AT tDOl,; AOAlrJ. I CAM Cm ' . ;i: L Two Running Racer Initial Day's Program a, Ak Track This Afternoon; Large Field, The runners have two innings out at Ak-Sar-Ben field this afternoon during the first day of the fall festi val. There is a five-eighths sprint which lias induced a field of 16 starters. As the track limit is 12, four of these must scratch before post time. ' If Barriskane goes to the post he may prove the best. This New York sprinter is in fine form and ready. The one he will fear most is Velvet, a fast mare from Vancouver. Velvet has been winning regularly of late and if properly tightened up after her long trip from the west, will hi hard to beat. Don Jose has good speed. His late form, however, has not been good and he failed to nab any purses in the west this summer. Perch might come to lite. She is fast, but yields quickly when pressed. Fairbury Pounds Speece Hard; Wins Falrbury, Neb., Sept, 11. Fairbury pounded Bpeec for 11 hit and made It two out of thre from Norfolk In the Ne braska State League champlonahlp aerie toilay. Th ecor wa 18 to 4. Bpeec was poorly aupported. nine error being made by hie teammaten. Tomorrow gam will b played at Grand Inland. NORFOLK . FAIRBURY AB.H.O.A I AB.H.O.A. Atherton. 4 2 2 I Rooney. 6 2 3 3 MltcheUb 6 12 4 Wl' 6 2 2 Marr.Jb S 1 0 1M'Der't.rf S 2 0 Roune.lf 4 15 4 4 4 0 Knapp.If 4 2 0 0! Kelchle.lf 6 110 Clark. o 4 16 0 Cle'land.Sb 6 4 14 4(4 0;Ooodwin.2b 6126 4 0 lOConnor,c 6 0 1 speece, p 4 10 rwillcy.p 6 2 0 2 Tolal 3S 34 10f Total 60 1 27 17 Score by Inning?: Norfolk 100 200 010 4 Falrbury 301 607 20x IS nummary Run: Atherton. Rouee, Knapp. Hnggeity, Rooney, Wlmbueh (21, M.Oormolt t2), BUM t8), Relchle (21, Cleveland (2). Goodwin, O'Connor (3), Willey 2. Home runa: nilea. Three bae lilt: Koonev (2). Kpeece. Twn lieiie hits: WlmbuJih, Bllm t2), Cleveland. Mrllerinott, Marr. Baaca on ball: Off Willey (2). Horn runa: Knnnu, Hllaa. Cleveland to Goodwin to Wlmbuah. Struck out: By Willey, 4: by Spoere. 4. Left on baeea: Norfolk, 6: Falrbury, 4. Paneed ball: O'Connor. Clark. Wild pitch: Bpeeue. Umpire: Meyer. Time: 2 hour. Miss Browne to Play Mrs. Mallory This Month San Francisco, Cal., Sept. 11. Miss Mary K. Browne of Los Angeles who yesterday won the women's championship of California, t'.eparted today for New York where later in the month jshe will play Mrs. B. Mallory in the east-writ trnnis matches. Miss Browne standi second in the nationally ranked women player. he will rair with William Johnston u San Francinco, second ranking t'iurr in t lie country in the double. i They will nicer Mt, Mallory am! ; William I'. Tilden, II, in the east, j v ett diiublr i. ' BRINGING UP, W IwAvtHCAtio tha r II 1 I want to r. I U OHv,rTr r if t t in i a i . . . i i a? ....... i a v.v ii waf-v j i :!A a s J'""' 'Q. 3- ' 5r H . mir-f-Trim i'fSl.lh,t:.-.''''B, T IY tl !.; r.V.t -J) iii w -v x ! r 1 1 l - r ' m i i x f i i i a, m j i ' m 11 I l i Lr . M fTs S s. , - J I 1 I j dVesA. irv. Ki' i "7 j jr r iY Sh rwi1' vt m TtLUt" I TCU- VA t PION'T tcAvr croRc'c'j'HofttVj 1 1 Qi6Vsg "THi.TtMt; HAU? H0WR.-AC10. VkJt T,30k 'miSIV LiirXwiiaaaa. a a . . AaJ ThU ,U't SToPpeO 'iki AT HARfty 2RflVftS AJ L COMt JHT HOME.. U'NV CuoutO' J lltC To Voo ? Tiuu IT' Voo lMt ClOT'WoTHiki' To CCJCCAL.. - m I i fill' s Timberly would prefer further to go, In the mile event, eiftht have elect ed to go to the post. Woodie Mont goinery will find this distance to his liking, should take the lead and may never be headed. Krgreso has been on the Irwin ranch at Cheyenne all summer. He may need racing, but if fit will be hard to beat. Leap Frog got to be a fair horse here last spring. He won over these same kind. They have rested him since. Racing will probably be needed to put him in s!-.''pe. Madrono has been running in splendid form at Vancouver and is one of the most improved horses to be found anywhere. He is a cer tain contender. War Penny comes from the same stable as Barriskane. He likes a distance but may lack the sharpening needed to make him a fit horse first time out. ihe others ap pear outclassed. Important Boxing Bouts This Week September H Johnny Shugrue against Kid Kaplan, 10 rounds, in Meridan, Conn. September IS Jimmy Hanlon against Joe Marks, 10 rounds, in New Orleans. September 15Cowboy Padgett against Tillie (Kid) Herman, IS rounds, in Shreveport. September 15 Gene Delmont against Harry Brown, 10 rounds, in Portland, Me. September IS Young Montreal against Eddie Coulon, 15 rounds, in New Orleans Harrison Thomson Wins , National Decathlon Title Weequahic Park, Newark, N. J., Sept. 11. G. Harrison Thomson, 1921 all-around champion of America, became the national decathlon title holder today by a margin of less than 100 points over the total of Harold M. Osborne of the Illinois Athletic club. Fach was f'rst in four events. The title was in odubt; until each final lap of the 1,500 meters race, the closing event of the program. To win the title, Osborne had to brat Thomson by at least 25 points. He succeeded in winning the event but was only 11 seconds ahead of Thom son at the tape. Thomson took the 100 meters flat, the shotput. the discus and the 110. meter hurdlcf. Oihorne was vic torious in the tunning high and thr broad jump, thr javelin throw and thr 1,500-metrr race. Victor NacKrli of the I'nion litis of Hutchinson. Minn., timk thr 4iHU tuner race ami lied l.iut. F.ugcnc I.. idal of the I mud Matt army in the pole vault. FATHER . K.glelerea The Welcome Home 1 y . r iii' ua' A JWAT IM MAwuoTVt Old Timers of American BeatNational Boston, Sept. 11. Twenty thou sand fans saw an all-star American league tram of old-timers defeat a similar team recruited from old Na tional league stars, 28 to 7, at Braves Field this afternoon. The game was sponsored by the Boston Post and the net receipts go to the children's hospital. Jimmy Collins, one time brilliant tjjird baseman for the Red Sox, was captain of the American league team and Fred Tcnny, Boston National first sacker, of two decades back, was director of the other team. Cy Young pitched the first two innings for the Collins team against Charley (Kid) Nichols, and honors were with Young. The play and the hit ting of F'reddic Parent, shortstop for the winners, was a feature, as was the iniiclding of Captain Collins, Bill Bradley and Larry Lajoie. Comedy was supplied by Nick Alt- rock. Bobbv Lowe, great Boston Nation- el infielder, was given a big reception when he entered the game in a late inning and singled to center field off Altrock. The score by innings: k. H. H. American 7011 800 02x 28 S3 0 National 03 1 010 002 7 1 J Batterlea: American. Young. Tannehill. riineen. O'Hrien. Rav Collins. Altrock lld Carrigan; Parrel!, Madden, Lake, Madden. Notional. Nlcholn. Klobedanz, Cheebro, Ted Lewis and Merritt: Archer. Bergen. Umpires: Stafford and Emmie. Favorites Come Through Victorious in Net Play Philadelphia, Sept. 11. James O. Anderson of the Australian Davis cup team, defeated Lucien r.. Wil liams of Y"ale university, intercolle giate champion, 6-4, 6-2, 6-4, in the first match completed today in the third round of the national lawn tenuis singles championship tourna ment at the Gennantown Cricket club. Gerald L. Patterson of the Aus tralian Davis cup team, defeated W. W. lnffrahani of Providence, joint holder of the national junior doubles title. 6-3, 6-3. 7-5. William T. filden II. national champion, defeated Lyman L. Tre maine, Westfield, N. J.. 6-2, 6-0, 6-1. George Sister Only One Game Behind Ty Cobb's Record St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 11. George Sisler of the St. Louis American singled in th eighth inning of today's game with De troit, making 39 consecutive game in which be has hit safely. F.hmke wu pitching. He now u only one game behind the modern major league rcord of 40, made by Ty Cobb of Detroit in 1911. t"lel tiff) ioOai;g Dailforth Whitewashes St. Joseph, 9-0 ' J...,b V.i, pi II !( 1a f,iri ahui oui iha arhi.a Tula luiia.4 fuur Mi J,iaaii in.k.ia au4 tm tna an-niia 01 in a. 11 -a, t 10 (, lira. ti'iii r. juawPH AM lll A' AH II OA If 4 I i'.. n Ik 1 ( I T n,....n,Jb I I ,T.i.l.n If 4 11 l'ai. rf I I I ( K .lt.r.rf 4 I ( I 4 I ( 4 t I 1 i Ih 4 1 I I M I..k i l.Jb 411 nautnan in ( 1 iMur.r :b 4 1 4 M Itlluiie.ea 411 Mr.,i.e I'roal.y.o 4 11 lulratHiebl.a 1'anforih p,l I I II, ..lis p ' Adallie u Totals 31 IS :r I; p l.liaclen p handler 44 4 11 111 t ( It Total II I IT II slutted fur AVtn in vn ik, cor by Inning: Tul.a It jS ( at. Joih ( oui 4041 tuinmary Kutia: (Jl, vl CI, Lan.b i;i, ftauman, I'tuebr, !anrrib, Tr rore. Thomtwnn, Mcilinnia (J). Corrlden. hun and hit: nff Muvlik, I end in I 1-1. ntf Ailama, 1 and I In I I I, off Held, aim i m i; nir i,u, i.u. o and I in 1. Famed runa: Tulea, I. Haeee in balla: dll Huvlik, 3; oft llahl. I, off lianlorlh, i. eirqia out: iiy iioviia, i: by iial.L by l.uacien, J; bv lanftth. 1. Left on baare: Tula. I; Ml. J..ri h, I. Two-baa mi: ni,r.,r'li, ll.iinrii, irnb (ti, ivi Three. hae hue' liavl (It. Iloubl plava: Cruahr to il'ilinnu, Mauman to l.litlt. x. iifi- e: M'lllnnia, Hauman Hit by piKiie'i ran: ny panrnrtli. ulaon. Mlolen bene: Heumaii. I'mpirea; Holme and Oriuab). Time: I. "J "r keel HI lit Mevratb. Lincoln, M,t. II Hioua City and lie oine tai(in f.r II Innliig In thalr fourth gam on th Lincoln around. Hiui City winning by a wore of to 4. 'Ib renuit makaa th arrlea tnd aveu with two win apiece and Tuesday will rami in runner. Toilay a gain wa a plti btre bat lie. M,Sie: ik moivkh I atorx ftTr. AH H nil muni iietin. rr 4 11 II H'llon. a till "aii'r, 0 s i i it , is 4 114 Horan. rf 4(4 1'il'rerrf lh A I a a 10 1 i'ki.Ii, i f 4 14 urany. If 4 11 4 Met, lb I All I runa, Ib III 1 O'C'nor. rf 111 Norton, 4 0 4 1 Matthik.lf 4 0 10 Wilson, e 4 11 llh ling, o 4(11 Croat, p 6 10 lTeear. p 10 11 IHavla, p 1 0 0 Total 31 I 31 llj iiauery 1 I 0 Total II I II 17 in out whin winning run (cored. Uattd for Tesar In alghtli. Hcor by Inntma: Drat Moinea 100 ahi) jio o 4 bluux City 100 100 110 (II I nummary Huns: (lenln, Hranay, Yuan. Crosa. Hsmllton. Ilemlngwuy (it), Kish, Oaturganl. Krrore: Hemingway, Traar, Hum runs: Hamilton, Oatrrgard. Two ba hits: Wagner, O'Connor, ftgrrlflra: O'Connor. Earned runs: lit Molnea. I; Kloux i.'lty, b, stolen bears: cheehro, Bl.h. I,ft on bsars: Ilea Moines, 7; Hloux City, I. Struck out: Uy Croa. 3; by Teaar, i; by Liavl. 1. Kaars on balla: Off Cross, I; off Teaar. 8; off iavl, 1. Winning pitcher: Uavle. Huns and hit: Off Teaar, 4 apd S In I; off Davis, (I and 0 In 1. DouliI plays: Tcar to Hamilton to Mats. Met to Hamilton. Umpire: jjavla d Fllipatrtck. Time: 1:16. Giants Defeat Braves Twice by 7-6 Score New York, Sept. 11. Th New Tork National increased their lead to 6' game by twice defeating Boaton by the same score, 7 to (. Th two game, how ever, wero directly opposite, in th first gam Jesse Barnes pitched well for seven inning and had a lead of seven runa when he weakened and wa stung for four runs In the eighth. Boston scored two more off Hyan In the ninth, but V. Barne. New York third pltchr, retired the aid on a double play. in tne aeconu game Boston got orr to a six-run lead, but th (llama scored five In their half of th fourth and won out In the seventh when ttrob, scored the tying run on Mouse!' single and Kelly brought In the winning run with a sacri fice fly. The hitting of Powell and Kelly fea tured, the former getting a triple, three aouoiea ami two alngle In the two games, and the latter a home run. double, three singles and a sacrifice fly. ocora, iirst game: BOSTON NEW YORK AB.H.O.A ! IHHfl I. Powell cf 6 2 4 1: Bancroft, co 4 14s Ifnnl K K 1 A I ll..K 9K ti n A ( ruise.rr 6 S 5 olFrlsch,2b 6 Roser.lf 6 2 6 OiMnusel.lf 4 2 3 8 ISO 0 10 113 0 1 i 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Urn bar cab 6 2 3 1. Young. rf 3 4 14 4' 3 12 OiOun'ham.cI 3 O'Neill, o 8 0 1 OjSnyder.c I Marquad.p 2 1 0 2!.) Marneg.p 3 xBoecklo 110 0Ryan.p 1 xChrl'bury 10 0 OlVBarnes.o 0 uov.-rty.c 000 0' Cooney.p 0 0 0 0 Total 16 12 27 II x.Mcnoison 1 u u v; Total 40 14 24 Batted for Marquard In eighth. xBatted for O'.Nolll In eighth. xBatled fur Cooney in ninth. Soor by Innings: Boton 000 0(10 0428 .New Tork :200 002 1027 Summary Run: Powell (2), Kopf (2), Cruise. Hoser, Bancroft, Frisch (2), !diu srl, Kelly, Cunningham, J. Barnes. Kr rora: Ford, Bancroft (2). Two-base hit! Bancroft 2), Roser, Powell (2). Horn run: Kelly. Stolen bace: Frlch, Ban croft. Sacrifice: Cunningham. Oouble playa: Oroh to' Frisch to Kelly; Bancroft to Kelly; Frisch to Bancroft, to Kelly. Left on bases: New York, 8: Boaton, 8. Bear on balls: Off Marquard, 2; off Ryan. 1; off Cooney, 1. Htruck out: By Marquard, 1. Hlta: Off Marquard, 11 In r, off J. Uarnra, 10 In 7 2-3: off V. Barnes 0 In 2-J; off Cooney, 0 la 1 ; off Kyan, 4 In 2-1. Winning ipitcher: J. Harnra. Los ing pitcher: Marquard. Umpires; Mc C'ormltk and Hem. 'lie. Time: 1:48. 0cor second gam: BOSTON. NEW TORK, AB.H.O.A. J AM.H.OA. Powell, rf 4 I I O B ncroft, as 4 '1 4 7 Kopf, 2b 6 0t I0iiroh. Ih 111 Cruue. rf 4 1 3 0 yruch, Sb 4 13 4 KoiM-r. If .110 Mruael, If 4 3 0 Barbare.Sb 6 13 I Young, rf 3 1 3 0 Dib.on. lb 3(1 0 Kelly. Ib 3 314 ( Sord. sa 4 11 " Mlrngel, rf I 1 I 0 dowdy, e 111 I I'un am. r( i I t I Watson, p 0 ti south, 3 1 I ( Hrnton, u 1 0 0 I Si,Ucr. c : I 0 M Sa ra, p 0 l "I 0 a, ett, p I 5 XHueikei I l S Hill, p 31 Tela: . t 14 ll T.ila 34 II SI II stlaltrd for I-Namr la ninth. r by Inning; l,,,i ji. ... " e.Mi - , toik, l" 3't t k'ion:rj ttuiii. Crj'.e, Ferd, lleiid). St JltrfJ AND MACCIE II lUll or coio in thk si nday ait t . WHAT"? ON TCXJ MusO1 V",TY' 'MKFjtl TO f "' ' BaBallResulis ehastendin WITI ir Al.ll.. Mendljig. v. 1. 1-. 1 1 w. t. r. t tut SI :! Kioug CP ',!!. .! Joeebh ! Ml nkl. City fll lit). lit lusnal 14 1 !! rtoffaloea at It AM l. tilt l lelea' HewMll. Hwffake, 1 1 llrwivr, . luiu, l L J....,B, Mluu Cl, I: lr MolOM, . . Olhrl l.ld TiMlat' Umm09, Sel 4 OMMika, ikiahom l uy at W'lihli, at St. J pb Ilea IIoirb (ginl Stloo i. My l I In to i M. t ITIOH IL I K lot R, W, I. IM I W I- P' Na7 Toik tl 1 fhlraga tJ II lit I'liiahiak T( U in Hioi,n 7 ti cinrtnatt 14 J .III I'hlla. 4! II .:( l. Umi 71 I! ,UI Moeion 44 It .III iMIrcdai'i Hrattltai New York, 7-7: Hn'oo, I I. No (ther b.dulr.t. To4a' liam)! I'lltaburgh at Ileal on hi. Ihiui at Philadelphia. No oiliers scheduled AviHit as irai.t v.. W. I. Pel W l Pel. New Toik II l J I'levrUnd 17 7 . St Loin (I It .il Maehgton l 71 .tj lielroll 71 7 .tl I'hlla. tl 71 .!? Chicago II 41 .! Itoaton 14 11.114 teeteriUi's Hewull. St I.u', 6; "lielroll, I New fotk. I, l'hli,l-l hi, Wasblngtoli, il: Hoatoil, 3. I'levind Chlisgo, ra n. Toilay ' Oamee lie'rait gt Nt l.ouls I blcago at Cleveland. No littler achi'dtiled. Awf.HI A AwxMllrtoN W. I., pi I t W. I,, p, I St Paul II II .30'Mllwuk 71 II tut Mllieapul TI 14 liulavlll 70 71 .471 Indlnapl 71 .tit Toledo tl II .Itt k. ', 77 II .Ul i'olumlu. ti II .177 ietrrday'( Neaiilta. nt. I'aul, 7; Milwaukee. I. .ansa City, II; Minneapolis, " only two g iimes played. Todaf'g (iame). Indianapolis af Columbus. Loulavlll at Toledo. Milwaukee at Minneapolis, Kan City at St. Paul. TKX.IM I K. IOl K. Pallas. I; Shreveport. 4. Ileauilloht, I; Hiiuston, 4. Fort Worth at Wichita, Falls. tialti late, poatponed. only three games. MOt TIIFKN ANMH I A I K' Atlanta. 3; Birmingham. 12. Nashville. I; Little Itork. 12. only two games scheduled. tOAHT l.r.AOIF. , Veraon. 8; Salt Lake, f Han Franciscw. It, Seam. 3. Francis Hunter Wins Over Lawrence Rice Philadelphia. Sept. 11. Francis T. Hunter of New. Hochelle defeated LawTence B. Kicc of Boston today in a hirrj-lought-, long-drown-out five-set match in the third round of the national lawn tennis singlrs championship tournament on the courts of the Germantown Cricket club, A shower helped to lengthen the contest. Score: 7-9, 6-3, 3-6, 6-3, 6-3 i Joe Lynch Matched With Jack Wolf. New York, Sent. 11. J(,e Lynch bantamweight champion, has been matched to go IS rounds with Jack Wolle of Cleveland at the opening show of '.he season at Madison Square Garden on September 22. The men will have to make 122 pounds. Women's Lawn Tennis Tournament Starts Omaha Bee Leased Wire. Germantown, Pa., Sept. 11. Straight set matches ruled as women lawn tennis stars began their matches in the middle states chain pionship singles on the turf of the Philadelphia Cricket club here to day. The title holder, Mrs. Molla Biur stedt Mallory, made her usual quick 6-U, 610 finish in a match against Miss P. Kink, one of the local com petitors. In the second round, Miss Helen Wills the California girl, out played M:ss Grace rbx, the Long Island champion from Southampton, 6-0, 6-0. Herman Mine Win Pitchers' Battle Front Omaha Boosters Herman, Neb., Sept. 12. Herman won from the North Omaha Boost ers yesterday, 4 to 2. In a pitch ers' battle Beers and Burdic each striking out 10 men. The score: R. H. E. Boosters 002 000 0(H) 2 3 2 Herman 100 200 lOx 4 S 4 Battrriea; Boostrrs Beers and and Guiunotte. Herman Burdic and West. Umpire Hart. Watnon. llroh. Frisch tJ). Matt:. Toong. Kelly, Stengel. k.rror: Miens!. Two. lias hlta: Powell, K!ly Bancroft. Thr.e-ba hit: Powell. Ht.ngel. ntolrri base: illtaon. Sacrifice hits: Nation, Young. Kully Left "O hares: Nee- York, 7: Bo.uoi, I. bUsrs m bells. Off, 3; all atson. 1: off Hraiinii. 2 Struck out: Bv I; by ii. 1 b Hrentun, t Hits: i iff Scolt. t in ill limn... ,ff 1 1 It. i in tl 1 in. liuiiii.. off Wt.on, I lit '4 11 innlnse; off llr.t,M 4 la. 1 lf,.,lf.w. Af U. Vmi.-.i- 1 la i-.t tlinli'S W t!.l til, b: S' tt innli I pit. h-r, ib in. plies, p.nt.i; iul I V. i .ijib.fc. I ,i . I (. Drawn for The TILL Ml ( Thumbless" Ed Wetzell Engages Tonsiless" Clarence tDarrough in ( Pitchers' BattleLoses, 1 to 0 Buffalo Hurler Whiteicatthe Bear in Fourth Game of Serlen Omaha Scoren Lone Tally in Firnt Inning Final Content Today. By RALPH WAGNER. "'1 luiiiiblf '' I'd Wftt l ot limit r and "i uiile." tlatt iue Uai rough of Omaha engaged in a pitchrrs' battle on the W'rMcrn lesgue grounds here ctcrdav ullrriiooti and after right and one half iunnings oi snappy ball, the llufutti hntlrr nunagrd to pull thrmish to a I to 0 utory. These two fiilchrrs, who are iiiiuu parts ni thrir aiutmny, futight a duel with the liiirsrliiilt that nre than pltard the i iiLniicrs, who numbered more than 3i. I he ' tonsilris" l)arriugh had the brst of tlit pitching from the start, but hi tramtuatri wrra quick on thrir pins and had glue in thrir gloves and the result was that thr llufulo liurlrr rrcrived good uport. 'I hrre double plays helped Uartough along, and also put a little ipred into the game. i - ! I I 11 HI'l I I- t ! I ... "Babe" Ruth Features Yanks' WinWithHomers St. I.ouis, Sept. II. Mi'Malius' single in '.lie ninth with the bt lull and two out. enabled St. l.oui lu take today's game from lJrtroil, S to 4, thus holding thr margin br- ... , i i. tweeii the ankrc and the lotals to one and one-half games, McManus" sipgle followed Sislrr's triple and passe to Williams and Jacobson sifter Sisler had tied the irore with his three-base hit to right center, St. I-eouis took the Irad in the second inning by scoring ( tie run and adding another in the fourth. Ihe visitors, however, jumped ahead in the fifth by adding three runs to their lone tally, made in thr fourth inning. The Browns would have tied the- score in the eighth, but ground rules held their rally to one run. Sisler got two out of five tries, making ,i' consrcutife games in which he has hit safely and one game behind the . modern major It ague record established by Ty Cobb in I'Jll. He further increased his lead lor the season's hatting honors over Cobb who was held to one hit in five times at the plate, Davis was replaced by Pruett after the fifth, who allowed the Tigers only one hit in the last four innings Score: NEW TORK. AR.H.O A PHILADELPHIA. AB.H.O.A Witt, cf liug.m. Ib Ruth, If Pinp. lb Schang, a H'man, c Meueei, rf Ward, 3b Keolt, as bh key, p Total 4 2 7 0trykea, 3h 4 111 3 0 0 (i M D an, cf 4 0 6 0 6 4 8 0'Hauser, lb 6 1110 4 2 6 I! Welch, i f 3 110 3 2 8 ('Parkin, c 4 3 2 2 1 0 1 0 i)'lowy, i,s 4 13 1 4 1 1 O'Wslker.lf 3 0 11 4 3 3 2'C'loway. 2b 4 2 3 3 t0l)4 llaaty, p 1100 12 0 lizMlller 10 0 0 jNiylor, p 0 0 0 0 17 16 !7 l;H, 'ling, p 10 0 1 zHruggy 10 0 0 Ketchum.p 0 0 0 0 Total- 3 127 14 r.Batted for Hasty In fourth. r.Batted for Schilling in eighth. Score by Innings: " Xew York 110 311 0101 Philadelphia 100 001 020 4 Summary Runs: Witt (2). Ruth (3), Plpp, tichang. Meusei, Hhawkey, lykes, Hauser, Welsh (21. Krrors: iJykee. Callo way. Two-base bits: Ruth (21, Schang. Ward, Perkins. Three-baee hlta: Pyke, Meuael, Home runi: Kuth (21, Welch. Sacrifices: l'umin (2), Meusei, Witt. Dou ble plays: tlnllowny and Hausur, Walker and Perkins. Left on bases: New York ,0: Philadelphia, t. Bases on balla: Off Shawkey. 3; off Naylor. 2; Off Schilling. 1 Struck out: By Hhawkoy 3: by Kchllllng, 2 Hits: Off Hasty, 8 In 4; off Naylor. S In 1 1-3: off Schilling, I In 2-3: off Kctehum, 0 In 1. Hit by pitched ball: By Hcniinng: (Hcotti, rassea nan: I'erKins. Losing pitcher: Hesty. Umpires: Kvans and Hlldebrann. Time: 1:5 7. Senator Heat Red Hoi. Waahlngton, Sept. II. Washington batted Boston pitchers hard and won handily, 13 to 8. Score: BOSTON ! WASHINGTON AU.H.PA. AB.HP.A. Mltchll, as 3 0 2 lfjudge, lb 6 1 12 0 Miller, cf 4 0 3 t S llarll. 2b 4 2 3 4 Murne, lb 4 1 8 ; Rice, t f 4 2 2 0 Pratt. 2f 4 0 S 3IOolln, IX 6 6 4 0 J Har!, rf 4 0 1 1 Brower. rf 4 1 1 0 Collins, If 4 2 2 OiPeck'pgh as 4 10 7 O'Hork, 3b 4 2 0 3, Lamutt, 8b S 2 0 1 Ruet, 0 1 0 4 01 Plclnlcli, c 4 2 6 0 Plercy, p 0 0 0 21 Brlllh'rt, p 2 0 0 Karr, p 10 1 Oi Johnson, p 2 1 0 1 Totals 21 EM10I Total 37 17 27 IS Scor by Innings: Boston Washington fino 030 000 3 311 OiO 12x 12 Summary Runs: Collins, O'Hourkc, Ruel. Judge (2), 8. Harris (.3, Rice, o- lln, Brower, Pecklnpaugh Lsmotte (3. Error: GoslOn. Two-baao hit': Hums. Piclnl.h. ORourke. Lamottc. S. Harris. Three-baae hits: Judge. Lainotte, Stolen base: 8. Harris. Sacrifice: Plercy. Pic inlch. Ric. Johnson. Double play: Peck ftipaugh to Harris to Judge. Left on bases: Ponton. 4; Washington, 10. Huse on balls: Off Plercy, 8; off Karr. 1; off Brlilhesrt, Hits: Off riercy, 11 In 4 S-3 innings; off Karr, 4 In 3 1-3 Innings: off Brill heart, 4 In 4 Innings: off Jobnenn, 1 In 6 inning. Hit by pitcher: By Hrlllheart, )ave Bancrofi Injured hy "Hot" Line Drive Omaha Ilea loal Wire. New York, Sept. 11. Dave Ban croft, fiiant captain, was painfully but not seriously injured this alter, noon when a hot drive of ('rune's bat in thr ninth inning of the iirt game hit hint in the jaw. ISaiurolt played out the nmint; hut came haik fir the jimml game w rating a plat ter It vta tief.ary t" tike two .Indies to close thr Mound. Omaha Bee by McManui H.ovrltfkt IS.'.'l MAVC TO TAkc A CrOT TO OCT - --I ii mil ICU A gixid ganir, but the Denvrr chuckrr wa a trille wild. Hr allowed thr MiilUliiri siK basi s on balls, one of which figured rather prominently in thr lone norr bomicd ovrr thr ruh brr by the Itulfaloci in the initial round. Allow Five Hits. Hoth Harrongh and Wetrl tacii allownl five hits. Writ-l, hnwever, priniittrd the herd to collect two doubles and three singlet, while "lojiailrs" iailied nothing but straight singli'!. and thry were scat tered, too. t.. ::. .. :....: r.. i . hi mi in n iiiiiiiik mtrr vnniaMui I Brillwii , u-..,..l i,,,.i-j it.i.u 4 ,,a!g t0 irs't (Jrantham singled to right and the Buffalo tirst sackrr wrnt to third, scoring a minute lafrr when Grrfm playrd the big; brother" and sacrificed out to Cen ter Fielder O'Brirn. Gislasnn reached third in thr tbird inning, but on an attempted double steal with two down got caught in a trap bet went third and home for the third out. In the filth, sixth, sev enth and eighth innings one or more Buffaloes succeeded in reaching sec ond, but no farther, , Unable to Score. Denver got a man on third fn the third inning, but a spectacular one hand catch by Ginlason resulted in a double play and ruined the Bears' only chance of scoring during thr afternoon. The first Omaha double play came in the first inning and cut short a Denvrr rally. The third double play bobbed no in the sixth and checked Darrough s wildness. Ray O'Brien, Denver center field' rr, carried off the hitting honors oi the afternoon. This former Buffalo player is credited with three of Den ver's five hits. Bates and Spencer each collected two-baggers for Omaha, but not on of them resulted in a score, although Bates' doublr came nrar scoring Gislason in the fifth. Spectacular catches on the part ci the outfielders and snappy play on the part of thr infield athletes helped to speed up thr cortfest, which was reeled off in one hour and 22 minutes. The final game of the Denver series and the Bears' last appearance in Omaha this season will be played this afternoon. The game is scheduled to start at 3:30 o'clock. DFNVER. AB.K.II.TH.MI.MI.PO.A. F O'Brle. rf 4 3 8 0 I 0 II Kerr, ee 4 O O U 0 O S S II long, rf 3 OH OOOOOO Patterson, ah. ...a o o 0 M o h If Cartwrlght, lb ..4 01100 13 10 domes. If OOO0010O Korer. Ill 3 O 0 0 0 0 1 1 II Kilhllllen, e S OO0 0011O wrtxei, p 8 oiieeoso Total ..81 O 5 5 0 1 24 IS 0 HI FTAIeOKS. AB.R.H.TB.SH.SB.PO.A. E. fiisliuson, 2h lllttea. lb (irantham, 3b Orlfftn, rf . . tftinuiin, ef Hllroi, as .. AiierMin, If , etpencer, e . . . Ilarrough, p . ...8O0OOO2AO lit 0 ft II O 0 0 3 a e a 1 l l e o 10 1AO o o t t it 0 0 3 0 0 0O40O 1 u e a t Oil 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 Oil 0 1 0 0 0 Total ,.t l a 7 a 2i ii i Spore by Innings: Denver ("HI WIO OOO Buffaloes) Hits WW wa t Sum marr Lamed runs: Omaha, It Don rer. 0. Left on bases: Omaha, l Denser, 4, Two-hswi hits: Hates. Spencrr. lSauhl plays: Olalnson to Hate: tintntham to tales: Wilcox to lint: I artwrtgnt (un- nanMed.) Sit ruck out: By Wetiel, 1; by llMrniiieh. 4. liases on bullet Off Wetsel. (tl off liiirruugh, t. Umpire s Anderson and Lewi. Timet (Mitchell). Wild pitch: Plercy. Wlnnini pilcher: Brllllieart. Losing pllcneri Plercy. Empires: Nallln and Connolly. Time: 1:11. UETROITc I ST. LOUIS. AB.H.O.A. AB.H.OA Blue, lb 6 1 s 0 Tobln. rf 4 1 4 llaney, lb 10 1 31 Foster, 3b Cobb, cf 6 12 o Sisler. lb Veach. If 2 15 0! wil'ms. If Foth'lll. rf t I 0 01 Jne'Bon. cf Flsk'ad. rf 0 0 0 0 M Ma s. 2b Cut aw, 1U 10 0 JlSrvereld. o Rlgney. ss t 1 0 jj (lerber. Has.ler, o I 2 n Pavls. p Khmke, p 3 0 1 M'.uett. p ssbortrn Total 72i s sCollin I 17 0 ( ( I Totals 51 10 27 II xTwo out whrn winning run cored. SHnrtrd f-r Iisvts In tth iBatted f.,r Tkurtt la a:ntb. Pco.a by Innlngs; Ortroit oro I'ot'ii- St. i.ouis oi i! oi:- i Summaty Mun- Msnev. Cobs. Vra--b, Folb.rgill, Fol-r lj. Sleier 111 Wlliian a. ;ir,r Cobb. Jacobron a-eri-1 u.ri,., hli l!Hm. rolh-i,!-Tubtn. Tkrre I'Or V- Sislef. bml-n !... Hosier. ,-lr S I tl, V, Msnu.. .S 'K I'UlR !,: Kh-i,.- I-. I rf' "O bas-.i Orlroll, , I. oil. II MS rtH b-ll .iff iile. J. fit t )!. l't OH'I tn l'is I. 'k Pi" M.isi otl li 4 in i li.rif,"- Priis'l, I la 4 oi. Ii i l.i ii Sr-I t'il Hy fchrr,e4 ll,..ll..l i.ll l (.Hk't. P'U.ll, I ID. '-. I.UIHII Ml '""li '! '. Baseball Today OMAHA vs. DENVER Cimi at Hi Li. it ll Suits to Order $35 and up li tts(, las all ws4 (-ei ettl( eesW.4 m4 ( nart aarttesl SS l' aaal . Oa MMaaaai M SasM a l t. eae I s pawl Il ie-e at t MicCtrlnr-Vilioi Rif Paha t'U ! I l 111 ao! lalM It. ,0